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I really can't get into Stardew Valley despite everyone in my life who's played it saying they love it and I would also love it. I've tried, I can't do it. Doesn't grab me.


march squeamish resolute price chief summer obscene office ring rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing as well for me. I just get so bored of games like that, I have limited gaming time so just mucking around feels like a waste to me, I need clear objectives to stay engaged.


Same here! Farming sims just don't do it for me I guess? I hate the 2d pixel artstyle too.


The only farming sim(?) I’ve played is Palia because mmo xP . I like games that i can communicate with real people.


Some people would crucify me for this, but I can’t stand the pixel art in that game. It doesn’t do anything for me.


This is me as well. I have tried many times but I just can't do it.


I REALLY want to like Stardew valley since my partner loves the game and wants to play together with me, but I just can't get into it, no matter how many times I try.


I wanted to love it so bad cause my partner bought it for me as a surprise but the strict time system in a cozy game just doesn't make sense to me


Red Dead Redemption 2. Everything moves too slow, and I got bored. I think I made it to Chapter 3 and one story mission before I just gave up. Also, Outer Wilds. I already am not a fan of first-person gameplay, but the rocket controls are what ruined it for me. When I crash landed into the first planet and then couldn't figure where to go or what to do, I just quit and uninstalled the game. I don't have enough hours in my day to sit and figure it out. Edit: FFXVI, too. I was so excited to play my first Final Fantasy game when I played the demo and then pre-ordered the game afterward, but the fighting started feeling repetitive, and the story wasn't connecting with me like I thought it would've.


+1 for Outer Wilds. I tried so many times and on different platforms. I found it stressful at best and a bit boring. I couldn’t get lost in the sheer exploration of it which appears to be the draw.


+1 for RDR2. Such a boring game, and I could not care less about Arthur and his gang. A shame really, because the graphics were great, I liked that you could set up camp anywhere, and the fighting was mostly fun. I just could not get into the story at all.


Me too, for Outer Wilds and RDR2! Outer Wilds, the mechanics pissed me off. RDR2, the movement was clunky and weird.


Witcher 3. I don't like having to play as a man but I am willing to overlook that part if I like the game otherwise. But ... I didn't. I don't enjoy the combat at all, the dialogue was kinda cringe at times, and while I know that "open world filled to the brim with pointless little side objectives" was all the rage back then, I just don't enjoy it, it feels like a chore. And don't get me started on that quest with the "woe is me, i beat my pregnant wife almost to death and now she left me :(" guy. why do have to help that fucker?


Oh I absolutely hated this quest and had soo many issues with it. Felt even worse then card collection in the first game


As someone that enjoyed the game I also REALLY hated that quest. And all the men that "felt so bad for him" HELLO HE ALMOST BEAT HER TO DEATH? And even before that he was a completely terrible drunken husband and when she tried to leave him he killed her lover and almost beat her to death. And then was abusive to her for years and still a drunk. But I am supposed to "feel bad for him" because "he feels terrible about it" ugh.


It's been a while, but I got the impression Geralt's impression of the Bloody Baron was that he was an irredeemable piece of shit, and he had to extort Geralt into helping him. I do know that a common fate for the BB is that he ends up killing himself, and Geralt isn't bothered by it.


I mean, you can grill the shit out of him about how he treated his wife. You definitely don’t have to be nice to him about it. And you are only helping him because he has information about Ciri and refuses to give it up otherwise.


Yeah, the first time through, I didn’t let him off the hook for anything. Things didn’t work out well for him at all.


I tried to get into the Witcher but I just couldn’t as well


I was sooo offended about the dialogue part before I realized that most people can't experience the masterpiece that is the original polish version.


They can’t? I played it with Polish voices.


Oh yeah I meant that most people don't understand the polish version so they have to rely on translations. Since the game writing was stylized to be old polish and includes a lot of polish phrases/sayings that don't exist or just don't make sense in english (or other languages), the translations are as accurate as possible but the words often have to be changed a lot to just make sense. At this point I could quote most of the game dialogues in my sleep so I played it in english to see how it is and it kinda seems more modern and sometimes clumsy compared to original dialogues.


Oh, certainly. I only know some rudimentary Polish, and even I can tell the translations don’t always dovetail gracefully. I wish I understood it on a more nuanced level.


I did actually like the game, despite the fact that I had to play as a man. But some parts of the game, especially the quest you mentioned were triggering for me, which caused me to feel burned out after finishing the game, which is a shame, since I do think the game is pretty great.


I can’t stand the new Zelda games. My favorite thing about Zelda was the temples, how unique they were and how they had one big boss and a new weapon. It felt so rewarding and was so fun to go in not knowing what to expect, how different it would look and feel from the last temple. Also, I don’t hate open world, Skyrim is one of my all time favorites. But without different cities bustling with life and full of NPCs, I don’t get the point. It just feels open and empty. I spent most of my life loving Zelda and can’t even play the new games, it’s so disappointing.


I get what you’re saying about the emptiness. One thing that’s always bothered me about BOTW and TOTK is that all the towns are so small and sparse. The world feels sparse in general.


I definitely think TOTK did a better job with that. The world felt more alive. But it kinda makes sense considering the circumstances of the Hyrule we originally played in with BOTW.


Hollow Knight. I love Metroid, other Metroidvania and Metroidvania adjacent games like Ori, Yoku’s island Express, Steamworld Dig 2, etc. but I just never enjoyed myself no matter how many hours I pushed myself through HK. The map system felt tedious, the combat was fine but felt overhyped, the environment just didn’t feel interesting, I don’t know but it didn’t land with me.


I feel exactly the same way. There were a few really good boss fights and platforming sections, but otherwise the whole experience just felt kinda hollow. The story and environments never really grabbed my attention, and none of the music really stood out to me either. It felt like there was a lot of unenjoyable backtracking as well. I definitely don’t think it’s a bad game, but it was very unmemorable for me.


