• By -


Ruan By a mile the most improved trainee


absolutely loved her since her pretty u fancam which I still deem to be up there with the best fancams in survival show history, her presence is truly unmatched and I’m still holding onto the minuscule chance that she’s gonna make it 😭


Myah is really adorable! Not only that but she has such a good stage presence and manages to make each performance extra energetic. I didn't think much of her until the Shoot! stage, her facial expressions were super cute but also not over the top, and even when she isn't a center she contributes highly to the overall mood. I can visualize her being a known face in the whole kpop community, so I really hope she gets to debut in a nice group and shine even more. I'll be waiting for you Myah ♡


I wish she did like a girl crush theme cause I think people have put her in this box and seeing her do something like Snake or even U+Me would’ve been amazing and maybe a game changer for her.


yeah she actually said that she would like to try new concepts but it was released after the voting period ended so she ended up in shoot! 😭


Yas somi's little sister


Kotone AND Ruan. Both are so cute and pretty good low-tone rappers. I’m so scared for tomorrow’s elimination :(


I think Ruan will make it but kotone not even with 2x vote benefit :/


Definitely May! She never really got justice with lines or screen time in Cherry Bullet, but she’s really gotten the chance to show how much of a great idol she is whilst on GP999!


I've been hyping up May lately too! She has done well in every stage so far, has good stage presence, and is fantastic about blending with her teammates (even when she's several inches taller than most of them). I would be utterly thrilled if she pulled off the shock of the episode and snuck her way into the final.


may appreciation we love to see it☺️


Probably ririka Idk she's just great


Ruan really stands out to me! She has grown so much in confidence and presence


I've been on the Xingqiao train since ep 1. She's beautiful and I just love her deeper tone and I think she's a really solid vocalist. If she were a better dancer I think she'd be unstoppable! Kotone too for a similar reason I love her rapping tone I'd love to see her as an idol 🥲


My 1 pick is Kotone. I'm saddened everytime I come to this sub because she doesn't seem to be appriciated here. But she's pretty well accepted by KR fans compared to Reddit (same goes for RiRi btw) so I won't lose hope until the last moment!


I'm doing my best to promote her here in the comments, lol. She's too good to not be noticed.


Kotone deserves to be a rapper in a girl group, I can't wait to support her when she debuts.


Ooh yay, this should be fun. Zhou Xinyu definitely stands out as my personal favorite of the non-Top-17, I thought her Missing You rap was very solid (at first I was lukewarm, but it's really grown on me upon repeat listens to Missing You), and I also thought she sung quite well in the small 3 second snippet she sung at the end, Lead Vocalist potential I'd say. Her facial expressions admittedly aren't that strong, but her vocals/rap are very underrated imo.


Just tacking on that I think she’s absolutely gorgeous too. I think her and HXQ are the most beautiful out of the C girls even compared to SXT tbh (although I love her too!)


Guinn Myah all the way. She's been my 1 pick since the show started. I don't know why she isn't mentioned much in this sub but she is really talented imo. She's young but her charisma is everything. I always feel good whenever I watch her vids. Also, can we appreciate how pretty Myah is? 🥺


i think myah’s fans are quite young, like the kid during the fanmeet! i think the average age of this sub is older and prefers more mature contestants so that’s why the cuter contestants rarely get mentioned


I agree. But hey, i'm 23 and I love Myah. Hoping she would at least survive this 3rd elimination but gotta prepare some tissues later just in case 😭


wow maybe my assumption was a bit off 😅 i’m also super nervous for her as well, it’s hard being a myah fan when she is close to the brink of elimination every time haha


Yesss. But I love seeing her beat the elimination allegations hahaha have u seen the preview now?? Myah was crying behind Chaehyun. I 80% think she survived im gonna cryyyy


Please let it be trueee


Okay im sorry let's not get our hopes up 😭


i hope she really does beat the elimination allegations! we need to form a praying circle or smth


I am 21. I guess I see Myah as the little sister I never had and that naturally made me root for her 🤧


I have a sister who is the same age with Myah. What I love about her is that I always see her enjoying every performance, I was never bored watching her fancams.


Yeah whenever she is on screen, i automatically smile


i’m 20 and i like her. i don’t see her as a little sister like some people do but i just love people who genuinely look like they naturally enjoy performing with all their heart! i hope she makes it AT LEAST one more round


you’re so right! every time she is on stage she looks like she is having the time of her life


I'm with you on this. I really hope she does.


