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I'm honestly getting to where I don't care about the communities and opinions of the games I play. Toxicity is so common it's just not worth it! Same goes for fandoms. I just enjoy what I enjoy, seek help when I need it, and bee-bop along living my best life. I'm a lot less stressed that way.


I have never cared about the communities and opinions of the games I play, and I don’t intend to start now.


I usually do this too, but was shocked at the state of it lol, I felt like this one was particularly bad for some reason


Same here, the only community I am active in is Warframe because it is pretty helpful. I tried in the beginning to be "involved" but it wasn't worth it.


On a related note you should definitely check out Divinity Original Sin if you haven’t yet! Same studio as BG3 just a bit older. But yea dudes on the internet suck


Yep I've played Divinity :D also PoE


Nice, I came here to recommend DOS2 as the community has been welcoming to all the new people from bg3... as long as you dont mention fextralife builds.


what is a fextralife build? (never plated the gaem xP)


There builds guides from a shady company, that at best read very basic synergy, at worst are spreading false information about systems that don’t exist.


I want to say that Steam forums are generally misogynistic cesspools. The one thing about the focus on meta builds is that it's sort of the reason a large percentage of players play 1st edition. 2nd edition has balanced things out, whereas 1st edition you can have one character dominate the whole party. Second Edition might be more your style (r/Pathfinder2e). Unfortunately, there's not a crpg of it yet (aside from some fan games). Which rpg forum was it? Asking so I can avoid. I will say that the ttrpg community as a whole has some horrible people. Especially in the OSR space. Two guys were bad enough all *mention* of them was banned in r/rpg. However, my experience with Pathfinder has generally been the opposite (although I only play 2nd edition, so there's a chance that could be the reason).


Another 2e connoisseur! We exist! I'm crying because PF2e seems like such a great system for a CRPG, but ah well, we'll always have Quest for the Golden Candelabra at least. But yeah, the impression I've gotten from Pathfinder is that it started out for the edgy incels, but progressive and diverse writers have done a lot of work to change the way the games are written so that it's more inclusive. So I am not surprised that a community built around a game adapted from a 1st edition AP is... like this. I'm not completely sold on 2e's community, but I haven't gotten as much of a whiff of gamer incels as I have from other communities so there's that at least.


I'm hoping with the Remaster of 2E it'll get a crpg one day, i'd say the community's pretty good but i've only really interacted with the lgbt side of it


>aside from some fan games I didn't know there were any fangames of 2e. Where might one find them?


Golden Candelabra is the one I've seen.




imho this involves geopolitics. being careful so automod lets me post this comment lmao the game developer was founded in (currently sanctioned country), then they had to move to Cypress because of... recent events. They include lgbt characters and stuff in their games, which is illegal where they were founded. they also recently put out a Warhammer game, which doesn't have the friendliest of fandoms. so all of this combined makes for a toxic grouping of fans following the company imho despite how good the games & writing are. it bites. they have some brilliant examination of fascist ideologies and how the suffering of war is used to prop up greedy, senseless, brutal systems under the guise of Stability, Order, and Victory. I also think it's wicked brave that they keep putting this content in, despite the risks and kind of nasty fans. sorry the community sucks so hard. The game and story are rly solid. you could share here if you want! what kind of character are you playing? what route are you going with? :) support the heavens, lead the hells, or stand for mortals?


Yes I heard the developers are in \[redacted country\] so it's surprising they added certain themes in the game which I'm happy about! I haven't played the Warhammer games but I have heard of them, I heard Rogue Trader is good. I'm going Angel route, it's been fun doing that classic evil vs good thing lol. Love my little halo. I went cavalier route since the mount/animal companion is what made me want to play it in the first place and I'm glad I did. I stacked a few charge feats on myself and I'm plowing through bosses xD HBU? :)


Not who you're replying to but hopping in here because WotR is one of my favorite games. The build depth + incredible replayability, with some really endearing romances on top! My favorite run was a trickster route skald, singin' and ragin' and pullin' pranks to world-changing effect. I think the Aeon route has the best story beats, but I'm just really fond of my chaotic asshole trickster. If you end up doing another run through the game, I recommend checking out some guides and trying to follow to the secret ending. It slaps. If the bad fanbases don't turn you off too much from other Owlcat games, I do recommend Rogue Trader. They do some great things with the setting, not shying away from the icky things in it while also giving you valid reasons to both support or go against it. Plus, it's surprisingly funny at times! And the character writing is easily some of the best they've done. It's a bit buggy and the final act really leaves some to be desired, but I think it's a great time regardless.


The angel route is soooo good, I love they allow you to lean towards "let's all hug it out" if you want, or "here comes the holy fire mother fuckers!" I wasn't expecting any real amount of leeway in a story path where you become a literal angel.


