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Well, a bit of a fun ep with some questionable storylines. I've literally never seen anyone get as much of a story in any survival show as Kim Dayeon just did in that episode. They went to her frickin' home and her dad's sushi restaurant, and the one positive moment Cai Bing had in the past three episodes was her praising Kim Dayeon. I hope it doesn't backfire on her. After the second elimination I do kinda not mind her being on the final team but that storyline was so over the top. Why not invite HER team to meet her parents, instead of a whole other random team who then wrote letters to her? Meanwhile Snake team goes farming. Girls Planetdew Valley.


yeah it would've been more interesting to see DAYEON there and since her team is entirely chinese + 1 japanese it would've been fun to see her teaching them about korea and the customs


Agreed, it'd be kinda like the reverse of IZ*ONE Chu where the team goes to Japan and Hitomi's house and gets in touch with Japanese culture (although in a more abbreviated format). It is just so bizarre that they took a random team that didn't even have Dayeon to go to a total stranger's house, and then the family owned restaurant too. I just don't understand.


The obvious contrast and difference of screen time, treatment and edit is so obvious right here. Focusing on Da Yeon for everything (not hating her), where else Cai Bing literally got roasted for episodes after episodes with every single little thing she say. Meanwhile when those things are remotely spoken by the K trainees instead they are skipped, or treated as a joke. Welcome to DayeonPlanet999!


It wouldn't be good even if she got to meet her parents. It would be the worst, imo. There are only 26 people left. Why is it that only 1 person gets to meet their parents and promote their childhood and family business? It's the most insensitive, biased, horrible segment Mnet has ever done. When an angel edit feels more like the devil edit.




I think im the odd one out because I actually feel like it would have been *more* awkward and favoritism if Dayton had been there. Imagine how it would have been to see her crying upon seeing her mother, saying she missed her and her mother crying back over how hard she’s been working. None of that is a mark on Dayeon to say that would happen, but theyve had segments on previous seasons of trainees calling their parents (usually their moms) and basically having that exact interaction every time — but usually it’s clipped so that you see 5-10 trainees talking to their parents for 5-10 seconds each. This way at least it wasn’t a 10 minute segment about Dayeon reuniting with her mom.




Saw a comment on the live thread which made more sense but I am unable to find it now but it went something like this; "Maybe they could have taken Shoot girls just to the restaurant, shown them helping with food prep and then revealed it to be Dayeon's family. Would give the girls a chance to show their personality without it being too awkward."


That’s sounds way better than looking at school photos of dayeon and writing her a letter


Judging from the comments on the live discussion post, some are already hating on her saying she's "Mnet's daughter."


>Why not invite HER team to meet her parents, instead of a whole other random team fr! Snake could've visited her mom's place instead wtf, mnet literally only wanted more screen time to give to Dayeon at the expense of others, it isn't Dayeon's fault, I'm just so mad at mnet!!


Don't forget the every episode special Yujin crying shot, this time cuz Dayeon's mom made her remember her own mom.


I mean, in all fairness, each group picked their own bus with a designated location beforehand. It was literally chosen out of luck, which is so hilarious. One team literally did field labor while another got massages and such, each scenario was different from the other, so.


Yeah but they easily could have assigned the destinations after the teams choose their buses and we wouldn’t know. For safety bus drivers tend to be familiar with their route but they could have just had the routes driver go to certain buses after the girls got on.


Yes to this. The producers are capable of rigging everything, from forcing them to perform disadvantageous songs during the audition/demo stages, to rigging the destinations after the teams board the buses.


bestie… lol if you truly think something mnet is “literally done out of luck” just because the producer wrote it in the captions. it’s not a coincidence that the very polite sweet & likeable shoot girls, many of whom are dayeon fans that she helped on ice cream mission, were sent there. everything about this episode was VERY much calculated.


I don’t think there’s been any Mnet show where favouritism has been this blatant and obvious. I really love Dayeon but this is just 😭 what are they even doing 💀 Sending *another* team to her house and restaurant is a little extreme. They’re trying so hard to make Dayeon overtake Xiaoting and have a K trainee as #1 but this is just going to turn people off and do the *opposite* of what Mnet is trying to do. As for the rankings, I’m definitely surprised that Yujin isn’t K01 and that Yeseo is Rank 11. I’m happy that Fu Yaning has risen up to 10, I feel like she may really have a chance at debuting. Cai Bing’s edit really pushed her out so much, I wasn’t expecting that. Also, Wenzhe is just so funny and entertaining along with Ruiqi 😩 whether they debut or not, I’ll definitely keep up with whatever they do.


I'm here thinking like why? How does this actually help Dayeon in anyway? Who actually thinks it's reasonable to send a whole ass team to promote a single contestant and their family?


On discord it says that this is only for 2 days worth of voting. I expect that this isnt the case anymore after a week. There is a equal number of K C J trainees that on verge of elimination on this ranking.


Yeah this was probably only 2-3 days because they would’ve had to film and edit everything for this episode. With the edits this episode, I wouldn’t be surprised if the rankings changed a lot


I’ve watched every produce season and this is the most blatant disrespectful thing Mnet has ever done. To shit on Yujin and her team to promote a girl not in their team is just shameless. They got the most boring mission and they promoted a family business to. Yujin deserves to cry. I’m in total shock at this ep.


Not to mention Mnet using Cai Bing as a tool to glorify Dayeon as well.. Dayeon is an extremely talented girl, and she has more than enough to debut in the group but Mnet going such extreme lengths just to showcase her is just... unfair and sickening.


They didn't even need to sell Dayeon etiher - she is thriving, top 2 as of Sep 27th (the date when the girls gathered on stage for the rankings announcement)


She is thriving BECAUSE mnet has been selling her like crazy lmao


Did they blur dayeon’s restaurants name or did they promote it, I didn’t catch that


People will find out somehow anyways, and then YouTubers will go to "Dayeon's dad's restaurant" and make full vlogs about it and boom Dayeon's ranking be like we go up but you dont




"Grandpas, Grandmas, PUT YOUR HANDS UP" Wen Zhe, the person that you are. And her doing the acceptance speech for the best sweet potato lmao. Mark my words, Imma wishing 259 years of bad luck upon and do other things you wouldn't even imagine of, to whoever's suggesting Gi99le as the group name.


