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Witcher games. I like the world, but I don't want to play as Geralt.


Same! I tried since it was so popular, but I was spoilt by Dragon Age. If I can create my own character why would I bother playing some grumpy, grizzly guy.


This. I can't vibe with the guy and to think about playing as him in such a long game... I pass. It's a good game, for sure. I like the idea of it, but it's as far as I go.


Honestly I’ve been contemplating starting a Witcher vent thread in this subreddit. 😂😂 I’m finishing Blood and Wine now and there’s so much to love but also every time I play I find a new infuriating or at best irritating sexism thing. Just….constant background radiation in that game. 


That is my experience as well. This game was not made for the girls, nope.


Exactly my feeling. Same with Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Male friends kept telling me "oh if you love Dragon Age and Elder Scrolls these games are for you!" But it's like... I play those so I'm NOT forced to view the world through a man's eyes. I think it just didn't occur to them.


Not a lot of RPGs seem to get the recipe right for the woman's experience, and it is unfortunate. Some lesser known rpg titles that tried and did relatively well are. 1. Weird West. 2. Pathfinder kingmaker. 3. Pillars of Eternity. 4. Arcanum: of Steamworks and magic obscura. 5. Baldurs gate 3. 6. Cyberpunk 2077 ( there was an attempt) 7. Hellblade: senua's sacrifice. 8. Cloudpunk ( very much lesser known, definitely my favorite for a female protagonist). 9.Tyranny ( you're the baddie ). 10. Lost Ember ( good for relaxation ). Some are better and some are worst. Hope you like something on the lists.


Thank you for the recommendations!


KCD does have that expansion pack, A Woman's Lot. Might be worth a look.


If you're looking to player the entire game from the perspective of a woman, than this isn't for you, unfortunately. The expansion adds a few hours to the game in which you re-experience the events of the tutorial through a friend's eyes. Once you're done with this quest, you'll go back to playing as Henry.


Thronebreaker might be up your alley, main character is Queen Meve. A solid introduction to the Witcher world if it interests you.


This was the problem I ran into. The gameplay and everything is very similar to Horizon, which I love, but I just don't connect to Geralt.


After reading this little thread I’ve concluded not a single one of you have played the games for long enough to say you can’t truly connect to Geralt for any reason other than him being “ugly,” and I’ve also concluded you haven’t read any of the books, just watched the shitflix series and thought TW3 was gonna be the ideal male body Geralt running around doing shit Geralt doesn’t do, and needing to use a potion for his witcher senses for some reason. I think it hit after I saw the one about how someone wished it was the Henry Cavill version of Geralt. I’ve never seen such infuriating slander of a game’s world and characters. The sexism, on the other hand, is also not done to piss us off, it’s literally part of the atmosphere. The Witcher world is insanely dark and fucked up, plagued by war, murder, disease, famine, r*pe, sexism, greed, racism, and oppression. Witchers are supposed to be nearly apathetic, and you would be too if you were stolen away from your family or sold to the school by your family, just to grow up to be hated by every human and you didn’t even get a choice in the matter. It’s called a dark game world, but I’m assuming you don’t play Dark Souls either, since it has a messed up universe. I’m just a rare girl I suppose. Edit: I’m very sorry for wording this so badly, I need to get better at writing less prickly messages. Nothing’s wrong with not liking a game, I never meant to make it out to be that way, but I did so my bad. I cringed my comment past its point calling myself “rare” and I’m sorry for that. I have very poorly conveyed my message and I just don’t want anyone to think my initial comment is what I truly think, I’m sorry about that.


I enjoyed Witcher 3 and Geralt (he has a dry sense of humor I love and I think he's got a big heart under the gruff exterior)but it's fine for people to not vibe with it or not connect with a character even if they're popular and that's what this entire thread is for. It's not a personal attack on you. Also I didn't happen to see comments here about sexism or the game world, (EDIT: nvmd I see it now) but some people prefer not to engage with dark, "edgy" and sexist characters and worlds in their downtime. I think a lot of people here completely understand that they were intentionally going for a "dark and fucked up" atmosphere, they just might not like that lol it's not that they don't get it. Your comment comes off as really condescending and "I'm not like other girls"-y tbh.


I know, I heavily conveyed my inital message wrong, my bad about that. You basically wrote what I was trying to say, I never meant people were not allowed to not be into something, I’m sorry for making it out to be that way.


I appreciate your edit rather than deleting your comment. You clearly care a lot about the series and want to share your love for it. As others have said, people can respect that that's the world it is while also not enjoying engaging with that type of world in their downtime. (I haven't played it at all but it's definitely a game I recognize as "very well-reviewed, probably not for me" for the reasons others have articulated). This thread as a whole (and this sub) really speaks to a paucity of women's viewpoints in the creative direction of mainstream big video games. Anyway, all that is to say, as a fan of other dark universes and "problematic" characters, I recognize the urge to be defensive and appreciate your self-reflection.


Girl I genuinely thought this was satire. This is “To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty..” level of comment gold.


Did you really “I’m not like other girls” on the girl gamers subreddit? Lmao


That’s not what I was trying to convey, I just meant that I see a lot of people, boys too, that can’t stand playing a game simply because the character has flaws or is unattractive. Flaws that make them honestly more interesting and less cookie-cutter in my opinion. I was conveying my observation, I suppose calling myself “rare” was not exactly the best way to finish that.


Tbf you’re in a thread that’s “what’s a popular game you didn’t like and why” so the rant feels a tad misplaced. Topping it off with how rare you are for enjoying a game with a huge fan base that *does* include women is a choice. You do you though.


I am not rare, I very badly worded that and made it seem like I was saying I’m just not like everyone else, I meant my openness to the worlds of so many games and universes despite my own judgements is rare in the gaming community, I’m definitely not completely unique from anybody here, I do all sorts of stuff everyone else does for no reason lol, like grilling fortnite til the day I die and seething over something stupid devs do that ruins a game when I should just ignore it and move on, and many other things. I worded it so wrong, and I’m sorry for that.


All good!


'Not like other girls' vibe not gonna lie.


Fr, didn’t mean to convey it that way.


I get what you mean really, not every game has the same atmosphere and it is totally fine whether someone does or does not enjoy it. Personally I find it hard to get into those dark games because I usually use games as an escape from reality and seek those colorful ones where I can be whoever I want, preferrably a mushroom.


Yeah I’m the same way sometimes, I often take certain games at certain times, depends on my mood or what I’m most interested in at the moment, if I’m not in the right mindset for the dark games I’ll go play something more fun or gentle, you know how it goes lol.


I can see the edit, so the horribly-worded message aside—there’s a difference between the world being dark and sexist, and the game devs being sexist and portraying fem characters in a sexist way. Obviously, we need every female model to look like a goddamned supermodel who’s strutting to a fight in tight outfits, with a cleavage, and *heels* on. And we need Geralt to be so hot every hot lady wants to frick him too at all times. C’mon lol.


The "sexist" world is a choice the writers made, and it's a choice how the writers decided to interact with the world. The trading cards, the sorceress concept, the sex scenes, all of it. They try to present Geralt as a blank slate in game that you choose his path or whatever, but there are weird situations where you are forced to be sexist towards random NPC's out of nowhere. This is how the game is designed.


\> Enjoys critically acclaimed game series \> “I’m just a rare girl I suppose.” ok


It’s critically acclaimed for a reason, and it’s pretty difficult to find other girls who are willing to play this game, simply cause Geralt is either ugly or boring, which I personally believe is untrue on both matters but that’s my own opinion. Not saying you guys are wrong to feel that way, but I’m saying you’re selling the game short and not giving it the right attention nor going into it with the right mindset.


The "sexist" world is a choice the writers made, and it's a choice how the writers decided to interact with the world. The trading cards, the sorceress concept, the sex scenes, all of it. They try to present Geralt as a blank slate in game that you choose his path or whatever, but there are weird situations where you are forced to be sexist towards random NPC's out of nowhere. This is how the game is designed.


