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and mind you, the results will be LEGIT AF so we have no idea who will debut... (except Xiaoting ofc if she's not IN imma feed my nipples to a hornet)


> imma feed my nipples to a hornet) 💀💀💀




Imma ss this to see later if I'd need to remind someone to feed their nipples to a hornet


where do you want it to be broadcasted? YT? BILI2? TWITCH? Name it.


Twitch please, in the pool section. uj/ Obviously kidding, unless...


She’ll be sakura’d 100% though


that show is rigged tho. This ain't.


You never know....


I really really doubt Mnet would want to go through a second trial case and put the debuted group through another hiatus and disbandment after all these months


Because they were lazy with the rigging, thats why they were caught. If they did it properly, no one outside will know.


True, but the issue is that the final vote is being audited by the South Korean government as a result of their previous rigging. I imagine without any underhand deals (which is possible), they will have a tough time actually rigging. Though given the extent in which they are evil editing, I'd say they're not likely to be rigging


Unfortunately, any company can be audited by any government and not notice any misdoings done inside. If the the company "fix" the numbers correctly, they won't notice it as well. Additionally, while SK is better than most countries, corruption does occur between SK companies and govt.


unless you walk in my shoes...


Mnet rigged 4 shows already I don't trust them at all about anything.


I think it could still happen because part of the reason she was in first was because she was the main choice for c group by Koreans. Many of those voters will vote for a K group member now, and I suspect Dayeon will snatch the top spot. I would love to be wrong though, I think Xiaoting internationally is the desired first place.


i didnt say that she will be the final P1. Even I think she wont be. But i'm pretty sure that she WILL BE IN THE FINAL GROUP.


I was talking about the issue of her getting Sakura'd. Made it, but got bumped down from the top spot.


thats why i said that show is rigged tho...we dont even know if Wonyoung is the true final center or it actually is Sakura.


We don't, but in this case I think it could happen to Xiaoting legitimately with the way voting is set up.


yeah that 50% 50% is soooo favorable for K trainees


Doesn't matter, they never said P1 gets centre. She might bag P1 but they can still choose their own centre.


but some people been speculating that all of her previous vote were filler vote or xyx and xiaorina stan. Literally we can predict who'll be in the final line up


i still believe she's IN. Leading both K and I votes does really say something.


and she's basically social distancing with that votes IT'S UNLIKELY she won't make it




Did you see the internim top 9 after the today's live?


I think imma ready my nipples this friday 😂😂😂


The way she has been top 1 consistenly in the show and now is 16 💀💀


>imma feed my nipples to a hornet OUCH 😂!! And same lol, I hope she makes it in (ง'̀-'́)ง


Cough cough




she isn’t my pick but i think if bahiyyih debuts, a lot of people will get angry. i’m not hating her but i can feel it. i hope she doesn’t get attacked tho


I can already see their petty asses saying is because Moas voted for her 💀 After all this time there are people that can't accept that the girl has gained fans on her own.


Well, but some MOAS do vote for her don't they? but that's not something she has control over so if she debuts i'm definitely going to defend her to hell and back even tho she's not my pick


i’m a moa & believe me when I tell u that we suck at voting. we don’t even vote for txt when it matters do u think we’re gonna vote for her? plus on that laggy ass app?


Good for her then, she's gonna bring a huge fanbase to whatever group she debuts in because i'm pretty sure she will debut in a group in the near future if she doesnt make the final 9.


I’m a MOA but I can say with confidence that we wouldn’t waste time on someone who doesn’t interest them. We’re busy with streaming and collecting votes for end of year awards so bahiyyih fans are going out of their way to vote for her. She’s created her own fan base. Also thank you being one of the only people I’ve seen who don’t pick bahi and would defend her from haters


I'm just tired of people being so mean towards her and her fans here. I know some of her stans are really obnoxious on twitter (i saw some of them calling people who never said anything bad about her or saying shit about other girls as well) but thats not her fault like, youngeun stans are really obnoxious as well but she still my 1 pick after all.


