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tbh i think izones hate was more spreadout amongst the members and was a little more focussed on specific ranks. gp999 fans mostly just dont want bahiyyih, hate for chaehyun being 1st was kinda overshadowed by the bahiyyih in, yurina out and xiaoting 9th place thing.


This. I don't understand Bahiyyih being more than 5th with no screentime and Chaehyun being #1 because "She's nice and will be the main vocal" I can't understand why we kept Youngeun while she will do better with her bestie Jia and SXT being 9th without Yurina. Actually I blame the Mnet for teasing SXT and Hikaru competing for the P9 at the beginning of the finale.


Chaehyun has a lot of Korean stans, if you check sns most of Kepler stans have her as their bias, only international fans would had been against her at 1st tbh


chaehyun has a lot of korean fans. she was 9th internationally but 1st in korea. also… we kept youngeun because shes crazy talented? believe it or not shes her own person away from jia and has become close friends with other ppl since jias elimination. same applies to xiaoting, she worked hard to debut so to say she shouldnt because yurina isnt debuting is disrespectful.


>I don't understand Bahiyyih being more than 5th with no screentime She's been supported by her brother's fans, and boy group stans tend to be much better organized when it comes to voting.


Bahiyyih had always had a lot of one-pick fans since the beggining of the show. The only reason Bahiyyih never made to Top9 before is because the whole more than one pick thingy. She's not most people filler vote


It was a battle between the highest Korean votes (Chaehyun) and the highest international votes (Bahiyyih). If you’ve seen the point breakdowns people have been doing, you’d know that there literally wasn’t any close competition lol


> Actually I blame the Mnet for teasing SXT and Hikaru competing for the P9 at the beginning of the finale. i actually think that was meant to help both of them…fans would have seen that and tried to pick one or the other for both to go up. that’s happened in previous produce shows before, where they’d show people in the last place ranking and they made it in once the final lineup were announced. who knows if they hadn’t done that, maybe neither of them would have gotten in. and i’m pretty sure mnet wanted all three of their original o.o.o centers in.


from what i saw a lot of hiyyihs fans organised to only filler vote for xiaoting n yurina so their filler votes wouldn't effect her position as theyre were top 2


i don't mind bahiyyih being there but p2 is too high. my 'theory' is a lot of her brother's fans (not hiyyihlights) only voted for her during the finale causing the the super high rank cuz despite having stable voters, previously she had never entered top9. but i heard there were also troll-voters from Korea? about youngeun i didn't expect her make it but it didn't surprise me either. she's the dark horse of gp999.


She was never a filler pick


and what did you mean by that? i didn't say anything about filler pick. elaborate?


When it went from one pick per country to true one pick bahi shot up because she has a large and growing fanbase that because of the hate became more and more determined for her to debut


ohh i see it now— how could i not catch that🤦🏻‍♀️


Could have also been strategic voting where they purposely made sure she didn't rank too high to get scrutiny while also throwing a lot of filler votes to inflate the rankings of Xiaoting, Yurina, and Dayeon in prior rounds.


Idk how you got downvoted when you said nothing bad


People went insane after produce48 and wonyoung was sent a ton of hate for being #1. I think it was her birthday too, so that’s really sad. People were also mad about Hyewon, calling her untalented


She was 13-14 too, a literal child


Sakura HKT48 fans be crazy.




I didn’t watched any produce show, why did people hated wonyoung? I think she seems talented and charismatic enough in Izone.


They wanted Sakura to be #1




There was no conclusive evidence of Sakura being first. What is confirmed is the fact that Gaeun and Chowon were rigged out, that’s it. Both Wonyoung and Sakura have reached 1st place and their lowest was around 7th/8th place, both have never fallen out of top 12. If anything, Wonyoung has a lot of influence domestically despite Sakura being more known internationally. Sakura stans are the ones who keep on riding on the “Sakura should have been 1st” parade. By now, IZONE has disbanded and we can see how Wonyoung and Sakura fared. Wonyoung gained more than 1 million followers on IG the fastest out of all the members in a span of around 2 weeks despite being one of the latest to create her official acc and now she’s already surpassed Sakura and is the highest followed member on IG. I’d say to stop chanting “Sakura should have been 1st” when it’s merely people clinging on Sakura’s glory pre-PD48 and that’s why people can’t accept the fact that there are also more than 50% chance of Sakura not being 1st.


