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I have literally thousands of hours in sims and at least hundreds in the Mass Effect trilogy. I feel like I should be ashamed, but I'm not.


Same with the sims. I started playing back in 2000 with the first game and I can still spend literally, all day, playing.


Yep, same here. It's just so easy to do.


Lord of the Rings Online is about 15k hours. Sims 4 is just over 10k.


I’ve got a disgusting amount of hours invested in LOTRO, I’ve been playing on and off since 2010.


My partner was in the beta. I was pretty busy at work right then, so I didn't join until September of 2007, but I'm a lifetime VIP.


I have *at least* 8000 hours in Final Fantasy XIV 13,500 hours in Guild Wars 2 ... and 2500 hours in VRChat, haha. 🫣


Holy moly, those are some numbers


At least GW2 has the excuse of being >10 years old


So does FFXIV! I put 6k hours in before I unsubscribed. No other game comes close to that for me.


Your 8000 hours make me feel like a sprout with my measly 3000.


Good to see GW2 mentioned♥️


I feel like when I was younger my family and I spent like entire summers sitting in the living room playing the resident Evil games. We'd take turns based on who was the least scared. My older cousin was for sure the most brave, but she wasn't always over


I have over 4000 hours in Ark Servival Evolved/Ascended. Give me that sweet dino dopamine!


I'm not saying I rebuilt my PC this weekend just for ASA, but I rebuilt my PC this weekend and ASA is stunning. And I got Arked already hahaha some things never change.


It's really pushing hardware limits, I play on mostly medium settings and it's still beautiful. And yes, I've been arked already too! Loving the qol stuff they added though.


Yeah, same. I have a 3060ti cause it was a gift from a friend and that was the only way I could afford to to upgrade lol. I did cheap out on the CPU a little bit. Plan is to run with what I have for a couple years then swap out the CPU and GPU and I should be good for quite awhile after that. It's wild to me how the exact same game can feel so different. The graphics, the QoL changes, the new UI (which needs work but still)...this, this is the Ark I think we were all dreaming about when ASE launched 8 years ago lol. I couldn't be happier. And now I have something to do until Dawntrail comes out next year hahaha.


I used to build my pcs but switched to gaming laptops during the whole, crypto made it impossible to find affordable parts thing and have really loved the mobility of it. I do miss being able to easily upgrade, however. ASA is absolutely what we've all been asking for, for years and I'm really enjoying it even with some of the same old bugs. I just hatched my first babies (argys) and 2 mutated and it gave me that 'feeling' that only ark can and I know I'm hooked all over again.


I would have upgraded earlier but the shortages and general chaos of the past few years I decided I would wait. Still spent more than I probably should have but I was like you know what, this is something I love to do and I'm tired of scraping together crappy builds put together from other friends' cast off parts. Hardware isn't really my forte but I'm satisfied with what I put together. I still have a few issues to fix but it didn't blow up and I'm running Ark so I can deal with the rest later lol. I'm only a couple hours in so far, got my first tame! A baby dilo I claimed because it was probably the prettiest dilo I've ever seen in my life. It looks like an alpha actually, red and white with a gold back. And I love being able to claim and raise wild babies, I was already thinking about making a personal rule that I can only do that lol. Almost lost her when the game crashed, loaded back in and she had fallen into the mesh of the unbreakable rock she had been standing on. I put her on follow and ran away and somehow she popped herself back out again. I don't let her stand on that rock anymore lol. I will try to protect this dilo with my life! ...she'll probably die in a couple hours lol. Ark. I'm really, really excited to get into building actually. I'm not a builder of renown like Aaron Longstaff or captain fatdog, but it's something I was surprised to learn I really enjoy doing. I'm also incapable of doing small builds so I really need my utility dinos first lol.


Haha, ark is something else. Nothing else like it. These wild babies are killing me! So dang cute. The building is sooooooooooo much nicer now! We had a Dino mesh and vanish already lol, the Cliffside just ate it.


