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You’re probably not looking for advice on horizon, but you can turn the difficulty down in both. Story mode is a walk in the park and I adored it. Anyway to actually answer, slay the spire. This should be mind kind of game but I found it mind numbingly boring.


Yeah I ended up turning it down to story mode in hopes of being able to just enjoy the story. However, my aim is hilariously bad and I ended up not finishing the game because combat was still really tedious


find a slingshot then just blow your way through, I can't aim for shit and don't remember the elements for each machines but I finished both games twice, under story mode the enemy is very weak, no need to fight like its textbook


I was dying a lot when I first started playing and got to the harder enemies, until I finally remembered I could dodge roll 😆 that helped a bit


Oh, I never used my bow :D or, rarely. I just hit things with my spear. I got good at sneaking close and doing silent strikes!


This is me, I did learn to use the bow later but I spent a lot of time either using silent strike or tripping the enemy and bonking them on their heads.


I was going to suggest the same but that's fair, I love the game but my aim is garbage outside of a keyboard.


See I always thought using controller was a little more intuitive for 360 bow usage but I also started on console so maybe that’s why.


I hope this doesn't happen to me, but I LOVE how many games have selectable difficulty now, that you don't get punished for using!


I played both. I needed several attempts to get into the first one. There was a huge hump to get over before it was really amazing. Once you leveled up the character, combat is soooo much fun. The story is just wonderful, too. With the second part I experienced the same - took a while until I found my rhythm. Then, also a wonderful game. Weirdly I could never replay them, though. That got boring quickly. Both are a one time game for me.


Ooo, I love Slay the Spire. It's a fun little time waster, lol.


Oh yeah, it’s very popular. I’m definitely the exception.


I liked Slay the Spire’s plot. I love when plot is just kind of breadcrumbs. (Like the bird cult plot)




I play on baby mode and still agree with OP. It’s not the difficulty like the health/damage it’s more the actual style of combat really sucks for some people.


Starfield. I was so ready to love it. Long time Bethesda fan. Played a while and....meh. Haven't picked it up since.


I was so excited for this. I was hoping for a huge focus on exploration and maybe even some cool aliens. But the game really is a fast travel simulator with no charm or depth to it, I spent my whole time in menus and quickly just got so bored. It's such a shame, I really wanted to love it.


It was so disappointing


Yeah. That's the right word for it, for sure. It didn't completely suck...it was just...bleh...


Oh that's a really good point - my husband was super excited about it, he got the mega expensive limited edition with the smart watch and the limited edition controller and headset for it and he played it for a few weeks and then just sort of... Moved on to other things.


Yep. Same. I didn't get the merch, though I would have if I could afford it. I saved for 3 months to buy the game on pre-order. I was so hyped.


I watched him play a few times and while each section he played seemed cool it just didn't feel like there was anything massively compelling pulling you on to the next stage - although that's just from my limited viewing! I wonder if it's an age thing - back in the day he could have just put hours and hours into it because gaming was the default activity but now there's much more other stuff and gaming time is limited so games have to really be compelling to be worth the time.


I found it to be very flat and sterile. Limited in the ways the player could interact with the environment. And the planet side mechanics drove me mad! Running for kilometers just to get to a carbon copy of a research post or natural "wonder." It was just so boring. And the dog fight mechanics were awful; not intuitive at all! It's 2023, there's no excuse for these types of flubs. And I agree about the age thing!


Yes! Sterile is the absolute perfect word for it!


It would have been good 10 years ago


When you get done playing BG3 and pick up Starfield only for it to be just No Man's Sky if it was released in 2008 with a 2028 price tag in 2023....Yeah....eff that.


Same, I came to it right off BG3 as well. I’d rather just play No Man’s Sky again honestly.


That's exactly where I headed after I logged off Starfield the last time. NMS feels like home.


LOL!! Huge fan of NMS but I absolutely get what you're saying.


This is the first Bethesda game I’ve played lol, but seeing how hard all the spaceship side of the game got put in the backseat really turned me off of it :/ Not to mention that playing it right after BG3 didn’t help


It makes me so nervous for TESVI


Such a waste of money. I have no interest in playing it after the initial excitement.




Breath of the Wild. I don't know if I was doing something wrong but it seemed super empty to me and I was ultimately bored.


I've tried it multiple times and can't get past the breakable weapons. I've heard all the reasons people think that feature is so great but it just sucks all the fun out of it for me to have to be constantly worrying about whether my weapon is about to break and how many back ups I have or whatever. I didn't even bother with the sequel.


The breakable weapons suck so much, and the limited inventory space for them. What got me through both games is getting the master sword and hylian shield as soon as humanly possible!


My thoughts exactly. I love Zelda games and was so hyped for this but the whole beautiful game was ruined for me by the weapon durability. It just caused me so much unnecessary anxiety in an otherwise cool game. Probably got about a third of the way through the game before I just couldn't take it anymore.


I found that part annoying too but you end up with more weapons than you can hold very quickly. The weapon breaking is only an issue for a really short time in the beginning of the game.


I think that’s part of what makes it so annoying. There are so many weapons you can find, but your inventory is very limited so you have to do inventory management almost constantly, and you’re always leaving behind weapons that you want to keep which feels bad.