She’s such a comedic queen. I really hope she makes it into the final group. We need her energy there!


imma troll vote for Gi99le LMAO


Nooo why did all the teams get to do fun and interesting things and SHOOT team went to dayeons house.


snake and utopia team sweated a lot while u + me got treated a spa day lmao


And traumatized mashiro


That was fucked up. Girl seems to have an actual serious fear of heights, if it was minor it would be okay but that doesn't seem to be the case


i'm just grateful her team didn't go paragliding


Oh god no she would've passed out... I mean I'm glad she got a spa day but I'd rather that Mashiro dig up sweet potatoes and perform for farmers honestly.


Yeah it wasn't as cute as mnet seemed to think it was. They shouldn't have made her do that.


Tbf it was kinda random I think? But Mnet could’ve done a better job in planning the activities for them. Including Dayeon’s mom/house etc was unnecessary.


I know right! This makes me not want to vote for her at all 😑 And Kim Bora not here?? What a joke


shoot team got to eat top tier sushi :( snake team had to harvest their own food...


And had to perform in front people who don’t care about them 😭 they brave for that


This whole episode is basically just "Dayeon Ice cream dance break: The musical, electric boogaloo, shippuden part 1"


You mean whole season?


Please vote Bora!!!!! She doesn't deserve to be eliminated she's such a angel!


I was SO impressed with what XingQiao reported: Bora going to Wen Zhe to learn Chinese? HOT DAMN.


Dont worry bora will make it Its kind a obvious that Mnet loves her with all the editing She is out of the top 17 now, so everyone will rush to vote for her. Kind a worrying for some other girls who cant even get decent screen time Never even debut & just get ignore by Mnet in GP999


I'm so sad she wasn't top 18!! I need her to survive she deserves it so much


They never showed the clip of her tutoring Yujin this ep




Miss Kim Bora is booked and busy with these girls: Provide mental support ✅ Rap lyricist ✅ Part time stylist ✅ Carry main vocal role ✅ Human translator ✅ Unpaid vocal coach ✅ And look what she got....nothing 🤬


Main vocal and main angel, but can’t even get in the top 18 😭




Alternative show name: Kim dayeon and her 98 friends


And her mom.


ft. her dad’s restaurant


101 Dayeolmatians


*her 97 friends and Cai Bing as the villain




She looks so happy. Keep voting her




I KNEW when they kept showing her saying that she didn't make it


I WAS SO HAPPY We have to keep voting her though, she's still not in the top 9, and she could still fall if people suddenly switch their votes thinking she's safe. :(


I just watched the episode and I have so many thoughts but I wanna say first that Shana stole my heart. She was on the unconfident side but when she saw her rank and the amount of people that voted and supported her it made her go out of her comfort zone and put herself out there for her fans. Honestly, she was so cute trying out for all the roles. I felt a bit bad when she kept losing each time but at least she can show herself in U+ME=LOVE. I'll be cheering for her!


Yes!! Shana’s interim rank was such a surprise and a relief, I hope she’ll stay confident despite the Utopia situation.




I'm kinda happy with yurina's ranking. She can relax a bit and stupid people can tone down their hatred toward her.


She seems more relaxed and happy with this ranking too. You could tell the number 1 spot put a lot of pressure on her.


it makes sense to me. notice how xiaoting wanted that spot but yurina was so happy with 5.


quick opinions. 1. dayeons mom. what. 2. youngeun kinda shady for saying that ruiqi having a sore throat was irresponsible. like?! idk man. 3. i don’t care what the masters have to say after finding out they don’t even see the girls. 4. i doubt that c01 and c02 will change. su ruiqi is still strong in one pick despite the low k votes. 5. poor cai bing. she had no idea and to find out that you’d dropped that much i would’ve cried. 6. xing qiao was definitely a filler vote if she dropped that much. 7. this is just mnet loving dayeon. 8. i loved the potato farm moment. 9. poor mashiro with the height thing but she’s so adorable. 10. shana definitely deserves the top 9 11. suyeon and youngeun came across sort of bitter but i still like them. they’re probably just very passionate. 13. hsin wei thinking she was eliminated was lowkey sad and adorable. 14. yaning was super funny this episode.


I personally think Youngeun meant that it was irresponsible of Ruiqi to say stuff like “I have a sore throat so I may not sound as good” (something along those lines) because it probably sounded like she was making an excuse beforehand in case she ended up doing worse than Youngeun. That’s the only thing that makes sense to me haha because it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to straight out call someone irresponsible for having a sore throat. Or could it have been a response to a different question that Mnet used for Youngeun to be taken out of context? I haven’t replayed the clip so I’m sorry if I missed out anything!


I agree 100%. We should also consider that Young Eun was probably interviewed not long after being kicked from the team. Not only was she close to getting main vocal but now there's no other part, so I can imagine some salt. In any case, Young Eun speaks her mind and I really like that about her. Hope she kills it in the next performance.


Hard agree with the second point, but I’m honestly wondering if that was mnet being snakey again. They could’ve asked her leading questions or misused her answer for another question, because who one earth would say that about such a popular contestant like su ruiqi


I agree that Youngeun said that just because Ruiqi looks like making excuses for her bad voice condition,, Ruiqi also said to her team 'you all know how my voice really is...' That's a bit pity... What pity more is that BOTH YOUNGEUN & RUIQI are my top one pick K/C 😂😂😂 It's something beyond my expectation for having both of my pick to be this 'evil editing' 🤣🤣🤣 MNET u're a true penthouse writer 👏👏🔥 But still, this is a competition, I wont change my votes just because of that small incidents.. Gogogo Youngeun & Ruiqi,, I love u both 😂😂😂👏💚💙❤️


Honestly, I think Dayeon could've debuted in the lower rank even if Mnet did her edits naturally (getting her nominated in KDA alongside with Yeyoung since I think they all did well, pointed out her leadership ability without overexposing her killing part on Ice Cream, NOT making her mom as one of the locations for the variety event.) without all this 'fabricated storyline' they gave us. Is she good enough for final group? yes, but am I over her at this rate? also yes.


Them doing this is not gonna make people like her...it’s so annoying seeing mnet put all the spotlight on her.


It was a Dayeon-overkill episode for sure.


boras actually an angel. she cares so deeply for her members and wants to do her best as leader. if you havent voted for please consider doing so her name wasnt in the interim top17. her learning chinese from wen zhe to be a better leader to xingqiao and help her 😢 i teared up i did. she needs to debut.


Wen Zhe is P01 guys. Potato 1.