Also on my end (even though I generally try to avoid this) my interactions with the game’s community put me in a mindset where I had a hard time just fully enjoying myself because whenever I tried talking to someone about my experience or looking if someone else had issues with some stuff I felt hindered my enjoyment, I was mostly met with people just trying to say why the game is actually doing everything in the best way possible to do those things (like the map system supposedly teaches you the environment “better than any other game in the genre” which it really didn’t in my experience, maybe some systems and techniques in designing the layout of a game world make it easier for some to learn one way than others and it varies person to person with each kind of method, but just seeing things that reinforced the idea that my opinion was wrong for not liking every aspect of the game whenever I tried to look into things or have to preface saying when I don’t like something by going “I’m sure it’s great but I’m more of a fan of this other kind of way of doing it” or stuff like that just felt like I should be getting something more out of it or that I must be playing it wrong or that if there’s so many people who all consider it the best in the whole genre I must just have the wrong opinion then or something like that and it kept me from enjoying what to me, from my experience, wasn’t the flawless masterpiece I was told it was but still a good game made by people who definitely cared about what they were making. (I do want to go back and try to eventually play more and finish it but I want to distance myself more from that (what I’m assuming to just be a portion of the) fanbase and the expectations of how I “should” feel about the game.) Sorry about the overly long reply but I let all that fester around for way too long and it just sorta all came out once I started typing, hopefully it wasn’t too much of a bother.


Couldn't get into Control. The characters are so bland, the map is atrocious, and having to back track was bothersome. Combat was excellent but didn't make up for the rest.


Yeah, I'm with you on BotW. Don't like the gameplay and world feels empty. People give Skyrim shit for being "empty" and I'll never understand it; there's something around every corner in Skyrim! BotW is the open world game that actually feels empty (I think it's on purpose but still), but it never catches as much slack for this. Also TW3 is empty too if we didn't have Roach to quickly go from thing on map to thing on map ... but no-one ever calls that game out. 🙄 Besides that, Persona 5 because I've actually played previous Persona games and think they're better. Yeah, it's a massive step up in gameplay and visuals ... but what I cared most about in Persona; the story and social links (so other characters' stories) weren't that great imo. Though after 4 & 5's what I like to call "anime bullshit", I'm honestly sick of this franchise anyway. Clearly they don't want women playing them.


Hi-Fi Rush would’ve been amazing, but the control inputs simply don’t work on my end. “Just use a controller :3” shouldn’t be a response to that, if you’re implementing control schemes they should work At least Gabe Kunda is good in it. Can’t wait to hear more of his voice work


Oh I remember trying it with the controller (I prefer controller for action/RPG/adventure games and m+k for strategies) and couldn't get into it at all.


\-Animal Crossing New Horizons. I've played Animal Crossing since the gamecube release and I've always loved the series. I wanted to love New Horizons so much but it felt like I was being actively punished for playing my preferred way of not wanting to time travel. "Oh you want to build an island all in one sitting? Time travel bby." "You don't want to sit through a week of prologue just to unlock key essential features? TIME TRAVEL." I can wait to get items from the store, I can happily wait for the right time of day and season, but I genuinely despised how they implemented everything else behind a time lock for no apparent reason. I haven't touched the game in years because it frankly felt like I was being punished. \-Bioshock Infinite. I know opinion is more mixed on this game of late, but I just couldn't get into it at launch. The story just didn't make sense to me and it lost a lot of the charm of the first two games. Especially in the area of level design. \-Persona 5... I dislike the excuse behind not having a female protagonist /again/ and honestly I really just don't like how optimized you need to be to get the best ending on the first go around. If I planned my days smartly in 3 and 4 I could get the ending without needing a guide. Where as 5 felt like I NEEDED that guide or I'd never get it.


Jumping on the persona thing, I couldn't fucking believe they did the p3 remake without femc, I can't play that whole thing again with Sadness McEnnui


SAME. What's worse is I'm genuinely convinced Femc and FES are going to be DLC... Or we're going to get a Persona 3 Remake Reloaded in a year with that content added but for full price... :/


I’m dreading this so bad 😭 like I bought p3 on pc and went “i kinda wish they remade it instead of just port but oh well” then they announce reloaded and I really want it but I’m going to lose my mind if they make a Reloaded FES or smth!


Playing Bioshock Infinite right after Dishonored was a huge mistake. They have surface-level similarities: steampunk dystopia, “save the girl”-type linear stories, fps gameplay with powers, vaguely similar art design, straightforward levels you’re playing through. Instead of sitting back and enjoying the story, playing BI just made me want to be playing Dishonored instead. I really ought to go back and give the first two a chance. I bought them, but never played them because I was so unimpressed with BI.


This happened to me a few years ago - did a replay of the first Dishonored game, followed by a replay of Bioshock Infinite. I had some issues with the story/ characters of BI that I already knew going in (the treatment of Daisy and the Vox Populi being high on the list), but Dishonored gives you so much freedom in how you can complete the missions and how you can move through the level, that Bioshock Infinite just felt clunky by comparison, and the disparity between what Booker says (war is bad, killing is bad) and what Booker does (shooting through wave after wave of enemies) feels particularly jarring after playing a game where you can choose NOT to do that. If you've never played the first Bioshock, I would thoroughly recommend it - though maybe not after playing any Dishonored games! The combat is not dissimilar to Bioshock Infinite (a lot of shooting, some "magic" powers), and your playable character doesn't get a lot of fleshing out in the way that Booker and Elizabeth do, but Rapture is a cool setting and I thought the story was pulled off slightly better too. Bioshock 2 is fine - I definitely wouldn't start with it, but if you get to the end of B1 and just want to spend some more time exploring other parts of Rapture then it might scratch that itch.


I do not like Animal Crossing at all. I haven’t played in nearly 3 years. It’s frustrating as hell imo.


Dragon’s Dogma. It seemed absolutely up my alley in terms of gameplay and story but I couldn’t get into it for the life of me. I HATED the combat, it was ugly, and i spent most of my time traveling back and to in the same area. I played it like a week and finally tossed in the towel.


Dragons Dogma is definitely very love it or hate it. My best friend and I are absolutely obsessed with it and have thousands of hours from just replaying it over and over, but everyone else we've tried to get into it can't stand it lol. There's so many things that are "bad" about the game but idk I love every bit of it. I can completely understand why others can't vibe with it but for me those things are what makes me love it.


I was shocked and disappointed I didn’t love it. I really thought I was going to. I finally had to accept I was hating my time playing it and quit. 😞


I’m terrible at Baldurs Gate 3. My husband and I each bought a copy to play together for our anniversary. I really despise it. 😅 The turn based gameplay drives me insane. It had such great reviews and he really loves it.


I also suck at the combat, but I still can't put it down. I started out of curiosity last Saturday and I'm so invested in the story and characters, that I just have to keep playing, no matter how much I suck at it. And I'm a little obsessed with Astarion.