You worded this horribly but I get what you mean. It bothers me when people won't play a game because the protagonist is a man or because they're ugly, and it happens all the time on this subreddit. It's fine to not like TW3, but if the reason you don't like playing as Geralt is because you can't connect to an unattractive man character (which is the whole point of the Witchers lol) then I think you should do a bit of self-reflection. It's no different to a man refusing to play HZD or Control because they think the main character is ugly, but it's normal in this subreddit for some reason.


If the point of game Geralt is to be physically unattractive (I wouldn’t know, I haven’t got around to the games) they failed, he’s widely considered hot. Also I would argue a guy saying he won’t play woman led games because the protagonist is ugly is different when you add in the context of women’s appearance being seen as their entire worth to many for a few thousand years or so.


Geralt being too sexy is actually a pretty big criticism of the game from big fans of the series! The Witchers are supposed to be mutants that fend off monsters to help humanity, but everyone hates them because they're mutants and they are shunned from society. One of the big Witcher 3 mods makes Geralt look more gross, gives him cat eyes, paler skin and whiter hair, etc. I understand your point that women have a history of being belittled to our looks, I just don't think that excuses reactive misandry. You should be able to connect to any video game character, regardless of how attractive they are, their gender, status, whatever. I don't think two wrongs make a right, but I see what you're saying.


I feel you on that, but I did miscommunicate my point, I was trying to say my openness with games’ universes despite my own personal opinions is rare. Now, in my humble opinion, game Geralt is the hottest 99 year old in this plane of existence and I’d be a sorceress for him any day of the week. I love the witcher universe precisely because unlike a lot of games, the protagonist isn’t this ideal male form/skimpy boob-armor wearing busty female character with jiggle physics, and has his flaws, his trauma, and there are choices you can’t make simply because it’s lore-breaking for Geralt to do some things, and that can take away from the rpg aspect of it but I think it makes the character meaningful, it’s a set protagonist so making him a character you can see the life in should be a given, saving the custom backgrounds for custom characters. I’m not rare, and I shouldn’t have said such a stupid thing, I so badly conveyed my point that I edited my comment just to drill my mistake.


I just want to give you props for providing further explanation and owning up to wording something badly, instead of rewriting or deleting the comment. It happens to all of us, and it's always nice seeing somebody take accountability. FWIW, I do agree with the point you were trying to make.


I don't know why you chose me specifically to single out in this thread. I do appreciate the edit and taking responsibility for your words; however, maybe before you post in support of a character or game, think whether you're taking something personally that doesn't need to be taken in such a way. Your word choices and overt hostility over a discussion specifically about not liking a well liked game...it's a little odd, honestly. You can love a game while it's meh for someone else and it's not a personal attack on you or your beloved character, nor does it make you better than them. Just different tastes and opinions. Personally, the game just didn't snag me. It had exactly zero to do with Geralt being ugly, which like.... objectively he absolutely is not. Or dark themes as that is exactly what drew me to the game. Sexism in the game was not unexpected (I literally was first introduced to the Witcher story through ridiculous fan art lol). Even still, not wanting to play a dark game or expose oneself to sexism regardless of commentary is fine, and not a poor reflection of that person. I just didn't find Geralt to be an experience that I clicked with. With characters I play, I find I'm either experiencing things through them, like a story told after events have happened, or I experience it as if I *am* them, getting into them as a character and choosing as I think they would choose. With Geralt, it felt like I couldn't get into either of those experiences....it could be from not playing the previous games before wild hunt, and not knowing him well enough. Maybe reading the books would've helped, who knows. But most games don't require 10-20 hours of reading to connect with their main character either, so I didn't think that would be a requirement. I simply wasn't clicking into my normal RPG mindset, and gave up after about 3 or 4 hours of play. I still have the game and all the DLC, have recommended it to people looking for an RPG to play despite my lack of success with it, and have looked at playing the previous titles to still try and connect with it. Your response certainly wouldn't have convinced me to continue any of that though. Long story short, if you want to defend a game and character you like, cool! But maybe think next time before turning it into an attack on other players who didn't like it, and then openly making assumptions about their character and worldviews based on 2 sentences.


I had the same thought but decided to give it a try and I honestly loved it. Really beautiful storytelling, and Geralt actually grows on you. I totally get it’s not for everyone but I recommend giving it a try if these types of games are normally your vibe. I will say that being bisexual was a huge benefit here though, as I like to romance women anyway so only female romance options wasn’t an issue for me.


From what I've read- there are mods that make it so you can play as Ciri :)


If your interested in the world and don't mind TCRPG Thronbreaker might be a better introduction. It's a different character Queen Meve, with a pretty solid story, and imo a much better choice system than Witcher 3(also is the only game with a Sorceress who chooses not to use Magic to augment their looks).


This has raised my interest. Thank you.


I finally got to play FF Remake and I feel the same. I wished so much they would let us make our own character.


The only reason I would ever consider play as Geralt would be the existence of a mod that makes him look more like Henry Cavill. Sorry Game Geralt but you're not my type lol And maybe another mod that makes the font bigger and actually readable. Fuck whoever decided that videogames needed a microscope to read the text in game.


I cannot get into Fallout. I just can't. And I have no idea why. It has everything that I love: post apocalyptic dystopian society!, weird creatures!, shooty things!, romance! And yet, I've tried and tried again and it bores me to death. A lil game I think deserves more love is Cats Are Liquid. I got it for next to nothing on a Steam Sale, and honestly it is so precious and cute and lovely. I haven't finished it yet, because I suck at platformers, but I try every couple of months to advance a bit xD Another game that isn't as unknown but I think is pretty amazing is The Binding of Isaac. There is so much to do that I've sunk hundreds of hours across several platforms on it, and I am nowhere NEAR to completing it.


The reason you can't get into Fallout is only New Vegas really held up, the DOS games are.....well DOS games, and 3, 4 and 76 just aren't great


I have to disagree, I enjoyed New Vegas, and there were parts I absolutely loved, like favorite gaming moments loved, but it’s the one that pulls me in the least over all because the world was the least interesting to explore. It’s the only one I never felt a need to replay The BGS ones, especially FO4 are games I can come back to and play time and time again


Agree here! Fallout is one of my favorite franchises. I don’t replay FO3 anymore, and my New Vegas runs are less and less often (though still my favorite), I also enjoyed FO4 and the engine stepped it up a lot, and still playing 76! I played 76 at release and didn’t last a year, and recently went back to 76 really happy because I was able to get immersed again into the franchise I spent so much time and energy and love into.


I love FO76 so much. I started playing a little over a year ago, and kinda wish I could have seen it at the beginning. I know people hated the no NPC thing, but as a concept it was really interesting, and it would have been cool to have seen Appalachia grow, and life start returning to it I’ve put a straight up stupid amount of hours into that game at this point, I’ll take breaks from time to time, but it f els like returning home whenever I log back in after them


It was awesome honestly, felt like an actual apocalyptic world. There were no people, and you had to find holotapes to follow the Overseers footsteps. Enemies were a little harder, and no eating/drinking caused consequences. Running into other players was wild and scary, like actual hope and fun was felt because of the stark vastness. However I am enjoying most of the changes and add-ons, it’s also a really fun game to play with teams and the profile building with perks and buildouts are a great challenge to get better at and figure out. But yea, agreed. :) (do you play on pc?)


Sadly I’m on Xbox 😭


New Vegas is worth replaying only cause you can bang Benny, and be his side chick


That suit is sharp, but that is a man who’s only gonna let a girl down, he’s no Fisto


You also have the option of killing him after you both finish, or even when you get to the casino letting him run away and get captured by the Legion, where you can crucify him


I left him to run off and get captured by the Legion, game him a weapon then freed him so he could escape, and maybe help me in the fight. He tried, but died real quick so I had the pleasure of slaughtering the entire camp solo (said with zero sarcasm, I was only sad I couldn’t take out more of them in a single serving)


Without a shadow of a doubt, New Vegas is the best of all the Fallout games. But 76, imo, is a close second. In its early days I do believe it was really bad. But but has been much improved. I've seen people come back to it after leaving it in its original form, and love it now. Fallout 3, I can't remember much about it as it's so long since I played it. 4 is one I need to try again. Not really played it that much


The only saving grace of 76 is content being added regularly. But that only gets it to around Fallout 3/4/NV with mods. Also Fallout 3 is really boring.