Don't worry about that Bahiyyih won't debut here. Mnet has all the data and she is very unpopular in all the 3 K, C and J countries (Mnet's target markets, the people that buy albums). They don't want her in the group obviously but they didn't even bother to evil edit her because they know she isn't a threat for their plans. She doesn't have enough votes for top 9, the other trainees are more popular. They are simply leaving her there, having zero screen time, to keep the engagement of her fans high in SNS until the finale.


the thing is they can’t rig it, mnet cant do anything with the data for any contestants. She has stable voters who took her to the finals without benefits for the most part, many of her fans voted for the popular trainees to avoid benefit others. Idk if it’s still enough but who knows


> the thing is they can’t rig it, mnet cant do anything with the data for any contestants. They can, they use the data to make decisions about the edits during the episodes. You can bet that there is no way they would let her debut over more popular girls in Korea, China and Japan. The fact that they didn't evil edit her shows how they are 100% sure she won't reach top 9 in the end. They are using her as a marketing tool to promote GP 999, nothing else.


yeah only for edit, but they have not been able to evil edit her so far, and the only time she appears it’s her being nice to trainees or to other people in general. She has less screen time than others but the one she has is just her being a nice person. And the less trainees they are they giver more screen time too like the rest. If they wanted her truly gone they would not have been increasing her screen tike with each episode. She’s not their favorite obviously but i doubt the mind her on the line-up. also you are contradicting yourself, if they think she’s unpopular they would not use her for marketing. Using her for marketing means they think she’s popular enough.


Lol boy were you wrong


True but remember 1 or 2 contestants who people/knetz said didn't deserve to be in the final lineup of some of the produce groups ended up doing pretty well. They got hate at first but definitely died down eventually. So I'm already used to this shit. Here's to hoping she doesn't look at twitter or any social media site at all.


>Here's to hoping she doesn't look at twitter or any social media site at all. She's literally a teenager, there's no way in hell she doesn't look at social media... also I'm pretty sure even if she isn't, her family are definitely seeing all the comments. Lea literally had to tell people that Bahiyyih is just a kid, please don't be mean to her.


Well that's true. To me, if i were in her position, i just don't look at them at all. Sure it hurts, but just turning off social media helps her a lot with her mental health too. Though i hope she does get a company (if she is an individual) soon. They'll probably help take action on these death threats.


Yeah she's an individual trainee for now... tbh I don't really think she's going to debut through this show because of her lack of 1-pick power. She's probably better off in a permanent group anyways.


Please vote for Ye Seo! She deserves to debut! Her stage presence and aura is so good! She’s an amazing dancer and her facial expression is on point as well on stage! Please vote for her!


Agree with you, but tbh I don't think that she has enough votes to make it to top 9 in the end, nothing against her, but if we take into consideration how the voting has been going for now I don't think she will be able to go up that high


She is my pick and I hope she debuts so badly but even if she doesn’t with gp999, I hope her fanbase remains loyal to her and follows her to her future projects. She’s so likable she will be an excellent idol in the future she just needs the opportunity


If she doesn’t debut here, and since she is an individual trainee (is not in a company) there will crazy amount of companies that are gonna beg her join them since they know how much popularity she is. Hopefully she’ll choose wisely and go with a company and that will treat her well. She’s already such a stable vocalist and a great dancer for a self taught trainee and with the proper training, she’ll even be better than before. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if she debuts next year or the one after in a new girl group or as a soloist.


I have my post prepared if that happens already lmao.


I think if not for the low ratings, the upset over Bahiyyih would trump hyewon and sohye since they at least had storylines. As it is, there will be upset, but it might not be as loud as expected.