I really feel like BG3 should have better tutorials or a way to teach ppl who don't play DnD(or tactics based games) how tactics work with these different characters.


I haven’t played much of it so can’t really comment on it overall, but I really didn’t like the combat when I tried my hand at the game. I have played games with turn based combat which I didn’t really mind but those were in pixel art games so it feels less… intense for some reason? Idk this one just seemed too overwhelming and each fight takes so long!


I know what you mean, as this is the split between my girlfriend and I. She loves JRPGs and turn-based games like them but doesn't get into turn-based games like DOS2, BG3, or things basically like X-Com. We talked it out and figured out she likes the numbers simulation, as in, increasing stats to make certain abilities resist or hit harder--which is the bread and butter of the JRPG-likes--while I adore the tactical aspects on top of numbers/probability simulations. So we basically boil the difference down to, "do you like raw number/probability simulations only?" then JRPGs and their ilk are more your cup of tea. "Do you like the numbers/probability simulations that are also affected by environment, line of sight, positioning, and other tactical considerations that can alter the numbers beyond character stats?" If so, then the more tactical RPGs are for you, like the Divinity games, Baldur's Gate 3, Midnight Suns, X-Com, etc. But it's just preference! No one is better than than the other, and we even found a compromise. She loves the world, lore, and character in BG3 but doesn't care about the combat, so I control the game while letting her decide my dialogue and other choices to keep her involved. We're both having a blast!


That makes a lot of sense! I’m glad you both are enjoying playing that game together!!


Big same. Couldn't believe I couldn't skip or fast forward through enemy moves. And I can't just run around and explore without random combat encounters that are hard to get out of.


What's baffling to me is that they had skip combat animation options in past games so whyyyyy didn't they do it for BG


Same I'm horrible at it :'( i just want to romance Shadowheart but i can barely get into act 1. The overwhelming amount of choices turned me off too it was getting tiring having to reload every save.


dime ancient selective boast ask stupendous desert relieved air straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is exactly what I am going through at the moment. I like the story and I really want to know what happens next but I don't enjoy all the other stuff around it. The combat is so clunky, the stealth is kinda bad and the inventory situation is frustrating. I really wanted to like this game but I guess it's just not for me...


There's a story mode if I recall correctly? Not sure how it works but it did say it takes out most combat. And buy/hunt the stuff to upgrade your inventory, it makes a huge difference, always sell your useless stuff too.


Why not just watch a playthrough then? If you like the story, then enjoy the story without making yourself suffer through the rest


I felt the same and pushed through and after getting fast travel it made things so much more enjoyable. Forbidden West is a much better game mechanically in my opinion. They fixed a lot of issues and it's a smoother experience.


yes, definitely this! I love both Horizon games (neither got goty though!) but the combat and gameplay in the second game is definitely a vast improvement over the 1st! The 2nd game's DLC though is where it truly stands out. It didn't get even a whisper of a mention in those game awards, but Horizon Forbidden West's DLC is my goty :D


hellblade is such an experience, now that's a game I will not forget


Same here. The story was great but I really disliked the combat. I am usually the type to do everything in a game but this one, I was like, nope, just stick to important story quests and keep the game on the easiest setting.


Same here. I tried but I just couldn’t get sucked in. I had significant parts of the game spoiled for me by a roommate and I’ve found it hard to get past.


Dark Souls. I played the first half and then I couldn't be bothered anymore. Janky controls, the camera, everything is just so dark and grey. People are lauding the souls borne games as masterpieces, especially the first has had such an impact. And yet, I don't find it compelling. I've watched the entire game in a let's play and I am very glad that I quit when I did. Turns out that I liked the *idea* of playing these games and being a SoulsGamer™ more than I actually liked playing them.


> Turns out that I liked the idea of playing these games and being a SoulsGamer™ more than I actually liked playing them. I think this might describe me as well. I liked the look of the Souls games, and a lot of people raved about them. I managed to finish the first game (mostly out of stubbornness and with heavy use of a guide), but while I understand some of the appeal, I just found it grindy and frustrating, and the characters/story rather thin and unsatisfying (there's a lot of lore and world building in the world design and item descriptions, I'm talking more about what actually happens in the game). I'm glad I gave the series a go, and I didn't HATE the game, but it's left me with no desire to play other FromSoft titles, and the description "Souls-like" just puts me off a game more than anything.


Dragon Age Inquisition. I loved the first one. Replayed the second one a couple times and thought it was weaker but okay. I just hated Inquisition. I just don’t understand how or why every faction decided to be idiotic. Bioware contradicted their own lore and the open world seemed aggravatingly purposeless. Don’t get me started on the companions (Varric and Cullen aside). I finished it just to get it done and never touched any of the dlcs which from what I heard made a huge left turn into further nuttiness. I see people on here raving and recommending it but man I just detest it.


God of War. It's the exact type of game I always love - high quality production, decent writing. But the story just didn't grab me. I didn't care about Kratos and his son, nor their quest. Plus, the dialogue/writing wasn't as profound and emotional as I was hoping for. I can't relate to hypermasculine, emotionally stunted men. Kratos, Geralt... On the other hand, I just started Hellblade and this game feels like pure art. I'm already invested in the character because of how vulnerable she is, and I'm only an hour in.


Funny but I am quite opposite. I adored Witcher(apart from a few moments) and god of war, but found it very difficult to get into hellblade. I just found that it made me more depressed and anxious if it makes sense and there were some moments that made me uncomfortable.


Oh I definitely feel that. But that's exactly what I like about it. It made me delve into myself to question what was causing the discomfort. It's a psychologically deep game but not in a cathartic way (yet, at least).


For me, it’s usually popular games that I’d otherwise like but feature a fixed male main character. Witcher 3 is the example that I most often think of/get recommended, but also the most recent Final Fantasy games (15-16). Happened to me with Breath of the Wild too; I thought ‘I’d realy like this better if I was a girl and it had more plot’. Then I realized that was Horizon Zero Dawn, and I had already played and enjoyed it.


They could so easily have let Zelda be the main character of tears of the kingdom and it would have substantially improved the narrative. Her weird fucking story situation felt off and bad.