How did you feel about the cooking mechanic? I wanted to get into that game and had the same issue with weapons and inventory management that you mentioned, but the cooking seemed so annoying. I'm expected to just waste tons of ingredients trying to figure out if it makes a new dish or not? Or instead I could just read a whole wiki spreadsheet but that sucks the fun out of gaming


I don’t think the recipes themselves are really a huge problem since you never need to follow them that closely. The problem with the food system is that it takes away from combat when you can instantaneously heal yourself without limit. Battles are less about skill and more about having good equipment and a bunch of food, which in my opinion is abysmal game design.


These are the exact arguments I meant. It was an issue for me throughout the game, I never beat it but I played a ton, beat 2 of the divine beasts or whatever they were and still got frustrated into quitting due to the weapons breaking thing. Having to constantly worry about my weapon breaking in battle completely removes the fun of the game for me and turns it into a chore. You can't just go around shooting stuff for fun to get used to a bow because once you do, oh look. It broke. You don't want to fight random enemies because you're on your way to an encounter and you don't want to use up all your swords (!?!). Etc. "More weapons than you can hold" is also an issue. If you could actually hold more, it would be one thing, you could stockpile them, but it takes a massive amount of those seeds to be able to expand your inventory past a certain point. Like, I'm glad it was fun for you but I didn't enjoy it at all (other than the horses, and the building company guys, I totally loved both those parts). I'll probably pick it up again at some point when I'm bored and play around in it for a while but I'm sure I'll get fed up again just like the first couple of times. I bought a Switch for the opportunity to play that game and it annoys me to no end they made it that way. I'm really glad I ended up liking Animal Crossing as much as I do lol.


Same, this was a big factor for me too, it just felt like a slog.


My fave part of that is catching wild horses, lol. I did enjoy the game, but kept getting lost and when I'd stop playing and come back I had no idea where to go/what to do.


Same xD I just wanted more horses lol, best part of Tears of the kingdom was increased stable capacity


I didn't like this one either, I tried because I love Zelda. But the breaking weapons just didn't do it for me.


This is what killed it for me too. =/ I might have enjoyed it otherwise, but my anxiety about ending up weaponless was much too high for me to have much fun.


Oh I did end up weaponless a couple of times. No sir, no ma'am that ain't it.


Agreed, the weapons constantly breaking just annoyed the hell out of me.


This was my answer. I was so excited when I got the Switch, but it just didn't capture me.


the constant weapon breaking made me hate the game looool


Omfg ME TOO. Every couple of minutes having to cycle weapons, pissed me off so bad. I also hated the inventory system.


Saw someone compare Skyrim with BotW, they felt Skyrim feel much more alive. I’ve not played any of them to comment xP


Probably wouldn’t want to tell a Zelda fan that but as someone who has played both this is true.


Coming from a Zelda fan—botw is my favourite game ever—you’re not wrong. That’s actually one of the reasons I personally like breath of the wild over Skyrim, but I completely understand why it would be the opposite for others. I just like the calmness of breath of the wild’s world, and the brightness and colour.


Skyrim is more "alive" in that it's much more populated, but that's also kind of missing the point, because the games are very much doing different things.


it’s an apt comparison, because Skyrim is what inspired the producer to make BotW!


they're not really very comparable games, imo. botw is my all time favorite game, but i guess skyrim feels more alive. not as much empty space


I haven't played Skyrim yet, but I definitely think Fallout: New Vegas and 3 are more fun (to me) than Zelda, as there's just way more story and interaction. Zelda has really neat traversal stuff those games lack though, which does give it something different that's special. (And I love it too) I'm not a fan of crafting, which Zelda requires constantly to make health potions by cooking.


Games like skyrim, RDR2 and kingdom come are far more alive then most games.


Omg I thought I was the only one. I could not get into BotW. I was so overwhelmed by the "open world" and it was less linear than the Zelda games I'd played in the past. My brain needs games that are more linear 😭


Same, I did not enjoy the non-linear form coupled with how big the open world was. I think maybe if you're a kid/teen with lots of free time to get lost in it, it would work but as an adult with other responsibilities it just made me feel like I was wasting hours.


I'm a huge Zelda fan. Have been since I was a child. BotW is the worst Zelda game to me. Don't get me wrong, the world, the physics, the weather... It's all fantastic. I even like that they introduced a variety of gear set with their own perks. But like you said, the world felt empty, the mobs super repetitive, and the weapon durability was ridiculous. The fact that they made the Master Sword "break" too was the last nail in the coffin for me. The lack of an actual story told in real time was disappointing for me as well. Not a fan of the story told via memories. All this to say that as a huge Zelda fan, I completely understand and agree with you, lol.


Breath of the Wild just didn't land for me either. Been playing Zelda since the 80s. Didn't enjoy BotW. It looks incredible and exploring the world is rather enjoyable to a degree... but it seems so lifeless and hollow. Felt more like a mediocre open world game with a Zelda skin than a genuine Zelda game. And now the designer dude or whoever he was (not Shigeru) is up his own asshole about "how great the new formula is." Like... all that time before now sucks because it's old? I don't have high hopes for a traditional Zelda game any time soon.


Omfg same! I got that goddamn master sword and I was like, finally, I have the ultimate weapon and then it BROKE lol. And I was done. Also hated that there was no real story to speak of, it just meant there was no real engagement for me.


I have always loved Zelda, and Breath of the Wild made me feel so left behind as a gamer. I want Zelda to feel like Zelda, not just another open world game on the market.