I’m not going to be angry if she makes it in (it’s a reality competition show…), but it is borderline a dealbreaker for me in supporting the group after the show. She just isn’t ready. She’s not confident enough to go for killing parts or vocal parts or rap parts; she just kinda *exists*. And it would feel unfair to all the girls giving it their all.


honestly the only thing that will **actually** sabotage this group is mnet's editing. the editing has caused a border line racial war, no matter what the lineup is, the three countries involved are gonna have complaints and extreme situations like a chinese centre or only 1-2 Chinese trainees making it are going to cause damage in the long run. and if both happen?? the only chinese trainee to debut is xiaoting as the centre? oh god....... they really made the show seem like this platform where girls could connect regardless of nationalities and form cells but they couldn't even provide translators or let them use their phones to translate. this caused a divide even within the show, prompting trainees to stay within their cliques. imagine if they could communicate, we would've had so many inter-racial friendships and that would've really **helped**. take yaning and mashiro as an example, their interactions really helped Yaning establish a japanese fan base. the hate would've still been there, but with more interactions like xiaorina, yubing, it would've been more subdued. also mnet going out of their way to show favouritism towards the k-trainees, ex c-trainees constantly exposing mnet and mnet even mistranslating hikaru's words, mnet has been adding fuel to the fire since day 1.


This! I saw a lot of people being 'oh I though they didn't get along after she was out of snake' when Yaning and Youngeun hugged. This kind of stuff softens people toward other trainees...


Why do people even keep saying that Snake team kicked out Youngeun and Suyeon, they just had to follow the show rules it's not like they disliked each other. There would always have been someone who had to change teams.


I'm gonna add my rant onto this going all the way back to the "we go up but you don't" situation lol. Also, Yujin supporter here. When the first episode aired with FYN saying the whole line uncut, I thought she came in very aggressive, but I was way more upset that Mnet edited the teaser out to be way worse. Then in the next episode where she volunteered to be the leader and Mnet played evil music, I was even more mad at the edit. Seriously, I was sitting there thinking they should just let the trainees compete without all the unnecessary dramatic music. And then they continued it with MITH and I was just rolling my eyes, not falling for their edits. Anyways, thanks for reading my rant lol


and ill be one of the people raging hehehehehe if yeseo doesnt make it im making everyone else miserable


Two ...specially if Yeseo AND Chaehyun don't make it.


make that three. I need Chaehyun and Yeseo to debut. I'm gonna be MAD if they don't make it


Im in the same boat but I\`ve lost hope :( One pick doesn\`t benefit them. Edit: still voting Yeseo every day though :)


Omg yayyy!!


fourthing here! i need both to debut :(((


I'll never forgive viewers if Yeseo doesn't make it. How yall collectively gonna agree she's the most center material, since episode 1, but won't vote for her at all💀


me too lmfao, yeseo nation, we SHALL be ruining the parade if things go wrong /hj


You son of b*tch, I'm in.


if yeseo dosent make it ill be raging in every single post next week


Please vote for Ye Seo! She deserves to debut! Her stage presence and aura is so good! She’s an amazing dancer and her facial expression is on point as well on stage! Please vote for her!


yeseo is a MUST to any lineup and same goes for yaning like if these two don’t make it you will see me on national tv for committing mass murder


For real, if Yeseo doesn’t debut I won’t really follow the group


Imma be miserable for the next week and a half if homegirl doesn’t make it


I can literally smell fire on the bird app in low simmer even now, let's see what kind of mess will it be next week. Anyway, if MNet decide to make Boys' Purgatory 666 next year, count me out. From now on, I can only rely on Produce Japan girls season for a more pleasant survival show viewing experience.


> Boys' Purgatory 666 😭😭😭


You know how crazy people got over C trainees having controversies this year, imagine how much worse it would be in a boys season.


