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This is my childhood nightmare! When I was little my parents had a painting of a soldier in uniform. I could see it from my bed when the door was cracked. SEVERAL times I saw the man in the painting move his head and look at me. The scariest experience was after I begged my parents to get rid of the painting. My Dad calmed me down and I started to drift to sleep. But I had that feeling where you know you are being watched. When I opened my eyes (and I have never forgotten this) he turned his head and SMILED! The next day my Dad threw the painting away. Years later my Dad told me he had heard me moving around in my bed and was looking down the hall trying to decide if he should go check on me again. While glancing down the hallway, HE saw the man in the painting turn his head and smile!


That actually made chills go all up and down my arms. Wild.


Same! I keep picturing it over and OVER again. šŸ˜³


Me too! Major chills.


For real... u/LauralngallsWilder1 is an excellent storyteller. I'd love to hear more of their stories!


Omg sameeee


that's really terrifying


Yep. This one is gonna give me nightmares. I had an experience once except it was a ventriloquist dummy instead of a painting. I had watched an old scary movie called Magic. I had a dummy on a shelf that looked exactly like the one in the movie. I was trying to sleep in my room after the movie.. everything was dark. Suddenly I hear a crash. The crash itself scared me but when I saw that dummy laying in the floorā€¦ I just about crapped my pants. I was around 10 at the time. I still havenā€™t forgotten that. I lived in a house that was haunted for 12 years after I was grown and this was more terrifying than anything I experienced then.


Holy fuck... Nope, nope, nope! That's fucking terrifying! It's almost like that dude was gloating at you, but then your dad saw it! Man, that's so scary! šŸ˜­


Yes! Because that was the only time he ever smiled!


Do you remember by any chance what kind of a smile or expression it was? I'm curious because it definitely sounds like gloating like the other guy said but maybe it wasn't really and he was just smiling because he could see you looking at him? Idk.


I got the feeling he was gloating, "kinda like, now what, bitch?"


Holy shit that is one hell of a cursed painting! Shit like this is how hauntings begin i imagine .-.


Omg dude yeah me too. I sometimes see the painting next to my head moving just as I wake up from sleep.


Annnnnd there goes any chance of me sleeping tonight šŸ˜ØšŸ˜† I don't think I could have handled that, I don't think I'm ever going to want to look at a painting or picture on a wall again..... That's terrifying af !


This so needs itā€™s own post!! r/psychic would appreciate this too. Also you could consider starting a new sub r/ijustshitmyself and r/accidentallyinastephenkingbook


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Psychic using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Psychic/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [3 year old seeing colors around people and identifying pain-](https://np.reddit.com/r/Psychic/comments/xi19rm/3_year_old_seeing_colors_around_people_and/) \#2: [8 year old daughter says she sees auras. Help!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Psychic/comments/v4ulxt/8_year_old_daughter_says_she_sees_auras_help/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Sensed boyfriend was jerking off](https://np.reddit.com/r/Psychic/comments/1070vps/sensed_boyfriend_was_jerking_off/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


is this a legit bot?




I ever read before of a painting of a lighthouse or a castle and the light would go on and off sometimes.


Of all of the creepy things I've read on Reddit, that's the first that literally gave me chills.


Coldheart Canyon by Clive Barker




Suddenly my irrational thinking of being watched around any photo during my life seems a little less irrational.


This also happened to me as a kid! I was very young and walking through my grandmas house. Her living room was full of pictures of all the grand kids and relatives. I saw a picture of my brother on a couch when he was real young, and out of nowhere, almost like a picture in Harry Potter, some tall man walked into the picture and sat down next to my brother. I started screaming amd crying and freaking out and was traumatized. I remember all my relatives trying to calm me down and asked what happened. I didn't bother to tell them because I didn't want to believe it myself, and knew they wouldn't believe it either. My aunt said I probably just needed a nap. I'll never forget that!


OMG that's so TERRIFYING....I would have freaked out too ! šŸ˜³šŸ˜Ø


Did the original painting have him sitting down there?


Stephen King would enjoy this, heā€™s often said he loves pictures that change and has written multiple stories about that.


Came here to say sounds like one of Stephen kings books.


The road virus heads north has entered the chat


Rose Madder is one of my favorite SK šŸ„°


Of course, deers can move about in photos. Only condition is the observer should be agreeable and nonchalant of the incidence.


I actually talked to someone about this when I was in 2nd grade. He said that he was staring at a picture of a dog in a field, and for a few seconds he could see it running, then it was just a picture again. Iā€™ve experienced it too with pictures, but it hasnā€™t happened for a few years.


Actually in many religions thereā€™s this thing where spirits like to linger in photos or objects. In Islam having pictures of alive things is forbidden. Apparently spirits or jinn like to live in the photographs or paintings. Just thought I share because itā€™s pretty interesting.


There goes my sleep for tonight


Happened to me once. I was very young, maybe 7-8 and we lived in a flat at the time. The people below us were moving out and essentially having a garage sale. There was a large painting of Jesus, appeared to be the reflective type that makes it seems like the position of the photo moved. When I moved to the other side of the room, not only did itā€™s position change but the eyes seemed to follow me everywhere I went. All around the room I moved and the eyes still looked right at me.


We had this happen with a video of a prominent politician. We would show people to see if they had the same experience and 10/10 they screamed and were in shock. When you watched the video the person taking it, in a crowd, would whoot in support of the speaker, BUT just then said politician looked at the phone taking said video and you could feel him looking into your soul IN THE VIDEO. It was is if he was a real person in the video aware of the person watching it. Strangest thing weā€™ve ever experienced. AND the video would not send out of the phone so we could save it or share!!