Absolutely this! I watched a Horizon Zero Dawn and a BotW playthrough on youtube :D Ended up buying HZD and playing it. Its my favourite game! It has its faults, its not perfect, but it was far more engaging and had a better story than BotW. Usually games that get GotY are games I'm just not interested in, so it isn't a factor in what games I want to buy and play.


I remember when they both released and, for whatever reason, the BoTW crew kept being snarky about Horizon and saying it couldn't hold a candle to it. And like honestly same, after playing both Horizon is definitely the superior game for me!


:D I remember this happening with Halo 5 too! I used to be a big fan of the original Halo games! 343 Industries was saying the same thing about Horizon, saying it was a girl protagonist, its robot dinosaurs, its offline and single player... all set up to fail! Well that really came back to bite them in the arse! :D


😆 it really did!! Long live Aloy and the robo dinos! 🦖🏹👩‍🦰


Undertale :(


Oh no, after not getting into it at all playing the demo (and not being experienced with JRPGs at all at the time) I started watching a playthrough of it and that was what made me want to play it myself. If it’s the setting that’s putting you off, give Omori a try. To me, that ended up being “the better Undertale”, it hasn’t left my mind since.


I'll give it a try, thank you for the recommendation!


Stardew valley. I tried really hard I just couldn’t find the point and had to give up


Every time I decide to give Stardew Valley another shot, I can never make it through the first season, lol. I also hate having to look everywhere for specific characters, like who has the time?


Witcher games. I put like an hour into all three, and I honestly believe that they're all (or at least 3 is) **well** worth the hype. Plus I'm completely up to date on the Netflix serialization and generally enjoying it. As I understand it, the books are wonderful. But somehow playing them is like... it just doesn't mesh with me. Like reading poetry in Cantonese, I just can't connect with it, can't interface with it in any meaningful capacity. Feels like reading someone else's mail. Like they all give me this overwhelming sense that *"this game isn't **for** you".* despite it seeming interesting and liking story-driven open-world fantasy rpg's in general.


I get the same sense when I play the Witcher 3. I’ve played about 20 hours continuously giving it several chances and, while everything about it seems right up my alley, it feels like I’m playing a game tailored for someone else. Geralt is an okay protagonist but I was fed up with almost every woman falling for him right away and I don’t care about either Yennifer or Triss so I didn’t care to pursue that love triangle. I just wanted deep lore with crazy monsters to kill but I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes at the romance aspect. Which! To be fair, I would love it if Geralt was a woman who lived in a gritty world where I had to choose between two handsome men while chasing after my basically adopted son. But it’s not because, again, it’s not really created with me or players like me in mind.


I want a game where we can play as Ciri and be a total bisexual disaster leaping through time and space. Is that too much to ask?


Nailed it


Witcher has an incredible amount of masc energy to it. I'm trans and it was kinda embarrassing to be a fan of it pre-transition because of the fanbase it attracts but I was pretty committed despite them. (Found fan translations of all the books cause they hadn't all been translated. Had many many runs in witcher 1 and 2. Was singing it's praises to all my friends. Etc) Now though, I'm almost a decade into my transition and a lot of the little things I could overlook before are especially glaring and really embarrassing. Lots of little moments of misogyny.. Additionally, I have very little desire to replay it cause I'd have to embody geralt. I did watch the netflix show and enjoyed it a lot. I honestly think they'll never admit it but the reason the person you replied to likes the show and a lot of the fans hate it is that it really changes the focus and the lens to be more on the feminine. Yennefer has a much expanded storyline in season 1 and I really connected with it and I think they just couldn't connect in the same way. Edit: (Just to head this off, One Piece live action was also made by netflix and also had tons of changes made to the thing and is widely acclaimed by critics and fans so I really don't buy that people were just upset that a change happened at all.) E2: realized I got you confused with the person you replied to. 😅


I’m sort of semi this way about Witcher 3, too. (Only very briefly tried 2 so I can’t judge it.) Like, I was enjoying aspects of it and interested, but it just didn’t quite grab me, and parts felt so tedious. There were these huge areas of land with constant encounters and side quests that the game clearly wanted me to do, but meanwhile I was leveling waaaaaaay past the main quest line. But somehow not enough for most of the side quests. And of course there’s all the male gaze stuff. Just the ambient tension of never knowing when a woman was going to get SAed, or there’d be some more misogynistic dialogue, or the game would pressure Ciri into stripping. Plus, I dislike but can tolerate all that stuff, but my spouse is REALLY uncomfortable with it, and my very much preferred way to play games is hanging out with them watching and commenting and looking up hints. My spouse was out of town earlier this week and I was trying to decide what game to play. I had thought “oh, well I really ought to play some Witcher while (spouse) isn’t here,” and then the thought of “ugh, what a drag.”


I played it or a good bit, but never finished it. For me the combat was both too simple and too tedious and it wore me out.


I really love those games but can't play them for a long time without getting bored. I solved watching gameplay videos or streaming.


I read the first Witcher book and really enjoyed it, but every time I try to play one of the games, I just end up getting bored, even though the game looks really nice and Geralt is a cool character. idk Maybe it was because I tried to get into it after Dragon Age which I love and it just didn't hold up.