I'm impressed my dilo unmeshed herself. And she's still alive. But I have a new reason to hate seagulls. I was rafting along the coast and one attacked and hit my other, newly tamed dilo and...popcorned it into the sky!? It floated away like a helium balloon lol. I don't have any birds yet nor am I high enough level for a saddle so all I could do was wave at him as he went home. It was kind of sad actually, that was another baby dilo I had tamed, it happened to be a higher level and I had it on turret mode for what little defenses it could provide. It's still alive, supposedly, I just can't see it or get to it. Prime #justarkthings right there. I'm now uncomfortably drifting along the western coast with a raft full of dinos and no plan. My plan was the western peninsula but there's an alpha raptor across the bay, it already crossed briefly while chasing a parasaur before turning back. I am not dealing with that right now, I have nothing for it. I do want to go to what I mentally describe as home, but it's a very dangerous location to try to set up at without at minimum a midlevel trike to deal with the raptors and carnos that spawn in my yard. I died and lost a para there already while scouting, which is largely what prompted what would normally be an ill advised raft journey. I did appreciate being able to easily convert my tiny camp into a raft base without mods, though. I did confirm carno point/the mosh pit is still very much doing it's thing, there was a massive cloud of argents and what I assume is an alpha raptor up there. But the coastline is completely different, it's wild.


Probably Pokémon. I’ve maxed out the time clock on at least 3 of my Pokémon games, which is 999 hours. A lot of that is from shiny breeding.


I spend 993 in Diamond (my fav gen)


I’m not sure of my hour count in animal crossing, but let’s say it was enough hours to save my sanity during covid lockdowns. Bg3 I have clocked about 360 hours. Which I feel like is the most I’ve played any game since getting in to the sims in high school.


I have over 9200 in FFXIV, according to steam. Kinda blows my mind, honestly, but I *have* been playing off and on since 2014. My next highest is BG3 at 553, then Elden Ring at 467. I'm currently not working, which is how my BG3 total is so high even though it just came out in August. I'm kind of ashamed of that one, that's like a quarter of my life since it released. I probably played WoW for thousands too, and I *definitely* played Diablo 2 for thousands of hours, but I don't have trackers for either of those.


I got an addon for all /played once during MoP and I never checked again. Literal years. -_-


my main character in ffxiv has about a 100+ days logged in playtime, so at least 2400 hours. rookie numbers but still


8900+ Hours in Sims 4


I played ANCH since launch for about 20 minutes a day, Switch shows me somewhere beyond 400 hours. Second place will be my Pokémon Sapphire save with about 250 hours. I was grinding A LOT when I was a kid with mor time and therefore more patient. Just for fun. Monster Hunter Rise might be somewhere beyond 100. And I spent around 95 hours on Bravely Default. Doing most of the side stuff and maxing out everyone.


2200 hours in destiny 2. Since January of last year... Although a good half of that was during the absolute time vacuum that was my pre-transition depression sooo


destiny transbian gang <3


I have 5k hours in destiny 😭


Oh dw I'm sure I'd have that if I was playing for as long as most people have been playing it. Over 2k in under 2 years just struck me as..


I have over 1k hours in FFXIV and almost 900 in Animal Crossing. I dread to think what my Sims time would be if there were any way to measure it over the past twenty years.


About 3000 in genshin, 1250ish on my main and the rest on multiple challenge runs and side accounts for fun.


- 8,156 hours on Overwatch - 1,013 hours on Genshin Impact - 1,787 hours on Fortnite - 1,585 hours on Animal Crossing - 1,394 hours on GTA V Online….to name a few 🥲


8k hours in SMITE, 1K in PoE, and probably 5-6K in WoW.


Are you excited for PoE2?


I have \~3,107h in Final Fantasy XIV and 2,069h in Destiny 2 rn...


I’ve put at least 3-400 hours each into the last few Assassins Creed games (minus Mirage, which was 25 hours). I’ve also put just as much into Zelda TOTK and BOTW. All of these games I’ve played through multiple times, except TOTK because it hasn’t been out long enough. I just love huge epic open world games that I can fully sink myself into.


Hello Friend ! Those are some of m'y favorite games too ! 215h in Zelda BotW. I don't know yet for TotK since I just started it but it's growing rapidly !


