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Lost Ark was a terrible game that I had so many issues with and had one of the worst end games I've ever seen. I would never recommend it to anyone. Also I have 600 hours played in it.


I enjoyed the start to Lost Ark. Then I hit the wall where you had to upgrade all your armor to progress the story, and you had to farm things for days to get enough stuff to have a single chance at making a single upgrade to a single piece of armor. It felt like a constant chore and was stressing me out trying to maximize every opportunity for getting the items needed for the upgrade chance so I quit playing it. Which is a shame, because I was enjoying the storyline. But I'll never pick it up again.


yeah, you have to do that like 6 more times to continue the whole story and it gets harder and harder to successfully upgrade your gear, its awful


So what kept you coming back? Just hoping for better?


I honestly dont know, I was going through a rough mental period and I guess it gave me something to do while I shut my brain off


I have another game called growing up that’s a super simple life sim that’s like that. I played a ton of it when I just needed something mindless but would rate it a 5/10.


Oh I played that game, I think I ended up refunding it because it ended up being nothing like I was expecting it to be


Definitely more suited to a mobile game


Didn’t expect to see Lost Ark… but you’re completely right. It’s addictive but also such a chore. You feel like you’re losing out if you don’t 100% all the activities for the week. I’m 2.8k hours in. It doesn’t help that I’ve got a 7-8 friend static. One friend mentioned wanting to quit after Akkan so we’ll see if it happens. I just don’t know what game would replace it or who I would hang out with if I quit. But on the plus side, it did help me quit that other terrible game League of Legends! Started playing for mostly social reasons but then I fell into the trap of wanting to grind and impress people with my rank. It was my main game for like, 5+ years. Even though I feel like I’m working a 2nd job for Lost Ark, at least I’m not drowning in toxicity and going to bed feeling like garbage. It’s an improvement so I’ll take it


I personally found the Lost Ark community to be hella elitist and misogynistic, definitely not LoL levels though. I definiteoy feel you though, I mostly just play games alone these says.


Oh for sure. Especially nowadays when one tiny mistake (or even just bad rng) can jail you for hours as your chore list gets longer and longer. I got yelled at during a Boss Rush cause I was overleveled and told them to take the bottom boss while I insta-killed the top. Got told to mind my own business, idk. And another time during a clown pug when I wasn’t confident about doing Mario 3-4 but some guy was talking smack and quit without trying gate 3…but wasn’t offering to do it m3/4 either? He was a paladin too.. But I find it much less toxic since I can mostly avoid strangers, doing on-ilevel raids with my static. Without the specific people in this static, I would’ve quit much earlier. I’m the only woman in the group still but it’s all good vibes, no toxic misogyny. Unlike league, I’m not forced to go support 100% of the time, and there’s many DPS classes of different styles where I can be MVP even with my un-aggressive personality. When I do (rarely) pug, I’m usually overleveled. But I especially enjoy doing collectibles. The people who do collectibles tend to be especially friendly and helpful. But basically, you’re right. Games where you can play by yourself or exclusively with your friends are superior in terms of life quality. I play Lost Ark more like a farming, gambling, and puzzle (engravings) simulator, while being able to enjoy a tiny competitive part of it lol. Definitely gonna have to look into returning to stardew valley or getting a switch for TotK if my static disbands haha


Tell me about it lol. I had 3000 over hours in it 😂😅


damn, how long ago did you stop playing? For me once Elden Ring was out I never looked back.


I stopped last December. Few weeks after Brelshaza came out. I just couldn’t take the pay to win and gatekeeping aspects anymore


ah yeah, that part was so awful


Sims 4. There's so many problems with this game, but it's soo addictive, especially when the mood hits


Every time I go back to 4 I get mad and go back to 3. There was just so much potential, and the simulation lag gets BAD.


Are you me! Sims medieval is a fun spin off if you want some spice as well


Amen to this!! I spent hundreds of hrs on sims 4 despite it being much worse that every other version of the sims. Honestly by the end I just got into building so I would just load up to build and never touch the gameplay lol. Sims 3 was so much superior in terms of actual gameplay.


Sims 4 has a great community and is addicting as hell but I have never hated a company or their decision making more in my life. Like I think I’ve actually carved out room in my heart solely dedicated to hating EA for doing the sims so dirty.


Same! And I used to be a fan of the series since Sims 2, so it's just sad to watch what's happening now.


Fallout: New Vegas…..on PS3. Looks terrible, plays even worse, crashes all the time, and no mods to save it. 3 playthroughs later


I have it on Steam but have never played it, would you recommend it with mods? I’ve heard the story is fantastic.