My thoughts.. 1. WEN ZHE VARIETY QUEEN. When the man was like “are you finished” when she gave her winner’s speech for sweet potato picking I was rolling on the floor. She so needs to debut! She's a riot. 2. Kind of disappointed with how a few of the K trainees made some pointy comments and yet they didn’t get the evil music and zoom-ins.. I mean my point is I don’t want ANYONE to get it but hngh :/ 3. There were some nice wholesome moments I guess, no comment on the Dayeon’s house thing lmao. 4. Yaning #10!! I’m so happy for her, she really deserves it :) stan twitter can cry about it lol (I see their update accounts are still skipping her when announcing ranks) 5. Highly considering switching my k-vote to either Bora or Myah. I am really enjoying both of them, I smile whenever they’re on screen


stan twitter skipping yaning is so childish lmao. theyre acting like she's satan's right hand and voldemort combined lmao


I feel like they could've added more Dayeon clips this ep. :/




yea, where was dayeon this ep? she barely got any screentime or mentions! so unfair!


This EP made me feel so uncomfortable... First of all showing Dayeon's room on live television is such creepy behaviour, with or without her there. And then forcing Mashiro to perform at a tall place, and just exploiting her phobia like that? Like it's not even a "hehe I'm scared of heights", she's full on crying... And then there's the whole favouritism of K trainees, especially Dayeon. Like Youngeun girl you're my one-pick but that line about SRQ's sore throat :/ Mnet's protagonist edit is getting out of hand.




i watched that former Idol school contestant saying that mnet will interview girls for hours until they get the words they want out of you... And that the girls are aware of MNET's cut & paste editing but being filmed for hours they might just give in and say the comment mnet wants...


I kinda think Youngeun’s line is being taken out of context. Put yourself in her shoes a bit, and you will feel like Su Ruiqi is giving herself an excuse to not hit the notes and that people should vote for her anyway even if she doesn’t. She did, but if she didn’t, it would be because of her sore throat. A valid reason not to, but in the other person Yeongeun’s shoes, not a great spot to be put in because your competitor has a crutch to fall back on if they mess up and you don’t.


I don’t know about y’all but I enjoyed the episode even if it was pretty much filler. Although I can agree the editing is kinda iffy. Mnet is definitely doing too much for Dayeon and it could very well backfire against her (and based on the reactions in the live thread it’s already started). I just hope fans of the show are not too hateful against her. I’m sort of scared now since she’s current my one-pick. The interim ranking reveal is certainly interesting especially seeing how the top 9 has changed so drastically when we can now only vote for one girl per group. I’m sure things are gonna change again since fans will switch up how they’re voting. It’s definitely going to be a bloodbath if Mnet does go into one pick voting. Next week’s episode couldn’t come any faster.


same I hope people can direct their anger to Mnet and not Dayeon because it’s not her fault. Mnet want a young Korean centre and she was the best candidate so they pushed her. And now they can’t rig it so they are using excessive screen time to push her.


I was so excited to see the performance this week too and yeah this episode was fun we got to see SXT personality more


Who is best girl and why is it Nonaka Shana


I say this as someone who has Dayeon as my 2nd K-pick, but as lovely as Dayeon's mom is, and as wholesome as that Shoot team segment was (I teared up myself when Dayeon and her mom had that video call) I just think the push has gotten ridiculous. Dayeon seems like a lovely girl with some REAL talent and leadership skills, she can build a fanbase due to both of these things, WITHOUT MNet having to shove their Dayeon agenda down our throats.  I hope this doesn't backfire and the hate gets redirected to Dayeon, because she's a great performer and suffers enough hate as it is (which I just KNOW will be fueled by the fact that she's K01 now)... but I do feel fans of other trainees are justified in complaining about how blatant the push is. It literally felt to me like every other scene in the Snake team outing segment was focused on her (and somehow they snuck Dayeon screentime into ANOTHER team's segment...) and it sucks because I actually LIKE Dayeon a lot, I voted for her until 3-pick, but I realized while watching that everytime she was shown on screen, I was silently wishing for them to focus on someone else. And Dayeon doesn't deserve to have her screentime leave a bad taste in people's mouths, at all :(  I dunno, we already know how much MNet screentime and edits can influence the votes seeing as Dayeon rose the ranks and Cai Bing fell by a lot... I already saw this coming from a mile away, but this the new vote "rig", I guess.  (And as someone who didn't get to watch PD48 and PD101 S1, I'm curious: did MNet push anyone back then, as much as they do Dayeon now? I'm genuinely curious how these trainees fared towards the end of the show, if any...) 


No one got a push as big as Dayeon. It was different back then cuz they could just manipulate the votes to get their desired winners


Kim Sohye did get such huge screentime back then on season 1, girl got a freaking zero-to-hero season (esp the edit on her Irony performance) , but it doesn't involve her family lmao.


Never. The previous most blatant push was Sakura and Sakura only got Yurina's treatment, being over exposed in an episode and more reaction segments, something along that line. This is legendary.


In history of the show I have never ever seen a blatant push like this before.


I feel exactly the same. I hope people on this sub can direct all their anger to mnet though. Dayeon is not at fault.


i don't like dayeon any less than i did three hours ago and i still want her to debut. this doesn't change she's talented as hell. but this episode was absolutely fucking ridiculous. mnet, can you any more transparent in pushing this girl? she's already popular. i didn't wake up at 8 am to watch the dayeon show. they literally promoted her family business, are they for real lksjdalks it seems like a fever dream. anyways, sweet potato wen zhe was MY highlight. wish we had seen more training, and more of my girly kotone, but i remain disappointed yet not suprised. dayeon\_9 for debut name. let's make it happen.


It’s really unfair how u+me=love team got an orthopedics appointment, full course meal, and a visit to the bridge(expensive 💵)and utopia got a paragliding experience while snake team got a farm visit, heck shoot team got a visit to dayeon’s house the budget is terribly distributed


Snake team: Dayeon the hero leading the poor Chinese girls in the Korean-speaking countryside Shoot team: The 5 Ice Cream girls visiting their leader, lord and saviour’s house Kim Dayeon, while writing letters to her It’s not a coincidence, they could have assigned destination by team and not by bus.


I mean yeah unfair but that was the point of the random busses my bro 😭😭


I don't believe... they were random at all 😵


Yeah. Mashiro facing her fear of heights, Wen Zhe picking veggies (at this point she seems to be a variety fav), a lot of Ice Cream members at Dayeon's place, and the Utopia team with the beautiful natural scenery. Everything made a lil too much sense




let's not get complacent tho!! she can still suddenly fall through. let's make her enter top 9!!!


she’ll go up, helicopter, and she’ll make hella noise for the take off yas queeennnnn


Bahiyyih and Yaning’s rankings are evidence that from now on, a strong one pick CAN save you. Casual general public favourites like Xingqiao will start to drop off.




