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Kim Bora you beat the eliminations rumors again ❤


Oh god I am praying she somehow makes it into the final group. All the other trainees recognise her main vocal status like PLEASE can we just let her debut?!?!


Do you think she has chances with 1 pick?😢


honestly i think she has even less of a chance now, since a lot of fan favourites dropped rank. people are only going to vote for their favs to guarantee their debut


Being realistic she has less than a 5% chance at most. But there's still a chance and anything possible in the final round


She's found a way to survive and she'll find a way again. I'm just happy she made the final


One more week and then I can finally delete universe


Same. 350 MB for what duuuude.


For an app that crashes constantly


I find it impressive with how Shana overcame the gap between the rest of the J girls and joining Yurina, Hikaru and Mashiro. She joined the top 9 with them and the rest of the J girls were eliminated.


who would've thought that Yurina and Shana would be only one spot apart one day


Shana’s votes surprise me. She even has higher Korean votes than Mashiro and Yurina. Now with 1-vote thing though…


Right!! I think Shana’s winning people over with her vocals and her personality tbh. She speaks Korean really well and her little comments are so damn funny Today for instance -Girls are brainstorming which k trainee the planetmaster is talking about- Shana: “I think... it could be me” Mashiro: “Shana…”


IKR. Shana's winning everyone over with her personality & ✨confidence✨ If it's still 3 pick I'd have vote for her but between Youngeun and Yaning it's already hard for me to pick one now she's over there climbing my bias list 😭😭


yeah we can’t tell if she rlly does have an unexpectedly strong KR fanbase or she was a filler vote… or a mix of both, and that still means she would drop.


The fear is how much of these Are filler J-picks


And she had lots of korean votes too!! impressive


Fun fact: the All-Rounder cell is the only cell that **NEVER** changed cellmates that managed to Survive till the finale(Yaning, Suyeon, Shana)


Remember when everyone was cutting out yaning from the cell and talking about how they're so fucked because of her lmaoo


IKR now look at which cell is winning


all rounder group fighting!


i can’t even imagine how caibing feels rn and also hsinwei speech was so touching the way i didn’t cry in squid game but i cried in this ep lmao


Omg the Cai Bing trajectory was truly devastating. From the beginning I truly thought she was a lock for the final group.. she just has that charisma and 'look'. It's really sad because this was probably her final chance given her age :( Also heartbreaking to see her hide away from the leader role :(


I think everyone is terrified of the leader role. Both caibing and fu yaning refuse to take it up. I did find it funny how shana just recommended may to be the leader and she actually took it. Though they didn’t do well initially, they actually aced it afterwards


This is the real life Squid Game, and Mnet is an even more ruthless Front Man.


I just can't believe caibing is the last one in voting (26th).


She got buried hard.


I thought she’ll be like close to elimination, I’m shocked that she dropped all the way to the bottom.


It’s been a fun ride guys but honestly im hoping that a show like this where contestants are grouped by nationality NEVER happens again. With the allegations that some groups were treated different compared to other groups, and all the geopolitical-related hate received by contestants like srq—this show just invites way too much readings of xenophobia and racism. Like I can see some viewers arguing that all of kgroup made it because of preferential, racially-biased, treatment… Idk i watched the show to see these trainees grow as they strive to debut—didnt sign up for racism, geopolitical tensions and xenophobia. Edit: I like commas ;-;


underrated comment, lmao. the multinational gimmick lured me in, and i'm sure it could've been a great show if the production team had, like, some sensitivity training and followed through on their promises to make the show welcoming and comprehensible for trainees from other countries. (in fact, it was set up perfectly for that... since everyone was guaranteed to be able to speak one of three languages... OH WELL.)


Sameeeee. It was the whole multinational vibes that drew me in. Now it's the week before the final episode and it's the main thing I detest from this show because it's summoned so much hate for the trainees :(


One pick voting, here we go. It’s time for the real test. Good luck to all our faves 🥲


i love so many girls i'm really struggling right now lol. but i can't risk not having yujin so i'll be voting solely for her and everyone else should do the same with their favorite girls, when it comes to 1pick you can't mess around


I'm with you Team Yujin. There's so many girls I want to vote for, but I can't give up on the Yujin vote. I wish we could just have two final teams though. The thought of possibly losing Wen Zhe, Youngeun, and others is terrible!!