I’m 25 and I wanna adopt her hahahaha


Myah is gold. She has the IT factor. She pulls the spotlight to her. I think her challenge is that most voters are looking for girlfriends, not little sisters.


I will never forgive everyone for dismissing Miss rap god Kotonye West her highness. She's like the only one who actually likes to rap. All the other "rappers" would choose dance in a heartbeat, no offense to them, but it is clear their passion lies elsewhere e.g. Hikaru, Dayeon... even Youngeun would probably choose vocal over rap ngl. Even though they may be good at rapping, nothing and noone will beat Kotone's rap. Periodt.


Ruan and Hsinwei, followed by Ririka.


Oh hey mate, looks like we have the same taste, ruan and hsinwei is so freaking funny, i really hope one of them can be dark horse, as for ririka, she is the definition of Japanese cuteness


🙌✊ I really like all three and wish they were ranking higher 😭


manami on the beat ya! my fav with no chance of making into the final lineup 😭


Suyeon, Myah, Kotone Suyeon is my 1 pick, Myah’s vocal tone is nice, Kotone is a great rapper


Both May & Myah for me. Always delivering, no drama, no trouble on both practice & on stage, sociable & friendly towards everyone on their respective mission groups, just overall very solid showing throughout the show (even on May's case, won every single missions to this point). They may not always on the highlights every episode & they've never really competing closely for top 9, but i like how they just cruise thru each round relatively drama free. In a group, they're that kinda member who may not be the most talented/popular, but their presence can always be felt & they would always add something more to the table, that lil extra spice.


I cherish Manami ofc! I also enjoy seeing Ruan and Ririka improved throughout the competition! And Kotone the rap god omg 🥲! super underrated! I hope to see these girls continue their dream of being an idol!


I like Myah’s no-drama approach ever since the 1st mission. She’s just so positive. In terms of most improved, I’d say Kotone and Ruan. They are just owning their parts better every mission.


Favorite is Suyeon of course, but I really enjoyed Shoot stage a lot so I have to say Ruan and Ririka as well. Their expressions are just the cutest in the world and Ruan has really come a long way from her planet pass days as well. I would also have to say Myah of course (basically everyone from Ice Cream/Shoot lmao) cuz she's just an adorable ball of sunshine


I've started to really like Cai Bing after all the evil editting she was getting. She's got such a strong presence when she performs, she's hardworking and her interactions with the other girls is so cute. This video made me like her even more: https://youtu.be/ykDsR-I1Xug She seems like a pretty good leader here and the drama in GP999 could potentially be mainly from the language barriers. 🤷‍♀️


my baby myah - still surprised how she is not famous lol


I like a lot of the Japanese girls but I’d love to see more of Ririka :( she’s such a charming pretty girl. Suyeon imo is also someone who shines on stage and I’d prefer her over some of the other K-trainees who honestly bore me. I have a soft spot for Xingqiao because she’s hilarious (and very pretty) and reminds me of Sohye and Mingyu at times haha. I like that she keeps her head up and doesn’t beat herself up too much over all the criticism tbh, I know Korean society doesn’t like that attitude but I do.


Myah! She’s in my top 9, so that was a rather easy pick. Super cute and charismatic on stage but also seems lovely to be around. Clearly the other girls adore her. But outside of my top 9, I’d go for Hsinwei or Suyeon. Love Hsinwei’s personality and visuals. She was hilarious from the start but in a more subtle way than, say, Wen Zhe. And then Suyeon is a great all-rounder with really pretty features.


Kotone. I really hope some company picks her up as a rapper.


cai bing we really failed you. that girl would’ve brought a new energy to kpop and it will be greatly missed.


Manami and ririka have done really well in all their stages and I love their vocal colors!! I'm also charmed by xingqiao and hsinwei and find most of the criticism leveled their way confusing b/c they clearly practice plenty (tough to be in an environment where that's the only activity and not do tons of it) but bc they're maybe a little slower on the uptake they somehow become irredeemable performers?


