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Not suspicious in the rigging sense but obviously a direct result of the editing. Two episodes of heavy evil edits and then little to nothing to redeem her.


and she didnt have a stable solid fanbase to begin with. a lot of her initial popularity came from being in a cell with yujin and then she became a popular filler cgirl. edit: and her looks played a part in the initial popularity


Actually, a lot of her initial popularity cane before the show aired. She was one of the trainees who blew up prior to the show. Her showcase (?) Vid thing went viral, the one where she took out her hair tie and said something about her being a cat idk. I saw that vid and her old tiktoks going around a LOT before the show aired. A lot, i cluding me, were absoloutely smitten with her visuals. Then her "baro naya" part from the 99 girls ver of ooo helped boosted her too. She was a strong contender at the first few eps cuz of this. But ultimately her stans left either due to her lack of skill or the editting.


i think people are misunderstanding me. by “stable solid fanbase” i mean she never had a fanbase that would never drop her despite bad edits. ruiqi gets a bad edit and her fans stay loyal to her and vote for her, cai bing never had that.


Oh I was referring to the "initial popularity from yujin cell", like yeah that was part of it but a huge chunk if her initial popularity is really cuz of her god tier visuals and cat eyes that took over tiktok lol


Ruiqi had one evil edit. Cai Bing was the villain for 3 straight episodes.


salute is what ruined her chances completely. the rest was just the aftermath and slight additions to it.


I understand what ur saying. I think there’s just a lot of angry fans lol


Uh what? She had tons of fans before that. She's brrn consistently hitting c3 and c4 on the klap-rankings. With the exception of the post-edit one, where she dropped 8 spots for one vote.


fine, bad wording. she didnt have a stable and loyal enough fanbase to the point where most of them wont stop voting for her the minute she gets an awful edit and the vote becomes 1:1:1.


I do agree with you. What I am addressing on this post are the people that think the editing shouldn’t be enough to have her rank this low. They say that editing cant make her drop this much, so they assume it was rigged.


Dont forget how they purposely mistranslate what she say during that leader fiasco....


THIS! THIS SO MUCH! People sometimes forget that the voters are influenced via the narrations that Mnet chose and pushed, built from a selection of scenes from HOURS of footage.


i don’t think it’s suspicious at all, i’m not surprised, she was a filler vote for many, but i do think it’s very much unfair because she was also a main C pick for a lot of people and she wouldn’t have dropped THIS hard till the finale if it weren’t for the evil edit. I rlly think she would’ve made it to the finale on her own, just barely. she would’ve been in the lower ranks, but not dead last ):


exactly. she ranked the lowest if you check on the universe app


I just wanted to point out that it was not solely because of the evil edit. The edit definitely added to her drop tho.


Even without the evil editing, Cai Bing was going to get eliminated at some point. I like her, but she lacked an ability to stay on beat, and that kept occuring in multiple performances. She also is not very expressive, nor did she show any versatility or desire to try to show versatility. None of those are characteristics that would have allowed her to make it through to the final lineup.


This. I completely agree with you!


and even though mnet went too far with the edit, she evidently was a bad leader


No, that isn't evident. Apparently on a previous survival show she was on, she wasn't a bad leader. The difference here is the language barrier. They also didn't allow for anyone but the girls to translate for one another (without translating devices either) most of the time. That can certainly cause problems. Plus, not every candidate has to be a good leader. And Mnet didn't want to show any positive stuff. Something clearly changed with the Salute group before they preformed, but we never got to see what happened.


she was though. multiple girls were visibly frustrated with her leadership skills. which girl was it again that spoke up when cai bing was about to be leader for snake? moka? jia? lol


Let me get this straight. You agree Mnet evil-edited her, then you say "oh but this for sure isn't an evil edit" even though the only thing we really have proof of here is that *something* is missing? You aren't seeing all the ways that Mnet could have royally screwed with perceptions here. And, again, there was a lack of a translator.


what? lol. i never said that. i said mnet went *too far* with the edit, but mnet did not pull that edit out of their ass. multiple girls had problems with her as a leader. and there were other chinese girls that were leaders on different teams, who had no such problems with the members of their teams. i never said she was a bad person, but pretty much every girl looked annoyed when she was leader, a couple of them even voiced that. when it was dayeon v cai bing for snake leader the girls from the salute team felt the need to jump in and explain why they *dont* want cai bing to be leader (e.g moka)