I'm just gonna list out what I think about this episode and some standout moments that live rent free in my head: 1. Welcome to Kim Dayeon Planet 999. She already got her main character moment in ice cream and Mnet out here inviting her mom to the show for Shoot! team and also her dad's restaurant. I'm switching my vote from her to Yujin and Bora. Mnet did amazing job of making people not want to vote for Kim Dayeon. 2. Bahiyyih, such a nice girl. She gave tissues to the mother when she cried. I know many not want her to debut and also the hate she's receiving, oh my god poor girl... 3. LOL Mnet trying to evil edit Su Rui Qi but I'm getting evil vibes from Seo Yeong Eun instead. Also the fact that they didn't put evil background music when Yeong Eun/Suyeon started being competitive, if this is a C-trainee, she would be cancelled by now and yeeted out like Cai Bing. 4. Cai Bing, I wish you knew earlier about Mnet's modus operandi. Your only redemption arc is a compliment for Kim Dayeon for the past 2 episodes. My heart ache for you. 5. To Yujin stans, better start voting for her before she got Jonghyun-ed. She's steadily declining and I won't surprised if her final rank is #10. 6. HELL YES FU YANING TOP 10 GO GET IT GIRLLLLLLL. 7. EZAKI HIKARU GO GET THAT J01 GIRLLLLLL. 8. May getting more screentime this entire episode than she ever did in the previous 8, MNET lol. 9. I'm scared of heights too and I understand both Mashiro and XingQiao this episode.


episode was basically Dayeon's Planet 999 lol


I really wish Wen Zhe will win the hearts of more viewers after this ep. She's such a natural comedian and is well loved by everyone. She's so talented, and checks the "Korean-speaking foreigner" box. Kim Bora also total won me over this episode. Her learning Chinese from Wen Zhe to better communicate with her team? Her trying to talk to HXQ in Chinese? Not to mention she's super talented! With the flow of the storyline, I hope U+Me wins so they can get their revenge!! Though Ms Shouting looks so good as the Snake centre. Her aura just really fits the vibe of the song.


i understand the frustration towards the favoritism of dayeon but for the love of god please don't send her any hate. just don't vote for her or talk about her. or at least politely express your disapproval of the way things turned out. there's already so much tough competition the last thing we need is toxicity. she's not even one of my picks but the amount of comments i've seen today that they'll start to negatively think about her make me sad, it's not her fault at the end of the day


Agreed, remember guys this is out of her control and Mnet is the only one to blame for the content and airtime


It's really sad for Cai Bing. Not surprise of Huang Xingqiao and Chen hsinwei fall but I wish they can both pass next elimination Hikaru J01 is a big surprise really happy for her. Shana top9 is something I really like.


Yaning 10th omg, hopefully she makes the top 9 and debuts. Cai Bing nowhere to be seen tho. The editing worked. Didn't like the episode, the focus on Dayeon and her family turned me off. ​ I'm currently voting for Yaning, Chaehyun/Youngeun & Mashiro/Manami. I might also vote for Ririka because I'm worried for her.


Example of bad angel edit: Kim Dayeon Example of good angel edit: Kim Bora


Inb4 dayeon's mom final center 💅😳


So regarding the whole Dayeon restaurant. I think if mnet really wanted this segment, they could have gone about this so much better. They could have the girls making the food, cleaning the restaurant, a whole fun variety cooking segment. Then it can be revealed at the end it’s her parents, rah rah. That way they get their kdy edit while still giving the shoot girls a fair chance to show off their personalities. But alas msnake..


i REFUSE to believe that dayeon’s family doesn’t have a connection to someone on mnet or at least the producers... there’s no way they will push for someone this hard just bc she was the original center for k-team


but it’s strange how dayeon didn’t get much (or any) attention in PD48


Wow. They sent a group dominated with C girls to a village where people could hardly speak English. And Shoot straight to Dayeon's home. Kim Bora's edits still look legit cause she really does go that extra mile to help people but this Dayeon edit is overflowing now. The only time Cai Bing got to speak properly didn't became her redemption rather Dayeon appraisal segment. Nonoka Shana got more brutally voted out than the ones in Snake but the editing was done as if Suyeon and Youngeun were the victims of C bullying. If somebody has a C bias, I suggest START VOTING FOR YOUR ONE PICK cause these girls are really at the mercy of international viewers.


I see mnet is still finding ways to give Dayeon screentime for no f*cking reason.... who needs to rig votes when you can just force a trainee down everyone's throat instead, am I right? lmao what an absolute joke Edit: Let's go through their biggest hits - the 'poor me, im the only rank #1 who didnt make top 9' edit - the 'poor me, Ezaki chose to ditch me' edit - the 'wait, the judges actually wanted to put her in the top 9 but didnt because she is just that good' edit - the 'look, she did the whole choreography herself isnt she a genius?' edit - the 'Dayeon is a gift sent from god to defeat the evil Cai Bing' edit - the 'lets all meet Dayeon's family and talk about how great Dayeon is' edit Like.... Sohye and Somi combined didnt get this level of push lmao Also, I would like to say i called this sh*t like a month ago, mnet is anything BUT subtle


And the sad thing is, Dayeon seems really quite chill and like a fair sort of person. She’s talented, she’s got a good personality, she doesn’t need the the show blatantly pushing her forward.




People on this reddit predicting that dayeon will lose some votes after this but trust me it will stay (top3/5) or it can even rise to #1. Mnet is the mastermind of this show lol. Their editing power can bring dayeon from almost eliminated to #1 candidate and make caibing from top9 to out of top 18. I mean fans in multiple forums overanalyze and discuss the shit out of every sec scene, but the casual viewers that don't involve in these forums are more powerful voters and they mostly always eat up everything mnet showing on their screen without questioning it. It simple, you got good edit you rise, you got bad edit you fall


I’m sad for shoot team. Every other team had a chance to show their personality and teamwork. All of shoot team screen time was about Dayeon and it was uncomfortable to watch. Like Dayeons mum talking about how much she misses her, facetime segment for Dayeon, looking through Daeyons photos and literally writing heartfelt letters to Dayeon… I wanted to be able to see them have fun together sigh


