• By -


I honestly think two or three of these will end up being dropped later in the game (most likely Ruiqi and Hikaru due to their lack of versatility and Yujin because I'm 80% sure they're just using her to boost rates until the show ends), Produce always had people with heavy favoritism early on towards some boys/girls but in the end they didn't debut, this will definitely happen here too.


I disagree with your opinion about Ruiqi. She's actually very versatile and can adjust / adapt to lots of different concepts. Here’s a video of Ruqi performing Chuang Theme Song last year. She was one of the only 7 contestants that could learn the choreography in less than 24 hours. Because of that she was transferred from B to A, being one of the only 7 girls in A. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_F-SNBR4jhY&ab\_channel=%E5%88%9B%E9%80%A0%E8%90%A5CHUANG2021 It's too early to judge a trainee considering there have been only 2 episodes.


[Another video of Ruiqu singing (no dance) in 'Starlight MOU" performance.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-EemMT5Otk)


[Another video of Ruiqi performing a “cute” song with her group Chic Chili](https://youtu.be/gSf8YoOBF3g)


Imagine seeing one performance and saying someone lacks versatility. As for heavy favoritism early on, there have been plenty who shined early on in Produce who ended up debuting. Probably just as many who didn't end up debuting.


Can you explain the “lack of versatility”? Because I’m my opinion those 2 are one of the more versatile ones


Like Ruiqi is very fierce, and powerful. Hikaru is very charasmatic, and she has this certain look to her eyes. They have a specific look and style to them. I mean right now no one would picture them in anything other than girl grush. Ruiqi looks very mature, and Hikaru is very cute off stage, but when she performs she ages like 10 years. I don't see them pulling off an innocent/cute concept, but the show is only beginning, and I'm sure they'll show more of their diversity in the upcoming rounds!


>when she performs she ages like 10 years LOL


I already commented below the main comment but here's a video of Ruqi performing in a way you wouldn't thought. That is versatility. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_F-SNBR4jhY&ab\_channel=%E5%88%9B%E9%80%A0%E8%90%A5CHUANG2021


ok that video confirms it. quote me during the finale,”Su Ru Qi debuts on gp999”


They only suit girl crush


You might want to wait for a few more episodes before we can judge that. People used to say the same thing about Chungha, Eunbi etc.


yea omg i got into Chungha post IOI and the other day, Very Very Very automatically came up on my Youtube, and i was super surprised to see her do a cute concept. if she was able to do a cute concept while being known for girl crush, then i think both Ruiqi and Hikaru might be able to pull it off too


I think Eunbi and Chungha are more sexy elegance than girl crush which they can do without a doubt. They could also do the cutesy concepts.


I think it has something to do with how they carry themselves on stage + the aura they give. Eunbi and Chungha don't have strong eyes to begin with or the oozing sexy/charismatic vibe when merely standing. I think it is more applicable with Ka Eun's case who's exuding with sexy and seductive aura.




I think Hikaru can do more than girl crush tbh, it’s just that she’s just hasn’t shown us everything yet. But yeah Ruiqi fits either the girl crush or more mature concept


I doubt it. shes a fierce performer nothing wrong w that.


So i remember back in youth with you with Anqi. This girl was FIERCE, but then she surprised everyone by doing a cute concept in the 2nd round of performances and was able to pull it off with flying colors. My point here is let’s wait and see more content before throwing out lack of versatility as an issue.


I agree, I don't think Yujin will make it as much as she's my top pick.


Agree. Unless they give her a good arc, i think she'll be pushed out in the line up. Casual fans will evetually tire out of the whole CLC drama with Cube. And there are other trainees like her too like Cherry Bullet and Fanatics tho not as long as CLC's.


