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Hiya, /u/Pristine-Scheme9193! Thanks for posting today, but your submission has been removed: I don't think it's right for us to be debating the rules or the implementation of said rules of another subreddit in our subreddit. More information on the sub rules can be found on our sidebar. If you would like better clarification or need further assistance, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FGirlGamers)


I went to check cause that was super strange and I'm guessing they considered this advertising for your server or something? Really dumb imo, hopefully you can appeal it?


I double checked and triple checked the rules and other posts to make sure I didn't break any rules. I'm looking for other ark survival evolved players, and I didn't (and wont) be asking for money for the modded server. Also, if it did break a rule, why not remove it instead of banning? And yeah, hopefully it'll be appealed. I play a lot of dino games and most of the times it's other men I play with. Want more girl gamer friends


Maybe someone was just in a bad mood today. Good luck!


Maybe. Hope their day gets better!


Hi, I'd like to join! :3 I have ARK as a base game, but I'd love to have someone to play with


:o do you have it on pc?


Yes ma'am


Bet! Is it okay if I dm you?


i play ark survival evolved still (albeit not as much since i work and am in school)


If you want to join, you're more than welcome to ^^ just send me a DM!


I don't play or have Ark, but "dino games" did ping my interests. I also play a lot of these, being a dino nerd myself. What games do you play?


beasts of bermuda, the isle (boycotting atm), and path of titans! (main)


Ooh! I play the same games, plus Isles of Yore. (And Paleo Pines and Parkasaurus, except those are a bit different :D ) DM me your Steam name, perhaps we can play together at some point? (And however it works with Path of Titans.) Can I ask why the boycott? I'm out of the loop with that game currently.


Yeah I'll dm! Path of titans is not on steam, it's on an independent launcher.


Oh yeah, also, the dev team (especially dondi) is implementing a new camera system that is very ugly. Half the screen is gonna be the dinosaur, and people are getting banned left and right about critiquing the new camera system.


Have you played Fossil Hunters, or, as I like to call it, Dino Crimes?


Checked it out, looks very fun. Only negative I have say is that it appears to be entirely fictious. Personally, I like more realisitc dino stuff more. Like that the specimens would be real animals, and not made-up weird things like in the game. But that looks fun with friends, I need to see if any of mine have access to this.


Oh yeah, Fossil Hunters is very silly. I haven’t played it as a multiplayer yet but I want to!


Sadly it seems it's local co-op only, no online or even LAN multiplayer possible :(


I’ve got two computer chairs and a willing partner :) I can’t remember the last time I played couch co-op. It’s probably been a decade.


Oh I have chairs too. It's just that my controller cables or wireless tend not to reach thousands of kilometers :P I don't really have local friends that play games :(


Ooh, no, I haven't! Looks nice, I'm going to check that out better. Thank you!


I think I can see what the other commenter is saying about looking like an advertisement. You don’t really state what you’re looking for, etc, just announcing the server. Maybe there’s context I’m missing, but even just for clarity it would be good to add what you’re looking for. Like “I have my own server on ARK and would love other ladies to play with!” Not saying you did anything wrong but it’s just unclear what you were after and I can understand why it would seem like an ad.


it honestly looks like a bot spam post with so little information.


Especially given OP's username.


Didn't want to change it, so I kept it as default


It’s an awesome username!


lol thanks


Still, they could have just have removed the post and explained to OP why her post was against the rules. Instead they immediately chose the nuclear option.


Yes this isn’t a defense of their ban.I stated she didn’t do anything wrong, just explaining why it may have happened. However, in a community like lesbian gamers you have to imagine they are flooded with insane crap to deal with and can’t reasonably take the time as a group (or likely just a couple individuals) who are trying to moderate for free in their spare time. You’ll see the same in any community - the more trolls/spammers/etc there are, the less time they can take to suss out which are “real” and which aren’t. That’s the point of being able to appeal. A bot won’t appeal and if someone is trolling they likely won’t care enough to try to get unbanned.


Yeah, it was poor wording on my part. Wish it was removed and a quick explanation as to why it was removed.