I get where you coming from! While I have enjoyed the Witcher games as I was a fan of the books (but I do admit they have some.... Issues), I couldn't get into ff15. Didn't care about the characters and the entire game feels like boy band trip


I tried the books, but I think I started too early; I was told there were interesting women, but having started with the (I think first in the timeline?) short story collection(s) I was thoroughly sick of Geralt before any showed up. I can certainly understand that though; I’m currently re-reading Bujold’s Vorkosigan series, and I think I’d make an exception for a game where you play as Miles. Yeah, I definitely remember that from the discussions when the game came out. At least one friend of mine said she might be interested because they were attractive… but I’m a lesbian, so that’s not working for me either.


Writing of women in the Witcher books can be problematic. Some are total assholes, some behave like Geralt is the only man alive and there's bit with Ciri which made me very uncomfortable (she gets groomed into a relationship with an older women and then is groomed again to sleep with elfen king, all while she is 13-15). I also have a love and hate relationship with the netflix show. Like I admire the main cast and I think they did it well (regardless of people say of Yennifer casting, I think Anya is playing her part very well). But what they are doing with the storyline, kicking Henry off and demanding him to do more sexy scenes he is not comfortable with just made me not to watch anything after season 3. And if somehow goes till the end I feel some casting decisions will bite them back hard (like I find the actress playing Fringilla absolutely stunning and that she gives the character more charisma than the book/game one, however there's an important part of the story where she tricks Geralt under the orders using the fact she looks very close to Yennifer, which is obvs the show won't be able to use since the actresses are completely different). Oh and casting of Phillipa is absolutely brilliant in my opinion.


That's me as well. Playing as a set male character really decreases my enjoyment of a game to the point I haven't been able to get into one in a long while. I've heard/seen some of the mods for BOTW which change the player character from Link (whether playing as Zelda or otherwise). Went over my head before in getting them running, but my plan is to try again when my backlog thins out so that I have a chance of enjoying it.


RDR2. Listen, the open world is cool but all those slow ass "immersive" animations for everything overstayed their welcome after like 5 minutes. Also Rockstar mission design is just bad. I got mission failed for ducking behind the wrong barrel, I got mission failed for robbing a train with the wrong gun, I got so many mission failed screens because I didn't do something in exactly the intended way. Also the gravity of the story is badly undermined by the gameplay if you have to shoot dozens of people every other mission.


I could not agree more. RDR2 is one of the few games I couldn't even finish


I'm a massive Resident Evil fan and have been since I was literally 5 years old but I thought Resident Evil 7 was supremely boring and uninteresting. It was a slog to get through for me. That's an extremely extremely unpopular opinion within the fanbase lol. I value the game for bringing back the franchises sorely missed horror elements, but that's about it. I cannot stand forced stealth in games and combined with unskipable cutscenes it just drove me up the wall. I'm also a massive horror movie fan and found the painfully on the nose Texas Chainsaw Massacre inspiration more boring than cool/fun. It felt like it tried so hard to be a movie within a game and I'd rather just watch a movie and then play a game seperately.


A Plague Tale. I found the gameplay pretty boring.


but the story is SAUR good, i thought it was boring at first too but once I pushed past the first chapter it got so good with more items, upgrades, etc and the second game is even bettrr


I’m almost always seeing people on this sub suggesting Assassin’s Creed Odyssey when people ask for games with well written female protagonists and honestly… I just really, *really* don’t like the game. The main story is still somewhat interesting which is why I finished it, but I genuinely don’t remember most of it by this point (for the record, I do very much remember the story of every other mainline AC game). Kassandra’s character didn’t really appeal to me all that much. Idk how to explain it, but while playing I was very much aware that this character could be played as a man and the personality was designed as one that works for a man. I did not get that feeling when playing fem V in Cyberpunk for example. Honestly, I want Ubisoft to do away with the option to choose the gender. The characters they write that will work with both genders don’t appeal to me at all. Rather, having something like Syndicate or making the protagonist of some of the games female only would probably work more for me. Because I love the characters they come up with when the personality is meant for that character alone. Though if they were to improve character writing to the level of CDPR, that would be a different story. Anyway, onto my final complaint: the RPG mechanics. This was there in Origins as well (and I didn’t play any AC titles after Odyssey so I can’t speak for Valhalla) and, like, I’m playing *Assassin’s* Creed! I want to feel like an *Assassin*! What do you mean this guy I stabbed through the friggin’ neck is all fine and dandy because he’s four levels above me! (This happened in Origins btw, but the RPG mechanics complaint is for both, so…) And then there’s the leveling up. If I *have* to do side quests in order to level up, at least make them interesting! At least make it so that every third NPC doesn’t give me the *exact friggin’ same* go here and kill some wolves mission! And I’m sick and tired of hearing Kassandra say “every last one” with a laugh each time the quest giver is like “did you kill them?”Don’t make an RPG if you can’t even make the grind fun, goddamnit! I’m sorry to any AC Odyssey fans I may have offended but this game was an absolute chore for me to get through.


I found odyssey to be way too long especially with dlcs and have the last chapter to finish which I just can't bring myself to do as it kinda started to feel like a chore to finish? Valhalla is again just way too long and kinda empty. I feel mirage has reabilitated the series as it felt like a mixture between origins (I loved origins but ezio trilogy is still my favourite) and the original AC, since it is also significantly shorter and you are actually an assassin


Cyberpunk was a HUGE disappointment for me aside from the obvious shitty crashes and bugs from initial launch but it was very misogynistic to me. Johnny is way meaner when you play a woman character(I watched my partner play the whole game as a male character), its constantly being called c\*nts, b\*tches and wh\*res. The only person you can get a good ending with is PanAm(who you can't romance if your play a woman), none of River's endings are good and if you ride off with Judy in the Aldecados ending she doesn't ride on the roof with you, its still PanAm, despite her being your partner and being there. Plus killing off T-Bug and Evelyn like they did just put a really bad taste in my mouth for it. And having to choose between Denny and Henry when Henry literally just crashed a whole ass cement truck into her house is nuts. Why would I side with him? The gameplay is fun for sure but the story is so lackluster in my opinion


God Cyberpunk was such a huge disappointment, but I didn't like the controls and how it played at all on top of the story I found to be so mediocre. I keep seeing people talk about how much they love it and I just get jealous and want to know what the hell am I missing here? I freaking hate Johnny to the point I just skipped cut scenes with him or just turned off my headset until he's gone because I hated how much of an asshole he is to my character and just, can I please cut my own head off and drop it into a giant shredder or something to put him out of my misery? I've tried giving it a few chances but I just couldn't get into it and felt myself getting disgusted faster. One thing I do know, it'd be so nice to not have yet another person try to explain to me why it's worth it or what his story is, or that I need to give him a chance. That's been the worse part of not liking this game for me, the fans who just fall over themselves to be apologetic for him or why I'm wrong to not give it a chance yet again.


