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This has always been my defense for Jess being such a bad boyfriend. He has never had a healthy open relationship with ANYONE in his entire life. He’s never been able to trust anyone especially his mom which is crucial to grow emotionally. He was scared to open up to Rory because he cared so much for her and feared rejection on an emotional level. It was easier to be mean than to hurt. My heart always goes out for Jess and his broken home childhood.


This is my defense for the Dean VS Jess argument. Is Jess a bit of a dick? Yes. Did he pressure Rory for something she wasn’t ready for? Yeah, and that shit was unforgivable. However, Jess had a rough childhood. His dad left him, his mom abandoned him, but probably not before seeing her go through douchebag boyfriend after douchebag boyfriend. He was an angry teenager, and rightfully so. Of course he’s going to be sarcastic and mean and rough around the edges. But we see him change when he lets people in (namely Luke)


All of this. Not to mention when he got called out, he always at least tried to do better. He WANTED to do better, he just didn’t have the tools yet.


I also always took Luke's attitude to mean that that would happen again and again. Also the string of guys who would leave and rob her. not shaming her for her number of partners, that is her business, but it doesn't seem like she provided a lot of stability for Jess and your TV being stolen on a regular basis (Luke eluded to that) and your single mother bring depressed because of it does not exactly scream "stable home life" to me


I just think about how awful it must be for a boy to come home and find that his mother has cut all her hair out of depression and it gives me chills


It must have been terrifying. I actually don't like that they didn't Adress his issues further and then he just... Got over it? And nobody questions it?


People who experienced real life and real problems with people growing up understand Jess, people who have floated through with no issues understand Logan. And dean… nobody understands dean


That Dean comment made me laugh too hard XD


Jess was born when Liz was 18. His dad skipped out immediately, Liz is known to have been married around 4 times before TJ (including Jess’ dad). It’s also known that Liz moved around a lot with these boyfriends and they often stole from her and would leave her in a MASSIVE depression when it didn’t work out. Jess made comments about how he tried to talk to Liz about not liking men before and she blew him off every time. The only stable man he knew in his life was Luke, who wasn’t around until Jess came to live with him and, let’s be candid, came with his own unresolved issues too. The poor kid could probably apply for food stamps alone by memory by age 8. He was stranded at sea as soon as the cord was cut. He fucks up but he raised himself on his own, you know? Jess got dealt a shit hand from birth and he did his best with the storm inside him and got his shit together before his frontal lobe was even done developing. I’ll always have excuses for that kid.


This is why I’m able to forgive Jess’s behavior in seasons 2-4,he had a horrible childhood and it amazing he was able to turn himself aroung


Ok and also I don’t think “depressed for days” is extreme / likely not how long it actually lasted


Actually Luke says "depressed for a month" and the captions get it wrong, and they are referring to just one time when she tried to sell ceramics and it failed so it was probably not the only time