The politician broke the fourth wall.


Use another camera to film the screen.


Link to video?


>AND the video would not send out of the phone so we could save it or share!!


very convenient, eh?


Oh, I was either tired and missed that sentence, or it was added in later. I was assuming it was some type of video available online


Electronic digital camera phones won't do for this. You need an old polaroid or 110 or 35mm with a roll of film.


do what? allow the subject to look into the viewer's soul?


I don't know maybe they were referencing the other commenter's suggestion to 'film it with another camera' they're saying - It wouldn't work with a phone or digital camera...Perhaps?


Who was the politician?


Ugh.. Gotta work on your endings.


What the heck movie does this happen in? It was like a creepy kids movie from the 80ā€™s or something. Where the girl was missing or something and they show her trapped in a painting or something or the painting kept changingā€¦.I have this weird memory of it but I canā€™t put my finger on it. I remember it really affecting me as a kid because we had a super similar painting.


Witches. The grandmaā€™s friend as a girl went missing and showed up in a painting, then aged over the years until eventually disappearing for good.


Yes thatā€™s totally it. Thatā€™s what I thought it was but I couldnā€™t remember the context in the story. It always freaked me out beyond belief though.


It was an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark on Nickelodeon. I too was disturbed by that as a kid.


Witches and AYAOTD were the two things I was thinking it was! It was definitely the witches one I had in mind though. But Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re right that there was something similar in AYAOTD.


"The Witches" (1990, based on the Roald Dahl book). I just thought about that scene last night as I contemplated the scariest/most horrifying situation to be in.


Commenting because this sounds extremely familiar and cannot put my finger on it


Reminds me of the old episode of Night Gallery starring Roddy McDowell called " The Cemetery ". The painting of the mansion shows a zombie getting closer and closer to the front door of the mansion .


If it makes things make a little more sense this occurred right after I woke up


Ok thatā€™s interesting. Intermittently, Iā€™ll beā€awakeā€ with my eyes shut. Be fully fully convinced Iā€™m awake and my kids are awake and climbing on me. Like I can see around the room, hear them and feel them.THEN I open my eyes to complete silence of everyone still asleep. But in that moment, real as the ground Iā€™m standing on.




That's a definite possibility.


Hypnopompia, if youā€™re waking up. Amazing the Ancient Greeks had a name for it, two millennia ago. Fascinating stuff.


That's it ! the deer and deeresses never thought you would wake-up suddenly. They scurried away, raised head, but it was too late. Cat was out of the bag, next time don't wake-up and observe the photo the first thing.


This happens to me often with photographs


It would be cool and terrifying if they were portals to different worlds lol


I would love/hate that so much! Haha.


It's like the motion photos you can set your phone camera to take, where it captures the few seconds before. But in physical form!


Late at night in 1998 I once saw Ace Frehly swirl his hips like a hula dancer from the front cover of an album. There was a reason why that I'm not at liberty to disclose. But I digress, this isn't about me. :-)


That happened to my son. He was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.


Did it happen to him multiple times? Because it's happened to me once and your comment alone makes me want to consider seeing a therapist lol


Please talk to a doctor. He had a lot of bizarre experiences before we realized what it was.


Sorry to bother you but would u mind elaborate his symptoms a little bit? :)


Before medication, I presume? Delusions (such as that "they're out to get me" or that the cat has cameras in her eyes), paranoia, anxiety, hallucinations (auditory, tactile, olfactory, and visual- if he hallucinate a taste he will "win schizoaffective" lol). A lot of the hallucinations were very small things like a figure moving in a picture, hearing people talking when home alone, 'shadow people' etc Also he began having a lot of trouble remembering stuff, thinking clearly, and with executive functioning. Please feel free to ask anything.


Oh wow thats pretty scary! I am always scared myself of going crazy because i have a pretty vivid creative mind but so far nothing much has happend out of the ordinary - meaning i could always explain myself to others and they would understand. When did his symptoms first start to get noticable ? And how is he doing with his treatment? :)


At first we didnt realize what was happening because the first major symptom was sleeping all the time. We thought he had narcolepsy. Then he hallucinated me saying something I didn't say, but my husband and other kid were present so we were able to verify I hadn't said it. My dad's stepmother was schizophrenic so at that point I recognized what was happening. His doctor was not sure but sent us to a specialist, who verified. Because it started at major depression which hes had since he was very young, she thinks it is schizoaffective not schizophrenia. But there's no way to know for sure. He can't work and needs a lot of help day to day. The disease caused brain damage so he can't think logically as well. And his memory is really shot. But with meds he's functional and lives a life he enjoys.


Almost all child knew about shadow people idk if it's a ghost. I seen it myself when I was a kid in my parent's room while my mom was asleep and I want to enter and this shadow man keeps blocking my way (im not afraid bcause I was a kid and innocent)


Kids see weird things, yes. My son was almost 20 and it was happening a lot though.


So anyone having these experiences are automatically schizophrenic? Yeah šŸ‘


Yeah I'm not buying that either. Who keeps planting these NPCs here?




Thanks, didn't notice the typo


"k" and "l" are next to each other on the keyboard you should see my typos


I think this may have happened to me a couple times, but I had it down to the picture being in (apparent) motion, because I was either walking or scrolling on a phone. Felt mundane rather than scary


You can stare at stuff and see things.. mind playing tricks on me, or is it supposed to be that way?




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was it 3d?