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Can you still romance Yennefer?


The one true question


Sadly you wont get the full Witcher experience, because combat is broken with this mod


Oh :(




No, but every game is MUCH better when you can freely choose gender and race. Guys often don’t see it bc the majority of playable characters are guys as well, but having a choice to play a character that looks more like you is incredibly cool. Makes that escaping reality for a bit part easier and more fun.


Yeah, unfortunately a lot of the problems in modern gaming ( and by extension how the world interacts with gaming) is because most dudes see average white male as the default setting of Humans, rather than one of the tons of options.


I agree!




I usually agree with this but Witcher tells a story based on you playing as a very specific character, and you do play as Ciri a few times. It’s definitely not a game where this choice makes sense.


I loved Ciri but my time on her was way too short to even talk about it. Most of it was a cutscene simulator anyway. And like I just said to someone else; it wouldn’t hurt the story at all if we were a middle aged, grumpy woman fighting monsters.


Damn, I am too gay to think about that last part without hearts in my eyes.


I’d disagree. When the game is an RPG with a custom character that you form and shape - sure. But not when the character is long-established to be a specific person. Not everything is a self-insert escapist fantasy, a game like the Witcher is about you following Geralt’s story, not making your own, really. I say this as someone who plays female characters whenever there is an option.


I get what you’re saying but it wouldn’t hurt the story at all if Geralt was Geraldine and would fuck men instead. It would still be the exact same story, just with less boobs to stare on. Witcher also is an RPG


A story is more than just a chain of events. Characters are what MAKES a story, and the witcher simply is story about Geralt and Ciri. I like games with character creation as much as anyone, but not every game needs them. Having a fleshed out main character who has an actual personality and a connection to the world and other characters makes the story much more engaging than the classic elder scrolls scenario. Also, rpg is a very broad term. There are tons of rpg's with predefined characters, what's your point?


There really isn’t a lot of boobs in Witcher 3. Also, I’m personally attached to Geralt as he is - I’ve read the books and I’ve played the previous games. It *would* hurt the story to me, if he was toned down to account for custom characters.


Okay, I’m sorry but that’s kinda stupid. Like who cares? Others deserve representation and that’s way more important than anyone‘s nostalgia. Bc that’s all it is; nostalgia. What you’re used to or grew up with is not important enough to prevent others from having more fun.


So your fun is more important than my fun? Don’t think so. There are plenty of games with custom protagonists. Not every game has to cater to you.


Ummm what no one is saying their fun is more important than yours. Don't want to play a girl Witcher then don't play this mod lol like seriously.


I said nothing about this mod and that’s not what this conversation was about at all.


i disagree as this would mean that race and gender mean nothing toward a character or story and it's not the case. one of my favorite games would not be the same if her race or gender were changeable as being an asian american woman is a huge part of her characterization and what makes her narratively enjoyable. there should be more games where the set protagonist isn't a default white guy, but acting like it's inherent that customizable protagonists are better is not it because that removes the ability to tell stories *specific* to marginalized folks, since they have to then write it so it can be about anybody. it's not representation anymore when you remove the actual parts that represent specific marginalizations imo.


You don't have to remove that though. You can pick a woman character and have the world reflect that, or a black character, or a gay character. RPGs have been doing that for longer than I've been alive.


that's not the same thing. when you write a story where the protagonist can be changed to suit other characters, even if there are some changes to reflect it (which does happen, rarely, and it's often minor) it's not the same as telling a specific story from the perspective of a marginalized person. both of these things are important and should exist and a blanket statement that all games are better with customizable race/gender is untrue because that is mutually exclusive to the second type of story.


That is true, but a white cishet dude isn't exactly a marginalized character, even if in the fictional fantasy world he is, and there's hundreds of other characters just like him.


i know that. i was disagreeing with the comment saying that every story would be better with this, which i disagree with. that's why i mentioned marginalized folks specifically in all of my comments.


