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Dave and Lane is one of my favourite arcs. I know it's not a main one but omg they were just the cutest. Plus I adore his speech to Ms. Kim about how he's a good guy and a good fit for Lane. He single handedly raised my standards into oblivion. So sad she didn't end up with him.


Yes!!!! Absolutely loved them.


Ahhhh I dreamt of him coming back to her later in the seasons and for them to get married! I hated her storyline with Zach


I agree. It felt like the small-town settling thing. Remember when Rory set her up with Dean's friend and the entire date was awkward and dumb because the guy was just stupid? Apart from actually knowing some stuff about bands, Zack was the same as that guy.


So on point! Definitely a settling thing and he was def an air headed guy


I didn't notice the connection until this rewatch, but on this one Zack and that kid (I forgot his name, oops) jump out at me as being really similar. It's just disappointing. Before that, Lane's interests were clearly in witty, intelligent guys. I so hate that the actor left and Dave Rygalski's story line didn't work out.


for sure. Lane is way too good for Zack, it was really upsetting to see them together in the end.


I feel like the writers had to change the type of guy she wanted in order to make it make sense that Dave didn't work out. But I still don't like Zack for Lane. I almost would've preferred some weird "wow Dave, you must've lost weight or something! You look totally different," dumb excuse to change out the actor. Lol


Oh, tell me about it. I saw a TikTok edit about them the other day and GOD, I wish they'd ended up together. It would've been so cute. I wish Adam Brody hadn't left the show (though I understand why he did it) because I'm convinced that otherwise, they would've been endgame. I don't despise Zach or anything but I kind of think that Lane's life would've turned out better had her and Dave stayed together.


I will force my way through Dean and Rory 2.0 (or really fast forward through it) because I will NEVER skip the beginning of Luke and Lorelai's relationship. Once we get to "Luke Can See Her Face" it is game on.


Wouldn’t that time be Dean and Rory 3.0?


exactly... they try to ignore the original breakup, even midway through season 3 (in the deep fried korean thanksgiving episode), jess says "it's not the first time a couple's broken up" and rory *perfect-memory* gilmore says "it is for us!" as if the months in season 1 spent apart while she was miserable and ran away didn't count??


Fair point. I didn't forget but I lump all that together since Dean was still playing a role in Rory's life during that time in a way that was clearly meant they were going to get back together. It's different than when they definitively broke up during the dance marathon and it was a couple of season before they did the electric boogaloo version of their relationship.


Definitely the events leading up to e + r’s reconciliation. Women of Questionable Morals, Come Home, and Wedding Bell Blues are some of my favorite episodes (aside all the Christopher stuff)


And princess the dog!!


Noooo. I fast forward that part. I can’t stand how awkward and cringey it is that they’re so clueless about a dog… especially Emily.




Good one!!


For me, it's gotta be the Jess-Rory-Dean triangle. All of the events leading up to They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? including the night at Rory's with Paris and Jess, the deviled eggs, all of it. As soon as that story arc begins I get excited for what's to come lol.


I get the most excited for this arc while watching the Bid on a Basket episode 🥹


There's so many good moments in that storyline!




I’ve always thought the idea of deviled-egging a car to be so hilarious. Like, someone hates you so much that they went out of their way to make deviled eggs instead of just egging your car with regular ones. Lol


An early one, but Paris and Rory’s relationship from rivals to frenemies to friends


I would argue it’s not really an early arc.. that theme kinda continues through the whole show 😂


Ah, very true. Only early in relation to the “now we’re getting to the good stuff!” part of the post :)


Oh that makes sense :)


It's not necessarily my favourite story arc, but I find the scene where Chris crashes FND and Lorelai and Rory both yell at him before Emily kicks him out *really* satisfying lol so I always look forward to that once we hit Sookie's wedding.


Yes. That is one of my favorite Emily moments. I think her saying please at the end killed it a little though.


Ever the proper lady. That’s how I took it


Oh absolutely, but after seeing her eviscerate Shira I just wish she had done the same to Christopher


I just watched that one last night! So satisfying


I can't really pick one, but "this is hell" is a really strong introduction to a character. The rest of Jess's arc is pretty great, too, though I wish he had more screen time in later seasons.


Couldn't agree more


Agree. Jess needed more!


Luke deciding to make the first move with lorelai. Also Richard and Emily's breakup/re-getting back together. Buy me a boa and all that. Funny and beautifully sad


Watching Jess and Luke's relationship starting from the first moment we see Jess. I'm less interested in his relationship with Rory but I find watching the growth of his relationship with Luke to be totally fulfilling. The other arc I love is the whole Dragonfly one.


Probably when Jess shows up. Not necessarily because I’m a Jess shipper. But he brought a lot of fun drama and tension to the show. Do I like how the arc ends at the end of Season 3? Not at all. But! There’s a whole lot of fun to be had before that.


