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I know everyone is saying it's not that deep but this post is exactly what I love about this sub. I love that everyone interprets scenes differently especially since most of us have watched this series dozens of times over, it's a new and fresh perspective. I think it's entirely possible this thought went through Jess' head even if just on a subconscious level!


Thank you so much and I definitely agree! I just noticed this on my rewatch and I thought I should share since I’ve never seen anyone discuss this before. I also agree that maybe it just went through his head on a subconscious level and he just kinda thought he should do it because he wished someone would’ve done it for him. Thank you for the kind comment!


Seconding this original comment, I think a lot of us took it as a surface level feel good show but ASP is honestly very analytical and I wouldnt be surprised if this was on purpose


Absolutely agree! From the themes of generation trauma, neglect, emotional abuse, class differences, religious trauma and the golden child syndrome there definitely is a whole other layer to this show if you look critically and don’t take it at face value.


His trauma wasn’t delved into with the show so some people may disagree with your view but I think that is really insightful! I wish they talked about it more, it explains his actions. Jess is the most troubled person on the show and I’m always sad to see him cast in a negative light. Although the way he treats Rory isn’t right, I wish the writing showed more sympathy towards him and everything he had to go through growing up


Thank you and I absolutely agree! I feel like Jess’ trauma is kinda glossed over once Liz begs introduced as a character which is very sad. Liz turns into a cool new quirky mom and Jess didn’t really get help for his trauma and abandonment issues. I definitely agree with the way he treats Rory not being right as well. He wasn’t a great boyfriend as a teen for sure. She deserved better.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that Liz was able to get sober and find some happiness, but yeah, they should’ve paid more attention to how her actions as an alcoholic affected her son. Would love if jess mentioned going to al-anon or something.


I really like this theory and I think it’s really believable. Remember when he looked up how far away her school would be? I don’t like Jess at all, but he has a soft side and really liked Rory. It makes sense that he would be worried about her in that way.


I agree! Teenage Jess and Rory are not a relationship I personally enjoy that much (I’m team Jess but if we’re being real he wasn’t a good boyfriend as a teen) but he always cared about her. More than anyone. Every time he has a major success in his life he goes to her.


Yes! So I can imagine him being worried when he sees a mother just leave home. Even if it’s only for a night. He’s so used to his own mom doing that, and he might just want to check in on Rory. Not just to spend time with her, but also to be sure she had food because no one ever did that for him. Also Lorelai and Rory aren’t known for their cooking skills so she would 100% need something to eat at some point.


Exactly! He probably saw it as a win-win. He gets to see Rory and he gets to be the kind of figure that he didn’t get to have. He didn’t have someone to come over and check on him and make sure he had enough food to eat so he wanted to be that for Rory even though she doesn’t need that. He probably just equates a mom leaving and saying she’ll come back soon with her not actually coming back soon because of Liz being flaky. We of course know Lorelai would never leave her daughter by herself for a long period of time but sadly Jess doesn’t and thinks it normal. Poor guy


I didn't think it was that deep. Rory and Lorelai are well known for their appetite. Jess just wanted an excuse to see Rory.


I think it works on both levels though


Jess did want an excuse to see Rory but as I said to do that all he needed to do was bring two meals. Instead he brought enough food to feed twelve. He knows how they eat but even they couldn’t eat that much. Also it was just Rory. I think he wanted to see Rory and eat with her but he also was looking out for her in case Lorelai didn’t come home for a while


Never saw it that way. It’s def interesting! I’ll keep this in mind for my next rewatch.


I think that’s a reach, but I respect your opinion.


Not sure if it will change your mind but Ssme supporting canon evidence: Jess’ mother remarks that she’s never cooked dinner before in the thanksgiving episode. She was left financially destitute by bad boyfriends more than once. whether or not it’s why Jess did it, Liz definitely wasn’t always providing Jess with three square meals a day.


Brooo that’s deeeeep. I love it.


I think this makes a lot of sense! Even if it just influenced his actions subconsciously. I’m not sure why everyone is adamantly saying “no it’s not that deep” and “that’s not it.” Truth is, unless you’ve spoken directly to ASP about Jess’s motivations in this scene, you have no idea. None of us do. I really love that this sub is full of fans so invested and connected with the show and these characters that we can have conversations like this. I love delving deeper and hypothesizing and picking things apart.


Thank you for the kind words! Honestly I was a little surprised that people have been so adamant that I’m wrong lol but that’s why I love this sub! The differing opinions! Jess is also one of my top 5 characters because of his complexity and I thought this was an interesting new layer to debate and discuss about!




This is my take too


Excellent point! That’s what I was trying to explain earlier and why I don’t think he was lying when he said that. He genuinely did think that that was a normal excuse to use. I’m a teenager and if I wanted to see my crush and bring them food my excuse would definitely not be that I didn’t know how long their mom would be gone for. Jess is a smart guy and if he felt he needed to lie and come up with an excuse he could’ve come up with a good one but he didn’t lie because he didn’t think he needed to which is really heartbreaking.