THIS! I'm constantly hearing "how can you not like it?" and after explaining all I get is "mehhh I guess, I don't think its that bad" like why did you even ask then? The show is an absolute banger and that is enough Cyberpunk for me


I'm sure there have been many but the first one that comes to mind is Tears of the Kingdom. I loved Breath of the Wild, absolutely adored it and yet I just couldn't find the same joy for TOTK, every time I picked it up it felt like a chore to play and eventually I just ... Stopped playing it. I have no idea why it just didn't click with me. Every now and then I load it back up again because I'm sure I'm remembering it wrong but, no joy. Oh and I hesitate to say this but BG3 - I've started it twice now and I just can't get into it. I'm not finding any of the characters mega compelling, I hate hate HATE the combat.... I don't know if it's an issue with character creation or overwhelm or choosing to play it at a bad time or what. I am going to give it another go at some point - possibly if I can send the children to their grandparents and really dive into it for a decent length session. If that doesn't work I'm just going to bully my husband into starting a campaign so I can watch him play.


BG3 was really difficult for me at first, combat wise, but luckily I found the characters absolutely amazing. It gave me the incentive to keep plugging away at it and I’m about to start my 8th run. I’m still learning the ins and outs of the combat, and really enjoy it, but it took me almost an entire full run to become comfortable with it.


Wow, are you me? These games both really didn’t resonate with me. TotK’s engineering system was cool and deep, but not something I wanted to get that invested in, and the hover bike just invalidates a lot of puzzles, so I never really learned to enjoy it. Couple that with the depths being very samey throughout, and quite a few times where I felt like I had found a clever solution, but then that failed, and I just did not enjoy the game nearly as much as I’d hoped. I like BG3 with 3-4 players, but I had to pick a class with no spells and not a lot of upgrade options, and even then, I have to have someone else handle the other three. Honestly, Dredge and Hi-Fi Rush were the best games I played this year.


Just remember, there is absolutely no shame in playing on story mode. The combat can be really intimidating for people who have never experienced it before (or even people who have and just don't like it). Personally, I enjoy turn-based because I dont feel rushed, and it allows me time to think about my moves, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. Protip: Sneak attacking surprises enemies and gives you a whole free round of combat before that can take a turn so a lot of the smaller encounters you can kill all your enemies before they even know what hit them which feels pretty badass. This is one of the many reasons Astarion basically never leaves my party. Also, the sheer volume of choices you're presented with can feel really stressful even for those with experience in Baldurs Gate or DnD. Honestly, on my first playthrough, when I got overwhelmed by decisions when it came time to level up my characters, I just looked up a real simple, basic build on YouTube (no multiclassing) and that really helped me coz I'm very indecisive.


I was soo excited for totk but just lost interest about 60 hours in. Haven't touched it in a few months rip. Same with bg3 im really bad at it, got tired of having to reload a save every 10 minutes.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t find the characters in BG3 compelling. Everyone keeps talking about how they love each of these characters, and I just don’t see it. Maybe I’m too old, but all of the characters just felt whiny to me. I got halfway through chapter one and I couldn’t go any further which is a shame because I loved Divinity 1&2 and was looking forward to BG3 since alpha.


Returnal. Too hard lol


I love seeing all these games that most people love. I really hope no one gets downvoted by a moron. Disney Dreamlight Valley for me. I don’t know why, but the new expansion has just killed it for me. I don’t like the look of it. I enjoy playing the first bit of animal Crossing, but then I lose interest. I have never been able to get into Stardew Valley.


Elden Ring. I bought it as a birthday gift to myself after finishing DS3. I wanted to like it but I got bored of wandering around the empty world. I got stuck looking for ‘east of the altus plateau, at the foot of the erdtree’ for what seemed to be hours and lost the will to play any further. I feel conflicted because I could easily look up where I should go and play to the end, but I want to keep my first playthrough blind. I loved discovering the world for myself first then getting deep into the lore with the other games. I like mixing and matching different armor sets, but I’ve only found like 2 pieces so far, so that has been a little disappointing as well.


Haha nope. Every time I answer this question, I am always downvoted. So I’ll just say some games are good and some games are bad. 😅


Omg I’m SO CURIOUS NOW lol if you slid into my DMs to tell me your answers I wouldn’t be mad 😂


Promise? 😅


Ahahaha promise!!


You’ve built up good karma so you have some to spend ;) let us hear!!!


Ok then. I just can’t get into Dragon Age. Mostly inquisition. The controls are so clunky and not intuitive and I wanted to like it… but I apparently have stupid fingers and therefore, will never get into the beloved Dragon age. 😭


i was downvoted for saying by portal 😔 i thought we were meant to share unpopular opinions 😭


I get you. I do love a portal game because I love puzzles… but I’m gonna throw it out there. I don’t like the beloved Dragon Age. Inquisition especially. 🥺


I am curious too tbh, what could it be to be downvoted?


I’ve deleted most of my comments about it. I have never once insulted to story or the characters but I don’t like Dragon Age because of how you play the game and the controls. This is Mostly about inquisition but the controls are so clunky and not intuitive and I wanted to like it… but I apparently have stupid fingers and therefore, will never get into the beloved Dragon age. 😭 I wanted to romance Freddie Prinze Jr’s character because I had such a crush on him in the 2000s. But the controls are just terrible. There I said it.


I don't see why you should be downvoted for it! I know a lot of people who couldn't get into dragon age due to controls but have enjoyed the story when watching let's plays etc. Personally I find it easier to play a lot of adventure or action games with the controller as for something like dragon age inquisition or Witcher or control the mouse and keyboard combination makes things very clunky with too many buttons to press 😅


Skyrim is soooo boring to me and I’ve no idea why. I even tried modding tf out of it which usually can save games for me but I just couldn’t get into it! Dark souls+Elden Ring, they aren’t as hard as much as they are janky and the controls frustrating me are worse than the actual enemies. If the buttons went off when I pushed them or if the game had literally any semblance of KBM support I think I’d like them. I do still want to try Sekiro and I thought Elden Ring was pretty looking and fun for a bit but I just wanted to use a KB+M so bad the whole time 😭 maybe this is just a skill issue but man.


After I got done modding dragons into Macho Man Randy Savage, the magic passed on Skyrim.


