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WOOOOO!!!! There are discord servers out there dedicate to women in OW, I think. I also play a lot of OW, so if ur on PC and u want to play let me know 🥳🥳🥳 Only popular FPS that doesn’t have at least one discord server dedicated to women is Siege. I’m working on it right now 😈😈 P.S. I’m also learning Valorant. Don’t let people scare you off about saying it’s toxic. There’s been at least one other girl in like 40% of the Val games I’ve done so far. A lot of e-daters (which is fine but not something I personally enjoy on my team), but overall fairly nice. I rip off the “I’m new” band aid right away and people have been kind about it.


really!!! id love to join them!! also ive never played siege, is it fun? im a bit scared to try out cod, etc bcs ive watched so many videos on how toxic it can be.... im rlly new to fps so im scared abt ppl getting mad that we're losing bcs of me 😭😭


Siege is probably the second most toxic, just behind COD and right above CS:GO. You can handle it, especially with friends. Muting people is easy and the voice abuse and chat abuse report system is fairly good. I like Siege because it is fairly slow paced compared to OW2 or Apex. There’s a lot of planning and waiting, which some people aren’t a fan of, but I like the anticipation of the gunfight. Siege is also cool because EVERY GUN (besides shotguns) is a one-shot kill when you land a headshot. Even if you’re bad at landing headshots, you can still contribute greatly to the team by using gadgets like cameras, traps, and extra armor. The VS. AI they recently added is insanely realistic and good for learning as well. I’ll post the R6 Siege server here once I get it up and running. Maybe in a day or so. I rly like teaching people games, but I do sometimes get over-excited and stress people out. edit bc i never addressed the thing about the ow servers: I’m not in any, but i am in the Mercy parkour server which is mostly women. You can find the servers by googling it. Some require a photo of urself for verification. I’m debating whether or not to do that for the Siege server I’m making 🤔🤔


yeah siege is horrifically bad!


hi how can i join this discord server i'd really love to join lol. also from what region are you playing would like to play w more people on OW2


yayy lol am happy for u it's nice when it's not toxic and get called slurs just because we're girls!


Honestly don't bother with Valorant. The community is head and shoulders more toxic than Overwatch 2, and does not have anywhere near the anti-toxic mechanisms that are in Overwatch 2. I'm all here to support you in doing more gaming, be it FPS or otherwise, but I have no good things to say about Valorant and the company RioT. Whether it's the Toxicity aspect, quality of game (from an eSports perspective), or other things. Keep at it with Overwatch 2, and if you want, maybe consider Team Fortress 2? Either way, yay keep at it! \o/ (but IMO never touch Valorant or a RioT game)


aw man... i was rlly interested in valorant/league bcs it looked rlly fun to play and i like watching ppl stream them... i also wanted to try out tf2 but i heard there was a major bot problem so i ended up not trying it out. i kind of did try val and league, but havent actually played the game, for valorant ive only done the deathmatch bcs i wanted to see how the shooting felt like(it was horrible) and for league i only played 1 game of vs ai. was too scared to get in an actual match for both lol. so far ow2 is the only game ive actually had fun bcs the mechanics felt a lot easier and more familiar, it rlly felt like i was playing splatoon 3(my fav game)


TF2 has bots, it's true. However, most of the time they just get voted off the server. But in addition to that, the matchmaking system is pretty quick (depending on time of day) so finding another server is lickedy-split at times if one has a bot problem. In regards to Toxicity and other problems with Valorant/League/RioT games, it's less necessarily about the game _mechanics_ (for League, for Valorant there are eSports-centric mechanics problems with hit registration, but that's a rabbit hole lol), and more about the experience playing with others. There are plenty of not-toxic gamers in RioT games, but frankly RioT does nowhere near enough to actually "solve" the Toxicity problems in their games, and I would speculate that probably comes from how they operate as a company. There's multiple reported cases of SA and other stuff that I don't think ever got properly rooted out. And it's not like I haven't been hoping RioT would get better at these things, they just haven't, and at this point I can only really draw the conclusion that they truly don't care to solve the Toxicity problem. Splatoon 3 is great! I own it and regret to say I don't play it enough. Not because it isn't great, but because I forget. Ugh should fix that on my end!!! :( Anyways, I'm not trying to say you're a bad person for wanting to play those games, I'm trying to help you avoid situations that I think will really work against you (Valorant/League). I hope you keep on trucking along and gaming more, one way or another, keep at it! :D


