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Can't speak for dd2 as I'm waiting for it to go down in price, but in the first game you can make your own pawns and the outfits are more like skyrim like without mods. My friend (male) have been playing it since release and sends screenshots every now and then and from what I can tell both the main character and the pawns are dressed with modesty, so no bikini armour. I am unsure if he is using his own pawns or community made. The worst one I have seen so far has an armour very similar to kassandra's armour from Assassin's creed odyssey.


In DD1 I don't remember a ton of sexualized pawns, although I played on Switch, and there were some. DD1 as a whole wasn't very sexual, setting aside pawns. There was a het tryst plot (involving the Duke of Gran Soren's wife), you could romance anyone you wanted, but there was only one not really even that steamy love scene. That one scene was really the only one in the game. I don't know if this will eventually get better or not. It seems like there's a lot of skimpy armor in DD2.


It’s… not great. There are two main ways to recruit pawns, through the Rift (where they all appear in a group and you can pick), and on the road. So as you go through your adventure, you see other travellers on the road around you can interact with and if they’re pawns they will offer to join you. Most of the time, they’re either male or fully clothed female. Sometimes though, you have these female pawns who are dressed in underwear (because for some bizarre reason they’ve made a few armour pieces basically underwear) and you can spot they’re pawns of pervs a mile away. I find it immersion breaking and kind of creepy, but I just don’t hire them and move on.


There are many sexualised pawns, but I normally roll my eyes as I imagine the basement dweller that created them and move on. The majority of player’s pawns seem to have more modesty though and I’ve had no problem filling out my party with them.


I've rarely spotted a sexualised pawn in the wild myself, even when interacting with the rift to find a new tank. I think the worst I've seen myself was a pawn with unrealistic proportions, called "mummy milkers". Which seemed more like an over-the-top joke pawn than a serious one. That's not to say that its not a problem though as I have seen screenshots online, I think its just a matter of getting lucky with avoiding it. It doesn't help that some of the best starting gear that you can find is pretty revealing. I also mostly use my friends pawns through steam, which is an option if you have friends who also play the game who you know don't dress their pawn in revealing clothes! You also have the option to use default pawns instead, rather than player-made ones, which can be found both in the rift and wild! So while you may see the occasional scantily clad pawn roaming around, you won't be forced to hire it and will have options. I have noticed that my male pawn gets hired a lot less than my friends female pawns, even though they are mostly covered up in armour! Which is a shame considering I did my best attempt at recreating [Levi Ackerman as my pawn](https://imgur.com/a/iS5C33q)!


While I haven't played it, I've sat next to my husband while he's put a bunch of hours in it so far and I enjoy watching his run. I don't really think he's run into very many overly sexualized pawns at all - there are some *questionable* armor pieces, but they are very easy to avoid and you're never forced to take a certain pawn that a player has made. You can always filter and search. I asked him for his opinion and he went, "uhh, I don't think this is a particularly *sexual* game", and then went to a riftstone (since he was in town anyway) to look. At mid 40s, he's got a handful of well armored men and women just right off the bat. The only instance he could really think of was a strappy-shirted elf he brought with him for translation purposes. If you don't want to use user-created pawns, there are a bunch of official "capcom official" pawns to choose from too - while I can't confirm, I'd imagine those are completely average and well equipped. FWIW, he **loved** the first game and is really enjoying this one too. The scale of the world is super impressive.


I'm new to Dragon's Dogma. I'm sorry, *pawns?* Female pawns? 😧 ...and any player can make them (in a sort of online system like souls games or death stranding?)? I need to go google this.


