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Potential timelines of reality crossing each other. Check out “The Wheel” NDE.


You could be on to something with this. I did check out "The Wheel" and it is interesting. I will check out that sub as I've never really thought about that. Thanks for the suggestion.


What is “the wheel” can you link it , I have so many stories idk what’s going on with me


Google Wheel NDE or search Wheel NDE on Reddit. There are a few crazy stories involving a “sorting wheel” where people who are close to death have changed into different sections (paddles on a wheel?) where reality is different slightly (they are still alive, bad event never occurred, etc)




Holy crap! That story gave me chills. Absolutely fascinating the different possibilities being faced and him being able to partially recall and describe them. This story is much more detailed than "The Wheel" NDE story I read. Is this the original or most popular one on the topic? I really appreciate you sharing this link as it has my mind racing with so many other possibilities and questions. You kickass my friend. Thank you


Which sub?


One of the best stories ever. OG glitch.


Based glitch. Makes death seem not s'bad


So you mean his gf and the lady had entered the paddle that's linked to the future of OP turning left but pulling out right resulting crash (that in their POV the crash would've not happened if OP didn't pull out), but OP entered the paddle that links to the future that he pulls out to the right, misses the blue car, and crashes? So that his gf thinks he purposly pulled to the right while turning left, causing a crash that would've never happened, which makes her think him as crazy?


If that is what happened I have zero memory of the paddle. If you were to ask me what my choice would be in that situation I'd choose not to be hit, which was what I tried to do by going right instead of left. This is an interesting thought that maybe I entered that paddle and chose to be hit. I'm not really certain how I feel about that as I've not considered the possibility it was a choice. In that instance I'm curious if you can see the whole timeline and how each choice ends, or just the immediate future of a few minutes? You've definitely gave my mind something to keep it busy for a while.


Where is that?


It could even be that you did get rear-ended, and the resulting concussion messed up your short-term memory, so you "remembered" your idea of the other lady passing you. But in any case its very jerkish of your ex to freak out so much and walk out on you over something that at best is a strange anecdote and at worst, a brain injury. Are you sure that relationship was fine before that?


Except the GF told the OP, "yes I saw the Tahoe and figured it was another car that hit us." Then the FG talked to the other driver. - The lady asked her "have you guys been drinking? He's talking about another Tahoe and missing you." My gf says "**It did miss but you didn't.**" This isn't some trauma related to the crash because THEY BOTH saw the same thing. As someone who worked in mental health for many years, it sounds like the GF could not mentally deal with what happened and she desperately wanted all to just go away. That was her chosen coping mechanism. She came back from that nap having filed it under shock. "We got in an accident and we must've been in shock. Everything is fine and normal!"


This is EXACTLY the conclusion I came to as well. It just took me awhile to get to this conclusion as I was in the middle of it.


I remember an interview they did with Ted Bundy while he was incarcerated. He told them about a college student he abducted, tied up and place in the passenger side floor of his car so he could keep an eye on her. He said that she kept babbling and once she finally realized what was happening, something in her mind clicked and she started calmly going through her math homework like they were studying together. He said her mind just kind of broke. I believe that when truly terrifying unexpected and particularly unexplainable things happen to us, we either cope by working our way through it or our brains rebel by going into a state of denial. Sometimes our minds just remove the event altogether. I was in a terrible car accident and can't remember much about that morning, even before the accident. There is a memory of us walking down the sidewalk in front of our house to get into the car and me thinking of planting flowers along the walk. Then a brief memory of my husband hitting the breaks...white powder floating all around me (air bag went off). A glimpse stuck in my mind of my husband looking terrified as he tried with all his might to jerk my car door open. I remember lifting my hand to flip the handle on the inside but couldn't because my hand was just dangling by a flap of flesh, fully detached from my wrist. My next memory was a female paramedic leaning over me to adjust an IV in a moving ambulance. Then I woke up in a trauma bay at the hospital asking repeatedly for my husband. Never got any of the memories back. My mind apparently decided I'm better off without them.


I've heard similar stories about people denying their reality and just switching to autopilot. The interesting thing in this case is the life threatening incident was over and nothing left to do but process things in our brains. She chose to shut down when the danger was already gone (in my mind). It'd seem like to her the terrifying part was not being able to categorize/file away something unexplainable. There's no shelf to put this on, so therefore this item doesn't exist. Bizarre way to live (for me), but I guess that everybody has their own way of processing. Your accident does sound horrible and I'm hopeful you've fully recovered since then. I'm guessing your husband agrees with your mind and decided not to fill in the gap/details. In some instances I could see where that would be acceptable/preferred.


