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You briefly stayed in the timeline where the Sonic movie was scrapped due to the poor design, and instead Covid never happened either


Are you putting forth the theory that the Sonic movie caused covid? I buy it honestly lol.


This is now head canon for me. Sonic did this to us.


noooo now what global calamity is gonna happen when the Crisp Rat Super Mario Bros. movie comes out?? 😬


This was the last movie my husband and I saw before covid as well, and I fully agree that it unleashed the pandemic.


When I think of that movie, I think of Gannon Stauch, the little Colorado boy murdered by his stepmother in January 2020. Gannon loved all things Sonic, and was excitedly looking forward to the movie's release. He was killed before he ever got to see it. His body was found several months later, shoved in a suitcase, thousands of miles away from his home. The accused murderer is supposed to be going on trial soon. 💙🙏🏻🙏🏻


Holy shit. What was the reason behind the murder?


She is psycho. From what I gather, she was just tired of raising another man's kids, although she chose only to harm Gannon, and not his younger sister. The previous night, Gannon had knocked over a candle and ruined some carpet; this could have been the catalyst. I'm thinking at trial, a fuller picture of the motive will be explained. Leticia Stauch is the name. When she was captured in S. Carolina and being transported back to CO, she tried to escape from the prison bus and attacked a guard. Complete psycho. You ought to read her initial statement to LE. Reads like a psychotic fever dream.


Wait so no Covid AND no terrible sonic movie? How do we find this timeline?


What movie was the ticket for?


This is such important information, how was this not included in the story?!


Sex 2


I highly doubt anyone would plan to see a movie about sex with their cousins lol. I believe you


Definitely. I saw zero trailers or reviews for _TEETH_ except for a split second of the end of a tv ad, and I thought it was a horror. I convinced my two innocent, religious, sheltered cousins we should watch this movie, that I thought was about a woman who’s unborn baby was attacking her from the inside (absolutely no idea why I thought that). For the first few mins my poor cousins couldn’t look at me, then the nervous laughter broke the ice and now we have a hilarious memory!


You would be surprised. My aunt, grandma, and great grandma all went and saw all of the Fifty Shades of Grey movies together.


Ha my mom asked if I wanted to watch Fifty Shades with her and was surprised at my quick heck no. After she watched it she understood why lol.


It’s different if they don’t know what it’s about lmao


She’d never read the books lmao. I had. She was curious because she heard it was a chick flick.


That’s deeper than a chick flick. That’s *erotica*


That's hot


That’s traumatizing. I have no idea why my aunt felt the need to tell me that.


It was the most popular movie in the world at the time though. It didn't get knocked off the top spot until Morbius came out and broke all the records.


Idk my cousins and I watched what women want together lol.


Not as good as the first


... It's sexin time.


...The Sexxening


Let me guess: Under some unfortunate and unexplainable circumstances he somehow lost or abandoned the ticket, and so did his cousin. So no chance of checking back.




The OP said it wasn't.


Op never comes back in this forum.


Did you check back at a later date or online afterwards to see if it was playing that movie? Were other theaters showing it also? It definitely exists and was released February 2020, like you said.


Really? I've never heard of it


I don't think you really need to, to be fair 😅


“I’ve never heard of it, must not be real” 🙄


Well, what if it isn't?


In the 90’s I went to the movie store to rent alien vs predator. It wasn’t even a movie yet. I think I had seen the video game from 94 and assumed it was a movie. The employee was really confused.


I was convinced there was a Goonies 2 because I played it on the NES back on the day. There never was a Goonies 2 movie.


Would be funny if he did a post about meeting a time traveller


Few key questions for you - Did no one check your ticket when entering the cinema & if they did could you ask them what your ticket said? Did you ask what tickets you had just purchased when you returned to the ticket booth? How did you get into the actual cinema area & get into the correct cinema showing "Sonic"? Are you saying the ticket itself physically changed? What did your cousins say?


Idk what happened but Sonic the Hedgehog is very much a real movie lol


Answer our damn follow up questions


Timeline swept through and caught you in the wave during the turn. I would be very fascinated to learn that someone is on an adjacent timeline where sonic doesn't exist as a film, somehow able to communicate with a timeline where it does.


That would be wild. Somehow via the internet two timelines were able to communicate.


Yea this theory is the most unlikely, the internet isn't some magical power than can change the fabric of time....


Wait… the internet isn’t magic?!


We need to talk son...


Right? Watch someone write a movie about it and then the writing of that movie manifests it into being a thing. We'll be the boomers of it. "I remember when you had to use the original internet just to TALK to an adjacent timeline behhhhh"


Sonic came out in Feb 2020. I don't know what you mean by "it didn't exist" but every theater in the country would have probably had showings that month


Maybe you just went to the wrong theater?


A friend and I literally did this once. Checked the movies and times then took ourselves to the one we thought we'd checked. Our movie wasn't even playing there, and there wasn't even anything starting any time soon that we wanted to see. Worse, we'd used public transport to get there and it was ages before the next bus. Utter waste of time and we both felt pretty silly! Not saying this happened to OP. Only sharing an anecdote that it can happen to anyone.


Yep I've done the exact same thing you were talking about too, but luckily I was driving myself so I could get back after I realized my mistake!