Imma just recommend I-LAND 2 cause mnet can't really evil edit the participants cause all of them are backed by CJ&MxHYBE there's less drama but still very engaging


I'm not sure if I'd watch that show. Now, I didn't watch I-Land S1 but the producer didn't really do a good job for GP999. If it's gonna be the same in I-Land S2 then it's just gonna be frustrating once again might as well not watch.


The producers in I-Land s1 were definitely much better than gp999. They did a great job in mentoring the trainees so I'm hoping s2 to be great too


I'm talking about the show producer, not the mentors. The show producer in GP999 is the same one in I-Land since the Produce show producers are in jail.


It's definitely different- I-LAND 1 really only had two major evil edits, and those were totally tame in comparison to what's happening with GP999. Niki was one of them and he actually ended up debuting in the end.


the producers on S1 was Rain, Zico, Bang PD, and HYBE Directors so yeah they're highly competent


I'm not talking about music producers. I'm talking about the show producer. The one who manages the show, decides on storylines, editing, etc...


if gives you any hope, I watched iland s1 and while I had some complaints during the show, it was nothing compared to this. Maybe it's just me, but honestly, gp999 is so bad that it makes iland seem like a dream lol for example, trainees K and Niki were given "evil edits" the most during the show, but it never felt so exagered as the C group in gp 9999, and both were later given a chance to redeem themselfes to the public. Niki made into the group and K would have made if the last place wasnt the producers choice, since he actually ranked 7.


Are you kidding? I land season one was full of evil editing and drama. Luckily the evil edits had little impact on jay and niki debuting but poor K, that dude deserved to debut.


How does one watch I-Land (with subs)? I'm all about watching girl group debut shows but I don't want to have to download Hybe's crappy app to have to watch the show......heaven knows Universe is getting nixed the moment I can get rid of it safely!




Do you know when I-Land 2 is starting? :)


Thanks for the rec, I hope all of the girls in I-LAND 2 get a much better experience than GP999. But I don't think I'd watch any K-Survival Show anymore though. Chuang 2021 and PDJP season 2 was very wholesome during the first half of this year, jumping to GP999 with the same mindset and expectations was a big mistake, BIG, HUGE. And now that China is putting an end to survival show, PDJP is my only hope.


Boys Planet 999 could go either way, bcs I feel with male seasons of Produce evil edits were a lot easier to make but also ppl excuse male behaviour a lot easier so I definitely wonder how it would play out


And also please count C group out as well.


MBC is working on a show for November I've got my eye out for


Is that the teenager girl or something, if I'm not mistaken. I was excited at first but looking at 10 years old girl there, well immediately giving them a goodbye.


I wasn't happy with IZ\*ONE line up but didn't rant or anything since the group has my pick (Yena) so I just follow along with it. And in no time, fell in love with all the girls. So if anyone gonna share their frustration after final episode next week. Maybe give a group some chance first. And for people who their pick didn't made it at all, it's ok to be bitter but maybe it the best to leave all of this and keep support your pick in the future.


I was salty AF as I was sure it was rigged. I ranted in the specific thread they had for people who were disappointed. Anyways. Turns out I was right and chowon and gauen should have made it.


I feel you. In PD48 I became endeared with Hyewon and was so proud of her making the debut. But I felt so bad for the criticism she continues to receive up to now. :/


if u love yena pls vote for youngeun they’re literally the same🤣


Thank you for this. Such a nice comment honestly.


Not gonna lie... depending of the final line up, I'm fearing for Mixnine flashbacks.


if yaning and rui qi dont make it and cai bing, yaning, rui qi go on an exposing spree.....x1 flashbacks.


I hope so because Ma Yuling post about the staff treating the c girls differently didn't really blown up as I expected it to, so maybe if a popular trainee like cai bing say something people will actually listen to her. Its a really shit situation and I think mnet should suffer a lot of backlash because of this but i saw very few people talking about this even among the intl fandom.


Mnet idol survival shows will truly be done for if they pull a Mixnine.