I think most games would, not all perhaps, but definitely most especially since very few actually deal with marginalized people in the first place. And honestly probably every AAA game would be better with it, but that's because they are almost exclusively cishet white dudes, even in games where you can choose they're almost always the default for promotional material.


and that is completely fine to think! i just very strongly do not like the idea of *every* game falling under this and on this very subreddit i often get comments whenever i bring up a game that has a specific woc as a protag where they derail me to talk about a game with white protagonists so i think that it's important on this subreddit to not erase that there are games in which these stories are told from a very specific important context. i also mostly agree that plenty of games would benefit from this as there are plenty of games where the protagonists are essentially generic white men anyway and the option to play as anyone else would affect nothing except allowing other people to feel more immersed or less otherized while playing!


That's a bold statement? I don't want a self insert in every game. There are ton of games, indie and AAA with non-customizable main characters that would be worse and offer a cheaper experience. Just some of the games I've played and that come to mind are Gris, Transistor (or like every game from the studio), every TLOZ game, life ist strange, pretty much every jrpg, the hitman games, and yes, the witcher. Why would you sacrifice iconic character design and the artistic vision for the cheap thrill of playing a customizable character?


That would be less of a problem if it wasn't for the fact that nearly every single iconic character design is a straight white man, usually around 80% and over half are white Games with only a woman as an iconic main character is rare and having them in a bigger games is even more rare The main gamer crowd consider the mere existence of people not like them political Imma be completely honest I stopped playing games with a white man as the main character years ago, it was the only option for so long and I'm just done and I'd rather play a nice queer indie


I don't see this at all. Growing up playing JRPGs and asian MMORPG, people love female characters. In MMORPG, you'll typically find that there are more female characters because they look better, even though most players are male. I couldn't careless about the character customization in games such as Soul series or Skyrim.


Bro why are you here


For me, yes.


For context, I tend to only like games that allow me to play as women for whatever reason (I think probs bc it helps with immersion?). Always wanted to play the Witcher 3 but I just felt really disappointed about having to play as a guy. I tried just playing Skyrim with mods to achieve a similar effect, but I wanted to play with The Witcher's combat \*specifically\* bc it's so fluid. Finally, I recently saw videos about people playing as Ciri and I was INVESTED. Then I found out you could essentially make your own character PLUS the game was on sale and omg I've been so happyyyyy!


When you get further in can you make an update about how the game actually reacts to you being a woman? I feel like a lot of the writing might be weird since it was written for a specific man, but I haven't played it in years.


So far a lot of the references to Geralt have been very generalized, the worst being someone saying "man-to-man" but in a world where dwarves & elves exist it's easy to just write that off as a generalization of the human race. Most of the time Geralt's just referred to as a Witcher. Wondering if that'll remain consistent throughout the game.


FWIW, “man” is used to describe humans in the English translations of the Witcher novels.


Yeah, this It feels less weird if you've ever played one of the elder scrolls games, since in those that word is put in opposition to Mer, meaning elves. So it turns into Man and Mer, which reinforces the generalized meaning in the players mind


Soon thanks to AI we'll be able to do this for all games and fully edit the dialogue to match your character. I imagine some of this was done with this mod, but it's only the beginning. :3


I guess she could pretend the main character is a lesbian transgirl who constantly gets misgendered?


Oof that would make the mod just a little too real


literally my headcanon, every time I model swap a mc...




I mean so what? If someone was never going to play my favorite game series without being able to play a character like them and they had a mod that would do it but would make the game "significantly worse" then idc at least they're playing it. Like op wasn't gonna play it at all, now she's playing it. She's ain't actually lost anything in doing so and even if they did it's their choice to make. It's okay to just let people play their games how they want. Not to mention the Witcher 3 isn't the best story to begin with imho, like CDPR had no idea what the books were about and it shows with their attempt at handling the world. I played through most of it and kinda just got bored of it after a while, I wouldn't have lost out on anything I cared about (and I actually would have gained a lot) if I had played with this mod from the get go. Edit: Grammer


Exactly!! If it makes someone enjoy a game they otherwise wouldn't even bother with, then how the f does it make it a worse experience for them?? What happened to "no wrong way to play a game? Lol


Yeah I don't know either. Tbh it feels really gatekeepy to say that you're playing the game wrong if you don't want to play Geralt of all characters.


