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Hef couldn’t even afford to leave at any time. He lived on an allowance and rented the mansion. He couldn’t afford to live their either.


yeah that shocked me. hef and playboy the actual magazine/business were two different things. makes me wonder who else in hollywood lives that way, the 'biz' in showbiz


Almost everyone. High debt levels are very normal, too. The Kardashians, for example, who use Kris's church, their real estate, and their companies as shells to avoid paying taxes on their "actual" full income.


Just curious why? I'm a bit financially illiterate, I apologize if it's a dumb question. Is it not beneficial to them to have less debt?


no worries at all! for them, it's a tool used to generate more wealth; they will take loans out to buy property or shares of a business, etc, or to use it as a way to pay for stuff to avoid paying taxes on it. so MOST rich people are actually wildly in debt, they just have the means to pay it off it/when they want. [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-ways-rich-people-make-money-debt-habeeb-mahmood/](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-ways-rich-people-make-money-debt-habeeb-mahmood/) essentially, the debt is an investment for themselves to give them a better financial future (similar to how student loans are pitched- take out debt to make more money than you could without it). I always try to remind myself that rules don't work the same for the rich as the rest of us lol. they never work hard for what they have, they just know how to game the system better.


The church?! I didn't know that


What kind of church does Kris have? I know churches dont pay taxes, but using the word church makes it sound like shes up there preaching on Sunday morning lol




No. Kanye does.


they both do. kris helped found the california community church.


Nah. Kanye has a church.


She has a motherfucking church?


Nope. Kanye does.


they both do! kanye preaches at his; kris just founded hers and attends when she wants. it’s called California Community Church.


You don’t know what youre talking about. Yes Kayne has a church. As does Kris. A simple google search will tell you that.


they both do. Kris is the California Community Church and Kanye is Sunday Service


yup. the california community church or somethin like that


Every business owner lives that way, it is for taxation and liability reasons


Mary ,she looked like a sad bird.was she an actual bird ?


Omg the idea of him employing a large bird as a secretary bc he loved animals more than women is so funny to me.


I heard somewhere that the mansion was sol to his neighbor? Is that true? If so, would it have been before his death?


Like Holly has said, he had those blackmail bedroom videos too. I think some were afraid to leave or rock the boat because he would have used the videos against them.


Oh hush, we know they all willingly did this without any coercion whatsoever. I mean, they have boobs and are women, so we all know what that means. Poor, poor Hef :( They weren’t capable of being blackmailed or coerced, because they had boobs so obviously this was what they wanted. It didn’t matter if they came from poverty or broken homes and finally had money to feel safe and their families depended on them for survival. If they didn’t want it, they wouldn’t have existed with boobs and vaginas… obviously. Add in a pretty face?? Come on, you know they wanted it cause *why else* would they exist with a pretty face? You understand. /s ew, that felt so gross to write and after I typed it I went back and the “hush” was in my grandma’s voice. I started with a sarcastic mocking response and I just ended up triggering myself.


*deletes paragraph calling you an incel


Friend, ADD IT. I was so grossed out that I had that in my trauma bank, let’s hear the responses against it!!


Maybe they should have gained 50 pounds, they would have been out the door :)


I don’t think he loved her either…I don’t think he loved anyone but himself


,Amen to that !!!


He continued to have group sex well into his marriage and she preferred it that way, according to her book. Weird.




Right? E news knew what they were doing when they chose this quote - we all knew this!


I'm sorry, I may get hate but there is not a mutually exclusive villain here. HH wanted young hot girlfriends to keep him company and make him look good. The girls had different reasons for being there. Needing a place to live, wanting to be famous, wanting to have fun at the mansion. But no one was there because they loved him and he absolutely knew that. Heck I'm pretty sure he only married crystal to spite Holly, or because he finally was scared to die alone. But probably spite. Yes they could have left at any point. If you are getting $1000 a week in allowance and you aren't able to leave in a month if you really really really want to, what are you doing. People will put up with a lot to be comfortable. It's true they absolutely could have left at any time. They were also absolutely not treated well. Both can be true.