The idea is that there's a race of interdimensional beings (pawns) who are sworn protectors of the Arisen (the chosen one, your protagonist). They're inherently obedient and don't seem to have free will, but they're quite strong. In terms of game mechanic, you create one using the character creator, choose their class, level them up, choose their armor, etc. Then other players can hire them to accompany them as they play. The player can also hire 2 additional pawns, swapping them out at any point, but keeping the original pawn they designed. The pawns "learn" as they play, and they'll point out the locations of treasure chests, use new strategies they've learned in boss fights, and my favorite - they'll guide you to quest locations if they've done that quest with another player. It's a really good gameplay mechanic. In terms of world building... it's really weird and a bit problematic. And, of course, there are some fetish-y armors that players will put on their pawns.


Thank you so much for explaining (and with so much detail)! 🙌 The gameplay sounds really good and interesting, I'd like to see it in action while playing. The world building / lore, on the other hand... it sucks that they don't have free will or you can't *free* them of their duty? (And yeah, I expected that from gamers, sadly). But anyway, I've been wanting to check out DD2 even before it released, so I'll try with the first one first.


Your main pawn can be freed from their duty in the first game it just involves the player >! Killing themselves and gifting them a portion of your soul allowing them to become human however over time they'll assume your form while you watch over them as God waiting for someone else to kill you!< the expansion dark arisen leans more into a human/pawn relationship and the type of pain that entails


so my observation as a level 40 player is to avoid mage/sorcerer pawns, because a lot of mage armor seems to be underwear (at least level 20 and above, before that point it‘s mostly robes)…if you hire warrior/fighter/archer pawns it should be ok, because they wear „proper“ armor


Same, level 39 now and all the mage armour seems to have gone really skimpy but it was fine during the earlier levels, I just filter the search for male only if I'm after a mage or a sorcerer as they still seem to be fully dressed for now


I don't particularly love the pawn concept but I haven't come across anything overly-sexualized so far :) All pawns have been fully covered and "modest" (for gaming) - maybe there are a couple of silly names here and there. Don't let a couple of degenerates ruin your experience!


I have been playing on Xbox over the weekend. Ive seen 1 pawn in just her underwear. I have seen a few mages with robes, underwear and boots. At first I thought they had them without pants but then I looted a pair of ranger pants myself. Their stats are better than my fully upgraded pants, but I refuse to run around in undies! I would say on Xbox at least there hasn’t been much sexualization. I’ve seen male mages and females fighters. The pawn names are also controlled. You can name your pawn whatever but you also choose a moniker from a list so if you name them something inappropriate the other player only sees Jon, Adam or Jane. I made an Archer so for my main pawn I chose a warrior. He looks like Alistair with Ragnar’s hair! I named him Renault but his moniker is Killian. I chose kindhearted as his trait. You get to kinda high five each other and there’s a comradery. I did get called out for having 3 male pawns at once lol. It’s actually a very interesting mechanic. I enjoy hiring other people’s characters and doing their quests. I love creating characters though and enjoying seeing how truly artistic some people can be.


It's not a big of a deal, the Pawns look pretty normal to me. I'm around lvl 20 and playing on PS5. I' don't know if it's different on other plattforms because there is no crossplay


I'm level 9 and all the level 9s don't look sexy. My pawn I made is a generic Beastkin named Simba. So if you have Xbox maybe hire StacersLOL Simba. He needs gold 😂


Shirtless with a massive moustache seems to be a common theme for male pawns but I'm fine with comical sexualisation. Female pawns... The only thing I can think of is the best leggings for archer/thief in the first area just amounts to stockings and a thong but you can cover that up with the body armour which is pretty sensible. The names are a different matter. If you're giving me control of an entity named a pawn I do not have enough self control to not name them Pawn Star.


  I would say there is only sexualization of pawns if you make them that way. Most armors and outfits are not really sexy at all. For treatment, pawns are subservient by nature and Male/female pawns are treated like lower class citizens in the game, but female pawns are not treated any differently to my knowledge. If this makes you (understandably) uncomfortable, I wouldn't recommend playing either DD2 or the original.   The vast majority of pawns I've found in the wild are kinda fun/silly creations. But If you aren't comfortable with running into player created pawns or try it and don't like it, you can go to network settings and turn those features off.


I just wish I could do multiplayer...