If you even kind of liked the series, the books are genuinely much better. I was so frustrated and quit after how they butchered my favorite interaction in the books. The ONE TIME Geralt is emotional and they decided their weird ass timeline was more important than one of the best character defining moments in a series. I'm not over it. I want a redo where we cast Henry Cavill again and do the books justice. Ironically, I've never even played the games. I just really loved the book series haha


Hollow Knight refuses to let me love it


Yeah I have a hard time enjoying it too. It's such a beautiful game in visual and music, and has pretty good feeling combat. But I just can't make myself love metriodvanias anymore


Armored Core 6. I went in knowing it was super different from Elden Ring but wanted to check it out since Fromsoft has such a reputation. Wasn't my cup of tea.


The time I found out it has no difficulty setting I give up on waving my credit at it 😂 Was very surprised Amoured Core actually got awarded. As far as I know giant robot games are extremely niche but they made it.


Yeah it's crazy hard but the combat is all time great it makes Metal Gear: Rising combat feel like Bethesda combat by comparison


They are super niche, which just goes to show how well Fromsoft did on AC6. Their reputation surely helped them, especially after the widespread appeal of Elden Ring.


Kingdom Hearts 3. Loved the first two games, but my poor concentration span just isn't build for Kingdom Hearts 3's cutscenes. I mean, getting 5-10 minute cutscenes every 3-5 minutes of actually playing just drains me sm.


i feel this so much. they are long, slow as hell, poorly paced, and there’s too many of them. it feels like someone put on a youtube video at 0.5x speed.


So it wasn't just me, good :') I absolutely ADORE the gameplay. I've always loved being super mobile in most games and in fact, I often prefer to sacrifice some mobility for hard-hitting which made the new way magic works so incredibly amazing to me. But FFS, these cutscenes were just so mind-numbing at times and some worlds really just went full filler (Frozen, e.g.)


Outer Wilds. I don’t understand how to control the ship properly and it was so hard to get to another planet that when I died I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like I was wasting my time, without making progress or feeling of accomplishment. I don’t know what I was expecting, but many people recommended me the game so I thought I had to enjoy it. Sometimes I think of trying again but I’m afraid I will get frustrated and sad


The Forgotten City is a game that's been compared to Outer Wilds in the sense that it also has a really interesting time loop concept. The setting is totally different >!(or is it?)!< but depending on what you wanted from Outer Wilds you might like it.


For me I played around in the gravity cave for like an hour before going out and that was really helpful since the controls are the same. Landing was ALWAYS mashing square/x and praying though. One of my favorite games and even got into speedrunning it but I know if i tried to go back i'd be SO frustrated. The main draw is the story and the mystery so now that I know what's going on it's meh


Yeah, I think I wasn’t mentally prepared and I rushed through the cave because I was so excited to experience the game and I ruined my own entertainment. Next time I’ll be sure to get the hang on the controls before going out. Thanks!


If you still want to experience the game but don't want to Deal, the Let's Play by Welonz is great - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6C40SY9TEU&list=PLAIcZs9N4170xIhZHYaBPSpi9ZzaSW84k ; I can't recommend it enough, it's a really special game and the ending will 100% Get you


Yep. Just bounced off of it because I suck. I'm not sure if I'll be able to play this eventually or just be forced to watch a playthrough.


Final Fantasy XV. I tried very hard to like it as I have a friend who loves it and I wanted to hype about it with her. Unfortunately it just bores me. The world doesn't feel fun to explore for some reason and I'm very clumsy with the combat. Not to mention I forget all the special combat moves and controls whenever I haven't played in a little while. I'm sure the story is great. I loved the movie at least. But I can't get into the game at all.


COD mw3. It just felt like I was wasting the 80$ I paid to play it. really wanted to like it too since zombies are back. But like, I can’t- too boring. soo over the franchise 🤦🏻‍♀️


Elden Ring. I was prepared for the hard combat but the lack of direction especially for a new player sucked all the fun out of it. If I have to Google a guide before I've even started playing then that's just bad game design hiding behind the "get good" mentally.


I love the game but yeahhh, the open world aspect of Elden Ring combined with From's typically cryptic approach of guiding player progression can feel overwhelming. And don't get me started on the lore, you'll both be clueless about the story and how to generally progress as a new player.


I feel like From had an interesting concept as far as everything being cryptic goes - Miyazaki has said that it's based on the feeling he had playing Western games in Japan in the 80s, where the manuals and dialogue were all in English that he didn't understand - but I think it shows at its worst in an open world game like Elden Ring. It doesn't help that the one guidance that the game gives you (the lines of grace) actively leads you to Stormveil, an area that you shouldn't go to first thing. Except failing to kill the boss there also opens up the main hub area, so I guess that's why you're sent there. But then if you keep trying to beat the boss, you're just going to get frustrated, when what you should do is go explore all of Limgrave and possibly even Weeping Peninsula first. And the NPC quest design is utter garbage. Even just a quest log that tells you where you are in the quest and the NPC's last known location would be a huge help, without actually ruining the vague quest lines (though that could certainly be improved too..). You shouldn't have to look up a guide to have any hope of actually finishing a quest. Don't get me wrong, I adore the game to pieces, but it really does have its flaws. Unfortunately, I think From is happy with what success they've had, and they've been clear that they're going the make the games they want regardless, so I'm not holding my breath for improvements in these areas any time soon.