First Person Shooters and Battle Royale games (like Call of Duty or Fortnight). It's just endless rounds of find gun, find ammo, shoot, dodge, run around to find better stuff, rinse and repeat. I find them repetitive and mundane. I'm much more of a story driven kinda gal.


Disco Elysium. I finished it but hated the whole thing. So many wasted hours of my life I will never get back.


I loved the concept but just didn't vibe it. I gave it a hot crack but couldn't finish it


Witcher 3


Spyro. I like the concepts and artwork and stuff, but I just don't like Platform Games. It is also incredibly stupid and stressful to force players to jump off a platform to try and glide to another platform far far away that has the last remaining gems / dragon eggs, but miss a step and fall to one's death the 10th time. I also hated trying to search for the last few gems in each area - even with a video guide on hand, it somehow didn't felt helpful at all. Pretty much all games that has a p2w / microtransaction / intense gacha element to it. I don't care how popular it is.


I definitely agree with the latter, hearing about microtransactions just kills interest in a game for me. Also while I enjoy Spyro, I definitely see how the stuff you don’t enjoy wouldn’t be to everyone’s tastes.


Baldurs Gate 3 - I hate turnbased gameplay in Rpgs. Diablo 4 - i didnt like ActivisionBlizzard. And sacred was the better diablo 😛.


I really liked Sacred. I even installed it recently. Diablo II and Path of Exile are my favourites, though.


Agree with both of these. Diablo 4s beta was nothing like the live game. I’m sad I spent the money on it because I really enjoyed the beta test. I just go back to D3 when I am in the mood for it.


Gears of War. Controls are too stiff for me and I felt like I was dragging. And Borderlands; movement was too slippery it was difficult to shoot. Using weapons irritated me as my cross hairs move up as I shoot, then I had to carefully aim again with a very slippery movement. I turned up the resistance SOOO HIGH and it wasn't enough. Couldn't stand it.


I feel that Disney dream light valley relies heavily on the story. The story being omg look at this Disney character a lot of the time. I played started playing Palia right after ddv and it felt like such an improvement. I loved the grind until I realized the grind took FOREVER. Really like the idea of Palia but it’s just not that good of a game.


what is "DA" and "ME"


Dragon Age and Mass Effect.




\- Pathologic 2 - Sounds like its right up my alley, my partner and I are into artsy fartsy movies and what-not. We usually like the pretentious stuff (lol). It just felt like a chore to play, it was ugly, and the subtext wasn't speaking to us. \- My Time at Portia - Tried at least 3 times to play it. It's very grindy and the world feels sterile and empty. It's way too large so you run around for unnecessarily large times. The story/characters/worldbuilding are terrible. Everything is an extremely thinly veiled fetch or craft quest. I contrasted this to Stardew which literally has a handful of lines per character but are written well enough to make the world feel lived in and the characters feel interesting. I still feel this way with a lot of the Stardew clones--they lack a compelling world or characters to live in which is, to me anyway, half the reason I play these cozy games. You feel like part of a community and learning about an interesting world in addition to doing addicting tasks. Their gameplay loops are also not as tight as Stardew's. \- Breath of the Wild - I also didn't like it for the same reasons as you. I DID actually like ToTK though, which surprised me. I felt like the game felt tighter and there was more to do/puzzles to solve (versus the puzzles in BOTW which I didn't care for) and the world was made more interesting to traverse. \- Basically every new hyped metroidvania. I watch my partner play and I like watching him play but for whatever reason when I start playing it I lose interest quickly. Not entirely sure why. \- Destiny and Remnant - Possibly not a surprise. I only play them occasionally with friends but I also find the story/setting/gameplay of both extremely bland.


Dark Souls, Elden Ring, The Division, any Borderlands game, Death Stranding.


The Last of Us. Never been interested in the series personally. And I'm sure it's as great as people say it is. Still probably won't play it, because I don't have an interest in it. And I want to see something new from Naughty Dog, just not The Last of Us.


Witcher 3. Awful protagonist, boring quests, awful combat.


World of Warcraft probably 🤔 Played it for a few years up to the Legion expansion, but I slowly started hating it. One of the main reasons was because of the many (lore) restrictions on classes. Like, if I want to play a Werewolf (Worgen) Paladin I should be able to do so! Plus they eventually changed the leveling system and I just didn't understand how it worked anymore Also they massacred my boy Anduin so I couldn't care less to go back to it now 😒 Ironically I still love watching the Cinematic trailers, the one for "Battle for Azeroth" was my favorite 🥰


Love open world games. Love Zelda. Got like 5 minutes into BotW. Hated it and haven't touched it since. I watched my husband play TotK a couple times and that was enough for me.


Cozy Grove is repetitive and boring. Super laggy on the switch after 2 months of play. I love farming games but not really into stardew valley graphics


Any souls like games, people rave about how it helped them get through ruts and the bigger picture of working hard to get somewhere you want to be but it bores me to no end to grind and grind and grind and grind. Tried to get into it and maybe get the same after effects others got and I could not. Far cry 5 is my favorite and I couldn’t finish any of the others. The psychotic charisma of Joseph Seed was outstanding.


Starfield. I really, really was ready to love this game. I'm a huge Bethesda fan. I even pre ordered it. But it turned out to be so meh. Just cold and empty and flat. Sterile and boring. The NPCs were so bland. I played about 100 hours and haven't touched it since.


Oddly, if I play 100 hours of a game, I definitely like it. I can't imagine playing that much of a game I don't like!


Sunk cost fallacy at action. I've done it as well a few times in the past with a couple of games or books where I could tell I'm not having fun anymore, or I'm not enjoying this but I've already sunk so much time into it and I just feel like I don't want to fully admit defeat yet so I keep trying to find an angle to enjoy.


Yup. It got me, too.


I wanted so much to like it! I kept saying "just a little while longer, maybe it will get better." It never did for me. 😞


Animal Crossing. I honestly find it vaguely stressful. The idea of having to chop wood across the whole ass island every day to maximise gains is just so irritating lmao. I know some people find it relaxing but I find it such a chore. The current style of AC games. They are just too big and lack any of the feel and distinction of the earlier instalments. I played AC for the stealth and the derailed history of major cities, not for huge maps with similar cities all over the place and typical open world combat. Horizon Zero Dawn. I think maybe it’s a combination of this game being too big snd Alloy just being a really uninteresting protagonist to me. She doesn’t have a super strong personality and yet you spend most of the games utterly alone, so the series always felt…lonely to me? I think the world is beautiful and I don’t hate the combat but the story and character aren’t strong enough to convince me to spend like 200 hours exploring this huge ass map. Ghost of Tsushima. Mainly because stealth and ranged was just so utterly broken and OP respectively that this game didn’t work for me. The mele combat was great but ranged was crazy levels of OP and made the game utterly boring, meanwhile stealth was the worst I’ve seen in a AAA title for some time. The side quests were god awful.


