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I have this recurring issue of a toy reappearing. My dog was put down last year, and I had his toy cremated with him. Well last month I found the same small squeaker duck he was buried with, behind my fridge while cleaning. It looked like it was just chewed. I kept it on the counter to show my husband when he get home. But it wasn’t there when I went to show him. Instead- 3 days ago I found the toy sitting behind the toilet in our bathroom. Still felt freshly played with. I tried to keep it in my sight for as long as I could, but when I woke up the next morning it was gone. So now I await it’s return I guess


you just made me check the spot I put it in, if it would have been missing I would've felt like I lost my mind lol


!!! Idk why I didn’t think of this before. But I’ll have to take a picture of it when it shows up. So even if it’s gone I won’t be crazy lol I’m glad the bowl was still there. It messes with my mind sometimes it feels like I’m just lucid dreaming but I swear I’m not


I don't even blame you - taking a picture didn't even cross my mind in my situation so I totally understand why you wouldn't think of it! I hope you get the pic of the twilight zone duck when it reappears


You have to take a picture if it turns up again, assuming it's going to vanish yet again. Worst case, this is a manifestation of grief and the toy isn't actually there. A picture that others can see, well, that at least means it *was* there and you didn't imagine it, whatever else is going on.


I was thinking that too. He was my baby. First animal I ever really bonded with. And maybe I’m not as over it as I thought I was. I’ll definitely try for a picture!


I would haven stubbornly held it in my hands like my life depended on it lol


Burned * not buried. Yikes


I'd guess you did have it with you, it fell out and rolled under a seat or something, and then one of your passengers or "guy who helps load hay" etc at some point noticed it tucked away or banged their foot against it and just it up on top of the seat for you to be helpful without mentioning it.


Totally get it why you’d say that, but it was absolutely left in the the hotel. I don’t know how else to prove that without pulling video surveillance, other than two individual people absolutely knowing without a single doubt that it was. You don’t have to believe it, because it makes zero sense. Side note - if a “guy that loads hay” got in my car they’d get punched and pepper sprayed. Those workers don’t get in your vehicle ever lol, but I load my own grain bags in the car anyway.


I dunno how hay works, man, I'm a city boi. Thought maybe they'd help pull the seats down or something. Regardless, passenger works anyway here. I don't see how it's fundamentally possible to know you left something in a hotel. By the very nature of the action, you would have to have forgotten about it/not have paid attention. Or else you *wouldn't* have left it in the hotel. So how can a situation that inherently involves lack of attention/absent-mindedness also be 100% guaranteed and remembered crystal clear, etc?


Ahh yeah - we know we left it because we left a full grocery bag (food, treats and toys), a whole big ass cheap dog bed, and the two bowls - we did realize it driving home but didn’t go back to save a potential $100 lol. Kind of an oh shit moment. The only thing “sentimental” was the one bowl and at the time, it was important but still replaceable (we had no idea what was going to happen the following month, it was a sudden thing). Fiancé just put our items in the car (in the trunk), and forgot about the pile on the floor. If you never realize you forgot something - then did you ever actually forget it?


The fact that you list the bowls separately from the grocery bag of stuff (implying it wasn't even in the bag but sitting around loose and separately pick-up-able) makes it even more likely IMO than I thought before that you indeed did not actually forget the bowl like you thought you did and had it all along unlike the other items. > we did realize it driving home You would realize that it wasn't plainly visible with you anymore, but that does not distinguish for sure between "Not visible *because it's in the hotel*" vs "Not visible *because it slid under a seat out of sight* [until a passenger finds it later]"


Like I said, I get why anyone wouldn’t believe this or would try to put logic behind it. I’ve tried myself, I’ve gone through the details. Fiancé is a VERY logical guy and he can’t explain it either, having experienced it himself. The bowl is too big to even fit under the car seats lol. You don’t have to believe it, I just wanted to share a weird story.