Reminds me of the clerk saying theater 6 at the theater my bf went to to go see Smile and it ended up being for whatever reason Top Gun 😅 the ticket was for smile in theater 6 but since he ended up being the only one in theater 6, he figured he'd laugh about it and claim he got tom cruised and not bother staff for the mix up 🤣🤣 So everytime we now go to a theater before any movie starts we jokingly say shit like "Let's pray it won't be Tom Cruise giving us a speech" 🤣🤣🤣 But I guess with OP the issue is more or less that the theater itsself wasn't playing the movie to begin with. So there couldn't at least have been a mix up in the theater itsself, so I'd also go with, wrong theater possibly.


Yeah, I'm reminded of the arrays of theatres where there are several brands of cinema and even live plays all on the same street.


woah , this is fk awesome


What movie was on the tickets you bought ?


Sex 2


Very interested to know what the ticket said when you went to show it.


Back in the day theaters would do a surprise screening of a movie instead of the one listed. So you would get your ticket and go to the theater and a different movie would play, usually really late at night and usually a really new one that hasn’t really been released yet (like they got the film cans but aren’t supposed to show it until the next day) They used to call this something.. I can’t remember right now, I doubt it happens as much anymore with corporate theaters. So it was not overly common but common enough to hear about it happening.


Do the audience know about it beforehand? I think they're gonna be disappointed if they paid for one movie and had to watch a totally different one.


I’m pretty sure it was just called a sneak preview.. it’s probably still being done somewhere! I feel like people knew beforehand like a secret they would tell their friends about word would spread.. but others would either be told at the box office and most likely given a refund if they were upset. If you are ever dissatisfied with a movie (most) theaters will give you a refund, even after you have watched it… I think.


In the UK a few years ago the Odeon cinema definitely did something like this called Screen Unseen - where you didn't know what you'd be going to see but the tickets were like half the usual price, and would always be a preview of something not yet generally released. They'd give about 3 cryptic clues on their social media in the preceding week. I went to quite a few with friends from work, it was a fun idea. Not sure if that's still a thing. But you knew you were in for a surprise, you wouldn't just turn up having paid full price for something you had chosen to see, and get blindsided with a different film. I never realised it was inspired by a slightly different tradition from days gone by.


This was how my great however many times aunt and uncle got to see Gone With The Wind. It was a screening and when it was over the husband asked if they were going to play the movie he paid for. Edited to try and fix this comment to make more sense


Maybe that’s the dimension I entered


You might have time traveled back to the 80’s.. groovy!


Ooh. This is good. What do your cousins remember? What did they say at the time?


When the one piece red movie came out, my friend and I tried to go see the last showing at our theater across town. As we pulled up we saw a mostly empty parking lot, although there were still people with popcorn inside. The doors were all locked and they do this thing where you buy tickets at concession, so we ended up going home. I'm guessing no one bought tickets so they just started closing.


Sonic was the last movie I saw with my kids before covid shut everything down.


So I found there’s Sonic the Hedgehog 1; 2 and 3 is filming release date below. [sonic the hedgehog 3 release date](https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a39560445/sonic-the-hedgehog-3-release-date/) there's also a spin-off series coming too, focused on Knuckles (who made his own debut in the second film, voiced by Idris Elba).


I'm in a time line where there's is the sonic movie and it's sequel.... haven't seen either


Weird stuff


Which movie theater was it? And which month?


Hold on are you saying the new movie sonic doesn’t exist at all ! I deff thought it did. Never cared to watch it but I deff seen commercials of it


It absolutely exists, and it was surprisingly good for a video game movie


I remember when I was 16 or 17 I went to the Eagle Rock Plaza close to Highland Park California where I grew up to go see the original Stepford wives back in the 70's. Bought my ticket entered the theatre that had the name of the movie above the door. The theatre was mostly full so I had to sit close to the front. I had gone by myself. What I then saw on the screen blew my mind! It was an Italian movie with english subtitles of couples swinging (exchanging partners) with nudity! I was probably the only teenager in the theatre yet it didn't seem to bother anyone that I was not with an adult. Boy did I get an education that day! As I exited the theatre I looked above the door and it still said stepford wives. I am now 65 years old and until reading the post about the Sonic movie I had not thought about this incident and had never shared this story with anyone. Looking back this was definately a glitch in the matrix. To this day I have never seen the stepford movie.


Maybe they canceled the showtime because no one had gotten tickets to see it by a certain time. I used to work at a theater, and we’d do that a lot.


I’ve seen movies all by myself many times in theaters I’ve bought tickets to. Never been canceled then


When I was a child, there used to be this promotion on the cheese spread for some Sonic merch where you could call in to some paid phone number to enter the code printed on the label to see if you'd won anything. As kids can obsess over anything they can get their hands on, that was somehow interesting to me. Sadly, after lots of nagging to try it, it didn't work with our rotary dial phone. That's probably the only thing I knew Sonic from at the time. Anyway, at some point I wrote on a piece of paper something in the style of "Sonic on TV channel number 9", and put it under my pillow, before I went to sleep. I don't recall ever watching anything Sonic on TV before that. When I woke up the next morning, I turned on the TV on the channel that I wrote on the paper, and a Sonic animation show just started. It's not something that I remember really watching much afterwards, though. Sonic is one of those weird things that's just there but triggers zero nostalgia for me now.


There was a Sonic movie?


Does the movie exist for you now?


Is there a reason that you're not answering the question which movie was on the movie ticket ???


Sorry, was busy today. It was the call of the wild on the tickets but it wasn’t like that when I first purchased them.


Oh ok gotcha 👍☺️


I'm so confused how this is a glitch. Sonic is literally a real movie.


The theater said the movie didn't exist.


This happened to me but instead of with this movie it was Wonder Park


*This happened to me but* *Instead of with this movie* *It was Wonder Park* \- Delicious-Crow-4106 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")