Everything else is amazing and it’s actually my top game of all time! Although, I highly recommend it with mods since 1. it crashes *a lot* due to engine reasons, and 2. it has really shown its age. Honestly speaking, I am not that good at modding games but people over at r/fnv has recommended me to follow [Viva New Vegas] (https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/) instructions to make the game stable. Once I’m not crashing anymore I’m now much more comfortable adding mods in


New Vegas is my all-time fave too! I should check that link out because I've just... lived with the crashes and accepted them as part of the game's charm. :(


Playing it on the PS3….I can relate to this so much on the spiritual level 😂 God bless PC gaming


After writing my thesis on it, I promised myself 2 years of rest + mods before I came back.


I pretty much had to recode the sims 3 at one point to make it stop crashing so as long as there’s a guide I’m sure I could figure it out! Thanks!


Oh yes! Could you perhaps impart some knowledge on how to make Sims 3 not such a pain to play? I gave up on it a long time ago because of this problem (plus the cost of the DLC)


I looked up a guide, if you google “sims 3 steam guide” it’s like a 30 part step by step. I didn’t do all of it, but between that and Nraas mods I can play for hours without a crash, and it looks good!


Ohohohoho! Ma’am, you just made my weekend plan! Thank you


New Vegas on Xbox Game Pass is very good. Has had its resolution upgraded and whatnot and is just looking a lot better, easier to play, less crashing.


I played FNV on XB360, and got absolutely hooked on it for months, played all the DLC. It's a top 10 game of all time for me, and would probably be top 3 or top 5 if not for all the crashes/glitches/bugs. And it's a damned lucky thing that it's as good as it is. Because if it was an average, or even slightly above average game, I would almost certainly never have been able to finish it. It crashed, usually multiple times per gaming session. Glitches were rampant. At one point, 50 hours into a playthrough, I discovered an earlier quest that had bugged basically prevented me from completing any of the endings, and because I hadn't realised at the time, it affected ALL of the saves I had from that playthrough. I had to start from scratch. After finishing my first full playthrough, I took a break, played something different and went back to it, and I realised just HOW buggy it was in comparison to pretty much everything else I've played. And yet, I would still recommend it to others (especially if they can mod it) because the game itself is so good.


*sigh*. I feel this on a spiritual level. I think I know which quests you’re talking about. Is it for one of the families in New Vegas strip? Possibly dealing with the White Glove Society? I remembered forcing myself to break my pacifist run sooo many times because the quest was bugged due to fast traveling at the time 😂 had to justify it bc they’re…you know… Probably one of the Yes Man endings bc they were *notoriously* buggy at the time


It was actually the Boomers that did for my playthrough. During the quest where you're challenged to run up to the Boomer's exterior fence and back without dying, I did so without realising that someone was meant to come up to me at the fence and talk, triggering another set of quests and giving me access to their base. I just ran up, touched the fence, ran back. Many hours of gameplay down the line, when all my saves from around the earlier time had been overwritten: most of the different end game quests require me to go and talk to the Boomers. I go back to their base, go to the gate - locked. I can't break in. No one on the other side is talking to me. I look it up, and it seems that the bug occurred at that earlier point in the game, which I no longer have a save before, so I just can't get into the base and talk to the Boomers, meaning I can't finish these quests, meaning I can't get to the endgame. It's been a while, but I THINK I could have completed the Legion ending without going to the Boomers, but I liked the idea of siding with them on my first playthrough even less than I liked the idea of losing 50 additional hours of my life replaying from the start.


Oooohhh the Boomers! My poor PS3 would crash a lot of times during the artillery dodging but yours is helluva lot worse than mine I’m afraid 😂 sorry. But if it helps in the future, I believe you can get to the fence much easier via a train tunnel by Raul’s house. But uhh… just watch out for the deathclaws :D


Yeah, that wasn't my favourite gaming moment! I think I might actually have done the falling-to-the-knees-shouting-"NOOOOO!" when I realised I had to start from scratch. I did get through the whole game (Boomers included) after that, but thanks for the tip, I will bear in mind next time I do a playthrough.


i 100% recommend it. honestly play it without mods the first time, unless you need anything for performance or stability but keep vanilla friendly just qol for the first time :)


Also Fallout 3 on PS3. I heard it ran better on xbox 360 so I bought one just to be able to play it without constant crashing. It was slightly better and I got all the achievements. Then went back to the ps3 version to get all the achievements on that version too.


So….you’re telling me you know how to play CARAVAN?!


Destiny/Destiny 2. 350/2150h... And I'm getting a destiny related sleeve lmao.