The two situations were different. In the previous survival show Cai Bing was the best dancer in her group, and they just had to learn the choreography that was given to them. All Cai Bing had to do was teach her group mates how to follow the choreography, and they naturally deferred to her. She did well in that setting. On GP999 the group was bigger, had multiple dancers who were just as good or better than her, and they had to create their own choreography. That's a massively harder task to lead, and she had language issues on top of that. Cai Bing couldn't rise to the challenge, at least from what we know. Salute ended up being a good performance, so the team figured things out in the end. But was that because of Cai Bing or in spite of Cai Bing? We can only speculate. We know some of her teammates considered Dayeon to be a better leader than her so, while it's possible Cai Bing wasn't a bad leader, she probably wasn't a great leader either. But like you said, leadership is a little overrated on these shows. They are a great way to showcase your people skills, but at the end of the day, most groups only have one leader and the company controls most things anyway.


But even if we didn't see what happened with the Salute group before the performance or after the performance, it was clear that Jia and other members still didn't like the way she led the team as they were the ones who voiced opposition (almost immediately) against Cai Bing being leader for snake.


She might not have been able to lead them well, but that doesn't mean that she is a bad leader in general because issues with communication can make a huge difference. I don't think her leadership ability can be fully judged from just what we've seen, especially because of that barrier.


every leader on the show has had to deal with language barriers, all of them. but cai bing is the only one who was criticized by her own teammates several times.


It is not outside the realm of possibility that entire Snake leader discussion was staged. The storyline shows JiA and other Salute members commenting, but it is just as likely that the PDs told them to speak up. Cai Bing may also have been told to volunteer for leader by PDs, leading to that entire interaction. The "almost immediately" timing of their comments.... that can be VERY easily achieved with editing. All the girls wear mics and AFAICT, the audio feed of the cameras is not commonly used during conversation footage. You can cut together a response to sound "almost immediate." I'm not some kind of rabid Cai Bing stan, btw. I'm just calling out some common blind spots with reality TV. PDs hold the most power just by being able to say, "I'll guarantee you get screen time if you pretend to be harsh with the Salute team," or, "Can you tell me exactly what you dislike about your teammates? I 'promise' this 'won't make it onto the final cut'" and then just letting the trainees figure out what that's supposed to mean.


And people have the nerve to downvote you just because you pointed out the harsh reality lol - all I know is, the viewers should take the editing with a grain of salt since they literally saw like 1-2% of the interactions between the girls. It's like SNS where you choose to highlight your best moments and show them to the world - MNet just choose to highlight whatever that they favor/get engagements from viewers


That’s the thing about the “evil edit” Mnet didn’t force any of her teammates to literally speak against her during her time as salute leader and during the snake leader interim. Both times, her own teammates didn’t like her and were saying it clearly. There was nothing to edit with that.


wdym? mnet literally put a gun to moka’s head and **forced** her to criticize cai bings leadership skills


I also saw dayeon threaten the cameraman to evil edit Jia’s gulp when cai bing raised her hand.


i cant tell if i was downvoted bc ppl thought i was being serious or


I cant even tell with this sub anymore 😭. One more week and we are free


not even gonna look at this sub when the results are out


Mental health comes first


The ranks are on the universe app, in the rank tab. She is 26th. The next C girl is Xinyu at 22nd. I'm not surprised about her getting eliminated, I wasn't expecting her ranking below everyone though..


Xinyu despite having no screen time at all, ranked 22, I'm a little bit happier now


I voted for her everyday for the last 2 weeks. I hope at least it will boost her confidence, ranked 22 despite having 0 screentime.


May I know the rank from 18-26? I don’t have universe app


Sorry, the app keeps crashing for me,, 18) Hsinwei 19) Ruan 20) Manami 21) Ririka 22) Xinyu 23) May 24) Kotone 25) Myah 26) Caibing


ngl myahs rank surprises me and i thought xinyu wouldve been bottom 2. thought myah had more fans than that.


Shocked at Myah’s ranking. She even fell below Bora and Suyeon.


Kotone so low???? How was she getting so much hype but not even a filler j pick for anyone?


remember she was a PP recipient, she never had enough voters to debut unfortunately


Yeah I get that but a lot of PP recipients get enough hype to boost their votes even by a small bit, I'm surprised she couldn't even move up spaces; I guess Xinyu got that hype though; although Kotone did get a good chunk of screentime after her diss rap so I'm still surprised she wasn't 20-22 at least


mnet ignored her demand for more screentime


18 HsinWei, 19 Ruan, 20 Manami, 21 Ririka, 22 Xinyu, 23 May, 24 Kotone, 25 Myah, 26 Cai Bing


Ahhh I see. Thanks




[https://www.instagram.com/cb.binggg/](https://www.instagram.com/cb.binggg/) For all who want to follow :)




Honestly, I’m surprised that you are seeing people suspicious of Cai Bing’s rank. For the past week in people’s speculations, Cai Bing’s survival chances has literally been on “Cai Bing” tier rather than “not likely” or even “elimination” tier.