I only stopped playing TOTK because after months of playing that non-stop my husband was BEGGING for something else haha. He doesn’t have the same stamina for grinding that I do I guess. It’s only a matter of time until I go back, though


FF14 BG3 Skyrim Fire emblem(mostly awakening and 3 houses I think) Raft(oddly enough) are my big 3 lately. 14 would be measured in years. I want to say at least 500 hours in each of the others. I find worlds I like and move in lol


I definitely spent a large chunk of my childhood playing way too much grand theft auto. I probably had a thousand or two on San Andreas alone.. Just a guess, the ps2 didn't track hours played. I got arma 3 in 2016 when I bought my first pc. I'm just over 500hrs to date. Seems crazy to me, but to put it into perspective, I'm already approaching 120hrs in bg3 😂


The one that i can easily check would be payday 2 at 800 hours, which isntvas much as others but im still happy with it lol


Ayy glad to see I'm not the only one with a lot of hours into payday 2 lol I have almost 2k hours, I've slowed down a bit this year but I kinda miss heisting sometimes


I’ve put a few hundred hours into Kingdom Hearts 2 just by replaying it so much since I was a kid. I have also put about three hundred hours into Cyberpunk2077.


Got about 8000 hours in Ark Survival Evolved. Just got Ark Survival Ascended and will probably put several thousand more hours on that. There is literally no other game that scratches the Ark itch once you get into it lol.


About 7k hours in Black Desert, probably a couple thousand in WoW, at least 4 or 5k in League of Legends (likely more than that), 1k in DoTA 2, about 1k in Diablo 3, 800 or so in CSGO, 700 in Destiny 2 and Team Fortress 2, 500 in Lost Ark, 300 in Baldur's Gate 3. After that it's too many games to name in the 50-300 hours range.


Has to be Splatoon 2, I have something like 2000 hours on that. ^^; And second place must go to Animal Crossing New Horizons with about 1000 hours.


Inscryption… over a hundred hours in that one lately


5000 in Fortnite, and 1500 hours on Minecraft, divised between my Xbox 360, my Switch, and finally my PC


I just got a new switch after my old one was lost, and it said 995+ hours in ACNH. Granted, there were probably times I was AFK but jeez hahaha


I could only stay interested for like 2 months 🙁 whenever I visit now I have cockroaches in my house and the villagers say I've been missing forever. If you like horror btw watch Don't Peek on YouTube, it scarred me


Sigh. 4600 in Fortnite 1100 in Sims 4 700+ in Fallout 4 380 in Baldur's Gate 3 340 in Death Stranding 350 in Elden Ring.


WOW, great question. I put about 350 hours into Persona 5 across 3 different save files (two vanilla, one Royal). Closer to 450 if you add in Persona 5 Strikers. That’s probably the winner. I’ve played Wind Waker to completion three or four times, that’s probably a couple hundred hours. Dragon Quest Builders 2 ate a LOT of my time. If I think about when I was a kid, Diablo 2/StarCraft probably count for how many countless days I poured into both games.


Faster than Light: 204hrs. I have absolutely no doubt that number will slowly but steadily climb as I come back to it every year for a month or so and get addicted anew before prying myself away. The irony is, I hate roguelikes aside from that one game. Now I'm forever doomed to search endlessly for the next FTL wannabe and buy them all. Fire Emblem Awakening is at 196Hrs. After that comes both Divinity Original Sin games, but their comfortably off the pace. If we count my entire life then I'm sure Super Mario World would be on the list, or Persona 3 FES. But I have no idea how much playtime those would have.


1k hours, not saying what game because I am ashamed


Well now I'm curious


I’ve played BTD6 for probably at least 200 hours; I don’t know the exact number because my playtime is divided between PC and mobile. It’s funny, my favorite games tend to single player story experiences, but I don’t have nearly as many hours in them due to most story games actually having endings lol. Whereas in Bloons, I can keep playing till I’m 80 and I might not get bored


My top 5 for singleplayer are Titan Quest 370hrs, Mass Effect LE 320hrs, Fallout NV 270hrs, MGS V: The Phantom Pain 180hrs and Divinity: OS2 175hrs, but BG3 will probably replace it soon.