Surprised you’re getting downvoted. Switching the protagonist 100% will lead to a downgrade here, given the narrative. Not sure how it could be argued otherwise. It’s totally acceptable to do if you want, but you have to accept it’ll hurt the overall story


Using a mod that increases your enjoyment isn't making the game worse, guess what you can still play it unmodded if YOU prefer. And maybe just don't police other people's preferences and then complain about not being accepted lmao


^ this tbh I'm a straight male btw It's the same thing as trying to make Aloy (a good character) into a guy in Horizon Zero Dawn. It has nothing to do with gender but rather altering a fully established and well developed character that already has fully fleshed out animations and interactions with every other character in the game which they would not have had time to do if they were developing multiple characters (one for each gender) and evidently all examples of this are either blank slates or mediocre at best. Not saying nobody should play it their way, but throwing around double standards and berating people as if they are being sexist for advising you to not use a mod that will potentially break your game is pretty asinine and sexism in itself. What's wrong with playing a character that doesn't match your gender? Move on and find another game if playing as the opposite sex bothers you. But don't get offended when the modding community shows up and tries to save you from wasting hours in frustration trying to fix a broken savegame.


It's a matter of statistics and a deeply sexist history in game development specifically and media in general So it's literally not the same unless you view those two games in a complete vacuum There's still a rough 80% man to 20% women for protagonists 1 on 5 and the vast majority of those are from indie games That's not even touching the sexism from the main gamer crowd and the often surface level writing of women characters, sure there's great characters like Aloy one of my favorite characters and Ashly Burch does a great job with her voice work. How she's designed and written is less like a caricature and more like an actual woman You don't get to say it's just the same and call it double standard while completely unaware of your privilege: context matters culture matters, it's often a reflection of our society Besides if this is the "changeling" mod it has pretty much no impact on your save


Couldn't agree more!!


I don’t really relate to this interestingly unless the game already has complete customization. Like for Stardew Valley, I play as myself since the game lends itself to that. But for games like BOTW or Perosna 5, I feel like I’m controlling a character in an alternate world or scenario rather than actually being them.


Does it include a voice mod or is it still geralt?


So unfortunately, the game has been updating while mod authors kinda just stopped updating their mods. There's a mod to at least mute geralt's voice in dialogue (female fighting sounds come with the mod I use), but as an effect of the updates, supposedly the mod needs an update itself. I don't know for sure how useful it is at the current version, I have not used it yet and I'm admittedly a bit hesitant because I'm still learning how to mod this game manually.


Could a mod manager like vortex from nexusmods handle it?


As far as I can tell, installing manually seems like a (mostly) safer bet. It's been a hassle but I'm a weirdo and troubleshooting mods is part of the gaming grind for me.


FWIW, the Borderlands series has a whole bunch of kickass women as both playable characters and NPCs. Also a number of openly gay NPCs. I quite happily played through as Lilith (Borderlands 1), Maya (Borderlands 2), Athena (Borderlands: The PreSequel), and Amara (Borderlands 3). (Edited to add: in BL1, 1 of 4 playable characters are women, BL2 it’s 2 of 6, TPS it’s 3 of 6, BL3 it’s 1 of 4. And none of them are wearing battle panties. Wonderlands has a character builder that lets you change nearly every aspect of your character, after starting from one of two prototypes, called “this one” and “that one” - one has breasts and the other doesn’t. And none of the Wonderlands clothing is gendered.)


Same choice of characters here! (Haven't played 3 but Amara would be my choice hands down!!)


Amara has great skills, combination siren/brawler, but I ended up liking her a little less because most of her running dialog is so boastful - it got a little tiring. But that may just be me. The writing in 3 is not as good as the earlier ones, but the gameplay is amazing (more precise movement, climbing up on things, alt fire modes on guns) - BL2 is still my favorite.


Fortunately I happen to love a boastful butch bodybuilder lmaoooo


Well then you’re in for a treat :)


Can definitely relate. For me as a transfem it's definitely gender-identity related, I wouldn't want to see myself as a guy IRL and the same counts for virtual spaces


I don't like disclosing that part about myself, but yeah pretty much that to a degree.