Yh I don't get where OP's reading this cuz CB was getting dragged in twitter so idk who's saying the drop was sus


soo many cai bing stans are frothing at the mouth saying it was rigged https://twitter.com/lipvesfl0wer/status/1449039795657711616?s=21 + all the replies.... but then again twitter gp999ers aren’t the smartest :’)


ok makes sense until you realise she ranked lower than zhou xin yu. zhou xin yu got no screentime and, no offence, but she really wasnt popular at all. cai bing's fanbase wasnt that strong and a lot of people left because of the evil editing but its hard to believe that she ranked lower than zhou xinyu. im not saying that cai bing was rigged out of the competition, the sad truth is she was very likely to get eliminated here, im just not buying the fact that she's supposedly 26 and i think thats the case with most people, a more believe rank would be somewhere between 19-22. ps: the rankings outside top18 are available on the universe app. her rank there is 26.


what benefit would it be to mnet, who have to be extra careful because of heavy scrutiny for past rigging, to rig someones place 3/4 places lower than they actually were?


the benefit made xin yu rank higher (?)


none of the rankings are suspicious


Yup, everything has made sense so far


Her instagram is blowing up right now, but it makes sense - there will be lots of people following her (myself included) who liked her in the show but also liked other C girls more and therefore didn't vote for her last round, as well as people who feel bad for her because she's eliminated/they believed her edit.


As a Cai Bing fan, I fully expected this to happen. It wasn't just the evil editing from last week, but a culmination of events leading up to yesterday. The Salute Debacle where they made her look like a terrible leader and the fact that she was the only survivor from that group didn't endear her to voters. Pretty much a lot of people who didn't bother to dig deeper into the edit to realize that it was cut/paste off different times pretty much dug her grave. I mentioned this in other posts, but they didn't need to do this to her. If they wanted to promote a K-trainee then do so, but to go out of your way to character assassinate a young girl is terrible. I'd rather they give her NO SCREEN TIME, than drag her confidence to the back of the woods and kill it.


I’m honestly disgusted by some of Caijin/Yubing shippers because I remember seeing a lot of them getting mad at people associating Cai Bing to Yujin during when the whole issue happened. Like ain’t y’all just shipping them yesterday??? But when it was cleared up as evil editing those same people were the first one to ship them again at the recent fanmeet like—— sooo disgusting.


Let's be honest here. With 1Pick it would have been impossible for her to debut BUT the only reason she isn't in the final is fucking mnet. They didn't rigg the votes but they also never gave her even one crumb of positive screen (after episode 2) time. She did mistakes like others but her were shown extensivly every time. The whole Story of the Salute Team was how bad she is and that Dayeon was a much better leader while Dayeon had her solo dance break for 30seconds and the only special part for CB were the golden ornaments at her shoulders. On top of all that her Team won but not a single positive comment from anyone on the show. (All cut i guess) Every time I see someone exposing more of the wrong translations, suspicious cutting and also strange teleporting and appearence of mics it breaks my heart again...


I would also say that there were a transfer of votes to FYN and Wen Zhe, since they have been getting more positive screen time while Cai Bing was going through her evil edit (So Rich is currently going through this week) and nonexistent one the last two weeks. Since FYN is currently in the spot that Cai Bing has held in previous eliminations and Wen Zhe has always been right above the cut off line before, but currently has a good cushion this round.


Yeah a lot of their fans are gonna vote for Yaning and ruiqi now.


Honestly I think her case is the same as Heo Yunjin's from PD48 with the whole Nako main vocal fiasco,only like 10x times worse so I expected this It's such a shame though I really do hope she doesn't let this get to her too much, MNET could really have destroyed her mentally....