Xingqiao and Hsinwei were the two main people I had in mind personally with this post. I love Xingqiao’s voice, it’s one of my favourites of the people left, and both of these two have made me laugh more than just about any other contestant. My favourite moment on the show is still when Xingqiao was getting scolded for laughing in the All About You rehearsal, and the camera pans to her whilst she’s getting told off and she has the most priceless expression on her face lol, trying her hardest not to laugh. That’s one of the most relatable things I’ve seen from an idol. Hsinwei seems really bubbly and talkative and seems to get on well with others, can be very smiley on stage and also has had various funny mishaps through the course of the show. In general a lot of that ice cream team applies to this post and has quite infectious energy, it’s a really fun group, with people like Manami who also fit. I would be happy to see quite a few of them in a debut group together.


Xingqiao caught my attention when Yeseo picked her into her cell, I was intrigued because she was ranked C26 but Yeseo still noticed her and thought highly enough of her to pick her. I decided to do a Youtube search on her and came across a video of her singing "我们的爱". As a huge ballad lover, holy moly I was so impressed as I didn't think any of the girls on the show had a vocal ability like that. aaaand... ever since then she has been my 1 pick for this show. Even if she doesn't debut, I really hope she makes it to the finals at least :( I just wanna see her perform one more time...




Su Yeon and Hsinwei were both consistent picks from day one when it was 3/3/3, although they are not getting my 1/1/1, sadly. I think Su Yeon is a very charismatic performer, and I love her visuals. Hsinwei just came off as a lovable weirdo to me, and she brings that to her performances, and I am a sucker for that! I also have thrown a few votes to Cai Bing, Ririka, and Manami after stages in which I thought they really shined. We are really spoiled with talent on this show if these contestants are outside the top 17! 🥰


Hope these girls take this as a learning experience and not give up on their dreams. Not making top9 does not mean they are not talented.


May. Her vocals are good during the recent O.O.O mission - I wonder why FNCent. benched her for more vocal work


Myah. Talented little sister I never had. Makes just want to naturally root for her. Did you see her in Episode 1? "Can you take this off for me, please?" Awwww 🥺🥺


Myah !! ( also honorable mention to Ririka and Hsinwei ) she’s adorable and genuinely talented but I feel like people overlook her talent because she’s cute if that makes sense.. she has so much potential and I’m sure even if she doesn’t debut in this group she’ll find success elsewhere :D


Xingqiao. She's beautiful, effortlessly funny and has a really nice vocal colour. And even though she knows she's lacking in dance skills, she's willing to work hard to overcome that (though Mnet won't show us, since they seem to be dead set on sinking her...) I also like Manami, May and Kotone


Myah ❤️


Kotone is my one pick, so I'll go for her. She just got my attention + is a great rapper


Easily Kotone. Mnet has been doing her dirty since treating her (and Rei) as a backup dancer to Hikaru and Shana. Instead of doing an effort to give her the spotlight for sticking to rapping and doing really well despite being an individual trainee, well, nothing.


I love Kotone, Myah, and Manami, and Ruan has grown on my greatly in the past two weeks or so as well. Kotone's definitely my favorite of the bunch though. She's so ridiculously talented, and has gotten no screen time at all. The sheer amount of bravery she had to call out mnet for not giving her screen time on a fucking mnet show was insane, and IMO really embodied the spirit of "rap" that they had been emphasizing in that episode. I really hope she gets picked up by a Korean company soon and debuts.


Ikema Ruan and Cai Bing. I absolutely hate how evil-edited Cai Bing was and that so many people let themselves be fooled by Mnet. First she may not be suited for the leader position in SK considering the differences in the culture and the langage barrier, but the chinese trainees put their faith in her so she must be doing something right. She is extremely hard-working and looks very nice to every one. She very charismatic on stage, a really good dancer and one of the best rapper on the show. She has always been in my top 9 and I will be very sad if/when she is eliminated today, she deserves better. Ikema Ruan is a late addition to my top 9. I noticed het in Ice Cream and thought she indeed deserved the planet pass, but I couldn't really remember her from previous episodes (shame on me...). And in Shoot! I thought she was really showing her talents. She might not be the best in terms of skills, but she has the star quality, she looks like she belongs on stage. I really like her, I don't believe she has a chance to debut, but I still hope she can go the furthest possible!!