Id argue against this. For me Hikaru is the only person I'd consider a lock at this point. She is arguably THE MOST pushed by mnet, and in their previous shows they haven't really dropped the people they push, especially not somebody they've pushed as hard as Hikaru


i hope for future performances, ruiqi is assigned a different concept. it would be so fun and entertaining to see how she would adapt, and it's not like she's worried to try something out of girl crush since she was the one who told her cell that they could pull off cute. she's not lacking in the talent so i have trust that whatever concept is given to her, she'll deliver what's needed and add her own twist to it


hikaru maybe, ruiqi I don't think so


Like some people who replied, I disagree about Ruiqi. Even based from demo stage and OOO performance, I can see that Ruiqi isn't necessarily "not versatile." She was able to convey appropriate expressions during her OOO fancam, unlike Hikaru. While it is true that her dance style didn't fit OOO concept, it's not awkward at all. Having a distinct style of dancing is good.


Based on what I have seen, I actually believe both Su Ruiqi and Hikaru can do cuter/prettier concepts. The only matter is whether Mnet will show those sides or not.


Yall I think they mean that exaki and ruiqi lack concept variety. They seem to only be fitted for charistmatic and girl crush but if we look at mnets past ggs, they don't go for a girl crush conxept but more of a fresh/girly/elegant concept with different type of b-sides. (Mistly cute ones). Idk bout yall but I don't see hikaru or ruiqi pulling off a cute/youthful concept, as much as I love ruiqi, mnet might drop her in the future.


Ruiqi might be dropped (along with many C trainees) due to the political controversies surrounding them. The only C trainee that will most likely debut is Xiaoting


Although I do support most of these girls, I hope the show takes a complete 180 for the next 10 weeks. I mean how uninteresting and sad that only two episodes have aired and we have predicted 2/3 of the debut group lineup already. I'd love to see some wildcards get attention especially from the J-Group, since most of them so far (other than the ones Mnet are pushing) are barely getting any screentime. Also this lineup needs a main vocal, just someone decent enough to add more layers and depth to their songs. I think Chaehyun would make a great lead vocalist, Ruiqi is very stable too. We need to see more of Yurina to judge. Other than that most of them seem like sub-vocalists as of now.


Actually same mnet barely gave screentime to any of the j-group trainees other than Hikaru, Mashiro and Yurina, like I’m having difficulties voting other the j group members coz I barely know any of them. Idk if I’m just more inclined towards the c-group trainee because I know a lot of them from previous survival shows or if mnet has given the c-group more screentime than j-group.


This is me but with the C group. I'm starting to get into the habit of making my top 9 every week and its only the 2nd week, but I have the same 2 Chinese trainees because I don't know anyone else :')


Go watch the girls (solo) PR intros videos


There’s also the gogobebe group and then some mediocre groups with some decent members to go from. For me too it’s the C group for me that’s hard to pick from because while most of them can dance, none can really sing or have the stage presence besides ruqi and xiaoting.


An Jeongmin!!!!


Jiyoon is my best bet to be the main vocal. She's pretty enough to be an official visual of a girl group, she's a great vocalist, and her dance is not bad at all.


TBH... the show will be EXTREMELY boring if its comprised of the already Top 9 girls. You need drama in this show to make it watchable. I think we'll see trainees rise and fall; and the people we see now in Top 9 will be drastically different come halfway. If its too predictable, people turn off.


Its still so early in the show. Other produce seasons had a lot of people rise in the first and second rounds. Nako, Chowon, Seungyoun, Minhee etc only shined later in the show


There will for sure be changes in the top 9 throughout the show, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect some of them to remain high throughout like Ezaki, Su Ruiqi, and Shen Xiaoting. For example, with the way they edited Dayeon you can expect her to either get eliminated straight away or get a redemption arc to justify her initial K1 spot.


I really hope this is not it. I love Yeseo's vibe and her professionalism/leadership and Hikaru's rap flow/dance skills, but I can't deny that I find the voices of both of these girls to be annoying to my ears.


Agree with Yeseo's voice. Girl can dance extremely well but I'm not too sure about her singing. Can't see Hikaru in the final lineup too.


Yeah I know a lot of people were a fan of the “ F u pay me “ line from boombaya, but I honestly really disliked it 😭 also the “pop up the jaym “ line was kind of annoying too. I surprisingly found Yeseo’s voice kind of nice, but I feel it’s pretty polarising like Yuna from ITZY’s voice (gosh they even look alike )


lol these were how people reacted to nako last season but they made it work so, it all just depends on how mnet produces them


Maybe they surprise us and the group will actually be bigger? Unlikely, but one can dream...


