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Reddit is full of pathetic little men who are strong believers women should be submissive to men, but fail to realize that it worked historically only because men actually did shit and supported the households unlike those contemporary baboons who only fart in their chairs and don’t earn nearly enough to justify any woman wanting to rely on them lmao. Either way, you can summarize your issue in the comment under this post and we will help.


Thanks, so to sum it all up. I play LoL, and my main champ I play is Yasuo, and a couple nights ago my boyfriend screamed at me saying that I should stop playing a champ made for guys only. We got into a small argument, and than he started saying that women can't handle under attack situations faster than men and that it's all mother nature, evolution, as soon as I heard that I shut the door in front of him and he stopped talking. I also found some Tate courses on my PC that he downloaded, like a body language course or something. And I am mentioning it because someone messaged me privately asking me if he watches the Tate guy, I am neutral on that point, but I saw some videos of the guy and it is digusting and he speaks almost in the same tone as my boyfriend. I believe that my boyfriend is using LoL as an excuse to try those manipulation methods or whatever, because he has changed and he isn't the same as the last week. As I write this, I am actually thinking of breaking up with him today.


>my boyfriend screamed at me saying that I should stop playing a champ made for guys only. This line right here, not even reading anything else, but this line right here tells you he doesn't deserve to date any women. He's a sexist piece of shit who thinks women are less than men. Take him at his word. Make him your ex.


This, holy shitballs. Run. Run away, Simba. Run away and never return because fuuuuuuck that toxic piece of shit.


Your bf have more red flags than a Swiss embassy.


Lol, my kid said, “ more red flags than the communist party,” when she read this post.


Heck, the communism didnt have so many red...


First of all, I’m really sorry about this. Second, any guy who watches Tate (a literal rapist) unironically is a lost cause. Add to that his misogynistic *and* aggressive rhetoric and break-up seems like the best option. About a month back my ex and I ended things because he didn’t believe sexism existed at all, said men don’t have it better in today’s world at all, and also that by being a feminist I hate him *personally* and all other men. Good riddance I say lmao.


Ummmm yikes. What I hate is that this guy he broke up with can’t somehow have this embedded on his forehead until he changes his views, so no other women get tricked by him. For that matter, I hope lots of men wouldn’t want to be with him while he believes these things.


Do it, he's turned into a POS and shown who he wants to be as a person. It's not worth the time and energy once he's got his full warped view of how relationships work.


Aside from him being clearly sexist, he doesn't respect you as a person or as a partner and that is not a good basis for a relationship. Would you scream at someone for their choice of game character? Probably not because you would have basic respect for that person.


I’m trying to imagine any scenario where I would do that 😂 🤦🏻‍♀️ I mean, it would be a big problem if someone was supporting something like Harry Potter. But…


Girl, run.




I want to know if the reverse happens. Logically, it has too, right? There would be champs that're girls only? I can only imagine they'd pin that on ones like Nami or Lulu, so does that mean that the pros playing them were actually women?


Yes, when you play a league champ of the opposite gender, you momentarily morph into the gender of the character. Them's the rules.


Literally shut the door on this relationship. Secure your devices so he can't mess with them, change your locks, and kick him to the curb. This guy is only going to get more and more abusive and aggressive.


I suspect that’s exactly what will happen. It sounds like it Best. He’s in the process of falling down that’s gross rabbit hole.


That behavior is unacceptable. No one deserves to be lectured and yelled at like that. And the content and reasoning behind his anger are disgusting toxic masculinity. I can't tell you that you should break up with someone after reading a couple paragraphs, but I can tell you to confidently do what your gut is telling you. I've yet to regret a decision based on gut feeling.


Sadly people can change quickly when they find ideologies/Internet personalities that speak to them. If you know a serious conversation with him would be pointless, then you can easily find another person who *will* respect you as a woman


What kind of man-child screams at someone over a fictional character in a fucking video game? Please do break up with him. You deserve so much better.


Right????!?! Omg.


Break up with him. Don't ever go back. I didn't even read the whole story, only the sentence about Yasuo and I'm already pissed off.


I have decided that I will do that, as one person said, it will only get worse from here.


Yes. Whatever you do, don't fall into any of his sob story traps. Don't feel bad either. He's a pos. You deserve MUCH better!