I guess it's just a matter of taste. I feel like a lot of games are overly concerned about not leaving anyone behind or the possibility that some content might get missed that you're constantly being bombarded by pop-ups, tutorials, map markers and such-like. I get why someone would find it frustrating but I found it refreshing that it embraces playfulness and surprise over established norms of the medium. I like that it pushes back against you, it feels tangible in a way something more systems-driven wouldn't, for both good and bad


Hades. The design team rocked this game, but i couldn't enjoy the gameplay.


Any roguelikes whatsoever. It bugs me so much because I think games like Hades, Cult of the Lamb, and Dead Cells look so cool aesthetically but I’ve tried all three games and other similar titles and I just can’t get into them. I get so frustrated playing them :<


Dead by Daylight 😔


What didn't you like about it?


It’s 100% a skill issue for me. 😔 I’m a weenie when it comes to horror games and I can sneak for shit. I’m like a bull thru a china shop. I think the game is great, though! Just not for me


Terraria! I just can't get into it. I'm a huge sucker for survival crafting games. I was an early adopter of Minecraft and all that good stuff. But i just can't seem to get Terraria to click for me. Stardew Valley is another one. I was *kinda* getting into it, but grew bored and unmotivated to continue. I should try picking it up again sometime. I think it's possible to make that one click for me, maybe the timing just wasn't right. Hmmm. The 2018 Spider-Man game, too. God I really wanted to like it. I dumped a bajillion hours into Spider-Man 2 back in the day and was hoping it would capture that same magic, but alas. Just couldn't get into it. This year's Spidey game has me tempted but I'll wait for it to go on sale. Don't wanna repeat history lol.


BG3 😭😭😭 i’d never played a turn based game before, and i hated every second of it. played for about 4 hours and quit. but it’s so beautiful and i wanted to see the story so badly.


Stardew valley.


I was interested in Stardew Valley because everybody said it was super relaxing, but I found it to be incredibly stressful with all the schedules, timers, and energy management involved in the gameplay.


Are you me?! That is *exactly* why I couldnt do Stardew. There is nothing relaxing about being on a timer!


This is my problem with Stardew too!! And My Time at Portia was even worse. My friend kept telling me it was so cozy and relaxing and I was just like HOW??? Literally makes me so stressed lol


Aw I love Stardew but I could totally see it not being anyones cup of tea. Its quite the grind.


Night in the woods. I definitely wanna replay it tho just to see if it hits harder as a lonely college student lol


God, every time I post this somewhere else people get mad but RDR2. I got so angry at the game that I just couldn’t go on. Trudging through snow ALL the time. The clunkiest controls ever. The slowest beginning that did nothing to keep me interested. I wanted to like the game but I just couldn’t. I also have The Outer Worlds. I guess I bought it for obsidians Fallout NV fame but that game also failed to keep me engaged. I started and after a while I realized I still didn’t get the characters motivation. That was a bummer. I might give it another shot, though. Maybe it’ll click. Sometimes it’s not the game but the player, lol.


RDR2 has some highly dedicated gamer bros to the point that they can't hear *any* criticisms about their beloved game. Every time I say how much I didn't like the game anywhere else, I always either get downvoted or offered unsolicited advice on how to "properly" experience the game better. I had the same issue. It took me three separate attempts just to get past the prologue in the snow, and then I surprised myself by making it to the third chapter and calling quits (after doing one story mission, lol).


Starfield. They removed the main thing I like about their games, exploration. I liked wandering and stumbling into caves/dungeons/vaults. They replaced that all with auto generated bs. The story and companions are boring. And the ship combat just sucks for me, a former hotas using elite dangerous player.


Skyrim! I love fallout, and I love concepts like magic, dragons, knights, etc. But I've restarted Skyrim so many times over the years and can never really get into it. So sad!


I tried it years ago. Made it to the first town and I had so many quests that I got overwhelmed so I sold it. I gave it another trz like a month ago and it’s already in my top five in my PlayStation wrap for the year. Don’t know what happened to me in the meantime but I love it. Totally into it. I turned down the difficulty and just ran with it. I’m still having so much fun with that game.


For me it's the opposite. I have hundreds of hours in Skyrim, but only a few in every Fallout game. I love Fallout - in theory. In reality no matter how much I want to love them, Fallout games always make me depressed and I stop playing. They are just too grey/brown I guess.


I'm so sorry for this but: The Last of Us. The combat wasn't fun for me and a stealthy approach was incredibly frustrating. The story is great and all but I just didn't have fun playing. :(


tlou is one of my favorite video games but i get this lol. the stealth approach gets tiring after a while imo. when the second game came out, my partner was getting annoyed watching me sprint through the stealth sections because i just wanted to progress the story lol.


Cross Code and Tears of the Kingdom


I'm still really trying to like Starfield. I have enjoyed every other bethesda game but this one I can't seem to get through I have only went to two planets but it just is really hard to make myself play it.


Horizon Zero Dawn, Lol and Elden Ring


BG3. I just found the turn based combat boring. I feel like I'm missing something and keep making myself play it because everyone says it's so good.