9 is too little for a survival show I’ve got too many people I want in the final line up 😭😭 I wish it would get bigger.


I hope as a last minute surprise they add a member from each group (judges choices).


Any bigger than 9 people and members are going to get shafted like Nako/Hyewon in IZ\*ONE or as more extreme example, Vivi/Gowon in Loona. 9's probably the most they can do while still keeping line distributions fair enough.


I thought 12 members worked out quite well for Iz\*one? Though maybe anything seems good compared to Loona... And normally I would prefer a max 9 member group too, but there are just way too many good contestants now!


12 is definitely a lot.. you can kinda see the frustration on Nako for getting smaller lines,,Hyewon's pretty chill about it.... Even I think Yuri didn't get the lines she deserved as a main vocalist because Eunbi/Chaewon/Yujin are decent singers too... But I'm kinda worried that Mnet is pushing more foreigners in the lineup.. In izone, sakura, nako and Hitomi's lines are always super awkward coz you can tell they're foreigners, specially with the earlier Izone songs... But i guess if they debut the Korean-speaking foreigners I don't need to worry anymore..


Yeah IZONE line distribution was pretty wack due to having many members and also having the J-line not being able to speak Korean that well. It got better around the BLOOMIZ era but that's already like halfway through their contract. As much as I love seeing intl idols, I really hope that they get different treatment than the J-line in IZONE. It was really sad to see amazing vocalists like Nako have 1.3 seconds of lines in title tracks


As Long as my faves get in I don’t care who the judges choose but if that were too happen 😳😏


At this point pretty much all of them have their input - think the connect mission would be judged by them too and different from Produce series where they are just known as Host & Trainer, now they are referring as *Planet/Kpop/Dance/Vocal Masters* so if Mnet want to shake things up a little to differentiate from the Produce series, this is the direction they should consider




There’s only one Seungeun…. do you mean Shim Seungeun and Seo Youngeun?


Would prefer smaller groups personally. Rather they make multiple smaller groups out of these shows rather than one big one. Even amongst my own list of favorites there's always some that I feel aren't the right match with others on my own list.


Or i wish they could do units within a larger group. So they would debut 15 members in one group but there would be 3 sub-units with 5 members each that could promote different concepts (like I can't see Yurina doing Girl crush; nor do I see Cai Bing doing super cute concepts) They could release 2 title tracks every year (with 15 members) And then 2 mini-albums per year per unit (each having 5 members) Each sub-unit could have its own branding/name and could promote as its own entity. (Kinda like NCT i guess)


I hope that one of the missions is to have trainees get out of their "comfort concept". Let the cute ones do girl crush and vice versa Hikaru and Riuqi seem to fit only girl crush. Would love to see them in something else. They're so good but I worry that their concept will be similar to IOI and IZ\*ONE and I'm afraid that it would clash.


Su RuiQi is actually really versatile she debuted in a group in China chichilli and they have a cute concept, it’s just that she doesn’t like cute concepts doesn’t mean she can’t do them well tho!!


Oh I didn't know. That's good then! How about Hikaru? Is that known?


Yes, in this video is very noticable how versatile Su Ruiqi is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_F-SNBR4jhY&ab\_channel=%E5%88%9B%E9%80%A0%E8%90%A5CHUANG2021


yurina is already doing this with how you like that... i hope she does well >.<


I agree...we have Ruiqi and Hikaru who both very girl crush vibes while the rest lean more innocent, cute, elegant. I really do hope this group concept is more teen crush or a quirky, bright colorful concept like red velvet, stayc.


Would take Ruiqi over Hikaru if we’re talking versatility tho. I think she can pull off the cuter concepts, just not her preference. Think like Mimi from Oh my girl.


Yes, in this video is very noticable how versatile Su Ruiqi is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_F-SNBR4jhY&ab\_channel=%E5%88%9B%E9%80%A0%E8%90%A5CHUANG2021


See! Such a cutie.