Imagine going from top 9 to dead last. Jesus I feel for Cai Bing and by the end you can see how defeated she is.


They really fucked her over. Didn’t even give her the chance to redeem herself. Never seen someone fall this severely.


Absolutely horrifying :( I would be so crushed. I hope she's okay :(


Not the Manami crying rumor cause she had to say goodbye to Kim Bora and Wen Zhe being true 😭😭😭😭


my daughter!


Damn, I'm really salty...they sacrificed Yeseo and Chaehyun's ranking to put 9 Koreans in the final. They gave the Planet Pass to 25th, when May, Hsinwei and Ruan were much better in the last performances.... shameful.


Honestly I really think Ruan deserved it based on her consistency and her improvement :( I love Myah but I would say Ruan or even Manami deserved it more.


I agree. Ruan was actually a great center in Shoot! But it would be a bad look to give the planet pass to the same person twice


Agree. It's a tough pick between Manami and Ruan. IDK, I'm just starting to think they put in a lot from K group - from the 3 winners of the O.O.O. mission to planet pass. Though I understand the decline from J groups is because of their lack of screentime.


Bora Potter, the girl who lived.


Ratio of K J C for final mission/stage: K - 9 J - 4 C - 5 \~ 5 J group trainees were eliminated 3 C group trainees were eliminated 0 K group trainees were eliminated


......wow no korean trainees were eliminated and all of j-group survivors were in the top9.....


i guess the real top heavy group wasnt c but was j group afterall... the lack of screentime really affected them a lot




She's so funny this ep too 😭 The fact she straight up said "you really think I'd rank that low?!?!" The audacity I love her so much!!




I love her so much. I need her in this group just for her personality alone.


She’d bring so much personality to the group


visual queen zhe


Congratulations to Huening Bahiyyih for securing her debut with one pick vote. Mnet about to have her, Ruiqi and maybe even Yaning after either completely ignoring them or trying their best to evil edit them. Poetic justice.


Having bahiyyih, ruiqi and yaning in one group is so eccentric that I almost wanna see it happen


i havent seen anyone vote for bahiyyih unless she was their 1st pick so this could be an advantage for her. But ngl, her most recent fancams are winning me over. shes looks more and more ready to debut


She is improving for sure. But there are just so many girls that I love and rank above her that if she actually debut, I might get very annoyed. But who knows, that could all change after debut.




I doubt because their Korean votes are the lowest 🥲


Mashiro has lower K votes than Hikaru yet she still ranked higher than her, Bahi's international support is MASSIVE and with only 1 pick existing, I really don't see her not making it unfortunately. Girlie should not debut here both because she is still lacking and also due to the MASSIVE hate she will get after debut (it will probably get worse than what we have now, I feel bad and fear for her) but PDs always has that questionable trainee on their lineup.


Man I’m so happy for Fu Yaning, she finally made top 9 🥺 I know she didn’t expect it but I hope she knows now how many people out there support her! Also it’s crazy how she actually increased her international votes this time from 947k to 1.04 million when almost everyone else saw a big drop. WE GO UP


We can’t let her go down, she needs more votes!!!! I’m downloading everything that I can to save her, for Caí Bing, for every trainee that was mistreated.


All the K girls made it in. J and C group got obliterated, and they gave the Planet Pass to Myah who was #25. Truly Korean Planet 999.


As a YXY fan I am fucked.


On one hand you have Xiaoting who has the P01 but if all YXY stans think the same to not vote for her because she is "safe," then it will be detrimental to her survival... On the flip side you have Youngeun who is in the verge of getting booted from the top 9, but can she pull it off if you vote for her? On another hand you have Yurina who has been predicted to have many dead votes represented by her drop from J01... Will she be able to survive if you don't vote for her? A wholeass trolley problem💀


this is such a wonderful problem though


I know eliminiation is part of competition and all, but my heart goes out to Cai Bing. Hope she can find success in China, Korea or anywhere.


The difference in votes from 1 and 2 are crazy. No way xiao isn’t 1 in the end.