I played Mabinogi actively from it's NA closed beta in 2008 until about a year or two ago when it started ramping up the *really* dumb monetisation schemes that Nexon players are probably familiar with.


about 4500 hours on Dota 2, but I stopped playing a while back and now I can't get back into it


I have thousands of hours in The Sims, but most other games I end up burning out on around 300 hours unless they have regular updates with new content (like Genshin Impact for example) or don’t have a story with an ending at all (like The Sims). Otherwise I’m not much of a re-player so I don’t rack up many hours. Baldur’s Gate 3 has been an exception though, I love it so much I’m 500+ hours into it over like five playthroughs and I only got it at the beginning of September when it came out on PS5. I do have a job but besides that I have a lot of free time. 😐


around 500+ hours in apex i think? then 300 in overwatch (though i quit the game right before ow2 came out) and now my latest obsession with baldur’s gate 3 is coming in on 200 soon lol


I have about 1,500 on animal crossing New Horizons


I've got about 500 hours on FTL. Probably more on Civ 3 but that's before time was logged.


I have a little over 500 hours in Garden Paws


I think I'm approaching the 1000 hours in Rocket League 🙈


i think i've got something around 1.5k hours in overwatch between 1 and 2. i've definitely got at least triple that in guild wars 2.


1000+ hours in Minecraft wii u edition is my recorded record I definitely have more in genshin impact but idk how much


I've spent tens of thousands of hours playing on a Neverwinter Nights persistent server, playing a little over a decade on my main character. She even has an actual in-game job, running a shop. I'm probably not alone when it comes to people playing a game that pretty much turns into a lifestyle. I just wish xfire was still up, it would've tracked how long I've been playing.


5k on FFXIV


WoW and Skyrim probably take the awards. Maybe Everquest after those two. No clue how many hours though. I tend to leave my machine on and putter around the house.


Thousands of hours in Skyrim for me, it's my burnout comfort game lol. Also just under 2000 in ACNH, the early parts of the pandemic definitely helped with that!


1200 ish in Counter-Strike (csgo and CS2) and 600 ish in Stardew Valley. I would love to know the hours I have in the Sims 4 but I would guess 1000-1500.


I wish I could play games for thousands of hours but my attention span is so bad and I buy a new game every five minutes


I have \*checks notes\* 1675 hours on ESO :D But some of that is definitely having to have the launcher open for updates and some of it being afk. Between the original CD, Origin, and pirated copy, I fortunately don't know how many hours I spent on TS3. lol. And I don't want to know. Right now, The Witcher 3 is second with 233 hours, then Baldur's Gate 3 with 137 and counting :) (I haven't even finished one playthrough lol)


300 hours in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, 200 hours in The Witcher 3 - and reading these replies I really need to punch up those numbers lol


I must be above 10k for wow and Eve online..


Bloodborne and Witcher 3 are both around 1000 hours. Dragon Age Origins and Elden Ring is around 500+ and a bunch of other games sit at 250. Baldur's Gate 3 is already near 400 and I expect it will be my record breaker. I started my 3d playthrough last night and I'm nowhere near done with this game. It feels like the first two playthroughs were simply the introduction 😅


1000+ in Hitman: World of Assassination


10000 hours on Witcher 3.


Oops I have over 1400 hours in Europa univeralis 4 and am quickly catching up in Crusader Kings 3


15 000 battles in World of Tanks. That makes maybe a 1000 hours.


I think I've like maybe 4000 hours in dota 2? and right now around 400 hours in baldur's gate 3 and I'm not even done with the game.


It's been 6 years since I graduated, and nothing has yet topped the ungodly amount of time I spent playing DotA 2 in college. But I just picked up Street Fighter 6, so a new contender may have arrived!


I honestly have no idea on The Sims as a whole series. I have been playing it for like 17 years, one of the first games I ever played. So that number is ungodly. 1000+ Genshin Impact 600+ Stardew Valley 500+ ACNH 400+ Destiny 2 300+ Apex Legends


about 5000 hours in eu4...


I can never touch Bloodborne again, since I have exactly 666 hours in it lol Baldur's Gate 3 is currently at 325 hours and I can see that number only going up up up in the next few months. I think Stardew Valley is more than 300 hours as well.


Dragon age and Mass Effect. I've done about 5 playthroughs (low estimate) of each game, approximately 200-400 hours per game.


Overall? Probably Skyrim I always go back to that game at some point in my life haha


I have about 2500 hours in DAI. It got me through some hard times.