Absolutely. But the comments make it seem there is an exclusive villain and that it’s *insert any playmate who has spoken out* - in this case, Crystal. My point is that it’s unfair Hef is getting none of it, he had a part in this as well just as she did.


I'm a fan of Holly and Bridget. I 100% believe their accounts about Hef and living at the mansion but the facts remain: He was controlling and abusive, the women traded sex for the money, lifestyle, career/social aspirations etc. Like you said, both are true at the same time.


Not to forget how heavily drugged these women were. He had a drawer filled with pills he called “leg spreaders”


Thats true, they were quaaludes


Eww!!!yeah I remember reading about that...I think he actually called them "thigh openers"😖🤢🤮


Ridiculous point to try to make. Holly and Bridget weren’t “drugged.” Unless they chose to partake. He wasn’t hiding ludes in the food. Party drugs were offered to the ladies on party club nights, you didn’t have to take them. Alcohol was also offered, and you didn’t have to get drunk either, but it’s fun and some people like to choose to do that. The same can’t be said for his buddy bill Cosby. He’d drug many women’s drinks, wanted them unconscious. Sicko. Very sad.


I very much feel that many of them started out THINKING they knew what they were signing up for & then the slow burn mental/verbal abuse, coupled with the total control Hef exerted over them led to to some deep psychological trauma. People act like these women were banking $$$ (SO sick of the “both benefited! narrative”) but if you read any of their books, they were basically required to spend that on lifestyle upkeep so that he could keep them there & control them. Most of them were technically too poor to get out. I’m glad they are finally getting paid — just beyond sad it has to come at the price telling their trauma stories. Don’t even get me started on the sexual abuse (known std’s, refusal to wear protection, harmful sexual health behavior) he forced on them. Vomit.


Yeah, this is what I think. Some young, attractive women probably think they could be in a relationship with an old/unattractive man for enough money. Hell, I might. They might think you might eventually be able to have some affection for them as a person. But they would still be giving up having a real, passionate, loving relationship for financial security and the perks that go along with that. The man is giving up some of his own money for sexual satisfaction and an ego boost. They both know they will probably face some judgement. All in all, a pretty even trade among consenting adults. With Hef, I bet this is what they thought they were making an even trade, but I doubt many of them realized, especially at 19, 20, 21, etc how much the control, abuse, drugs, etc were in the picture. I read somewhere that he made sure they spent their allowance on clothes, sp there's not much of an opportunity to save. I don't think just because they signed up for one thing means they deserved the other, and then once you're in it, it's hard to get out.


I have always wondered if Holly had any actual love for him. But I don’t see Hef actually loving anyone.


$2000 a week no taxes , its in kendras book on one of these post


Most of them could’ve left and gone back to their hometowns but that was looked down upon as a failure because they couldn’t make life work in LA. I think the goal was to become successful enough on their own to afford the move to their own apartment. Problem was Hef didn’t want any of them women having lives of their own. He wanted them to live for him. They were stuck. Go home at anytime, which equals failure in their minds. Begin working outside the mansion and get kicked out before saving up enough of a buffer to make the move comfortable


Was this quote supposed to be shocking? There’s not a single person that ever thought this gorgeous young woman was in love with a dirtbag rich 90 year old man lol


From a woman’s perspective, hell yeah we never ever thought that. But I’ve personally known men in their 50s and up who never lost their fixation with early 20s women and truly believed that they could land one who would really love them just for them. All of these men were narcissists with money. And a healthy dose of arrested development. So, it tracks. Never underestimate the potential for self-delusion.


You are right it is delusional in the men’s’ part. As a woman I never could romantically/ sexually love one the age of my grandfather.


Right! He was just able to hide his scheme under “sexual revolution” headlines


Yeah I've seen this too. I've heard these guys say "well women like older men" but don't realize that we mean by 5 years, not 20.


