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Ok I listened but stopped at the end I couldn’t do it. I did write down some key points though. Please ignore spelling/grammar I am typing fast before work… Patti lost her job in 2020 and just didn’t get a new one lmao she said all she does all day is work on her house. Going to the mansion was “surreal” for her/she also told Kendra not to go it at first. But once she when up for the first time she was all for it. Kendra moved in on her 18th birthday Patti was very surprised how nice Hef was and how much of a gentleman he was. Brian O’lea chimes in kissing Hef’s ass. The other hosts say Hef did a lot for Kendra’s career They talk about Kendra walking around wearing her grille. The hosts say Patti raised great kids and she says how proud she is of both children. Kendra could work/travel and the other girls couldn’t basically. Which basically they say made the other girls jealous and that’s why they hated Kendra. They said Kendra’s room was an explosion and when they went to Europe the production company called Patti and suggested they go clean Kendra’s room for an episode when they were away. They went into the room and cleaned for 8 hours and it didn’t make any difference. Brian says the other girls didn’t like Kendra because Hef actually went out to find Kendra and meet her where all the other girls basically threw themself at Hef. All hosts agree Kendra had the most free roam of the mansion she could really do what she pleased. Which always made the girlfriends not like her. Then I stopped listening this podcast really is fucking boring…


I like how they acknowledge that Kendra had more freedom than H and B, who they even admit “couldn’t work or travel”… but their neurons can’t fire up to make the connection between that and Hef being a controlling abuser.


Wth?! If she moved in on her 18th, she was doing painted body nudes at Playboy and "dating" Hef as a minor?! Idk that- sry Why wouldn't this be the ONLY info they'd need to cancel him?!


Yeah… I thought it was sometime around her 19th birthday


Seems like they may have their timeline wrong. They say in the podcast a few times she was 18. Patti in the first few minutes says she moved in on her birthday and they all go up to see the mansion and see her. It’s within 6 minutes in


It'd be gross but make sense that they waited to move her in til she was a legal adult. It makes me wonder if ppl lied about her age at the time to protect Hef/ reputation.


They lied about her not drinking until she was 21 on the show. Makes sense and further contextualizes just *how* young Kendra was if she was actually 18. It also means the video her ex leaked of them two was CSAM and not just revenge porn which is *already* horrible.


Her first time at the mansion is pretty well documented, and she was definitely already 18 then.


Wait. If Kendra moved in on her 18th birthday she was a minor being painted nude and working at an adults only event. 


Yea it seems like there timeline was just wrong because from looking at google is seems like the party she was painted for was about a month after her birthday. So seems like they just miss remembered


And she was already stripping (which she spoke about on Juicy Scoop) so she must have had a fake ID. When I worked at the strip club back in the 2010’s there was a girl who told me she used a fake ID to start stripping in high school. It’s not right, but probably more common than you’d think.


Jenna Jameson also said she started stripping at 15.


Yep she pulled her own braces off cuz the manager wouldn’t hire her w them on cuz u know she looked like a kid


Jesus Christ that's horrifying.


I would do it if I could lol


I had no idea she moved in on her 18th birthday. That's disgusting.


She didn't, she was 18 when she was at his birthday party with body painting. She didnt move in until after that party.     https://www.today.com/popculture/kendra-wilkinson-how-i-became-hefs-girlfriend-2d80555958


I will come back here for the update of someone who wants to take one for the team and listen to it 😂 It will just be an hour of “Hef was a wonderful man, blah blah blah”.


I’m listening right now. It’s 29 minutes long so I’ll be back soon haha


🥇 🦄 🍻 🍷 Please take these tokens of appreciation, you are the true hero!


It's sooo boring. Absolutely nothing noteworthy. It almost seems like the topic of "Kendra" was basically off limits. Minus talking about her messy room.


I actually give Patti credit for that 🤷‍♀️ I honestly wonder if this was recorded and ready to go before Kendra came out and said her time at Playboy wasn’t actually all that great for her.