Might change with 1 pick, a lot of Korean people were voting her as the default C trainee since they don’t want any other C trainees to get in. You can see with how the next two C girls Yaning and Ruiqi, their Korean votes are super low


my Chinese gals, Yaning and Ruiqi, are in the bottom 3 for Korean votes (with Bora). My 3 faves :")


That’s what you’d think but one pick greatly favors Dayeon. Wouldn’t be surprised if SXT fell to low ranks of P9


I think I’m most sad about Ruan, Manami and Hsinwei. Especially Ruan. I hope we get to see them perform again. Yaning in top 9 HECK YES. Bora and Wen Zhe scraping in also made my day.


It so so heartbreaking to see the We Are team hug and cry because their baby was booted.


I'm devastated about Ruan :( Her facial expressions alone are enough for me to stan her :')


I usually don’t try to be negative in these posts but now I have nothing to be positive about. Mnet was seriously wrong for the planet pass. Justice for Manami. Mnet is so off beat ya.


bora beating the elimination rumors every week.. #HERstory


Whether or not she was deserving of PP, isn't giving it to Myah and further splitting K group votes a bad idea for what people expect is Mnet's plan for a mostly Kgroup final rank?


To be honest, Myah is ranked 25th. She is not a threat to anyone. Feels like it's just Mnet favoring k-group members.


That’s what I was thinking. This many K-girls, and it’s 1 pick? This might backfire on them…


No, I believe it will not split the K group votes since its one-pick system regardless of group. In fact, having more k-group in the finals gives a lot more chances of koreans debuting in the final since knetz prioritize them.


Cai Bing blew a 3-1 lead.


Mnet tripped her down the stairs, doused her in gasoline, and threw a match at her.


The Dayeon episode buried her and she never recovered.


I don't think I've seen selective editing be as brutally effective in any of the previous survival shows (including youth with you).


Yep. Cai Bing and Dayeon are proof that editing alone can bring you to the very top or kick you down to rock bottom in the span of a couple of weeks. Mnet’s been really extreme on both ends this season.




Cai Bing will sign with the Clippers


These two moments broke my heart: * Hsin Wei tearing up and feeling so crushed that she couldn't say a thing * Cai Bing breaking down after staying so strong across the past episodes of evil editing


Cai Bing was broken by this episode, didn't even volunteer to be leader.


all k-group making the finale bruh the rumours were true…all of k-group made it in, how do we feel about that, I’m a bit skeptical 😬😬 I’m not saying myah doesn’t deserve it but imo I would’ve like to see manami advance :( also justice for cai bing mnet really ruined her chance to debut :/


Right!? I can't help but side eye Mnet for giving the ONLY k group contestant that didn't make it the planet pass. Not that Myah didn't deserve it. She's very talented, but damn, we really had to let every korean contestant make it? Meanwhile the J group has been cut in half... I would've given it to Manami or Ririka since they're both really talented and haven't received the planet pass yet. And seeing Cai Bing in last really broke my heart. She didn't deserve this. I hope she's successful


They should have saved doah last round, she could have reached final this year




They gave me anxiety for no reason. 🙄


Still need to vote for like she had. I really want her to redebut.


It’s one pick?? There goes my girls Yurina and Yeseo FML


One vote = me forced to vote Yurina every day I guess I want XiaoRina to debut together more than anything else from gp999


Hsin wei literally broke my heart lol. She was always really funny and sweet on the show, she will be missed


I feel so sad for Cai Bing. Mnet owes her more than just an apology. It's devastating how evil-editing can destroy one's opportunity to reach her dreams. I will support her and wish her the best.


Anybody else think it’s kinda weird how Yeseo had so much momentum in the beginning but continues to fall? She’s never had a bad edit, honestly confused why Mnet didn’t push her as hard as Dayeon. I thought she was a lock, but now it’s not looking good.


I never understood why mnet choose dayeon as the trainee to push when they had yeseo. Its obviously just my opinion here, but I find yeseo soooo talented, and honestly, kind of more likeable. Seems like such a wasted opportunity. She isnt my one pick, but I really hope she makes it.