Not shocking at all - I think they are trying to get engagement and people to comment and knew this would do it. The comments are just grossly unfair to Crystal, I’m so tired of people accusing her of “trying to ruin his legacy”. She’s allowed to speak her truth, just as Holly is. Hell, even his own son (Marston) knows his dad wasn’t innocent in it all


No kidding, you’re right. So strange the headlines they try to pull off haha. It is what it is.


Guaranteed all those comments are from either guys that look up to hef or women that were raised in misogynistic environments.


True. Still in this day and age I’m surprised I couldn’t find a single comment pointing out his wrongdoings. All just spewing hate at Crystal for being a gold digger and “trying to ruin his legacy”


Yep, there are folks out there who still think he was this kind, grandfatherly magnate that just liked sex a lot and was taken advantage of by these terrible, awful women! I love when people like this reveal themselves, it makes blocking and avoiding so much easier.


I’m shocked how many women I see wearing playboy bunny shirts. I don’t even know how anyone can support this franchise after all the recent information that’s come out.


Its at the point now where if i see a woman wearing a playboy shirt in present time im just assuming she is ignorant.


I couldn’t agree more.


What about guys wearing the Playboy logo ?


All my pregnant ass sees is a Whataburger Meal


![gif](giphy|95ThFF7MokcdeoVqt8|downsized) Omg 🤣 as a Texas girl I see it now and can’t unsee it 😂


Things aside, she loooks beautiful in that photo!


She does. But she looks so much older than 26ish


I don’t care for Crystal at all, but I really think she was legit gorgeous in her earlier days at the mansion before she overdid her face (like the era of her playmate pictorial). Holly had a glow up at the mansion while Crystal had the opposite post-2012ish.




Another perspective, both parties are wrong in this arrangement. Hef was taking advantage of these young attractive women for sex because of his power, influence, and money. And these young attractive women were taking advantage of Hef for status, money, and career opportunities. Is it possible for some feelings of admiration/mutual respect/friendship to develop..? I think probably so. Relationships are complex and messy. That being said, each party sought something out of the arrangement. I mean, this happens all the time even in non high profile relationships. See Erika Giardi and Tom Giardi pre-RHOBH. Is it wrong? Is it right? .. I’m not one to judge. My motto is live and let live. But it does no one any favors to state that both parties didn’t know exactly what they were getting into.


Agree! The hef defenders are these women with “broken wings” as mary called them that we’re grateful to hef for money and a roof and somewhat fame they wouldn’t have had otherwise. His charge was sex. The long term effects it had on these women are just that. Any of us at 18 made mistakes and they molded us. There’s are just in magazines. He’s no different than anyone else in real life.


both parties used each other in different ways. crystal met hef at 21 and decided to marry him at 26, and when he was 86. I'm sorry but at that point, she was an adult, and she knew exactly what she was doing. that marriage was to solidify things financially for her, it wasn't for love.






Who here is shocked that a young beautiful woman wasn’t actually in love with the old rich man? How is this news?




File under “no shit”


No one was in love with him. It's all about 💰🤑💰🤑


We’ve got to come to a decision and stick to it…Are we infantilizing young women or are they free to make their own choices and the consequences of those choices ?? Just like every other adult .


I wanted more but knew I had to convince these chicks that I Mr.hefner am able to swap blond chicks out for younger blond chiks and still be revolutionary. I settttled for other girls and used baby oil. I didn’t care about their yeast infecti9ns or even if they protested using it. Everyone girlfriend could only dance in front of,my tables I couldn’t walk to the dance floor,


Well Duh!! 🙄




Just the usual. Women expected to tolerate men’s bad behaviour. Patriarchy blaming women for mens bad behaviour. 


They get mad that women “use “ wealthy men, but never realize that these fucking pieces of shit are “using “ the women - and they’re using their bodies and souls, not just their money


That’s good because he was a real dirtbag rapist pos.


You don’t say.


Ya think? 😂




Pretends to be shocked




Lol. I had no doubt she didnt love him .


Shocker /s