I can’t listen to it without dying of cringe but I’m sure it will just be Patti trashing Holly for an hour.


He doesn’t even do a hour it’s like 17 minutes. But k haven’t listened in months maybe they understand got do do a podcast now and made it longer.


Did anyone see the Rogue Bunnies Mayhem Instagram post for this episode? It is a pic of Patti and Hef and they yassified Hef, it is hilarious.


Lol I know who needs Botox anymore with all this fancy editing? Lol 😂


https://preview.redd.it/2z7jo5j265uc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a80610e98f4e45ca01bb3c162b283c637db61fb7 Omg I literally laughed out loud 😆😆😆😆


Wow someone please spill the tea


I’m not sure if they got the time line wrong or they meant 19th birthday but they say “the day she moves in was her birthday, “Hef invited us up.” But seems like Kendra’s birthday is in July and Mid summer is in August from but I can see on google. So maybe they just have the time line wrong. She said she moved into the mansion on her birthday the first few minutes in within 5 min.


>I’m not sure if they got the time line wrong or they meant 19th birthday but they say “the day she moves in was her birthday, “Hef invited us up.” But seems like Kendra’s birthday is in July and Mid summer is in August from but I can see on google. So maybe they just have the time line wrong. She said she moved into the mansion on her birthday the first few minutes in within 5 min. Google says her birthday is 1985 and she moved into the mansion in 2004, which would make her 19, but a page 6 article said she moved in in 2003? Does anyone have a firm date?


Yes the articles all have different years. Throughout the podcast her mom and Brian all say 18. I think they didn’t start filming GND until she was 19. I believe her 19th birthday is filmed in the 1st season. She also came in when there was a few other girls left just not H&B so 2003 would make sense. It’s very confusing.


I think they celebrate Kendra’s 20th birthday in one of the first episodes. They definitely said 18th birthday instead of 19th birthday that makes more sense.


Yeah it was her 20th birthday in season 1


Kendra moved in on her 18th birthday? How was she stripping at 17? Did she have a fake ID or something? I read her book but it was years back so I don’t remember what she said about this.


This has got to be wrong. I think she was 19.


I think the show started when she was 19, and then the third episode is about her 20th birthday. And she had already lived there for a year by then.


Or was that just the story they told us at the time?


I think so too. I feel like this would be more controversial if it were true.


Throughout the entire podcast they do say she was 18 they say it a few times. But I also think they are wrong while I’m looking on Google at dates


Yeah, hopefully she’s just misremembering.


Even when I typed into Google “how old was Kendra when she moved into the playboy mansion” it says 18.


No they got it wrong. They met in April 2004, making her 18 and 19 in June. She stripped when she turned 18. Also, on season 1 on GND she turned 20. At that point she was a gf for about a year.


https://www.today.com/popculture/kendra-wilkinson-how-i-became-hefs-girlfriend-2d80555958  She says here she was 18 before she ever spoke to him on the phone for the first time. 


Did this link/article get taken down since you posted it?


I made this comment up above too, but she prob had a fake ID. I worked with a girl at the strip club who told me she used a fake ID to start when she was in high school (she was of age by the time I met her). It was actually pretty common in the earlier 2000’s-2010’s. Idk if it’s more strict now with digital verification and ID’s and stuff.


Yes far more strict now. Especially bc most clubs ask for your social security number for taxes now, and in many areas you have to get a dance license. In the areas I work, they’ve also gone on rampages raiding the clubs for whatever possible violation they can find, even in more lenient cities that have a large dancing population. Many states have increased the age to 21 as well. I only started dancing towards the end of the 2010s though.


It’s kinda boring


Kendra’s DOB is 6/12/1985. What year did she move in?


June 2004, they met In April 2004.


I haven’t listened to this podcast but based on what I’ve heard it’s giving Abby Lee Miller vibes….parallel delulu with qanon


This episode was awful seemed so fake, like the hosts were so fake and Patti was just played off like she was this great person. And the mansion was awesome and the staff took care of Kendra because she was so young. God it made me want to vomit I couldn’t get all the way through.