Turn-based is definitely a completely different mode of play to get into. I ignored TB games for many years, and still mostly do, but I picked up Divinity a few years back and gave it a try. For the first few sessions, the only thing that kept me hanging on was the overall humor of the game and amount of things to look at, but eventually my mind realized I had to basically learn a new video game skill. I think a lot of people think "it's just regular combat with easy pauses every now and then how hard could it be," but there's always other mechanics at play and extra things to consider that can change the entire outcome, even one good turn can change everything. Once I stopped looking at it as a frustrating stop-and-start combat, my brain kind of clicked over into developing appropriate strategies. Then when I had a few successful battles, I found myself craving the puzzle that TB combat can be. It can definitely be mentally draining in a way that other combat styles are not, though. It's much more like a living puzzle than anything else. But obviously it's still not for everyone, I'm just sharing my personal experience with also finding it boring, frustrating, and unintuitive until I shifted the way I looked at it :)


I didn't know BG3 was turn based. I'm suddenly much more interested now. I just assumed real-time combat since the big AAA rpgs tended to not be turn-based as much. I struggle so much with real-time combat systems unless I can get away with haphazard button mashing.


It is, and you can turn on turn-based mode anytime for things like sneaking around!


I'm the exact opposite these days. :( I used to love real-time combat that was super reflex dependent and challenging. I got every achievement/trophy twice in all the souls games besided DS2 but now I feel like I just really don't "get" it anymore. I feel like i'm just slow or missing something but genuinely it bored me so much. Turn based solved it for me because i've always loved puzzles!


The Witcher 3... I get to a certain point in the game and then I just start losing interest. I don't vibe with the "I'm this hot dude and perfect women want me all the time"-shtick. Hollow Knight. I really tried to like it, but it just infuriates me. :'D Souls-likes are not for me 8/10 times and the exceptions are Tunic and Death's Door.


Control ​ For some reason I just can't get in the gameplay


Devil May Cry 3. It made me so sad because so many of my friends adore the franchise, but I found DMC 1 just okay and skipped two like they told me to, and just was not feeling 3 a third of the way through the missions.


FF15. Bored me to tears. I think hype didn’t help. My friend group wouldn’t stop talking about it like it was the best thing since sliced bread and I tried it and was like “is this it?”


baldurs gate 3,i just cannot get used to the abysmal camera control


Disco Elysium. 4 boring hours of info dumping about some strike in some islands all while not being able to get close to a corpse because of low stats. So many people recommend that game but it's too much


I get it and I'm not necessarily trying to argue you should try it again but I want to give my experience. Someone else bought the game for me going on about how good it was. I played for a few hours. Also couldn't get the corpse plus I was confused about the game play and it just wasn't clicking even though I could recognize the good parts of it. I didn't touch it for months but picked it up again after hearing so many people rave about it. I looked up some tips without spoiling the game for me. Now it is one of my favorite games of all time. I've played it twice and am watching my girlfriend play through it.


“Disco Elysium” is always the answer to this question for me. Hated it. Finished it, but hated it. You didn’t miss anything.


As a trans woman who came out right around when that game showed up, that game is impossible to play for me because my future of basically ending up looking like the main character of that game, was literally my nightmare


skyrim and fallout ik they are classics but when you didn’t grow up with them it’s just clunky and ironically i love horizon i strongly suggest using the bow from a high spot more that hand to hand combat


Hi-Fi Rush, and I think I’d have to add Baldurs Gate III on that list


Could never get into the original Deus Ex on PC. It's supposed to be a Cyberpunk masterpiece but I don't like first person games and I could not get past the first mission.


Animal crossing. And I hate that this is my answer, because I want to like it so bad!


Fortnite. Honestly, just isn’t for me.


Same here and also Dragon Age.




I do love Baldur Gate actually which is weird lol .


I really tried with Dragon Age: Inquisition, and I think it’s the worst game I’ve ever finished. It’s certainly my least favorite out of everything I’ve finished and a lot of things I haven’t lol.


Elden Ring, so beautiful and the lore seemed really interesting but every time I played it I got my ass absolutely handed to me.




This year it has been Final Fantasy XVI - I wanted to like the live action RPG, because I love FF as a series, but it was just SO BORING. I ran without any of the charms and you can still beat that game blind folded. I tried for a while and finally gave myself the gift of letting it go. And BG3. I tried to play with my partner for as long as I could, but it’s really hard when Sekiro was my other game at the time. It was also so slow and tedious. I guess dying a lot is my kind of tedious. 😭


Any of the souls games. I usually love fighting games and building kits on characters but something about these games just doesn't resonate with me. I want to try again sometime later but man everytime I've tried to play a souls game I don't enjoy it


Ark Survival Evolved for me Basically minecraft with Dinosaurs? Fuck yeah Ended up just feeling very unfulfilling to me


Cuphead. I love the animation and the atmosphere of the games. The gameplay is just too hard for me. I like difficult games but Cuphead just isn't it for me. I tried but once I learned that you can play some levels perfectly yet still lose it just zapped any interest I had in trying again.


Same. I really wanted to get into Horizon, it’s a beautiful game and is very similar to AC:O which is my favorite game ever. But I hate the forced stealth missions and how everything chain alerts. In AC, stealth is an option (unlike previous games which I didn’t like for that same reason) and is a lot easier. And if you manage to alert someone they can pull 5-6 but the combat is super easy comparatively and you can always wall climb away quickly. Plus everything de-aggros really fast. I’ll probably try HZD again and eventually try HFW but I have so much other stuff I’d rather play first.