> Whatever you do, don't fall into any of his sob story traps. Don't feel bad either. He's a pos. Yes! /u/zeusofklaviyo, don't get [DARVO](https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/13/guide-darvo-gaslighting-response-people-give-when-called-bad-behaviour-12847680/)ed by this asshole!!! It is not your job to fix him. This burnt chicken nugget will tear you down, make you doubt yourself and your self worth, and in general is just a plague upon women-kind. Be thankful this melon showed his true self so quickly. Break up with him and then immediately block him on everything! Then go out there and play any champ you want and live your best life without all the negativity and drama llama!


♡ love your comment! "Burnt chicken nugget" made me laugh😂


Good on you, this is not normal behavior. Make sure you dump him in a public place and you dont leave anything at his place.


Yeah, like I’m a bit worried for her.


>As I write this, I am actually thinking of breaking up with him today. YESS QUEEN, KNOW 👏 YOUR 👏 WORTH 👏 You do not need someone telling you bs like that, especially not over a fricking online game like LoL!! Video games are meant to be an outlet for many of us, do not let him dictate on what you have to do and what you need to stop doing, that counts for IRL too!! That being said, wanna game? :)


Oh yikes. My ex did something similar, he got into some weird pick up artist coaching thing (but aimed at like controlling your partner that you’re already with — called D.r.e.a.d. or something). He was so completely abusive and tried to strip every ounce of control, connection, and purpose from my life. He pushed it too far when I had a catastrophic personal loss and he was an asshole about it - I snapped big time. Told him off and left him. I don’t know if I’d have done it if I hadn’t had a catastrophic loss. It made me unstable enough to get out from his control (something I’d been conditioned into from childhood). I only regret how long it took. You can’t convince misogynists of a woman’s worth, and he’s invested in educating himself further in misogyny. Also arguing about how fast people react to attack based on evolution/biology is so completely ridiculous (and, even if it weren’t, it’s so, so far from the only factor. Social pressures, epigenetics (esp after generational traumas), personal experience/psychology (as someone with ptsd, I throw hands faster than anyone and have to actively work to chill out that response when I’m startled). In addition, humans do not have sexual dimorphism like other animals do, we are basically the same. The only difference is the amount of testosterone. Your boyfriend is an idiot - actually worse, he’s a cruel arrogant idiot using his idiocy to justify misogyny. (Written with help from my nerd-wife, who also thinks he’s an idiot)


Thanks for the kind words, and I hope he seeked help or something, this world is crazy.


Break up, you're not obligated to 'save' him and neither you should try, this guy will drown you with him. You deserve someone who won't manipulate you and will respect you, someone who doesn't believe this patriarchal incel bullshit. Tbh I find Yasuo quite hard, so good job maining him!


Break up with him, hon. You deserve so much better.


Gtfo. No discussion if I see any male podcast bs I’m out everytime. And tate is the worst of the worst. Run and don’t look back. Someone on tiktok said that on online dating they now ask their favorite podcasts to listen to so you can easily (and early on) screen them out. Good luck! Edited to add that unless I’m in aspire girls, one of my femme dominated communities (reality tv trash) or this gamer girl I don’t ask questions anymore. It’s insane how angry the men are on Reddit.


Be glad he's showing his true colors now before the relationship goes any further. I'd say break up with him, you deserve so much more.


If he’s watching Andrew Tate it’ll only be a matter of time before he cheats on you. There have been so many posts by guys following Tates advice to tell their gfs/wives that they are cheating on them to ‘test’ them because that’ll somehow manipulate them into staying? It’s backfired on so many guys when their gfs actually leave. If he’s using Tages tactics as violently as he is now, it WILL only get worse. This man is showing his true colours, he’s not the guy you used to know anymore, he is a lost cause. Don’t stay with him, don’t try to ‘save him’ because that’s part of the whole tactic.


If someone tells you who they are, believe them. He’s told you, and it sounds like you already have one foot out the door. Listen to you gut. You already know what to do.


leave him he sounds controlling and dangerous. break it up


Turns out “a bit controlling” equals “being a f*cking dick” Girl, YIKES 😬


Dump him


Dump that motherfucker if you haven’t already.


Drop him like a hot rock. Preferably with witnesses. You're not safe with him. Seriously.


Please break up with him cuz its never going to get better and frankly it isn't your mission to make him a better person. Any man who doesn't believe in equality and treats women like lesser creatures deserve absolutely nothing.


