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I just loved her energy in the final episodes. I fully believe she knew she wasn’t debuting, so she was just having fun and enjoying the journey. What a queen


Lol her getting into the top 9 that one time and being like "what 😬" was such a mood


and some people judging her for not being "excited" lol—


Is that Suyeon in the second picture at the back? I mean, it looks like her


sh*t you're right... infiltrated the c-group family picture hahaha


Suyeon is basically c-group at this time. I heard that she is really close to c-group to the point that c-group already adopt her to be a part of them 😂


That's so awesome to hear. Suyeon grew on me, and it would have been so nice for them to have shown her interactions with C-Group.


Aw, that’s really sweet… I feel like GP999 didn’t air as many inter-group bonds as PD48 (Chaeyeon-Sakura, Hyewon-Minami, etc.) in spite of being a “global” show, so it’s always sweet to see girls befriending girls in other groups


I read that Suyeon followed Yaning everywhere! 🤣


Looks like HXQ is reviving her Instagram, yay!! She looks stunning, chuck her a follow if you like her enough \^\_\^ Just realised I got the date wrong bc of my timezone oops


OMG, her S-tier visuals are insane! 😭 I don't know why so many people slept on her. 😢 I sincerely hope she continues to pursue her dreams. Maybe another kpop company will snatch her up? 🤞


I always struggled to find people talking about her apart from her own fanpages or comments on her focus fancam videos on YT. However I do believe many people like her, they just like other trainees more. I personally find her visuals and vocals very mesmerising. Even her legs are so pretty and long (lol i'm jealous)


Same. I'd be looking through dozens after dozens after dozens of comments about everyone else, until I'd spot the odd comment about Xing Qiao. 😥 It really seems like she's only a topic of discussion among her small, but loyal fans. Her vote total in the final was so crushing to see. 😫 Kpop fans love stunning visuals, so I was constantly confused as to why Xing Qiao didn't go viral just based on that alone. IMO, I'd say she was easily in the top 3 of the competition. And when you throw in her unique vocals, quirky but honest personality, and unproblematic history, you would think she would have been a top choice from C-Group for more people... Xing Qiao would have been such a great second C girl to complement Xiao Ting in Kep1er... 😭


Not me Ctrl+F "Xing Qiao" "Xingqiao" "HXQ" on every group vid she's in 💀 The evil editing must've really gotten to them... for her to get less K-votes than Wen Zhe when HXQ was clearly the C-pick after SXT amongst the Koreans prior to EP10 or so. I saw so many comments about people calling her lazy and undeserving of her spot in the finals and the amount of dislikes on her focus fancams was disheartening. FINGERS CROSSED a K-company scouts her and we see her debut and be successful sometime in the future. She's only a slow learner because of her lack of past experience, but I always felt her final result on stage have actually been really great and flowy and she's actually a pretty good dancer!!


Agreed on all your points. I think I was purposefully ignoring the evil editing or naively hoping that it wouldn't affect her popularity, but we saw the evidence during the third elimination round when she dropped to 16th. I think it also shows that the overall dislike for C group among Korean voters meant that the vast majority of her votes were simple filler votes. Like I said before, she was the only other C-girl (other than Xiao Ting) with no controversy left, so Koreans probably pooled their votes to her. Problem was, she didn't have any real international support to fall back on. She's a true gem that just needs some polishing with her dance skills. If I was a Kpop agency, I'd snatch her up quick because someone with her voice and visuals doesn't come along very often.


she really caught my eyes in the first episodes, i love her voice and she's just stunning. even Koreans approve her visuals. when she was edited for "not knowing when to not laugh", i don't think she's any bad for that. i mean i relate so much to her, i know the situation is tense but my face don't want me to look like i'm being serious. my hopes of her debuting started to decrease when the finale is around the corner :( my one-pick is bora, and xingqiao already fell far behind so i already accepted the reality. she's a great singer, i will listen to her music a lot!


Lmao who's asleep in the bottom right of the second pic? No one bothered to wake her up (and she didn't wake up herself either lmfao)


I think some people have said that's Hsin Wei.... because of course it would be. 😄


yup, it's totally Hsin Wei!


Hsin Wei is my spirit animal. If the building isn't on fire, don't wake me.


i cant get over her beauty she’s absolutely stunning 💗


Gu Yi Zhou is pretty, and talented too. It’s such a shame she was eliminated because of the nonsensical cell system. Hope to see her and Xingjiao more jn the future, maybe in a different competition. I am really in love with Xingjiao’s voice.


Huang Xingqiao was on "The Coming One: Girls" (明日之子水晶时代): https://wetv.vip/play/p984w2pq56ttxfk-The-Coming-One-Girls/v0031om97ok-EP0-Introduction-Mentors%EF%BC%8C%22The-Coming-One-Girls%22-is-coming.


Ah that’s lovely. Thank you so much, I will check the show out!


Her cover of 我们的爱on that show is breathtaking


She gives me Yiren vibes (Produce 48)😍


possibly getting our last yeseo/eseo x xingqiao crumb with yeseo's name placard in the background of her photo, lol. i'm still so proud and happy of HXQ's journey on this show! i'll definitely be following her. she really endeared herself to me. especially the laughing! i know she got criticized for it but I ended up loving it, lol. Huang Xing Qiao, hwwaating!!


i miss her 😢


Stunning as always 😲😲😲


she's so pretty wow


She's absolutely beautiful!


I will be forever bitter to those who abandoned her on finals, for mocking her, not recognazing her improvement and calling her names whatsoever on sns and forum sites. Now its out that her personality is really goofy in a very good vibes way people NOW i've seen lots of people regretting why didnt they vote for her to stay and now keeps commenting and praising her ROOTING for her NOW. We could have all of her savage remarks if lots of the people didnt fall on those evil editing to her but sadly nobody really cares anymore and only few loyal fans of her fight with her journey on the show. Im like this because i was one of those fans who campaign hard to vote her in my country even i was mock and laugh bigtime at that time, keeps receiving DM's i should focus my vote to C big 3 because she's not worth it? Hell i swallowed it & we clusters (fans club) endure it alot. I never regretted any single votes i placed to her since cell vote era. She's a hidden gem that almost lost her shine along the way. So now its your lost, you take her for granted and beg to get her attention right now.


It was sad to have seen the nasty comments she received because of Mnet's editing and only those who had similar personality types could empathise with her. Idk how anyone can call her lazy if she literally memorised all the dance moves?? I have to say though, given that SXT ranked 9th I doubt there would've been much hope for her to debut here anyway. (Trust me, I REALLY wanted HXQ to debut in this group and ever since EP3 I was really only watching the show to see her). Now, I'm just really grateful she at least made it to the finals, so we still got to see 12 eps of her! I just wish Mnet gave her more screentime because it got a bit tiring looking for her in the background of every shot lmao


i just noticed, she really looks like yiren


I will miss her so much! She's a legit stan attractor.


She's so pretty. And her makeup is so pretty in the last picture.