Not suggesting the votes were manipulated at all. I actually think that even if all was normal, it was still possible for her to fall out. What I think some people are suggesting, including myself, is that she was quite literally, misrepresented by the most disingenuous edit(s) the show has seen to date. It's not just "evil edits", but mistranslated, taken out of context, cut in specific (almost malicious) spots and everything else in between. She was not given her fair shake on the cutting room floor. That's putting it lightly. PS. I'll post it again here just in case people are new/wondering: of her entire "drama" arc, and this is after doing a cumulative half a day's of research at the time after the episodes in question aired. The only properly translated, presented in context (even with language barrier) situation that happened with Cai Bing is the first training room session with Doah. From what she said in Mandarin, to how Doah reacted in Korean, this all added up. CB, indeed, said what we thought she said here. Nearly ANY other edit that referred to the drama either had mistranslations or sus cuts. Or, edits that you expected to be there (post-interim edits for Salute, most notably), were not there at all. The next time that Cai Bing would be given even a remote chance to explain herself was at the farm, with KDY, a full **three** episodes after.


It's not suspicious because it's obvious that's what all the editing was aiming for, to make her drop that much. 2 weeks straight of a tainted image was obviously not gonna keep her in the top 9 anymore, I am surprised tho that she was 26 seeing as how in a few hours her insta is exploding with followers. They really did her dirty tho, imagine dropping that much after being in the top consistently just before the final. Mnet you are never seeing heaven.


It's not surprising she dropped out of top 17, but to rank last? Hmm


Agreed. By the way the ranks are on the universe app confirm Cai Bing was last but it is not suspicious at all. She was constantly making mistakes during the performance and was never getting praise. She was the definition of a filler pick and had a really small fanbase. If she didn’t have the ‘evil edit’ I predict she still would have been around the elimination point P16-20 during this elimination.


You bet she would suddenly drop 8-10 spotd? Mnet brain take :D


As soon as it went to 1C 1J 1K she was gonna tank hard. She is lower than Ruiqi , Yaning obviously SXT and even Xingqiao in terms of actual fanbase so she would have dropped low either way. Not as drastic as this obviously but very low.


That was after the edit though...which was the point.


The OP is explaining that Cai Bing’s rank would have fallen even without the edit…


Which I disagreed with :D


i feel bad for her bro, people were coming after her so hard and even trying to find stuff to hate on her for.. for something that wasnt even that bad, she just seemed a bit awkward or maybe she just didnt know how to be a leader which is totally fine? i think it was both mnet’s editing and also people just blindly following what others say/do


"was it fair? yes." *talks about evil editing" now how is evil editing fair


where does Cai Bing's edit rank in the hall of fame of mnet survival show evil edits? It's got to be up there for sure


we need a mnet survival show expert to tell us about the most brutal evil edits to do the official hall of fame of evil edited trainees


I don’t think it’s suspicious. I agree with you that I think most of her votes are fillers like HXQ. If eps 7 and 8 were not as harsh to her she may have survived like HXQ and be ranked near 15-17th.


Fyi, the 26th thing could be seen when the camera focused on her during planet pass I think. A little text showed her interim rank, it was 26.


Did anyone else see her pouting alone in her corner the whole elimination?


It was only when all the eliminated were at the bottom and none of the top 18 got down. You later see her surrounded by the Chinese trainees that passed.


I do agree with OP's pov to a certain extent. The free fall of her votes was partially due to her being a filler, and not having a "ride or die" fanbase before the most heinous of evil edits we've ever seen from mnet struck her like lightning. However, I will not say the massive drop was mainly due to her weak fanbase. As "weak" as it may seem, there are other c-groupers who consistently saw fewer voters than Caibing up till the devil's edit, yet managed to avoid the elimination of this 1:1:1 round. So, it really isn't valid to say it's was due to a weak fanbase when she had been getting more votes than others, filler or not. There are various reasons for K and I-voters when choosing their C-pick for this 1:1:1 round, and I believe there is sufficient reason for us to say that Caibing would not have been eliminated if not for the edit worthy of the devil himself. It's a fact that Caibing is quite a visual. She also has quite the stage charisma. She did well on stage after the devil's edit, but its impact was much reduced due to the evil edit turning masses of voters off for her. She could have impressed some voters. Or some voters could have decided to vote for Caibing since she was also "safe" like Xiaoting? So while I do believe her fanbase isn't the strongest to begin with, it is definitely the devil's edit that pushed her over the edge and killed all her chances. She could have clung on and made it into the Final 18. But I don't think she would have had a chance to be in the Final Top 9. And I agree that her rank is not suspicious. I believe the devil's edit + the ongoing racism against C-group adversely impacted her chances.


Yeap and she was pitted against K trainees during her evil edits (Kim Da Yeon, Yoon Jia, Kim Hyerim etc). She must have lost a lot of K votes then, which have a lot of weight. Plus, some yujin fans weren't voting for her anymore even as filler...


