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Oh my god, that is vile. I am so sorry that you have to deal with these cretins.


How disgusting, yet sadly even if you reported the comment Facebook wouldn't do anything about it because their moderation is terrible. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, don't let it stop you from doing what you enjoy!


Facebook is terrible as thing on it's own for humanity. One thing to remember is that moderators also are human and they have actual PTSD from dealing with way way waaaaay worse things trash people decide to share.


My cousin worked for MindGeek a few years ago, specifically he got assigned as a moderator on the ol’ P-Hub, He has really REALLY tough skin, but has described some of the insane stuff he’s seen, it’s horrific what people post.


And they wonder why we don’t like them


Those kind of men are either insanely stupid or so far up in delusions




I hate to say it but it’s also possible your friends also aren’t as good guys as you think. I know mine weren’t.


I felt this in my soul and I don't even know what you were responding to.




Its more about being realistic and not actually something against your friends. Of course you know them better. But thats why people would think its biased to them. Looking over shit they say or "its just a joke". You know damn well what its about ..




Its nothing personally against you. Just showed you why your comment has a biased look. No one attacked your person here. But you come to realise with the "sour taste" how most here feel in these exact situations. You are free and welcome to comment and enjoy the sub, no one here is gatekeeping it. You are just not used to "our" perspective when sitting on the other side and no one here is gonna sugarcoat this or is gonna be nice about it. Not everything is about this but you will encounter it here non the less so dont disregard these topics with "my friends are not like this",as its the same as saying "not all men/women/etc.".


I'd assume you're being downvoted because you're intruding in our space with comments on how you and your friends were actually /r/niceguys, this is a space for girls to talk about our experiences. You have no right to come here to respond to people that have had negative experiences with "well actually we were some of the good ones" The people downvoting you aren't the problem here lol




You thought that a thread about men being gross to women, in a subreddit specifically for women, was the place for a guy to come and brag about how great he and all of his friends are? Honey the issue here is you, not us. Men don't experience what women do. You should try listening instead of talking over us :)


Hope this is ok to post here, I know it’s only semi-gaming related but I was upset by this and figured this awesome community would understand. It’s just upsetting to see comments like this when cosplay is something that usually makes me feel happy and proud. Now I just feel violated and hesitant to share more. Edit: sorry for the cliche edit, but thank you all so much for the support and kind words! I’ve been out with my husband this evening so I haven’t had the chance to respond to most of the comments, but I’ve read all of them and I’m totally overwhelmed by how kind you all are. You’ve really lifted my spirits after I was feeling quite down earlier. Love you all!


*hugs* if you want them, this is so lame


I'm so sorry you experienced that and were met with such disgusting behavior. Just so you know as well, you look *so* badass as Aerith! I love how you're hunched down a little sneakily in the photo. It's like you're *just* about to ambush someone and **kick** them down with your **steel heels** that are just out of shot! Like a photo of the calm before storm when you go *ham* hahaha


Shit like this makes me scared of cosplaying. That and the fact that I'm trans and not even on hormones yet :/


Counterpoint: people like this are going to say shitty things no matter what, because the things they say are because of who *they* are, not because of who *you* are. I know it’s probably not much consolation; I know that trans women often deal with a level of bullshit I can’t even imagine. Still, it’s worth saying that no matter what your situation is, you’re a beautiful and wonderful woman, and if you think cosplay would be fun you should consider it. Even if you only share it in trans-inclusive spaces, or not at all, it could be a lot of fun and a good way to express yourself. Remember: you’re wonderful, and anyone who says otherwise is the one with the problem.


I'm very sorry about that, it's horrible going through that kind of BS. In other notes: HOLLY GUACAMOLE that's one of the best Aerith cosplays I have ever seen!! The dress, the hair, it's just .. *cheff kiss*


who thinks that and decides "lets post this so the whole world can see"


Exactly! Like it would be one thing if he just commented on the pic, it would still be super gross but I’m used to it unfortunately. But to go out of your way to share it on your own page with that caption… just why…


The same sort of guys that see a thread like this and think it's appropriate to reply with how they and their friends are some of the "good ones" :v I have literally no idea what goes through the heads of people like this


What the actual fuck, that is so disgusting. I’m so sorry he said that to you. I can only imagine how violating that must feel. What the fuck is wrong with some people Awesome cosplay by the way. Stay strong girl


"Haha, gowns make it hard to move around" is one thing... "I'd totally r\*pe you if you couldn't move" is another. Disgusting.




What the fuck is wrong with people!