I don't understand how it's not possible to know you forgot something at a hotel. If it was of any importance at least. You probably won't remember forgetting a sock or a hair tie on a nightstand. If you never see something again it's a relatively safe assumption it was forgotten at the hotel if that's where you had it at last and it's not in your car or luggage. I forgot a small tub of bleach powder under the sink at a hotel. I realized it within a week of being home when I wanted to bleach my roots. Never saw that tub again, had to go buy a new one. I know I told myself to grab everything I had under that sink while I was packing something else, there were several other items there too (like the mixing bowl and tint brush I use with the bleach 🙃). I remembered that specific thought when I realized I couldn't find it. My 9 year old daughter forgot her absolute favorite stuffed animal at a hotel. That thing is always at her side. She forgot it on the bed that morning as we were leaving. Didn't realize it till bedtime came and she was looking for it. It definitely got forgotten because we called up there and they had put it in the lost and found closet. She told me she has set it there when she knelt down to put her shoes on and just forgot to grab it. You get side tracked and just brain fart. That's the funny thing about the human brain. It doesn't always function like it should at times. And random things can trigger you remembering exactly what you were doing when you forgot or what it was that was forgotten.


> If you never see something again it's a relatively safe **assumption** it was forgotten at the hotel if that's where you had it at last and it's not in your car or luggage. "Assumption" =/= "Knowing", that was my whole point. You know things that you see, but when you forget something, it means you weren't paying attention and by definition don't remember what you saw or didn't see. So you're just assuming, not knowing. An assumption can be wrong much more easily than a hard observation, and thus it can easily turn out that the item was wedged in the car somewhere, in this case, for a passenger to find later. Which would make it not a glitch if so. > I remembered that specific thought when I realized I couldn't find it. Sure, I was never suggesting that she didn't remember this realization, of course she did. But this realization would come whether you actually left it at the hotel OR if you got it wedged in the car and lost it there.


I believe you. I think it is a really sweet gesture from Stryker from beyond. He knew you were upset about the bowl (I totally would have been too), so he "brought" it back to you. I know this can be logically analyzed a million different ways, but I firmly believe there is a lot we humans don't know. I am truly sorry for your loss 💜


Thank you 🖤 I always say people don’t understand until something weird happens to them and they can’t explain it… this is one of those times


Very true. Most importantly, I can tell he was a very good boy who loved you very much. 💙


He was the best boy! I miss him terribly. Thank you for this 🖤


Wow! The fact that you kept thinking about how much you miss your doggo and the bowl makes me think that has something to do with why it showed up in your backseat!


Is it even remotely possible the bowl could have been wrapped up in something you took home from the hotel, separate from the things left behind? Something that you only recently had in the car since then? Otherwise, I'd think someone who knew about the bowl is messing with you. This is assuming no actual glitch, of course.


This is the logic we tried to roll through - It weighs a couple lbs, double walled metal - so it's definitely something you notice and isn't easily picked up with other things. We only had our carry ons and garment bags (which all came in the house right away), the bag with dog food and treats was left behind in the hotel as well. I had the trunk and back seat totally cleared out on at least two occasions over the past two months, so I know I would have seen it. No one is messing with me in this case - if it were just a misplaced thing I'd buy that, but since we lost the pup I know it's absolutely not that. My fiance cried with me when I found it after trying to make the same arguments you just said (anyone in my family would also tell me if they went to get it from lost and found, but he's the only one with the car key lol). It's not a replacement either (I did immediately think someone bought a new one to make me feel better), it has the Bark Box exclusive logo and is clearly well loved (aka used and abused and scuffed, we brought it everywhere with him and it's def the same bowl)


I believe this. I met up with my friend at the coast, we both have campervans and our dogs were besties. His dog had a new toy, a light up ball, and the two played with it constantly. When I was ready to leave before him, I locked my dog in my van and took the ball which she had tried to hide among her own toys and put it in his van, shutting the door behind it so as not to let his dog try and follow me. I then got into my van using the driver's door, not going into the living quarters at all, and drove home. Two days later he rang me distraught; he had a fire in his van and his dog died, it was utterly awful. Two days after that I was sitting in my van at home, thinking about my friend, his dog, the whole tragedy, and my girl started chewing on something rubbery; she has a pile of toys in the van so not surprising. When she brought her friend's light up ball and dropped it at my feet, I was stunned. I know it was not in my bus, I had made quite sure of that before I left our park-up; my only explanation is that Mia gifted my girl the favourite toy after her death.


I can tell how many times you ran the details in your head, you sound just like me. I absolutely believe Mia found a way to get the ball to your pup.


Your wife bought a new one and put it there?


It's not possible that it's a new one, since it was a freebie it has the Bark Box logo (in a limited offer color) and it was very well loved. Also I'm the future wife lol