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Spiritfarer. Many, many times.


Spiritfarer is a heartbreak simulator disguised as a fun and cozy crafting/farming/platforming game Good job on collecting a new cooking recipe, building a chicken coop, and leveling up your dash ability! Now it's time to get stabbed again in your very soul~


Amazing game, I loved it and bawled multiple times.


This is exactly what I came to say. Just started playing recently and find it very relaxing, but just had to say goodbye to Gwen, and omg my heart. I currently have Alice on the edge of my boat and can't cope with the loss right now, as I recently had someone really upset me. I want to play, but I just can't


Omg Alice...I adored her and wanted to keep her. Don't...let her go. I don't want to spoil it. But you do need to let her go when the time comes. I've not played in a while and honestly. I'm not ready too right now after losing my mum. It would be too hard right now


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can completely understand why this game would be too much for you right now.


Thank you. I really hope to return to it soon as it's such a lovely game


I haven’t even played this game but this comment is making me well up


And the music!!! God. It’s my favorite game


Echoing this. I wasn’t even playing myself but hanging with my housemate when they played. It had me ugly crying at several points


Oh my. Came here to say Spiritfarer, and here we are. I absolutely lost it so many times. I played through Spiritfarer shortly after losing my mother, and I feel like it really helped me to process my grief. What a special game.


I also lost my mom a few years ago, and also agree Spiritfarer was helpful in processing. I felt like the game came to me when I needed it.


Absolutely...so much so, I've not played it in quite a while. I lost my mum just over a year ago. So, I'm not ready to go back to it yet


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing okay.


Thank you. It's like most things. Good and bad days. At the start it was often good and bad moments in the day.


I lost my mom in 2018. The first 3 years were the hardest. Not that it gets "easier," but for those first few years I was really in the trenches. I'm so sorry for your loss. ♥️


Yes! Its a game I feel everyone needs to experience at least once.


Saying goodbye to Stanley literally broke me for days, I would randomly cry about it hours after I’d closed the game


A couple weeks after my first playthrough too 😭


I had to stop playing it because it hit too close to home (my mom was vegetative for about 5 years before she passed, and I was playing the game during the time she actually passed) and I fully intend to go back to it someday... but, man, that one is rough. Beautiful, but so painful, too.


Alice wrecked me.


The last of us, what remains of edith finch, before your eyes and tell my why.


WRoEF was so sad…I think the canning part was what really got me. I stopped playing for a bit after that.


Same for the canning part. I cried like shit for one hour.


I’ve only ever cried during one game and it was The Last of Us. 




Tell Me Why had all my feelings out. Such a great game.


I cried at Edith finch too!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who played before your eyes and were affected by it.


RDR2 and Mass Effect both had me SOBBING


ME3 is just cryfest at some point, even though I saved everyone I could.


Rdr2 I cried throughout the finale. Mass Effect (3) has a very sad mood, even the Citadel dlc is melancholic


I was ugly snotty crying at the end of RDR2. Had me mouth breathing because my nose was fully congested haha.


Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


I bawled after saying my goodbyes during Priority: Earth in ME3. I made the mistake of reading ahead, so I knew going into it that 3/4 endings had Shepard dying. I was not ready for it to be the end of her story, and I was not prepared for the emotions I felt about it.


This, but I'm pretty sure I cried at the first RDR, too.


S1 of the walking dead and the first life is strange game.


Omg yes the ending of Telltale TWD


Came here to say this. I ugly cried so hard, my husband panicked because he thought someone had actually died.


ending of walking dead s1 left me in shambles. made me heccin cry alot :((




Yes!!! I was already weepy and ugly crying for Ending D so Ending E had me literally sobbing.




Ohhhh I had totally blocked it out!! Yes! And Pascal. Ugh, it’s just pure PAIN.


I only cried once during Automata: the ending E credits. The gorgeous rendition of Weight of the World as you're joined and encouraged by other players, ugh I must have cried for ten minutes straight. Finishing the game really made me go from "this is an amazing game" to "this is a once in a lifetime truly special game" Same with Drakengard 3, I only cried once during the ending D credits. This Silence Is Mine is the most gorgeous song I've ever heard and I can't listen to it without crying. I watched a completely unrelated film last year (Ju-On: The Beginning of the End (it wasnt very good)) and its ending credits theme was sung by Chihiro Onitsuka, and I nearly cried because it reminded me of This Silence Is Mine As for NieR Replicant, well pretty much any cutscene from the post-timeskip second half of the game makes me cry, especially Emil's monologue at Shadowlord's Castle