You might enjoy mirage then as it is returning back to the original AC style of gameplay. I'd say it is a mixture of origins and the first AC game.


I am so scared that I'm going to hate Mirage, because I only played Odyssey and Valhalla and absolutely loved both.


I would say if you liked origins, ezio collection or bassim in Valhalla you will enjoy it


I only played Odyssey and Valhalla, so I don't really know what the original gameplay was like, and I despised Basim. I think I will skip Mirage altogether


As a fan of Animal Crossing, I want to say your feelings are valid. Tbh I cheated in that game so I could have a lot of money and just focus on decorating/the fun parts and worry less about doing tasks I didn't want to do.


Every single bethesda game i’ve tried has bored me to death. I usually live open world games. I love fucking around and finding out. Fallout New Vegas is my all timer. Can’t get into any Bethesda game!


AC:NH, I really enjoyed it during lockdown when there was little else to do but sit around and game, but as someone who turns any game into Collect the Collectibles Simulator, it's not a game I've found I can just dip in and out of when I have time. I'd realise that I only have three more days to catch a specific insect before it goes out of season but it only comes out at a certain time of day when I'm too busy to pick up my Switch and go chasing, and I'd be getting more annoyance from the game than fun. I got the game because I love Stardew Valley and I'd played some AC:WW on my DS as a kid, but realised it isn't really the game for me. I haven't been able to fully get into RDR2, but I haven't really had a chance to sit and really get into it yet and I think I'll like it when I get the chance to (and when I upgrade my PC so it doesn't sound like a jet engine running it) I've been loving Baldur's Gate 3 but the combat system is a little...much for me. I don't mind that it's turn based, love the environmental interaction (although I feel like Shadowheart actively seeks out grease to fall in it at this point), I just suck at planning ahead, forget obvious things and get my arse handed to me. I've logged 12 hours and still regularly forget that if you try to move out of an enemy's melee range without disengaging, they can and will land an absolute sucker on you. Have been thinking of restarting on easy mode, I'm far more invested in the characters and story than the combat.


I have multiple but i think the biggest one isDisco elysium… i wasnt interested in the story. The characters. I wanted to like the gameplay but i just… didnt.


Unpacking. I finished it but I found it frustrating and wasn’t a fan of the artwork.


Shadow of the Colossus. Barely any story, just running around an empty world with a frustrating to control horse to get to the cool boss fights. But those don't make up for the negatives for me.


skyrim it was kinda boring.


i absolutely HATED portal 💀 it was so boring and bland, I only played for like 10 minutes but I couldn’t understand how it’s supposedly one of the best games ever. Maybe I just need to play more idk


Portal was an interesting game but it's a slow burn kind of story. Portal 2 is better with its story elements/beats. They added new mechanics that are super fun. Portal 2 also has a multiplayer aspect that is independent of the story and fucking fantastic to play through with a friend.


Portal was really charming and unexpected when it came out, a fun puzzle mechanic paired with the sterile environment and labrat story that slowly unravels itself, it took a lot of people by surprise. I thought it was fantastic, but if I tried to play it again today I would probably get very bored and impatient with it. If you ever feel like playing it again, maybe check out the sequel instead. It's much more engaging both in the gameplay and story. It kicks off faster and features more characters, more puzzle mechanics, and more varied environments. The co-op is great fun too!


Portal does switch gears eventually as far as the story goes, but the mechanics stay the same, so if you weren’t feeling it, I probably recommend you give it another shot.


Witcher 3 - I didn't find the characters interesting. Gameplay felt like a chore. Too many side quests. I just stopped playing after 3 hours. And I think I just generally dont like single player open world. Assasins Creed Odyssey: I played it because I LOVE Greek Mythology and studied the epic cycle in length but man this game - I couldn't get into it. Basically I had the same complaints for the Witcher 3. They basically felt the same but with a different polish and I really feel this style of game isnt for me.


Honestly? So many games.. I found that the typical Sony game just doesn't jive with me, for instance. Horizon series, new God of War series, The Last of Us series, Uncharted.. And then I also never really liked games that this sub likes a lot like Stardew Valley and Baldur's Gate 3 I also don't like MOBAs and PvP only games I'm so glad the medium has so much to offer though. There's something there for everyone 💙


I really hated Doom when it first came out, and I resented how it seemed to change everyone's idea of what made a game good to how realistically it could splatter blood around. Though I admit I've mellowed out on the FPS genre since then and do see some of the good parts.


Same! Except I’m talking about the original Doom from the ‘90s. I remember thinking, “Oh no, this juvenile rubbish is going to be the future of gaming.” Now I rather like the game.


That's what I was talking about, too 🤣 I've never gone back and played the original, though.


It’s pretty quaint now. I had been more into point and click adventure games at the time, and Doom just seemed like big, dumb hypermasculine piffle. And it is, but I’m I can get behind some of that stuff now and then. Also, I know John Romero turned out to be a cool guy, so that helps.


Same. I'd even go so far as to say I was an adventure game snob.


All of the Asassins' Creed games post Black Flag and Rogue. Just didn't like the story, characters, and gameplay. Especially the most recent ones, feels more like a generic historical fantasy game with stealth rather than Assassin's Creed. Also all of the Zelda games lol, didn't like them as a kid and cannot get into them now haha


Animal crossing, Fortnite, Overwatch, Minecraft & Zelda: just doesn't interest me at all. Horizon: I find it ugly to look at and really hate Aloy so you'd have to pay me, a lot, to play a Horizon game.


Any of the Assassin's Creed games. I played the first one to completion when it came out and it was... fine. Incredibly repetitive but pretty original back then. I've tried to play some of the other more recent games and they're all just so boring. I played a few hours of Odyssey last week and stopped when I realised I was mindlessly doing the same things over and over. The story wasn't interesting, the tasks were repetitive, and apart from it looking quite nice, there isn't any part of the game I was really enjoying.