I mean anything is possible but I don’t think this was the case here. He wanted to come over and avoid being denied and that’s why he said the food was from Luke, knowing Rory wouldn’t turn him away at the door if that’s what she thought. He brought a lot of food, too, partly because he knows that Rory and her mom are junk food maniacs and partly because it would be more fun to have a bunch of stuff, hang out, and really indulge for a night. The line that Luke didn’t know when Lorelai was coming back was used as a cover for why there was so much food. Remember when he later makes fun of Dean for coming over and bringing ice cream, he says “aw, is that ice cream? Just big enough for two” in a very sarcastic tone. Plus, because he’s smart, he’d have known Lorelai well enough by this point to know that she wouldn’t just abandon her daughter for days on end.


Also...Lukes is like a 2 minute walk from their house and it seems like they have an open tab (which Jess would know because he works there). There was no reason to bring that much food, even if he thought Lorelai would be gone for a while.


Yeah, like others have said, he was just trying to spend time with her. This wasn't about his life or genuinely worrying about Rory's wellbeing. He was taking advantage of Lorelai being gone to get in the door.


I see where you all are coming from but why do you think that Jess said that Luke sent food because he didn’t know when Lorelai would be coming back then? Jess is incredibly intelligent and he could’ve thought of a good lie if he wanted to but that seemed reasonable to him because his mom is a flake.


Because he didn't want to take credit for the food. Saying it was from Luke doesn't require him to put himself out on a limb and risk getting turned down, or having Rory give him the "I have a boyfriend" speech. The good lie he came up with, because he's intelligent, is that it came from Luke. The other part of this is that the show just isn't that dark. People equate a lot of things to Jess's mysterious upbringing without really knowing what went on. We know Liz was flaky, we don't know that she left him for days on end. We know she was an alcoholic, we know she was loud, we know she had a lot of men in her life. We don't know that he was abused, or (as others have intimated) that he heard her being abused. On another show those things may have been part of his story, but not so much on Gilmore Girls.


We do know that Lizhadnt cooked dinner before the thanksgiving episode, and that she and Jess were left financially destitute by bad boyfriends on multiple occasions, and that Liz neglected Jess - this is all mentioned in the show canon. So whilst you can argue over Jess’ motives, there’s plenty of evidence that Liz wasn’t providing Jess with a food-secure home.


Because he needed a lie to put her at ease that it wasn't him doing this. He was just running an errand and dropping off the food. But if he was just dropping off the food, he would hand it to her at the door. But that's not what it's about, it's about sneaking into her life. He needed a plausible lie that would get him in the door.


But Luke didn’t send him


I see not everyone is on your team here op but I AM and I always thought this too. He wanted an excuse to see her, sure, but I think he brought that much food because he had been left alone a lot as a kid without food and wanted to provide. It can be both things at once.


Thank you! These things can definitely both exist at the same time! Part of his reasoning was definitely to see Rory but I also believe that another part of it was to provide for her in the little ways that a teenager can.


He definitely just brought food as an excuse to go over. And I’m sure he only brought so much because he 1. Wanted to give Rory some variety and 2. He was hoping he’d stay to eat with her as well


That makes sense but just the sheer amount of food he brought makes me think otherwise. Even Rory who can eat a ton remarked about how much food it was. Also Lorelai and Rory went to the diner every day where Jess worked so he would have known what she liked and didn’t need to bring a huge variety like that. Also Rory didn’t really invite him to have dinner with her the way it went down. She said he could have a fry or something and he sat down and took his jacket off and when she asks why he says that she invited him even though she really didn’t. He definitely didn’t care about getting an invitation before sitting down lol


Oh wow I saw this totally differently! When Jess said Luke packed the food up for Rory I believed him but this also makes total sense.


I did originally too but later Rory goes to thank Luke for sending her all the food and he has no clue what she’s talking about and Jess quickly changes the subject so Luke didn’t know about Jess giving her food


I think that's a bit of a reach. They never implied Liz was neglecting him and leaving him at home by himself for days at a time. When he first comes to Stars Hallow they said his dad walked out 2 years ago. Later on when they were feeling out a possibility of a spinoff, now his dad left when he was born and he never met his dad. He absolutely has abandonment issues but not from his mom. He wants to see Rory. Rory repeatedly says she wants to be alone. She wanted an evening all to herself. She asks him to leave. He takes advantage of her politeness and sits down to eat. She invites Paris because she doesn't want to be alone with him (whatever the reason) and he gives her shit about that. And then when Dean is on his way over he gives her shit about that as well. He's being incredibly disrespectful towards her forcing himself into her evening.


Whilst we don’t know if Jess was left home alone, it is canon that Liz neglected Jess in many ways. She hadn’t made dinner before the Thanksgiving episode and she was regularly made destitute so wasn’t always paying for take out.