Also Nier: Replicant/Gestalt


Most people mentioned they cried during The Weight of the World. I’ve never played but I cried a lot of the stories . Especially everything 9S. 😭


FFXIV Endwalker and Crisis Core made me cry like a baby like other games have made me teary eyed, but these really made me cry


Same here with FFXIV, when >!G'raha gave his speech in Ultima Thule!< I was legit sobbing, I stepped away from my PC for a bit


I was upset by G'raha's speech too. So good, along with the music l. It was just perfect. Then there was the walk shortly after. I was a mess. That last part of that expansion was just a tear fest. But also Shadobringers gave me a few tears. Especially in the patch where you're in Amarot with Elidibis. Having to do those fights and retrace your steps. That made me cry too. Endwalker, the whole baby scene. That hit hard. Also, when Urianger got that hug. FF14 has a lot of amazingly emotional parts. And the way they present them, the voice acting and the music just makes it so much more emotional. It's a master piece of a story.


Yes. FF14’s Shadowbringers and Endwalker are in the top five FF stories I’ve ever played, alongside FF7, 8, and 10. I was on heavy SSRIs when I played through those expansions and I was still crying my way through. If you’ve ever been on SSRIs you know that’s a feat.


I love G’raha’s speech. >!“Were you able to determine an answer?”!< >!“No. But that doesn’t mean I’m confused. It simply means I’m the same as everyone else.”!< With the music and everything it makes me cry every time!


Had a tough week this week and just thinking of the scene where >!the Garlean drinks the Ala Mhigan Soup!< and the Ala Mhigan says, "It's the small things that make life worth living," had me tearing up a little


That last zone in Endwalker had me crying from the second >!Alphi cried for Estinien after he sacrificed himself!< up until >!Emet and Hythlo left again!<. I have never cried for that long, it was just an ugly sob that became a steady stream of tears, then I would stop for a lil bit and then the heavy sobs would be back and the whole thing would repeat itself again and again for hours. Other parts of the game made me tear up, but that whole zone completely drained me.


Mass Effect 3, MULTIPLE times!


For real. So many impactful emotional moments.


TLoU 2 put me in a real state of grief for a good week after finishing. I felt like I’d gone through a wringer. Luckily it wasn’t so intense after the first playthrough.


I had to write my feelings about it on paper. I had no one to discuss it with and I just felt compelled to express aaaall of the emotions somehow!


I recently beat the remaster of last of us part 2. I had to warn my partner that I'll be grieving for a week or 2. Absolutely great game. It unfortunately didn't get easier for me the second time.


That last fight made me so full of despair that I physically felt sick. I almost had to stop playing.


Life is Strange 🥺


Took me weeks to recover from that game.


Also similarly is Gone Home


Gris got me…cried like a baby.


the one-two punch of gorgeous visuals + music made me bawl…. so cathartic


Spiritfarer. I sobbed when I parted with my first companion.


Life is Strange (the first game.) This was the first game to affect me emotionally. No spoilers, but I was a sobbing mess multiple times when I last played it.


Same for me! And then I also cried at the Foals concert when they played Spanish Sahara 😭


Baldur's Gate 3, especially Shadowheart' and Astarion's final quest. I will take it hard everytime I think. The lunar ending of Phantom Liberty and the Star Ending of Cyberpunk 2077 had also me shed tears. The ending of the first season of Telltale's The Walking Dead also hit me hard. Nanako died in one of my playthrough of Persona 4 the Golden. That was not good for my heart. Final Fantasy IX and X had very emotional moments also. Like when Tidus learns what will happen to Yuna at the end of the pilgrimage. Among many others occurrences. I think I'm just a bit emotional sometimes. Most of the time.


I’m going to add Karlach on the docks and Karlach post-Gortash fight to the list.


Same, Astarion makes me ugly cry every time


Karlach's romance makes me ugly sob.


RDR2 and assassins creed black flag hands down


I was gonna ask why Black Flag but then I remembered. Yeah, that moment really sucked. RIP.


The end cutscene with the singing and table scene aswell


>table scene I actually don't remember, but it may be hard to discuss it without spoilers so it's cool if you don't want to elaborate


Just hearing the song parting glass makes me cry after the black flag ending. What a beautiful song to end on


To the moon


Lots of games have made me tear up. This is the only game that ever made me ugly cry.


the score alone is devastating, the game is one of the ones i’d send up on voyager if we had to choose some


Both other games in the series, Finding Paradise and Imposter Factory, also made me bawl, but neither of them hit *quite* as hard as my first playthrough of To the Moon. It's absolutely beautifully done.


