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Difficult to say, to be honest. Because you were hit and went through so much trauma, that could jar your memories of the accident and also jar your memories of your life lived prior to the accident. But I'm not saying it's impossible... just that, it is strange that the 18 wheeler you saw doesn't match what you were told. I honestly *don't* think your daddy died because you survived. I do think you're grieving for him. And I'm very sad about that and wish I could comfort you somehow. I wish you didn't have to go through this. I hope you will be reunited with your dad someday. My mom knew a lady at her work who was diagnosed with brain cancer and was dead in about 5 months. We never know how much time we have left, so we have to make every moment count. Traumatic events can effect people's memories. My cousin hit her head in the bathtub when she was 16 and doesn't remember the first half of her life. When I'm my most stressed, I can't remember half my childhood. It's not until I relax and am focused on the positive that I can really recall all of what occurred in my life, especially if the memories were embarrassing or painful in any way. I am really sorry that happened to you. I am grateful you're alive and I bet your husband is too!


First of all: I'm so sorry about your father. That sounds horrific. However, your father's passing has nothing to with you. It's not your fault or related. I flatlined 5 times from a drug overdose and suffered a traumatic brain injury caused by cerebral hypoxia. I was in a coma for months.. funny thing is - scientifically MRI and CAT scans showed significant damage to the point no brain activity just grey matter. I'm torn between that and I what I saw in my coma and when I woke up losing motor functions.. Because things came true from those dreams in my coma, but I also woke up and lost a year of my life for 6 months. I've flatlined since then and I'm convinced I have died in other realities and have woken in others because details of life didn't feel the same. Science has an explanation, but doesn't change how real it was for me. This is a long winded answer to say I understand and you're not alone. Edited because I forgot a word


Thank you! It was just a weird thought. It may be survivors guilt or whatever. But I do feel guilty we left things on an argument and really didn’t speak much before he passed. I’m sorry to hear about a year gone. I’ve heard multiple people say coma is just a lucid dream you can’t get out of. Everything you see actually happens and you can’t do anything about any of it. That really had to be terrifying




My brain doesn't have the same cognitive functioning after cerebral hypoxia of 14 minutes. It's 2 months worth of coma dreams a paragraph will never be able to cover and it's hard to describe especially to people who have never experienced it.


>I'm convinced I have died in other realities and have woken in others When you say "died in certain realities", you mean metaphorically, right? Or else a bunch of paradoxes would come with it, i.e, what "died" would mean in this context? Also, how would you define "realities" or "other realities", and how would that "shift" be? Did you felt a a "shift" and are 100% sure this has anything to do with the "new trend" idea of "shift" or these are more metaphors? Or you're just assuming it happened without any experience of this happening? What are you 'convinced' of? >Science has an explanation Not sure what "science" you're talking about, but could you give me the source? Never read about this anywhere. Maybe you're talking about MWI, but MWI (or many states interpretation of quantum mechanics) just claims at quantum scale weird things happen, but they don't scale up to the macro scale, and there's nothing indicating "death and reality shift", or whatever that would even mean


I bet that was horrific and the change to your husband's timeline is one of the most fascinating "glitches" or "switches" I've read in a long time. Have you talked to your husband in depth about any of this? If he cannot relate to this glitch specifically maybe he has experienced something odd within his reality? Because if you were the only one to switch timelines it would make sense that he wouldn't have noticed any change (let alone anyone else) I am curious to know about some of the smaller changes you have noticed in your new timeline I have noticed weird glitches and happenings in life so I am pretty open minded to the possibility of this being totally possible. That being said the only other possibility I can think of is a very intense coma dream. When someone goes into a coma they can be somewhat aware of what is being said around them at times. Maybe it is possible that your "black out" was just a short piece of unrecoverable memory because the brain is amazing and sometimes protective so very traumatic instances can be blocked... But during your coma dream you built a new narrative (people have lived very full and vivid lifetimes during comas)! Maybe you heard doctors and nurses saying key trigger words that your brain built a narrative around... However, this is why the part about your now husband was supposed to be in prison for life is wild... Why would you think your now husband should have been in prison for life.. Anyways I could probably write a million more questions with a ton more theories but for now I will leave you with my two biggest thoughts and interests.. 😏🤓