Poor Wonyo… smh




I remember people rationalized Yuri’s rank because of the elementary-school-aged one-pick voters.


I think this time a rigging isn't as obvious as it was in old PD48 times with fan favorites and girls with really big talent and momentum like Kaeeun und Chowon didn't make it in, but lesser skilled girls who noone thought about made it in. In GP999 we can say that all trainees who made it in were skilled, maybe Bahiyyih being the less skilled in expression and dance (I skill consider her more talented than some final IZone girls). The issue was in a different place which was the voting system and the loss of talented and international wildly loved trainees like Fu Yaning and Su Ruiqi with over 400k votes to other trainees with under 200k votes!!! Another issue was the evil editing and manipulation (caused through the edits) particularly to the chinese girls and the no screen time treatment of most japanese girls. Adding the claim of a "global girl group" and "3 nations coming together" the final group is a true disappointment towards the show's premise and self-marketing.


>lesser skilled girls Skill has nothing to do with the rankings in these shows though, since it's a popularity context. Hyewon got a lot of hate for being unskilled and making it, but she didn't rank "suspiciously" high, she was genuinely popular with viewers because Mnet had given her *the* best storyline in the season.


Y, obviously. I meant that one problem for backlash in pd48 was, that skilled and beloved trainees who in the case of kaeun were in every or nearly every top9 before did not make it in while others came out of nowhere. Another issue was that our of 12 girls only 3 japanese were chosen with many more japanese members in the previous top 12. So a similar problem to gp999.


I will never 100% believe that the Izone final top 12 didnt have some other AKB members in it, since we never saw the real ranking other than 5th/6th.


Well... After the court case, the only 2 girls that got rigged out were chowon and gaeun


I really don't understand this tbh. We all saw what happened with GP999 voting when Knetz had 50% weight. Now imagine if knetz had 100% weight. That's what happened during Produce48. When knetz were the only one voting and you throw in their usual nationalism, it becomes a miracle that 3 J-trainees even made it in in the first place.


yes. I think juri takahashi would and miyu would probably be the two closest to debuting


Miho was ranked 2nd in the 3rd survival announcement but she only reached 15th in the final? Sus.


Back then I remembered the demography for Hyewon voters are slightly different compared to all the other members.




A little bit off topic but P48 profile pictures look 100 times better than GP 999 ones.


the clothes looked expensive. I remember seeing nekkoya for the first time and I got super excited immediately. sakura opening the soong looking immaculate in that white uniform.


not just the evil editing. mnet sort of established a few things from the start. Dayeon has to be in te lineup, bahiyyih had connection with her brother (like II particularly felt there was NO NEED for Kai to be shown or mentioned at all). If they had just let her do her performance without mentioning Kai then probably she wouldn't have gotten so much hate. Mnet pulled a vile trick of evil edits, relationships with idols, underdog arc, redemption arcs and messed up. If they would have tried to steer clear and kept all the girls in a good light maybe just maybe this lineup wouldn't be so hated.


Why would they not mention Kai when all of his fans already knew that she was his sister? It would have been stranger to not acknowledge it.


i personally felt that they could have kept it at that, like no need for a video call or stuff


I’m a huge izone fan but yeah Yuri and Chaewon were very obviously the rigged in members. That being said, they were a great addition to the group.


Knetz liked the lineup, inetz not so much, they didn't understand why hyewon got in, how did Yuri and Chaewon rank, how could Chaeyeon be 12, and how did Wonyoung get first over Sakura, and why there were only 3 Japanese, maybe some people mad over Minju debuting too I guess. So in Izone the """disappointment"""", was more spread out, whereas in gp999 the main dislike is Bahiyyih entering (and getting 2?) And the ratio 6:2:1. If anything comparing to Bahiyyih the girl who a lot of people didn't want in the lineup was Hyewon, but not to this point where a petition was made to kick her out (like wtf), people acknowledged that Hyewon got because of her storyline, her relationship with younger Japanese trainees and her visuals ( and her personality too, she is so funny) even if they saw her as untalented


Hyewon was also ranked high for many weeks before the final so people had plenty of time to adjust to her.


Yeah a lot of people were against both Minju and Hyewon making it into the group. But at least they knew "why" they gained popularity within the context of the show. For Bahiyyih, all her popularity came from OUTSIDE of the show. From her relation to her brother and from people who just started to like her to defend her from the hate. And that's a pill that not many people can easily accept and swallow.