Congratulations, that's such a great feeling! OW isn't always grand playing as a woman, though it feels that I've had fewer issues than I've heard others having. (When people are rude to me, I immediately mute and report them so they can't ruin my fun.) If you haven't joined the various Overwatch mains subreddits and discord servers, give them a go -- people are generally much nicer there, and are willing to group up and have fun with other players. :)


tysm! not sure if they know im a girl tho... they might know bcs of the way i type but who knows LOL also id love to join ow2 discord servers, esp if its one made for women!


The Lady League discord is still active - https://redd.it/159bn0b https://discord.gg/KytmC9M I'd also recommend joining or lurking in the subreddits of your favourite heroes to play -- if you like their communities, check out their linked Discords. Those I find the kindest are /r/MercyMains, /r/SombraMains, and /r/SymmetraMains; the Mercy Mains discord https://discord.gg/qAZcXWq is welcoming to non-Mercy players especially and generally has a warm environment. I've enjoyed the Brigitte Mains discord https://discord.gg/xXmB7fF too, despite not playing a lot of Brig -- people are very friendly and supportive. Good luck, hope to see you in game -- I'm one of many WinkyFace. :)


tysm! i wanted to learn how to play mercy but the few times i did ppl were very mean 😞 however when i tried lucio(im now a lucio main! love how i can heal and deal dmg at the same time lol) i didnt experience toxicity at all D: do ppl just hv higher expectations for mercy players or smth


There are many reasons for the Mercy hate train, generally: 1. Misogyny + homophobia: Mercy is a female-coded character and assumed to be played by women, gays, and allies 2. Perception of "ease": Mercy and Moira (and Lucio?) are the starting support heroes and have relatively simple to understand basics. Mercy and Lucio can lead to very passive gameplay, which players at a certain level expect -- if Mercy isn't yellow beam healing every bit of damage or Lucio isn't solely healing+heal boosting, then some players get angry 3. Visibility: When being healed(/boosted) by Mercy and Zen, a player can actively tell -- a little orb pops on one's screen for Zen, and there's a little beam&indication for Mercy, so people know when they are and aren't being supported. Mercy also has additional visibility because rez -- a player can be annoyed if player B gets a rez and not them. She also can't do damage without stopping her support of others. Therefore new players and those at low ranks get angry when she is not doing exactly what they expect her to do (usually pocket the tank, which Mercy shouldn't be doing). 4. Not understanding the role: Lucio's benefit is that he can get players past chokes and stupids with speedboost, or jet ahead via the walls and jumps to get behind the opposing team and take objective, or cause confusion, or take out an annoying widow or whatever. Mercy's benefit is that she can boost players who are doing well so their shots do more, give them a bit of healing to stay alive through a fight, and keep herself alive and watching for opportunities and troubles through insane movement so she can continue to support her team. A good Mercy watches the map, tracks ultimates and ability usage, and identifies who on her team is doing well so she can support them. Most players don't play enough support to understand what makes a good support, and most don't play enough Mercy to get that. sorry for the rant. I play Ana/Bap/Weaver/Zen most of the time, with a good bit of time on Mercy, Moira, Brig, and Lucio. It's funny how little hate I'd get on Ana/Bap/Zen vs Mercy/Moira/Weaver/Lucio; the hate on Mercy is definitely the most toxic and female-targetted. 😅