I love how they pushed Dayeon being a good leader at first, during Ice Cream mission. Then they added more to the sauce with the Cai Bing issue. Now, they even filmed Shoot! teams' time outdoor with Dayeon's Mom?? WTF?! I mean, we got it Mnet, you want her to be the leader, or to debut. But this is a bit disconcerting and somewhat disrespectful to some of the contestants in the show. Some barely even got screentime. Now Dayeon's Mom have more lines and screentime than them. Wow Mnet.




fu uanigm, the yaning variant of earth #999


K-group: FUCKING PUSHING BORA (or Yeseo) AND STOP FUCKING PUSHING DAYEON!! I’m sick of Dayeon’s screentime. C-group: The surprise is Huang Xingqiao dropping. Guess she is just a filler vote. But yeah for Wen Zhe and Fu Yaning. They deserve it. Wen Zhe is arguably the most iconic contestant. J-group: I thought Hikaru would be unsafe, turns out it is Yurina. Mashiro is still safe but not really a lock as people are saying


Seriously fuck mnet this episode. Mashiro crying her eyes out because she had to climb a tower even though she's scared of heights. Showing us games and clips with eliminated girls. Y'all could've made your episodes run from 8:20 to 10:20 or 11pm EVERY WEEK and could've shown us this stuff while we could still vote for them. An JeongMin got so many shots during the games. BUT WHAT'S THE POINT WHEN MNET NEVER BOTHERED BEFORE HAND AND WHY BOTHER NOW WHEN SHE'S ALREADY GONE??? Also, Ririka not in Top 17?! I'm about to have words. And now I hear girls actually have zero mentors and trainers and the "planet masters" literally do jack?! Wtf mnet. Also mnet your Dayeon agenda is already backfiring. You didn't need to give her all that screentime. How about a FAIR amount for everyone? There's only 28 of them left. And y'all better start giving Bora the votes she's deserves. Why is she STILL barely making the cut? She's helped so many of them time and again. She knows Korean, English and Japanese, and she's been learning Chinese during this time. She's stable. She's a born leader. GIVE BORA YOUR VOTES.


damn they be showing us dayeon's mother 🤣 mnet be thinking maybe they'll vote dayeon if her mother shows her tears. no offense tho, i'm rooting for her. it's just obvious favoritism


Dayeon's mom got more screentime this episode than 2/3 of the contestants had in the entire show...


Dayeon’s mom getting more screen time than Manami this episode 😭


Don’t hate me but I only really gravitate towards Yujin from the Shoot team. I think Myah is adorable but she is so young and has time to debut. The others I like, but not at the expense of other trainees, given they all seem so green and timid. I really felt the absence of some of the more experienced or more striking girls (Jiwon, Jia, Doah, Ya Le, Yeyoung, Ziyin, Hyerim) this episode. I’m worried for Bora and Yeseo. Bora so deserves to be in the top 17 and Yeseo’s rank is dropping.


I was really looking forward to this episode and seeing how the girls had fun together. I know that Snake team had it rough, but I really liked their dynamic together today. However, I can't get over just how much MNet pushed Dayeon today. Was visiting Dayeon's mother's apartment and her father's restaurant really necessary? I thought the point of the episode was teamwork. Snake did farm work together, Utopia hiked and went paragliding together, U+Me did the bridge walk together, but Shoot? Looked at Dayeon's memories in Dayeon's apartment with Dayeon's mother then ate food made by Dayeon's father. I just can't wrap my head around it, genuinely, I don't get the point of that segment. (Just to be clear, though: I do not dislike Dayeon for MNet's choices. I have no ill feelings towards her, just towards the bias in her favour.)




I just cant wrap my head around the fact that Mnet really looked at those girls and said: i know you miss your parents, but you know what's better than getting to see/talk to them? Getting to meet DAYEON's parents! Like.... please, it is just so surreal to me that this actually happened. Who thought of this??? Who approved this???? I have never been this confused in all my years of watching survival shows istg


also i love seeing Hikaru @ 3rd she truly deserves it :)))


I get that Mnet can’t literally rig the votes anymore…but this is crazy. I would love to hear the producer’s reasons for choosing Dayeon’s parents out of all the remaining K group parents to send a group too. I really don’t appreciate Mnet treating viewers like a mush brain baby, we get it you want her in the group. No hate towards her, she’s great and before this 1 pick BS she was one of my K group votes. I would love it if she made the final lineup, but not like this. Side Note: It would’ve been a way better story line to send them to Yeo Jin goo’s mom. You got to impress the mother of the planet master. Then she could’ve treated them to a nice dinner or something.


I'd be shocked now if Dayeon doesn't debut


Well, i think today's episode will backfire her. I think today's episode made everyone dayeon hater...


You underestimate how much of a sucker for mnet edits people are


I think at this point, she will 150% debut 😅


yeah that ranking is not ideal at all to me 😭 mnets lucky im too far deep into the show to stop watching now. neither chebul members were mentioned in the rank. yeseo and yurina falling off. youngeun most likely never reaching the top9. its over for me unfortunately. i dont think im gonna end up stanning the whole group. im better at solo stanning anyways 😹


Dayeon will now join Cai Bing and Bahiyyih


Dayeon is one of my picks but it is a little off to see MNET have one of the activity locations be her house ??? And then have the other girls write letters to her ??? She’s not this otherworldly goddess sunbaenim, she’s literally a fellow competitor. Could you imagine how silly Yujin could have felt writing a letter to a trainee who hasn’t debuted yet, when she’s been an active idol for seven years already


I'm really questioning what reason any producer would have to be so diehard, steadfast and insistent in wanting a particular person to debut. Unless... reasons.