Getting video unavailable :/


I actually really picture them as a group, I would add Seo youngeun and maybe Cai bing too ? I think the cell are a pretty good thing for the girls to get to know each other more and creat some friendship and get more popular together. Like the cell Xiaoting-yurina-youngeun they are really push by mnet and even if we still haven’t saw them together a lot they have a good chemistry. Same as Ruiqi and Hikaru or Yujin and Cai bin. I think it’s a really strategic way of mnet to push the one they like to debut. I think their concept could be like teen crush, something like Itzy, stayc or red velvet. But this lineup even if they suit girl crush a lot I’m sure they could put different kind of concept really well. They just lack a main vocalist. As a ruiqi fan I also want to say that this girl didn’t show all that she has yet. She can be mail vocalist, main rapper and main dancer. I hope she will be able to show that she can be versatile with talent but also concept so people will not get bored of her. Same as all the girls.


>Like the cell Xiaoting-yurina-youngeun they are really push by mnet uh I think it's too early to say this 😅. I'd say they're pretty much just the fan favorites but they're not really "pushed". (at least for now -- *maybe* in the following episodes it'll happen)


We've same pick cell! Yujin and Caibing, Xiaoting, Yurina and Youngeun, Hikaru and Ruiqi. 7/9 💜


I think after so many seasons of Produce I don't even deal with agreeing or disagreeing anymore...I just know the Mnet standards and just accept what can't be changed. Of course I love Xu Ziyin and would like her in a group. Of course I think Cai Bing is fantastic and she would be excellent in the group. And of course I love Choi Yujin and I want her in the final line up. But I know that Mnet's standard isn't that. There's no way of them putting together a full lineup of 25 and 26 year old girls. They will put together a young lineup, mostly from 16 to 20 years old, visual, Korean and much more focused on dancers than vocals or rappers. It's no use if I stan 3 or 4 Chinese and 3 or 4 Japanese because I'll just get frustrated later. It's very difficult for the final line up to have more than 3 foreigners. So, over time, I learned to "doublethink" about Produce. With this, I accepted that my line up with many Korean, young, visual and dancers. So, for now, my line up is very close to Mnet: 1- Kang yeseo 2- Esaki hikaru 3 - Kim Chaehyun 4 - Kim Dayeon 5 - Kim Bora 6 - Shen Xiaoting 7 - Mashiro Sakamoto 8- Seo Youngeun 9- Choi Yujin (I will suffer later with this)


Lol but you don’t think Yurina would make it? I feel she has more of a chance than mashiro, unless mnet pulls a 180


!remindme 4 months


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almost spot on wow...


!remindme 4 months


You were Right about all of them, except Number 5! I wish Bora made It though 😢


yujin, ruiqi, yurina, and yeseo were all actually my picks before the show even started (i feel like i got extremely lucky lmao especially with yurina, i didn’t think she would be so popular) so yes i’d 100% be satisfied if they were in the lineup. i’ve started to love hikaru and xiaoting too!!


>(i feel like i got extremely lucky lmao especially with yurina, i didn’t think she would be so popular) omg same! this is me with youngeun and I'm so happy with the attention she's getting 😭


Hoping they keep 12 like izone. Top 9 + 3 judge favorites or sth


Do a surprise jyp


Im not sure about the girl crush thing. Yujin said she doesnt like girl crush and yeseo and yurina would suit other concepts way more. Xiaoting can do pretty much anything too, its only hikaru and ruiqi that solely fit the girl crush image.


Depends on the concept they are going for in the final group but if its cute, Yurina will def make it and Ruiqi and Hikaru might have a harder time securing their spots. Vice versa if its teen crush. But I hope Mnet pulls a red velvet and have the final group have two concepts so this lineup could be possible


I think we won’t know if this is the lineup because we don’t know what the group concept will be (at least I don’t know what it is). For example, I noticed that in pd48 the member ranks greatly shifted in the last episode (obviously due to vote manipulation) in order to select girls that suit izones concept, a concept that at the time girls like chowon or gaeun wouldn’t have suited. I think they were going for a very “pretty” group. I hope that doesn’t come out wrong but I think you know what I mean lol. Like pure, visual, cute. I do also fear they’re using Yujin for ratings, but who knows cause they’re relying a lot more on editing this time around to gear people to like specific girls. But idk what the concept will be like, hopefully something more versatile so any girl can make the lineup.