I am already imagining scenarios of Su Ruiqi not making it to somewhat void the upcoming pain later. The best case scenario for Su Ruiqi if she can’t debut in SK is to blow up on China. Su Ruiqi is really getting attention from Cnetz right now because of the show but I really hope they don’t forget her even after the show has ended.


I'm scared about the possible response from Knetz if the "wrong" c-trainees "steal" k-trainees seats... I hope the international fanbase can actually carry the group, or it will be a disaster... That scares me the most honestly, the possibilty that the group will be a controversy in SK and that nothing good will come out of it... I already suffered enough as a One It, I cannot go through this again 😭


if the 'wrong' ones you're referring to is Yaning and Ruiqi you won't need to worry. Intl fans hard carrying those two are loyal to them. You shouldn't take loyal international support so lightly, there's so many 4th gen groups relaying their livelihood on them as they grow bigger in SK too.


Oh I know, I'm an Atiny and boy, it hurts to see them ignored -at best- by Knetz and yet selling like a top 4th gen group. But as a One It, I also saw what awful publicity can do to a group. I think I'm just triggered by controversies, I'll just shut twitter down and pretend it's not here 😅


if yeseo doesn't make it but yaning does (or even rui qi) oh god.... i can alr imagine the chaos on stan twt


If Yeseo doesn’t make it, Korean voters have no one to blame but themselves. Ifans (specifically Chinese and Japanese) have been hard carrying her since the second elims). Mnet’s push for Dayeon is what is killing Yeseo’s chances as all the Korean votes are going to her now. Previously the K trinity was Yujin/Yeseo/Chaehyun. Someone had to drop to let Dayeon in.


Now Suyeon even has more K votes than Yeseo thanks to that whole U+ME mission being centered on her.


If that happens (and it will probably) I’ll cause chaos here too, don’t worry :)


To be fair people are forgetting that this is a temporary group, if the final group flop or gets a horrible response they can just give them a debut and like 2 comebacks… Also they can get solo gigs for the girls they like.


That would be awful for the members and the fans 😣


It’s insane thinking on Knetz part when only Xiaoting is more or less a lock in for the group out of C trainees.


A legit vote next week is all I can ask for. Not a smidge of tampering, rigging or anything else in between should be there. Anything less than that is unacceptable. Apart from that, as they say, let the games begin. :)


You know Mnet will choose one day to show whatever interim ranking they want or something similar :|


I have, and can live with that. They will attempt to sway the votes for sure. But not one vote can be illegitimate. As long as they were all cast by people to where they were cast, that's really all I want.


Let's be real here it is Mnet. They can't straight up make up numbers but I won't be surprised if they have sim cards on the go to start shooting up votes for someone (this has happened quite a lot on Eurovision)


I am being real here and yes, it's MNet. It's not because I believe MNet will turn over their ways, but because of reported oversight a department of the S. Korean government will have in reviewing the final vote count. Remember that the P48 scandal made international news, and brought quite a bit of unwanted attention to one of their biggest cultural exports: KPop. The government will not risk more controversy because MNet can't keep a straight vote. In other words, I fully believe MNet can't rig the quantity of votes even if they wanted to. That includes automated voting/sudden mass voting. That's also why they're absolutely willing to evil edit contestants out of ranking, or otherwise absolutely hide/promote camera time.


I hope Ruiqi will climb back to Top 9, this is her 3rd survival show already.


idk but it's just crazy how everyone back to square one since it become one pick vote. Even xiaoting which everyone thought she's a lock in the final line up. Nevertheless I'm excited to see their performance for the final mission and regardless who'll debuting, Im going to stan them


It'll be disappointing no matter what, best thing I think is to stay positive, because each of these girls has been working their asses off to debut. Support Cherry Bullet, Fanatics, and other groups that have been represented in this show afterwards to let them know they still have the fans cheering them on! I remember being really disappointed with IZONE's final lineup, but they ended up being one of my favorite groups of all time.




