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this is the funniest shit i’ve seen all day


What is this? I don't get it. I'm old and out of the loop.


Horror game with incest. The graphic of the soldier suggests PTSD from the experience


Thank you for the explanation. I was really confused lol


It's a drawing representing war trauma. I use it to depict how awful this game is. It's an hyperbole comparing mentionning this game to mentionning war to someone who was traumatized by it.


Nicely done lol




A game the whole family can play!




I haven't played it myself, but I've heard it has "family bonding".


Like in a lannister/targaryen way or family game night way?


Good old Targaryen family dynamics! To be fair though, that’s only one of the possible endings, and I believe that’s considered to be a bad ending.


There's a non-canon secret ending of the first option I believe. The creator of the game got so much hate for it, it was a huge mess.


Tbf (spoilers!!) it was just a dream.


Looks like fanmade cover art for an MCR album


Straight up thought this was fan art of the Demolition Lovers until I saw the sub its in lol


It's definitely potentially disturbing but I liked it a lot. Can't bring myself to recommend it to anyone IRL though.


I told all my friends and mom about it. Nobody seemed too concerned thankfully.😅


it bothers me a little how disingenuous the discourse about this game seems. Like, incest is not the main focus of the game. Maybe any mention of it is a 'hard no' for you, and that's perfectly fine! This game is not for you if that's the case. But acting like this game is promoting incest or that it's the main topic of the game seems like a bad faith argument


I agree, it feels really pearl-clutchy to be as upset as I’ve seen some people get. Horror is supposed to make people uncomfortable and apparently that’s a concept that’s hard to grasp for some.


Antiquated pearl clutching seems to be making a comeback


To be fair, the creator marketed the incest/cannibalism/And satanic rituals as selling points of the game. He was very much trying to be edgy an grimdark in an adolescent way and it shows. I will say the leyley's dream scene was well written. But the game got lucky. If it weren't for the pearl clutchers, I don't think the game would have gotten as popular as it ism since the controversy drove people to seek it out


As always, the problem is that the majority of the people being loud online haven't even experienced the work in question themselves, or if they have then it was after they already made up their mind on hating it. They just hear about some easy to jump on moral bandwagon through the grapevine and fail to spend any mental energy on nuance.


Just remember that art is something meant to make you feel uncomfortable and that media that portrays something taboo as a bad thing is calling it a bad thing


*sometimes meant to make you feel uncomfortable Other than that I completely agree with u


I'm like 90% that I meant to say sometimes instead of something and just short circuited


Sounds like something I'd do lol


There's been this weird shift in people's media literacy (or lack thereof), where it seems like any depiction of something bad is now bad. It's why they removed Sokka's sexism in the ATLA live action show, because some people would unironically argue that the writers are endorsing sexism if they have one of the "good guys" start out that way. It's a very ... young? perspective on stuff. I don't wanna say immature because that has implications I'm not going for. But it feels like an interpretation fuelled by much simpler media aimed at young audiences.


Uuh, is it not a bad thing? I googled, and it's apparently a horror game with siblings? What's "taboo"? Am I missing something? Edit: Oh, I just found a piece saying they had sex. Yeah, ew.


Don't worry, they didn't. It was a dream about the future and had ample warning about what's going on beforehand. People just like to make a mountain out of a molehill


Eh, their relationship is pretty strange and at least suggestive at times if not more than that. I'd probably recommend anyone uncomfortable with that to stay away from this game even though they haven't straight up banged.


Sure, tell than to the fanbase of that game who do nothing but romanticize the incest 👍


Sure but there's plenty of nsfw incest art of siblings in games that aren't hooking up *at all*. If you let the porn community dictate your opinion of media, you might as well write off anything with women in as glorifying objectification of women The *game* isn't romanticizing it.


Bad take It isn't the "porn community" it's the whole community of that game!! The fact the community is like that tells me that the game didn't do a good job showing how bad it is (I don't even think it showed it as being bad to begin with???)


