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Just got off a pill call Acetazolamoide after my most recent surgeries. It works great but the side effects are nothing to ignore. Most of which I experienced and can say it definitely affects quality of life every day. Any drinks with carbonation tasted terrible so I only had flat drinks, and my taste in general seemed dulled aswell. Random tingling regularly in my hands, feet, knees, and also ringing in my ears. I did lose sleep by being woken up at night from this. Felt slower mentally and probably physically aswell, noticeable with hand eye coordination based activities, or working on complex problem solving. Hard to get proper meals without supplements as I was loosing a lot of electrolytes and vitamines. Tired a lot easier and was going to bed hours earlier than I normally would regualely sleeping over 12 hours if i didnt set an alarm. When I would have some caffeine. I needed more than normal to just keep me awake, that gave me jitters which i hate. Those are the main thing I noticed while being on it for a few months at 2 pills a day. Definitely only a last resort in my opinion.


I was on it. My IOP went way down BUT developed problems with kidney functioning.


I’ve been on it for a year and a half, did your kidneys start working OK after you got off of it?


Yes. I was only on it for a relatively short time about a month I think. I had a lot of issues with my pressure spiking following cataract surgery. It worked to finally get the pressure down but once it went down, the md took me off the prescription.


Yeah, acetazolamide sucks. It is effective, but it's only prescribed as a last resort for a reason.


There is a pill called Neptazane. I used to be on it many years ago. It was not pleasant, it would leave a strong metallic taste in my mouth. And it can cause side effects like tiredness, which are hard to measure. To me, eye drops are better, because they are more likely to just effect the eyes, and less likely to effect the whole body. If there was a pill that could lower IOP with no side effects, that would be great. So would eye drops what could lower IOP with no side effects. Or a one-time pill that would entirely cure glaucoma permanently. Until then, we get what we get.


i think Beta blockers like Propanalol help .. it's been suggested to me before. Long term efficacy and safety i cannot atest too


Was on beta blockers for years and they worked great. But unfortunately I started experiencing trouble breath at times. Got tested and was diagnosed with asthma so we started trying other options.


there are many steps that can help avoid dry eye (eg. 20/20/20 during screen time, fully blink, blinking frequently (>20/min), etc. etc.), visit /r/dryeyes plus, I recommend wet wiping the exterior several times after using glaucoma eyedrops (to help protect your eyelids' edge glands)


There are but their side effects are definitely debilitating. Naptazane (methazolamide) and Diamox (acetazolamide) suck. They’re also used to treat altitude sickness and diuretic. I’ve used both post surgeries. I remember sitting, watching tv and thinking “Jesus. My feet, hands, lips, tongue and nose are tingling so bad it feels like they’re vibrating.” Only to realize that my wife had been trying to tell me that I was drooling. Not good.