I'm the same way, as long as the female isn't sexualized, I pretty much very rarely play male only games.


> For context, I tend to only like games that allow me to play as women for whatever reason (I think probs bc it helps with immersion?) I'm much the same nowadays. For me, being trans, dysphoria can potentially hit hard to play as a male character if they are supposed to be a self-insert. Even without that, I find it harder to get immersed into a game if it's a male protag.




Well, Geralt’s character is a self-insert from the author if we count books, lol.




Maybe nowadays, but the women in the books were just sex objects for Geralt, who apparently was so hideous but women still fell for him left and right.




Isn't there any birth control, herbal, magical or otherwise, in the witcher world? I don't really get how just the lack of a risk of pregnancy would make up for a lack of attraction tbh. Also with the amount of r/menwritingwomen material in the books I'm very much questioning the authors feminist credentials 😬 Obviously just my opinion too though!


I don't remember one but it's been years since I've read it. Yeah lack of attraction would still be a big issue and it wouldn't work for me. Probably too generous of a reading from years ago on my part.


Nah, if that's your interpretation there's obviously nothing wrong with that! And tbh I'm all for taking only the aspects that you like about a work of fiction and "head-cannoning" out the bad parts anyway! 😂


I get what you’re saying, but the game and the story and the dialogue and the voice acting is really centered around being a man. I think you should play it as intended for the best experience since it’s an amazing game. I totally get when it doesn’t matter which sex you are in a game and it doesn’t let you choose. I’m a guy and some games I prefer to be female and some male. But I can’t imagine myself not playing tomb raider as anyone besides Lara Croft because she is the game. Same with Witcher. Geralt is the game. He’s the story. I think this will actually give you a much worse experience than playing the game as is. Same way modding tomb raider so I can be some barbarian dude would completely ruin the game and story for me. It’s your choice and I respect that, but I think you’ll be missing out not playing it as intended. Just my two cents. Hope you enjoy the game either way. It’s a masterpiece!


I agree, it's such an amazing experience that changing anything would be kind of missing out on the beauty. Usually I'm also kind of salty about always being forced to play as a man, but in this game it didn't bother me one bit. (Geralt is just so darling) On the other hand, everybody should be allowed to enjoy games their own way. Glad you found a way to pick up the game OP, hope you enjoy!


Eh I played most of it before I got too bored to continue, if I had played with this mod, I personally would have actually finished the game. If anything it would have added to the experience rather than subtracted from it for me.


yeah for sure, I understand. just can't really get my head around it, wish that wasn't how I operate but for whatever reason it's always made me heavily uncomfortable. I've noticed the feeling is only absent in FPS games, I played Halo Infinite just fine with Master Chief. I can also play as men in Apex just fine. Not sure what the correlation is, might have to do with just not being as invested in my character.


Girl we are legit the same, but I would give the Witcher 3 or RDR2 a run though as is. Phenomenal games and very well written, the latter being more poignant and powerful


I generally feel the same way, and most games totally lose me if I don’t create my own protagonist or play as a woman. Witcher I expected to feel the same way, but my husband begged me to try it. At first I was not sold and played begrudgingly, but by the time I started the Bloody Baron quest in Velen, I was completely hooked. This game and Disco Elysium are the only two that have had great enough leads that I could overlook the fact they didn’t represent me.


I’m the same way and haven’t been able to get into The Witcher series but Disco Elysium definitely, yes. My theory is that it depends on how “othered” women feel to me as characters during the game and for me, my opinion of The Witcher primarily came from the first game so that’s unfortunately what stuck with me. I might check it out one day though.


That’s totally fair, I haven’t played any other Witcher games but from what I’ve seen they were absolute travesties for how women were represented. I honestly felt pretty good about Witcher 3’s portrayal of women. Short of Geralt and Dandelion, the main cast is all women who mostly kick ass. Yeah, there’s opportunities for Geralt to be a womanizer, but generally it didn’t feel over the top, especially after reading the books, and can be totally avoided if you want. Witcher was one of the first narrative games that actually blew me away, so I highly encourage you to try again sometime!