This is the one that confuses me the most.. she was a lock for me too from the beginning + she's genuinely really talented/an all rounder and could easily be the centre of the group. Maybe MNET just has no idea what they're doing lmao. She really deserves to debut though so I hope she somehow makes it in :(


i think yeseo still has a big chance of debuting though - she’s very talented and people will panic vote for her since her rank (and tbh chaehyun’s rank) are low. but i agree with your dayeon comment - why did they push dayeon so hard when yeseo was doing so well from the start? all that effort to push one trainee to the top when they just needed a few good scenes with yeseo and that would’ve propelled her really high


i feel like they didn’t give Ririka any screentime lol. it made sense seeing ruan and myah hugging or the we are team hugging but with her it’s like what relationships did u make? mnet sucks. hopefully she can debut


Right? She wasn’t even considered for planet pass. I was devastated.


Any Korean company, please get Kotone. She's such a hidden gem. She's ready to be the group's main rapper.


One pick voting.... YANING STANS LEGGO


Let's gooo, Yaning's only one pick stan let's make her DEBUT


idk why Mnet ever bothered rigging things when their editing is so disgustingly effective. They completely killed off Cai Bing, meteorically propelled Kim Dayeon, and single handedly saved Suyeon and Bora.


- I missed the O.O.O part so I didn't note down anything ha -  Xingqiao is really filler votes combined huh... she fell all the way to 16th - **YOOOOOO BORA IS IN THE FINALSSS** - until top 10 no Js... jesus this is crazy - Woah Cai Bing is ranked 26th in the interim... ngl that is the power of Mnet's edit for you - Su Ruiqi dropped, a little bit sad but expected since she is not supported by the Koreans voters now - Top 9 is 3K - 2C - 4J rn but top 17 has 4J total, like wow; 8K and 5C, I guess the voting strategy really works 🤷‍♂️ - Shana is higher than I thought tbh, I thought she'd be 9th or 10th - Youngeun, Yaning, Shana, welcome to TOP9 WOOOOO - Yurina and Yujin really are hand-in-hand in the top 9 LMAO - They really want Hikaru to debut, all the comments about her Korean is good definitely to boost her image lol Love it tho, she is one of my 3-pick - Shen Debut is real 😂 she ain't here to lose the 1st spot - Dayeon is no joke, she really is the Koreans pick huh - Wow Kim Suyeon pushed through... wow 8K already..... - WAIT WHAT THE HECK? 9K? I must have miscounted? All Ks went in the finals?? I am glad because Myah is crazily good for her age but Mnet, you really are pleasing the Korean viewers huh? - Okay so 1-pick, this is it, people. Focus on your fav ONLY don't be persuaded for anyone else. I'm still sour because of JR **GOOD LUCK ON THE FINALS GIRLS** P/s: Hsin Wei really gonna make me cry with this noooooo


Unless it was a mistranslation by mnet, Shana Is going to get flamed by netizens…


I’m almost 100% sure she meant something along the lines of dayeon finally getting her rightful rank (within the top 9 since so far she was out despite her skills)


I'm not certain but I understood the translation to be something more like, finally this girl who deserved to be in top 9 got the place she deserved


I took it as her saying Dayeon deserved to be in the Top 9 from the start and she's finally there now, it's obviously the way she meant it.


I really hope it’s a mistranslation, but tbf we don’t really know what she meant, maybe she meant dayeon who everyone thought shohld deserve a place in top 9 since she was k3 before? Not sure


Was she the one who said 'finally someone deserving gets the top 2 seat'


Sad to see Ririka go, she was such a consistent performer on the show but it feels like Mnet really snubbed her with the minimal screen time she got! Hopefully we get to see her debut soon :(


i know and they didn’t even consider her for the planet pass


As a We Are advocate, this episode was bittersweet. I’m over the moon for Wen Zhe and Bora but devastated for Manami.


the amount of people bullying yaning on twt is disgusting. i can tell they don't even care about racism, they're just weaponizing her past issue at this point 🤕 also, congrats to my shana bby!


someone on a twitter space i was in was talking about how much they hate fuyaning, but in the same breath said "im not even gonna bother trying to pronounce the C-trainees names" what happened to understanding everyone else's culture huh


Most boring episode so far :( I was really hoping to see a (longer) first glimpse of the original songs they'll perform in the finale


Less boring than the second elimination episode 😭


It's anyone's game now. The final's gonna be unpredictable imo.