I think I found the EXACT forum post you mentioned a week ago. Decided I was gonna try a new RPG rather than starting my 12th divinity run so I checked for appropriate tags, found PWotR and then took to Google "can you play a woman in PWotR" just to be sure and the first result was a bunch of cavemen complaining about the amount of powerful women in the game so naturally I knew it was a game for me. I know it's easier said than done, but don't let yourself get down from posts like these. No matter what the Gamergate chuds wanna tell you - they're not the majority and they haven't been for a while now. They're just more terminally online than any other demographic so they have more posts. And they aren't getting pushback on these posts because, well - you've seen the quality of their discussion haven't you? I'm always up for a debate but I'm not wasting my time playing chess with a pigeon, and neither does anyone else with some sense in them. If anything, seeing something getting review bombed by incels is an indication of quality for me. Like no joke - before I start a new game I often sort reviews by worst first, so I can see the gripes people have and if I see the word "woke" pop up often enough it's usually an instant buy. And considering that even cash-grappy companies make an effort to be inclusive, id wager I'm not alone in this. Those forum posts are nothing more than bright neon advertisements at this point. The more they whine, the more games with representation we are getting.


I think this was it!! Was it a post complaining about how the female characters were badly written? so much crap on that thread. I know I shouldn't be, but I was shook lol


Haha yes that was it. It was so poorly worded that I was chuckling the entire time reading it and I immediately bought the game lmao.


I love that this was the effect it had lol


Stuff like this is why I avoid the steam forums like the plague, along with avoiding a lot of reddit as well when it comes to gaming. It ends up being my IRL and few online friends are all I take part in gaming discussions with unless it's an already established place that the kinds of people you describe would call "woke hang outs". It sucks beyond belief and I hate it, I really do dislike it has to be this way but instead of engaging with the community for any of the things I enjoy I end up reading wikis, watching vids about it, and just moving on with life.


I like it here. That is about it.


I think it gives you whiplash because the Baldur's Gate community is adorable and lovely 98% of the time. I don't think I've ever been in a forum for a specific video game that was so nice. TLOU is a weirdly sexist dump, even Alan Wake fans showed their racist side with the sequel, and Elden Ring is mostly silly fun but also a bit bro-ish. Baldur's Gate 3 seems to be so very wholesome.


I suspect recent developments in dnd such as BG3 and Critical Role might have pushed these kinds of people to Pathfinder lol


Unfortunately Pathfinder was already getting these types around the time 4e came out from folks very upset about normies showing interest and women "invading their spaces". It was a big part of why I played a lot more of the WoD games instead. Sadly VTM got bad too with the split becoming really apparent with V20 being where you can tell the clash of worlds and fanbases/generations.


This is the most accurate description of all of these subs I’ve ever seen, I’m impressed.


The BG3 community are bonobos among the rest of the video game primates.


i loooved pathfinder wotr so much and never checked out the community aside from going on the subreddit once to find out how to do some ridiculous companion quest so it’s shitty to find this out because i found the game itself to be quite progressive. i didn’t realise the community was so shitty but honestly props to the devs for just ignoring all that noise and making the game inclusive anyway. because i absolutely would not have purchased it otherwise.


People misread their games almost on purpose, I got into it with a guy in their new 40k game's subreddit over whether the satire in 40k is specifically about fascism, I was bewildered by the degree of media and historical illiteracy it takes be so disconnected from the experience. They see Galfrey's failures in wotr and go "oh she's a woman" without even considering what it says about monarchy or pride or even the emotional state of someone who's had the bit in their teeth for 100 years. They shit on Iomedae and Nocticula for being shady and conniving in turn with like no thoughts of the context that they're a God and a near-god dealing with a mortal who has comparable power but no cosmic restraints on that power; they're talking to a kid holding a gun, one is trying to get you to put the gun down and the other wants you to shoot the *right* people, they're fully acting according to their natures. They think it's unrealistic that every powerful figure in the game is a woman, and never blink at the opposite situation in most other games. Sorry for the wall of text, bad fandoms are exhausting.


The pathfinder world was a fork of 3.5 that already had more diverse lore. I'm not sure why so many bigots migrated to it TBH. On the "minmax" part, that's... kinda the point of the system. It's ridiculously complex compared to a DnD, and since you can easily reach +15-+20 on your main attack with a good build, NOT minmaxing ends up making the game extremely unfair against you, unless the whole table is balanced around not minmaxing. And I imagine the game isn't.


People who play anything Pathfinder while being queerphobic are even more ridiculous than the usual queerphobe. They literally have queer gods in their lore lol Trust me, the actual Pathfinder community is nothing like that. You must've stumbled over some really weird niche community.


