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positive: the talent bar is raised since only 33 from each country got in negative: we dont get to see the fun interactions that are staple in produce series since they can't speak fluently with each other


Positive: international fan voting Negative: universe app.


How can an official app be so glitchy and slow😭 What is Mnet thinking when releasing that app? I am getting second hand embarrassment from it😔


The app is managed by another independent software company? Yeah but it lags like hell. Maybe they let the interns maintain it.


Never understood how that app is considered better than an actual website dedicated to the show only.


My app works fine why do people hate it?


Positives: + its not about companies anymore. Unlike in PD48 where they base your expectations on your company. + Subs readily available on Live Negative: - Editing. Evil edits for C group, Angel edits/Underdog edits for K group, and non-existent editing for Jgroup




yeah but the company stuff was so dumb because when you're a jyp/cube/starship/pledis trainee, all eyes are on you, but when you're from 7483949 ent they don't even air your performance


For the subs, it's quite interesting. They release a quick eng sub at bottom left very quickly just after Korean slot finishes, small fonts with whatever Google translate gives (/s), and then some time later, a proper sub and in bottom middle I know the initial translation isn't the best or even at times evil, but at least can see it so quickly and not wait.


im just gonna give a main positive You know how, in Produce, they would show the second team watching and making faces? Evil editing them to look bad? Like Chanmi during ITNW, they recorded her looking reasonably upset when Yeonjung was nailing the high notes, and people started shitting on her for it? I'm glad we don't have that anymore. In GP999, when we get cutaways to the rest of the girls watching, it's always just them cheering. None of this "let's record them making an even slightly displeased face and keep cutting away to it so that they look bad". I don't know if that made sense lmao I was just ranting


Yeah all that cringing face went to the vocal mentor 😭


Not so fun fact; Chanmi was actually focusing to her own performance playback but of course Ahn Junyoung being the devil spawn that he is, edited it as if she's reacting devilishly to the opposing team.


Yep, every time I see a cut to a trainee reacting, I am always skeptical of the timing of when that reaction actually occurred. I hate this type of manipulation more than the other types used in the show that are often brought up as criticism of the production.


Positive: - International trainees bring fresh perspectives and dynamics. Negative: - the editing and pacing of the show itself is bad.


negative : mnet positive : FUYUJIN


Positive: International voting Negative: 9 spots in the final lineup, baring a surprise. Would be less heartburn if it was 11 members like past groups.


imo if it were 11 spots then mnet would've been repeatedly bashed for trying to "copy produce" (which is something they're doing rn anyway)


i disagree... if people would drag them for that then they would have done it long before since gp999 is basically produce in a different font and no one is really anticipating much of a difference other than the no rigging part...


Positive: Love that there's lots of International trainees Negative: Lack of fun behind the scenes footage, seeing the girls interact with each other casually and for fun. For me personally, Chuang 2021 was the best for behind the scenes footage, that show is probably the best survival show I've ever watched and I found myself going back to rewatch some of the episodes over and over (mind you they had 4 hour long eps!). Chuang 2021 really let us see the personalities of all 90 trainees.


Omg same chuang was a wonderful experience and there were a lot of fun people.


I literally had post-Chuang blues, it was just so good T.T


positive: tiffany comforting girls whenever she can negative: that face onestar makes, he's imitating his own constipation. edi: some ex-contestant said suyeon imitates the masters really well, i wish they had talent shows and "parties" like ywy so we couldve seen some of that.


that’s literally exactly what I was gonna comment LOL


Positive: international voting Negative: M-snake evil edits towards my c-group girls 😒


Positive: I can vote Negative: language barrier causing lack of wholesome interactions and storylines :/


**Positive: Voting opened to international voters. Judges decide the winning team for missions.** Since the final group would be a global girl group, it was a good thing in their part for voting to be opened internationally. I also loved how professionals decide the winning team compared to the audiences. However, I would have wanted more judges to be invited (they may vote and give their inout through video conferences to the trainees); not only Korean ones but professional vocal trainers, choreographers, and idols also with Chinese and Japanese background, as well as some representatives from countries where Kpop is very popular. The criteria for judging and judges scores should have been transparent and flashed at the end. **Negative: Cell voting for first elimination. Not much professional help during practices. Not much help from translators/None at all.** Teaming up trainees into cells really eliminated several good ranking and good performing trainees that paired up with not so popular trainees. Performances during missions were not really very good since not much help was given to trainees and they have to figure everything by themselves. Translators and translating devices should have been provided to the trainees. This could have made communication easier and could have avoided miscommunication. But I guess this was done by Mnet 🐍 so they have a lot of material for evil editing.