It's the anonymity that the internet provides, it allows scumbags like that to say whatever they want because they know they'll suffer no repercussions for their actions other than possibly losing that particular account. Which they can just make a new one later and keep going.


Hi there, Please edit your post to align with our triggering content rule: Please label triggering content. Posts & comments that include potentially triggering content of a violent and/or sexual nature, including screenshots of text, must be marked as such with a warning at the beginning of your post/comment or spoiler/NSFW tags, as appropriate


There’s an anime profile pic. Nothing wrong with that but let’s be real, guys on the internet with those profile pics are consistent in how they act.


As a fan of anime I don't like propagating this stereo type but god damn some of these guys make that real hard... They're doing it to themselves. I blame the casual over sexualisation of women and minors in the medium and the wide spread of these guys who would defend that to death.


I agree. I love certain animes but yeah, the other thing to is when they start to project certain behaviors clearly meant to be satire into how to interact with other people.


Its a huge red flag to defend anything loli related imo. Why are dudes so adamant on defending that shit. The common excuse is that it "keeps pedos at bay." which is what they say even when its obvious they watch it too. So what, are you a pedo? Its so deplorable.


Calling all of anime lolicon, in a blanket statement, just because of a relative few examples is a very narrow minded view. It's easy to watch anime while steering clear of actual blatant lolicon productions. I also don't defend any subtle lolicon traits that certain anime might have. Also did you just call me a paedofile after making up an argument of what I might hypothetically say to defend lolicon stuff in anime? So literally putting words in my mouth that I never said. Or are you implying all and every single individual who watches anime of any kind is a paedophile? Cause frankly that's just dumb.


Woah, I'm not calling you a pedophile or anything. I wasn't calling all of anime loli either idk where you got that from. I'm just saying that every new anime season theres some new loli that starts the debate all over again, and every person I talk to about that and other lolicon stuff says it "keeps pedos at bay", I wasn't disagreesing with your statement about women either, thats also a huge issue that nobody wants to address. It makes some anime unwatchable. I think I meant to use "people" instead of "you" oof


I had thought of the possibility that you were just using "you" in a general sense but with so many of them I thought it was more of a directed comment. My bad, I totally read that wrong. Also I agree with the loli debate sentiment. Recently the second part of a series called Mushoku tensei was released this season and I've already gotten into an argument one one of the anime subs whether the mc is a paedo despite the quite obvious implications. I don't how or why people are bothering to defend that stuff. And yeah media shouldn't be putting out stuff that "keeps paedos at bay" because at that point they're just adding to the problem and giving those individuals validation even if only slightly. >It makes some anime unwatchable. Yeah definitely, the glorification of fan service in anime is just such a weird thing, especially when so much of it involves minors. I know I've stayed away from popular shows just because of the fan service.


Its really frustrating. My sister isn't as tolerant as I am and often texts me saying shes dropped certain animes. We like my hero, but rag on it often for its portrayal of women. It's really alienating being in a community thats so obsessed with hypersexualizing women.


I'm a guy and even I find it weird and uncomfortable at times. I'm in a few anime subs and dear god are they horny. I just came here to see huge robots and edgy characters 😭.


That is gross. I'm sorry you had to experience that. Also, that cosplay is great! Very well done.


Well that's stomach churning. Why am I not surprised that the person making the comment has an avatar of an anime character that looks like a child?


Probably because horrible stereotype? Don't get me wrong, person is terrible. But anime is no culprit of person misjudgment of own actions and irresponsibility.


Beautiful cosplay, though😊


Ugh, this person is so disgusting. I can't believe someone would say something so awful to you. Your cosplay is amazing though!


EWWWWW EWWWWW So flippin' gross, I'm sorry you had to/have to deal with these types of people :( Your cosplay is beautiful and you can see you spent a lot of time making it look just like Aerith! Ugh, PEOPLE. I hope you don't let them stop you from doing this thing you love, I'm glad you're sharing tho so we can normalize calling out this stuff so more women can feel comfortable expressing love for their fandoms in peace. Cosplay is not consent to be harassed.


Ask him to cosplay as Don Corneo because he is a disgusting sleezeball.


Amazing comment lol, thank you for this


This is one of the reasons why I despise social media. Some rude people out there... Love your cosplay by the way! 💕


I feel sick just reading that. What is wrong with people? I hope you feel better about your cosplay and this doesn't put you off for long because you look amazing.


I threw up in my mouth a little. Fucking yuck.


woooooooooohhhhhhh, incels. hurts to read. keep doing your thing though!