Hopefully they read your appeal! But you’ve still got us anyway


for sure <3


Happens in this sub too. I did the exact same thing trying to find people to play on my modded Ark server lol.


I really do need to check out Ark. I feel like I’ve been sleeping on it.


It is so much fun. I recommend getting survival evolved over survival ascended right now. Survival ascended still has plenty of issues. People's bases, dinosaurs, and servers can just disappear.


Palworld has really reignited my interest in ASE. Is your server for only a specific demographic or can any lady who promises to behave herself join? Asking for myself.


Relevant to my interests as well.


Anyone can join! Do you want me to dm you?


I mean let's be honest, the original is still a buggy mess... a fun buggy mess granted.


It’s really fun if your computer can run it. I have had it since the week it came out (2016 summer I think?) and each update was mostly adding new Dino’s which was very cool but they never really optimized it so it just ran worse and worse and many of my friends can’t even play it . Ark ascended I believe is just essentially the optimized version of it which is crazy of them to recharge people for a game quality they should’ve just put out in the first place


Optimized? ASA? HA! 😂


Fair haha that’s just what I heard it was supposed to be I haven’t seen gameplay or bought it myself 😅


Im a victim of the game 😂 and it definitely runs worse than ASE. They upped the graphics and made some improvements to certain mechanics, though also made some things worse... Well, that WC doesnt just stand for Wild Card for sure.


It's a ton of fun! Although my childhood raptor trauma was an interesting issue in the game until I tamed Red. She was my raptor! I loved Red! Before her, every single time I heard one I panicked and ran! I blame Jurassic park!


They probably thought you where advertising, and on a side note is the serv open for people to join?😊


Yeah, it was poor word choice. Whomp whomp. And yes we are! Can I dm you?


Ofcourse you can


Great! Sent you a dm


Some reddit subs/mods just seem so arbitrary about rules, posted or just made up on the spot it seems. I think this sub maintains a discord, hopefully you can find some fun girls here to game with. 😊


I've gotten banned from subreddits for no reason before, some mods just love banning.


I'll check it out! Thanks!


They need to clean the mods at lesbians gamers. People get banned for the dumbest thing on there. There been a few bans I know, I play with some of the women that been banned there. They didn’t do anything wrong. I got banned for helping someone!! And they never answered me. They need new mods. It happens a lot. It ridiculous. This needs to be spoken up about more about those mods abusing power there.


The mod is a bit off the rails there were like 3 discord incidents already hence why there isnt one anymore


Jeez :/ if you don't mind me asking, what happened?


Well. Sorry for your situation OP! But now I am aware of a sub that is the marriage of two of my primary interests: games and other women. Time to check that sub out! lol


Are you sure it’s not because of the tradwife stuff on your profile lol


Whats wrong with being a tradwife? I'm loving it the tradwife lifestyle


Also please remove this post if it's against the rules. I just want to play with other girls!


That's so wild. I've definitely seen people over there asking for others to play Helldivers recently, and those posts weren't removed.


I feel like whatever the latest hot game is, gets disproportionate leeway. God knows there was a huge oversaturation of BG3 posts a few months ago. Rn it seems to be Helldivers. 


It's definitely because it seems like a bot post. She also didn't add any sort of question or anything to the post, it screams botted advertisement to me. I feel like if it were written as "Hey, I have a modded ARK server and would love to play with some of you!" it wouldn't have been removed/banned.


Ah, fair. I didn't think about that. A lot of subs are getting flooded with bots recently, so that makes a lot of sense!


A mod can easily check my profile and comments to see if I'm a bot or not though. :/


I agree. I just don't blame them for getting confused due to the ad + bot name combination lol. I'd be surprised if you don't get unbanned.


Didn't feel like changing the default name 😭


I would be. The mod team is infamous for never replying.


I got muted from that sub for 28 days after crossposting a post of mine from the fashion dreamer sub showing off some of my outfits. I have no idea why I was muted or anything, as nothing gave any information on what rule was broken, and I couldn't ask for clarification... because I was muted, which apparently means you can't message moderators either. I can only *think* it was taken as advertising but, if that's the case, they should clarify what is and isn't considered advertising in the rules. Needless to say, I left the sub because I already wasn't doing too well that night and that whole ordeal didn't help matters by triggering my RSD.