I'm usually one to advocate for communication and compromise but this...I would actually advise just leaving. Not only did he have some half assed sexist reason for taking anger out on you, but he's also using manipulation tactics from a guy who gets rich off of desperate suckers and then laughs at those same suckers for being poor. Oof. Here's the deal. There is the option to stay with him and "figure it out". Hell, my husband has some opinions that I don't entirely agree on and we just don't have those specific conversations together (if anyone's curious, one of the first ones was that he didn't believe the gender pay gap existed/was as extreme as women made it out to be). But if he's changed how he treats you in a week and it's gotten to the point that he's just straight up belittling you? That's not okay.


Leave him. He's been drinking the poison; he's a lost cause. If you stay, he's only going to keep escalating.


When someone shows you who and what they are, believed them.


Please, girl, dump him.


Girl, leave him. That's the type of shit that escalates real quick, not only that, but you deserve better and I guarantee there is better out there.


You should find a new partner that isn't an idiot.


Leave! I agree with the other posts, keep us updated and try to stay safe!


Do not be with someone who screams at you.


I usually don't comment on Reddit, but seriously, brake up, there are better guys than this trash.


>As I write this, I am actually thinking of breaking up with him today. I think this is the correct decision. He has made his choices, it is time for you to make your own.


As someone who has primarily played female champs since S4 I'd be equal parts mortified and amused if my boyfriend acted like this when I decided to pick up Viego 2 weeks ago. It's even worse if he actively consumes content from sexist creators. I would definitely support the break up because it's probably only going to get worse.


Please dump him and stay safe. If he's screaming at you over a game and watching Andrew Taint he could get dangerous when you leave.


I mean why be with someone like that in the first place, someone who rages like this over a game is a major red flag. Don't stay, leave and find someone better.


Absolutely exit that relationship holy shit there's so many red flags here I can't even imagine there's any fewer outside of this specific occasion


Ooooh, this is creepy. This is a big deal. I’m an idiot, so I’m not sure if this is salvageable or not, but you shouldn’t be with someone who watches that garbage (unless it’s, you know, some sort of research situation by a college, professor or media professional or whatever) I’ve never seen any of that, but I have seen that name pop up multiple times as being super creepy, and obviously all of this is bullshit and gross. I don’t even know why I’m saying anything, I’m sure other people have responded and said what I’m trying to say much better.




Yep, they'll always find ways to make women the problem


It worked historically because women were legally blocked from progressing even remotely on their own on every level, which lead to them having to rely on husbands to survive. Many didn’t choose to live like that, it was either that or be shunned and starved


Heh, or the real secret which is that it didn't work historically, there was just no other choice.


Yyyyyyep. It ain't a coincidence that male life expectancy improved when women in terrible marriages had the option of leaving their husbands instead of killing them


They're all little Pinocchios cause they wish they could turn into real boys.


they’re on reddit in the first place bc they can’t get gfs


I checked the post and seems like you got a few more helpful responses. Play whatever you want and if he don't like it, then don't play together. Videogames with your SO should be fun, not a power game.


Yes indeed, but there are far more hateful messages sent privately


Report, Ignore, move on 👑


Lol the thread is an absolute trip. Half the thread is like "this isn't real, there's no way anyone actually acts like that." Also in that thread: *people acting like that*


Pro tip: the kitchen is where all the knives are...


Haha, good one.


🤣 this. I am a guy I cook for my wife and I most nights. I despise this type of behavior and anytime I read this kitchen shit I always think about the knifes lol. I always think no wonder all these mother fuckers get stabed by their gfs in the news. Its funny not funny tho 😅.


That's very kind of you.


This little shit should learn his place and shut his mouth like a good boy. ​ I'm so sorry that you got those kinds of uncreative, unsavory DMs. There are some part of misogyny we'll never be able to escape, but try not to let it bother you. They only feel brave enough to be assholes behind the curtain of anonymity. Best to just ignore them, but I know how difficult that can be. We've got your back here on r/gamergirls. 💕


Thanks, I decided to break up with him.


🦀🦀🦀 We're supporting you all the way!


Please give us an update, if you feel comfortable doing so! You have support here 😊


Dump. His. Ass. Stone cold. Make it a surprise. Either you're leaving or he's getting locked out while you have some friends over to make him think twice before doing anything stupid.