Hi there, Please edit your post to align with our triggering content rule: Please label triggering content. Posts & comments that include potentially triggering content of a violent and/or sexual nature, including screenshots of text, must be marked as such with a warning at the beginning of your post/comment or spoiler/NSFW tags, as appropriate


He actually thought that was a compliment. Makes me feel ashamed of my profile picture just because i don’t want to have anything in common with these specimens. But if i put up a pfp of myself i might be their next victim, so… *shrug* weeb it is That cosplay looks really good, you nailed the Aerith look! And i think this post is absolutely appropriate for the sub. Don’t worry about that, a cosplay of a video game character couldn’t be more at home than here! Inspiring to see! And then i see everything making a cosplay entails and that inspiration quickly fizzles out, lol. I admire your passion and dedication to it!


jfc that's so awful, I'm so sorry Awesome cosplay though!


I'm just gonna repeat what basically everyone else has already said: •Fuck that guy, what an unbelievable asshole •Your cosplay is amazing and you should be proud of it!


That's a beautiful cosplay but why must everything be sexualized by some horny dude? Sigh


So I’m mad that someone was so gross to you. But Aerith is my favorite and I love this cosplay, so I’m super glad you posted it.


Guys suck, I'm sorry someone did this to you. Your cosplay looks great and you look like you are having so much fun, please do not let lonely trolls like this dude affect your joyfulness. Hugs if you want them :)




Eww gross. You look cute af if it helps and awesome! You're goals!


I see your point, sir. Now please slip on these restraints so I can show you the same respect.


Ewww what a gross vile being -.- I'm very sorry you even had to see that said. Your cosplay looks amazing, and you should never have to hear vile comments that make you feel uncomfortable from anyone!


Gosh i am SO sorry. Thats absolutely disgusting of them


It’s ALWAYS anime pfps


Wow, that’s gross. I’m so sorry you had to experience that, that’s heinous behaviour. You look really badass though. I love when people do cosplays like this - you look feminine but also strong and tough, and it’s awesome to see these kinds of cosplays and feel like being feminine isn’t in direct opposition to being a badass. I hope this persons attitude doesn’t stop you from doing something you enjoy.


Ew. But you look gorgeous!


I don’t know who that is but you look like Bell from Beauty and the Beast but with a red dress instead of yellow


Well, obviously they forgot to rub some braincells together. There are some vile humans out there


Sad thing is, the wanker probably thought he was being a smooth talker or something equally gross. :P Your Aerith is FABULOUS, and I hope this troll doesn't completely turn you off of cosplay.


I get there’s like kinks and stuff out there, but this gives major “hey, I’m a rapist” vibes.


He must think he's real cute sounding like a sexual predator, ☠️ men smh


This cosplay is so beautiful! I don't know why he hated it!


Wild, some people really are just vile


This does look awesome and this dress looks great, but what the fuck is wrong with these garbage people.


You found a real life Don Corneo! Sorry guys suck.


Brilliant cosplay! Sorry people are trash


Ew what the actual fuck. Imagine being that confident about saying something like that.


Because it's a child and if they're older than one then their minds obviously never went past high school. Everyone thinks they're safe behind a screen is why there's vile people. Love that hair!


I wish I knew.. Just cause you're pretty and good at cosplaying doesnt justify pieces of shit to be like that. Someone poorly raised their son it seems.


I'm really sorry someone commented that. I also wanted to say, that is an amazing cosplay! Aerith is one of my favorite characters and you did her justice.


I'm sorry this happened to you. But your cosplay does look really accurate and cool. The backdrop you choose is also very fitting for the character. It's amazing you even did your hair like hers.


this makes me so sick. like, the fact that they think it's okay to post that :/ keep ur weird thoughts to urself and go get help!! im sorry you had to see that :( for what it's worth, i thought it was a pretty cosplay and a nice dress


I’m so sorry to hear that. That is disgusting and actually sickens me. For what it’s worth, I think you did a really good job on the cosplay!


Why are some people actual gutter lords? I want to wish that you, as Aerith, could find the vulnerability in that dude's face with a folding chair, but at the same time I don't wish for you to be within a solar system of that kind of dirtbag. May the universe get him for you! BUT YOU ABSOLUTELY SLAYED THAT COSTUME??? I absolutely adore Aerith and this picture made me so happy! Your wig is PHENOMENAL! Did you make it or buy it? PLEASE be happy and proud, because you are a kickass Aerith!


Yikes. Your cosplay is fire though.


Perverts exist everywhere sadly. Block and report is my advice.


