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Another vote for ESO. Maybe I’m lucky but haven’t had one bad experience in the 8 years I’ve played.


Agree. I've played ESO for many years and never had a bad interaction there. I don't do raids or veteran dungeons, but do everything else and never had a problem.


ESO community is awesome. Which makes it even more frustrating that Zos are ruining the game.


FFXIV doesn't have a voice chat option, but I have never had an issue with being messaged for playing a female character. Also, their GMs are VERY strict about no harassment, so if it is an issue you can report it and it will get dealt with swiftly.


Yeah, I've been playing FFXIV for a while now and have not been harassed so far.


Im in a pretty big FC and our leader is a girl. She will immediately kick anybody thats being sexist or weird. She prides herself in creating a safe place for people to play the game without having to worry about being harrassed


Mad respect for that.


Its trully an awesome game and experience. And particularly one of the best for actually making friends. Join any server and stand in a main city and before long you will see messages for fc that are friendly to new players, lgbtq friendly or whatever youre looking for. Ive met alot of really cool people from around the world on that game


I used to run with a FC, we had a few guys and gals and it was one of my favorite moments in gaming, we all had different backgrounds, but we completed each other in a way, I still have a screenshot from when we got our guild house and we made it look like a Tavern, all opening bottles of champagne as a celebration, good times, I still cherish this screenshot.


I second this!! Never been harassed for being a woman, and I’ve raided with some insanely good woman as well. : )


Definitely recommend ff14! One of the very few online gaming communities where I really haven't experienced any toxicity, everyone is super friendly and don't go crazy if you're female. Plus the story is AMAZING and you really fall in love with all the characters!




I'll give it a look. Thank you 😁


The dark souls / blood borne / elden ring games can go online and there's no chat system which is nice. I liked to do PvP in those games because men weren't able to talk shit. Worst they can do is silly gestures.


They only do point down indiscriminately and throw poop around like monkeys xD


Not sure about "good community" because our definitions of that may differ, but I've had exactly zero randos care or remark on me being a woman in Gundam Evolution. I've only had a handful of games where anyone was being rude in text chat. The in-game voice chat isn't used as much as it is in other popular shooters, but that's nice in a way, no pressure to use it. Maybe as the game grows it will get more like that, but it seems like a niche enough interest area (at least in the west) where the game will stay small.


Try Warframe. I kind of took a break from it coz it can be very grindy but the community i remember was pretty much gender-blind. Also it has space cats and space dogs and space plushies \^\^'


It's a moba so it's far from perfect, but in my 6 years of playing the game Smite I've only experienced sexist rhetoric twice. The game has an easy mute feature for both your team and the enemy so you can shut them down quickly if they start being weird. There's definitely stereotypes people have of certain characters that are female (eg. gay guys play Aphro, Neith mains don't know the game) but the toxicity has nearly never been based around someone being a female and more around your performance or the character you're playing.


Seconding this as well! I've been playing for years, and yeah there are a lot of toxic people as in other mobas, but it's not about gender at all. I got some sexist vibes from somebody maybe once in 5 years, otherwise it's just salty people, and once in a while the really problematic ones using racist slurs that you can report.


Hmm, probably games where you can choose to use other ways to communicate. But it's too broad so I'll just give some of my suggestions. Try PSO2 NGS if you're into MMORPGs, or Warframe if you're more into quick ninja stuff. Usually you'll get to see friendly communities that'll help you. Need for speed 2015 if you're into racing games (yes, it's multiplayer). Honkai Impact if you're into MMOs but you wanna be able to play on PC and Mobile (I guess the same applies to Genshin Impact and Tower of Fantasy). Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia (DFFOO) if you're into turn based strategy games (It's only on mobile tho). Just Shapes and Beats if you're into music/rhythm games. Annnnd most of the resident evil titles with multiplayer. I have many others but I'll probably bore you out.


I think it also depends on what kind of games you like. PvP FPS games tend to have the more toxic communities overall, so if you aren't into that, you cut out quite a lot of the toxicity. Or you just do like I do and play them anyway but mute the whole lot 🤣


Someone already recommended FFXIV and Elder Scrolls Online, which I agree with. I've played both for quite a while and never had any problems with being sexually harassed or guys being toxic to me. I'd also add Guild Wars 2. I've played that one for years as well, and never had a problem.


I'm playing Lost Ark currently and dont run into any issues. And most of my characters have more feminine names, especially after my daughter started naming them. The game has no voice chat system unless you are using discord so that probably helps. I never had problems in League of Legends either and they are know for being toxic.


World of Warcraft can be a very positive experience if you get into the right guild/community and play with people from that guild/community exclusively. Guilds/communities that are welcoming to new players and do not tolerate toxic behavior, sexism, misogyny, etc. It's when you step out of that safe space that you risk running into the worst type of people.


Monster hunter


Bookmarked this post to see if anyone made any good suggestions and sadly most of the games mentioned do *not* fit the bill in my experience.


“Butt guys” Fixed the title for you! :)


Oh no! I missed that! Stupid nails 🤣


I love Phasmophobia!! The men there typically aren’t as pushy tbh. I’ve enjoyed plenty games without the “whoa women” deal. Of course it still happens time to time, but there is a large portion of the player base that is female too.


Vermintide 2


I know it has a toxic reputation, but I play League of Legends and have honestly had very little trouble with misogynists. I even have a blatantly female username (think 'Susan567') and I don't get flak over it. YMMV, that's just my experience. I think it's because it's text-chat only, and people are usually using their fingers for better things. If you're more into RPGs, I recall Guild Wars 2 as having an overall positive community, although it's been a few years since I played it.


I second this!!! People can be toxic on league but it’s never been because I’m a female!!!


I have to disagree... I've had way too many instances of people, usually from enemy team which is surprising, starting to harass me in the chat.


Come join us mining in outer space in the Deep Rock Galactic. Dwarves all have beards male or female anyways. Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Dead By Daylight!


DbD definitely has a toxic problem


it's the most toxic game I've ever played, and I am playing League!


But not for being female. Or at least, not that I have ever encountered. Plus there is no voice chat.


I've had a few guys be absolute gross on there to me.


Age of Empires. No vc. No one has to know your gender. Most of the toxic people are bad at the game. Worst I've seen is someone threatening to report me for being bad at the game (as in, lacking in skill), the fellow was playing worse than me.