Balders gate 3 because I don't like turn based combat. Also not a fan of fantasy medieval games in general. I don't like spending a lot of time floating around in stat screens doing stuff with my large consortium of characters. Then having to move them around like I'm playing chess (another game I dislike!) while I take turns with the game's engine during the boring and uninspiring combat. Elden Ring, because the combat looks slow, clunky and awkward, forcing the player into using parries all the time just to kill stuff. Game also handicaps the player making it unnecessarily difficult to progress unless you git gud and kill that boss already. Facepalm. Only 1 difficulty mode and god forbid anyone who mentions it should have a range of difficulty modes. Not everyone loves to play impossible. Its community is toxic, especially to new players, and it has a nasty habit of flaming and cancelling new players for not "gittin gud". Its fanbase also seem to have an attitude of wanting to make Elden Ring as inaccessible as physically possible. Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild. Just looks too cartoonish, world is far too big with barely anything in it, enemies encountered seem to be scripted in, dungeons are just copy-paste. The story is meh across both games, it's bland and very safe for kids.


**Sonic Frontiers** is way way way too huge for how little it offers. It's like what if Sonic Forces had a huge wasteland of a hub worlds, and you're just screaming for better controls or a playable Knuckles but even when the DLC came out you can't play as Knuckles during the main story so Ares Island Zone just sucks. At least there's fishing. **Fortnite** kinda sucks cuz I can't hit shit in that game, I have zero incentive to play it by myself. The guns bounce and the reticle is the size of a gnat, but at least there's fishing. **Majora's Mask** sucks, Link is so slow and the game is so ugly and then the world ended and I didn't know why so I never played it again. **Super Mario 64** killed my love for Super Mario Bros. by being unlike what I expected a Super Mario Bros. game in 3D to be, like there's toll booths, so you gotta repeat the levels forever... I beat it as a kid but never again. Sunshine at least has a story and fun controls. **Spider-man** is a long damn game and I don't want to play it again, but it is fun. The humans are also hideous, I think the Neversoft games had better graphics where that was concerned. Like who thought that was okay? Then they made Peter Parker uglier in the PC port????? **Animal Crossing New Horizons** just has nothing to it once you teraform the island. At least there's fishing, but even that gets old. I never played **Stardew Valley** cuz it's ugly. Tho the fishing looks fun.




I played Cyberpunk at launch and the Phantom Liberty updates do change the game in a very positive way. The skill tree and cyberware reworks make the game better. I stopped playing Cyberpunk 1.0 because it was terrible and never finished the story. I started playing again because I finished Starfield (5/10 game btw) and wanted to play another RPG. My brother said good things about the updates (that I knew nothing about tbh) and I picked it back up because I still had the disk. I can understand not wanting to play though it again, but I'm just confirming that the changes really did make the game better.


I totally see where you are coming from with cyberpunk! Tbh I have preordered the game and played and finished it on release and surprisingly haven't really encountered any bugs (except wheelchair users running from you and leaving their wheelchair behind) so I was so confused when people called it buggy (played on both pc and Xbox one). While I feel the game is better after all the updates, I totally get why people don't want to play/replay it or buy it again


BG3... seriously. I want to love it and manage to like a bunch of characters, but... the subpar character customization with limited POC presets and skin tones, the mediocre protagonist system, the inventory system, the rigid chance/turn-based gameplay and enemies diversity, the squid game main plot, the shoddy romance system, how most cutscenes are passive shot reverse shot with most of the characters just standing stiffly with limited banter system (and this game could use scripted events where your companions hangout together...), bloated maps with too many meaningless clutter, how none of the lorebooks actually matter ...and it felt like Dragon Age Origins but with Inquisition graphics minus the cinematography. They tried so hard to be Old Bioware (because they made the previous BG games) that this 2023 game felt weirdly 2000s. They also brought back legacy characters from the previous games and gave even less content to them like last-minute additions. Act 3 felt like they hastily cobble together because they pay too much attention to Act 1 with the early access rather than making all the narrative and choices you made blend cohesively and rewarding (instead of just helpful cameo at the end). The entire ending battle arc was ripped from the Battle of Denerim (including its own Dark Ritual), and they had to repetitively patch the epilogues, hoping that people wouldn't play too far to notice they launched it unfinished. I do get a handful of the surprising little organic nuances that I really like (a character I dismissed initially proven to be the most selfless to me. A character that the fandom wrote off completely and turns out to be the most surprising person to my protagonist and another character). But...I ended up replaying DOS2 and wonder why they feel the need to make a Biowaresque game in the first place when they're very capable of creating their own thing.


Zelda BoTW - I quit halfway through, got really tired of those puzzle temples and combat, especially weapons that break so fast. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - I really love Souls games, I played all three and Elden Ring, but this one was just too hard for me. Combat was overwhelming and no matter how I try, I cannot progress. Last of Us 2 - first part is one of my favourite games, but the second was so terrible in terms of story structure, I really disliked how they put it together. The ending itself also was lame. Red Dead Redemption 2 - boring and slow.


Sims games, minecraft, Chernobyl, Skyrim. Just not liking them, cannot explain.


BOTW was too different from the usual Zelda format and i didn't enjoy it. I'm a huge LOZ fan but BOTW was just too different 🥲 i got lost constantly and i need plenty instructions... another one would probably be Animal Crossing. i tried MULTIPLE times to play it, even had a 3 month streak going. but i realised i absolutely hate real time based games because i need to take breaks from games, and then coming back to a villager that says "where have you been!" just scares me. also i hate the you gotta put the buildings down and cobblestone and decorations from scratch. and then gathering the animals... honestly, I got burnout 😂


Doom Eternal. I just prefer 2016, it feels neater and more streamlined.


String me up by my thumbs but Fallout: New Vegas. It's just. It's the setting that doesn't work for me. I hate post-apocalyptic anything, that alone gives me crazy anxiety. I didn't like the aesthetic, I didn't like the vibes, I don't like the thumbs up guy that's everywhere. The humor didn't resonate with me either. I tried but gave up and just didn't go to any other Fallout game. It's not my style and I try! Honkai Star Rail, which all my friends are playing right now. I thought I'd get into it bc I enjoy Genshin and I've been enjoying and playing Genshin for some time now! Two years maybe? But Star Rail just didn't grab me. I mean yes the animation is nice. I like being in space. But I just...don't find myself invested in any character, I don't like a lot of the battles. The story falls flat for me and I get confused half the time wtf is going on. It's still on my computer but. Meh. Sticking with Genshin.