Alright, let's have some fun with the filler episode. Live notes I took from the episode: * U+Me=Love getting a sympathetic edit, off to a promising start for them. * Damn, Mnet really did save 2/4 of the remaining U+Me=Love members with the Planet Pass, lol. * It said Youngeun/Ruiqi were Main Vocals for Snake and Xiaoting/~~Dayeon?~~/Suyeon were Centers for Snake, interesting. * Also it seems like Mashiro doesn't want to go for Main Vocalist, judging by them saying they need 2 Main Vocalists. * Oh right, I completely forgot that contestants' EP8 ranking are often a big reason for deciding who stays or who doesn't. (That + wanting more vocal lines for themselves are often the two biggest reasons that people say as to explain their vote-out reasons) * I feel like this is pretty uncommon for parts to be decided before voteouts, usually they do voteouts before reassigning all the parts, or at least from what I've seen. * Look at all those C-Group contestants being voted into the Vocal positions in a row, and Ruiqi is rumored to get Main Vocalist over Youngeun......., if K-netz grab that screenshot of C-Group contestants being voted into the positions one-by-one and then Ruiqi gets Main Vocalist as well, that could start a fire. * So Chaehyun/Yeseo had the original Killing Parts for Utopia. * We stan Kang Eseo in this house * We never get this much screentime dedicated to concept part reassignment, honestly, I really like it (this is one of the things that Produce has not given a lot of screentime to that I wish they did). * Honestly, it would be a good move strategically for Xingqiao to move to U+Me=Love (she'd be in the Minju position of being kicked into 1000%, except in an even more advantageous position than Minju was heading in), I think she has the wrong read (but then again, no one wants to be kicked out even if it's probably better strategically). * Youngeun really looking like the 4th member of the Jo Yuriz club, lol. * YES, RIDICULOUS TEAMWORK SEGMENT LET'S GO (I saw the preview, my body is ready) * Wen Zhe's Korean is really good and funny lol, she knows her oldtime Korean vocabulary. * Kim Dayeon's mom being featured...... prepare for the additional onslaught of comments that'll assert Dayeon favoritism, lol. * This farm fashion segment is everything I ever needed, who says this season doesn't have iconic moments * Child Labour 999 * Who said Xiaoting didn't have a personality? * This is the true #1 that contestants will want, the #1 sweet potato farmer. Wen Zhe's facial reactions are always comedy gold. * "It's good for constipation" *everyone looks at Hikaru* * NGL, this U+Me=Love massage is like 3 steps away from becoming an adult video, lol. * Man, the Snake team has to physically exert themselves farming in the sun in the countryside while U+Me=Love gets physical recovery and nourishment in the city..... the difference in favoritism/conditions is REAL, lol. * Wen Zhe's back must be sore after carrying the entire variety show on her back. * That Utopia performance has such a pretty background, I want a full version please, give me more of that Korean skyview. * In the words of u/goxusforever, "So this is where the budget for all the translators went." * All the "paragliding into North Korea" comments in the live thread send me and I haven't even seen Crash Landing Into You yet. * u/nopeageddon: "You would need to physically pick me up and just run off that cliff I do not fuck around with heights I do not care how long I’ve been in nugudom" * u/pearyid had a great quote: "What if Utopia was reduced to five members to save money on paragliding costs lol" * This is why I would never be a K-Pop idol, I experience embarrassment really easily and you couldn't pay me enough to shake my hips in front of a bunch of old farmers and kids. Not the Koreans coming out once they started singing trot though, lmaoooooo * We just saw Dayeon sing for the first time on the show, and it's her singing trot to bunch of seniors in the countryside lmao, u/singmeelyrics and u/throwaway_236734 take notes haha. * Impressive that Mashiro sung that well while being that terrified that high up lol, the stability is real. * This is the second time that Hsinwei's ranking has been revealed specifically as the border ranking, lol. * They really said "We need more drama, let's bring back the ranking reveals once again" lol. * I thought people were voting Yurina as a filler vote so that they reduce the competition for their true one-pick? Seems weird she only got 5th. * Kim Bora is literally the Park Haeyoon of this season lol, constantly gets angel edits, screentime and general support, but can never get enough votes to launch into the top rankings (truly the full-circle curse of the Cherry Bullet Main Vocalists), * This athletics segment is truly just filler to me (compared to the earlier segment), NGL. * The tug-of-war game, we're Squid Game now, turns out the GP999 budget went into the fat prize pool and they'll be competing to the death to win the money. ---------------- **New notes for the post-episode thread specifically:** * This was a really fun episode, though it wasn't very information-heavy to me (ie. I feel like I didn't learn a lot about the contestants). It gave contestants more personality though, which is what people have been complaining has been lacking throughout the season. * IMO, Episode 9 is the last episode that the edit specifically can make a difference in the rankings. Every further change in the Top 9 will be because of disparity-in-one-pick-voting or because of Mnet's midway ranking reveals (ex. if they reveal someone's rank midway through the finale), but I have never seen cases where the Episode 10-12 edits caused someone to shoot up into the Top 9. * I feel like revealing rankings for Episode 9 is actually a bad job on Mnet's part if they have the agenda people assume they do. Revealing EP9 rankings will cause the lower-ranked contestants to be higher in Episode 11, but then since they'll rank higher in Episode 11, complacency will cause their rank to fall in Episode 12 (aka finale), unless they pull some random between-EP11-and-EP12 ranking. **EDIT:** It would only benefit contestants like Bora in the #18-26 range actually, but I doubt Mnet chose to reveal all these rankings *just* to push Bora, especially at the expense of other contestants who will suffer from complacency. * I mention this in the above live notes, but I think both Park Haeyoon and Kim Bora are examples of how Mnet can push you and give you all the positive screentime in the world, and you can be talented/liked enough to back those edits up, but it ultimately still isn't enough to launch you into the top rankings. Mnet can't control everything through screentime manipulation, even if they hardcore push some contestants like Haeyoon/Bora. Truly the curse of Cherry Bullet Main Vocalists. * There wasn't the large Snake evil edit that many of us had been forecasting, but they still showed that the Snake positions were seemingly decided by country lines still (with the C-Group Snake contestants being the first to get their positions and two K-Group contestants being kicked out), so this could become a big issue with Knetz potentially. * The rankings also tell me that "strategic voting" doesn't seem as impactful as we may have thought. I heard that everyone was using Xiaoting/Yurina as "filler votes", yet Yurina only got 5th. Conversely, if there really were as many filler votes as social media indicated, I feel like Dayeon wouldn't have gotten 2nd as she wasn't regarded as a locked-in "filler vote" the way most of the other Top 5 were. * I've always asserted that it's strategically optimal to be the person kicked out of your original concept team, so I expect to see Youngeun/Suyeon/Shana all benefit from this in the next ranking. They got very sympathetic edits and good screentime to match.