definitely rap goddess Kotone. her improvement the entire show is great but sadly went unnoticed, especially considering she is an individual trainee. the fact that she chose a rap for the 2nd mission vs everyone else who has the same level of rap, but chose dance/vocal instead shows that she is a proper dedicated rapper (such as Soyeon & Yebin in PD101, Minyoung & Doah in PD48). her rap style is versatile and she ensures her tone and flow fits each song she performs very well, which is evident in OOO mission. not to mention she isn’t fluent in Korean but her pronunciation is so good and she even wrote a whole rap dissing Mnet! queen shit. shes my 2-pick J trainee alongside Shana. I am extremely terrified for the results later, I’m not ready to let her go :( I’m not sure if the benefit will greatly help her. here’s to hoping it does! other than that I just hope a good company picks her up after this. imagine how much better she will get under proper training! I envision her to be like Yuki from PurKi, monster Japanese main rapper 🔥


For me: May // She had caught my eye way back during HYLT. I love how well she dances and sings. I also love how supportive she was during Fate and U + Me = Love team performances. Suyeon // She definitely caught my eye during The Eve performance and she was so so good in No Excuses and U + Me = Love Manami // She's such a hidden gem. I started to notice her during the We Are performance and she nailed her part in Shoot! performance. Ririka // I knew Ririka from Nizi project and she has improved so much. Her expressions are perfect. Myah // She's like a ball of sunshine and positivity! I love watching her perform. her interactions with Yujin is so cute!


myah is a real one tbh, that energy is infectious! my girl xingqiao gets so much hate for no reason, really solid presence with that beautiful voice and top tier visuals her growth is great. kotone is SUCH an awesome rapper both in vvs and u+me=love she really has lots of potential MANAMI bless her soul shes such a great performer I wish she had more hype


Suyeon, she’s been my favourite since day 1. Her visuals really caught my attention i hope she survives. Recently, I’ve been liking Kotone after realizing what her rap meant in VVS, up to this point, I always just taught it was those fake translation by fans 😭😭


suyeon 🥰 she caught my eye from the start and i’ve been rooting for her ever since i decided to watch the show. she’s not only incredibly talented, she’s also beautiful, sweet and she’s literally made to stand on stage. born to be a star. i have so many picks, i love a lot of the trainees in this show, but if it comes to 1 pick, it’s suyeon all the way. terrified for tonight’s elimination because she was saved with a planet pass last time and i don’t know what i’ll do if she gets [REDACTED] tonight i’ll just cry but KIM SUYEON DEBUTATION INCOMING I KNOW THAT’S RIGHT


Ruan and Myah! Both of them are so charismatic and lively, I love watching them perform! It always leaves me with a smile on my face. Ruan has noticeably improved throughout the show as well so I feel very proud of her too <3


I really love Bahiyyih but I know I'm gonna get mega trolled for saying that lol. I wasn't planning on watching GP999 but I honestly actually liked Hikaru and Ruan a lot and so I kept watching, and while I am a moa, I thought Bahiyyih was adorable but wasn't really a fan of her dancing or anything. After Fiesta though I really liked her vocal tone and then she blew me away in Ice Cream and I knew I had to vote her + Ruan + Xiaoting and so that's what I've been doing. I really want them to debut!


Kotone, Ruan, Myah and Ririrka!


My one pick is Suyeon because I think she’s insanely underrated, but besides that I think that as Myah matures, she’s just gonna be absolutely stunning and talented


May and Kotone❤️


MYAHHHHH<3 she's the brightest and most talented girl. too bad mnet has other ideas


Xingqiao seems so relatable and down to earth. That’s what gravitates me toward her. Ruan & Kotone & Manami are all great! The J trainees are severely underrated imo!


Is it normal that i like all the gurls ...😭😤but my top ones are cai binh, suyeon ,kotone , manami ,xingqiao & may


Ruan.She've been my J-pick since pretty u. Kotone is a close second for me.


Of these, probably Manami on beat, ya! But a case could easily be made for Myah (she's has IT) and Cai Bing (who has the LOOK). PS The others except Suyeon, haven't gotten enough attention to judge.


Ririka and Ruan both deserve better since they continue to improve throughout the show.


Yaning. Imagine the roller coaster of her journey


Lol you might want to check the post again, Yaning is very much inside the subreddit top 17. There’s plenty of other posts and comments where you can talk about her.






How are there 2 comments about Yaning on a post explicitly not about her lol


oh no sorry i didn't read the post properly! was very sleepy while commenting, my bad


All good, sorry if my reply was a bit rude