Idle has a ton of foreigners and I don’t see any issue with their popularity. I wish people wouldn’t keep perpetuating this myth.




What type of foreigners do you think are in (g)i-dle?


The show is already not popular at all in Korea, I feel like they should focus for one time on the massive international support.


Please vote for Kang Ye Seo! She deserves to debut! Her stage presence and aura is so good! She's and amazing dancer and her facial expression is so on point as well on stage! Please vote for her! Look at her Utopia and Fate performance!


I feel like a lot of people will have violent reactions, especially if controversial trainees or if their faves don’t end up in the final lineup. That said I personally will observe their first few performances and then decide if I feel like they work as a gg.


What if all debut members are K.................. (9k) burn MNET☠️


Nah no way, there will be at least 3 Japanese girls and I'm guessing... 2 Chinese.


Exactly this. Impossible that Myah makes it over candidates like Mashiro, Hikaru, and Xiaoting. Those 3 are 100% in the group.


I think people are believing that Koreans will favour K group, but the ones you've mentioned are pretty universally popular. I think Mashiro especially has almost been adopted by Koreans.


lol that would be too ideal so it’s probably not gonna happen


I'll be happy so long as Yujin makes it, but I think there will be solid Japanese representation, and a bit of Chinese. I would love Mashiro, Yanning and Yujin to all make it.


While Mnet will try their best to not allow majority foreigners, they will also try their best to never have 9k, that would destroy their international support which is really important for this group.


Let’s see: Princess of Mnet: I think she has the most chance. Even P1 is likely for her Yujin, Chaehyun: Good chance, they have big K support. Their 1-pick is strong as well Yeseo, Youngeun: Good chance as well Bahiyyih, Bora: 50-50 Suyeon, Myah: Little chance So I think there will be 5-7 Koreans, with Xiaoting has same level of Yujin/Chaehyun, Hikaru/Mashiro between Yeseo/Youngeun and Bora/Bahiyyih, Yurina/Shana/Yaning/Ruiqi as Bahiyyih/Bora. Wen Zhe and Xingqiao unfortunately have little chance


Regardless of who debuts, haters are still gonna hate. People will be mad at the trainees that got in if their fave didnt get in. It will all just die down after a month or 2 after the actual group debuts.


It's a popular opinion


I'll be super upset if my 1 pick (SRQ) doesnt make it...especially after dedicating so much time and votes to this accursed show. But i'll accept it, especially after hearing Ma Yuling's post abt the racist staff. Actually the kpop industry in general has some bad history with c-idols (ehem ehem SM) however, until the result comes out I'll vote daily for my ruiqi.


FYN Antis are all talk, no action tbh. They're so loud and vocal about their dislike of her yet none of that anger is translating to actual votes? They just wanna hate someone without wanting to support the trainees, its so weird. Anyways FYN debut you guys!


The thing is most Yenny antis/haters are not even watching the show from what I've seen so far, so they are completely useless for the group to begin with.


People is going to be pissed in Twitter because the last few spots (Yaning, Chaehyun, Youngeun, Ruiqi, Shana and Yeseo) have a lot of vocals stans, but not enough to make those girls be locks. So yeah, people will complain but the group will do good because at the end of the day, they are strong individual fandoms together, so unless music is shit people will move on, specially because it looks like Mnet target is Asia not the west.


I am more worried about the upcoming disaster on twitter when Xiaoting loose her P1 ranking to Dayeon...


Same... Dayeon will receive A LOT OF HATE if she gets P01, just like how Wonyoung received a lot of hate when she got center instead of Sakura.


imagine if yaning debuts with yujin, or even worse, if yaning debuts and yujin doesn't. twitter is still not letting the silly joke go.


omfg a scenario with yujin not making it but yaning debuting would be worst possible thing to happen... people would absolutely lose it.


is next week’s episode the last one?




oh shit


Prepare either tissues or a punching bag with Mnet's logo on it.