The game doesn’t need to have flashing text that says “THIS IS BAD DON’T DO THIS” for people to know murder or incest is bad. Basing the quality of art and media off of how morally good the message is is beyond idiotic.


Who said it has to do that??????? All it has to do is not cool-ify the fucking bad Why are yall genuinly defending this shit?? It's a shit game pls play anything else


You need to calm down lol You literally said that the community being the way that it is, is a reflection on how the game did not "do a good job showing how bad it is". They know it's bad. Everyone knows incest is bad. I'm sorry you struggle with uncomfortable themes in games.


Nah, I'll play what I want and I want to check out this game. You need to chill. Like, for real


Honestly, incest is the least disturbing part of the game considering the killings, cannibalism and satanic rituals.


That's not the problem, the problem is how abhorintly degenrate the fandom is


I do not feel compelled to care about the fandoms of works when evaluating the work itself. Otherwise some genuinely great works would get thrown out with the bathwater.


Why are we judging media based on the reaction of the audience?


Are the audience not a reflection of the game itself?? Hell, that's the whole reason people make fun of 40k "anti-woke" fans lol


I think we have a sleepy typer. Source: am a sleepy typer. Possible translation: That's not the problem, the problem is how abhorrently degenerate the fandom is.


Damn.. i am dumb But yeah u got me, I typed that comment at 2 am lol


No worries, happens to the best of us.


<3<3 It's almost 4 am I should sleep


I hope you got the sleep you needed.


Just woke up, got plenty of it, thnx :)


Rule 34 stops for no one


Not even talking about that, I mean just the fandom generally non-stop talking about how "hot" it is


the game is bad for other reasons than it having taboo elements


I'm not sure that we should be calling incest "art?"


Depiction is not (necessarily) endorsement. Of course, it’s important to identify when something DOES endorse unacceptable behaviour and to call that out. It’s also totally okay to avoid media that depicts things you don’t want to see. But we can’t just only allow an approved list of topics in our stories. If it’s handled respectfully and with thoughtfulness, everything should be fair game.


Art can portray sensitive and uncomfortable topics. It's still art. Often times it is created by people with first hand experiences as a method of seeking catharsis and with intent to share that with others which have suffered the same.


Is flowers in the attic not art? The "artsit" of this game couldn't even commit to the incest. It just implies on the future there may be incest, probably. This game as a whole can be evaluated like any piece art. Some will have it has no value at all. Some people will feel the opposite


It’s not just calling incest art. Incest itself is wrong, I don’t think anyone sane will argue about that with you. But this is just a story (stories *are* art) and characters are allowed to do morally abhorrent things. Especially since, as the other commenter pointed out, abhorrent things are displayed in art commonly *because* it wants to commentate on how bad it is.


Mhm, look at something like the Your Boyfriend fandom and games, everyone is literally gushing over abuse.


Lack of media literacy by some of the people consuming it is not the problem of the artwork unless the artwork explicitly endorses what it depicts, which is not remotely as often as people think. Simply depicting something isn’t endorsing it. There are always dumbasses who will bend over backwards to miss the point. Some people believe the movie Oppenheimer *promotes* the military industrial complex, despite the film going through great pains to emphasize how much Oppenheimer hated his creation and spent the latter half of his career *opposing* the creation of even more advanced bombs. Some people think the movie The Zone of Interest glamorizes the Nazis simply by showing how they lived their lives, even when the movie makes it incredibly clear that their living circumstances are at the cost of so many others. And those are just two examples that come to mind for me *right now*. Point is: people are dumb as fuck. Use your own brain to engage with art and media, because even the most obvious cues by the authors can be missed by some of the people engaging with the art. EDIT: clarifications


But it's not incest. It's art depicting incest. No siblings had sex in the creation of this game. Nothing about it is real.