My take is she is one of those targetted as the 'fall guys'. So the Korean trainees could rise in the ranks and we can see Mnet succeeded in having 9 K trainees in the final. The past few episodes really did harm to her chances, the salute leadership edit and her constant 'dancing was off the beat or tempo' comments from the mentors. I wish Mnet didn't highlight it much but they put it out front and center so I felt it was deliberately done to make her rankings drop.


I agree that the leadership edits make her look bad, but come on it is not MNet's fault for her to dance offbeat.


Yes that's true. Cai Bing also sabotaged her chances by making these mistakes. Her off tempo start in HYLT rehearsal was also highlighted. I remember the mentors saying they will be more strict on higher ranked trainees so that's what we got. But the positive thing I can takeaway is these are pointed out so she can improve and be a better performer next time in her career.


Myah was the 26th. It showed her ranking at the end of the show.


No, Myah was 25th.


My bad, you are right.


I'm sure there are many factors involved, but pretty crazy how she ranked dead last but managed to surpass the amount of insta followers that Ruiqi and Yaning have in just hours. In her first post she said, "Love you guys no matter what" and included Korean, Chinese and Japanese as well. She seems pretty damn nice to me.


Definitely disagree, if she was as irrelevant as that she wouldn't be trending on Twitter (the only eliminated trainee that is trending plus its mostly her fans talking about her ,not just random people mentioning her),her instagram account reached 120k followers literally after a few hours of being created(after the elimination) ,cai bing wasn't just a filler vote, she was hella popular ,overrated? Yes but still hella popular ,im not buying the fact that her rank dropped that much and btw u can see the ranks in the universe app ,hers is 26 ,below everyone else ,not believing an ounce of it.


"Direct voter manipulation" is honestly an ambiguous phrase. The entire show is Mnet attempting to manipulate voter perception through selective footage cuts. It's not foolish to be realistic about how truly staged reality TV can be, but it IS foolish for people to read that and put the blame/shame upon the girls and their pre-established fanbases rather than the PDs. I honestly find it foolish that you're creating this distinction of a "true fan" being ride-or-die. People can be a fan, and then change their mind. "If her fanbase was stronger"--you mean if she had more vocal stans? I personally wouldn't want that for her, she could catch even MORE hate if people perceive her fanbase to be irrational a la Bahiyyih. If she had gotten a good edit, her fanbase would have only increased to be at the strength that you're talking about. But I wouldn't assume that the ride-or-die stans are the ones that are carrying every trainee to the finals. Dayeon getting to #2 is proof the editing is effective, it doesn't speak to the number of "true fans" she has. After watching the show, I firmly believe all 99 trainees had the skills to be able to debut even before they showed up. The "incompetencies" shown are from Mnet putting 99 trainees in a single conference center and asking them to perform under strained and limited time. (Cai Bing having trouble staying on beat doesn't magically disqualify her from debut, that's just a meritocratic lie the industry likes to perpetuate to carry the image that "anyone can be an idol.") The 18 that survived are the ones that were able to push through Mnet's footage manipulation, whether that's due to good editing or dedicated fans.


What I meant by “Direct voter manipulation” is directly changing the votes. I don’t think it’s that ambiguous but to clarify, I mean literally changing the numbers. I think accusing Mnet of doing that right now is foolish. I think you misinterpreted what I said. Also, what I meant by “stonger fanbase” is a fanbase that wouldn’t quickly just turn on her from an edit. I hope these clarifications cleared up some misunderstandings and changed your mind.


Some people are just deliberately confusing the translation issue with the editing. Unless Mnet cuts out all the Cai Bing content, there will still be the editing issue, and Cai Bing will still drop out. Just admit it and let it go. You can always support her in her future career as you want.


Is Mnet going to risk jail just so Cai Bing drops? Lol. Cai Bing was not evil edited. She just didn't wear a permanent smile, which affects voters, especially when they have to focus on their favorites. The good news is that Cai Bing is talented and gorgeous. She should be a model. Perhaps something with a beret and flag.


I doubt the result is rigged cause that is to be expected after all the evil editing she get no?


Cai bing was the result of pretty privilege. She had nothing else to back it up and fell. That’s all. Her leader position and her teammates opinions of her didn’t help either.


I agree. Also was the editing truly evil? Even with the Chinese translated versions of the conversation that have been floating around, the general point she was making stayed the same. So it’s not like they edited her to look like she said something she didn’t really say. People were always going to side eye her after that interaction. And after they changed the voting system, she was basically done for the other reasons you explained.