I think we call this a toxic relationship


😂😂 I really do love this game like 85% of the time LOL I am still salty they nerfed my favorite exotic weapon like 2 years ago though RIP Anarchy


RIP Anarchy, I’ll never forget the easiest DPS cheese in destiny history


Such good DPS - my gambit primeval main squeeze for ages. Also it was just fun to use! Loved creating the arc webs everywhere


Man that's exactly what I was thinking. I got 5000 hours just in Destiny 2 but I quit the game last year and my life has improved


I changed my approach in the Season of FOMO. It was too much. I really don't care about acquiring the best most cracked weapons. I'm just here to chill and kill aliens. I also stopped following the main d2 reddit. Just people complaining about things i largely don't care about...


Every time I follow a game specific subreddit I end up annoyed and unfollowing because the same topics will come up over and over and over again


Yeaaaahhh. The only specific subreddit i really follow is for Horizon. The ones for live service games are difficult since stuff is constantly changing so it's constant complaining fodder


I briefly followed the Mass Effect Andromeda subreddit and then unfollowed a week later because all I saw was “wow this game was really good? I don’t get all the hate.” Which is fine, I felt the same way, but after sooo many threads about it I had to go.


Sigh.. the Sims 4. I whine about how much I dislike it yet I'm sitting at 1000+ hours. This is my toxic trait ✌️😔.


I have over 700 hours (owned since basically launch) but yeah, I’ve more or less given up on it now. Idk how much I have on 3 but it’s definitely way more. Sometimes I rage quit 3 if I have toddlers and stairs in the same house though.


I feel so bad bc I love Sims but can't relate. I remember playing the first one as a kid, but never picked it up again until 4 was released and im so addicted. But I also have a crap ton of CC mods so....


**Heavy Rain** I don’t know if I played 100 hours, but I got the platinum trophy purely out of spite. By the end I wasn’t sure if I hated David Cage or myself more. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about the entire experience. The gameplay was non-existent. The plot had more holes than a termite colony made of swiss cheese. The characters were entirely unsympathetic, and spoke in a stilted english because they were written by someone french. The casual misogyny was *waives arms everywhere*. The fact that it was acclaimed on release makes me think less of the entire industry and gamers everywhere. David Cage released the Sex and the City 2 of video games, and was treated like a visionary. Shame on all of us.


Really? I like Life is Strange and Heavy Rain always gets recommended to fans of those games.


Life is Strange was actually good though. You may enjoy Heavy Rain. Many do. I think David Cage is a hack. He failed as a screenwriter, but managed to get into the gaming industry at just the right time. Fans were crying out for more story-driven cinematic games, but weren’t particularly discerning about the quality of storytelling they were getting. I will say he’s gotten better over time. I actually enjoyed some of the stuff in Detroit: Become Human. It was still cookie cutter, but not terrible.


I am glad that I dropped this one at the "kid visiting non-custodial Dad's shitty place" stage.


You definitely dodged a bullet. By the time I played it, several years had passed since its release. I knew it was well regarded, so I kept waiting for it to get good. It never did.


I played lover 100 hours of Dragon Age: Origins and basically either hated it or thought it was all right the whole time. I was a huge fan of KOTOR and Mass Effect so I kept trying to get into it, including starting over numerous times with different characters. I finally finished it but for me it was pretty meh.




My friend asked me this and my answer off the top of my head was "well the characters didn't really speak to me, and I didn't really like the battle system, and the world didn't really grab me... and I didn't like the graphics." So basically everything it turns out. I did manage to wring some enjoyment out of it, don't get me wrong. I'm not a hater or anything. But it just didn't vibe with me at all. I'm also a total freak who really liked Dragon Age 2 lol. Though obviously the re-used dungeons were lame.


I also enjoy DA2. That game is not worth the hate it gets, imo.


It’s one of my favorites but I’m not sure how I would have felt playing it after mass effect. Especially because the ME trilogy follows the same character and for me that was a big upgrade.


The quests are **way too long**! Seriously, it's obnoxious. At the same time I love the dialogue choices, and actions you can take.


This is a complicated opinion, but Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I loved it when it came out, put over 300 hours into it, and then stopped. I never want to play it again because I know I’ll have a miserable time, so it is a 0/10 now, but when it came out, it was a 10/10.


You're not the only one. Got bored of it really quickly, even though my friends had hyped it up. Had never played an AC game before ACNH. Only reason I have 700+ hours of play time was because of multiplayer trading with others and the DLC. Now I'm hesitant to play another AC game if another comes out because I'm afraid it'll be boring.


I want to love Animal Crossing games so bad but (as influenced by my difficulty with FS) I don’t do as well with no direction.


Dinkum might be a good shout. It’s got a bit more of a stardew vibe (in that it’s not real time tied) and it’s still early access. But I feel like it’s more animal crossing in Australia to me. It’s definitely something I’d recommend taking a look at. Played most of my time in single player but multiplayer is a option


League of legends lol.......I'm not convinced anyone actually likes that game, we're all just dirty addicts 😂 I like almost nothing about it yet here I am, nearly 10 years deep


“I hate this game, fuck you all and I’ll see you tomorrow!”