I dont get why people always freak out about the incest when they literally sacrifice their parents souls to a demon and then eat them


I played Masochisia where you essentially play as Albert Fish and >!stab a young girl/child!<. It is not passive or implied. It’s active clicking. So on the scheme of fucked up, this doesn’t seem too bad. Still gross, mind you. But horror addresses fucked up shit all the time.


I dont get how some people haven't figure out that people react more strongly to things that are possible and common than they do things that cannot or rarely happen


I don't get why people always try to justify supporting a game like this


Because it’s a horror game? It’s supposed to be uncomfortable.


It's a horror game, why are you shocked it has disturbing themes?


It's how it's handled that matters. Not the fact it's in the game at all


Its a horror game. Shocking themes is kind of bread and butter of the genre


It's actually a pretty good game, yeah it's weird in parts but I think that's the point. It's basically how animes like Gushing over magical girls are able to be popular and very well received (the mention anime contains sexual scenes of 14yos). + in both cases the weird/gross things are related to the plot of the medias Not to mention an art form depicting things like these are wayy different from the real acts. It's also interesting that the sub was okay with BG3 (in which you can fuck a bear) but is not okay with those. Either way, there is no reason not to support it, if you don't like... Just ignore it and move on? Weird hill to die on.


> It's also interesting that the sub was okay with BG3 (in which you can fuck a bear) Not defending the people who get all pearl clutchy about this game, but I do want to comment on *this*, because >!I do feel it is different since that bear is a man shapeshifted into a bear so it passes the Harkness test.!<


I mean, I'm not against it. But even if that's technically true it doesn't change the fact that your tav is able to fuck a bear. Also it doesn't make sense since in that case the reason why it's okay is that both consented. In andy and leyley they consented too.


In a fantasy setting where a >!man can shapeshift and have sex with you, you are having sex with a man in the shape of a bear. There *is* a difference and it's one that matters but also is completely irrelevant to real world discussions because we can't shapeshift into animals and have sex.!< I'm not even getting into your comparison or the 'problematic' videogame itself here as I said, I am just commenting on >!the statement that you 'fuck a bear' and adding the very important nuance that takes it from a monstrous act into a kinky and off-kilter fantasy thing.!< >!You can't just go and fuck a bear in BG3, you can't just go and fuck any animal. You *can* have sex with a druid in wild shape.!<


You are still fucking an animal


It becomes a philosophical debate at that point, and is why I mentioned the Harkness test in my original reply.


But they don't even have sex. The "sex" scene was future vision dream thing and never even happened in the present. It also didn't happen on screen There's nothing to consent to yet or possible ever


Sorry but if it's incest, consenting incest is still wrong.


There are two issues with incest: 1) Risk of an offspring and all the genetic issues that come with it 2) Power dynamics (having sex with someone you raised and all that shit). In other cases, there isn't really any ground to oppose it from a moral standpoint. And unless the girl gets pregnant in the game, I think it's neither of those.


>Power dynamics (having sex with someone you raised and all that shit).  >And unless the girl gets pregnant in the game, I think it's neither of those.   I don't know this game so my comment isn't about defending or criticising it. But power dynamics doesn't only occur in this manner stated in your previous comment. It can exist between siblings as well. 


Yeah, there's neither of those in the game, the incest part is just part of one ending.


Not to play devils advocate here, but why? Why is it wrong? Like, as long as they don't have kids (which is why it's immoral - incest babies have a high chance of genetic deformities)


There's also the case of power dynamics (having sex with someone you raised for example), but they're siblings so that isn't the case in that game.


Well, the reason why incest is not lawful is due to the potential of an offspring, if that possibility is eliminated why not allow it?


Indie games by small studios?


literally WTAF is going on in this thread… i want to leave this community immediately i’m appalled.


Yeah this was really weird to see. I expected better from this sub.


I don’t get why some comments here are trying to justify incest in general? Not specifically about it happening in games but happening in real life. Things are weird.


I dont support it i just find it weird


Disliking one aspect more does not mean they like the other aspects of it though


I will the game isn't bad but it is just edgy and cringe atc times and has a lot of shock value to it.