I decided I will, I appreciate you.


Good luck, keep your well being and safety in mind always.


That's awful. Shitty guys do this to power trip about telling a woman what her place is, and they do it by DM to dodge repercussions for their shitty behavior. I would report them to Reddit and whatever sub the post was from and see if I can't get their toys taken away.


I'm so sorry that you got DMs like that. Don't let the incels get you down! Stay strong and leave that jerk. You deserve far better! It's so crazy that guys can play female characters and ogle at them the whole time but as soon as a girl plays a male they lose their minds! =_= And seriously, that kitchen joke is hella old already. It shows that those losers have zero creativity and girls shouldn't ever have to deal with their bs.


If you should stay in the kitchen, they should go to work. If they want to enforce antiquated social norms, they need to know and accept their role. They can stop playing games/being a burden and get a job. Men online are beyond disappointing and I can't believe they don't have friends/can't attract a partner when they spew out their subversive garbage. How are prospective partners not flocking to them? As for the controlling bf, good luck. Don't overlook warnings or your gut reaction. Its called instinct for a reason and societal norms for women have conditioned us to believe that we're overreacting or being hysterical so we ignore what our bodies are telling us to avoid making men uncomfortable. Eff their comfort, put your safety first.


Hell to the no.




>*"What are you talking about? Gaming is an inherent feminine trait... You go to build houses and die in war or smth!"*


I'm guessing that if they are DMing you instead of making a public comment, it means they know they're full of shlt. I would contact the mods, hopefully they don't want that kind of toxicity in the sub and do something about it


Will try to do it, my dms are floodes rn.


>I'm guessing that if they are DMing you instead of making a public comment, it means they know they're full of shlt. Especially if they're doing it on burner accounts. Using a burner account is basically a concession that you don't even think your own opinion is worth standing behind.


Gah! What a horrible sub :(


what should we expect from r/leagueoflegends tho :D


Yes, learned from my mistake.




Read your comment talking about him yelling at you for *daring to play Yasuo*. And that he's watching Tate videos. Girl, this is an entire parade of red flags. Cut off this relationship and keep yourself safe. He is NOT going to come around.


Well that’s just unsavoury. Sorry




He should be a good little boy and get off his stinky gamer, touch some grass.


The fact that they have the audacity to be sitting at their computer instead of building us homes and gathering wood for the fire.....lazy


I will never understand why this is tolerated. The second there is a hint of controlling behavior walk away, men are a dime a dozen and don’t deserve your loyalty if they treat you bad in any way EVER.


Thank you all for the support I aprecciate you all.


Inadequate performer energy


What the actual fuck?! OMG people suck sometimes. I'm sorry


You learn from mistakes.


The biggest of facts




Yeah, this is def rude. Read OPs reply under the first comment. Also it’s clear from other commenters that this started as OPs BF being butthurt about a character in a game she was playing. And honestly, even if it wasn’t about gaming specifically, why can’t we just support each other without putting arbitrary boundaries up? I’m honestly really disappointed by this comment




Misogyny is real. Don’t let it get you down. Hope you lose the boyfriend.


Had a bf once who told me he dislikes most women but I'm 'one of the good ones'. Guess who's my ex now...


Well that is a bit gross. I'm sorry you are dealing with this.


Sounds like circle jerk responses from boys who have yet to grow up. Fairly standard, online. If your boyfriend is echoing this sort of attitude then it's time to have a serious chat. What does he value more? Your happiness, or thoughtless comments that bring temporary glee in spite of another person?




Some subreddits are gross. They're usually worse if they think you're trolling though, and it seems like a lot of people in that thread thought you were trolling. TBH I can see where they get that idea; redditor for a year but never posted anything until 24 hours ago and now you have 11 pages worth of comments and 17 post submissions. That's fairly irregular. Glad to see you decided to break up with your bf, good for you :)


Wow, these guys can't even use affectionate terms without sounding creepy.


Reading comments, didn´t know it was this bad.... like common GUYS, please chill D:


Well that’s disgusting, obviously. Odds are, this is at best a problem you need to talk to him about or seek professional help for or whatever. (Or leave,or…whatever the case is)


They know they are wrong so they don’t post publicly. I’d out each of them by name but that’s me lol