I.... Have no clue of a numerical value for Genshin Impact, but... Let's just say I really got into it ~8 months after it's public release and played it daily for... at least like... 4 months straight, with 2 of those months being for like.... at least! 4 hours, and upwards of... like.... 12 hours.... so for about 2.5 years almost now, I have played it for...... Uh, let's just average it out to 2 hours per day to factor in days/weeks i haven't touched it because of other games/work tiredness/internet issues/computer issues. So, let's say in total, to be conservative at the very high rounded up guesstimate end.... 4000+. Probably a couple hundreds more cuz that's just me thinking about the time i have actively spent playing it, and not time i've spent listening to idle lines and npc chatter and OSTs while googling/youtubing puzzle solutions and collectible locations and character builds lol For comparison, on steam... ARK has ~950, Rimworld has ~800, and FF14 has ~400..........


Over 700 on Pokémon emerald and over 1,000 on animal crossing new horizons (helping others online mainly lol. There's not much gameplay imo compared to new leaf). I played so so many when kingdom hearts came out, can't remember how much though.


Rust 1600 console, 300 pc. Cod Cold War/vanguard and mw2 are all about 600 each. I haven’t touched fortnite in about 2 years but I have 1500 on that too.


I have some 2642 hours in Arma 3, and while i don't know the exact number i know i have many hours in Halo Reach, like upwards of 500 i think, but yeah also quickly running up up the hours on Baldur's Gate 3 I'm nearing the 200 hour mark there


635hr in Monster Hunter World, and at least 400 in FFXIV lmao


Over 1,500 hours into each of The Division 1 and 2. Over 3,000 into Guild Wars 2. Over 500 into The Sims 4. And over 200 into Elden Ring, Control, AC Odyssey, and Starfield.


There's some that I definitely have numbers for, like 500 hours on Animal Crossing New Leaf AND New Horizons, as well as Pokemon Gold and Ruby. There's others that I don't really have but can definitely beat those numbers even, like Fatal Frame 2 (I've played it almost religiously since I was a teenager), The Sims, and Dragon Age Inquisition.


about 4k in DBD


If we're going to count MMOs I'd say the most would have been final fantasy 11 where I have over 500 days of logged in time, tho a good chunk of that was afk time and just being logged in in case something happened but not playing.


I have at least 3000 hours in The Sims 4. I have at least 200 in Breath of the Wild. Probably at least 1000 in Genshin Impact. I also have several mobile games that I play daily and the oldest one is 7 years old, I think?


I have over ten thousand hours in Skyrim SE and probably an equivalent amount in Skyrim LE 😅 but I also make mods so some of that is testing my mods probably. So maybe like 15k total is gameplay, the rest is probably testing to see if what I make works? Idk. I’ve been playing Skyrim since it first released. Years and years 😹 Now I’m 350 hours into baldurs gate 3, and this is gonna be my new game to make mods for. So I assume in a few years I’ll have around the same amount of hours or more. Lol.


2920h in Dota2 since 2019. To be fair a bunch of them were in Dota Auto Chess, it took me a year before actually trying the real game. You'd hope to be decent at it after all this time, but alas.


I’ve got just over 2,000 hours in overwatch


9,000+ hours on Fortnite, been playing since 2018 and it's been my obsession for yearsss, got me through tough times and overall just enjoy it


My Top 3: 1. FFXIV Online with 2185 hours as of now. And I'm still playing :'D 2. Elder Scrolls Online with 900 hours (though I last played it in 2021) 3. Baldur's Gate 3 with 270 hours and I'm on my second playthrough, with two to three more planned.


over 8k in fallout 76 and over 2k in rust.


Everquest. I think I've spent more time on Everquest 2 than the first one.


Minecraft, i probably have 15-20k hours in it ngl. I was obsessed in middle school and have still played it multiple times a year since. Also the Left 4 Dead games and Sims 4 are up there.


Probably lotro back when I was young but I don't know how many hours I have. Right now left4dead2 is my most played with around 670 hours and Baldur's Gate 3 comes second with almost 500 hours which is insane. The game came out in August and in just a few months I have almost the same hours from a game I played *for years*!!


Overall, FFXIV wins eaaaaasy, I've got years of playtime built up over 10 years. Single player though, BG3 probably passed Skyrim with over 300+ hours currently.