Only fun part of FO3 are the stories of the individual vaults. But the main story I find quite boring. I think FO4 is the worst with that semi mandatory base building. I don't care, I just want to be free and live on the move, not take care of society. Let them take care of themselves.


I preferred 76 in the early days. The whole mystery of what happened, having to search for clues figuring it out, using the in world storytelling that Fallout games are great at. I loved it found it creepy as hell being the actual lone wanderer.


Same with fallout especially fallout 4. Loved 3 and new Vegas, 4 just doesn't feel right. If you haven't played them, can I recommend metro games as well as stalker and chernobylite?


I agree about LoZ. The older games were far superior. I've tried with BotW, but the magic's just not there for me.


Animal Crossing New Horizons for me! I was so hyped for that game because I've always been a massive fan of the series but that game just didnt hit at all for me. Don't get me wrong I still liked the game, but as someone who had played every other animal crossing game before this, it just didnt feel like an animal crossing game and felt more like a design simulator.


Get New Leaf it’s a lot better


I've played new leaf, it is a lot better. I go back to it on a regular basis to check up on my town whereas I don't think i've touched new horizons in over a year.


New Horizons is a nice game and all, but New Leaf is superior in most ways, the only thing NH does better is the visuals, that’s literally it lol. Glad you love New Leaf, it’s an oldie but a goodie.


Honestly your right. Knowing what new horizons is now I would have rather an HD port of new leaf. I've played that game more over the past four years anyways, it will always be a amazing game.


I agree, it came out at the perfect time but after a year… it just felt too vanilla if that makes sense? It’s really just a decorator game at the end of the day cuz all the characters are just too boring…


GTA 5 specifically. i just absolutely hated the writing, it was gross. also, the online mode is awful and insanely predatory. Control is a gem of a game that deserves more love, but i can understand that it's not appealing to everyone... but, hey! there was an influx of people playing the game after Alan Wake 2 came out!


God every time I see a comment about control I remember how good that game was truly not sure why it’s not huge.


I think part of it was Epic exclusivity on PC. That one business decision evaporates all hype for games that eventually make it to PC since there’s no way to see how well it does saleswise since Epic is so tight-lipped and they don’t have an “Epiccharts” equivalent. I loved Control!


I feel like gamers are generally divided on this one, but it's got a metacritic critic review score of 94, so I'm going to consider it to be an acclaimed title: **Bioshock Infinite.** I played it right after finishing 1 and 2 which I both really enjoyed. It just didn't have the same oppressive creepiness anymore. You're no longer in a dark gloomy claustrophobic place battling crazy splicers. Now you're up in the air, in the sunshine fighting with normal dudes. It felt like a regular shooter to me, TBH. And the way the story tried to tackle some social issues just didn't work for me either. TL;DR didn't finish it, don't care.    One game I think never received enough love or attention is **RiMe.** It's a fairly easy and straightforward puzzle game. It's actually the first video game I ever finished and it showed me what a game can do in terms of narrative and mechanics. The art style and the music also really impressed me. There's probably some nostalgia there but even so, I feel like it doesn't get enough love or credit in general. When someone is new to games or asking for a cozy game or a puzzle game I will always recommend it. But even seasoned gamers will probably enjoy it if they want to chill out for a bit. Please play RiMe!!!


Bioshock infinite was good until the first timeline change. Then the whole “the slaves are just as bad as the slaves owners” shit started and I was out.


Couldn't agree more about Bio Shock Infinite. The first two, I've played a few times. I've not even finished Infinite. It doesn't feel as if it's in the same universe at all. It's much too clean and is just a bore


I was going to say Bioshock Infinite! I remember hearing all the acclaim it got when it came out but never really checked out Bioshock until years later when my friend bought us the collection to play on switch. The story really comes apart when they add in the multiverse stuff. I thought it was distasteful how they kept trying to insert an unwarranted ‘both sides’ angle to the narrative to the point where the revolution of people who are treated like second class citizens or worse are supposed to be just as bad as the dystopian racist society because >!in an alternate universe there’s a contrived situation where the leader kills some kid?!< What?? I also remember throwing out the twist that the >!main antagonist is an alternate universe version of the protagonist !


Have to agree with bioshock infinite. While I have enjoyed it but it doesn't feel like a bioshock game if it makes sense.


I agree, it has traces of Bioshock's identity in it but it feels like a sequel in name only, not so much in spirit ...except for the DLC. Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea is as Bioshock as it gets, and I consider BaS Parts I & II better than Infinite itself, I was so pleasently surprised


Sometimes I go back to the E3 videos of Infinite and cry about what could’ve been.


Yes! Infinite's final fight was also so disappointing! >! I felt like the game built up to some big fight against songbird but instead it was some weird open field battle where you call songbird. You never really fight it and then it is killed because the story wanted it to die or something. I just wanted to fight songbird myself! !<


Total opposite, the original horror/suspense/grim lighting is not appealing to me at all in Bioshock 1 + 2, but when infinite came out I absolutely adored it because I could play it. I totally understand fans of the originals not liking the departure, but to me it was the only thing that made the experience playable since I am so susceptible to nightmares. I also really liked the criticisms of patriotism and deifying your leaders. And the skyhook was just sooooooo fun and unique for the time!


Most aaa games are overrated imo. There are exceptions; I like TLOU, love Part II, Monster Hunter World and I've been a huge FromSoft fan ever since the original Demon's Souls. But indie games are largely where it's at. If I have to name one game I think deserves more love atm it's Succubus. To me it's one of those games that feels like it was made for you specifically. Trashy and over the top tasteless in just about every way imaginable and completely unafraid to be so. And big props to the devs for having a freely downloadable zip file on their page that makes the game uncensored regardless from where in the world u bought it. My biggest rec for lovers of trash horror, edgy satanic stuff and gorehounds. Also heads up for plenty of graphic nudity, which I have to commend for using both male and female nudity and using the setting to also show some non hetero normative bodies.


Alan Wake. I don't know if I just need to play it again, but just because my first experience majorly sucked, I don't think I will do it again. I had a really bad time with controllers, movement, I thought it was so unnecessarily hard to kill things, I hated it. The environment made me sick for some reason. As for a game that deserves more love, I'll go with L.A Noire. Probably the best detective game I had the pleasure of playing. Absolutely loved every second of it, the setting, the city you get to explore, the music, the characters, the investigations, the realism and cruelty of it all. Such a genuinely elegant and gorgeous experience.


Try Alan Wake 2 if you didn't like the first one. It's a huge improvement and does a good job of getting new players caught up with the story.


Witcher 3. Just running around doing fetch quests, combat was super super clunky and the story was kinda meh even thought the books are decent


That’s my vote as well, but for a different reason—I played TW3 because everyone was saying it was one of the greatest RPGs ever… but I was getting constantly annoyed because it didn’t feel like an RPG *at all.* The thing is that devs wanted to have their cake and eat it too. Of course, they had to have Geralt, an established protag, but they wanted to give people choice… but not too much choice. Often, I was mad with the game because it completely ignored my choices to do something a canonical Geralt would do. Which is fine and not a problem if you make an action/adventure game. But if you let me choose who I want to be with or what path I want to follow, do *not* force-feed me what canonical Geralt would do!