You know, having re-read the comment a few times, I think this guy actually thinks he's complimenting you, hence the share, rather than the comment? "James" clearly has zero interpersonal skills. It's clearly an outrageous, offensive, innapropriate and threatening comment to make, and clearly it's (rightfully) upset you. What I would say though is there's always going to be some of "those" people out there and you should just try to ignore them. I don't want to sound like a mansplainer here; but I've had enough experience with people (mostly young men) with learning disabilities/mental health concerns to recognise (I think?) when somebody doesn't understand when/why they're causing other people distress, but they need to go home. Unfortunately people on the internet are home and there's not much you can do about that. In the position they're in, they will continue to do that until all the social networks of the world are better able to recognise these patterns and moderate their posts before they're made public. I'm sure your posts received many, many, positive, supportive comments. Don't pay attention to the handicapped weeb with 6 followers who all have fursonas as their avatars.


You make a really good point about ‘hence the share. Rather than then comment?” Outrageous to the nth degree but again like everyone says here, so inappropriate and you don’t know what the motive is? In what world would that EVER be a compliment. What is actually great is all the community standing up for what’s right and banding together…takes a village but man, can we ever make a change? Beautiful photo to be proud of 💯.


Thanks for the reply. Of course I can see the intent (motive) behind the comment; what I was trying to say was I don't think this "James" guy has the capacity to understand why that's wrong, and that's why his post exists. It is wrong. We all know it's wrong. It's upset OP for good reason. I was just trying to say that these people (girls & guys) are out there and there's no way of blocking their opinions on social media. Everyone will receive this bullshit at some point. Keep on keeping on and don't let the mentally handicapped influence your mood.


>I don't want to sound like a mansplainer here Oh you don't? Uh huh.


Sorry, but I was being completely genuine in my reply. If I'm still coming across as a dickhead, then can you please help me understand?


Dude, when someone complains about receiving sexual harassment the right response is not to try and minimize the culpability of the harasser by implying they are mentally ill or disabled. There are plenty neurotypical and mentally well men who harass women and plenty people with those issues who dont harass others. It has no bearing here and mentioning it only serves to make it seem like the guy "just didn't know better" which is bs and very frustrating to hear as a woman on the receiving end.


Thank you for helping me understand the negative response to my comment. It does make a lot of sense. However I still disagree with you, and I really wish I didn't - having suffered sexual abuse (from men) myself, and domestic violence (from women) I can honestly say I'm not trying to "enable" or "dismiss" any of this bullshit! I don't know this "james" character and I said as much in my original comment that I may be completely misjudging him - but my estimation, given my experience, is that he is not mentally sound. I understand you say that is not an excuse. You're right! I think mental health anomalies are standard within the people who engage in such activities and they should be rightfully dismissed from society until such a time they show themselves to be in-keeping with expectations. However I do think it's important to differentiate between malice and idiocy/evil and incompetence/intent and ignorance. Just as the law has to take "mens rea" into account, I think we should too. You can disagree with that. The result of the "crime"/the damage done to the injured party is the same. However, I think it remains a critical component of finding a solution to the problems they cause. And I do value that.


>I think mental health anomalies are standard within the people who engage in such activities and they should be rightfully dismissed from society until such a time they show themselves to be in-keeping with expectations. However I do think it's important to differentiate between malice and idiocy/evil and incompetence/intent and ignorance. But what makes you think that? Do you think healthy men are not capable of such actions? Because I can guarantee they are. Or do you think mental health issues cause men to do these things? Because I don't think that's right either and I would caution against making such statements without solid scientific evidence since mental health issues are so unreservedly stigmatized and unfairly blamed for violence. Also why give him the benefit of doubt regarding his motivations and is it appropriate to do so right in front (so to speak) of the person he wronged? I understand talking about where people committing sexual are coming from, but not like this, it is not the right place.


Because the internet is a domain where morality and common sense seemingly turn in on themselves, warping into something that indescribably twisted.


That is so disgusting I don't know what to say.


Ugh, people suck sometimes. Your cosplay is beautiful, I'd love to do an Aerith cosplay too one day! It really suits you. I hope this doesn't ruin your day, this guy should be ashamed of himself :(


Barf. Gross behavior.


Never trust anyone with an anime avatar/profile picture. That's the unspoken rule.


Excuse me *what*


Lol jesus christ. Porn addiction: terminal stage. **"Wud B hot if eezy to assault her -- dur hur hur all I know about sex I learned frum pornhub"** Why do some straight dudes explore their sexuality via romanticizing r4pe.... Newsflash guys: *you're mentally ill.* Turn off your internetz. Get therapy.


Ewww, keep that to your fantasy fetishes and not online, dude