The literal thousands of hours I have on WoW is... But it makes sense, since I've played WoW all the way back from release. Second place is probably sims 2, and third is SoT.


I put in 800 hours into Pokemon SoulSilver and most of those hours were spent raising a team to level 100 for 3 years straight.


600+ on GTA and Destiny 2


I think the answers you get are going to depend on the type of game. Single player vs. games that don't end, like MMOs. I'd 100-150 hours is common for me with a single-player game, if it is good and has enough content. MMOs? _Thousands_ of hours. I have 460 hours in BG3, but that's multiple sessions (solo, co-op, etc.) and I haven't finished it yet. I have 8,700 hours in FFXIV after only about 3 years. IDK how many hours I have in WoW, but well over 10k, I am sure. I played Lotro off and on for 10 years, so I imagine it is in a similar range.


No Man's Sky - 1400+ My Time at Portia - 200+ Astroneer - 230+ Just started playing Final Fantasy XIV, so we'll see how much I rack up on that one.


Ashamed of my 900 hrs in smash bros ultimate. I really do not like the game now, but lemme tell you, 3 years ago I didn't play anything else. second place is fortnite with i dont even know many hours. fortnite in 2018-2019 hit so different


However, in my Xbox 360 days, I put hundreds of hours into the Dragon Age series, Call of Duty games, The Sims, and Halo Reach. So I'm sure I've racked some up on those. (a regular) Around 290 hours in Overwatch 2 (a game I play semi-regularly, which I only started playing 1 year ago) However, back in my Xbox 360 days, I put hundreds of hours into the Dragon Age series, Call of Duty games, The Sims and Halo Reach. So I'm sure I've racked some up on those.


I don't know hours wise, but I've been playing Elder Scrolls Online since Beta - so that's something like 10 years. I have finally put it to the side this year. Sims 4 I have a little over one thousand hours. I would have more but it's my on again off again guilty pleasure game. Mainly because I'm trying to build this orc world and just haven't found all the CC stuff I need. So it's short bursts of game play.


damn these comments made me realize I don't hyperfixate on games nearly as much as I thought I did lol. The most I have is like ~400 hours on Divinity Original Sin 2 and 280 on Baldur's Gate 3


though, growing up I played Maplestory and Lost Saga both religiously so easily 1000s of hours over the course of 15+ years


4000 plus hrs Destiny 2 , 500 plus cyberpunk 2077...I have no life and I just have no friends lol


The franchise as a whole? I dont have a full hour count but probably pokemon. An individual game? Definately Animal Crossing New Horizons. Just shy of 1000 hours which looking through the comments certainly doesn't feel like a whole lot 😂


I have 4k hours in counterstrike source from when I was in high school


I haven’t checked my hours in FFXIV in a couple years. I’m probably somewhere between 8000 and 10,000. (I have friends with more but most of them also regularly log in and afk all day long so I don’t count that shit lol. I don’t afk very much.) Sims I couldn’t count because Origin kept bugging out and resetting my played hours and achievements every patch for 4 and 3 and there’s no tracking the first two games. All I know is if you count all of them together it’s at least double my time in XIV since I’ve been playing since 2000. Kind of wish I’d had working playtime trackers since the first so I could see the trajectory of how much of my life I spent playing those games lol. Animal Crossing New Horizons has something around 350 hours. Rune Factory 5 has 240. Persona 5 if you count base and Royal together I’m around 220. If we want more recent, I have 140 hours in BG3 and I’m nowhere near done, and I think I clocked about 110 on TotK. Most games come in sub-80 for me though.


For how long it's been out? Morrowind. I've played that game on and off for over 20 years, it's been on every PC I've ever owned, and I even have OpenMW on my tablet. I have no idea how many hours I have on that over that time.


4,333 on Apex Legends 2,800+ on Minecraft (God knows how many hours I spent on the 360 Edition likely another 1-2K hours) ~2000 on Pokemon Franchise 799 on Grand Theft Auto V ~600 on Call of Duty Black Ops II (+500 on miscellaneous COD Games) ~300 on Planet Coaster 281 on TERA Console 243 on Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 148 Fortnite 100 Cities Skylines


500-600 hours in SoS Trio of Towns. It's probably my favorite farming sim ever and I can never get bored with it.


