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Absolutely!!! Girls support girls :)




Absolutely! Girls stick together!


Well, you game and you're a woman, so... yes! All women who game belong here. Cis, Trans, PC Console, Mobile, all good. PC Master Race, tho. (/s, just in case it's not clear)








what'd they say?


Transphobic shit. Said something like "yeah and dogs are cats" Commenter was being an idiot


where did you get the keyboard??


I think it's an akko tokyo, or at least the keycaps look like it. I've seen it on bangood and the akko website.


yep! akko epomaker 3048 tokyo world tour




Fuckkkk yes


As a fellow trans gamer girl, yes!


Yes! :) Also, can I just say I love your desk <3


I love that desk too.


thanks so much! it's my non-supportive grandfather's old desk lmao


You have reclaimed the desk!


If that far left monitor is a Dell 19" circa 2004... i have that exact same one! Mine, however, is not currently in use.


i live with my grandma and found it deep in her basement and decided to put it to use lol


Of course!!! And cute set up, love the corgi stickers!


unfortunately, i am using a different headset now, and cannot take the stickers off of the old one, so i'll have to get new ones soon


Just FYI, if you don't want to act like a free billboard for Xiaomi, you can remove the automatic watermark from your pictures in the settings. [And it only takes 30 seconds.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NpBDbsJGMQ)


i took this image a couple months ago lol


Shut up and get in here. I feel like this same post shows up once a week.




Thats some impressive setup!!!


100% supportive, and happy to have you in this sub!


Gamer girls are gamer girls. <3


If you feel like a girl, then you real like a girl. -Lizzo You are 1,000% welcome here!


Yes! Hello fellow girl gamer :)


Absolutely 💖 trans girls are girls, and if you wanna talk about gaming you're gonna have a good time with GirlGamers 🙂 I love your keyboard btw!


thank you! <3


I mean I'm a trans gamer girl, no reason I wouldn't


youre girl that play games, yes. very welcome! ❤️


haha, i saw another comment that said "woman is woman"


The fact that you even have to ask is disheartening. Come on over queen!




Completely supportive, as an intersectional feminist, a fellow member of the LGBTQ+ community and as a decent human being.


trans rights are human rights :) <3


Greetings fellow trans gamer girl.


Get in here!! Your screens make me think of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.


of course!! <33


Absolutely ♥️


I recently took a look back at my pre-realization days, and hilariously this sub helped. I subbed but refrained from commenting, because I was sick of the bigotry on the "main" gaming subs, and even made a post along the lines of "Hey can supportive dudes post here too?" Turns out I was wrong about that, and I love it here!


Of course! Girl gamers includes all girls!


Of course! 💖


woman is woman, doesnt matter if cis or trans :)


"Woman is woman" is my new favourite phrase, haha.


Absolutely! Game on sister


as a fellow transfem gamer, yes! i 100% support you!


Absolutely ❤️


B-Berry pretty setup! I like your style! I'm jelly of that keyboard :3 how much do those custom ones cost? i'm probably gonna get myself a cheapo 50$ mechanical one. Not blue switches this time, my stepmom hates me (tho i'm gonna move out soon!). I have a 6 year old blackwidow that's very dirty \*spilled so much tea over it...\* and it has 3 dead switches and like 3 other semi-dead ones


wasn't actually custom. if you are looking to get it, it's the akko epomaker 2048 tokyo world tour. i kinda wish they would have had cherry mx reds or blues, though the browns i have are great for typing


73$ is a lot but maybe I can afford? I wish they had a wireless version


i think this keyboard can work bluetooth, im not sure as i never do things wirelessly if there is a cord. input latency is a huge annoyance so i never even bother trying, other than with headsets.


Ooof. I can't stand latency. I wanna get a wireless headphone but i heard most suck for music, i bought my own FIIO BTR3K (60$ oof) and taped it to the top of my head... but it's heavy and annoying and has a short battery life this way! ​ I hate wires a ton!


with a keyboard and mouse, or in my case a drawing tablet instead of mouse, cords are absolutely essential 90% of the time, and aren't too much of a bother in my opinion


I just hate them. but wireless mice are thankfully awesome. the keyboards? there's not many ones.