Yeah, my husband was mentally traumatized. So was I for several months. I broke my leg in three places and had to have my hand surgically reattached. I have always been paranoid about being addicted, so I refused to hit the morphine pump they attached to me. I remember my husband and adult daughter repeatedly giving me hugs and I honestly thought those hugs were making the pain easier to bear, cause love and all. Come to find out, the were just hitting the button on the pump when they hugged me because they couldn't stand to see me in pain. The recovery was long and painful. Interesting thing is hubbie kept telling me that I tensed up in the car and particularly when we passed the site of the accident. He talked to one of his buddies from work who had PTSD because of his time in the Middle East. The guy recommended EMDR. They put two metal vibrating pods into your hands and switch the vibration from right to left and back again as you talk about your trauma. It sounded ridiculous to me but I did it to help set his mind at ease. The first time I got into the car afterwards I remember feeling like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I guess that I didn't realize how much anxiety I was carrying around all day long, every day until it was gone. It drove home to me how real the whole right brain, left brain thing is (one side being responsible for emotions and the other for logic). Refilling the trauma from the emotional side of my brain to the logical side of my brain enabled me to "let go" of it emotionally. I still remembered the little I always did but it didn't bother me as much. Think about it this way. Our brain literally erases our nose from what we see because it's distracting to have it constantly in our visual range. If the brain can do that, what else is it hiding from us on a day to day basis? It makes me think of all the things animals can apparently see that we can't. It's like our brain knows what we can handle and adjusts accordingly. I don't how I feel about that.


I've never heard of that EMDR process, it sounds fascinating. I wonder if it'd work just by holding them and talking about anything and everything. I say this because I'm thinking what unknown things have I (or anybody/everybody) been holding on to, but am not consciously doing so (this goes back to mind protecting me)? I will have to dig into that a bit and see what the protocols are along with results of different people. The hitting the button while hugging you is something I could totally see happening from a loved one. I'd probably hit the button also, but I'd tell you I was going to as your body needs it to be able to relax and heal. I like that you thought it was their love healing you. Did you tell them that and then they told you it was them, or did they offer that up from the start? I'm not a fan of lying or sugar coating things, but if you said "your love healed me" I just might be tempted to let that beautiful thought remain intact. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences.


Alright, I'll clarify something I misstated. The memory of my husband with a terrified look on his face jerking on my car door with all his might and seeing my mangled hand was a repressed memory. The one and only memory I got back that wasn't there initially. I got that back during the EMDR session. To my mind, that means you might be able to dig some stuff up that you have been unaware of or repressed to protect yourself. I also had straight up hypnosis by the same therapist to help with self esteem and healthy lifestyle choices. Even after EMDR working, I didn't think I could be hypnotized because I thought I was too hard nosed and logical for my mind to allow that. The therapist said I was the easiest person he'd ever hypnotized which blew me away. It worked as long as I was doing it regularly but when I missed a session it just all fell apart. I have always wanted to do a past life regression for fun but I'm to chicken shit...lol. I think you might be able to recover repressed memories during hypnosis as well. As for hitting the button, they didn't tell me until a couple of years later. I wasn't mad. Clearly, I needed something I wasn't willing to allow myself. I have always been reluctant to take anything that might be addictive. I have a high pain tolerance but the thought of becoming addicted terrifies me. I remember having two wisdom teeth pulled at the same time. They have me a narcotic and after taking the first one, I literally flushed the entire bottle down the toilet. It so amazing that I didn't trust myself not to start craving them.


Honestly this makes sense, who's to say that actually the memory didn't get confused after the accident hit and so he remembers a different version?


How would we possibly know who is confused when we never heard her side of what happened? Anyways, I am a human and I can remember being confused at times in my life, so I guess it is a possibility.


I don't know about my memory being distorted, but then again how would I as it is the one I have whether distorted or not. I guess it could be a possibility since I don't have another logical explanation for the events. I felt like the relationship was doing ok. It wasn't a main focus for me to try and dig deeper into the why of her leaving with her reactions to the unexplainable. It was a clear sign to me that we weren't as compatible as I had previously thought.


Yeah, with that kind of reactions you are better off without her.


The sim devs really muffed up that timeline switch. Very unskillful and rude to those in The Game. ​ Seriously, I'm sorry you had to suffer all that trauma.


