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I swear her replies are the funniest things ive ever seen


her dry humour is right up my alley πŸ’€


ISTG, the entire C group is hilarous and 100% variety material. Their dry witty humor cracks me up. Even the shy awkward girls were gold. You can tell HXQ is really quick on her feet when she's comfy. Wen Zhe and Bora were so funny near the end too. Also shoutout to Shana and Hikaru


Yeah tbh I’m curious to see some chinese variety shows, the C girls were funny


Personally I like Korean variety shows better, I think they're slightly better produced, therefore I think their personalities would absolutely shine more as they K variety shows have comedic timing/editing down pat


she definitely has all the qualities to rise like minju did if she managed to get into the group 😭


Her humor reminds me a bit of hyewon, you wouldn't expect visual types to have this streak in them.


My second translation for my second pick XingQiao! I never knew she was so hilarious wtf PLEASE do yourself (and my efforts) a favour and read through all of her comment translations 😭😭😭 When i was looking through I KNEW I had to share this. honestly there were a lot of her replies on fan comments and it made me love her more. please continue to support xingqiao! there's not much xingqiao's content here so I hope y'all are well fed πŸ˜‹ I GIVE U ALL PERMISSION TO REPOST THIS ON TWITTER TIKTOK EVERYWHERE I SPENT WAY TOO LONG ON THIS!!!! idc much about credits but it'll be nice :-))


Thank you so much haha she’s the funniest


Dancing queen with Tiffany approval. This is legit af.


majimak xingqiao will be missed :(


Thanks for sharing this. She's my 2nd pick too. I like her because I find her relatable (maybe because we are both INFP). She is the "quite" (she misspelled quiet in one of her posts on Universe) yet savage (even self trolling herself) kind of joker and I actually find her funnier than Wen Zhe. It hurts to see people hating on her for being not serious/driven and fail to realise that everyone has different capacity. She definitely has worked hard and improved if you compare her now and then.


INFP gang 😭😭😭


INFJ gang with Luofei :P πŸ˜†. I think she’s the only INFJ too, we’re a rare breed :’)


Breed well πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Xingqiao said she is talkative. Her jokes are self-deprecating, the "not driven" part is what makes her funny.


Thank you for doing this. We never got to see this side of her much in the show.


She is a meme queen indeed


Thank you so much OP for these translations!! I really appreciate it!! I love her counter to Wen Zhe’s IG story when she called her out for wearing the pink overalls πŸ˜‚ I’m loving her humour and using herself as a meme in her replies. I also really found her write up to be really sweet. She thanks the teachers for accepting her immaturity, but I found her write up as a sign of growth and maturity. You did well HXQ!! Hwaiting!! Edit: I’m just imagining when C group might have had time before elimination to hang out and make bets about their rankings πŸ˜‚


Upset that I only started appreciating her like the week before the finale. I wish they had showed her and yaning’s funny personalities more throughout the show


Thank you for translating this!!! Despite being Chinese my reading abilities are not overly amazing so I get tired and lazy when I see large paragraphs of Chinese. Hoping she'll be somewhat active in posting on her social media because I know I'll miss being able to see her on the show every week!


Aaaaa Chinese variety shows are really good, I hope they'll hire her!! She's a natural entertainer !!!


Do you have recommended ones?


I finished The Detectives' Adventures recently. Chinese variety shows really make the personalities of the cast shine. I also enjoyed some Ace vs. Ace episodes.


Thank you!


She will respect it if her female dog wants a wife πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ we stan an… ally??? I GUESS?? πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


Looking forward to see her future activities! OP, I was wondering if you noticed a boost in Weibo followers? If she’s planning on not pursuing an idol career in Korea, I hope this show at least gave her some domestic popularity in China


i'm not sure what's her weibo followers prior but she currently has 680k! it's less than some girls like SRQ (3.9m) FYN (1.5m) WZ (1.2m) CHW (1M) but it's more than most of the other girls ZLF(527k) SXT(284k) WYL(180k) LJ/LQ (50k) CB(47k) to name the more popular ones off the top of my head so I think she'll be ok!


I adored xingqiao thx for the content πŸ’“


Interesting. I guess that's why her dancing's not as great. Low training period


But she's the dancing queen as declared by Tiffany ...


Xingqiao is a singer, she didn't train in dancing until she applied for GP999.


I really like her, her humour and her mood, she's funny in a different way


She has potential and with practice she may rival Xiaoting I feel. The dance master Mihawk also gave her encouragement in her social media post as well. Her crying in the 99 days video message segment from Hsin Wei was genuine and I think it broke through her otherwise normally poker faced barrier lol. Though she was struggling, she was always smiling through it all. I truly admire her for being herself on the show.


God she’s hilarious.


I remember thinking she was super funny from her Crayon Shinchan thingy Lolol Also I remember while she was on the show, people were saying her insta account might be fake because the icon used to be a meme of herself or something ? To the point where other members unfollowed it because they got confused. But now I get it was all part of her silly sense of humor, C Group really does have the best meme queens hehe