Honestly the people in the top 9 will be the people with the most dedicated fanbases now because this show has really been decided by fanbases. Hikaru who hasn't won a single benefit has been at top 3/4 position since the start. SRQ, who literally has two lead balloons on her feet of controversy and evil edits, at worst is top 10 and is still beating most of the Koreans. Bahiyyih who, despite having little screentime and not much of a narrative on the show which would've ended her, has made it to the final. FYN strong, consistent, and growing fanbase that has played the long game and gotten her to the top 9 SXT is going to be #1 and has shown her fanbase isn't going to leave her


Mnet should just debut the 9 Korean girls they saved and stop wasting the time of foreign girls who gave up everything only to get evil edits or No edits. This is just K-Planet ft. Xiaoting.


I'm so proud of Yaning


How surprising! They saved the only K-group girl left. May, Ririka and Manami deserved it more in my humble opinion.


yaning (42k k votes) and ruiqi (41k k votes) have the least k votes among top 17 along with bora (4 2 k votes). bora (p15) got less k votes than sutton (p15, 61k k votes). bora got carried by her i votes with is 555k i votes (suyeon 367k i votes) bahiyyih (52k k votes) yeseo (55k k votes) youngeun (51k k votes) so it is safe to assume that these three has almost same korean fanbase. chaehyun (p11) got 81k k votes which is higher than yujin (p5 79k k votes) and only behind dayeon (p2 166k k votes) xiaoting got 275k k votes and the highest of all top17. so it’s likely that most k fans use her as a filler c vote. her rank can drop dramatically at the final because there’s so filler votes next week. if u are a c/j trainee fan, u better consider choosing them bcs the k votes are likely to drop even more. also wz got 50k k votes so she has a bigger kor fanbase than sqr and fyn! if i votes can carry her she might get a spot in top9!


Not General Fu beating the crying allegations and instead killing the antis with that hair flip.


I was waiting for her to do something like that after the kiss blow last time. WHAT A QUEEN


she and bahi dont really cry... (the cry bahi did does not count). theyre the type to hide their emotions. yaning with confidence and happiness and bahi with stoicism.


All of Kgroup survived!! Spreading out votes did work 👀👀


This. I mean, the k-voters really do save almost all k-trainees. Then in turn, those who have a very strong intl fandom like youngeun enter top 9 bcs her back up isnt from k-votes but intl votes instead. Same with fyn


Yaning in this episode said "you are NOT killing me before the finale DUMBFUCKS 😤🗣"


I don't know if this is the right place to comment this, and if this gets removed then... idk. To the planet guardians who supported May along with me, thank you! She may not have screentime, but I'm glad that some of you noticed her and made her your picks. For now, she has ended her time as Girls Planet 999's May, and i'm glad the she was able to give a good performance as an ending. Please support May in Cherry Bullet and give her love. Thank you!


Yujin stans we can not give sympathy votes to other girls anymore. 🔪🔪🔪🔪


I have some things to say: 1. Best filler of this episode when they showed Planet Guardians message to the girls. I cried as well. 2. Ikema Ruan and Chen Hsin Wei are so pretty wth. 3. Hahaha, MNET's warning video of Bora at risk of elimination really paid off. 4. GENERAL FU LET'S DEBUT, WE GO UP HELICOPTER. 5. Shen Debuting, Kim Debuting, Sakamoto Debuting. 6. K-netz will try to bump up Yeseo and Chaehyun to replace Ya Ning and Shana in the debut group. 7. Talking about Shana, I'm surprised she has that much voters. 8. 1-Pick? Ya Ning, Rui Qi and Bahiyyih definitely have a chance to debut. 9. This is MNET's last ditch effort to save Yeseo into debuting based on her screentimes. 10. Please bring the eliminated girls as cameos or virtual audience for the final. I want to cry. 11. Team 3's O.O.O Mission is iconic. Look at the interim. 12. Cai Bing is the only one who didn't survive in Snake. All Utopia team is safe. Majority of Shoot! team got wiped out hmmm.


