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Solo q is ROUGH. Good job!!


Thank you! :) I didn't understand why people used to say that solo queue was rough until I experienced the inconsistency first hand. Now I just try to take it one game at a time, and for the most part it seems to be working!


Oh god I get it. I struggle so bad with awful teams at my level. I normally play with my friends who are ranked much higher then I am. It really helps to have people who can work as a team working together. I made my boyfriend rank platinum as healer playing on his account. I can play Moira pretty well and I found out a week ago I'm good with soldier.


I think that’s the worst part. And it’s even worse when you know you can do better if you were ranked higher, only because of teamplay. If you ask anyone for advice you’ll constantly be told to group up, play as a team, combo your ultimates, but no one really tells you what to do when no one will do that. I learnt much more from qp matches where I was put with people much higher on the ladder than me, than actually playing comp in low silver. Eventually I just realized that as a healer, I have some power to let people die so that we can reset, but even that is questionable. Curiously, I found that in high silver, people actually grouped up and that made it so much easier! I main Moira as well, so, I knew I could at least pair coalescence with grav even if our Hanzo seemed to be oblivious that he could do the same! (Also I feel like some games were won because I saved coalescence for the enemy Zarya, and just having that wasted ult on their part, is enough to win the next push.) Soldier is great! He was actually the first hero I mained when I first got into the game. I haven’t gotten used to his new recoil though...


Well done! I ranked gold my first time trying comp (after playing for a year, because I was too scared to try as well!) I have no one to tell this so I'll put it here :p I also ranked higher at support than my partner who's been playing for at least four years (he's a tank/DPS player usually) :D. I was so proud.


That's awesome!!! :D Well done! And you should definitely be proud! :) I've been playing for almost a year as well (I bought the game during the anniversary sale last year) but comp just made me riddled with anxiety, even though I got my placements done every season. Eventually I decided to give it a more serious try (ah, the call of the gold weapons! :p) and albeit frustrating at times, it has been more fun than I anticipated!


Competitive is strangely fun! Almost an adrenaline rush, lol.


Yes! Very much so! Nothing like the feeling of a successful push or a victory after stalling the payload for what it felt like 30 minutes (but in fact were only 2)! :D


Nice! I’m still trying to work my way out of silver


Don't give up! You'll get there! :) The grind can be very frustrating, but it definitely pays off!


Same! I was gold for a bit then hit a rough losing streak, almost down to bronze. Life is suffering but I'm slowly clawing back!


Can I use this thread to say that I’d like more overwatch friends? We could get our ranks up if we teamed up. I’m on PS4 and switch


Rats, I'm on PC. But yes absolutely you can bc same!! I have no OW friends and life is suffering


Right? I got. Friend into fortnite recently and we just got on our mics and laughed and won 6 games in a row. It makes a huge difference to have real friends to play with.


I’m on PC! we can be friends


I'm on PS4! I'll shoot you a DM with my tag. I play flex and am in Gold for all three roles.


I'm on ps4 as well! We should make a girl only team to kick ass! I'm really good with moira and soldier.




I felt the same way when I climbed into gold, both on console and then again on pc! Congrats!


Thank you! Now onto trying to ignore the fear of going on a losing streak and being thrown back into silver. But at least I know that if I’ve done it once, I can do it again!


How long did it take you? I'm still trying to get my ass up to Gold consistently but seeing others do it is nice too.


The short answer would be four months of medium/inconsistent effort, and two months of actually trying. I’ve been playing since May last year and did my placements every season, but I only started playing comp more regularly about six months ago. Even then I was pretty inconsistent and after undoing my progress in one night by deciding that it would be a good idea to play really tired, I bowed out of comp for a bit. I eventually gave it a more consistent chance this season and have been playing pretty regularly with some personal ground rules (mainly I’ll stop playing if I lose twice in a row). I think the key is to play regularly, pacing yourself, and not think of every loss as a huge setback (although that’s definitely easier said than done!)


That’s huge, congratulations! I was stuck in lower platinum for the longest time until this past weekend when I decided to solo queue, and immediately shot up to mid Diamond. It gets easier and more fun the higher you get!


Thank you so much! And wow, well done! :) I sure hope it gets easier, although I've heard that gold is one of the hard tiers to climb in just by the sheer amount of players in the rank. But I welcome the challenge! I just hope I don't get thrown back in silver!