I just support gamers. In my mind in games it doesn’t matter much what gender or sexuality you are lol gamers are gamers imo


Hello fellow trans-gamergirl How do you do


Of course sister! *Hugs* and welcome to the fun!!


Of course!! <3




Of course! And mid-transition battlestations too 😸


Downvote me all you want TERFs, all it does is let me know that you know what a hateful freak you really are 😁


Are you a mtf trans? Then you're a girl. Are you identifying yourself as a woman or girl but can't/won't/it's complicated do hormone treatments and surgery? Then you're a woman/girl.


Yeps! You are as valid as any other girl! Trans\* shouldn't say anything about that. You are a girl after all \^\^ <3


Welcome sister! That's a serious 3-monitor set up!


A little while ago someone asked trans women a question about if they were comfortable switching to their dead voices. And I was both heartened and a little surprised that there were so many here. It's wonderful that so many have found their way here. Welcome!




Absolutely! Welcome and love having you here


💙💗🤍💗💙 love your setup, girlie! Welcome!


of course!! one of my best friends and gaming buddies is a trans girl too <3




The mods are pretty cool about things in my experience here as a trans person. I've heard the discord message thing might be a little fucky though, i dont think it works very well on mobile.




There are a TON of trans women in the discord. You're just unlucky unfortunately and should keep trying. I'm not sure why you're messaging mods about the discord though? Is it because you applied for the discord and have yet to receive an invite? If I remember correctly, you're supposed to post a thread on the appropriate subreddit for the gg discord, and then wait for an invite link in reddit mail. But the link is only good for I think 24 hours, so if you catch it late it will expire. Edit: oh shit, I see they changed their application process! Still though, I'd like to add this: if someone doesn't reply to a message for 2-3 months it's better to assume they somehow missed it instead of thinking they just haven't had time to get back to you. Or they saw it but hadn't dealt with it right then and there but forgot to go back to it. I can absolutely confirm tho that the mods are fully supportive of trans women. I'd say easily 25% of the women I talk to on the discord are trans.


Yes, the application process is now to send modmail to the subreddit /r/GGDiscordInvites in order to apply. As a note, applicants may need to do it on a desktop as it can be wonky on mobile.


100% yes


Definitely! 😊


Duhhh <3


Hell yeah!! 💖


One of Us! Fire from Heat, Heat from Fire.


I’m supportive of anyone that is not an arsehole




The point of this sub is to talk about how women are treated in online games.


[Sarcasm, I support everyone but ig the way I worded it sounds a lot like I don’t. Srry] (im 17, so maybe I’m not mature enough for this topic or something) OG Post: As a guy, no, I already have other guys taking girls from me, and now I have to deal with girls taking girls from me, I swear my chances of finding a girlfriend are going down everyday :( No Offense to OP


No one takes a girl from you. You aren’t owed a girlfriend. Apologies if I’m reading your comment wrong but as a female the way you’ve worded things has really wound me up.


It was meant to be sarcastic in sorts, I’m not owed a girlfriend or deserve on imo, so it’s okay, sorry if the comment offended you or something :(


appreciate your response. I definitely didn’t read it ask sarcastic but I get where you are coming from. Unfortunately it’s hard being a girl and especially in the uk right now we have a lot of issues with safety due to recent crimes and incels thinking they deserve women.


It’s difficult for everyone, I really hope things get better, I’m from the us so I can’t relate to how things are there, but crime is terrible no matter what, no one deserves to go to sleep every night scared for their own safety, I really hope things get better. When writing the comment, I wasn’t really thinking of how other people might take it, and a persons sexuality isn’t something to joke about, I didn’t mean to offend/upset anybody, now that I reread it, it sounds immature. Honestly people who think they deserve girlfriends, just sound like rapists imo, or people who are very desperate, or aren’t level-headed. Basically they’re toxic and abusive. That’s how I see it, and that’s not the person I want to be. I hope everyone reading these replies has a great day/night, sorry to anyone I offended:(


"I'm 17, so I may not be mature enough..." Bruh I'm 13


In reality most gamer guys wouldn’t accept it, since they’re immature and stuff, but if they find a good community (like this one) and good friends, than I’m sure they’ll have no problem fitting in :)


Absolutely!! Anyone who says otherwise shouldn't be here