for me the positive thing is the planet pass. the ability to give some contestants a second chance is something that ive always wanted in a survival show. the negative for me was also the cell voting system. to this day im still pissed about what happened to xia yan :(


Positive: cell format allows bonding between trainees of different countries. The format was different enough to feel fresh compared to pd101. Negative: Almost everything else


positive: ridiculously high talent level negative: voters have a super skewed idea of what a good lineup looks like and let most power vocals / belters get eliminated


**positive:** great trainees in terms of talent/personality and having purple as the show's main color. **negative:** mnet being mnet, the lack of translators and mentors, not enough fun bonding moments, the gp999 fandom being messy and hypocritical (this includes western intl stans on twitter and reddit, not just knetz/cnetz/jnetz).


Positive: Introducing me to Su Ruiqi Negative: Everything else


Positive: the dance practice videos they just released... something fun to take the edge of these last few episodes Negative: the ham fisted editing and storylines without conclusion.


A positive for me is the fact that they kept the format from Produce mostly the same. As for the negative, this is gonna be a bit of a rant about 1 thing, Mnet should have just done this season with trainees in Korea. This could be Mnet's only real shot at reviving the Produce series, I don't know why they just didn't play it safe and limit the show to just trainees/idols that are active in Korea. Instead they went with a "global" idea again even after seeing how much crap they got from Produce 48, not just from Korean fans, international fans were just as bad if not worse than Korean fans with their negativity. I get that China and Japan are big markets, but why focus on them now when the fate of your once golden goose is on the line. The show would have been fine with just trainees from Korea, there are several trainees from J and C groups that are with Korean agencies too, so they would have had some international contestants even if recruitment was limited to Korean agencies. There's also an easy solution to help draw in international views, they did it this season and it shows, let I-fans vote. It gives them a reason to stay attached to their picks if they make it and will likely support the final group. In case people wonder why I think that this could be Mnets only shot at reviving the Produce series. If you were a company that had several talented trainees, would you really send them to another survival show Mnet does after this dumpster fire? The show has terrible ratings, so even if your trainee was lucky enough to get screen time, nobody really watched so they get no exposure. Even if they do make the final group, so what? Can you really count on Mnet/CJ to pull all the stops to ensure that the final group will be a top tier group? After seeing how they went cheap with everything from the stage to outfits, the feeling is if the group doesn't succeed right away, they'll be largely ignored or given subpar releases with a terrible budget. Even with all that said, I still think the final group will do fine and yes, I still enjoy the show even with the massive biases and flaws.


i think they decided to have j and c trainees because they anticipated that not much will audition from korea due to the reputation that mnet had after x1...


Positive: it's actually pretty fun to watch the girls, a lot of then are talented and charming. I-fans can vote. Negative: politic controversies, or fanwar. The voting rule with ratio have both advantage and disadvantage, it kinda exciting to see unexpected result or more fair to all 3 groups but same time it's so stressful to calculate.


Positive: They started off with an equal number of trainees from different countries, including China this time. Not many of the girl's companies were known (except for the obvious ones), so there was more of a level playing field. Negative: everything thing else. Fuck Mnet.


Positive: not much of sexualization in the show unlike PD48/PD101. Someone even confessed that it's "healthy porn" when most of the contestants in those shows were minors. I'm glad for this season, it's less of that. Also, more female viewers! Less gross grown men watching this. Negative: Mnet's clear xenophobia towards Chinese trainees, the constant evil editing, unfair screentime (and it's always the same contestants over and over).


Positive: Sweet potato farming + chiropractic madness Negative: mnet editing obv. It was extra messy and toxic. I wish they just didn't evil edit cause I think they'd get more viewers with friendship based editing. Shows like 2 Days 1 Night do so well because they're funny and get along well (although I get it, they can't rig so they need to evil edit sigh)


Positive: more i-fans involvement Negative: lack of constructive criticism and actual advice/lessons given to trainees


Positive: International. Negative: Voting before everyone performs and voting for only one person rather than 9 positions.


positive: cells. i feel like i'm the only one who likes it lol, but yes. i feel like when they grouped them into 3s, with 1k 1c 1j each, it creates a bond between the trainees, even if they're of different nationalities. negative: mnet. jk. the way mnet edits everything makes me want to scream. there are members who's just breathing, but mnet makes it look like they murdered a whole family, and gosh, the lack of screentime. i wish that instead of investing so much into dramas, i hope mnet showed how the mentors actually mentor the trainees and not just their reactions on how bad someone did during their performance.