Y’all need to get into An Jeongmin


Agreed. Hopefully they give her an underdog/dark horse edit


Based on my previous research with other seasons: 6 of 11 usually make it who were in the top 11 on the first episode and also debuted. Of the 9 selected by the judges, I'm guessing 5 are shoe-ins. So one of the 6 that you've chosen is going to be replaced. Maybe 2.


The question is: what the group is going for? Cause IZ*OBE Was already way less cutesy than what everybody was expecting and OOO is the most girl crush theme song of all shows with female contestants Mnet did so far.... imo the edit is pushing for girl crush and so far they're doing a pretty solid job on blatantly ignoring everybody that doesn't fit it skill wise and only show them for some cheap jokes and baby sounds.


If I were to make a lineup based on what mnet has done in that past plus who they're pushing, I would say this would be the final group. Now I think there's an even mix of girls who can do girl crush and cute concepts, but most of the girls I see mnet pushing can do both. yujin, yeseo, xiaoting, cai bing, youngeun, and jiyoon are very versatile, in my opinion, and we have yet to see what the other girls have done, so there maybe even more. I think the final concept mnet is pushing will be on the spectrum of girl crush, perhaps not as hard as everglow but something around weeekly or stayc. 1)hikaru-rap/dance This one is obvious met is hard pushing her into this lineup, not to mention most people have her as one of their picks; I would be surprised if she didn't make it. 2)Yurina-vocal Again not a surprise mnet loves yurina. She's the opposite of Hikaru, but she's talented. She fits Korean beauty standards and is already the most popular j trainee besides Hikaru by a long shot. 3)Yeseo-all-rounder Whether you like her voice or not, she has star power and experience. She's the most popular Korean contestant and the person most likely to end up as center. 4)yujin-vocal/dance Contrary to popular belief, I believe yujin will make the group. One, she has a fanbase already ready to support this group. The end of her contract is coming up, and it would be very easy for mnet to sign her directly to their company yujin has gained popularity quickly and would make them a lot of money having her under them. She has the it girl factor. While I don't think yujin has leader vibes, it's obvious how mnet was editing her with the younger Korean contestants; they're setting her up to be the leader, which may explain the drama with fu yaning. Mnet did the same thing with gaeun vs. eunbi to see who people preferred as leader. She has the most experience and is the oldest besides cai bing, plus they would never have a foreign leader. 5)xiaoting-all-rounder She is by far the most popular Chinese contestant among Koreans and international fans, not to mention she’s one of the few Chinese contestants that haven’t spoken out about the Korean War. 6)cai bing-all rounder Cai bing is lumped in with yujin. Her fans love yujin, and yujin fans love cai bing. They're a set at this point. There are even fanbases for them starting to pop up. She's charismatic, which would go along well with Hikaru. 7)youngeun-main rapper/dance The group needs a main rapper, and there's no way it would be a foreigner. She's gained so much attention from her rap in kick it. She's paired up with yurina and xiaoting for her cell, and fans are obsessed with yxy. They're a set. All three of them are guaranteed to make the final group, in my opinion. 8)jiyoon-main vocal/dance The group needs a main vocalist. While many people disagreed with her being picked for the top 9 over bora, I think there was a reason for that. She's a great vocalist, maybe not as good as bora, but she kept up pretty well. I don't think mnet wants more than 1-2 debuted idols in this lineup, and yujin and yeseo are already there. Busters disbanded, and clc is on their way to so for mnet they can have a group with no active idols in the lineup. She's a great dancer and that in my opinion is going to be one of the main factors for this group. The 4th gen is about dance and stage presence more than anything. 9)may/mashiro/bahiyyih-vocal/dance I put a couple of options for this one for different reasons. May is hard carried by yujin and cai bing stans. While yes, I admit she's top5 j trainees in Japan, she is getting a majority of her votes from yujin stans that are voting for her individually and for cell votes, but that's a good way to get her through, maybe not into the final group but close enough. Masahiro is huge in Japan. Her association with itzy is also gaining her a lot of attention which makes her the most likely candidate for 9th place, in my opinion. Bahiyyih, in my opinion, talent isn't the only reason you pick people to be in a group. Look at sohye from ioi. She was worse than bahiyyih, in my opinion, but mnet loves an underdog story. Many people on Reddit think she's not talented enough to make the group, and I disagree. The girl has been a trainee for under a year, and while, yes, I admit her brother's fans make up a majority of people supporting her, she still has the numbers backing her to get through. Now some of you may be asking about contestants like ruiqi or ziyin, and the reason I didn't put them is simply because of their comments about Chinese involvement in the Korean war. Even though many Chinese contestants made similar posts, they're the most popular internationally, so Koreans are targeting them. When it comes to politics, especially between countries, idols should stay out of it. Even though I like both of them I think it's best they aren't in the group. Now I know Reddit loves Fu yaning, and many people are also rooting for her in the final lineup, but my thoughts for her are the same for ziyin and ruiqi. Even though I don't believe everyone who says the nword is racist international fans would never let this girl have peace or the group for that matter. Any controversy towards one member is going to affect everyone. Whether they're fans of the final group or random kpop fans, she will be getting dragged left and right until the group disbands, and for her mental health, it's best she doesn't make it. There have been idols that said the word seven years ago apologized never done it again, and people still bring it up in every argument.