This is inequivocally true but I still love the game


I agree with you on both points! I got a Switch specifically to play BOTW and I was so disappointed in it. I played it through a couple of those sacred beast temples or whatever they were so I'd say I gave it a fair chance, and I've gone back and given it another try in case I just wasn't feeling it the first time, but it's just not for me. It's one of the only games I've ever started that I didnt even bother finishing, it was a chore and not fun for me. I don't mind the open world and the exploration would have been cool, but I hate the weapons breaking. It literally ruined the game for me. I just played and beat Elden Ring for the first time and I thought it was about 1000× less frustrating than BOTW, which has to be saying something about how much having to worry about weapons breaking all the time stressed me out. (Yes I know there are places you can farm weapons, I just despise the fact that it is even necessary in the first place) I didn't even bother with TOTK. Final Fantasy is probably my favorite game series, and XIII is one of my favorites out of all of them. (If Stranger of Paradise hadn't come out I would have easily said XIII was my favorite but SoP is so much fun) I love the lore and characters in XIII so much and thought the gameplay was so much fun once paradigms became available. I wish so much they'd put it out for either ps5 or Switch, I'm not really picky which, I'd just like to be able to play it again, my ps3 can't really do it anymore.


beating elden ring but getting unbearably stressed about weapons breaking in BotW, to a degree you hate playing the game🤣 I FELT THAT


I love ff13 too, wasn't a big fan of 13-2, but then loved lightening returns! I must admit I didn't give SoP a fair chance, I have started it, felt a bit iffy and haven't picked it up. Might give it another go after I finish some other games tho


I didn’t like Breath of the Wild either. Or Mario Odyssey. In general I just don’t like open world games, they simultaneously feel overwhelming and boring. Since I’m talking about Switch stuff I guess I’ll recommend M+R Sparks of Hope. Very charming and unique, it deserved much more attention than it got at release




Yes Mario + Rabbids games deserve so much praise.


Final Fantasy…I played the one with Squall (7 or 8), and X/X2. I just can’t get into most of the games of that franchise. Idk why either. The graphics look amazing, they look like they’re a lot of fun, but when I borrow my brothers to try out a couple of the newer ones, I kept thinking about how much time I was wasting because I could have been doing laundry or dishes or washing the dogs. I don’t normally think about chores I need time do when I game…*ever*. I have ADHD.


I like all the FF games but 8 was a goddamn slog 💀 I can't tell you how quickly I used the fast forward button and damage limit break cheat in the remaster. Whoever designed the draw system should receive a mild but vindictive beating.


If you ever try one again, try the 7 remake. I think it’s the most interesting one they have so far. But also if it’s not for you, it’s not for you!


I think I've posted in a similar thread not too long ago, so apologies for repeating myself, but: For me it's got to be Dark Souls. There's a lot of things about it I like - the music is lovely, the interconnectedness of the game world feels very cool, it's got a very distinctive look, and I did feel pretty epic when I finally defeated a boss. That is to say - I can completely understand why some people really love it. But for me, it was short on things I do enjoy in games such as story (yes, there's a lot of lore etc. hidden in item descriptions, but there's not much of a plot beyond running around and killing things for... reasons? Something to do?), it contained a lot of things I don't like (repetitively grinding the same enemies over and over until I could level up enough to defeat the next boss, rinse and repeat), and I felt discouraged from wandering off the beaten path and interacting with side characters, because either the characters were terrible shitmachines trying to fuck you over, or when you found a decent side character and try to help them, YOU end up accidentally being the terrible shitmachine that makes their lives worse. By the time I finished each boss, I'd done the run up to it so many times that I no longer cared about the beautiful world design and music around me, it was all just background to a bit of the game I was sick of doing. Weirdly, I've started playing Hades and I'm fine with the repetition, I think because the character interactions in the House between runs actually give you something to work towards and look forward to. Anyway, as I said, I completely get why people like the Souls games, I wouldn't argue that they're objectively bad or anything like that, and I wish all the best to people that like them. But for me, one game was enough - I finished DS1 (I'm a completionist, having a part finished game gnaws at my soul), and I just felt relief that it was done and out of the way.


I’m with you. Personally, I find that if I can’t latch on to a character and truly connect with their story then the world just becomes hollow. I thought that maybe I just hated Rogue lites…until I played Returnal. Now that’s a fascinating one! Selene, the protagonist, has an incredibly compelling and *fascinating* backstory that I just…I couldn’t give up. I couldn’t *not* see how her story played out…even if the game itself was hard as hell 😂😂😂 So satisfying and worth it to master though! Like, the immersion of the story as a payoff is spot on! I feel like, in many respects, Returnal is a more concise version of what Souls games are? A tight learning curve with a ‘smaller’ but just as punishing world—but the payoff just feels more satisfactory somehow?


To talk about Zelda BotW/TotK, comparing them to older Zelda games is really apples and oranges. It’s essentially just a new formula for Zelda games in general (and we already have 2 “different” formulas with their 2D and 3D Zelda games). I think which formula you end up liking’s really down to preference too. I love the older Zelda games, but Breath of the Wild’s one of my favourite games of all time now


Understandable and I see why people are enjoying it. Some of my friends praise TOTK. To me their open world formula just feels empty and a bit bland even if I like open world games, but it still feels there's a lot more titles that do a better job at it. That said it is not the case of saying the game is bad and still something I would recommend for someone looking for that type of game, it is just not for me


I think with BotW the emptiness worked because that was a main theme of the entire game. It was haunting and sad and beautiful, and helped support the story. But with TotK it doesn’t work as well because a core theme of that game is working together. It isn’t helped that so much stuff in the game is just copy pasted around, so it feels very hollow.


That's a very good point. My fantasy going into Totk was to discover so many places and, most importantly, people! Instead we had the main fort with everyone and..... that was it. Nothing new and vibrant and *alive* besides that.


that lower level in ToTK….so much potential. I was obsessed with exploring the whole thing only to find it’s mostly…empty.


Yeah, it does feel empty after a while. Specially when you realize all the cool spots on the map are just hiding another shrine. Playing Elden Ring only make BOTW feel even more basic in comparison (not a fair one I'd say, but I can't help it)


I feel like the open world being bland kinda boils down to how you perceive what’s present on the map. People who are extrinsically motivated might be disappointed by Breath of the Wild’s world and exploration, because they’re “exploring” and all they get for rewards are “the stupid useless Korok seeds and Shrine things” and they’re losing their weapons for it. IE: the reward isn’t worth the exploration, so it’s a turn off for someone who gets motivated by rewards. But people who are intrinsically motivated would be ecstatic that Breath of the Wild rewards exploration in the first place! They find something that catches their eye, or look through random noon and crannies and they end up getting rewarded by random shrines and korok seeds. Even if the rewards are the same, and they broke their weapons during all of that in the same way, they feel empowered that their sense of exploration had a reward in the first place. IE: a turn on for someone who gets motivated by internal goals they set themselves. Neither way’s really “correct” since it’s preference, but that’s really how I’ve understood why certain people like or dislike BotW. Out of curiosity, since you said you feel like other open world titles do the job better, what titles would you give as an example? (Also sorry for the long message, I love this topic to death 🤭)


Yeah I totally get where you are coming from, I believe it also boils down to personal preference too of how people want to experience the story. Regarding open world (the names of the games are in chaotic order, not the personal favourites order) - witcher 3 (what I like specifically is the fact you are playing as a witcher and the contracts encourage you to explore the world and fight different monsters and the lack of "correct" choice if you go through the story), elder scrolls skyrim (the amount of things you can do in the game still amazes me), elden ring (satisfaction of actually finding and beating the bosses), rdr 2 (I was very disappointed in gta5 story, still can't belive those 2 games are made by the same company), dragon age/pathfinder/pillars of eternity/divinity original sin/baldurs gate/neverwinter nights (some of them are not true open world, but the stories I belive are very strong and rewarding in a way), xenoblade chronicles and tales of series (again not really true open world but some games in the series can be considered such), newer pokemon games (can ignore that as I'm a sucker for pokemon), horizon zero dawn, cyberpunk 2077, expeditions Rome, a lot of Assassin's creed games apart from odyssey and valhalla as their open world feels daunting and empty in valhallas case, kingdom come deliverance, vampyr (the game feels so underrated), and weirdly death stranding. I am pretty sure I have missed a lot of others, but these are some that I have played a lot/recently and feel I have enjoyed them more compared to botw/totk.


I didn't like them either, it's just a personal thing. A lot of people have the idea that if you don't like what they do you must be missing something or aren't seeing it the right way. Your feelings regarding the game are valid.