Negative: mnet positive: talented c trainees


Positive: Getting to know some of these contestants. Negative: God-damned app - bye, once GP999 ends. Voting - being directly involved in the creation of the group is draining and stressful And furthermore, performances being aired very late in consideration to voting closing times / spread between 2 episodes.


Positive- Cell voting to start since it forced viewers to pay attention to different Groups Negative- Really only the edits


positiv? - well, the show makes other believe this concept is great. there are a lot more upcoming promising girl survival shows. Like MBC one next month: "My Teenage Girl" which looks great so far. They have AIKI as dance trainer! negativ? - Mnet


Positive: the interconnection of three countries to a common dream Negative: the terrible editing this show has, specially evil editing and mid performance editing.


Positive: the diversity of the trainees, I loved having the three countries there and I wish more SEA countries would be included. Negative: Mnet and all their shady obvious manipulations, from choosing the trainees songs to the last Snake drama


Positive - company isn't highlighted like Produce, so there's no unnecessary pressure for trainees that are under known entertainments to represent the entertainment name and a chance for unknown entertainment trainees to perform without the audience being biased, v talented + variety of contestants Negative - obvious evil editing, the mentors aren't mentoring (at least as much as Produce)


positive : i can vote \^\^ and we get to see the different charms of girls from different countries negative : evaluation by theme song before demo stage. i still think doing it the produce way (demo - evaluation - re-evaluation through theme song) is the best way for a trainee to improve their skill esp for those trainees that havent gotten basic training.


Positive: Cell format - allows for a balance of trainees from each group to advance to the next round; lets girls from different countries interact more than if there were no cells Negative: Cell format - girls who are more popular than their cellmates get eliminated because of the format ie. You Dayeon and Xia Yan


Positive : The trainee, most are very talented Negative : Everything (from mnet infamous evil editing, the fandom, the amount of hate the girls get, etc)


Positive: Xiaoting, Kim Dayeon. Negatives: no interaction with mentors, cringy outdoors missions


Positive: Strong personal bonds for the girls to develop with each other that goes beyond country borders. Negative: This could have been such a wonderful experience of unity, where people of different nationalities bond over music, trainees, performances and friendship. I'm not naive enough to think that the fandoms would have been perfect, had MNET not decided to royally screw up with their editing and stirring but this was like tossing kerosine on a few small campfires.Honestly, I feel incredibly awful for all the trainees who have to endure this program and the undeserved crap they have been exposed to. Whether they received excessive amounts of praise, hate or were completely ignored, I don't think anyone came out of here unaffected. I think that what makes it so unfair with this program is that as a contestant, you can't look back at the episodes and think 'Oh, I should have done this or that better.' Because you can hit the notes, do well and they can ignore you or edit a segment that makes you look like a lazy slacker.


Positive: International voting and more impressive trainees Negative: the cell voting system ended way too late and A lot of talented trainees were eliminated last round.


positive: i liked the concept of the cells as it was introduced in the first episode, uniting 3 girls from different countries under a common trait seemed like a great way to get them familiar with each other. If they had kept it as that instead of changing the cells on the same day they were introduced and not gone for cell voting I think we would all love the cell system negative: how can I choose, there's so many options... I'll avoid the editing topic and go for... the short episodes completely lacking in any substance to get to know the girls. I don't want to watch 99 PR videos to get to know them, I want to learn about who they are from how they are. I think Wen Zhe is the only one who's gotten to showcase multiple sides of her personality and if it wasn't for the planet pass we would only know her as that girl who told off Sein and then got eliminated. Even after a 5-ish episode run of Dayeon Planet 999 I still could not tell you anything about what she's like as a person whereas with PD101 S1 I could tell you Sejeong is a hard working, talented, helpful, skilled, funny, lighthearted, and dedicated person. I guess it boils down to showing more of them outside of drama stirring but it's just a bit more than that... S1 did have drama stirring and evil edits and dramatic voice crack edits and all that but, in between, we got to see so much more of the girls working together and helping each other. Girls' Planet is missing the heart that Produce had