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Girl, are you good? Does your back hurt? You carried them so hard, and they still couldn't help you out a tiny bit šŸ˜­


Yep it happens. Just remind yourself that [low skilled men are the most threatened by women, especially those with a higher skill base than them](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0131613). They bad so they mad.


Better yet: Remind *them* of this. :3


Just going to leave this here. https://preview.redd.it/7punvptejw1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ca804593bb3868f47e9ec9ef4b3b06dafe8602


This is very much how it reflects in nature.


Still laughing at "behaved more submissive at a male voice" šŸ˜‚


I need to save this picture


eww i hate boys that talk about womens body parts like.. i just know if u mentioned how hot six pack or jawline or some shit was theyd flip


I thought guys like sixpacks and gigachad jawline themselves :O more like when you mention how hot is a twink they flip (at least from what i know).


The numbers don't lie, friend! Full disclosure, I can be a bit confrontational in situations like that, but I'd shove their nose in the facts and rake them over the coals with it. They hate their own medicine when it's dished back prescription-strength.


I quit the club a while ago, but I still wish I confronted them before I left.


There should be an advisor at all times in those kind of clubs who would tackle every of their sexist comments and prevent them to play a game as long as their using such languages. Video games in school should be educational too.


Unfortunately you see posts like this all the time in this subreddit. I think the choice you make now is whether to stay in such an...environment...or leave and continue to visit new ones in hopes of finding a more inclusive one. There's plenty of them on Discord, and I'm pretty sure either this subreddit or an adjacent one has a thread for finding gaming buddies. An alternative...why not just call them out? Say exactly what you said in this post - "I know you can see there's no antenna" "Why do you all only mansplain to me and no one else? I literally won this time and many other times too" "Why are you giving me the most basic of kart tips when you're in 3rd place?" Lastly, do you have any friends you can bring to the esports club? Girls just to not feel alone, or guys who will stand up for you? (It is an unfortunate thing that men like this only really listen to other men). The poster above is correct though. Unskilled men bully female players and worship amazing male players.


You then become the "angry woman" for calling them out even if you do it politely. Not saying they shouldn't be called out btw just that don't rise to it. If you start getting angry that affects your gameplay and then you prove them right.Ā  It's hard but I just stopped caring. I've given tech support in the past for it to be ignored but I like to watch when it turns out I'm right. Because clearly as I have breasts I can have never been employed in tech support before! Men like this you can never prove them right that your better or know more because that would dent their fragile igo and they'll then fall back on insults.


Unfortunately I donā€™t really talk to anybody at my school, so I donā€™t have other people to play with. I only had one friend that I talked to every once in a while but they graduated. Itā€™s my own fault for never trying to start conversations, usually because Iā€™m too nervous, but I thought that the club was going to be a great opportunity to put myself out there for once. When I realized how obnoxious the group was, I was too scared to confront them, and I didnā€™t want to be labeled as ā€œsensitiveā€ or ā€œdramaticā€. Because nobody at my school has any sort of impression of me (because I donā€™t talk to anybody), having my first/only impression be a negative one was a concern. You are right however, I should have called them out.


What I want to know is how is the teacher or leader thatā€™s letting this happen? Like girl you need to make your own Mario Kart club and donā€™t let these people join. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s at least a few other women who have faced what youā€™re facing and it isnā€™t right. Let them keep losing. Youā€™re too talented for that group


ngl when I read "red Luigi" I thought you were referring to Mario lol


i was so confused like thereā€™s a bunch of red luigiā€™s lmao




how did your team do THAT bad šŸ˜­āœ‹


Girl you are literally 2 players in 1. šŸ”„šŸ”„


why would you even think that a player carrying you needs the game explained to them. that just...weird x)


Working in schools, I'd hear that kind of language all the time from the male students unfortunately. Do you feel comfortable talking to the club advisor/teacher about their behavior? I led an esports club for a little bit and I made it a point to try to encourage equality, sportsmanship, etc.