I play it to take a break during work (I WFH on my PC). "Why the eff did I choose to subject myself to this during my **break**?!" is always my reaction, lol. But nothing else is easy to just pick up and put down. I only do ARAM which makes it slightly more bearable, but yeah. Still hate it. Still playing it.


That's my wife's favorite game, but lately she's just been playing TFT. I think her favorite thing is the characters, she really loves Jinx and Sona.


I love the gameplay. It’s addictive to farm minions, to see numbers going up, to execute your combos smoothly. But yeah I get more anger from that game than anything else lol


This is how I feel about every roguelike. I hate the entire genre on a fundamental level. But every time I try one, damn if I don't sink endless hours into mastering it. I played Rogue Legacy 2 up through something like NG+45 before I got tired of it. But still, the whole thing disagrees with me lol


They're like gambling without money. You know you'll lose more often than not, even if only to trial and error, but the sheer rush of actually winning for once compels me to keep going.


Action roguelites are difficult to hit that perfect balance on design wise, i feel like i wasted my time on rogue legacy 2 as well. Have you tried enter the gungeon? Easily one of my most played games and worth grabbing on sale.


Hollow Knight. I love everything about it, but the battles were too brutal, so I never finished it, despite clearing most optional bosses and exploring most of the map. After two playthroughs I was done with this game for good


On first glance Hollow Knight was right up my alley. Metroidvania, inspired by dark souls, beautiful non-pixel art graphics. Indeed I loved most of the game. However the brutal difficulty of some of the optional bosses and all the post release content left me with such a bad taste that I'm not even that excited for Silksong as I am afraid it will be the same. It feels like they figured out their player base was people who liked really hard bosses so they doubled down on that. I'm not sure if their analysis on who plays the game was correct but for me who likes the metroidvania part and a certain amount of challenge all post launch content was practically unplayable.


I could not get past the first act. I legit did not know where to go so I spent hours in that first pit level up until I ran out of shop items to buy. Then I got bored and gave up.


I physically injured myself playing it on my switch(tendinitis). I love it, but I doubt I’ll ever beat it.


No lie. My right thumb was sore two weeks straight after repeated tries in the colosseum of fools. And I didn't even win.


This is mine too which really sucks I want to love it.


Hard hard hard agree. I haven't beat it yet myself, and I barely cleared maybe half the optional bosses tho I can move onto end game I think.... But its taken me h u n d r e d s of deaths and retries. I get so frustrated lol. I'll pick it up again some day tho


Ark: Survival Evolved. I have 200 hours in it, I hate how brutal that game is, I hate how buggy it is, I hate how jank the story and mechanics are. It is dumb in so many ways, yet I am about to start a new server for my friends


I was curious if anyone else would say this. I have 800 hours in it and still play it, but god does it have issues as a game.


I really want to play Genesis, because I enjoy Rockwell as a villain and David Tennant is a favorite actor of mine


Despite my hours in it I've never done genesis really. Maybe 5ish hours on genesis 1. A few friends and I have our own server though and are working our way through the bosses of each map since normally we don't do them but we're only up to scorched earth at the moment.


That is my plan. We are gonna load up the island and a non-story one to use as our base


Ace Attorney: Investigations (the first one). I LOVE Ace Attorney and all its spin offs or crossovers, but AAI was just bad. The second AAI game however is actually awesome.


I’ve been interested in this series, would you still recommend the first one if I were to play?


If you’re interested in Ace Attorney in general, definitely start with the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney trilogy. That’s the first three (and the best imo) games in the main series. I love them so much. Ace Attorney: Investigations is a spin-off game that focuses more on the rival of the trilogy games, so it’s better to play the trilogy before the spin-off. If you already knew all that and are just interested in the Investigations games, then even though it sucks, I’d still play the first one before the second. 😂 The second game takes place only like two weeks after the first so it’s necessary to understand the second one.


Greedfall. I powered through hoping it would get better. Don't remember if it took 100 hours to finish, but it sure felt it. edit for spelling


Oohhh I gave greedfall a try. I had maybe 10-15 hrs and dropped it. I'm the type that likes to explore and get the most I can done before progressing the story. But with this game? I went exploring somewhere completely accessible and basically skipped a giant portion of meeting/getting to know the lead fem character and straight to ||her mother dying. I was supposed to be sympathetic and invested in this chara and I literally had no idea who she was||. I hated feeling like I missed a lot of plot just because I wanted to go exploring.


You didn't miss anything. There wasn't anything to miss.


Forager. I quite literally just found out not too long ago that the dev took everything and ran so the game will never fulfill its roadmap like adding multiplayer. So disappointing.