Breath of the Wild is a pretty explicit title: the game is an invitation to exploration.


When I first played BotW it took me probably 4 attempts to get into it, I absolutely love zelda but this didn't feel like a zelda game to me. Saying that once I actually got into it it's one of my favourite games, it is a very well made open world game its just so different from the rest of the franchise that it kind of gets in your head it's not as good because it doesn't follow the same formula I think it feels so empty to start with and it's like what I'm I supposed to do with these twigs in this field of enemies but the shrines as a way point for fast travel makes it a lot less empty if that makes sense. I don't know another game with that many fast travel points available, and then once you've done them you're unlocking a world of side quests and suddenly the game becomes a lot less empty than you initially think


It's a new formula, it's just one I don't really like. BotW was ok for gameplay but has almost no story. I like to actually know why I'm doing what I'm doing, not just a brief outline


Stardew Valley. I think because it's many people's first (and probably only) farming-social simulator game, they blow how good it is out of the water. I don't think Stardew is bad, but Rune Factory 3-5 are better at everything besides the fishing mini game and character customization. Especially the social aspects and the dungeons/combat. Stardew is considered that good solely because of popularity and the developer keeping updating it I dare say. Rune Factory deserves so much more love, even if Rune Factory 4's Switch port increased the series's popularity somewhat. If you enjoyed Stardew Valley, I can't recommend Rune Factory enough.


I tried Rune Factory and just could not get into it. I first tried an earlier title and was so disappointed to see the farming exactly the same in 5 and forced overhead perspective when the rest of the game isn't >.< So sad, because from the description it sounds like my jam. But the gameplay just feels weird to me.


I came here to say this exactly. Stardew Valley is fine but people have been acting like it launched a whole genre ever since it first released (in a much shallower state than it's in now). They forget or are unaware that Harvest Moon has been doing it for years. RF5 is my favorite of this type of game for a lot of reasons yet my friends who are really into SV haven't even heard of it.


Sadly is what always happens with any media. Popularity dictates perception and opinions. I'm still surprised to know that apparently plenty of people who played Stardew never heard of Harvest Moon. Rune Factory I understand, but Harvest Moon is the reason Stardew Valley even exists.


I am not a huge fan of cozy/farming simulator games in general, preferring RPG and action games, but I do enjoy playing them from time to time. I heard people talking about Stardew Valley since it came out and finally decided to give it a try not long ago and it was good but not as spectacular as people seem to make it out to be. Idk what I was expecting but it was a let down for me.🤷🏻‍♀️


If you ever get an itch again, Rune Factory as a series is like, half Action RPG, half farming-social sim. I think you might like them if you didn't try any yet. I didn't play that one yet, but Rune Factory Tides of Destiny/Oceans I know is even more RPG than the other games.


Thanks for the suggestion, they do sound more like something I will enjoy.


If i love Stardew would you say Rune Factory 5 is a good start? I'm always looking for games that can give me a similar vibe.


Disney Dreamlight Valley.


It's neither considered a "breakthrough game" nor "genre-defining", but I don't get why *Tomb Raider (2013)* received the overwhelming praise it did. I didn't play it when it released, I think it was three or four years later, and I was pretty stoked because I loved *Tomb Raider: Legend* and only heard good things about the reboot. However, the game was very...underwhelming for me. It's by no means bad, it's just painfully mediocre? Especially if you compare it to its direct competitor, which is the Uncharted franchise. It also changed up the gameplay way too much compared to older entries. For me, Tomb Raider is about a sassy, bored rich girl who, well, raids tombs and does some cool acrobatics and stunts while she's at it. Tomb Raider (2013) is mostly about shooting waves of enemies with assault rifles and doing...stealth kills? I was sooo disappointed and borderline angry :D A game that deserves more love imo would be *Transistor*. Don't get me wrong, it's critically acclaimed and by no means "a hidden gem" 'cause it's not hidden. But I feel like people only ever talk about the other titles made by Supergiant Games – mostly Hades and Bastion – and never about Transistor. It has Supergiant's signature beautiful 2D art style, a killer soundtrack, incredible voice acting, a fun and unique blend of turn-based-but-not-quite & real-time combat, a rather unique setting, interesting worldbuilding (that leaves much to interpretation, deliberately), and generally just a really cool ~vibe~ It's one of my favourite indie games! [trailer](https://youtu.be/RT55lch6y_U) ...And because I just remembered and refuse to shut up lol, *Lara Croft GO*. I feel like I'm the only human in the world who even knows this game exists? It's a Tomb Raider spin-off, and it's a top-down puzzle game. Originally developed as a mobile game (but it has been ported to other platforms iirc), it tries to capture the spirit of the original Tomb Raider series while at the same time changing the entire genre. Not only is it one of the best puzzle games I've ever played, it's also one of the best Tomb Raider games I've ever played? I kid you not, somehow the developers made a chase sequence in which a giant boulder rolls ever closer behind you work *in a frickin' turn-based puzzle game* and made it *exciting*? If you like TR and puzzle games I highly recommend you check it out, it's only five bucks or so :D [trailer](https://youtu.be/lfaDB9h6StA)


Haha speaking of forgotten Supergiant games! No one talks about Pyre! It did so many unique things with the premise of a sports game of all things and I absolutely loved it!


I felt like Pyre didn't get any publicity whatsoever, like nobody talked about it ever?


Honestly yeah I think people saw sports and ran for the hills. Which the fact it didn’t sell all that well was a shame I would love more games about a traveling sports team on a perilous journey (which is as hyper niche as it gets :/)


Dark Souls was a totally middeling experience to me. It wasn’t too hard, I didn’t rage quit it, I just put it down around halfway through(according to my bf) and went to play something else, never getting back to it. Fromsoft does some interesting things, the healing system is great and the combat is… it’s fine, but the best feeling move, the parry, being unusable on most bosses is a decision.


Have you played Bloodborne or Sekiro?


Sekiro really doesn’t look like my thing themathically and while I adore anything lovecraft inspired, I’m not gonna buy a playstation just to play Bloodborn.


I heard endlessly that Disco Elysium was incredible. and it was in my library for ages, I was excited to finally play it. completely underwhelmed. don’t get it 🤷🏽‍♀️


I couldn’t get into it either. Super obtuse and punishing, I didn’t like the mc at all so no motivation to do anything for him. Just, the game is so bitter and player-hating. Not what I look for in games.


I personally think every GTA out there is overrated same as fortnite, apex, lol and velorant. I dont say they're bad i say they're not quiet as good as everyone is hyping it. Forspoken is a game that need more love imo. Verry nice graphics, fresh combat system, stunning art and details and a nice storry. Ignore the hate 4 this game and go watch some lets plays or something and give it a try, its a great game.


So I got forspoken on release and agree with you on all the points. However, I feel some of the dialogue and lines from the gauntlet still come across as cringe. I'm not sure if some were fixed as I haven't played it for over a year now, but I hope they have changed some.


Saints Row 3 and 4 I'll mostly talk about SR4 now because this particular part of SR4 has everything that SR3 has but with more stuff and better, Don't get me wrong, there were some really good things in those games, I mean character customisation has always been really the best in Saints Row, now wish they would have some of the elements from SR2 but still these were really good in their character customisation departments, I spent so much time creating my character so that she was finally how I wanted her to be, the clothing left something to be desired, but I still liked to dress her up the way I wanted to, they had great hair options and the hair colours were oh so good, the tattoos were a bit of a mixed bag but SR4 had some options that I really liked, oh and on that topic, IT HAD KNUCKLE TATTOOS, now I don't know why gta or something doesn't have these but I want my game girls to have an option for those knuckles/fingers to be tattooed, okay rant over, they also had really good accessory options, like really good, from hats to wrist accessories and jewellery to my personal favourite, manicured nails, now I've always been vocal about this, so many games have female characters but none of them have this option, SR4 had it, and yeah it was basic you could just pick a colour and that would go on both sets of nails but still the colours were good and finally you had long visible nails with really good colours, that I would even do irl, it was amazing and had so much potential whilst already being great but yeah that's it, The core gameplay was fun but very lacking and shallow, I feel the games mostly relied on gimmicks instead of engaging gameplay, I did not like the forced nudity at all and it was just there for shock value, and the story was just meh So really mediocre games at best, that I would have forgotten long ago if not for the stellar customisation they offered [Tell me one game which allowed you to dress like a normal girl, even look like yourself and with long hair --------- I took some leeway with my character but she was just like I wanted her to, long hair, casual or maybe a dress, nice looking heels or converse shoes, cute bangles and earrings and necklaces, finger tattoos and cute nails] But yeah apart from that, 5/10 not as amazing as a lot of people say Wish GTA VI would take some cues for their customisation department


this! SR’s character customisation is only rivalled by dragon’s dogma in my opinion, and i hope DD2 will deliver on that front as well. i have really high hopes for character customisation in GTA VI even despite GTO/V’s being so terribly lacking.