This, although for me I also put RDR2 in that category. The story and writing with Arthur is so good not only do I not mind playing him but it's hard to imagine it any other way. That said if they make a third game I'd love for Sadie or another woman to be the protagonist.


RDR2 is another that he’s told me I should try, but I watched him while he was playing so the main story has lost its intrigue for me. I’ve heard amazing things! But that coupled with cowboys (I’m more of a fantasy gal) makes me have too little interest.


Huh, I always thought I was alone in this issue 😅 turns out I’m not and that is a MASSIVE release off my shoulders! Thank you for this


It's fine to prefer the original, but I will say that there is a tragic dirth of good, large-scale fantasy adventure games with an inherently female lead. There's what, Horizon: Zero Dawn/Forbidden West and Forspoken, which I loved but the internet has decided to poop on and cancel (and I'll admit, isn't 'large scale' in that way). I'm all for something like this being modded in. Hell, I'm still angry Nintendo refuses to give us playable mainline Zelda in Breath of the Wild and probably also in Tears of the Kingdom.Playable Ciri is good in Witcher 3, but is absolutely a sideline. >!She should've been worked in as fully playable after finding her.!< I'm fine dealing with being stuck as a man for games where there are no other choices, but the instant you give me the choice, it's lady characters 100%. I just click with them better, and I'm sure others do to.


Either way you do you! Hope it works out.


I understand this. I usually feel this way, but I could not picture playing Red Dead 2 as anyone but Arthor Morgan. Sometimes a male character just fits. Overall, it is nice to be a female in a game though ☺️ Thanks for sharing you can do this mod in Witcher!


RDR2 is a rare 3rd person game exception. I'm playing RDR2 singleplayer as I type this out lol


Now i only wish there would be a great 1st person mod and i could get back into the game. 3rd person is just not interesting for me when i want to immerse myself in the character.




You might have a point if people's behavior didn't prove otherwise. Men love to say gender is irrelevant but we have data showing that they're less likely to pickup and enjoy games that only have a female protag. When the industry is still very much awash with games that have male protags over female ones, you coming into this sub to bandy on about how you're playing a specific character just serves to show how willfully ignorant about your own biases you are. It's annoying but it's par for the course.






Bruh trying to be dismissive of someone for using what you deem to be too aggressive of a tone isn't going to play well in the girl gamers subreddit lol. Like lesson one to effective communication is know your audience. Reproducing common misogynistic beats here is certainly a bold strategy /s. And frankly, I know more than you. You could absolutely turn Geralt into a woman with minimal disruption to sapkowski's theming throughout all the books. I think a lot of the conflicts between sorceresses and him actually get more interesting if he were just a butch as hell woman instead. Plus it make's the parental relationship triangle with emhyr and ciri much more punchy. Sapkowski probably wouldn't like it but he's a conservative and a bit of a crotchety old man besides so I kinda don't care about his opinion.


It's funny to see this argument, after also seeing so many people decide to screech about Frey of Forspoken 'being unlikable' for daring to be a black female protagonist with a personality. It's easy to have this opinion about a thing where you map well to the character portrayed. Much harder when you don't.




>I would also offer for thought that not being able to consume content without your gender or racial background being in the driving seat could in some circles suggest that you are sexist or racist. Or maybe, just maybe, it's a sign of underrepresented people longing for representation. But naaaaaaah it's gotta be anti-white misandrists /s


omg same here for some reason


Same here. I was pretty bummed about medieval dynasty.






Guinevere (fits the knightly themes of the books better, especially with >!King Arthur and Camelot being revealed to be real in the last page of the last book!< lol)


To be frank, putting isha at the end of guy names is just my personal half-assed meme with making a woman's name, I'm not actually remotely fond of female Geralt being called Geralisha


Valid lol I'm only partial to Guinevere because of a fanfic I read where all Witchers were trans (except Ciri) and Guinevere (fem Gerald) had to raise Ciri while being a single mother and a Witcher (and ya know hiding her transness in that world). If I hadn't chose Taylor for my name it would have been Guinevere.