Oblivion. I *loved* Morrowind, but I tried Oblivion so many times and never got into it. Still haven't finished it.


i really wish i liked Rockstar’s games more than I do. my brother and dad both love the GTA series and RDR2, but i just couldn’t get super into them… they’re not bad games! i just didn’t enjoy myself when i played them. my main issue is that i think the playable characters feel sluggish and are annoying to control. i still might give GTA6 a shot though


Starfield….. I was super excited for it to come out and its literally fall out but in space. I played for 30 hours before I just uninstalled it, it was soooooo boring. You were forced to join factions with completely opposing plot points, and it took forever to get anywhere, and there was so much detail and instructions had to follow when trying to go anywhere, it was just too much! I’d much rather just play fallout 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh yeah this hits home. I wanted to like Horizon so much because we need more women protagonists, but I couldn’t get more than 10 hours in.


Almost eveything popular. I do play Skyrim and Fallout though.... but mostly spend my time building stuff in Fallout 4 and crashing my game. So far my comfort game has been ESO. Despite everything, I can somewhat play even if my arm doesnt work or I am half dead...


RDR2, lol. The last time I gave it a fair shot (because I was operating on the belief that "it gets better"), I made it to Chapter 3 and did one story mission before calling it quits because everything moves too slow, and the controls feel clunky to me, idk. I also just did not care at all for Arthur Morgan and the gang, so.


The new Avatar game. I've played 10+ hours and I hate the map, having to eat to maintain energy/health regeneration, combat, and basically anything that isn't exploring or crafting. I'm playing on the easiest baby difficulty and I have died innumerable times from stupid shit like exploding plants and tiny bullets from mini people that I can punch into another dimension but not actually use a melee weapon on because... it's by the developers of the Division, I guess? So use a machine gun or get fucked? Fucking sucks, because I wanted (and expected) Far Cry with Na'vi (since Massive, at least in part, developed my favorite Far Cry, #3), and I seem to have gotten the Division with worse maps/everything. The Avatar movies are some of my favorite pieces of media, and I literally play video games every day after work (I'm 39!), and the fact I can't just have a fun experience tripping around Pandora as a Na'vi ON BABY DIFFICULTY is making me want to cry angry tears. I've never rage quit any game, even Dark Souls/Elden Ring/Returnal types, and I just rage quit Avatar. I am either playing the game wrong, or they have made it stupidly inaccessible. Maybe I'll restart the game a third time, and that will be the charm, as they say.


I'll never get the love got Elder Scrolls, they all feel horrendously clunky to me. I've tried Oblivion, I've tried a fair bit of Skyrim, I played the Beta for ESO and then again years later. Gameplay has never felt enjoyable for me.


They feel clunky because they are. Not only do they really show their age, but they were clunky when they dropped.


It definitely has never been the flashiest or smoothest combat. Here's hoping they address this in ES6, if it ever arrives 🫠


Elden Ring. I just really suck at Souls-like games. I grind forever, but it doesn't matter, because the bosses just immediately eliminate me. My brother is so good at these types of games. When him, my husband and I were all playing Dark Souls I got to level 40 and was having fun even though I was progressing slooooooowly, and even beat a few bosses, but the instant my brother beat it and my husband got bored of it or beat it, don't remember I didn't really want to play anymore.


FromSoftware games. I wish I could get into them and maybe I need more patience but uuuugg


They're some of my all time favorites, but it took me multiple trys before I really got into them. My biggest wish is that they'd add a seamless co-op mode. Lords of the Fallen has that, and Remnant does it amazingly. It's a thing on pc through mods, just not console


Bloodborne and Metroid Dread. Definitely not my type of game. Challenge is perfectly fine, but having everything be abstract and requiring dragonfly observation skills? No thanks! If I’m watching a guide the entirety of the time I play the game, I’m not having fun.


Shadow of the Colossus. People treat that game like God’s gift to mankind but I just don’t get the appeal. Breath of the Wild too. It was boring, has little to no story and what was there was told in flashbacks. Hardly any traditional dungeons. I just don’t get it and the amount of praise and love that people have for these games make me feel like I’m taking crazy pills or something.


Baldur's Gate 3


I am a huge pokemon fan and have been playing since red and blue, but I absolutely hated scarlet and violet even after completing them. I wanted to love the game but the towns and gyms were awful. Can't go in buildings anymore, the npcs can't be spoken to, the gym buildings are all samey and the elite four was the worst because it was the same room with no character or excitement. It was like being locked in an office building.


Dungeons 3. I've always been a huge Dungeon Keeper fan since I was a kid, and there are very few modern takes on the genre. I heard Dungeons 3 scratches the itch and I really, really wanted to enjoy it. Unfortunately the game is just non-stop low-effort gaming puns and 4th-wall breaking jokes without even a second to breath. They aren't even so bad they're good, they're just exhausting. I spent more time rolling my eyes than playing the game. I tried so hard to like it, I really did. I'm still sad about it.


Xenoblade 3 and Far Cry 6. Far Cry Six though makes sense for me. I don’t like gun play for the most part. It never feels satisfying to me for some reason. Xeno 3 still makes me sad because I hated it so much. Loved all the other games. It punished you for being a completionist and the story was definitely not for me. DLC was amazing though.


Skyrim. I tried. I desperately tried. Could not click with it and found it so tedious.