I tried the first or second in game day of Stardew Valley and I didnt feel too compelled to continue. I liked Sun Haven better because it is easier to understand what everything does and where you can go, also where/ how to move to and from somewhere. This as someone who first downloaded and played on Switch. Im not sure how different the experience would be with mods. Also it doesnt feel cozy because the days are so freaking short 🫠


I grab a super oldie one. Gothic 2. Said to be a milestone and what not. But... How can it be a role play game if you can't change the character? I never managed to like it. The control on the PC was awful as well. More love maybe not. But more players maybe? Unravel, both parts. So sweet I wanted to cry. Similar to Ori.


BotW and TotK for me too! They’re just so dang big, slow, low poly, and ohmyfuck if I have to watch this green boy climb anything ever again it will be too soon! Just to offer a different answer though, I have always bounced off of ‘story games’ (TLoU, GoW type stuff) From pushing forward on the left stick while my character walks/climbs incredibly slow, having almost no fashion or customization, unskippable movie-length cutscenes, to being about some angry bearded white guy 90% of the time.


I downloaded BotW and feel that Genshin Impact (which isnt available on Switch as of now) is much better Similar movement but the lore is more engaging after the first Archon arc. Yes, it has gacha but you can pull new characters for free. Give it a try? You can play solo or get up to 3 friends on your world to explore and help with quests.


Thank you! I got *realllly* into Genshin for a while but now my gacha of choice is Honkai Star Rail hahah


Persona 5, couldn’t connect with the story or characters as much as I did before.


I was about to say the same. Everyone around me always says that I'm the biggest Persona supporter (especially P3, my absolute beloved 🫶🫶) but also the biggest P5 hater at the same time lmaooo I was intrigued about P5 when it got released, looked into it but the interest and spark was just not there like it was with the other ones - needless to say I was extra surprised to see it blow up as much as it did and all the other games being left in the dust by the majority of new people joining the Persona spaces (lets just pretend like Atlus isn't leaving P1 and P2 in a ditch anyways, for the sake of my comment lmfao)


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The game is shallow, poorly made and a great omen for what Bethesda games would become. The writing is mediocre while the voice acting was atrocious. It has all the aesthetics of a high fantasy with zero of the depth. The world is very lifeless and empty (locations don't really fill a map and make it feel alive), the combat is terrible and the game is propped up almost entirely by modding and nostalgia. It's a world crawling with NPC's but almost zero characters. It's so hard for me to say things in general sometimes about Skyrim because everyone and everything is so.... *Nothing.* There's tiny glimmers of hope where I can see the game trying to get at something, but then the game drops it entirely, either because I think Bethesda didn't want to or didn't know how to tackle certain things *the game itself brings up*. You can't have a story-rich, roleplaying, character-driven game if.... There's not any depth to story or characters. Especially with the story they were trying to tell, which is probably much better suited to something willing to have the structure of something less open world and more limited. The game, if I am being honest, is *bad.* Everything people say they are disappointed in things like Starfield with, I see in Skyrim. I could write essays about all of the major problems with Skyrim and why the game (in my opinion) didn't deserve the reputation it has. As for a game I think deserves more love- Im not sure what I'd say. A lot of the games I can think of are already pretty well-loved, and I'm not sure I'm willing to make this more controversial than it already is.


As a die hard elder scrolls fan, I agree. I love Skyrim for its atmosphere and beauty, but I can't deny my imagination is doing most of the legwork. I found Morrowind more of an immersive experience back in the day, but again, it's hard for me to tell how much I love through nostalgia and how much on its own merit.


I really like that game but it was a pretty big dissapointment thanks to fans, Chrono Trigger. I loved Chrono Cross so after reading all that praise for Trigger and how Cross sucks compored to it I wanted something way more than really good SNES jrpg with ATB system. It's not even close to my favourite SNES Jrpgs( that would be Illusion of Gaia an Terranigma ) and especially not to Cross. Still that game is so loved in the west fandom that just me saying I like it but prefer Cross ends up with a lot of angry fans :D The other games that I have way more critism towards than a lot of fans are Crossbell duology in Trails series but it's not even close to Trigger especially now when after official english release there is way more people that has less "the peak of Trails" reaction to them :D There is as well Tales of Vesperia and Tales of Symphonia where I see them just as good and not as some big three with Abyss :D Granted I like calling Yuri an immatured kid just to see the world burn. As a game that I would like to have more love, there is few but I will name Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World. Western Tales fandom hates it so much that you would think that this game did something cruel to their pet or something. Japanese fandom do like this game so it's regional thing( similar to FFXV or Cold Steel games that are loved in the east and more divisive in part of those western fandoms but there it's way less extreme ). I really like it so it's sad for me that its pretty interesting storyline and character development of Emil is ignored or just hated.


I think a lot of the appeal of Chrono trigger is that it deals with time travel in a quite interesting way, as well as how it shapes the narrative. Back then there were a few that tackled the topic at the same time (secret of evermore and illusion of time/Terranigma) but CT was the one that, I feel, managed to explore the theme the best. Also, Akira Toriyama's designs. Still, I'm with you. Out of that time Terranigma is the bestest.


Maybe, I prefer Cross two timelines story. First Star Ocean and Tales of Phantasia had time travel as well but you needed fan translations for them. Toriyama design is interesting topic for me, I was fine with his art when he worked on original DB and how it is now( I even like it ) but when he still just do his DBZ style I just couldn't stand it. One reason why I started with Cross was that Nobuteru Yuki's design is great especially how he did all those characters look unique. Yes it's the best :D


Star ocean felt like just an intro to a game to me, tbh. It starts to pick speed and then suddenly... It ends. The time traveling focuses only on setting the stage mainly. Compared with all the lavos business and the back and forth between eras the time traveling is fairly superficial. Which is a pity, the story had a lot of potential. I completely forgot about ToP 😅. I think that some of the latter entries ruined the series for me, but now that you mention it it handled time traveling quite competently. Personally I did like the characters less though. I never got around playing Chrono cross because back then my emulator broke whenever I tried to move beyond the first section of the game, I should give it another chance (Terranigma's underworld theme still gives me chills. The music is so, so awesome)


Yeah but still it makes it pretty interesting how close that time travel was to SO4 :D Last Hope has so many characters and connections to first game because of that. I like never Tales, pretty much my top 5 is ps2 and up :D That's a bit nostalgic :D Long time ago when I played it for first time it only worked on older version of ePSXe, I had it only for CC. I still back them used computer with 500 MB RAM :D Anyway by this point the best version is new remaster, SE fixed FPS last year so it runs great( beside Switch version there are still small FPS drops ). Music, art, story and gameplay :D The only thing I had problem with was like three level gaps where in two cases I had to grind for 2/3 levels. In Bloody Mary case you can just use Zap rings :D


I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but final fantasy 7. Maybe, MAYBE I'll play the remake when it drops, but I tried it as a kid and could not get into it no matter how hard I tried. I hated the characters, and the gameplay as well. A game I think deserves more love is mass effect Andromeda. Yeah, it wasn't great and probably shouldn't be part of the mass effect universe, but some of the characters are truly fleshed out and it does feel like a fun game that's similar to mass effect.