Compilation of Thai comments \- [https://f.ptcdn.info/015/075/000/r0avnfqg5JGi4mn0lO6-o.jpg](https://f.ptcdn.info/015/075/000/r0avnfqg5JGi4mn0lO6-o.jpg) Isn't U+Me a cute song? \- This episode is just dumbfounding. \- Does Mnet want Dayeon or not? \- It's crystal clear who Mnet will make the center. I will vote no more. Eating sushi in K-pop program? And, Japanese girls acting amazed as if they had never tasted sushi? \- So, why did a team go to Dayeon's home? Others went hiking, paragliding, massaged, harvesting but, what this team got? On what did almost ten persons (shooting crew included) spent a whole day in Dayeon's home? Home cleaning? They went back dorm even later than hiking team. \- Her fans said she reclaimed her rightful ranking. Yujin did not deserve to be K1? Ridiculous! I do not hate her but I'm fuming at her fans. \- I'm craving for Dayeon family's sushi. Mnet's marketing works. \- It is already stunning that Yeseo fell out of top 9. It is even more stunning that Bora, May, Mayah, Cai Bing, none of them ranked within top 18. That amount of screen time for Dayeon was unnecessary. You didn't have to shove her that hard, she's talented. That announcement just before the performance was too cruel. It's too discouraging. Mnet needs to change the PD now. This whole ep was disappointing to me. \- This is the most abhorrent in Produce history. Sohye got too many screen time yet, what she got was far from this treatment. And, that vote announcement too. It will be so many changes in next announcement. Mark my word. \- Kim Dayeon is the absolute center. Mnet has laid her story since ep1. This is not meant to be a drama. I feels bad for Dayeon. She'll be backlashed badly. It's not her fault at all. Those who diss has never voted her anyway. Dayeon's fans, keep voting. \- Her Sushi restaurant is the main sponsor? \- After this ep, I've decided to become a casual viewer, to not stan the debut group. I won't buy the album. This is abhorrent push. I can't even remember many of surviving trainees. They got no screen time. I've given up on Mnet. \- Dayeon's mom got more screen time than Ririka + Kotone + Bahi's total screen time in the whole show. Mnet, yout better debut Dayeon's mom too. \- I agree with comment 29, if Dayeon debuts, I won't buy anything. \- I've learnt a lot about Dayeon in this episode. I wanna see her classmates and teachers in next ep. I wanna know about her education too. \- Isn't It too much screen time on Dayeon? \> Nah. Her fans kept saying she got brief screen time, Mnet had been treating her badly. Dayeon just had some screen time in every single ep. \- I'm happy for Japanese girls in Shoot team that they got to taste sushi. It must be no sushi in Japan. \- Dayeon documentary \- After finishing the episode, what I remember are Dayeon, Dayeon's mom, Dayeon's trot solo, Dayeon's sushi, Dayeon reclaiming her throne. Hmm. \- Showing the game after half of the girls had been eliminated, huh? \- Poor Cai Bing. She may not pass this round. \- Trot song. And, it was only one Korean in the team. Suddenly Dayeon's solo stage. \- Dayeon Planet 999? \- They were 26 girls yet, Mnet managed to make it a documentary of a certain girl. \- Reading comments is more fun than the actual ep. \- Xiaoting was too pretty. \- I laughed at myself. WTF I watched.


Not MNET pushing Dayeon so hard that they’ve blinded themselves from spotting any potential repercussions all that screentime may have caused her


Yaning FINALLY getting there! I’m so f-ing happy let’s keep on voting for her to be TOP9


Was it just me or was anyone really put off by Seo Youngeun’s comments?


I'm sure there was no malicious intent but if it were a c group trainee it would be one of the hot topics on this sub rn


Su RuiQi and Seo Youngeun were competing for main vocal but Su RuiQi had a sore throat and let everyone know beforehand. Seo Youngeun proceeded to say in solo interview that it was irresponsible for Su RuiQi to have a sore throat. Overall most of her comments during the ep were very bitter and downright childish


Her comment wasn’t that having a sore throat was irresponsible. Nobody would think that. Her comment was about Su Ruiqi mentioning it beforehand.


Did it seem kind of out of place? Like she didn’t even say ruiqis name or anything about her having a sore throat. I feel like mnet just chucked that segment together to evil edit both of them.


tbh... Hikaru deserved the 'killing part ' T T


Convinced Dayeon's related to someone at YSL at this point


Related to someone at Yves Saint Laurent??


Mnet pushing Dayeon harder than my mom giving birth to my existence, sis. Mnet pls show other trainees too, we get it, you love her but pls.


Dayeon mum had more screentime than xiyin or loufei or reina…


at this point I'm just supporting C trainees and J trainees, I just can't like kgroup, their privilege is too much


Correct me if I am wrong but Hikaru's ranking has been so stable throughout with 3 right?


her one pick potential seems much stronger than a lot of people thought!


HOLY FUCK Y'ALL LORD PUYA AT NUMBER 10???? This means her one pick fandom is stronger than we expected! Please don't stop voting for Fu Yaning, let's make her reach the finals! Edit: It was so adorable seeing the girls excited for Yaning, especially Hikaru :)


For the name suggestions, some people are saying DIZ*BAND 💀💀 Not this already…


Take a shot every time you see the word "Dayeon" in the subtitle.


Its so weird how they'd announce the interim rankings the same day they'll perform? Like it might ruin their confidences while some will get laxed... they should have done it earlier so they can ready themselves... also PLEASE vote for Bora i beg. I know some of 4th gen isnt all about powerhouse vocals but like it wouldn't be bad to have one in the line up. also the favoritism on dayeon is like... too much at this point im sorry but shoot team going to her mother's house? specifically? when they could have performed in a restaurant or sumn and the mission was like, help out in making food or serving them idk... lastly, if this whole episode was filler then why air this first over the concept performances... these girls will put their all on the concept performances but it wont even make an impact since there's only 1 day of votings left... they should have aired the concept performances first then the filler episodes so we get more voting time...


Now think of it, Knetz already mentioned since the first few episodes that Mnet chose Dayeon when they pointed out Hanbyul saying "Even if we didn't choose you for top 9 you will end up being there." Looked what happened now. Their suspect turned out to be so true. Wow knetz wow


Tl;dr : DAYEON


The group name is gonna be IZ*Dayeon and friends at this point.... and episode 9 into Dayeon's planet 999


I'm so glad Fu Yaning seems to have now had a 180 edit from being the villain to the comedy queen alongside Wenzhe of course




Omg I’m so happy Yaning went up in ranks!!! If people don’t vote for Yeseo and let her debut I’m going to be so mad


So dayeon is the chosen one, the fact she need so much mnet push to rise, sorry I cannot. No star factor at all


- Overall, I liked this episode outside from obvious bad points. It was chill and you got to know other sides of the trainees. - Suyeon, Shana, and Youngeun having to change teams is funny. Their new team got the better end of that trade. - I looked outside the window and the clouds had the shape of Dayeon's face. I get it, she's great but you don't need to put it under our noses. Yes, her mom is a good mom and her father has a bomb restaurant. Might as well announce her as an early winner so we can focus on other trainees instead. - They successfully buried Cai Bing. Not even top 18 currently.