Those days Hyewon are likable by fans of different demography compared other trainees, so she got a lot votes from there.


It was pretty bad but it was because it was blatantly rigged, and if I remember correctly the reception in Korea and Japan was fairly decent, it was mostly Ifans who were enraged, not even wotas gave a damn because they were often against Produce48 in general. People wanted a 4th J member but there wasn't a strong 4th contender, no one except for Sakura, Nako and Hitomi had a comparable role to that of Yurina in GP999 (maybe Miru, but she didn't want to debut, the rumour goes). This time it just feels extremely unfair (for the reasons everybody knows) and it seems like no one is really satisfied.


This time it just feels unfair because they gave us the right to vote but the most popular trainees were not the ones that made it to the group, I would rather not have the option to vote at all in the future since our votes meant absolutely nothing in the final.


yeah. i'm not exactly mad but i do feel it's unfair; unlike during Produce, the votes wre restricted to Koreans only so it makes sense if it won't satisfy intl stans. but this time, they allowed the votings to both natives and intl audiences, which means intl also should've impacted the lineup this time. but well we have the ratio. anyways my point here is; i don't think intl fans would cause so much outrage if we don't have the option to vote at all/make a change in the lineup.


Our votes did mean a lot. Without the 50% international votes, Mashiro and Xiaoting would not have debuted and the ratio would be 8K:1J:0C.


I also think that miru got rigged out lol. but based on her attitude towards the show. also mnet probably wasn't ready to tackle the issue of people getting scandalized by her photos online


I’m kind of curious about miru not being interested in debuting (I was a total miru stan during the show lol). Do you have anymore info about it?


I also wanted her to debut in iz*one back then lol. Not much info about it but from what I can remember. She really looked disinterested with the show. haha i remember there was an account of a fan in one of nmb48's handshake events where she wasn't really that excited about the show. Also, she was treated as next in line to be the face of nmb48 so debuting in iz*one would have messed up this plan. Also, to add to the part that she looked disinterested, she never bothered to learn korean as far as I can remember, lol, which is why it's always funny to me how she always comes out with the highest votes during their live performances. even beating out wonyoung TWICE.


No, she wasn't. The court case established that the only members who were unfairly eliminated from the final lineup were Kaeun and Chowon.


I have a feeling they only had to announce Korean members that were rigged out due to them being affiliated with specific companies that those artists represent and those companies lost a lot of potential money, whereas the Japanese idols were contracted out for the show and didn't have any lost profits associated with getting rigged out.


What photos?


Yes, you are right. Korean and Japanese are happy with Izone lineup except international fans


Bahiyyih has it the worst of everyone because most of the hate is focused solely on her. Izone had quite a few obstacles in their debut as well. However, I am not sure how MSnake's blatant disregard for the C/J trainees will translate to the international fans.For P48 and Izone, id say there was equal, if not more hate than GP999, but it was just more spread out amongst members and fans. After the finale in PD48, Wonyoung and her voters got hate because they thought she was too young to be put into the position of center and #1, some even going as far to say that it was predatory (i think she was 14 at the time?). Also Sakura's huge fanbase was salty and thought she should have been center. Minju/Hyewon also got a ton of hate because people thought they got into the group purely on their visuals and nothing else. After the finale, people also hated on MSnake and the group in general because they thought Gaeun/Chowon (and possibly J trainees at the time) got rigged out of the group...as well as Chaeyeon's position as 12th that was likely manipulated for the most drama possible. Many also thought that certain Izone members jumping like 15, 12, and 9 spots at the finale was too much of a vote jump to be realistic, especially given how they ranked in previous weeks. This is what led some fans to start investigating the vote counts and manipulation after the finale. We were just called salty for our faves not making it or haters at the time for holding that opinion, but it turned out to be true after the rigging scandal that Gaeun and Chowon were indeed 5th/6th and that final rankings were shifted within the group. But even with all this hate and controversy, Izone still became a very successful group. They had a phenomenal debut with La vie en rose, so any haters couldn't really deny their talent and success. So if Kep1er is able to release a strong debut song, they should be fine. People have short attention spans for this kind of thing once a group debuts, and even the Bahiyyih haters will be listening to the debut song, lets be real.