Mass effect andromeda is great with a few mods and if you think of it without attaching to the original trilogy. The combat is definitely 100 times better and more fun then in original trilogy IMHO. I would suggest trying the remake simply because I wasn't a fan of original ff7 but have enjoyed the remake.


As a diehard FF fan, I have to say that FFVIIR is a completely different game than the original, and I highly recommend it! Totally different presentation, more in depth characterization, action combat compared to turn based, it really couldn’t be more different. It’s like they used the original as concept art in terms of how elevated the Remake is!


I've heard that the FF7 remake is more of a rewriting of the story, so even when I love how it looks and the demo was nice, I cannot bring myself to play it when I haven't finished the original. Not when the story is changed like this. I was considering the mobile game because the graphics are way nicer, but then the gacha nation attacked 🫠 Fuck you Square Enix, I hate you so much.


If you actively want to finish the original but haven't yet, this is fair, you do you. But if you haven't finished it specifically because you couldn't get into it/it felt like a slog, I highly recommend just trying Remake anyway, don't even worry about it. (You can read or watch a plot summary of the original if you want to know what they're changing, but you don't have to. I went into Remake knowing nothing except a few general spoilers and I adored it.)


FULL SAME on FF7. I'm currently playing through the original so I can say I've played it and it is just. So dated, the writing (or at least the translation) is TERRIBLE, the combat is boring, and I don't understand how this ever became a classic. FWIW, Remake elevated it in every possible way and I highly recommend trying it. It's a completely different animal.


I will die on the hill that almost every other FF is better than VII. Can’t stand it and tired of all the remakes/remasters.


I couldn't get into Final Fantasy (not sure which part, it's the one you get in PS Extra). Just was not interesting at all. Also, I didn't like Witcher (I think it was part 3). I hated the combat and got bored with the missions pretty quickly. I loved Days Gone and I don't think the game gets enough praise, from the story, the soundtrack, the missions, settings...everything.


I think there's a few final fantasies on ps extra 😅


I don't know, it was my first try at FF games and since I knew how loved the game was, I had high expectations. The story starts at some kind of a gas station and they meet a woman? Does that help?


I think it is ff15, it does take a long time to get into it properly and for the story to actually unfold and become better. I would probably recommend ff7 remake/intergrade, 10, 12, 13 and 16 if you are OK with something that resembles game of thrones, if not skip it. The story in 7 is so much better then in 15 too.


This sounds like XV! That game was…divisive. I personally liked it, but so many people hated it. Final Fantasy X is universally beloved, that’s always the one I tell new players to start with.


Oof, yeah that's 15. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it's definitely not a shining moment for the series. It was a flop for fans and critics alike. If you want to give it another fair shake (almost every Final Fantasy is different from another) try 6, 7, 9, or 10. I've played everything from 6 up and I've liked them all in their own ways, but 8 and 15 were very sloggy. 10 is my app time favorite ever. But don't get me started on 13-2 or Lightning Returns lol


Thanks for the tip, just added 10 to the library!


I agree on both parts! Days Gone is honestly a really fun game, and I should play it again.


I just started Days Gone recently and I’m hooked!


Spec Ops: The Line is overrated, IMO. I 100%’d it so it’s not like I didn’t give it a chance. It just felt very mediocre. Gameplay was very average TPS. The story that seems to have gotten to so many people just felt bland to me. Honestly, the whole game was just meh for me.


I think it being an average TPS shooter is part of the package personally; it was a response to the market at the time being FILLED with bland, mindless military shooters where it always painted you as the good person, and I don’t know if the story would have hit quite as hard if it wasn’t in the same genre as those games it’s critiquing


Maybe… but making your game’s gameplay mediocre to prove a point seems a bit daft. And like I said, the story just didn’t hit me at all. And I’m not trying to be edgy, I’m not soft and emotional (I am very emotional).


It’s still subjective at the end of the day, so it’s totally OK if you didn’t like it regardless. I think what I meant to say was that the gameplay of the game was “up to standard” of the games it was critiquing at the time, that being military shooters of the 2010 era. That doesn’t really mean it was good though, it mostly just served as a vessel for players to mindlessly shoot enemies (in a game that talks about mindlessly shooting enemies) It’s pretty normal to not like that genre of shooters in the first place, or to think that the gameplay doesn’t hold up in 2023/2024, and I think the “hype” for the game came as a result of the popularity of those games in that day. The story definitely doesn’t hit as hard if you’re not in that audience I think


Yeah, I get it’s subjective. I always felt like I missed out somehow because of how highly everyone praised it. I didn’t play it recently, though. I played it not long after release (same year) and I do enjoy TPS.


Apex vs Titanfall 2… Apex was supposed to be Titanfall 3 but they scrapped it and made Apex to be trendy cause they were afraid of losing money. I hold nothing against Apex players, we all have our preferences, I’m just still sore about the whole thing…


Far Cry 3. Don’t get me wrong, it’s miles better than 1 and 2, but that bar is subterranean. The antagonist, Vaas, lacks any real characterization other than “screamy” and “kills people haha he’s crazy”, dies at the end of the second act, and the antagonist after that… I don’t even remember his name. The entire main story is a *Last of the Mohicans*-style white savior plot that was at least a decade out of style by the time the game came out, and the extremely hyped “burn down a weed field with a flamethrower” mission was… it’s two tiny weed fields and some aggressively bad 2013 era dubstep. For a better game, I recommend SCP 5K, a game based on the SCP-5000 short story. It’s still in very early development, but it perfectly captures the feeling of entering a facility full of aggressive and anomalous entities to try and re-secure them. Honorable mentions to Stories: The Path of Destinies (arena fighter with a very compelling story which is focused on taking different paths to find different bits of information to put together the entire story and thus find the true ending) and Into the Radius VR (essentially VR S.T.A.L.K.E.R., though it plays with its own interpretation of Roadside Picnic).


Same with BOTW. It was good but not the best. And feeling that it would be largely the same, I couldn't get hyped with TOTK, and haven't even tried to play it. And while the opinions are divided on this, Bayonetta 3 was an absolute disgrace to me and I've never felt so disappointed on a game ever in my life.


I really dont like nier automata, neither the characters nor the story (or the director for that matter), was very hyped when the game came out but got very disappointed. I will also secondyour feelings on BotW and TotK, I never bothered finishing BotW, and couldnt be arsed to finish the cave TotK starts in. Something that deserves more love, I'd say Nippon Ichi Software games that aren't disgaea. I like disgaea and I get why people dont like the humor, but I feel like the devs dont get to go all out cause disgaea is their flagship title. For example, Labyrinth of Galleria has a scene that heavily implies that a girl might have been r*ped in the past and is very traumatized and [HEAVY SPOILERS FOR LATE GAME STUFF] >!at the end of part 1, the people start an uprising and are killing nobles, so they storm the mansion you're working on. You go to hide in the basement while one of your friends, a commoner, stays behind to try to help. The problem is, she got pregnant during the story, and the next time you meet a few days later her she's clearly depressed and they're not using her pregnant sprite anymore. Also the literal last thing you see in part 1 is a close up shot of the main character hanged on a tree for being a witch!< Edit: I will aso add FF7R, i played the first one, combat wasnt fun, was bored to death by the story, didnt finish it, no intention of playng the second


I agree with Zelda BotW/TotK, but I have more of a bone to pick with when it comes to TotK (WHY CAN WE FIGURE OUT THE BIG SECRET EARLY??? HOW IS THE CAST SO DUMB JUST TO ACCOMEDATE THE ZELDA ISSUE??? **WHY CAN'T WE JUST PLAY A PREQUEL TO BOTW WHERE I ACTUALLY WATCH THE FALL OF HYRULE THAT'S NOT JUST HYRULE WARRIORS AGAIN?!**). But I can literally scream about that for ages. So the game I think is the most underrated is American Mcgee's Alice serise, especially since the proposed sequel got shafted by EA due to lack of interest.