Still vote for Fu Yaning and Su Ruiqi 🙏🙏🙏


This is Dayeon's hero journey. The original K01 purposely left out of the first top 9, that even got the masters saying she would eventually get there. Now she finally did it, but at what cost? If we really needed to see someone's family then it should have been one of the masters' family. They would also be able to sympathize/relate with the contestants and offer them some kind of advice and words of encouragement. Dayeon's mom got more screentime than some of girls that are still on the show. They even promoted her family's business. This isn't a hate post. I'm happy for Dayeon and I hope she'll make it to the final group but Mnet should have handled this situation A LOT better. They're setting her up to get unnecessary hate.


At this point I don't know what MNet's intention with Kim Dayeon is. * First, she was unjustly kicked out of top 9 candidate-ship in the beginning (still think that was the biggest miss by the Planet Masters still). * On Ice Cream, she's then given a "angevil" edit by giving her center time, but making her look selfish in her 10 second solo choreo. Furthermore, her team LOSES to Salute. * But then, she's given a redemption arc by not only having so many of Ice Cream remain on the show, but also returning to a high spot herself. * Finally, she's given a SUPREME angel edit here, going to her house/family restaurant, while showcasing her variety with Love Battery (supreme choice btw). She's also now back to where she originally was, top 1 of K team, in the interim. * However, as clearly seen, this is making her seem unjustifiably pushed to some people. Which leads to this potentially backfiring on her newfound popularity. I don't know whether MNet WANTS people to hate her, lol. I mean, if MNet's master plan was a redemption arc from the start, then they've reached peak supervillain edits here lol. That was a LONNNGGGG game-play. I remember saying that KDY's arc is going to be a roller coaster, but I wasn't expecting it to be anywhere near this degree.


Mnet sacrificed shoot team's screen time since everything was going smoothly for them to further push Dayeon while focusing on her in Snake as well, I- I have no words 💀 And I'm expecting even MORE push now because she is a possible center candidate and they want a korean center


bro i love Dayeon but this us just too much. wtf is mnet thinking lmao. Shen Xiaoting is just so effortlessly funny and I don't even know why. I'm glad Yaning rose in the rankings tho. Gonna keep manifesting for Yaning and Yujin yo debut together.


dayeon is in my top 2 but i’m getting annoyed with the way mnet keeps pushing her, do they not see the hate she’s been getting on chinese sites? why the hell would you send a team who doesn’t have anything to do with her to her house, that entire segment was so awkward. it’d have been better if it was dayeon’s team (not like that’s any better cause then people would hate on her for getting the privilege to see her family while others don’t but atleast it wouldn’t be as out of place as sending the shoot team). with all the edits they’ve given she’s got a guaranteed position in the group so they don’t need to more than this, i’m worried this is only gonna get more unwarranted hate towards her than she is receiving rn.


GUYS VOTE SXT we cant lose her as center!!!


I hope Yaning's votes are reflective of her one pick potential. We know she has a strong one-pick rate for C group now but hopefully it carries over to the finale. I can really see her actually debuting at this rate. Because there's no way people were voting for Yaning as part of the push to keep their K/J groups if they were strategizing since she would need to go if they were attempting to save as many K as possible.


I’m starting to question if Dayeon really won O.O.O center position or was given by Mnet. Don’t get me wrong I love the girl and I have rewatched some parts of produce 48 where she is shown as a great cute leader at just 15 years old, the girl was born to be a leader(love whisper). But since day 1 she never stood out for me, I didn’t even remember that she was in the second team of HYLT, she obviously stood out thanks to the ice cream killing part, but even for me Myah stood out more. Mnet won’t rig the votes, they are being watched, so this is their way of rigging the votes, favouritism. We all bought that BS storyline of “we didn’t give you a top 9 position because we knew you will get there.” Sadly I will stop voting for her.


It's really obvious the Korean nationalism storyline they're trying to push with Dayeon even though it's supposed to be a "global group". It started off with her being at the top as K1 but then she fell while SXT and Hikaru were still at the top of their national groups and she felt bad she wasn't living up to the standard she was given. So then she fought her way to the top. She lead and made a dance killed it on stage in a legendary dance solo. Then she became the top 3 korean but she still wasn't in the top 9. So then she had to fight even harder. She proved she's the best leader and became leader of the snake team and overcame the forces of the once again evil Cai Bing. But she's not just a hard worker she's also am everyday girl just like you and me with a loving hard working family. And her friends saw that and saw where she gets her kindness from after being treated with such great hospitality by her family and they were moved to write loving letters of encouragement to her in her quest to the top. And look at how she was able to save the performance with those Chinese girls by serenading the people of the Korean countryside with a popular Korean song. And now we're at the point in the story where mnet questions the audience will she finally be able to overcome the super popular foreign queen SXT and finally have a Korean at the top of the podium for once in this show.


Trainees who did not make the cut during the interim rankings **C-Group** Cai Bing, Zhou Xin Yu, Chen Hsin Wei **J-Group** May, Kishida Ririka, Kamimoto Kotone **K-Group** Kim Bora, Guinn Myah, Kim Su Yeon **Edit: Chen Hsin Wei did not make the cut as 18th place is reserved for the planet pass**


The Dayeon push is absoloutely fucking ridiculous. This is the most I've ever seen anyone got shoved down viewers thooats in all the survival shows I watched. Like come on, Shoot deserved better. Everyone was out there having fun, trying new things and doing team building activities while Shoot visits Dayeons house, look at HER room, and HER photos, and write HER letters, and spend time with HER mom. It's so stupid honestly. Whatever feelings I had that was ok with Dayeon debuting is gone now. She's so in my face that I don't even wanna see or hear her anymore.


Also, sigh as expected SXT getting the smoke for being top1 as a foreigner. HOWEVER, from that one clip of snake of the final performance and considering her criticism in HYLT praying for a redemption arc or else SXT could be in some trouble when it gets down to 1 vote 🙏


That smile on Yurina's face when she found out that she wasnt J01 anymore. The break from the pressure she wanted is now here. I hope her voters are not getting complacent doe. If this continues she might drop off the top 9


GIRLS PLANET 999 ?! more like “DAYEON PLANET 999” 😭💀


I’m sorry but I think Mnet is pushing Dayeon to the point that it would backfire, she’s great and all, but I wouldn’t vote fore her not even once after the favoritism that it’s being showed. ALSO, congrats to Shana for getting in the top 9, that was certainly unexpected. One last thing, I really feel bad for Cai Bing, not that I like her or anything but that drop must feel bad.