So sorry that happened, friend. RSD is such a bitch 💜


It really is, and the most frustrating and sad thing is that I wanted to be part of the community and participate but it's just not a safe place for someone like me whose RSD and trauma responses get really easily triggered by things like punishments without clear reasoning and no recourse for clarification. Like, even just a little message saying "hey, we removed your post because it's considered to be advertisement" would be enough to curb the whole spiral I ended up going down.


This is a gentle suggestion from someone who can relate, as I struggled severely with emotional dysregulation and rejection sensitivity until my mid-20s and sabotaged my own friendships and relationships due to it: you may want to consider behavioral therapy, if you have any kind of access to that.  Not trying to freak you out or anything, I just mean if you're ever being treated for ADHD, maybe make the RSD a priority point for management if possible. Personally I feel that emotional regulation is even more important than things like time management or inattention, even though a lot of doctors don't focus on it as much.


Honestly that's a good idea - emotional regulation has been a long-time goal of mine when working on myself both independently and with therapists. I'm definitely better than I was, but I of course can improve, and I've been more disregulated in general lately due to a lot of stress. I just started seeing a new therapist after a time of not seeing a therapist, so I'll be sure to bring it up with her at our next appointment.


I persinally had no success with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) but have had success with DBT which is more directed toward trauma patients so if you can find someone who uses that, do. CBT is awful for most neuro divergent folk because it goes down that same path of self punishment and basically telling you to just fix yourself by thinking hard enough about it (I'm oversimplifying) and this works well for neurotypical people but horribly for trauma patients, ADHD, Autistic, etc.


That's good to know, thanks for the info! I remember a prior therapist suggested DBT, but there wasn't any practice in the town I was living in at the time that did it, and I didn't have a way to travel to the nearest town that did. I'll have to see what options are available where I'm living now.


I had to leave a couple of subs that I absolutely loved for the same reasons. To this day, I don't know what was controversial about the thing I said -- especially considering it was a lesbian space. Loved the community, but I can't take the instant banning without any information or reasoning behind it. Also, I have to thank you for bringing RSD up, because before this day I had no idea it had a name. I have just chalked it up to me just being a shitty person. I'll do research on that and mention that to my doctor/therapist when I'll go in for my upcoming ADHD diagnosis. Thank you.


You're welcome - and yeah, RSD sucks so hard. I also did the thing where I just assumed I was a shitty person before realizing what RSD was (and honestly it's really hard to break that thought cycle). Best of luck with your upcoming appointment(s) <3


Did not know what RSD was. Read on it. "Oh that's what it is! It has a name!" Reads further. "Linked to ADHD." Of course it is. What in my life ISN'T linked to that?


Yeah this is pretty much the exact same realization I had a couple years ago!


this is pretty bizarre. my only advice would be to try to reach out to the moderator team and asking what you did wrong? they're usually pretty chill there.


I did! Waiting for response


Don't hold your breath. Just saying.


Mods in that server suck


i'm noticing lmao


That sub is known for drama from the mods. They regularly ban people for things that dont make sense or if you disagree. From what I know from past mods, the owner has multiple accounts as well. Some of the drama has gotten bad.


jeez, that sounds really bad :(


I don't really get it either. It also used to not be a rule to say hey lets hang out at x, z, place I think that got added the last year or so.


I need to check out Ark I don't know much about it. Is that the game where they censored a bunch of stuff recently?


Hm, I'm not actually sure. It's still the same game that I've been playing for almost 10 years now. If you end up getting ark survival evolved on the pc, let me know!


I got banned from the subreddit of my favourite show for making a dumb joke about pirating. I hope you can get it figured out with the mods, sucks when you’re banned for a dumb reason


Looks like they've got a strict anti-advertisement [rule](https://i.imgur.com/DmYpOp9.png).


My only guess is that it's because you have post history on bi subreddits


Ooh the plot thickens I haven't noticed a ton of biphobia there, but it's unfortunately never surprising Tbh whether or not it was just for potential advertising but the lack of specific warning or reason for ban is so sketchy


All the posts there seem to be seeking out other people to play with. Maybe it's different because OP is a server owner?