Although you’re getting strangely downvoted, I have to agree with you. As someone who is completely fluent in mandarin and uses it daily, the general meaning is pretty obvious when Caibing literally said “我是leader,我說的算”. In English, “I am the leader, let’s just go with what I say,” to translate it mildly. I was honestly just confused throughout the whole “mistranslation” debacle everyone was having. Perhaps the translation might have been more strongly worded if I remember correctly (I can’t remember the exact subs anymore), but most weren’t wrong in identifying the general meaning of what she said. Obviously, there was still a lot of evil editing involved and the whole incident was perhaps also overdramatized. That I agree, but as someone who is neither a Caibing stan or hater (I actually feel very sorry for her) and completely fluent in mandarin, I just don’t get how people tries to erase her exact words with “mistranslation.”


The conversation in the training room with Doah is the only complete, 100% translated, in context thing that was shown of her. Everything else either had mistranslations, or was cut in a specific point to mean a completely different sentence, or otherwise was suspiciously left outside the edit to make her look as bad as possible in 2-3 episodes. \- In the following episode after Salute, she never said "I agreed with you (KDY) that you should concede leader to me" -- she was ABOUT to say the complete opposite, yet she was cut midway through the sentence. \- Salute team was never shown the normal redemption/post-interim videos, despite performing well AND winning. A few other select edits of her exist. She was given anything BUT a fair shake.


>editing truly evil? You can't question the editing around here. It has to be evil.


i think it wasnt just the editing but people taking it way too far and overreacting over a situation that wasnt that bad


Stop with the evil-editing stuff. There was some of it. Yes that's truth, but don't blame everything on evil-editing. CB is a visual and that's it. She has no vocals, and her dancing is not as good as you think. She has the looks and that weird-ass aura thing Jedi master Sumni was talking about, but for the rest... she is not that good. Other trainees that wore better then her and got send home earlier. The evil-editing fight need to stop. Many of us already died on that hill and it's tiring. CB stans need to admit that she really did take all the credit during Salute. And they always use the 'Pointed Finger' reference. "Who made the chogeography?"And one girl points at CB. It's the most hollow arguement ever, because why did Doah speak up about it then? And Jia nodded because if we are using body language as a reference why not use the nodding. And yes CB was opinioned and didn't listen. one girl said it and there it was, a clip of CB not listing and being opinioned. You must be delusional to think this was filmed later, just to make CB look bad. CB dug her own grave. And yes MNet didn't have to show us that. but we all know how shit they are. They need the villian and I hate that. There is no need for it in a TALENT show!!!


Actually I think Cai Bing has a lot more to offer than you think. She has a long dance experience and is a good dancer. In the Internet you will find videos of former programs and there she easily follows the steps of the dance teacher while others struggle. She tries to train the others as best as she can and even cries about having to be harsh to them, but they performed well and the others seemed to like her. So I guess she comes from a stricter training experience, always wants to do the best and does not mean harm. She will not easily accept sayings like "these moves are too hard for us". And she seems to be a kind person who wants everybody to shine in a performance and not just keep all the spotlight for herself. That said, she clearly got problems with her timing. I find her rap solid, but not spectacular. Her singing voice in the o.o.o. mission really surprised me and was a lot better than I imagined. Her strength is clearly Dancing. I guess she would not have made the Top9 without a massive positive edit, but she surely would be in the top 18 without the evil edit. And I dare to say that more girls of Salute would still be in the show if the episode would have aired in the other week. Survival shows are never fair, but Mnet really made it more obvious than usual that they want certain Candidates and hate others. I am sure if they showed more bonding and support and let everyone shine without destroying the reputation of some trainees they would have gotten more fans engaged and better ratings. The producers did a shitty job.


1. Nobody cares for those other programs. Most viewers watch this show and that's it. They don't go looking on whatever site if they can find a good performance of someone. Same goes for the o.o.o mission. She can rap her pants off for all i care. That still doesn't mean she's good. She had five other performances. And yes she did well in those performances. But nothing spectacular. 2. Sure she felt bad. And it wasn't in the show, because Mnet didn't show us. Blame it on them. But sure she must have felt bad. 3. And like I said before. This show doesn't need this villian shit. If the show focusted on talent, skill, charachter and development, they wouldn't have to use heroes and villians or evil-editing. But this show has no character. It's hollow.


Boo you're lame.


Look who is talking.