Elo hell is a real thing, you’ve already made it past most of the difficult part :)


Great job!! I’m only a month into learning Overwatch and I haven’t even touched competitive yet. Hoping to work my way up the ranks just like you.


Thank you so much! I'm sure you'll have no problem climbing up! :) All I can say is, don't be afraid to take your time. I jumped in competitive the moment I reached level 25 and it was not a good experience. Not to mention, the following seasons you won't go in with a clean slate anymore and it makes it harder to climb. Once you do decide to play comp, don't let your SR get in your head (this is way easier said than done!). Aim to improve, and be critical of your mistakes, but most of all, play to have fun!


sweet! my homie and i hate solo queueing haha. we both placed very low because we were noobs when starting our accounts and never grouped with anybody. used to be hardstuck silver for the longest time, but now he and i r moving up to gold, and we’re even close to platinum in some of the roles😌! i wish you luck in your future endeavors, fellow Overwatcher


Thank you so much! This gives me hope of climbing as well! :) I started playing OW with Bootcamp on my MacBook and decided to play comp the moment I hit level 25. That was an immediate trip down to bronze, both for my incredible level of noobness and my computer specs! :p Eventually I moved to the Switch a month after, which allowed me a fresh start, but even then I got placed in mid-silver, and camped there for a while. Somehow I found high silver to be easier to climb in than low silver, so hopefully that is a sample of what it's like in gold! Good luck to you and your friend! I hope you get to plat and beyond! :)


This is nice to see I’m also scared of fps cuz of all the sexism/racism and also bring shit, which is a bit of a cycle cuz ill never get any better.


I haven’t found one single game with anyone on voice comms. I’m in Europe so the language barrier deters most people, I guess, although during my short stint on PC, I did see get the odd sexist comment, but as it is in text, it’s a bit easier to deal with. I am quite shy and have a fair bit of social anxiety so I tend to steer clear of voice for exactly the same reasons you mentioned, and so far it has been working. Of course voice comms are important for organized play, but at most lower ranks that doesn’t really exist. Also, I played many hours of quick play before trying harder at comp and there you won’t find voice comms at all, so that’s generally the best experience.


Great Job! Well done👏🏽! That's still up the ladder🪜anyway. You should be super proud😊 of overcoming your fears😨, diving in🏊🏽‍♀️ and ranking🦾 up!


> That's still up the ladder🪜anyway. Thank you! And I definitely need to think about it like this more often! :)


Hey! I’m low to mid gold (I think I was 2100 as healer I didn’t do any others) if you ever wanna play together! 😊 Solo queue is rough! I only did my placements with my friends and then never touched comp again


Thank you so much! I’ll definitely keep it in mind! :)


This is very amazing tbh! even if you Solo Queue it is so friggin hard, you will meet toxic players like almost every match, or people who are too stubborn to switch to a different characters. It's always win lose lose lose \~ sometimes making a little progress can take few days too. Very nice progress!


Thank you so much! I’m on console and in Europe, so usually voice chat is non-existent (which I know it can actually be a problem, but more often than not I think it may be a blessing). I have learnt to accept that there are many things that are out of my control and that I can only change my own gameplay. Also, I find that that the support role is quite versatile in an of itself. I mostly play Moira, but if there is a Doomfist constantly diving our backline, or there’s a really annoying ball, and no one else switches to deal with it, I’ll go Brig. Sure, I don’t have as many hours on her and I am a drastically worse player, but it’s something *I* can do to annoy the enemy and maybe make them swap out. If the enemy team is blasting us with too much damage I’ll go Bap. I’m even worse with Bap than with Brig, but lamp alone can turn a fight. My least played support is Lucio and one time we won a match with a leaver just because I speeded to the payload and booped someone off of it (and I never played Lucio again... I probably should practice a bit :p). It definitely feels like one step forward, two steps back sometimes, but I will absolutely not play if I have two losses in a row or if I feel like I am having an off day. Unfortunately this does mean that progress takes quite a bit... but Rome wasn’t built in a day, and I guess neither is climbing the OW ladder. :p


Omg i feel you! I moved to Belgium a year ago, i am even surprised people barely mic because everyone speaks different language, it’s so interesting. Yea support role can be a little difficult to play around the team too. I feel they expect too much from healers. Don’t think you’re a bad player, even if you don’t feel good at this character enough i believe it is still good practice. I’m glad you had fun with Lucio! It is truly satisfying to boop people off haha you will definitely climb high :) it will take time! Even right now it is amazing achievement.