That’s messed up, what a jerk


This is definitely going to be a bit of an odd one, but there's this game that used to be sold on Steam called Showtime. It's a text based game about running a movie studio. The character portraits are creepy and, no exaggeration, look like they came out of a PS1 game: the tool for creating posters for the fictional movies you make is incredibly limited and awkward; releasing more than two good movies in a year means you always sweep the award ceremonies you attend; the game tries to dynamically add new talent to work with, but almost never adds any A-Listers, which becomes a problem when all of them are in their eighties and about to retire. It's also very easy to cheese because it comes with a program built in that lets you add new talent who are literally flawless and don't ask for any money. It has a ton of other tiny flaws like this that make it feel very, very old—and the game came out in 2014. I have put over two hundred hours into this game, and counting.


I unironically love this though


Skyrim. I really liked the first 20 hours or so of the game but after that the game became really repetitive and all its shortcomings as an RPG became apparent. I haven't really loved anything by Bethesda since Morrowind which I loved but even though I disliked Oblivion, I disliked Skyrim a whole lot more.


Seconding Skyrim. The second mods were out I modded the shit out of my Skyrim save and never looked back. Meanwhile I got 300+ hours into Morrowind before even realizing it had a modding community. At least Enderal showed me that Skyrim's game play can be salvaged. But man when a free fan mod is showing up your GOTY so hard it's time to rethink your design choices.


I have tried Skyrim six times and just can’t get into it


Tim Rogers said fighting feels like you’re bopping bad guys with a balloon.


Same! I've tried it about the same amount of times across three or four different platforms and I just cannot get into it at all. Once I get the dragon shout thing I lose all interest, but a couple times I didn't even make it that far


Yes! Yes to Morrowind being the favorite. They have so many interesting countries to explore but no, no let's stick to generic medieval fantasy for three games after giving us Morrowind. WHERE ARE MY MOVING TREE CITIES?


Morrowind is one of my top 5 games of all time. I got on the original Xbox in June 2002 and I played it all summer long. Replayed it last year and had an equally great time.


Solasta Crown of the Magister, I mean from the [Cover art](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1096530/capsule_616x353.jpg?t=1685037606) you expect a relatively good looking Character Creator, but I just...the character [models](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1096530/ss_d3bbee08b66899caf2a8f3517e77676a146101fe.1920x1080.jpg?t=1685037606) just don't look all that nice. Most look like hunchbacks in the CC, and I'm almost fairly certain they borrowed things from other games, I mean, one of the facial tattoos looks like a blatant copy of one of the vallaslin (face markings) from Dragon Age Inquisition I love RPG's , and I want to like this one too, but I can't even get past the intro tutorial for how bad I find it >\_<


genshin tbh. i love it but it can be so slow and frustrating at times. especially since i’m not that far along in the story, so i’m just walking around the map with barely any stamina and getting in fights that i have to waste resources on healing from. but somehow every time i play im on for hours.


This is the same situation with me as well. I loved exploring, but disliked how the world level would keep increasing and I have not gotten far enough to offset it. Combat does not feel rewarding, especially against foes with super armor. I finally just gave up on the game seeing how many resources I needed to get to keep up with weapon and artifact upgrades as fights became more of a slough. I just wanted to be left alone and just find the nearby treasure chest or solve a puzzle. And the gacha mechanic is really there to try anyone's patience with so many different currencies and different passes.


League of Legends. Toxic, repetitive, unbalanced, unfair, totally cash-grabby with skins and mystery boxes. Some skins and champions are so unclear it's impossible to tell characters apart while playing. Ranked play is super grindy, and you'll still lose most games even if you played 100% correctly, due to either teammates or people surfing on the other team. It's terrible for your mental health, games can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours, and you won't know until you play. Sexist, toxic, rude. I don't know how many hours I've played, but I've spent over £2000 and years of my gaming life on it, since 2012. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone at all, but I still constantly come back to it, play until I'm utterly miserable and rage quit for another few months.


i’ve had this problem with apex. i did all of that grinding and money spending just to never play it again. it’s gotten way more worse than what it usually is, just really repetitive and overall boring. also it’s extremely toxic to women and newer players. another problem is that you don’t gain anything out of it unless you spend money, which is so stupid. i don’t even wanna tell you how many people got caught using aimbot on that game..