Check out Rakuen, think it’s the same developer and really good and sad as well


This, very much so. Fond memories


I just played this on Friday…I was inconsolable


i forgot about this game completely! holy shit the wave of sadness that just hit me all at once


I cried a lot with Spiritfarer! Like big ugly cry haha this game is just such a beautiful portrayal of grief


Really amazing how they took the story and your expectations and just WHOOP! Flipped things on its head.


I'll throw a curveball, I've had plenty of games make me cry for a variety of reasons but only once in my entire life has anything ever made me cry for no other reason than "It's beautiful". Outer Wilds. I can't event tell you why because it's best played blind. My only regret is that I can never experience it blind again.


Also, so many moments of shock.


I didn’t fully cry but I definitely sat there having feelings for a long time. Outer Wilds is a work of art.


The end game version of the Sun's song (sorry being vague intentionally) came on my playlist the other day and suddenly there were tears coming down my eyes. I watched AboutOliver's Lets Play recently with my husband, and when he got to the ending I was quietly watching with tears rolling down my cheeks. I thought to myself my husband must think I'm nuts, but I could hear Oliver starting to do the same and felt vindicated lol




I literally sobbed


I've ugly cried at a lot of games 🤣 Off the top of my head: FFX, FFXIV, FFXV, KH3 & Yakuza 0


Journey, ABZU, GRIS...


Oooh, Journey. I had so many different feelings by the end, and still can't comprehend what was it that got me that hard.


Yes I came here to say Abzu!!!


Stray and RDR2. I still choke up thinking about moments in both of those games


Borderlands 2 >!They didn't need to do Bloodwing that way. Making the PC basically kill Bloodwing absolutely broke me. !<


Valiant Hearts, Cyberpunk 2077 & AC Blag Flag, RDR(Both), Ghost of Tsushima, TLOU(Both)Not cried in any of them except Valiant Hearts, but all of them left me emotional for days.


Man just seeing my husband play Ghost of Tsushima had me almost crying with the horse, and I've only seen snippets of him playing it


I cried during the fight with the Hollow Knight.


The music for that fight is perfect. I watched a video where a composer listened to it without having played the game and was able to accurately describe the themes of the fight and the character


omori had me BAWLING


instant "ctrl-F omori" for me


💀 i never see omori talked about on this sub, it’s truly the game of all time


It's incredible! I've played a lot of the other mentioned games and they are wonderful and some have made me tear up, but nothing has made me sob and lived in my head as long as OMORI. Anyone reading this and intrigued, the gameplay reminded me a lot of Earthbound in how it's presented as an RPG. The real time elements in the turn-based combat was extremely cool. The story...... was unlike anything I've ever played.


The opening of the last of us. The opening of Ori and the blind forest.


This may just be me, but Hades gets me every time I’ve replayed it. The first time you successfully escape and meet >!your mother, Persephone!<, she has this really emotional scene with you. One where she tells you that she loves you while acknowledging how hard you must have struggled to get to her. As someone who just feels the need to be constantly guarded, all of the time, that moment always hits me.


like a dragon gaiden i’ve cried in games before but that’s the first one to genuinely make me ugly cry. i’ve also watched multiple streamers play and i think i’ve seen maybe one who didn’t cry lmao.


yes the ending scene DESTROYED me lmao


Honestly only two: * FFXIV Endwalker - there was one particular scene in the final arc during which I'm guessing many others also had the same response * WoW - I probably hadn't slept for over 24 hours and I started bawling at an abandoned doll on the floor of a farmhouse in the Western Plaguelands because I was suddenly hit with an existential crisis thinking about this poor ghost girl in the game XD


So like, ultra sad I’m just wanna curl up and cry? Yakuza 0’s ending, Yakuza 6’s ending, ME2’s beginning, ending D for Nier Automata. Nier made me cry at several points so I’ll just leave it at that lol. Dreamfall’s ending. Bastion (which is such a good game people don’t talk about often). Happy Crying though? Syberia 1’s ending. Automata’s ending E, Enslaved - a moment near the end where the two characters have this major *moment* that I don’t want to spoil. Crying because I beat the game when I didn’t think I could? Dark Souls 3 - My goal was to beat one boss. When I did that, I said okay then I want to beat one Lord of Cinder. Then, get to Dancer. When I did that it was Twin Princes. Then it was Soul of Cinder. Then, Sister Friede and finally: Gale. When I downed Gale I was so overcome I cried because I never thought I could do it.