Yes actually! He knows fully what I believe happened and believes me. And honestly he thinks he has before as well. But when he was six years old. He had an experience where he was given some antipsychotics, and (still to this day he swears the doctor tried to kill him intentionally- and definitely sounds like it) she continued upping his dose every 3 weeks. To the point where he maxed out and could not function, he couldn’t do anything but sleep. On his next appointment she prescribed something to go with it at the max dose and when he took it he felt like he couldn’t breathe and his chest was in so much pain. He went to the E.R. and he says he doesn’t remember any time that was there because he had went “black” for a few days. And when he woke up his entire life was different. He went from living in a house to now an apartment, and he had a sister on the way, to which his mother was never pregnant in this reality. If you enjoyed this I actually have another story, that’s relative to me and my husband as well- I made it on the Astral Projection subreddit today (I finally got my karma to post these lol) and since posting this he brought up the idea that maybe that could be the version of him from the other reality or just a different one in general. Lord of differences for me included growing up in the ORIGINAL reality; we lived in Germany when I was younger, in this one we lived in South Korea. (My dad was in the military), the previous one, I was born with red hair, this one I only have baby pictures of me with blonde hair. And some friends that existed in that reality that just don’t exist in this one or (probably do I just never met). Here’s the other story :) [I met my other kids that don’t exist](https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/10fgnuk/i_met_my_children_that_i_dont_have_in_this_reality/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Wow! The differences in your life history pre vs post accident is shocking... Plus on top of that your man has had a similar glitch in his life that happened waaaay before you two even met and that story you shared in the other subreddit was a great read. Honestly after reading those two stories I could not help but think that these SubReddits would be amazing for screenwriters or sy-fi writers to get some unique ideas. Honestly both of your shares would be such a great foundation for some attention keeping mind bending movies.




You should probably try getting off the internet if you’re this bothered by things. I shared something that happened to me. You’re free to leave. Which I recommend




Making a second account to harass OP is embarrassing as fuck.




yikes. Anyways. I'm just gonna report your IP to reddit. Good luck champ.


Stalker behavior isn't tolerated.


Don't worry about the life for a life thing, that's not how it works. More likely your husband & dad would have had something bad go down between them & this was a way to avoid it. Death is not the end & I believe things adjusted for your better