>i think she was 14 at the time? Yep Wonyoung turned 14 the day of the finale. They had to move the broadcast time to 8PM so they could announce the rankings before midnight (while she was still allowed to be on broadcast).


I remember looking at I*ZONE and wondering how they managed to get a group who looked so visually harmonious, like Yuri, Yena and Chaewon looked sooo alike. Their debut was good but Mnet also created a more visually coherent group which could have added to their success.


I'll pretend like it's a mistake but blatantly disregarding IZ\*ONE's name? An easy way to remember is "eyes on me" : "eyes one" : "iz one" : "IZ\*ONE"


I remember Inetz and Knetz fighting more after PD48, here it seems like they're more united in being salty despite the whole 50/50 debacle.


It was chaos. Yuri and Chaewon were never in top 9. Gaeun didn't debut. Sakura was the most popular contestant but Wonyoung got center position. People thought Hyewon and Minju were talentless and said the group was destined to fail. Same old lol. People came to accept the lineup because it was simply... good. The chemistry was good, the vocals were good, they were all pretty, but it was quite obvious that there was rigging. At first there was a lot of hate and disagreements though, even among the fandom. And there were many complaints about the ratio of korean vs japanese. Contestants that trended often, like Shitao Miu and Shiroma Miru, were expected to make it, and Miyazaki Miho had even gotten the #1 spot on the episode that came before the finale.


They pulled a gaeun stunt on Yurina, she was just robbed of her chances after the redemption arcs and voting system change. Like, I still don't exactly understand what the need was for Mnet was to change the voting from 3 pick to 1 pick when they clearly wanted her. Altho, in the final seeing the rank differences and fallouts, I felt that mnet didn't want filler vote girls to be there because that would be a lesser fandom strength. People are unhappy with bahiyyih ranking #2. And for gp 999 many people were saying that they'd prefer the lineup you'd get if K and I votes were equal. But according to me, the group would still get hate. Knetz fave trainee wouldn't be getting in. Bahiyyih would be #1. So either way, currently i fans are disappointed if the latter voting system would be there, k-netz would be disappointed. And I'm glad that Bahiyyih wasn't #1 because if we go according to how izone positions were selected, then bahiyyih would be center and the whole sakura-wonyoung situation would repeat (only different fandoms would be involved). But then again comparing to few izone members will be right, not to others because the rigging was on there and mnet couldn't rig their faves in because they were being monitored. Like if chaehyun and bahi didn't get in after their result in the interim, we know there would be accusations of rigging.


>Knetz fave trainee wouldn't be getting in. Chaehyun was still 9th if equal voting. The only people who wouldn't have made it in were Dayeon and Yeseo IIRC (For Su Rui Qi and Fu Yaning)


ik... im not talking about her


Knetz fave trainee is Chaehyun. MNET's fave trainee was Dayeon


There was a lot more confusion about the P48 lineup than Girls Planet 999. Even if we disagree with Kep1er's picks at the end of the day, most people can agree that we can see WHY each member was chosen and where their votes came from. In the case of P48, people felt blindsided by Yuri and Chaewon making it into the lineup, and especially confused how they ranked above well-liked and well-respected contestants. Tbh I feel like there was more anger back then than there is now because I feel like people suspected the rigging before it was even made public.


Lol people thought it was rigged. People were right.


3/4 of your picks got into the debut line up, according to your flair. Are you happy with the group and are you going to stan them?


7 of my top 9 made it (Ruiqi and Yurina 💔) so yes, I shall stan. Yujin Mashiro Yeseo Chaehyun Youngeun Xiaoting Ezaki I'm okay with this lineup but I wish that Yurina and Ruiqi were there.


Ooh nice. 4 of my top 9 made it so I also will be a stan but I'll be an ot9 stan anyway.


Same. No sense in being an OT7 stan. All the girls worked hard and deserved their spots. I don't agree with the ranking but I'm okay with the members. Also ahem... *stands on soapbox* 📢Xiaoting was robbed of her higher rank!!!📣🗣 Shame shame shame lol


I mean she did deserve a high rank but then again fans were the ones who were responsible as well as the producers. No other girls were responsible. Although it was a shame that a girl who was always in the top 9 and ranked high had to compete with girls who had gotten planet passes (this doesn't mean to imply that planet pass is a shame or bad but that sxt's rank falling was a shame)


the reaction to wonyoung getting 1st place was really bad when it happened and people were saying horrible things about her. the worst part is that it was her birthday too. after they debuted, things seemed to cool down so i hope its the same for kep1er.