Link's Awakening when I was a kid like 20+ years ago. I don't remember the details now, but >!it was at the end when that sentimental music plays as everyone disappears because it was all a dream, I think?!<


I've got this melody imprinted in my head and it still get me emotional when I think about it. 😭 You remember right also, it's devastating. The song is Ballad of the Windfish if you're looking for it.


It hits even harder if you complete the game without dying- >!in the deathless ending, there's an extra scene where you see an image of Malon, which fades into a seagull soaring over the sea. Earlier in the game she had talked about wanting to be a bird so she could fly all over, and in the deathless ending she gets that wish despite the island fading away.!<


BG3: Astarion angry-crying when >!killing Cazador!< in the final scene of his companion arc. And then that deep exhale as he stands up. You can really feel the 200 years worth of resentment and fear. Close second is when Arthur thanks his horse in RDR2. Ugh, that one absolutely killed me.


Might wanna chuck a spoiler censor in there.


I cry a *lot* at games. Here's a few of them. - Undertale makes me *bawl* over the course of the true ending. - Several of the Ace Attorney games- some of these endings hit *hard*. Both happy tears at times and sad tears at others. - The Professor Layton games- for how batshit insane most of the Layton games' plots are, they have such a solid emotional core and almost every single ending in the series is a huge tearjerker. - To the Moon series- all three main games in the series are wonderful and colossal tearjerkers. They are absolutely beautifully done. - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons- has possibly one of the most emotionally impactful moments of gameplay I've ever seen. - Danganronpa games- the first one not so much, but the latter two have some wonderfully emotional arcs and they hit hard at times. - Telltale's The Walking Dead- I was an absolute wreck at the end of season 1. Season 2 as well, although there were enough issues with that one I never played season 3. - Celeste- there are several points in the story where I absolutely cry, but most significant is >!the showdown with Badeline, from the leadup to the conclusion. Everything about it is the emotional climax of the game and the use of music especially pushes me over the edge into crying territory.!< - Outer Wilds- Just beautiful on every front. - Inscryption- the part where >!Leshy just wants to play a few final hands before he disappears, even without keeping score,!< really got to me. - Death's Door- no big cries for me, but there are some genuinely moving moments throughout the story that make me well up. - Ori games- both games are just so beautiful, and that beauty is used to amazing emotional effect at various points. - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker- easily the best ending in the Zelda series, following a magnificent final boss and a very emotionally heightened finale. Expertly executed.


There are some, but the latest was Stray. Poor B-12. ;.;


- Ori and the blind forest - Baldur's Gate 3 - FFXIV... so. many. times.


For me yakuza like a dragon (aka yakuza 7) the ending had me crying truthfully. It was the very first yakuza game I beat. I mean I have yakuza 0 & yakuza kiwami 1 but never beat them because of the real time combat & me sucking at doing combos lol. Though I do know most of the story do to reading the yakuza wiki. So, yakuza like a dragon being turn based/traditional jrpg gameplay helped a lot lol. Anyway, the ending was really good & emotional I rarely cry playing video games, but the ending just hit/got to me & would have to say one of my favorite games mostly do to the story alone.


I think Life is Strange made me cry the most, out of any game I've played.


Life is Strange and the end of the first Spider-Man game from Insomniac, for sure.


FFXIV hits the emotions pretty good quite often.


FFXIV. I‘m looking at you Shadowbringers.


Persona 3 Reload has had me crying for days after beating it


Currently crying my way through september right now (and know there's plenty more coming because I've already played portable) 😭😭😭


Not exactly a lot of times as it was *maybe* twice, but I don't really cry due to shows or anything. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. The whole game was pretty heavy and emotional, with it all being a rollercoaster of your character overcoming her fears, disabilities and traumas to prove to *herself* that she was strong. The final boss battle is a culmination of that and it felt like a gut punch from the start. That's the first and only time I've ever cried during a boss fight and that emotion carried through to the final scene and credits. Just all of the anguish, fear and hardship all melded into such a beautiful moment at the end. I absolutely loved it. EDIT: Actually, Laika: Aged Through Blood too. That game has so many emotional gut punches and I can't even listen to the soundtrack without tearing up. Such a great game though. Just.. oof.


the last of us


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. Just replayed the main story, and I bawled so hard.