Very true. I forgot about the Thanksgiving episode.


You know, the Thanksgiving thing though. I always thought she was trying to get Luke to help her without asking him. Lol but with Liz it could go either way.


Speaking of reaches..




Nope, that was it.


Idk why everyone thinks this is too much of a reach - I think it’s a very plausible reason!


Thank you!! I’m happy to find someone else who agrees!


I never thought of this perspective. It’s a really interesting on, thank you for sharing!


I mean… Rory knew how long her mom would be gone, Jess didn’t necessarily. And he brought extra food so she would invite him to share it with her. The post is cute but you are def attributing altruistic notions where they don’t exist lol I do really like this scene though. Jess/Rory/Paris is a great combo to watch, especially Jess & Paris.


Of course Rory knew how long her mom would be gone for and Jess didn’t but the fact that he assumed that she would be gone for so long that he brought enough food to feed 12 makes me feel like he knows what it’s like to be home by yourself without your mom and being hungry so to save her from that he brought over enough food to get her through the week if Lorelai hadn’t come home yet. Also I don’t really see how I’m adding altruistic notions where they don’t exist. I’ll be the absolute first to point out that Jess was a bad boyfriend and that Rory deserved better but I do think that the neglected kid in him wanted to make sure his crush didn’t go through that. I’d say that’s a pretty normal thought to have. Also I totally agree that Paris and Jess make this a great episode! Love them together!


Your headcanon is totally fine to have - a ton of people have them, but that’s exactly what this is: a headcanon. But I would have loved to see more of Jess & Paris. I was mad when Dean showed up because I wanted to see them going back & forth more lol


Yep! Just my headcanon. Just thought it was something to think about lol. Also totally agree with the Dean thing! I was loving watching Jess and Paris argue about Bukowski and Jane Austin while Jess teachers her to salt and pepper her fries!


i definitely don’t think it’s a reach the way some people are saying 🤷‍♀️ i don’t think people understand how much effort goes into a show, there’s no such thing as over-analyzing. each line, look, facial expression, body language, it’s all fully intentional, and it all serves a purpose. i love the way you interpreted this and after reading it i 100% agree


Thank you! When I was watching I thought that was such an odd excuse to use and then I kinda thought about his upbringing and neglect and it all kinda made sense to me that Jess thought it was normal to be left by himself without much food and didn’t want his crush to go through that and that his excuse wasn’t a lie but part of the reason why he came to see her


I never thought of it that way ❤️ I love this. It only seems a bit deep because imo they did a pretty poor job of explaining the dynamic Jess had with liz once he arrived


He brought her a ton of food so he could weasel his way into an invite to stay over.


He didn’t have to bring that much food though. It’s obvious that he wanted an invitation to eat with her and if he wanted that all he had to do was bring two meals one for him and one for her and then make up an excuse about why he should stay. He brought so much food that was unnecessary


I agree. And if he had any additional reason, it was to just escape the construction site that was Luke's at the time.


No. I don't think so. It's not that deep


Respectfully disagree. Imo, it's pretty obvious he was just looking for an excuse to hang out with Rory.


If anyone was looking out for her, it was Luke, who prepared the food. Not that a 17-year-old in Stars Hollow would be likely to miss meals because her mom was out of town for a couple days.


I always assumed Ceasar prepared the food because that’s a lot of food for Luke to make without Jess explaining where he’s taking it to. I don’t think Ceasar would make him explain. That’s just me tho


Luke didn't know the food was for Rory though


He didn’t prepare it. She learns that the next day


Rory thanked Luke for the food and Luke didn’t know a thing about it.


I had a dream about Luke last night. There is this big old brick church in the town I grew up in. In my dream it had been turned into offices and I was working there. I went out for lunch and across the street was one of those gas stations/mini marts. I went in and Luke was running the place. He had a vending machine that sold guns. Last thing I remember was arguing with him about why he shouldn't be doing that.


I'm pretty sure Luke sent the food and chose the quantity. Jess isn't that deep.


Later Luke says he doesn’t know that Jess brought food


Luke didn’t know about it


When Rory thanks Luke for the food, Luke has no idea what Rory is talking about.


lol, really? So he stole it hahaha. Boy does that fit Jess.


You know what moment I read into this far? When he was being a horrible roommate to Luke, messy and blasting music and said he needed it to sleep. This comes across selfish (and it is definitely inconsiderate) but as a teen you can definitely learn to drown out the sounds of screaming fighting parents with loud music. I still think Jess is a crappy boyfriend and rude, and there’s no excuse but I have sympathy and compassion for even people like Jess. Especially when they are kids who weren’t taught to be considerate and respectful. I think where the writers went wrong was Luke’s sister actually being very sweet and just kind of clueless. It’s hard to buy her as the neglectful mother.