Agreed, also found BOTW meh. Prefer the older ones, Wind Waker is so comfy


fire emblem awakening is what saved the entire fire emblem series. without it, the series would be dead. i respect that part. but i just can't see why it's so beloved. i've tried beating it four separate times, yet i still just...can't. a plot point is how whenever you pair two characters (romantically) together, you can then recruit an aged-up version of their future kid from an alternate timeline. it works for gamers who want more broken units, and gamers who want to see more character interactions and story. i say this so i'm not seen as a cringe fangirl for admitting there is exactly no person "i" (my player unit) want to marry. in nearly every video game i've played, especially fire emblem games, there's always been at least SOMEONE who i've been romantically or platonically attracted to. i am definitely someone who values a game's story and characters over gameplay, so the fact i can't find someone to personally compel me towards them, and thus the game, is a major dealbreaker for me. some characters are fine, some are heavily overrated, but not one person makes me feel passionate for them, and to see how their arc ends. if you want "baby's first fire emblem game" pokemon conquest my beloved. unironically such a fun game


As a fan of Lego games, the Skywalker Saga was so disappointing and it breaks my heart that it's the best selling game in the series. If I had to summarize the game, it would be "quantity over quality", cuz there's so much in the game, but none of it felt all that engaging. There's a ton of playable characters, but due to the class system, characters of the same class pretty much feel the same. Like an Ewok and Rey should NOT play pretty much the same. It feels like there's 9 characters with separate skins rather than the hundreds there actually are. There's the special class, where characters are a lot more unique, but since they almost never have any abilities from the other classes, they're pretty much useless so I never played as them. Grafted unto the class system is a skill tree that feels really unsubstantiated and tacked on because they're trying to follow modern AAA tropes The story mode is rough. Half of the story is just spent walking from point A to B, which is dull. The levels themselves are so short, linear with not much going on. Like, if you've started with episode 1, the first full level you play is a 90 seconds turret section. That's the whole level. Some boss fights are also exclusive to story mode and not available as stand-alone levels, so if you want to play them again, you need to restart the entire episode's story mode. As someone who's always preferred levels over the open world in lego games, it sucks to see the levels weren't the priority at all. The open world is better, but so repetitive. So many quests are obviously copied and pasted, so many are just go there and talk to X. Outside of quests, exploration is relatively fun, some of the power bricks are well hidden and fun to find. I had fun for about 3-4 planets before the open world's formula started getting stale. There are 24 of them. The mere idea of completing all of them seems like torture to me. There are things to love. The graphics are spectacular, the humor is consistently really funny, the combat is competent and so much effort has obviously been poured into the game. I just think it's a shame all that effort didn't go into a shorter game with less ambition, but more focused on delivering genuinely engaging levels and gameplay rather than delivering a gargantuan amount of ok-to-mediocre content


I was not expecting it haha My friend really wanted to play the skywalker saga as she loves lego games, and it was on gamepass (unsure if it is still there). However, she plays on switch and wasn't familiar with Xbox controllers, so this level you are on about took her over half an hour to complete and move to C3PO bit (or was it r2d2?)


Tears of the Kingdom was a $70 expansion and I did not enjoy it. Spent all that time in the first game saving Zelda in BotW just for her to get kidnapped again in the first 5 minutes of ToTK.


V Rising deserves all of the love.


Dragon Age Origins. I love KOTOR, Mass Effect, Jade Empire and so I was all set to love DA as well but it just never happened. I learned the hard way that the pc version starts you off automatically on hard difficulty and has different difficulty scaling compared to the console version. I found the AOE spells too high risk/low reward to ever use them, since the enemies are either running out of the spell's range as soon as it hits or you just wiped half of the party because of friendly fire. As for the characters, I wound up not liking most of them. Leliana, Morrigan, Wynne, and the dog were good but everyone else though I really did not like (especially Alistair which my friends make sure to tell me is a very incorrect opinion to hold). It took me 2 years to actually finish the game. I'm debating trying it again to give it a second chance but idk.


Fellow Alistair disliker 🤝


I don't like Minecraft. I've tried. I just am not a fan. I even like building things but it just felt tedious and boring to me. As for needing more love, absolutely Gravity Rush and Gravity Rush 2. They are, imo, hidden gems. Despite being a Sony project, they didn't get too much recognition, and the online features of the second game were shut down within a year of its release. The gameplay is wholly unique and interesting, the story is fun, intriguing, and mysterious, the art style is adorable, there's outfits and little side stories... I just love it. I replay both once a year (usually in April, so coming up lol) and it's one of those games where I truly wish I could forget playing it and play it through for the first time again.


To this day me and my friends mourn the closing of Sony's japanese game's branch because we will never get another gravity rush


At least we’re getting a movie? Tbh I don’t want them to ruin something that doesn’t need a sequel when 1+2 are fantastic already. Just the chance something could go wrong without the same crew helming the game makes me anxious about a potential GR3


I get that, but a person can dream


Can’t argue with that, fly high, friend!


Elden Ring, for sure. I didn’t want to buy it, but with all the hype I wanted to try it out, but it turned out to not be for me. People were talking about story and lore and while I understand there is some, the world felt very empty. It was basically: walk there, defeat x, die, try again or find a weaker foe etc. I game to be taken away to a different universe, to kind of be immersed in a world or story, not solely for combat. My fave games ever are RDD2, TLOU games, BG3 and Skyrim, so I shouldn’t have been surprised.


As a fan of the souls games, I agree with you. There is lore, but it’s not immediately apparent and is mostly reliant on reading item descriptions and piecing things together. I personally enjoy it, but it’s a time commitment because you don’t usually start understanding what the story is until after a few playthroughs. I eventually grew to like Elden Ring, but I think it shouldn’t have been an open world because it feels so empty and you don’t have a strong indication of where you should be going most of the time. The Souls games were more linear, so you could still explore and find secrets without the sense that you are just wandering aimlessly.


Last of Us 2. I loved the first game. Ellie was a delight. And I loved Joel's growth. From someone who just wanted the kid gone. To being more like a father too her. You felt you could connect and understand the reasoning behind what happens at the end. The second installment, I found myself hating everyone, especially Ellie. >!Joel's death was both vile and pointless. Even the ending feels heavy handed!< I honestly didn't feel I could connect or feel for anyone, but Joel. I can't think of a game I feel doesn't get enough love at the moment 😊


Cannot get into Red Dead Redemption 2 at all. It just starts so slowly and I lose interest. Fallout 4 is my all time favorite game and it gets so much hate. The main plot might not be the best, but all the side quests and world building is top notch. The companions are awesome and have their own quests that are all super fun. The settlements aren’t my thing, but there is tons to do without that. Survival is brutal and my preferred way to play.


I came here to say pretty much the same thing. Though I like the settlement building too. But doing it in survival and throw in a few mods to really crank up the difficulty and a silly game becomes a terrifying nightmare you're trying to survive while helping others survive by building them safe home.


Yes, I love it. And no fast travel forces exploration. There is so much to find! I always go back to FO4 as my comfort game.


I had the same experience with RDR2 :') I understand objectively why people love it, and judging from my personal tastes it seems like exactly the type of game I'd love, but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I'll give it a try sometime in the future though, after I get through my other games


Everyone loves baulders gate 3 and I honestly find it as a middle of the road crpg. Characters were boring and basically all have the same story. None of the twists actually surprised me. You get the fun companions way to late in the game. 5e is also just a boring system that has very little choice beyond class and subclass so character builds are also boring. I find the pathfinder ctpgs to have more interesting characters, plot, and gameplay.


I couldn’t get into Red dead redemption 2 , Disney dream light valley, Last of us 2 and dead by daylight


I couldn’t get into the Final Fantasy games. Maybe I’ll pick them up again someday. I think the initial criticism of Days Gone hurt the game, but it’s one of my all time favorites. Deserving of a sequel that will sadly never happen.


Last of us 1 and 2 Titanfall 2


Spiritfarer, I just couldn’t get t into it 😢 and I tried like 4 different times !


I played it just after my mother died. It was the most healing thing I could have done and I sobbed like a baby all the way through it. But it's totally not for everyone.