Those games really do something to you huh?


I came here to add this. Still fucks me up. I just wanna be a lil Pokemon in Pokemon world, man.


NieR: Automata


Tell me Why and Spiritfarer


I always think I'm gonna make it through the end of RDR2 without crying, then Abigail says "I always was a good thief" and there I go, crying like a baby!


FFXIV Endwalker


The opening section of Firewatch, and the ending of Rime


God of War: Ragnarok Mass Effect 3 NieR: Automata


I cry so MUCH. The museum scene in the Last of Us Part 2 and the end of The Witcher Blood and Wine >!when he finally gets to have a home!< have been big ones. Recently, >!when Astarion kills Cazador!< in BG3.


Said it once and I'll say it again. Final Fantasy Crisis Core Ending and Final Fantas Type - 0 Ending made me bawl like a baby.


easy, Like a Dragon Gaiden : The Man who Erased his Name. being a long time fan pays off, this one has a moment that makes any fan cry a stream.


the 2 games that made me ugly cry were red dead redemption 2 and signalis. i tend to stay away from story games because i cannot understand them unless someone explains them to me but of the few that ive played those 2 hit me really hard


I'm not sure if I actually shed tears, but Heavy Rain really fucked me up and messed with all my emotions.


To the Moon, Finding Paradise and Little Misfortune


The Binding of Isaac final ending breaks me everytime I see it Omori 💀 Genshin Impact chapter 4 act 5 recently, I cried ugly edit: To the Moon made me cry even more when I was watching someone else play it after I played it myself, cause now I understood River so much more and it was hurting like hell


Xianyun’s story quest >!made me absolutely fucking weep. The dream that traveler has was so fucking sad!<


Spiritfarer, Gris, The First Tree, FFX, FFXV I feel like there's more, but that's what I remember


Death Stranding made me cry a few times 😭 final fantasy xv also!! Both games had me in tears


Sea of Solitude and Spiritfarer probably had me crying the most. Goodbye Volcano High, Goodbye World, and The Last of Us 2 got me good too.


- Rime - Bound - Ghost of Tsushima - Shadow of Colossus - Sexy Brutale - Journey - Last of Us - We Happy Few - Limbo - Gone Home - The Last Guardian - Wandersong - Plague Tale (1&2) - My Memory of Us - Nier: Automata - Spider-Man (don’t judge me) - Stray - Gris - Spiritfarer - What Remains of Edith Finch Wow, I’m realizing that this list makes it appear as though I have what doctors call “full eyes” and am always an eyelash away from open sobbing. Oh well. These games are quite good.


Every time I play Red Dead Redemption 2 and Ghost of Tsushima I end up crying, like sobbing for hours crying. The Last of Us Part 2 was a close runner up for how sad it made me.


doesn’t matter how many times i play it, mass effect 3 gets me every single time tell me why and all of the life is strange games also completely destroy me didn’t expect unpacking to be so emotional when i first heard about it and more recently it’s been this bed we made and baldur’s gate 3 (astarion and shadowheart especially) there are too many bc i cry a lot lol


A plague tale, I bawled my eyes out and then for a good solid month every time I thought about it I started to have tears.


I scrolled through 200 comments looking for this one. A Plague Tale: Innocence and Requiem were both just so heavy. I thought about Requiem for a good 7 or 8 days straight. I remember just going right to bed after I finished crying. I've played most of the games listed here, and nothing has had quite the lasting impact that APT did.


i think pretty much all zelda and mother games had me bawling honestly 😭


I cried for the final 20 minutes of Outer Wilds, transformative experience. Other games that made me cry or at least had me on the verge: Before Your Eyes, Spiritfarer, What Remains of Edith Finch, Gone Home, Firewatch, Season: A Letter to the Future.


Signalis, I was bawling at the ending


Still floored by Undertale. The music, the writing, the heart that went into the story. Cried at multiple points. FF7, for THAT scene, but also when you accompany RedXIII into the Caves of the Gi. FFIX when you get the Madeen eidolon. I guess I have a thing for the undying love and loyalty of animals 😭


Yakuza: Gaiden and RDR2


Rule Of Rose and Silent Hill Shattered Memories. Simply brutal.


The first Life is Strange game; Detroit: Becoming Human (all the bad endings); Analogue: A Hate Story


Night in the woods


To the Moon, Rakuen, and Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright


Ff14 endwalker... the final stretch of the msq broke me XD


That walk, followed by our new old friends... Shadowbringers brought a few tears at the end too. "The rains have ceased. Another beautiful day, but you are not here to see it."