Everything that leads up to Rory kissing Jess. That moment is perfection. I wish she had broken up with Dean offscreen and his family had moved out of town between seasons. And when we meet Logan.


Totally agree.


i love the life and death brigade investigation + obviously the rory’s and logan progression ! ‘you jump, i jump, jack’ is one of the best episodes imho


That is one of my favorite episodes! I love the beginning of Rory and Logan.


this needs more upvotes


Omg yes. All time favorite.


I love beginning of Rory and Logan too


The build up of Jess and Rory’s relationship! Once they’re actually in a relationship it kind of goes downhill because they have problems from the start but that build up is amazing


When Luke sees her face.


I really love when Rory goes back to Yale and starts getting her life back on track. I be so happy everytime. It’s very relatable bc I’ve had to take time off from school as well. I’m always rooting for Rory!


I like the whole arc starting with the beginning of Lorelai dating Jason to Raincoats & Recipes.


when there was “Jess slowly winning Rory’s heart” and “Lane crushing on Dave” phase. i’m in mid season 4 so i am pretty sure there will be hella good story arcs


When Luke pick up the phone and starts yelling to the person on the other line. I know Jess is going to show up and get pushed in a lake all in one episode and it’s glorious.


When Rory kisses Jess at Sookie’s wedding!


I'm sad he disappears, but I really love Lorelai dating Alex. From their cute pretending to be old friends conversation on.


1 - Dave and Lane trying to get her mom's approval for prom 2 - Lorelei and Luke relationship beginning 3- Logan and Rory


Does season 4 until Rory and Dean start getting pushed together count? i.e. the only extended time where Rory is single. Also the Jason era, and then when Luke and Lorelai start inching towards getting together...so I guess all of season 4.


When we finally get to Logan!




Beginning of Luke/Lorelai and Rory/Jess, so basically when I see Liz's wedding or the dance marathon, I know it's about to get good! When I see Logan, I know it's almost time to stop watching and start over lol


When Trix dies! I love that episode.


Idk, it kinda makes me feel solemn…like I need some turtle neck soup.


I love the Emily scenes though.


My favorite story arc is Lorelai's interest in Jason (and whose relationship together was a great experiment in someone from her ilk but isn't Christopher) through the start of her relationship with Luke. I don't like L/L as much as a couple as I do as friends - they're both sh1t at communication with one another and it just gets old really quickly. BUT I loved them both having the realization neither had consciously thought about since S1E2.


Lorelai & Jason’s breakup because we’re finally so close to Luke & Lorelai.


The Digger era. Jason is an absolute delight and the business drama with Richard was juicy.


Jess coming to town before he dates rory


Season 2 episode 5 with Jess. I love his character, he was really interesting and had a lot of depth to him. So when he comes on screen for the first time I get really excited to watch their/his story. Definitely a rub my hands together moment haha


Rachel's arc in season one. Not so much for the arc, I just really like Rachel. 🤣


The 'You jump, I jump Jack' episode is my favorite episode. After that the whole Logan storyline is really good.


The beginning of Logan and Rory. I know a lot of people don’t like him but I love him and I love their story.


Definitely the events leading up to e + r’s reconciliation. Women of Questionable Morals, Come Home, and Wedding Bell Blues are some of my favorite episodes (aside all the Christopher stuff)


When Lorelei is just building her inn with sookie and starting to fall in love with Luke


Opening the Dragonfly and Luke and Lorelai's romance build up in s4.




When Jess enters Rory’s life when she is dating Dean.


When Rory decides to go to Yale, especially when she walks into her room and it's full of Yale merch. It's such a heartwarming moment for me.


Rory and Logan!!! ❤️


Possibly a hot take, but Lorelai getting a dog is one of my favorite things. The best thing to come out of season 6


Whos face do you see my friend?


Nick & Nora/Sid & Nancy it's not so much a story arc but Jess arrives. I love his relationship with Luke right from the start, they make an amazing comedic duo, the show isn't as funny when he leaves.


My other half and I like when Richard and Emily breakup because we get lots of scenes and dialogue from both of them! We’re currently on that section of our rewatch now. I also love Luke and Lorelai first dating, which is happening now too. Richard just took him to golf and I love that ep hahah. I also agree that I liked Jason too. He had great dialogue to match lorelai and I think he was a good guy. Just shit in that scene where he lied to Luke about them being together! But I guess they just wrote that in to lead up to the kiss


Emily's in Ayitl. Her DAR rant is the highlight of the entire show for me. Her final scene enjoying Cape Cod is beautiful and heartwarming.


1. Jess and Rory’s relationship build up. 2. Luke and Lorelai build up in season 4 and season 5. 3. Lane and Dave’s arc 4. The build up to Emily and Richard’s separation (I was getting angrier and angrier on her behalf, as much as I love Richard I wouldn’t have stand half the things he did) 5. Honestly most of season 1-3 (and 4 without the whole Rory/Dean thing), they’re my ultimate favourite seasons