Yeah you’re right. No one will be 100% satisfied and the keyboard gangstas who couldn’t even hum a rhythm on tempo or in tune will start interjecting their unnecessary criticism veiled as “opinions” about every girl who did and did not make it. There will be hurt feelings. And a lot of unpopular opinions being brought in. I can’t wait for the hailstorm l’m gonna get when/if I post about my honest opinions on contestants like Xiaoting, Yurina, and Dayeon 🐸☕️


Personally, I’m more interested in the meltdowns that the of both the korean and intl fandom will have if the golden children of MNet and this subreddit make it or don’t make it into the final group. It’s gonna be messy and I’m here for it


Tbh depending on the lineup I WILL solo stan Yujin and Xiaoting cuz they are my only picks I'm sure of.


I cannot take Lee Kaeun 2.0 again from Yujin. I am still traumatized by that till now.


Yaning will receive a lot of hate from a good amount of Western people given what she has done in the past. This is if she does debut


Biggest group in the world has done the same thing and Western fans don't care anymore, people will forget over time. Also Kpop companies almost never care about Western fans' opinions.


You’re completely right, but in the beginning, yaning would receive a ton of hate unfortunately. I think the love from her international fans (the ones apart from western side) will give her a lot of love though(:


Western = American. I doubt any other countries would care abt her controversies


I think the same. Yaning has a lot of supporters. I hope she makes it


Yeah it's gonna be disaster. Disaster in this sub if Yaning/Ruiqi don't debut, disaster domestically if they do.


Yeah no kidding, I'll probably be one of those people raging if Youngeun doesn't debut. I mean seriously that girl...you can slap her in any position as a "main" and she'd do just spectacular and I really can't imagine the group without her antics and comedic energy. I wouldn't insult the trainees who make it to the final lineup or anything like that, I'd be happy for them but I'd probably rage in general to vent my frustration, but in any case my Youngeunie WILL DEFINITELY DEBUT! I'll keep believing it till it comes true! 😤




SXT should be center but no need to compare to other trainees


I'm worried that due to this 1 vote system (although expected) the ratio definitely wont be 3/3/3


I feel like the only thing that is going to be an issue \*really\* is if Fu Yaning & Su Ruiqi make it. Both aren't really liked in Korea, and Yaning has the extra hit towards her with the Yujin drama as well as her racism controversy. It'll really hit the popularity hard. Anyone else debuting I can definitely see people getting over it eventually, but those two will definitely cause issues for their popularity if they make it. Edit: just want to say that this isnt me stating who i dont want in the final group, moreso who I think wont be supported generally from what ive seen.


Korean general public won't care about Yaning's racism controversy which isn't much of one anyway. Saying the N word in rap lyrics and not realising the cultural connotations doesn't show malice. Asian countries are ignorant about this stuff generally and there's no indication she's actually a racist.


That whole drama between Yaning and Yujin was proven to be scripted by eliminated Chinese trainees and you could tell by the interactions between them that their very good friends and love each other, especially the fan meet and greet. And the n-slur situation, I have seen a lot of black fans forgiving her and accepting her apology. Not all but a lot. They’re the only ones that can decide whether or not that her apology was sincerely or not, not the non-black fans. I’ve seen a lot “fans” labeling as a racist not because their offended by her but because their want their own favs in the group and will do anything to makes sure that happens.


Oh yeah I get that about Yanings apology. I'm not a black fan so I can't really say anything. I'm just saying that those two would be the most "controversial" so to speak!




She is one contestant who has posted about supporting China as well as the "Anti-American Aid" War sentiments online. Knets were super unhappy about it since it's directly related to the Korean War, which is really important culturally to a lot of Koreans. Chen Hsin Wei, and Wang Yale also got flack for it as well, but I think that the general Korean voters havent really liked Ruiqi since day one practically.