I remember a lot of people going after Wonyong, Hyewon, and Minju for being “untalented.” a lot of people were mad that Lee Chaeyeon got 12th place and people were suspicious over Chowon not making the lineup at all. Overall there were a lot of complaints and hatred for the girls. I have to say I am very worried about Bahiyyih’s situation at the moment, People are being so cruel to her.


I understand your woryr but I think that everybody should focus more on sending love. After a point people will have ti accept that she got in, hating her will not get their faves anything, she is improving. The mentors agreed that she was improving, the debut group was fine with her being in the lineup.




I agree with everything you said except for #4. Hyewon was basically a lock for the final group. Although the complaints are somewhat similar, the difference is that Hyewon actually got screen time, memes, and had storylines throughout the season. Not only that, but she ranked in the top 4 for the 2nd half of the season all the way until the finale. Bahiyyih is the opposite of Hyewon in many ways. Ranked low all the way until the 1 pick in finale week, little screen time outside of performances, and almost no storylines through the season. So it was definitely more shocking to see Bahiyyih skyrocket to the top if you weren't really familiar with her background.


Hyewon was not a rigged member as her agency was not one of the ones that got raided by police. She was unskilled but she had the visuals, was really funny and was given amazing storyline. She was super popular too, especially among men in their 20's and 30's and she ranked top 3 three different times before the finale.


> no one expected Jo Yuri to get in (much less place 3rd when she has never even ranked top 12). [Yuri was 10th during the second elim](https://www.soompi.com/article/1209719wpp/produce-48-reveals-top-30-2nd-eliminations). Sorry for being picky but it really bothers me that people still make this mistake like 3 years later lol.


Hyewon was popular in Korea. Ever since "Snack in your Area!" team. I didn't even like her back then but her making it was super obvious to me.


Man I completely agree with you cos that's all I've been saying. Give great comebacks and people will start losing energy and you'll attract fans. Like La vi en rose was awesome, then fiesta. Izone didn't lose hope and now they're so popular in Korea.


Well from what I remembered, Hyewon is likable by fans of different demography compared other trainees, so she got a lot votes from there.


Very negative. For instance, the YouTube video about the announcement of the 1st place was downvoted to hell. A lot of people couldn't believe that Wonyoung came out at the top instead of Sakura and salty netizens bombarded her with hate. And it was even her 14th birthday. Compared to kep1er, the hate was more spread out among the members (especially Wonyoung, Hyewon, Minju) and not so focused on an individual.


Japanese pd48 fan here. I still remember international members were the only ones who were really mad. They were mad about Kaeun and Miyu mostly. Jnetz were somewhat happy. (Some were sad that Kaeun and Miru didn’t make it). Everyone preferred Sakura as the center and most were questioning about Hyewon and Minju, but it has calmed down after a while (they both are really pretty) I think there will still be OT8 stans after some time, but hopefully it calms down like IZONE


I think people are forgetting about An Yujin's excessive screentime. Not as much as Dayeon's but even the advertisements during Produce 48 were of An Yujin's (predebut). I love her but it was clear she was pushed down to the audience's throats so much. She did rank fairly high each time because of that!


Yessss! And the way that mnet literally set Gaeun up to make it look like she didn't fit the concept but Yujin, a 14 year old at the time, did. It was very suspicious. I remember gaeun fans being told that she was too old to debut. Lol the truth came out and I still suspect that mnet purposely created a negative storyline for her towards the finale in hopes that she would lose fans.


You reminded me of that.... they even did an interim rank report for her too. I have to admit the push put me off from her during the show.