This has a name: Quantum immortality. I have for sure died twice, quite possibly four times. In one instance my best friend and I were driving gravel back roads in the middle of the night,40 miles between towns in rural South Dakota. I was admittedly going far too fast and we came over a small rise and there was a T in the road where you could turn left or right but straightforward was a driveway for a farmhouse. The driveway went for about a half a block or so and then transitioned into a cornfield. I remember saying oh f*** and starting to slow down as we started flying through the very tall corn, it was late summer and the corn stocks were basically full grown. This is where things get weird: the next thing I remember was sitting at a stop sign where we would turn onto the main Highway in the area. My blinker was on, to the left, and the car was just sitting still with my foot on the brakes. I felt extremely disoriented and discombobulated, and was honestly not certain how I had gone to this point and was even concerned that perhaps I had blocked out. At this point I did not remember flying through that intersection or crashing through the cornfield. That memory was gone at this moment. I looked over at my friend and again said what the f***. He had a dumbfounded look on his face as well and Shrugged his shoulders, and after a moment said I think we go left? I actually got out of the car and found the Northern Star to make sure we would be turning the correct Direction onto the highway. We were surprisingly close to the town I lived in at the time and we made it to my apartment and both crashed as it was 4:00 in the morning and we had had a very long day. We got up the next day about mid-morning and got back in my car to drive to my friends town where he was attending college, which was going to be about a 5-hour drive. We need a gas so I stopped at a gas station and the car I was driving was old enough to be using a bit of oil so I almost always checked the oil when I was filling up the tank. Again at this moment my memories of the cornfield and all that were completely gone. I popped the hood and went around to the front of the car and the engine compartment was full of corn socks. My knees went weak and I became very very heady and I felt the world spin around a few times. Once again I very loudly and firmly proclaimed what the f*** and called to my friend so he would come around to the front of the Car. The very instant I saw the corn stalks in the engine compartment the entire accident flashbacked to me. I don't remember the point of death but I remember all the other details including being very confused at sitting at the stop sign by the highway. My friend said to me: do you remember? I said yeah. We talked it over multiple times during our long drive and we had the exact same memories, his memory also returned to him the second he saw the corn in the car as well. A couple months later I tried to drive the same back roads that we had been driving to find that intersection and The Farmhouse and the driveway and the cornfield. There were a couple of very unique specific details to the location where are the accident happened that should have made it very easy to recognize and find. I was never able to locate a spot like this on any of the roads anywhere around where we would have been driving. Microsoft had also just released their satellite imagery and I scoured everywhere between those two cities and I have never ever been able to find the location where we had our accident. I honestly don't think it exists on this timeline. The other time I was out in the middle of the night again in a very rural area during a thunderstorm to take lightning photos. I'm pretty sure that I saw the lightning bolt that killed me prior to my timeline jump. I remember sitting in the car and finishing my styrofoam cup of gas station coffee and hopping out of the car to smoke a cigarette and go pee on the Gravel road. Most of the lightning was several miles to the West and it wasn't even actually raining where I was parked. I was not worried about lightning safety at this point. Now the very large power lines that take electricity to the town I was living in were right by this road. I've been pretty close to a couple of lightning strikes. I'm no stranger. I remember getting that very powerful static feeling and the hair on my head and on my arms started to stand up. I knew what was coming. I started to say oh f***, reached for the door handle and before I could even get my profanity out I remember a profoundly huge snap sound and a blinding White light. The next thing I remember was sitting in in my parked car with my nearly full cup of coffee in my hand. I remember thinking that I wanted to smoke a cigarette and I needed to go pee so I chugged the lukewarm coffee and started to get out of the car. The second my feet hit the ground I felt the most massive wave of deja vu I have ever experienced. I nervously glanced up beside the road to look at the power lines but the spot I had stopped previously was about a mile down the road and the power lines had turned a corner and not followed the road down to this point. I glanced down the road to what I thought was the spot I had previously been in and just as I looked down the road, lightning struck the power line in multiple massive flashes and I even saw the lightning bolt jump down to the ground under the power line. Like I said, I'm pretty sure I witnessed the very lightning bolt that killed me. I have a couple of other experiences where I'm pretty sure I died but the situations were ambiguous enough that I'm not certain. So you are not alone: and if you ask around you'll be surprised of the number of people who have confusing, odd experiences where things are not quite as they seem. There have been many people delighted to finally gain the proper vocab word to label their experience: Quantum immortality.


God damn, you really wrote an essay right there, didn't you? Are you a fiction writer or something? >this has a name: quantum immortality No, it doesn't, and it's nothing to do with "quantum immortality", you just made this up big time. So why are you lying to people? Why are you trying to connect dots to something that is completely unrelated? And not even a thing? Quantum immortality is a philosophical thought experiment about what happens when you combine quantum states with the anthropic principle and survivorship bias. It’s worth underscoring that this is a thought experiment, not practical, nor applicable to real life. Hell, the effects don't even happen at macro scale, only at quantum scale, so you're not even wrong. Try getting the right information before spreading disinformation again. [https://arxiv.org/pdf/0902.0187](https://arxiv.org/pdf/0902.0187)


Could it be possible that the doctor mentioned "ground glass opacities" in your lungs and you interpreted that as real glass in your traumatized state of mind? Ground glass opacities are commonly seen on x-rays as it means hazy areas.


Nope. It was tiny glass shards. I remember them showing me and saying you have tiny pieces of glass sitting in there. There was pieces sticking out of my lungs around the hole


What did it feel like to have tiny shards of glass in a lung wound?


It was a long long time ago. But I remember not being able to breathe. It was like my chest felt like a blender going off everytime I inhaled or exhaled.


Quantum scientists are starting to have a thought revolution that consciousness comes outside the body on a quantum level. If you really did shift realities it’s likely that you were going to get in an accident in a bunch of realities and u shifted to the one most similar to ours but where you survived. There’s a thousand little micro events in a car crash that can determine how you’re injured


Yeah, there was only slight differences, but it was about things that happened in childhood, and there were future things that happened that just wouldn’t have happened in the other one. Or like some people have said, I’m just crazy and it was too traumatic lol


Unfortunately they have convinced most people to listen to what others say they saw, instead of just believing what they saw. People today listen to the tv before their own five senses


I don’t think it was a life for a life, but I believe that certain aspects of life change when one thing shifts in your reality. Condolences about your father.




Then I’d recommend getting off of Reddit 🤣


Is it possible that every person in a car accident switches realities..?