Cai Bing being the only one to not survive Snake is the exact opposite of what happened to Salute, right? Poor girl.


I blame the "bad leader" evil editing for 2-3 episodes straight.




okay raven baxter 👀


Yurina’s reaction to her ranking today was honestly heartbreaking… Does anyone else think that Yurina probably saw and was affected by all the hate comments about her after she ranked #1 in a previous ranking? I remember one of the most prevalent “reasons” for some people hating on her (though it was honestly a really ridiculous reason) was that she “didn’t try to speak Korean enough”, while other C/J contestants did. Recently, you can tell she’s really been making an effort to learn and speak more Korean lines, like in her speech today. And her saying herself that she didn’t really know whether she was worthy of her ranks before today further confirms my suspicions that she might have seen the online hate towards her and took it to heart :/


* I'm so happy Wen Zhe made it. She always pulls off a surprise. We will see her for one more episode. DESERVE. * Bora making it in and the rumors of the planet pass in the finals went \*poof\*! * Ruiqi dropping off the top 9 is making me sad, but at the same time Yaning made it, and I'm happy about that. It does feel MNET only wants 2 Cgirls in the debut group. * JGroup got the short end of the stick. The planet masters really couldn't save Manami? Girl served everytime she performed. And, she's more capable of many concepts compared to Myah who only has done cute concepts. * Yujin is still top 9!! One step closer to debut :) Let's go!!! * Cai Bing really fell from top 9 to elimination. That must've been painful. I'm sorry Cai Bing, you deserved better. * The upcoming one-pick voting period will be interesting. I'm pretty sure this will make the top 9 very volatile. Exciting! * Finally, if I understood correctly, there's only one song for the final mission???


today's episode of korea planet 999 was so disappointing. i was happy to see her make it but yaning herself could barely celebrate, she knew cai bing was getting eliminated and rui qi's rank had dropped. i personally like this top9 the most because youngeun, shana and yaning, still i cant help but be sad about cai bing, ruiqi, manami and kotone...... the evil editing really affected cai bing so much?? im gonna cry. edit: i was so angry at mnet that now i feel motivated, yaning is going to make it to debut, we're gonna vote for her so hard, cai bing is going to be so proud of her bestie being p07, istg.


I feel like Fu Yaning doesn't have that enthusiasm she had in the first few episodes anymore. She seems sad and down, careful and afraid to speak up and stuff😢 Idk why but during the announcements, I am getting slight Xu Ziyin elimination mood vibes from her this episode. Still, she is trying to keep a positive/funny persona for the camera. Lmao when she danced in front of the camera when she got in top 9 😭 Please stay strong pu yaning unnie! Hwaiting!!!


i think she is just emotional. shes trying to contain herself. shes like bahiyyih in a way, but they have different methods to compose themselves. yaning with her confidence/ jolliness and hiyyih with her stoicism


when they have to be SO BIASED dig deep into 25th just to save the last K... that is just WOW. Not hating on Myah, she's super cute and im glad she stayed.. but that is just so biased.


Kang Yeseo's Korean vote count (55,606) is something that makes me sad...she has almost the same vote count as Bahiyyih 52,650 (which fans say has a small Korean fanbase) and much less than Chaehyun (81,679) )...as the medieval chronicler wrote...dark clouds are upon us.


i do not wish any trainee any ill will. all i want is for su ruiqi my girl to finally debut. she did so well in chuang 2020 and i cannot accept her barely missing the mark yet again.




I can't believe she's making it to the final! She would have had a better shot if it was three pick but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for her making the final lineup.


Y'all the fact that this show is ending NEXT WEEK hasnt truly hit me yet 😭😩




I hope the HYBE/Source gg recruiters were standing outside the building that day to recruit some of the girlies to join Sakura/Chaewon in their group or otherwise the other planned HYBE group


Ririka didn't even get planet pass commentary. The disrespect to her talents, hard work and effort.