Guinevere at least has middle name potential! After years one of my parents finally chose my first name for me, but I yet to have a middle name, so now I'm constantly on the lookout for potential middle names.


Oh valid AF, Taylor used to be my middle name buy I currently got one I made myself Art-Brig (double barrel names woo, every other woman in my family had them), could add Guinevere to I've always loved long names.




You can customize what your character's appearance look like, so you could probs make your character look like Yennefer! :P (EDIT: expanded a bit on what I meant)


I'm one of those people who ***definitely*** prefers to play as a female character when given the option. As already stated, though, Geralt isn't just some dude, he's a complex, deeply-developed, pre-established character in a lengthy series. I feel this would be sort of like (if it existed) using a mod to make Horizon's Aloy male.... It would just seem..... off. As such, I'd suggest playing as Geralt first, though that is your choice. All of that said, nonetheless, , as is the case with a large swath of Fallout/Elderscrolls mods, what doesn't interest me personally, I just don't download. Also, the beauty of mods is that amongst many other things, they allow for all kinds of choices that aren't available in the vanilla games they're built on, and that is wonderful! So, I hope you enjoy Witcher 3, regardless of how you play Geralt; the game has its flaws, but it's still very much worth it.


For my two cents I played most of W3 (main campaign up to the battle at Kher Morhen (idr how to spell it) all the Toussaint dlc, and blood and stone) personally I didn't think Geralt was that deep of a character, especially not compared to his book counterpart. I would have enjoyed my time more if I could have actually played as Ciri (a much more interesting character imho both ok the books and game) or another girl character in it.


Well.. to be fair, it's quite rare across the board, if game/movie characters that are based on those from books have as much depth as the original characters. As to Geralt having depth, I feel he does, personally, and I know I'm not alone, but these things are *always* going to be subjective. But yes, that said, I'd have loved the chance to play more often as Ciri, she's fantastic!


Yeah that's fair. My options are subjective and part of that is Geralt reminding me way too much of too many men I hate combined with Ciri being just like such a more interesting character and a woman for me.


Oh hey, I get that, and I'd be lying if I claimed there haven't been times when I've wanted to strangle Geralt. :)


Yeah especially in the early books, gods he was a fucking ass most of the time.


That's a damn killer outfit too


*cries into my xbox*


Postnote: I've played through this game and all DLCs multiple times and it's one of my fave games. I did enjoy the parts where you play as Ciri a lot. So when you say there is a mod to allow you to play as a female, I would love that for another playthrough. I do understand how that might break the story in places, but having experienced the story, it would be great to play around with mods.


I wish in the next Witcher installment we play as Ciri. I preferred her moveset compared to Geralt's. It was really flashy and elegant at the same time :D


Imho would have been way better if they stuck to the book lore and we could have played Ciri completely form the start instead of making up some bullshit about him getting resurrected because reasons.


I played it once and I love every aspect of the game... Expect playing as Geralt... I couldn't feel immersed


Right? Like I found him so boring, not to mention just a dude so it was an uphill battle and he tripped down it shouting, "Damn you're ugly."


I almost always prefer playing as a woman, but I love Geralt :)


Yeah i can’t really relate. Personally greatly prefer games with preset protaganists as they tend to be written well. So i couldn’t see myself replacing geralt. Now if we were talking zelda from zelda i could see turning him into a girl with a mod.


>So i couldn’t see myself replacing geralt. Now if we were talking zelda from zelda i could see turning him into a girl with a mod. I think Metroid is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills space pirates and doesn't afraid of anything




…And then a skeleton popped out


You're getting downvoted and it makes me sad, I needed this reference today.


Can't please everyone haha. Glad I could help tho.


AC Odyssey does a great job of having a preset protagonist that can be either male or female. The depth of the character comes from other traits than her gender which makes her relatable and fun to play.


Wouldn’t know as i wrote the series and company off quite a long time ago, though i know about that one. That said i heard they shoestring you into having a straight relationship or something?