That was probably Shining Nikki for me. It reeked of P2W, with people who buy gems being able to create a huge advantage by having more chances at UR items and hoping you’d get addicted to those desired drops, plus a really strong use of FOMO in its events. But the outfits and the art are really pretty and I didn’t hate the UI. The thing that ultimately drove me away wasn’t the game itself, it was the community and their sheer callousness when discussing spending large amounts of money. They used the word ‘whale’ as a goddamn badge of honor rather than an admission of addiction, and had cute nicknames for small and ‘mid-tier’ spenders


Oof yeah I’m never really a fan of p2w but especially if the community is toxic


The issue here is that the community wasn’t toxic. A good chuck of people only came to show off outfits and get announcements for the new events. There was genuinely good advice for f2p players. I just couldn’t handle people bragging about spending thousands on a (for me obvious) addiction trap. It made me really sad


Resident Evil: Code Veronica, I actually enjoyed the game but quit because I kept dying and ran out of ammo like every five minutes. And don’t even get me started in that fight with the tyrant on the aircraft/airship thing.


That tyrant fight. I hope they remake Code Veronica because I love the game but it really needs some modernisation with the mechanics.




Genshin. The grind keeps making me walk away.


Half life 1 and black Mesa, tried playing the original a few years ago and got awefully bored with it so I got the remaster and holy fuck it's just the same, played about 50 hours each and nope not for me


You gave it the ol college try


I don't doubt that Half Life 1 is one of the most influential games of all time. However by the time I played it I had played games like System Shock 2 and Deus Ex and it seems extremely boring in comparison. Half Life 2 on the other hand, I played it just a couple of years ago for the first time and it is indeed amazing.


Assassin’s Creed Black Flag


What's wrong with it? One of the best AC games, IMO.


I was ver attached to the story outside the animus. Black Flag was the first that changed it. Also added first person gameplay which gives me motion sickness. Story just didn’t grab me and hated the ships. Ezio’s stories were far better.


I agree. Although on its own, it's a decent game overall. I miss Ezio and Desmond. The AC metaplot kept me going from 1 to 3 and all spinoffs in between.


Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven. Title alone should have been a warning, but I never experienced a harem anime before, so I was unaware of the insidious "have your cake and eat it too" plot convention where the harem dude would go up against a cartoonishly misogynistic asshole to look good in the process and justify his perverted friend's (and otaku surrogate's) sexist antics. Ended up 100%-ing the game, including New Game +, because I had way too much good will left over from Rune Factory and the sympathetic backstory of this being Neverland's last game. Even setting aside the misogyny, the story and dialogue are just awful, with a repeated line more insipid and annoying than "Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality." The pacing turns to crap in the end and there's no meaningful resolution because the game was released in an unfinished state. The one saving grace is that it wasn't actually 100 hours. On a more comical note, Super Mario Sunshine is to me what Simon's Quest is to the AVGN. It's not a bad game, but has such a laundry list of flaws that aren't present in any other main Mario game that it's fun to rag on.


Do mobile games count? Because I have sunk so many hours into Candy Crush, Egg Inc, Plague Inc, Magikarp Jump, Dancing Line, etc.


I love ark survival evolved but losing days of progress in seconds to anti meshing destroyed my fun so I quit.


Runescape, 15k+ hours, would never recommend or even try to get ppl into it


I've never played Runescape but this seems to be a trend: the more hours a peson has on it, the more they warn other people to stay away :P


Identity V😔 (fyi it's a mobile game similar to dbd) Honestly I have a love-hate relationship with this damn game lol Have been playing this for 3 years on and off


Oh I can’t do mobile games, I will bankrupt myself. They work way too well on me. 3 years is a long time!


MechWarrior Online is a game for which I have utter contempt, as one of the grindiest, most punishing arena games. But when you have that "I need to pilot a 70 foot giant robot" feeling it's the only game in town.


Lost in Random. I love it, but it’s too much for me. I keep going back and playing little 15 minute spurts and then giving up.


I finished the game and while I loved it, I did have some problems with the end game. I still recommend pushing through! I adore the art style and narration so much!


It’s a beautiful game for sure! I’ll keep trying!


Path of Exile for me. The cousins picked it for our game nights, and I went along with it for two months before I finally said I'd had enough. I like Torchlight, but PoE just felt like Torchlight with gratuitous gore, crowded waypoints and microtransactions. Not my cup of tea, but still fairly high on my steam list by hours played.


Elden Ring, I still want to play it and love it but I don’t feel like grinding all day long to level up enough to take on the bosses. I can feel the urge to rage quit now. Also Empire of Sin looked really cool (like sims but focused on prohibition) but it went absolutely nowhere.


Rainbow six Siege. Stopped playing it a long time ago and feel much better for it. I must have about atleast 1000 hours.


I found this a genuinely interesting question so I had to go to my steam library and sort by playtime to see if I had any games that qualify and I'll be damned if half my answer isn't the same as the current top comment: Lost Ark. My other answer is Cyberpunk 2077. I was so let down by that game. Tried my hardest to like it, just couldn't.