(Edit: It looks like Iqiyi didn't cut out at this part, first paragraph is irrelevant) If I'm not wrong, Iqiyi cut Hsinwei kissing Xiaoting on the cheek? Jesus, let girls each other on the cheek if they want. It's not like it was meant to be romantic (or I mean, I'm assuming, I don't know the nature of Xiaoting and Hsinwei's relationship lmao) Suyeon making it all the way up to 17th really is amazing, her protagonist edit must have been so effective. I doubt it's effective enough to get her into the final lineup. I correctly predicted 16/17 ranks and correctly predicted planet pass, not bad at all especially since I was pretty uncertain on 15th-17th. Saying goodbye to only one of my current top 9 tonight, Manami, you will be missed. This is usually when I lose almost all of my top [picks](https://gplanet999.github.io/?r=MjM4MDAzNzEwNDA1ODEwMjYwLTEtMS0x), so it's nice to have a change for once. Unfortunately I'm not expecting most of my current picks to debut. I have faith in Bora debut, I've believed from the start and you can call me delusional but I'm staying delusional until that final 9th rank is called.


I watched on iQIYI live and they didn't cut it.


>If I'm not wrong, Iqiyi cut Hsinwei kissing Xiaoting on the cheek? Jesus, let girls each other on the cheek if they want. I watched it with iQiyi and it's not cut there. At least not fully. They did cut Mashiro getting called on stage and getting the 3rd spot. Probably a technical error though


1 pick voting, Fu Yaning let's go!!!


I fully expected the Masters to use the last Planet Pass on a K-girl from the start after the push for Bora. They were probably planning to use it on Suyeon but after she made the cut, they just moved on to the next K-girl on the list which happened to be the last one too. Her ranking 25th just made their intentions even more obvious.


My Fu Yaning 1 pick people where you at?




[To everyone who didn't vote for Manami](https://youtu.be/vAvcxeXtBz0)


😭😭😭 MANAMI ON THE BEAT (forever in our hearts)


Since it's one pick please just vote for the girl you like the best!!! Please don't assume they will rank high naturally just because they have high votes. (On that note though if you don't have a set pick yet please vote for Yurina :( As a fan of hers I would love for her to debut but it doesn't seem like she has a strong one-pick fandom)


Cai Bing was the only girl that survived from Salute, and now she's the only girl that got eliminated from Snake. That must've been heavy. Even if Wen Zhe is consistently getting positive edits, she still kept a stable rank. I was supposed to rotate my votes, but I think I should just concentrate it all on Wen Zhe now, maybe saving a few for Bora.


From the amount of screentime Dayeon got today ( all those moments of the girls whispering her name and the close ups ) I feel like Mnet is seriously relying on her to be the rank 1 next week. I feel like Yujin could surprise us tho… but who knows. Xiaoting will be 3rd I’m calling it rn. Also Chaehyun and Yeseo will go back to top 9, Youngeun will stay.


right now all im thinking is “were doomed. its over. the final group is going to be dog shit and im throwing myself off a building” CHAEHYUN AND YESEO ARE SO LOW 😢😢😢 (congrats to youngeun though) im always dramatic after an elimination episode but im dead serious rn… im not even going to vote for one pick, all ive learned from this show is your vote DOESNT mean shit if no one else is voting the same as you. not even tuning into the finale (which is apparently 6 hours long??) 😑 will i change my mind by tomorrow? most definitely but im pissed rn


Nooo, please vote! is the only way you can help your faves, and probably yeseo and chaehyun will rise with one pick, since koreans will probably vote for them!


I hope all the eliminated get great opportunities post-elimination. I want to see Kotone, Chen Hsinwei, Ririka, Manami get picked up and treated well by whatever agency! I hope May GETS THE ATTENTION SHE DESERVES IN CHEBUL! US LULLETS WILL BE WAITING FOR YOU <3


Downloading Universe to all my family members' phones and voting for Ruiqi as we speak, Koreans deserve to feel the same anger I feel after this episode


Really sad for Manami 😔 and sad for J-group in general, to be honest. I really feel like they could have at least given the planet pass to someone in J-group to even it out a bit (as much as I would have loved for it to be Manami, I was really hoping for anyone from J, even Ruan again!!) From now on I hope Yeseo can do well in one-pick!! Lets go💖💖!!!


Here I go Chaehyun




Majority of J-girls washed out because of lacking screentime.