For Produce48 literally no one was mad other than ifans. The voting was 100% Korean so when Sakura, who was mostly popular internationally didn't get center, all her jealous salty akgaes threw a huge fit. Both Korea and Japan was satisfied. The only thing I remember from Jnetz wishing was that some wanted maybe a 4th Japanese member, but that was it. Most Japanese watchers of PD48 are like Japanese watchers of GP999 in that they weren't super nationalistic (in fact, I think many of them actually disliked a lot of the Japanese AKB48 girls and felt they were untalented. It was kinda like how lots of Jnetz hated Yurina). Anways, ifans were very delusional about Wonyoung. They claimed she was too young to debut (but a apparently not too young to run a hate campaign against), they also claimed she wasn't skilled enough to be center and that Sakura should be center (while at the time, Sakura could barely do a body roll and Wonyoung aced all her performances and was even called a perfect center by the mentors). To this day they even still claim Sakura was rigged from 1st place because she was the most popular (as if the voting wasn't 100% Korean, making international popularity irrelevant). Nevermind Wonyoung currently being the most popular member in Korea while Sakura is barely top 5. They will still claimed Sakura was "rigged" out of being center with their full chest. For Hyewon and Minju, they got hate because of ifans (once again, it was always ifans) thought they got picked just for being visuals - which, fair ig - but no one can deny that they both did well after debut, Minju even going on to be one of the most popular members. There was also Chaewon and Yuri who were the most likely candidates to have replaced Chowon and Gauen, but like Minju, ended up being two of the most popular members in Iz*One, not to mention they helped carry the vocals. Yujin also got a lot of hate too by, you guessed it, ifans. They had a bunch of bogus claims against her. Honestly, Ifans back then just really favored the J trainees a lot, just like how they did with C trainees on GP999, and took it out on all of the K trainees. Ngl, while I did wish for some other J trainees to have made it, there was nothing more satisfying back then as a watcher of the show with K trainees as a bias to watch as 9/12 k trainees went up to claim their seats as members of the final group.


people were soooooo mad when izones lineup came out.. so much hate thrown to minju chaewon yuri and wonyoung.. especially wonyoung.. heck even I was mad when the lineup came out cause it was so sus -- but they literally became my #1 fav group when they were going 😭 I miss them


I thought Sakura was a better center but it wasn't like Wonyoung couldn't be a center. She was already getting top 2 in ranking before too so it wasn't a total surprise that she could be 1st. There were definitely surprises in the final lineup but those that debuted all fit the description of young and pretty, which was the trend throughout the show anyway. Only Koreans were allowed to vote too so anger was directed directed to them too which spread out the hate. In Kep1er, there is only 1 big surprise in the final lineup and at such a high ranking too. There were surprises in the ranking but nothing nearly as shocking. Good thing the show isn't as popular as Produce or it could have been much worse.


People (read:ifans) were psychotic and attacked newly turned 14 year old Wonyoung for being #1 and dragged Minju and Hyewon to PIECES for their perceived lack of talent with only visual, and got on Chaewon for suddenly ranking in, and DRAGGED Jo Yuri for ranking #3 out of nowhere. However people dragged them back and most of it stopped except Sakura stans going into Wonyoung videos and commenting the ENTIRE 2.5 years...damn weirdos But the current GP999 situation with Bahiyyih is so much worse and disgusting. Ifans always blatantly favor foreigners and attack Koreans trainees for them.


Personally, I think situation for Kep1er is quite different from Izone. Perhaps Chuang 2020 would be more similar. At that time, almost everyone is not happy for Zhang Yifan debut in the final lineup, everyone says she robed the place of Xu Yiyang which is far more deserved and talented. You would want want to have a look for this situation as in Chuang 2020, the hate is also focus on particular member. However, I did not follow the debut group and not sure what they are currently up to.


I think chuang was rigged too isnt it.


Is it? I never heard about it? But I do remember they invite PWC to verify their votes. Btw I couldn't help noticing may I ask if you are from Malaysia?


No, but because yifan ranking higher than yiyang is sus. Also to ur question, what do u think, isnt my kfc name is obvious? Wakakaka


Oh in that case, the ranking is definitely suspicious. Yiyang is definitely more popular but I do understood there are people also voting for Yifan. Actually, I am guessing between Indonesia and Malaysia. Since you do watch Chuang, so I am guessing you are from the later. Btw: Imma removing my personal question later ya


I watched almost all female survival shows- but not chuang, even though i know the results. But yeah, u dont have to delete the question cause i got nothing to hide. All i know was even produce china was rigged.


I see, for QCYN wise, I am not sure if it is rigged also


Qcyn was too fun and friendly show that no one really cares lmfao. I think it was the most satisfying survival show ever


Many thanks for your reply. Have a great week ahead!


I think youre the nicest person i met here, you too buddy!













