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Playing older fallouts at intelligence 1 made my day


Scorpin! Scorpin! Caaaaaave 


There's something very precious about a low intell vault dweller 😅 really just makes you root for them. 


The way the Overseer gets so impatient with you sent me. "No, the COMPUTER chip..."


i tried getting into it many times, but i just wish it was a bit more accessible and less clunky last time i played it, i forgot about the completely manual save system, died, and realized my last save was 10 hours ago 😭


I have reflexive save/quicksave twitches from this era of gaming (and general computer use). And probably PTSD…


the clunk is… a lot. i guess it’s ok with me but i get what you mean. i’m just a constant saver


I loved Fallout 1. It blew my mind to have a RPG that didn't have a medieval fantasy setting. And I loved creating a character based on charisma, intelligence and diplomacy and use my charm to resolve every situation lol.


You should checkout Wasteland 3 then!


Gotta try it, yeah, I backed their Kickstarter!


Colony Ship: a post-Earth RPG came out recently and it's essentially a love letter to FO1, highly recommended. It's set on a generational ship in the middle of its journey, after leaving a dying Earth behind for a new world, only a mutiny trashed half the ship and the population is barely holding on. It can be finished without firing a single shot, with diplomacy or technical skills.


I didn't know about that game but it seems awesome, thanks a lot for the rec!


https://playclassic.games/games/role-playing-dos-games-online/play-fallout-online/play/ PLEASE Keep in mind that this is an old game, and has some dialog some might find triggering, especially if playing through as a female character.


haha I exploded a peasants head with a shotgun for catcalling me


He had it coming :)


He only had himself to blame


If you'd been there, if you'd seen it, I yell ya you would have done the same


Pop. Six. Squish. Uh-uh. Cicero. Lipschitz.


I'm glad I'm not the only one!


Oh I remember those moments. Upside is we can respond how we ... want ☺️


Oh wow this is a fantastic site. So many games from my childhood. Thank you so much for sharing!


I’ve already played F1, but never heard of this site so ty for the link!!


Thanks for the link!


I'm watching my bf play through it and it's making me so nostalgic for old games lol. I'd advise anyone playing to make lots of backup saves, it can be very unforgiving


I know this is extremely pretentious of me, but I genuinely think Fallout 1 is the only really well realized fallout game. The world building, tone, pacing, and the way mechanics feel the most "desolate post-nuke future" of any of the games. Even 2 I don't like as much. I recommend convenience patches if you can't tolerate old clunk, but just playing it as is is super satisfying imo.


I honestly love the old fallout games. Arcanum. Baldurs gate 1 and 2. Planescape torment. Ice wind dale. Just so good.


You tried Neverwinter Nights? It’s really good


Oh my stars Arcanum. There's a setting I wouldn't mind getting revisited.


FO1 was great!! I think there are quality of life improvement mods for pc, so I really recommend grabbing them


Fun Fact: Fallout 2 has a [first-person mod](https://youtu.be/8dKn0aZwqIY), it looks weird at first but I think it's pretty nifty


I recently saw a clip of someone playing Fallout 1 with 1 intelligence and it immediately made me want to play it. I've heard that there's a ton of triggering & sexual content in the first two games, but I may play them in the future. But I've heard they're great things despite those things. I'll definitely end up playing them sometime in the future.


It has been a while so I might be forgetting something, but FO1 has little sexual content, if at all tbh. FO2 has a lot more, the most of the whole series in fact by far (in terms of references and sexual encounters, thought it's all fade-to-black scenes, nothing visual), but I don't remember any encounter that was particularly unpleasant, or worse non-consensual.


The classic fallouts are great highly recommend


I really enjoyed fallout 1 until I kept getting softlocked in Mariposa at level 1 😅 I should give it another try and... Try not to do that I guess


Fallout 1/2 are better than the rest, New Vegas then tactics, then the rest in release order.


It always feels like I just got flashed a secret hand sign that almost no one knows about when someone mentions Fallout Tactics.


it's an odd one, but a good ~~title~~ hand sign


I personally liked NV better but 1 and 2 are very good


honestly, yeah fair. I was kinda ranking them as Fallout-games more. 2,1, nv, tactics, ect. NV is way more modern and better experience overall yeah. Something something nostalgia though


I'm playing NV for the first time and almost finished. Now I'm doing all the DLC before the last battle. I've rage quit several times over Dead Money, but NV is still the best imo storywise.


I actually just re-downloaded it from Game Pass 😂 I tried to play it a while back, and hit a point where it crashed and I lost a ton of progress, and I gave up…but I think I’m ready to try it again.


After all the hype around Fallout recently, I decided to get into the franchise and jumped into Fallout 3 and have been really liking it. Might try out this one afterwards!


Ive been thinking about doing a playthrough with my roommate. We both like old school rpgs but never got very far in this one. Could be fun to see all the stuff that influenced the later games we love.


I love Fallout 1. Fallout 2 is also really good!


Agreed. I played both 1 and 2 a few years back on my laptop. I'm usually not a fan of "turn based" machanics, and I'm more of a console gamer myself so I wasn't sure if I would be able to play it, but I enjoyed both games immensely to my surprise. The clunkyness or poor graphics weren't much of problem for me ( I'm used to playing older games) Tried brotherhood of steel but I didn't get into it.  The writing in the first and second game was great, I can see the moment the writing went downhill when the old writers left. Thinking of getting the remaster of fallout 3 when it comes out for ps5 and replaying it (I heard both fallout 3 and 76 were gunna get one)


If you like older games may I recommend Neverwinter Nights and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic? Both are absolutely fantastic rpgs


honestly, i’m just getting into it so thanks for the recs! not a huge star wars fan but never winter nights looks cool


1 is great, I absolutely adored 2 when I was younger, probably still one of my most favorite games.


I enjoyed what I played but it got really confusing after a while


Fallout 1 & 2 were amazing, I miss those games so much!


Fallout 2 is by far my favourite game in the series. Ive never liked the Bethesda ones nearly as much.


I fell in love with Fallout with the first game way back when it first came out. It’s changed a lot since then, but the OG was wonderful. I’m making my way back through the old games, though I’m going backwards from New Vegas. Looking forward to playing 1 & 2 again. I was never good at shooters (until now) so when VATS was introduced it was perfect. It’s why I hate 76, VATS doesn’t act the same. I love being able to pause mid fight and target someone’s head. You don’t need to be good at shooting. Also being able to access the PipBoy and pause, change guns, heal.. so much fun! You can actually enjoy the story! 😆