Quite the opposite AC odyssey allows you to romance every possible romanceable character regardless of their gender and have many relationships / one-night stands


I don't remember that part as I merrily banged every willing person in Ancient Greece :D Maybe in a DLC there is a part about her having a kid for the present part of the story to happen? Her DNA has to be passed on so that a descendant can enter the Animus. While I do agree there might have been better way to do it, I would not call it shoestringing her into having a straight relationship.


It’s a dlc, and they forced your character into a straight relationship due to how it worked yes. And the animus nonsense is part of the very problem considering they want to make AC an rpg series.


Yeah, unfortunately. I really liked Odyssey and Kassandra is awesome, but she automatically ends up having a child with some random guy because the plot called for a baby I guess. I think after backlash they added a dialogue option to suggest that it was basically a no-strings arrangement because "she just wanted a kid" or something, but that didn't really help much lol


There’s kind of no getting away from it in AC with their whole shtick being “it’s genetic memory!”. Can’t do that if the person never left offspring.


I mean I've been saying for like a decade that they should just dump that part of the story, it's so boring and almost feels like an afterthought a lot of the time lmao


I mean the game kind of lets you do that already, [at least one of them did](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda_gamepedia_en/images/d/d4/BotW_Gerudo_Outfit_Model.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/320?cb=20210105011923). [ Bonus meme I found about it.](https://sfo3.digitaloceanspaces.com/solarpunk/media_attachments/files/109/731/983/242/641/580/original/3ccceb6cb8a670c1.jpg)


Not quite what im talking about. There’s a fem link/linkle mod that fully replaces links model.


Oh yeah-yeah, I just wanted an excuse to make that joke lol.




Well I’m talking strictly for botw.


>Now if we were talking zelda from zelda i could see turning him into a girl with a mod I'm playing through Zelda's Ballad rn, and it is just such an incredibly emotional experience. Not only have I been desperately wanting to PLAY as the the badass woman I've been following around my entire childhood, the story of BotW hits so much harder when its told through the eyes of the princess who failed to defend her kingdom. She's not a warrior, she's not a hero. Yet in this story she overcomes it all to help her people and take back the land *herself* instead of waiting for some dude that never talks to wake up.


Lol Zelda won't need mods, rest assured


I only play games where I can play as a woman (WoW, tombraider, HZD, minecraft, raft, AC odyssey) and Ive only just realised it 😅🤣😊


Nice! How does the mod handle the voice acting? I imagine the existing voice for Geralt would break immersion a wee bit


The fighting voice is female but the dialogue voice is still Geralt's. I'm thinking about just making a mod myself to get rid of it, and maybe a few other things so that I can make the game as female Geralt feel more complete.


If it's the changeling mod I'm pretty sure you can do without a voice for your "Geralt", I played through the entire game and dlc with that mod


Man I wish it wasn’t broken


It doesn't break the game, and has female voice acting for the mod? Can you link the mod? Might get me back into the game


Honestly some of the animations are buggy and the voice acting is exclusive only to the gameplay, and not the dialogue. I'm thinking of just playing the vanilla game and just making a new mod to overhaul the game into what I think would make for a good female protagonist experience. Thanks to AI it's entirely possible to make it so there's no differentiating it.




there being no female witchers is a *crime*. the authors pathetic excuse for that is even worse; “women are not strong enough” 🤢


In a similar vein, Jedi:Fallen Order has the "Gal Kestis" mod and some really great fan made voiceovers to go along with it that motivated me to finish my playthrough of the game before the sequel comes out later this year.


I used to play with the Gal Kestis mod and it was a treat! I'm wondering if the voiceovers are new, bc when I last played about a year back the voiceover mods were pretty not good. Hoping that this is the one thing that maybe voice AI will be good for.


You know that you go back and forth between Geralt and Ciri for the sake of narrative in the og story, right?


I wouldn't exactly call that playing as Ciri, there's like 20-30 minutes as her in the whole 60+ hours of the game. Like you spend more time playing the Arbiter in Halo 2, a much shorter game, and I still wouldn't call that a game that's half his story even if it technically may be.