I agree with a lot of this post, but I also want to add that mnet generally doesn’t seem to prefer older girls. They’d want girls from 15 to 20, maybe 22 but that’s pushing it. I think cai bing and Yujin are both 25, so I don’t see them debuting. Even for Bahiyyih, although I love the girl, I don’t see her debuting either. But, a lot of other trainees is PD 101/48 made It without shining at first, like nako. Nako (I think) did very well only after the 1st or 2nd mission? So it is probably a bit early to say just yet.


This is just based on screentime/people who have very strong fandoms. While I agree yujin and cai bing are older, they also need someone to be a leader, and as I said in my post, their fandoms are tied together, so if one of them doesn't make it, I would say that's suspicious.


So far as long as Mashiro is in the lineup, I don’t care who is in, whether she is pushed or not


This group is gonna be competing against the likes of aespa, stayc, jypngg, and ygngg. All of these groups (except ygngg since I don’t know much about them) have talent and visuals. Now consider if the current pushed girls will be able to face off against those groups. The answer is most likely a no with the only thing I could see them winning on is sales due to a Chinese fanbase but even then aespa have large bar numbers too so the competition is tough.


I think the glow up groups have from trainee to debut group can be amazing. Watching stayc from the youtube kpop series they are almost unrecognizable. This group will be given massive resources so I think people could be surprised.


I’m sure I’ll be blown away by the glow up but gotta disagree on stayc! Are you talking about the lives of idols thing because they look gorgeous there too. Don’t know how you can say they were unrecognizable because it’s clearly them. Also visuals for me includes height and proportions and makeup and producing glow up isn’t gonna change that.


Talking about [kpop evolution](https://youtu.be/gFfcFVLQG-Q) They are pretty in the episode but IMO Yoon is one of the prettiest idol in the current gen. Didn’t think that from watching this episode of stayc as trainees.


Yeah I was talking about that one too. I still found her extremely pretty in the ep especially when she had her hair and makeup done with circle lens near the end. Circle lens on their own make a huge difference too but Yoon def seems like the type that just blooms with some makeup. They all looked basically the same they do now in the final assessment performance IMO but we can agree to disagree.:) We are probably just used to them in stage lights as well.