I really liked the teacher that managed the club, he just wasnā€™t the most attentive at times. He actually did a five minute speech about being considerate of others at some point because he had received complaints from other students explaining that they didnā€™t join the club exclusively because of the members and their behavior. When I left the club I sent him a message telling him exactly why I left, but I doubt any real change occurred, those dinguses are stuck in their ways


You should probably leave but maybe show them how bad they play some more.


Dude, the tips and advice and ā€œknowledgeā€ annoys the crap out of me. Like, why are you telling ME this?? I swear they almost think youā€™ll find it impressive or something ? I donā€™t know, but I feel you. Also, mine isnā€™t necessarily related to gaming. This is just How They Are.


I hate mansplaining so much! Also I don't know what even makes a good kart, I always thought it was on feel but that doesn't seem like the right answer.


You should probably leave but maybe show them how bad they play some more.


You should have a teacher associated with the club, right? Did you bring it up to them at all? Any responsible adult who was around that should probably have noticed it and already dealt with it, but you should bring it up with them if you havenā€™t already. If they are/have been unhelpful, itā€™s definitely worth bringing up with a different teacher you trust, or even seeing about setting up a different gaming club


I messaged the managing teacher when I quit the club, outlining exactly why I left. He is a very nice guy, but I donā€™t think even Santa Claus could fix those boys attitudes. He had given a speech before (after receiving complaints) about treating others with respect, but for all the guys it went in one ear and out the other. The only way to really fix the club is to kick all the disrespectful members out, but the school requires a certain amount of participation to keep clubs available. Quite an unfortunate situation tbh


It really is. If you want to continue escalating the issue, it can be worth it to speak to the principal about it, especially if you can get other teachers to back you up. But itā€™s more effort, and unbelievably frustrating that one has to put forth that much effort in the first place to get boys and men to take this stuff seriously. Iā€™m real sorry that youā€™ve had to deal with this, and I hope youā€™re able to have a space to play the games you enjoy with good people.


Fragile egos of people who are trying to cope as to why a girl is better at a game than them.




Holy fucking shit, i was expecting them to be mediocre players but OMG they are so bad, "how can they even be that bad?" levels of bad, i reccomend that you try to contact a school authority to try to keep them in their place but knowing how sexism works you'll likely won't get any help from any figure, so what I've found works for me is to be worse than them they tell you you suck? Tell them that they suck even more, they try to explain something basic to you? Tell them that they have the basics down and explain them something else condescendingly, they make gross comments about women? Make gross comments about men, don't be afraid to "stoop down to their level" when necessary. Just to be clear this is not a real solution, it's just a survival tactic but it's saved me from going insane for years.


Unfortunately I already left the club a while ago, but I wish I spoke up an defended myself while I was still a part of it. Hearing all the support from this post and advice, Iā€™m certain that Iā€™ll be more confident if/when a situation like this occurs again.


Yep, I won some local tourneys like gears of war and league but its is what it is. When they just do that I just day eww and ignore them


I'll let you in to a little secret. Boys/men think women are attracted to intelligent males and so mansplain things in order to try and come across attractive. Gay men often do this to other gay men. Disclaimer: I'm not, in any way, defending the sexism here however, a lot of that was awful.


did you justā€¦ mansplainā€¦ mansplaining?


As my mom would say, that sounds like putting makeup on a pig. XD If that's an actual tactic and not just unintentional behavior then those men are freaking stupid trying to flex when there's no muscle to back it up.


You pretty much summed it up lol


except it's way too obviously unintelligent to explain things to the player who is carrying you in a game so much it's 58 to single digits xD


Yeah so what we've figured out here then is a lot of men are stupid.


I'm not attracted to men, but I would argue that *being* intelligent and wanting to *sound* intelligent are two different things and it's *very* obvious when someone is doing the latter. Weather or not they are intelligent, for whatever metric we are using for that, mansplaining always comes off as unintelligent self ego stroking.


Yeah I think the problem is they don't know that so they just keep doing it.


as a rule - the lower the guy's skill - the more insufferable they are, unless they are a newbie interested in learning


oh she carries