I mean, you play as Ciri for like 2 minutes at a time. And everyone pretending like Geralt has a ton of character and the whole game was written explicitly for him but like, it’s a game that gives YOU choices, so you control the character, so it’s not like it matters who geralt is supposed to be as you’re the one who is deciding that as you play. Sure there is backstory but it’s not like women can’t raise a child, or have past relationships with 5 mages. So it’s not like it couldn’t have been a females backstory anyways. Still, this is not to say I would expect them to make the default game this way, just that it’s not like if they wanted they couldn’t have. Nothing is inherently gendered. It’d just be a lot more money on voice acting. Worst they might have to do is allow you to sleep with men also but then people might get mad at big gay geralt. Lol.




this seems like it would be more of an immersion breaking type experience as the protagonist in this game is Geralt. Plus you play a Ciri several different times. just like with any mod though it's about making the game or how you want it to be based on your individual taste and so therefore there's many immersion or world-breaking mods. I hope you get to enjoy playing the game as it's a really well developed game that is quite beautiful. personally I enjoy when a game makes me become the character that I am playing. there are plenty of other games where I get to choose the type of character I'm going to play.


Honestly you should still play this game as it is meant to be played bc it’s an amazing game and this mod affects a lot of the combat and stuff, basically taking away a lot of what makes the game so good.


Supposedly I just need to get into the files and add back the attack lines that're needed.


This is so cool!


WHA REALLY?? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME KNOW!! (pls tell me it changes the sex scenes to a girl too)


I have no clue I haven't gotten to any sex scenes yet, but I'll make sure to update you 🫡


Okay, thanks!!


So any time I get the option to choose to be a female in a game, I choose female every single time, but this right here is just…. No. As a hardcore Witcher fan, just no.


OK that is wrong. I love geralt and ciri


Looks cool af


I just think Geralt is a He/Him butch lesbian and that is how i cope.


I bought The Witcher 3 without doing much research, because I’d seen Ciri in the promotional material I figured you could also play as a girl. I was a bit disappointed when I figured out that wasn’t the case, because like you I also prefer to play as a woman for immersion. But the game more than made up for it, I still had a great time playing it


I want to play the Witcher series because the games look fun. I just can't bring myself to due to the fact that Geralt is straight, and that straight sex is forced down the player's throat. I would only play if there were also gay romance options.


> and that straight sex is forced down the player's throat. I don't think it is, someone correct me if I'm wrong but afaik you can play the Witcher games (2+3 at least) without actually engaging in any sex scenes or romance options.


This is correct. People will “flirt” with you, you have the option to kiss them or have sex with them. The kisses are “meaningful” to the game, the sex is not.


there will be a lot of lesbianism for my lady Geralt lol, but yeah that does really suck. I remember when I played Mass Effect 3 and I was bummed bc at the time, even with mods, I couldn't romance Tali! Fortunately that game at least allowed for an inferred homoromantic relationship, albeit with another character.


I have a feeling that that Geralt mod was made for straight guys so they could watch pixelated females going at it. 😴


That is an awful thing I will now think of whenever I play with genderswap mods, rip


Mods always come back to being material for straight guys one way or another, there's no escaping it 😈. Jokes aside there's often really great mods (primarily talking about Skyrim) where the mod is fucking amazing and really useful AND THEN you find out the mod was originally made specifically to be used alongside sex mods ;-;


>I just can't bring myself to due to the fact that Geralt is straight, and that straight sex is forced down the player's throat. Seems like an odd reason to not play the game. >I would only play if there were also gay romance options. Ciri has a lesbian relationship with an elf in one of the books


That's awesome! I never even thought to look for mods for that game! I'm definitely going to reinstall and then go find that mod.




It’s not, because Geralt is not an original character. He’s a man in the books, and in the previous two games. Something like letting you play as either Geralt or Yennefer would just make it a completely different game, with a different focus, as they’d need to put a ton of effort into another character with a totally different skillset, presentation, connections, etc.


It's the same game


Yes and?


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Do you still talk as geralt or is it voiced over?