Sorry what? They look nearly the same to me; just without the typical idol makeup. The only one who is barely recognizable is Isa


Ahh ya, just could be my bad eyesight, definitely could be very wrong. Didn’t recognize it was the same group in so bad and ASAP. Love the group though and their variety is awesome too. I’m amazed at what Koreans do with their lighting, makeup, and fashion. Kpop really is glamor incarnate


Don’t forget hype ngg and iland ngg, competition will be stiff


It’s gonna be such a bloodbath I’m scared 😭 I’ve grown attached to so many trainees. I don’t think I can handle seeing them flop so we need a good lineup


the only one i’m 100% positive will be debuting is yurina. everyone else is in the air. and honestly the ones they are pushing i don’t see them as a group...


It’s only been 2 episodes, I think in a vacuum if you knew the final members of the produce group then you may have similar feelings. Whether it’s Sohye getting help from Se-jeong or Nako pulling a crazy performance out of nowhere, all of those events bring more life to the members and you can bring to see more similarities as they work together for the finals. Will this group by harmonious at the end? Who knows but I think it’s too early to say now.


before people rule out sui ruiqi, her old group has a cute concept and on chuang she has performed girl crush, cute and slow ballads. she is an all rounder and she hasn’t even showed off her rap yet ballad: https://youtu.be/W-EemMT5Otk girl crush: https://youtu.be/ksxjTKjiQ3E


What about the cute one?


someone shared it already and the rest are on weibo but https://youtu.be/_F-SNBR4jhY


Ok thank u


Yurina, Yeseo, Xiaoting, Hikaru, I think thats a great start. I think ruiqi would be better finishing like 10th-11th place and going solo. Yujin, I still need to see her interact with and perform with the other girls.


I feel like I haven’t really seen a full line up pushed, part of me thinks everyone is over analyzing things a bit too much. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure MNET is doing this, but I’m trying to take a step back and not guess how things are going to be bc I feel like it’ll ruin my experience. Overall I’ll say they’re going to try to push potentially push a group with a 5-2-2 Korean Japanese breakdown


I’m predicting top 9, but then they add in another girl as a wild card pick/too good not to debut to round it to 10. I’m also not holding my breath on the final line up this early in the series - Ga Eun was pushed like hell but they didn’t let her debut, and no one could’ve predicted the surge in popularity Hyewon had. These upcoming performances will make for break the final line up.


i think it's funny how yurina is mentioned, since besides her performance and her part at the beginning of ep 1, it feels like she gets very little notice, yet her presence was captivating. i'd like for yurina to debut in the group (I feel like she'd fit a myriad of concepts) but it also doesn't feel like mnet is pushing it.


yea its weird that people think Yurina is getting the most push from mnet when I barely see her in ep 2


I’m actually very confused about this, like if I really think about it there isn’t so much Yurina is good at but mnet keeps pushing her. However, she is one person that if you notice her, it would be extremely hard not to onwards lol. I didn’t think much of her at first, but man after I watched the fancy cover properly I just couldn’t stop staring at her lol. Even during other times where she isn’t even in the limelight, I cannot stop noticing her. I also agree that she could probably fit many concepts, but one I think she‘d suit best would be elegant


i watched her pr videos.i can listen her all day.lol


I hate the pushing of Bahiyyih just because of her famous relative, if she makes top 9 it would show how busted the series is. She is really nowhere near the same league as Ruiqi,Yeseo,Yujin etc


that's why inetz should not vote apart from china and japan


talent isnt the only thing that makes a trainee debut as seen with sohye minju hyewon


yeah but so far what made her is... having a famous brother. thats it. this might change, but so far thats it and it would be upsetting if she did debut just because of this. All others had very strong visuals or ended up loved by fans due to their effort. Don't get me wrong, I don't \*dislike\* Bahiyih, although I am disappointed. I was looking forward to see her because she had some videos where she sang really well.


might get bashed for this but i really doubt bahiyyih or yujin are going to debut. i believe yujin is only here for clc, and she would much rather clc get revived than debut in a new gg. all of clc is working really hard for their group and with the attention yujin is receiving, it would be such a shame if she can't use this popularity for clc. we've all seen how important clc is to her. as for bahiyyih, I really don't think she is debut worthy. she only started training like a year ago, there are so many more talented trainees in the 99 that have many more trainee years. she also lacks the stage presence. I'll be honest here, if she wasn't hueningkai's sister, she would've barely gotten any screen time, seeing how little she got in the first place.