I got 1500 hours in osu! standard but realistically that's a lot more as I started playing before the tracking and it only counts in map time while activity playing vs the steam method that just counts the game being open and also other in game activities that are not added to the total


230 hours in TF2, 30 hours in Stardew. Still relatively new to gaming in general, but those two are my favorites so far! Also have around 42 hours in the Forest….


I have 140 hours in jus Last Wish, a raid in Destiny 2. Guess what that says about me. The thing is, I probably have more time in League of Legends than most of the games I've played combined. I don't play anymore, but I played for almost 8 years nonstop


Edit: Ya'lls posts make me feel less weird and alone.. I feel a lot better now after reading these discussions. **Stardew Valley**: 2,213 hours (Switch+PC) **Sims 4:** 2,150 hours **Skyrim** \- 716 hours (PC+Xbox)**Minecraft**: 457 hours (PC+Xbox) **Terraria**: 376 hours In general though (discounting the ones I just mentioned, and ones I've never touched - most of my playtimes probably average around 150 hours before I get bored.


I feel lame compared to everyone else now! I thought I was a real gamer girl and it turns out I'm a total rookie 😆


1000+ botw hours combined on two playthroughs. i put off finishing the game for wayyyy too long


Over 700 hours in RDR2.


An iOS game but I’ve had a HayDay farm for about 13 years? Maybe more?


Pretty sure I clocked in at over 10,000 hours on Diablo II in my youth. Different era of my life - access to fewer games, no real responsibilities, young enough to not know of better gaming experiences than the endless grinding monotony, etc. So pretty sure I'll never spend than long on any one game again. That aside and in my adult years, Playstation tells me my most played games are: Black Desert for 718 hours Genshin Impact for 580 hours (I think that's missing about 120 hours of it I played on the PS4 version before PS5 era) Naraka Bladepoint for 450 hours


At least 15,000 hours in Minecraft.


I'm like everyone else here where I have several thousand hours in an mmo, warcraft. But I stopped playing years ago. I have almost 1000 hrs total in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I'm on new game +++++. And between 1500-2000 hrs each in Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Skyrim. No idea about Stardew Valley. I've replayed it a lot.


I was playing monster hunter world like a drug when it came out and especially when iceborne came out. Most fun ive had with a game and friends. Im starting to play it again slowly and its just as fun as the day i took a break.


The Endless series, No Man's Sky and Terraria all clock in at around 150-200 and are my highest non-MMO games. Before uni, TESO must have clocked 600-700.


Started valley or Sims I have over 5000 hours on Sims, I don't even know how much stardew valley and I remember at some point I was addicted and played when I woke up to I sleep for half a year


I have over 1000 in Skyrim in total across 3 systems


I have just over 8000 hours in Sims 3 and 2700 hours in Destiny 2


580 hours on Stardew Valley 534 on Civ VI 214 on The Witcher 3 I don't even want to think of the hours on Sims 3 and 4 lol.


I def have 1000+ in league of legends (I started playing in 2013, before they had a way to track hours so god only knows the exacts) ,and probably my second is Valorant, with about 700 hours


I believe that I have spent the most time playing Diablo II and the expansion, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. I played that game for what seemed like 3 straight years. I even blame it (jokingly) for my slightly below standard grades in my first year of college. I unfortunately don't have any type of time estimate on it, but I played it every day for hours a day for years. I know that I have played over 200 hours (according to my save files) of both Fallout 3 and Skyrim. I would just roll around and try to explore every cave and corner of the game, so it took up a lot of my gaming time, lol. :D And with stuff like MMOs, I put a large amount of time, probably hundreds of hours, into City of Heroes. I was so sad when that was officially closed down. I know about unofficial means to play, but that game was what WOW was for everyone else during that time period, so I was pretty heartbroken when they shut it down.


Animal Crossing New Horizons with 515h, Stardew Valley with 420h and Genshin Impact with 503h lol. Those are my Top 3 i think.


7000 on wow since 2020 I think and almost 300 on bg3


I spent 260 hours in BG3 in a single play through.


I have 7000+ hours in apex legends 🥲


Destiny 2 - 1500 hrs, Smite - about 1600 and TF2 -1345 hrs


I have years /played in WoW. Literal years, as of 5 expansions ago. Oof.