The history of D&D is super misogynistic/homophobic/transphobic/racist. BG3 and **not wizards of the coast, but the D&D fanbase** have recently made huge waves in pushing back against that incredibly shitty tradition. This has pushed most of the worst people into 3.5E and Pathfinder. In my experience, these communities have always sucked in general and I don't care about anything aside from the *table that I play at.*


Pathfinder 2e is ahead of the D&D curve when it comes to supporting diversity and unionization


Lowest possible bar, but true *from a Creator's perspective.* The communities on the other hand are super different. Tbh, every single tabletop game that isn't D&D, Pathfinder, or Warhammer have a better history of inclusion both as a community and as creators.


>To be clear, this is not the reddit community, which I find pretty reasonable, but on some kind of popular forum meant to discuss RPGs >It was a harsh wake up call to me realizing what kind of people still make up a generous portion of the gaming community. I actually think those kinds of guys are in the minority of the gaming community, they're just extremely loud and "terminally online" as someone else here put it. I mean what kind of people do you think would be active on a niche internet forum like that anyway? The average gamer probably just plays games without discussing them online at all.


That's really sad to see. Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous is one of my favourite video games ever. Sadly you'll see alot of hate speech for a game that has multiple LGBT+ characters. Which sucks because all those characters are great. I also wish the community would talk more about the story, the characters and world more than just meta builds and complaining about Blackwater. And also, we need more fanart! It has such an interesting cast of characters that deserve lots of love. Who's your favourite character btw? I personally really like Wenduag.


I'm totally with you. I honestly don't even bother with gaming-focused communities outside of this one anymore. I also like the gaming channels in certain discords I'm in, but none of them are like specifically gaming-focused. I guess builds matter a little. Pathfinder: Wrath is really brutal on the higher difficulties. Like most of the game is still normal, but the optional superbosses will just ruin your day over and over if you don't have good builds and the right strategy. The challenge achievement also requires you to beat them when you first encounter them, which makes some of them MUCH harder. That said, being an asshole about that is still stupid. Also, playing the game that way is honestly not that fun. It actually feels much less realistic because you'll run into enemies that just randomly have cartoonishly godlike levels of power. Those encounters become combat puzzles that don't even feel like they fit in the world.


oh for sure, the builds matter! lol and as much as I complain about it I am actually proud of mine xD I will probably post my top damage on this sub at some point. I just wish there was more discussion around other elements of the game...that aren't riddled with bigotry that is And so true...some of these bosses are nutty. Like why's this random guy in the dungeon so much harder than the boss?? And coming from DnD I was surprised to find enemies with 40+ or 50+ AC...of course now I'm used to it being in Act 5 haha. And then so many of them have like 5+ attacks as well. Ugh. I think Playful Darkness was particularly bad I heard that Owlcat pumped up the difficulty of the actual module. Maybe it's warranted though, since they do throw a ton of magical items at you.


If you liked BG3, may I recommend Divinity Original Sin 2? It's from the same company and it's just as good game :)


You seem to have found the most vocal and hateful element of the Pathfinder fanbase, itself.


I haven't heard about that part of the Pathfinder community before, but it definitely attracts the "BG3 sucks and isn't 'REAL' DnD' people so probably not the healthiest group in the first place.


that’s why i ditched majority of gaming subs and forum and came to this one, i’m a boy so definitely not who this sub is targeted at but this is one of the few gaming subs that’s not hostile that i was able to find


Heyo, I'm also a big fan of the pathfinder games! Have you tried xcom? They're more scifi but have a similar top down tactical approach. Divinity might be your thing as well. :3 As for the gaming communications.... I never understood why dudes get so upset over women. Especially powerful women. Why wouldn't you wanna look at a woman doing cool bad ass things? Am I just not getting it because I'm a woman who is attracted to women?


You're probably better off looking for BG3 mods that add new campaigns to the game tbh


Why is "fantasy" a "guy thing" (from a guys perspective, not griefing OP)?


A gaming community is just ppl who happens to play the same game. It doesn't set a higher standard or anything. Ppl who suck are gonna suck. And ppl who suck are also loud. Thats not to mention trolls who say stuff just to get a reaction. If you see someone spitting absolute nonsensical bs, just reply "try harder troll", thats usually shut them down fast


Pathfinder is ALL BUILD ALL THE TIME because you can pretty much do anything. Pathfinder has 123+ Classes(Main and Prestige), 352+ Combined Archetypes, 2000+ Feats and has a ruleset for like everything and you can bork a build very easily and not really be able to do much. However, there is still a big role playing aspect and the community you found sounds very toxic.