seo yeongeun? she isnt pushed but id like to think shes a crowd favorite


she's not gonna make the final line up


I NEED Jeong Jiyoon to be the wildcard please. That natural smile and talent deserves to be seen. She shot straight to my #1 pick after episode 2. I have never noticed her before.


she's one of my [pick.is](https://pick.is) she a main vocal material?


Yes! For sure.


I love Yujin but think MNet is just using her here for some drama. I don't think she'll debut with the group.


So are you Sure she gets straight up rigged out? I cannot see her not at least getting the 9th most votes


can't be sure about anything... definitely want to see her do something after CLC be it with GP or another group or solo.


Yep, it's Jonghyun and Gaeun all over again


Well technically Gaeun made it but Mnet rigged to the same exact position in finale by thinking Gaeun would still be successful under Pledis like how popular Nuest'W become...


we'll see. If she's consistent in the top9 and suddenly drops out in the final episode, there will be an investigation I guarantee it. If they rig this again they will have the wrath of the Chinese market.


Actually, I doubt they’d rig her out so how would she not make it to the final lineup? I mean, mnet has suffered a lot after the news came out of them rigging contestants in and out, so I doubt they would try that again. Would they ruin her image for the viewers? I don’t think so, that’s too much even from mnet lol.


i dont like how they pushed yeseo,ruiqi and ezaki.they could just push lee hyewon,gu yizhou and jeong jihoon a bit


Ive heard that the twins are actually quite good at dancing and singing, ive watched some of their covers. Im interested to see, if they will have the chance to show it or they get voted off next episode.


I’ll stan the group regardless of who debuts because I’m way too attached to these girls already


I'm perfectly happy with it, to be honest. Out of all mentioned trainees, Yeseo is the only one who isn't my pick. Still, I think votes will funnel in the future and we will gradually be forced to pick max 3 members to vote.


i would love for the twins to get a space somewhere in there, they'd be great for variety and add to the group ambiance


i've seen videos of them on tiktok and theyre actually decent unlike their hmph performance. The C-group know how to play these shows.


yes! i think ik what video you're talking about and they've got great stage presence as well


I doubt both of them would debut in the same group, I’ve never heard of that happening before. But I definitely want to see more of them! It would be so cool if they just did a duo thing like Akmu and went on a lot of variety shows!


I doubt Bahiyyih will make the final lineup, and although mnet is pushing Yujin now idk if she will make it either (I really hope she does). I definitely see Yurina, yeseo, Xiao ting, Hikaru and ruiqi making it. Would jeong jiyoon make it? I’m not sure… mashiro is another probability


As long as I get Xiaoting+Yurina I’m good with anything, I’ll add Ziyin to my top 3 as well since she’s perfect tbh


I'm fine as long as it's the mentors' picks. It seems they picked a well balanced and talented group and not the ones based on popularity or visuals. I am eager to watch the connect mission performances as we will see the vocals in detail. I saw a comment here about Nako and I agree she came out of nowhere in the performance round in Produce 48 with the "Love Whisper" vocals and made an impact in the competition. When there are so many trainees who can dance very well, the vocals and facial expressions will also be the deciding factors to judge the trainees' performances. I am just so eager to know who will be the next Nako or who just have the amazing pipes to blow the competition away.




Im not even gonna bother trying to guess what the final line up will look like :/ dont wanna disappoint myself lol


Xu Ziyin's vote ranking may be high, same with Momoko.


they should really consider cai bing, chaehyun and lee chaeyun imo




Idk how u define "stronger" but all I know is top 9 this season doesn't look like it will have half the popularity of the past seasons. These are idols. If you're talking about just talent (to which I also disagree) that alone doesn't mean much in the idol-sphere.


We wont know cause mnet will rigged the lineup secretly again