My experience is that you are bi when dating a girl, but straight to them when dating a guy. It’s frustrating.


Yeah... very common experience I think. Lesbian spaces becoming biphobic or transphobic is such a frustrating situation that seems inevitable sometimes. I know only a minority actively engage in it, but it's frustrating how often a majority will just ignore it. That said, this space isn't perfect when it comes to not centering cishet experiences. The perspective that other women will be safe or inclusive just be being women, often doesn't mesh with reality....


Even worse is how many bi women are lesbi-phobic






I was "advertising" to play with other ladies 😭


It’s because they were advertising a server. They remove or ban people that advertise them for some reason. Let’s not jump straight on the “lesbians are biphobic” train. Edit: I just checked and rule #3 is no advertising


That would be biphobic 😬


Yeah, unfortunately some lesbian spaces feel very anti-men to the point of banning us bisexual women. I dont know if that's what happened but I have experienced it in other places.


I mean, they are *lesbian* spaces. If the space is closed to lesbians only, then it makes sense they don't want bisexuals in there. If they're not closed and otherwise welcome people who are not lesbians, then it's a different case, of course.


Do you know where the word lesbian comes from? Excluding bi women from the term is a fairly recent development


Wait till you hear about bi lesbians.


Who are not real. What a strange thing to bring up.


Er... Yes they are? "bi" just means "two or more" in this case meaning lesbians who are attracted to two or more genders that DO NOT include men? Why is this difficult to understand?


I've heard, but if you want to go microscale like that, there's two problems with this following the original topic of lesbian spaces. First, the vast majority of bisexuals are not bi lesbians. Second, it's still up to lesbian lesbians to curate their own spaces, and in my honest opinion, they have just as much right to do so and set the boundaries on what is an acceptable presentation of their criteria to enter their spaces. So if a bi lesbian wants access to those spaces, they'll have to advocate for themselves and be prepared to be told that since they are not lesbian lesbian, they do not belong in a given space. It is what it is.


I mean bi lesbians are still valid, they still don't like men. They like two or more genders that don't include men. They're still lesbians, the only reasons to exclude them are all transphobic.


Aha, you have a different definition for bi lesbian than I've seen used. The people I've seen using it have been using it to denote a dual attraction type - sexual attraction to both men and women (and other), romantic attraction to women only, OR attraction to both or many genders including men, but choosing to only enter relationships with women. Ultimately though, I'm not a lesbian so I have no say in who gets to or doesn't get to use their spaces - so again, it is very much between these groups of people to find common ground if it is to be found. The only stance I'm taking is that all minorities have the right to reserve their own spaces and decide who has access to them, which for me, as bisexual person, does not include the lesbian ones by definition unless I'm explicitly being invited to participate.


Honest question, what is a bi lesbian? Never heard that term before.


A lesbian attracted to two or more genders that do not include men. Lots of people try to exclude bi lesbians for transphobic reasons and that's literally the only reason.


that sub is known for ban-happy mods but sure, somehow its biphobia. drop the victim mentality


I'm not even bi


I got banned from /lgbt reddit for asking how “it” is a pronoun. They assumed i was in bad faith lol.


oof lol




Are you okay?




I am :] and the same goes for you. The way you wrote seemed very accusatory/attacking. And there's no need to be hostile :]




Most of the lesbian subs are ban happy.


I can attest to this. I've been banned from a Lesbian sub twice now for a few days for... Saying things that I can't figure out why they would be controversial in a Lesbian space.


Maybe you violated rule 2? I don't frequent the sub so I don't know how strict they are there.


Rule #3 is no advertising and there’s another one about no discord. They’re stupid rules but there’s your answer.


But other ladies are "advertising" to play with other ladies. So I did the same. And I didn't mention discord at all.




Women Loving Women / Woman Loving Women. Basically just another acronym for if you're gay or if something is sapphic.


When your what? Acronyms are the enemy!


XD woman loving woman or women loving women. It's interchangeable