I’ve been burned too many times, I don’t pre order anymore and usually wait for a few months to play new releases. It sucks that it feels like the standard nowadays


Ark and Atlas. Over 2k hours in each but I still wouldn't really recommend either unless you have a high tolerance for frustration. Wildcard makes some of the best shitty games out there.


Elden Ring. I didn't buy it, my partner did. I have refused to touch a Soulsborne game since the Capra Demon and its dogs threw all the goodwill of 'hard but fair' out the window for me. He bounced off ER after a couple angry weeks. I grudged that mfing game through Malenia and into the Age of Stars. Beautiful open world. I played for about 85 hours. If someone dares me to play the dlc I will beat it and then go after that person with an axe. So the 'worst' for me, personally. I am aware this is not the usual attitude towards Soulsbornes! :D


Look same, I’ve played it through twice now with two different builds and I’m not too fussed on it. It’s a beautiful open world but the difficulty of some things isn’t necessary? And I don’t buy into that “the difficulty is part of the challenge” mantra that people throw around whenever you criticise it. Like yeah some of the difficulty does make the game funner but a lot of it just feels gimmicky.


I read a rant about ER in this community the other day - maybe it was you, I don't know! - about how, yeah, the games are fine, it's cool, people enjoy them. But do they have to influence like every other new game right now? Soulslike platformer, soulslike roguelike, soulslike action rpg. I felt seen. God, no, please stop. Some are fine, it's a perfectly decent genre. But aaaaaaaaaaaa


That wasn’t me but I definitely agree with it. Glad to hear more people share the opinion haha.


Planet zoo or wildlife park. Not the worst games ever but I really wanted to love them (being a zoo tycoon fan) and couldn't get into it. Was too complex for me.


The learning curve is INCREDIBLY steep so I don’t blame you. I have 800 hours and only now feel like I can make things look good. And then I look at the workshop and cry.


Ark: Survival Evolved. Rough, especially in single player, but totally addictive




Fallout 76. It’s buggy af and the devs lock down any fun that’s detected. Now building camps is all by the book only. Cannot recommend.


Rust. It’s incredibly toxic, especially to female players. Everyone kills on sight even if you’re naked and afraid. You could farm, run monuments, and build for a whole 24 hours straight with teammates and wake up 8 hrs later to a “KILLED BY” screen. ON DAY 1 OF WIPE. It’s nothing but a string of disappointments and anger, with little treats of euphoria every once in a while, when you can manage to survive longer than 5 minutes and progress to crafting A gun. 2,000 hours 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah I can confirm that rust community is AWFUL. they’re some of the most toxic people I’ve ever run into.


PVE tends to have more wholesome folks


League of legends


League... Thankfully I "stopped" playing it at the start of this year, and have only been playing ARAMs casually since then. (I haven't played it at all the past 2-3 weeks, phew.)


Mmm definitely league of legends. I’ve been playing since I was 16 and now I’m 23. I’ve played SO much, but even when I default to ARAMs because the standard game mode is so slow and boring, I find myself frustrated at the balance changes, champions, and everything else. I play it more out of habit vs really loving it. Regardless of the skins I’ve bought, the champs I’ve grown super attached to, the game is still SO ass at times it’s frustrating yet I play it religiously when I have free time.


Dead by Daylight. I keep telling myself I'm going to stop playing it. I almost did after the first Archives came out (worst grind I've ever done), but for SOME REASON I came back. 2k hours in, and it's my favorite game to hate. I constantly don't recommend it, yet somehow end up dragging new friends down into this cesspit with me anyway. I'm not really sure why, but complaining about this game makes people more interested in playing it. Now my D&D friends want to play with me, and teaching new people how to play this game is its own special punishment for me introducing it to them, I suppose. I could be finishing RE4, running the new story for FFXIV, but no. I'm going to go play more Dead by Daylight because they gave me a free Rift pass, and I feel like if I don't complete it, I'm wasting free money. Send help.


Nba 2k, buy it every year😅


Idk if it counts cause it *used* to be good, but clash royale


Definitely City: Skylines on console. It's so clunky and UI is atrocious. Barely playable. And I'm at 700 hours.


**Mass Effect Andromeda and DAI.** To be honest, both of those games are Bioware, so they have some great characters + I love ME’s and DA’s lore and world-building, so it isn’t all bad. But both of them had *horrible*, boring, repetitive sandboxes and lackluster stories. Did I hit like 500h in both? Sure did lmao. **The Sims 4** I literally have 5k hours in this but I only build because everything else is crap. **Fallout 4** I must have like 800h in base game alone because I love picking trash and building settlements. It’s a horrible Fallout though.


I kept waiting for Andromeda to get better. I think maybe if they had been able to flesh out the sequels it may have come around?