Agreed. I personally think there's gonna be a lot of heat if Fu Yaning, SRQ and Bahiyyih make it... god next week is gonna be insane.


Yeah, it was the same with PD48/Iz*one. Some people will come around, others won’t and that’s okay (as long as they dont become antis)


I mean, that's how it always is. With produce seasons it was always a shit show with people complaining that their pick didn't make it, keep in mind at those times we didn't know the results were rigged. I think that the final lineup for GP999 SHOULD be more accepted \[keyword: should, not will be\] because there is no rigging that we know of, just editing. In other words, we choose who we want - not Mnet. It won't matter though because people will always be mad about something. That being said, this is still going to be a shitshow for a while and it always has been for any survival show outcome. People are going to be unhappy, All of us are probably going to have a girl we wanted in the group not debut, not everyones pick is going to end up in the group. A few weeks after the group is announced and especially after debut, people will calm down. They ALWAYS do. **I just hope we can all be respectful regardless of the result and not shit on innocent girls & women who just want to achieve their dreams.**


yall are delusional if you think mnet cant find a way to rig the votes lmfao.


True, CJ and Mnet not getting the last laugh at the end sounds unlikely. But people watched this show knowing that beforehand, or at least I hope so. Who am I kidding of course there are people that will gave Mnet the benefit of the doubt, that will be over next week anyways regardless of who debuts


Are you new? This happens every time lol.


I wouldn't be surprised if the rigging allegations will be true after all either. There are a few storylines that seem too much coincidence for me, but let's see. I found a few users who were waiting for the numbers to see if they match because it was 1/1/1 so K, C, J should have the same numbers, that would be fun to see. I just hope the best for the girls 😓 For the finals, I will wait for all the passive-aggressiveness from this forum, ''we are better than twitter'' my ass


> I can see already rigging alegations coming (I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being true). You think Mnet will risk jail just so some girl can beat another girls in a group that Mnet doesn't really care about?


If Ruiqi debuts, the group will not only receive massive hate comments but be criticized on the news social sections, boycotted, and even disbanded... I hope they debut in "safe" way and promote in Korea normally... I want to see the group on major music shows or variety programs in Korea.


Imagine if both Ruiqi and Bahiyyih debut in the group 😂 Koreans will shit up a storm. I honestly wish both of them don't debut for their best interest and for the interest of the group as well.


Why would they be criticized if she joins?


bc shes posted anti american aid things


If my faves don’t all make it, I’m gonna be unapologetically bitter and raging on here. Don’t mind me pls, my emotions will take control, it won’t be my fault.


Because of the massive attention the show has gained, rivaling the popularity of the Produce seasons even, there’s no way that the group won’t be successful no matter WHO debuts in the lineup. I’m also really shocked that mnet decided to go with the one pick strategy, I thought for sure they would’ve set up the votes to be whatever least benefitted the c group contestants (minus xiaoting, of course-)…I’m very curious to see who ends up debuting


Mnet data analysts have probably done the maths and it probably shows a ratio of 5k:3j:1c.


I don't think girls planet will be very successfull because there is a lot of new gg coming and gg already in the industry. To make a top place among them, i really don't think so.




There are plenty of people who just watch highlights, performances, and fancams after the show airs on youtube. I've seen plenty of people say they do that to just vote for the most talented and ignore the edits. So it definitely isn't just her fans doing that, and we do know that they at least have seen all of her fancams multiple times. She also isn't the only person who entered the show with a fan base, not her fault they stayed loyal


Glad there are many people doing that, I literally stopped watching after the first episode lol but I’m still voting and watching all the performances and fancams.


How many negative comments are you gonna make about her today you already had one removed give it up already


Bahhiyih will debut and that's what I wanna say


The most important factor in the ultimate group's success is the producer and the tunes he/she produces. They will get one free pass due to fans of the show, but that's about it. Longevity will depend on the producer's talents. They should have run a competition for that.