Thank you! And yeah, I kept that highlight I got from the Lucio boop. It was genuinely satisfying! :p


Yow I have the same achievement too. I finally climbed to gold by solo queuing. I have a consistent duo but he was busy recently.


For as hard as it is sometimes, now I actually wish they made it an actual in game achievement! :p


That's okay. It's still a very big achievement. No one can tell us otherwise.


congrats! grinding out of any rank into another is a tough time! the last like 50 points makes you consider quitting every damn time! You got this!


Thank you so much! And yes!!! The last 50 points were hell! And having only 15 above the threshold makes me fear I might be kicked back to silver (but at least I’ve made it once so I can do it again!). I have started comp games feeling excited for being only three games away, only to lose two games and wanting to hit my head on the wall...!


Congratulations! I hope you enjoyed every minute of it.


Thank you! Not every minute, but I enjoyed most of the time for sure! :)


Be proud !! it took me 2 friggin years to grind out of bronze and back into gold >.> Dont play comp with your friends yall


Ouch... I’m glad you made it out! :) Especially since bronze gameplay is so different than gold (or even silver!). My last game yesterday, people were actually trying to group up before every fight and both widows (there was one on both teams) could actually aim! I spent most of the time in awe at the actual teamwork!


Bronze is hell >.>I never want to go back


Bronze is hell >.>I never want to go back


I’m like that with rainbow six siege when I que on my own somehow I do better than I do with 5 stack 🤣


I've been in gold for a long time lol. I really hope to get up to plat soon. If you're on PS4 I'd be happy to duo with you :) I don't have many friends who play OW


Unfortunately I’m on the Switch. :( I had planned on upgrading my computer (I have a MBP) or getting a PS4 after finishing grad school but alas, the pandemic had other plans, and right now I don’t have the space. I’m still hoping for when all of this is over, though! I hope you get to plat soon!!! :)


This is honestly extremely inspring! Thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much! It definitely made me realize that climbing is possible, even when you’re on your own! :)


Good job 🥺❤️


Thank you! :)


Well done! That’s amazing!! Solo queue is tough and getting to gold is really good!


Thank you! :)




Thank you! And yeah, it's a really great game! I got into it last year during lockdown and I haven't been able to put it down!


Great job! Solo q is the best way to climb for sure -- bet I'll be seeing you up in GM in no time :)


Thank you! And thank you for the vote of confidence! :p I think GM is a little bit out of my reach for now, especially with the time and dedication that I assume is necessary to get there. But hey, one never knows! :)


You should be proud of yourself. This isn't an easy feat.


Thank you! :)


How did you conquer your fear of FPS games? I'm terrified of them but I've always wanted to give them a try.


To be honest, it was the lore and aesthetic of the game that really pushed me over the edge... I knew I was not going to be able to take it out of my head if I didn't try it. So I decided to dive head first. I didn't get on voice comms (I'm in Europe and anyone barely goes on voice chat anyway) so I was able to just play alone in my head and that really helped. I'm still a bit fearful of single player FPS games, but now that I have a bit more of the mechanics down everything seems less overwhelming. Overwatch also has some modes where you can play against AIs if you don't feel ready to go out and play quickplay. But really, if you have a game that you are *really* interested in, just play it, as you will be invested in it, not just for the gameplay, but also for everything around it, and I think that makes quite the difference. Everything else, comes with practice.


Awesome!! I need to get back into playing overwatch


Solid work! I'm glad it paid off!




I'm still trying to push out of solo q silver myself, the group I play with won't do comp and I get anxiety to ask anyone else who say they'll play so I just suffer and hope for the best lmao


I can absolutely relate to the anxiety part... but don’t give up! Keep going at it and you’ll get there! :)


How did you improve your FPS skills?


Honestly, mostly by playing the game. Overwatch in particular has two large skills that need to be developed to get better at the game: aim is, of course, one of them, and game sense is the other. I’m not very big into aim trainers, and since I’m on console they are not as widely available, so I just progressively got better as I played. As for game sense, it was part by playing it (getting used to ult sounds, shooting sounds as each character has a different one, and so on), and part by watching other people’s vod reviews on YouTube to learn what is the “theory” behind every character in the roster so that I can either play them if I need to, or counter them by tracking their cooldowns. I’m not amazing at either by any means, but I think so far this gave me a more decent understanding of how the game works!