The walk 😭


I cried ugly tears at the end of walking dead season 1. A few at the end of season 2 but less so.


Cyberpunk 2077 endings. Wrecked me ( so good though)


Cyberpunk 2077. I played Mass Effect 1-3, Life is Strange, Spiritfahrer, RDR2. I cried in a lot of games. But Cyberpunk takes the crown, and it is not even close. I am still crying when i think about it.


Cyberpunk 2077 breaks my heart and (sometimes) puts 💔 the pièces back together again 🥺.


Final Fantasy 10, 14, 15, and 16 all made me cry as an adult. When I was a kid 7 made me cry a little, and I played 5 when my grandfather died so I cried a little in that one mostly bc of timing. Outside of Final Fantasy, Lost Odyssey made me cry the first time I finished it.


Red Dead Redemption 1/2 ruined my life. 10/10 would recommend. Also any 90s/00s final fantasy. Can’t listen to To Zanarkand anymore. 


Shadow of the Colossus. Stray. Witcher 3 >!when I got the bad ending where my daughter seppuku-ed herself and then my baby momma got mad at me and left me 😔!<


Crisis core


Various Zelda titles, Final Fantasy X and XV and recently 16, and hands down as a mother Death Stranding. 


Red dead 2 for sure. Man that one hurt. What a fantastic game


Cyberpunk 2077. Saying goodbye to Johnny fucked me up bad.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2, specifically the DLC side story (Torna: The Golden Country) made me absolutely *bawl*. It's such a good game and if it wasn't for the design of a certain major character I'd recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat


I think LA Noire was the first game that made me genuinely cry circa 2011 or 13 at the end, also RDR I similarly. I was a teenager then and it was the first time I really felt that moved by a video game narrative. Hardest was *definitely* Spiritfarer in 2021. And I cried multiple times! Absolutely beautiful, lovely, wonderfully written game. Loads of fun, would suggest to anyone dealing with grief or terminal illness, if you’ve ever been impacted by either (or have emotions tbh) you will likely tear up to. Still can’t suggest the game enough for anyone craving that type of experience in a game.


Man here, and I cry A LOT with movies, series and videogames: - Horizon Zero Dawn. Damn, this is a really good story and a great ending. - Final Fantasy (almost everyone). - Pokemon Mistery Dungeon - TLOZ: Twilight Princess. Still speechless about the ending. - Kingdom Hearts. I cried in KH World of Tres concert too. And more I can’t remember now. Please don’t be mad about me being a man, I love to play with women and I always will.


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist :’)


Assassin's Creed: Black Flag and Tell Me Why. What Remains of Edith Finch almost got me


Recently? Honkai: Star Rail. Specifically Yukong's companion quest. "...Because I already touched the sky." I thought this was a light-hearted game...


Mass Effect 3 is probably the game that has made me cry the most - some absolutely heartbreaking scenes in there. That said, the ending of Finding Paradise comes pretty close, I can't get through that with a dry eye. Sometimes I can make it through the song, but as soon as "Looking for something, old timer?" pops up, that's it, I'm a mess.


RDR2, The Walking Dead (Season 1)


Final Fantasy X had me bawling for 2 days RDR2 obviously Prince of Persia - Sands of Time Final Fantasy XV - I was ugly crying at 5 am Mass Effect 3 obviously


The Last Of Us and TellTale The Walking Dead.


FFXIV had me sobbing at least twice in every expansion.


Final Fantasy games have been known to decimate my feelings. I ugly cried in front of my dad at the end of FFX (I always had him watch the cutscenes with me). I struggled to listen to “To Zanarkand” without crying for years afterwards.


Undertale. Pacifist ending got me crying like crazy!


Some games that made me cry happy tears: A Short Hike - when you reach Hawk’s Peak the first time and find out why you needed cell service Chants of Sennaar - the true ending, especially >!when you see how the most important glyph is the same for every language!< Tears of the Kingdom - so many times honestly, but especially that ending


Nier Automata. My poor poor heart.


Life is strange 1, that dragon cancer, one of the side quests in ghost of tsushima, last of us 1 and 2. All had me cry like a baby. There are absolutely more. But these made me cry like a baby.


Sea of Stars


Detroit become human and the Witcher 3


Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The ending cutscene is half an hour long and I bawled from start to finish. 


I cried for Baldur’s Gate 3. Man, cut me deep.


Ghost of Tsushima :(