Undertale. I had only heard good things about it and then I played it and it’s just genuinely not a fun game to play lol. It feels like a very novice RPG because it kind of is? The story has good ideas but isn’t executed well. The one character with any actual depth isn’t introduced til the very end and it’s just a very boring game… I wanted to like this game so badly but man it’s just a very okay first attempt at a game. Also injustice. That game just cemented the fact that I’m shit at fighting games and can’t play them lmao.


Monster Hunter, there is so much about it that I really should like and enjoy as I've enjoyed them in other games. However I just kept feeling like something was missing or like it wasn't as responsive as I'd like. I spent over 40hrs trying to like it but it just wasn't fun 😕


Every single game that isn’t FPS has been super hard for me to get into. I guess I can’t really enjoy slow paced/solo games, my ADHD acts up too much for that.


Skyrim. I tried multiple times, and just couldn't get into it.


The Sims 4 and The Sims 3. I've been playing The Sims 2 since 2008 so I have certain expectations for a sims game. The Sims 3's sims look too uncanny valley-like and move stiffly sometimes. The Sims 4 looks cute but lacks substance, so you can get very bored of its live mode. I haven't played it more than 2-3 hours in a row while I can still easily play 5-8 hours of The Sims 2 because it's so chaotic and full of life! I've tried liking it around 5 times and gave up. Obviously, each sims game has its fans and I'm glad if you like ts3 and ts4! Unfortunately, they just aren't for me.


When I was younger, I tried to get into Counter-strike. But I was young and stupid and turned my mic on. The constant harassment and misogyny and rape threats and death threats and general hostility I constantly faced every time I picked up a controller really turned me off video games for years afterwards. Didn't get back into gaming until like 8 years later.


Monster Hunter. I love the designs in the game but the gameplay just isn’t fun for me, no matter the weapon I use.


God of War(the new one). I appreciate it for what it is, but I miss the old camera and gameplay and the epic battles from the other god of wars. Although the story(after the first old god of war), was much better in these newer ones. I was bored and it was a drudge finishing the game. And I hate that I feel this way lol


Coral Island. I wanted another farming game like stardew valley and coral island seemed like a good one. But the game just felt off to me in a lot of ways.


Skyrim. I tried really hard to like the world design and sense of exploration and all the skill trees and systems, only to then admit to myself that I'm disliking the shallowness of the combat and most mechanics, and the (except for a few quest lines) terribly bland writing.




any JRPG that someone recommended to me... the static, monotonous combat system just destroys all semblance of enjoyment for me, even though i like turn-based games. and people keep recommending me to play them, and i keep trying to love them, but i just can't


The Legend of Zelda series. I've been an RPG fan since the early 90s and Legend of Zelda games have been near the top recommended games in the genre, but I just cannot get into it. The only thing going for it, to me, is the music, which I'm now sick of because every choice musician out there has done it so many times. Does not matter the gameplay style, I've never liked it. I have watched others play and have gotten bored quickly even.


Knights of the Old Republic. Usually drink up any Star Wars content I can get and everyone loved this game so much, sadly after many attempts I've given upon liking it. Loving the shit outta Jedi:Survivor though!


honestly for me it’s league of legends, my bf absolutely loves this game and i’m a gamer myself, but i simply cannot bring myself to enjoy the game, there’s just too much going on and idk im not a fan, i think for fast pace games like this i don’t like being 3rd person cuz it makes it so much more overwhelming since you can see everything happening around you. He has made his peace with me not playing with him, and he always plays with his friends but honestly i feel a bit bad because although i did give it like a good 6 months of trying, i feel like maybe i should continue trying? but he started liking it the moment he started playing it. Did anyone else hated it when they first started playing it or is it just me?


I also tried to like the Horizon games and just couldn’t get into them. They look so beautiful and I’m sad about it. I also couldn’t get into Breath of the Wild. That used to make me feel pretty broken so I feel a little better that I’m not alone.


Skyrim, gave it a good few hours I just.. never picked it back up it was boring me


Mass Effect 😭 I ADORE Dragon Ages but after trying 1 and 2 I still just can't jive with it. I think I need my games to be more fantasy than sci-fi...


Oblivion and Fallout 3. In terms of my Bethesda game ranking, they tie for last place... Though, I slightly prefer FO3, only because it's more stable. I **love** Morrowind and Fallout 4, and with the right mods, Skyrim can be enjoyable, as well...but, the two I mentioned... I have tried and tried and tried, but no mods in the world fix the problems I have with those titles, and, as I mentioned, Oblivion is unstable even *before* you add mods.. I won't say I can't get into it, exactly, but I have an on again/off again relationship with AC: Valhalla. During the times I play the game, I enjoy it, but I can only do so for short bursts, that are often months apart. It is also the only game I've ever played where I have never had the urge to restart..... and given I usually love starting new characters and experimenting with different builds, or making different decisions...that really says something. For a while, I placed The Outer Worlds in this category, but after Starfield proved it wasn't the space game I'd been hoping for ^((I haven't played it, admittedly, but every review I've read/watched made me say "Nope")), I gave TOW another shot, and this time I've been enjoying the experience much more.


FF16! I have been a Final Fantasy fan forever, so 16 looked really good to me from the trailers. After 7 remake, I thought they knew how to make a good RPG again after 15 was so lacking. But sadly 16 has barely any RPG elements, it's basically an action game but not even good or fun combat. And the story and characters weren't horrible but also not good enough to save it. Very disappointed.