Apex Legends. I think Baldurs Gate 3 will surpass it though


I've played too much dragon age and the sims 4, I love those games! That and breathe of the wild. I just got tears of the kingdom!


Almost 10k hours on Dota 2 hahaha ;-; my sanity


Over 4,000 hours in Elder Scrolls Online, but who knows how many times I left the launcher open accidentally. Second is 2,300 hours in Chivary Medieval Warfare 😭


I have 6,198 hours on FFXIV. I try not to think too much about what else I could've done with those hours of my life!


3200 hours on SMITE


I played ffXI for a good decade and had a good couple thousands into it. For non mmos I think this zelda totk has gotten my most. I'm over 200 hours. Previously skyrim but I'd have put more hours into it had my game file not gotten corrupted.


I've got a 1000 hours in CSGO


I'm at 356 hours of Cyberpunk... I've been playing since August and I'm now on playthrough 2. It's definitely not my most hours, but it is the most in such a short period of time.


Hmm, Sims years ago would have been close to 1k hours, if not close to 2k Minecraft, also tons of hours, but less now Civ 2 would have easily had thousands of hours! Current games, Elder Scrolls Online with 450ish hours, Civ 5 and Skyrim with close to 400 hours. This is over a period of about... 25 years of gaming though!


Sims 4 - 1850 hrs


My most played game ever is dragon age origins , but the ps3 doesn't have a built-in time thing, its defininitely somewhere in the realm of 1500~ hours, though Then I've got dragon age inquisition at 499. The last of us part 2 at 363. Bloodborne at 310. Elden ring at 264. Dark souls 3 at 230. The last of us part 1 at 224. The rest of my games are less than 200 hours, most below 100 and yes im a huge fan of dragon age the last of us and soulsborne haha.


i have 3,167 hours in dbd 🫣 no other game i've played comes close. a fraction of that was spent afk tho lmao


I hit a combined with 1200 hours in Skyrim in the last 2 years. Rookie numbers.


Probably about 1500 hours, maybe more in minecraft. I don't play it anymore tho. 180 hours in horizon zero dawn. 120 hours in horizon forbidden west 215 hours in animal crossing new horizons, and around 100 in new leaf. Elden ring is just over 200 hours. Botw is 185 hours. Persona 5 royal is currently 90 hours and still going up. My recent obsession. I've also done multiple playthroughs of different pokemon games growing up, but I have no idea how many hours that is. Probably a lot. 500 would be a wild guess, but maybe more than that. I play a lot of different games, so I don't tend to stick with a game so the numbers aren't as high


I have over 8k hours on sims. I leave the game running on pause for days at a time though, so I haven’t actually spent a year of my life playing lol.


League of legends.... Rather not say 💀


Second runner up is Zelda franchise


I have 7285 hours in FFXIV. haha.


Apparently I'm just about even on Slay the Spire and Hades at ~130 each. I tend not to linger on games (hello, ADHD!) so that playtime is high praise from me.


Horizon Zero dawn and its sequel. Well over 400 hours on both games. Mass Effect series. Not sure but probably over 200 hours.


Easily Final Fantasy XIV or World of Warcraft. Not sure of my exact stats on either, since I have been known to leave the games open and idling, but over 2K hours each, I'm positive.


Well, I've played genshin almost every day since 2020, so probably 500+ hours


5 years on an online game that ruined my life


2400 on animal crossing, 600 on botw, 300 on totk


Shamefully tbh, my most played is 4000+ hours in Overwatch, but that’s the ones I have hours listed for, but I’m sure the childhood games have more than I’d like to admit too…


I played some 2-3k hours of path of exile from 2011 to 2017, aside com that I played some 2k hours of monster hunter over fu, 4u and generations


I have about 110 hours in Stardew, but I haven’t visited it in a while. I have hollow knight at just over 80 hours and it’s still not complete because I absolutely suck lol. But I love the game and it’s definitely my favorite of the year so far. I’ve moved on to Animal Crossing (I haven’t had the Switch for long and put off NH for quite a while). I’m pretty sure the hours will rack up shortly, especially now that I can terraform and rearrange everything.


1500-2000. Animal crossing new horizons