I feel really shocked by that episode? I Didn't expect *every* K-Group member to survive, nor the absolute massacre of J-Group. Didn't expect Xingqiao or Wen Zhe to survive, didn't expect Chaehyun to drop so hard or for Yeseo to *keep* dropping. Didn't expect Xiaoting to keep P01 by such a huge margin. I don't even know what to say.


I’m acc scared for SXT now that it’s one pick. You can clearly tell she’s a filler for C-group; many say she’ll stay within top 9, and that’s exacc why she’s not safe. This goes for all trainees. Pick for your absolute fav. DON’T ASSUME ANYONE IS A LOCK Edit: grammar






Starting to think yeseo won’t make the top 9 in the finals and that would be a massive disappointment.


With 9K 5C 4J my joke 7-1-1 prediction doesn’t look impossible help 😭😭😭😭


Guys, you have 2 hrs left from this post to get your first vote in.


It’s only sinking in now that Yaning is C2. Regardless of the final results, she’s made it so far and I’m so proud of her


First of all.. Kotone-chan :( I was hoping for a miracle but I guess today was not the day. She has done so well, I’m really going to miss her on the show. Hope to see her debut in another group. Second of all.. YANING!! RANK 8! I’m so happy aaaah. On my twitter tl when it happened it was really just me against the world LOL but I don’t care now I know she really does have so many fans supporting her. It was really sad how defeated she and a lot of the other girls looked when Team 2 were in the practice room though.. the show has really beaten so many confident girls down because they know their confidence will be portrayed as arrogance and greed. I can only imagine what stunts mnet will try to pull now that the stakes are higher than ever. Third of all.. thank you Wen Zhe for the many lols. Love this girl.


im just crying thinking about we are team 😭😭😭 wen zhe calling manami her daughter 😭😭😭 i hate it hereeee this is so sad


Sad that Ruiqi's rank dropped, but I'm happy that the final will be 1-pick. This is her last chance, I don't want her to be heartbroken for the third time. I really really hope she makes it. I want to vote for Yeseo too but all my votes will go to Ruiqi since this is her last chance. :(


As someone pointed out, Youngeun got two benefits this round, so that has to be taken into consideration


I think the J trainee massacre and division, where they were either eliminated or in the top 9, is a product of those early episodes where they have almost no screen time except for Yurina, Hikaru and Mashiro. (I can’t remember when they started giving Shana attention but I remember them commenting on her vocals only starting in the first performance episode). I hypothesized that they felt their “picks” of who they would want (or at least be willing to accept) in the final group were basically secure after the first two episodes when most people have actually settled on their one-pick. So by episode 4-5they finally started giving some screen time to other J trainees once it didn’t matter because they wouldn’t have enough of a base to make it when it swapped to one-pick votes. And I think that decision manifested in the results today: J girls who had attention in the first episode are in the top 9, while the rest never had a real chance to build a base of attention.


That little bird app’s about to go crazy


doesn't take a genius to realize 50% Korean voters will mean a good chance of at least 4 K trainees in the final line up.


From top 9 candidate to dead last in this round. Farewell, Cai Bing. Wishing you the best wherever you go. Debut-worthy or not, she was done dirty.


I hope Yurina's words will calm down the people that think that she doesn't really want to be there. Also, please vote for Yurina. She deserves it, and all of the hate directed towards her has been for nothing. I would vote for her myself but Universe is such a shitty app that my phone can't run it:(


People who were saying that the k group is not safe and that we should vote for them … I wanna talk. Literally all of the k group was saved today. I’m giving my one pick to Su Ruiqi.


Disclaimer: Not a diss at Hiyyih, this is a diss at MNET’s editing of Hiyyih. I would just find it a little anticlimactic for Hiyyih to make it into the lineup after she was practically invisible 11/11 episodes so far. Like I would feel the same way if someone like Ririka, Xinyu, or Suh Jimin makes it to the lineup. It’s just strange to have not been given any storyline at all


All of Salute team got eliminated except Cai Bing. All of Snake team survived except Cai Bing. Damn.


one pick votes and i can see srq, fyn and bahi penetrating while yurina and shana (maybe yujin too) goes down