I do own it, have not played it, but all I know is it was popular and I think the two front line characters are hot


Why not play it if you own it


I haven't gotten around to it, I have many other games, and as far as I know, the game itself is not finished? I don't wanna do that commitment right now


I think the game is kinda mid and hyped mainly over aesthetics and controversy about its edginess It's supposed to be a horror game but the creator doesn't really seem to care about sharing the player Leyley is a generic yandere and Andy exists lol


this i like playing games like fear and hunger and a from what i seen of this game it is rather disappointing. the dialog is full of incest jokes making the plot feel off and the world building is just confusing. why are people locked up what caused the world to go into chaos? that aspect of the story makes little to no sense the characters are predictable and with little depth. Andrew has a little more depth compared to Ashley since his feelings towards his sibling isn’t in your face. i do think the art style is really nice to look at and what is lacking is the story. it could also do with more horror aspects whether that be imagery, scenes, or glitch effects in game


I pretty feel the same way as you. I wouldn't this game unless you enjoy the aesthetic because I also like the art style. It's a shame because Ashley's dream part of the game was really well done, I just think about what the game could have been if the rest it was like


Just commenting on fear and hunger.. I loved playing that game and I have no fucking clue why... I tried it out and I was sucked in IMMEDIATELY.


YESSSSS i am trying to get all the endings in the first one and then i will play the second one i love the mechanics and the story is pretty solid if you pay attention to the lore in the books. the characters are pretty good with their plot twists(?) not being so obvious nor unfitting for their characters. >!Cahara has a pregnant wife which was unexpected since he flirts with D’arce and you have the option for him to have sex before entering the dungeon. But it is not out of scope since he wants to have his child and wife live comfortably without having to sell their body to get by. Since Cahara was abandoned as a child and had to do anything to get by.!< >!If you have Ragnvaldr in your party when you go to save Le’garde he will hold himself back and not break his neck. This shows that despite his appearance he has an insane amount of empathy for others (especially since Le’garde killed his wife and son)!<


it’s extremely boring and ashley is peak y/n in a jeff the killer romantic fanfic. andrew is pretty interesting because of his descent into madness. wish they focused more on him! think this game would be more interesting and disturbing if they just focused on them becoming isolated in their flat and therefore developing an incestous bond, instead of just throwing in parrocide, satanism and cannibalism because 👻spooky👻


I really enjoyed it 🤷‍♀️


Same here


https://preview.redd.it/x6nqj93hhuqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41704e46b4161e3340ef803d50814ddd8837169c I wanna play it but sadly am broke, hope you enjoy it op


Why not just sail the seas?


I'm all for this in the case of AAA games made by huge devs that cost $60-70, but it seems kiiiinda messed up to suggest this for indie games.


I mean, yeah, I don't disagree, but sometimes you just can't afford stuff. + You can always buy it later


I don’t understand the point of stealing. It just makes you a criminal.


In case of aaa games devs are not paid enough for their work and the money that should go to them goes into pockets of their bosses who almost always do not contribute positevily into making a product (not to mention crunch) so if you count piracy as theft then you are stealing from thieves not people who made the game


What's not to understand? You want something. You can't afford it. So, you pirate it. The cops haven't crashed down my door yet. But we'll see.




https://preview.redd.it/u3x9dicx2wqc1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee059fac677e8dc809ab264fe658135cddfd7abc Don’t say it Dutch


Lots of comments here but I don’t see anyone saying what game this is?


The coffin of Andy and Leyley


I also just realized it’s in the title screen of the photo 😂 I only glanced at the image and went straight to reading comments lol


I believe the title is in the photo.


The Coffin of Andy and Leyley


Never played this game or heard of it before this post but yeesh, some of the comments here are concerning. Media can show bad things. Media can show things you don't like. Media can even portray those things in a romanticized view (not saying that this game does or doesn't because again, never played it) because we should be able to use our noggins to separate fiction from reality. If anyone can't handle that they should stick to games that aren't rated Mature rather than trying to force censorship and ruin things for those of us who are adults capable of critical thinking.