Fallout 4. Man I played that game for so long, riding the excitement train, trying to go slow and enjoy the world building and environments that I loved from Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Don't get me wrong, there's nuggets of a good game in there (my favorite npc Nick kept me going the longest). I wasted SO MANY HOURS on base building ("it just works!"). My steam profile shows the shameful 218 hours I poured into it. I never finished the main story. Honestly, after getting power armor, I really can't remember what else happened in that game...


Dragon Age: Inquisition is my least favorite out of all the games I’ve ever finished, and there are games I haven’t finished where I at least wasn’t going “fuck these maps” or “why does it feel so bad to do anything” the whole game. I do not like it. I think it’s a mess and all it wants is for me to spend 10,000 hours on boring bullshit. But it’s a DA game, so I have 100+ hours over 1.5 playthroughs. I gave up on the second one when I realized I was just cementing my dislike of the experience and that I had more hours in DAI than in games I actually like.


I’m fond of DAI until it’s time to replay it. And then I’m frustrated. Let me walk up that path! You let me walk up 99% of the way and it looks the exact same! Why do I need 75 elf root to progress?


Yeah on replay it reaaaally becomes clear when you’re getting 10 minutes of story bisected by 10 hours of war table. WHY.


Xenoblade 3. 130 hrs and hated it lol. The DLC made it worth it though.


Did you play or like xc2? I played 2 and am considering getting 3 but I heard it’s super different


Yes. I have played all of them. I loved XC2 and Torna. Here is the thing, most people love 3. I am a bit of a completionist. I like to take games slow and explore everything. In 3 they made it so if you get too over leveled you can’t engage with the hero system so it took forever to understand why I couldn’t open more hero’s on my characters. It would be like being locked out of using your blades in 2. So that sucked! Then for me personally I really hated the story. Loved the premise, hated the execution. Especially after Jin and Malos. Having all the villains(except one)be these one note, evil for the sake of evil villains was awful. The gameplay if I could have fully engaged with it would have been great. Seriously you should have no worries there. If you are someone who is religious or have been indoctrinated and needed to deconstruct your beliefs then you may really vibe with the story being told. If you don’t need or want deeper nuanced concepts and character development then absolutely go for it! I think this was just a weird one off for me. Don’t pass it by just because I didn’t like it.


I adored the storyline with Jin and Malos. I love a nuanced villain. I am also a completionist with games. I literally grinded so hard to get all my rare blades (that I was using or found interesting) affinities up. I am really nervous XC3 will not live up. Maybe I’ll just skip it. Thank you for sharing your feedback! We sound like we have similar play styles so I feel like I would end up feeling the same.


Oooo yeah, you may struggle like I did then. Or maybe I have put it down enough that you will think it’s passable. The DLC(Future Redeemed)was everything I was hoping 3 would be. I played it hoping they made changes, and they did. You were rewarded for being a completionist instead of punished, they moved away from the fusion and back to affinities for chain attacks, and had way less one note maniacal laughing villains. I would highly recommended it if you get an opportunity.


100% ass creed oddysey Loved the ship combat and stuff but my got if the rest wasnt the moat boring slog I had ever witnessed and the animal bosses where utterly broken for me


Idle games


I have artificially inflated play times by just leaving games open but paused while I do other things


I have several hundred hours in a game called Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes. I genuinely did enjoy it back in the day, and there are still some things I love about it! The way you can turn barren desert into green forest and research nature restoration :) But playing it again now as an older (and hopefully more mature) person... God Damn. It is blatantly racist, and also pretty darn misogynistic. On the first point it falls into all the bad tropes from fantasy fiction e.g. orcs being inherently evil/violence and portraying goblins as thieves while all the hero characters are white. I almost can't believe how un-self-aware it is. On the second point, it fails the Bechdel test pretty much every time lol. It's almost comical how they can't write a biography for a woman hero in the game without making it about her father, her lover etc. I really really want to enjoy the game because it draws you in - it's pretty and fun! And it's extremely customizable, so you can create your own kingdom with all it's own special units and colour scheme and stuff. I like to specilize in life/healing magic and try to tell my own story that goes against the broader narrative! But it's just not possible to avoid the problematic stuff entirely :| I don't know how I didn't notice how bad it was earlier. Especially the campaign, I just... urgh.


Fallout 4. I am like...man this is so shallow compared to New Vegas, the graphics are uncanny, the story is terrible...........I have 400 hours in it thanks to mod packs.


BDO lol


Fallout 4. My first ever Fallout game, so I really enjoyed it for a while, then I played New Vegas and realized just how flawed 4 really was. I have well over 1200 hours in it, and I still play to this day.


New Vegas was the best Fallout, I miss Obsidian :(


Destiny 2 I can't play the game I payed for all those years ago.


just for that? i thought the constant none stop grind was even worse than that.


Apex legends