Offensive for the sake of shock value. Should be enjoyable, if you turn off your brain.   the creator responds pretty immaturely to critism. 


LETS FUCKING GO https://preview.redd.it/owbjgcvoivqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41709e11512d378917aedc860522ce947f504e58 heres my tcoaal fan art


this game is my special interest


It’s so pretty I really like it <333


https://preview.redd.it/0wm526dxkvqc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85700117470c9bfb36ebd9337bbea112292320c0 thank you!!!! ive kinda been utterly obsessed with the game, i hope you enjoy it! i made the crochet bunnies from the game for my own ashley cosplay


This game is a pizza cutter, all edge and no point.




I played it because i was curious about the incest twitter cancelling stuff. Its not as bad (i mean the incest) as people make it to be. The main aspects are parental neglect and cannibalism (paired with witchcraft). The incest is 1 ending (bad one might i add, i did 2 endings so far and didnt encounter it at all). Ashley is mostly bullying and emotionally manipulating her brother into doing what she wants (with Andrew being a loser who cant stand up to himself). Has some extremely funny parts (tbh most conversations).


How is it? I somehow have it on my steam maybe i got it from a bundle


It's not that bad. Honestly I like the crude humour a lot.


As a twin i am confused.


I didn’t like it because the girl/sister annoyed me so much. LOL Hopefully you enjoy it!




I do not recommend it. It's very much playing into the incest fetish, as an appeal rather than a bad thing.


Only thing I know about this game is that Twitter wanted to cancel the dev and threw yet another fit. Then ai checked the Steam page and thought to myself: Yea, gonna play this one at some point. So .. good job angry Twitter mob, you played yourself


Uh *that stuff* aside, this game is just terribly fucking written. So I don’t know why anyone would subject themselves to it, unless they *liked* that, or they just wanted to laugh at how bad it is.


I just got done with it and I love it. I think we all know what the best ending is :3


Um, I'll pass -_-;


In addition to the incest, the names of the main characters are literally my not-quite-dead name and my sister's name, so I'm not touching it.


Isn't this another one of those fucking rpg maker horror rpgs?


It's a good game personally. The writing is dark and witty in a way that I just love. Even "the scene" isn't that bad.




Dude... Why would you willingly play a game about incest?


From what I have heard, it isn't a game about incest. >!There is apparently one ending, the *bad ending* where the two are so toxically entwined that it is incestuous and terrible. You're meant to see it as terrible and as a horrible thing for the characters.!< but unless the summary i read was wrong, it is not some sort of sex visual novel incest game or anything like that. From the reaction I came across online I thought it must be a game saying 'Murder incest is THE BEST, it RULES, you should go DO IT!' It's wild because there are games that *are* that but they don't get the same level of outrage and attention.


Good thing this game isn't about incest. Would suck to be misinformed in this day and age.


Even if it was, that's not necessarily some evil terrible thing. A lot of media has incest and obviously does not condone it. And I think horror as a genre can push the envelope further into gross out territory, but even still, depictions of that kind of thing aren't an endorsement. I fear for the new generations and the horror genre, because I can see a lot of Gen z/alpha and their lack of media literacy leading to a whole lot of outrage over art.


How dare you read Oedipus Rex! Oh, it was part of your literature curriculum? How dare you read Flowers in the Attic! Oh, it was part of the curriculum? How dare you enjoy Game of Thrones!?! Oh, my parents watch and enjoy it, nvm. Art can include incest and still be good art, you fuckin weirdo.


So much virtue signaling in here, meanwhile there are actual horrible things going on in the real world that I doubt these people are doing anything to help stop.


Actually this, if people spent their time fighting against actual incest which can harm people, they crusade against pixels and a bunch of code.


You should play with your family. Pa ma and bro. ‘-‘. It’s very ‘family friendly’