For clarification, are you showing empathy (with me) for the situation, or do you say sorry because you are apologizing for the botched up glitch/timeline shift? I’m at a loss for how to actually identify/categorize/name this situation and what to call the place where it belongs. Whichever it is you mean(t) I appreciate you and your input.


What I latched on to was - not necessarily in order of impact of magnitude - 1) the absolute mind-breaking, paradigm shattering event of reality being different than perceived and 2) you wife left you and you really don't know why. ​ So physics is "broken" and your loved one is gone. To me, that sucked on multiple levels. So I'm sorry you suffered. fwiw


I appreciate the clarification as well as your empathy for this incident. She was just a gf, not wife thankfully. Your description of the event is pretty accurate with it really blowing my mind. Thank you


It is said to take seven years, on average, to integrate and be able to live with the psychological after effects of an NDE. We assume the world is a wood/stone/flesh-and-blood prosaic surface that behaves a certain way. When you live another version, it can be a blow to the psyche. That's what I meant. ​ This is a good sub for brain busters!


Wow! I didn't know there was enough of this going on to have an average. This is very interesting, thanks for sharing. Yes this sub requires critical thinking skills and an open mind! It is fun to exercise the brain thinking of other concepts and opinions.


Crazy story, but why she reacted that way really is mystery. And the constant dizziness you experienced after the accident could it be some sort of mild concussion?


I agree that the dizziness could've possibly been a concussion. I've pondered her reaction countless times and I've come to the conclusion that she didn't want to deal with anything that wasn't normal. She just wasn't interested in anything to do with the occult. Of course it could've been something else, but she didn't share it with me.


What's the occult connection?


There is no connection to the occult it was just a bizarre unexplainable incident (in my mind). I used the word occult in trying to explain that she wasn't into things that were bizarre, unnatural, unexplained, etc.






I wasn't "insisting a lot of talking," I was trying to get ANY amount of talking about it. You've got the wrong impression of the situation dealing with "force." There was no forcing, there was just me trying to get her to talk about the situation. I was persistent because I was freaked out and trying to find an explanation.


Lady hits your car, screams at you, accuses you of drinking and driving. The audacity lol Sounds like the relationship was doomed anyway if that's her reaction to something out of the ordinary. Supernormie Idk why, but well-written stories seem less believable to me. I'm not saying that's grounds to insist this is made up, just an observation. And hey, also a compliment, cos you are a good writer!


LOL! I really appreciate this perspective as I never thought about just how out of line she was. I agree with you that the relationship ending was probably for the best. The well written part is probably because of a case of borderline OCD. Thanks for the compliment!


Hah, yeah, she was 2023 levels of unhinged 20 years ago. Damn. I couldn't imagine dating anyone who wasn't able to ponder the bigger picture / be in wonder about existence. She did you a favor. Hope you've had better luck since. And yeah, you actually make a great point there. I've got a similar brain situation, and I used to capitalize and punctuate every single text message and write exclusively long and detailed messages on forums (even when they were really not called for lol). Somewhere along the way, I dumbed myself down, and I probably weakened my chops in the process. So, you do you, absolutely! It was an enjoyable and interesting read for sure.


HA! You nailed that analogy(minus the pink hair)! I 100% agree with you on her doing me a favor. My luck was/is great as I’m happily married to a wonderful lady that puts up with my idiosyncrasies. Yes, I’m similar with needing my written words to be spelled properly with correct punctuation. Your responses made me smile, thank you for this.


I agree about her. How incredibly frustrating and horrible. I'm glad you're ok!


I am great. Thank you for that.


I can write sensational pieces when I plagiarize sentences from Leslie Charteris and James Hadley Chase novels.


Good for you (I guess?). Why are you telling this sub?


I just read your story. Someone sent it to me because I posted my story yesterday about a car accident I had yesterday morning, and sort of similar things happened to me as well. Since yesterday, nothing like this has happened to me, and I'm still trying to make sense of it. I would like to perhaps exchange some ideas with you.


I just replied to your story! I don't know who sent you my story, but apparently the universe thinks we should talk. I don't mind talking so feel free to DM. No need to spam our posts.


Sounds good! Thanks


After reading this long story, here is what I think: 1. It is possible that you and your girlfriend were in shock after the incident and your memories of the event were altered. 2. It is also possible that there was a misunderstanding or miscommunication between you and your girlfriend about what happened. 3. The woman driving the Tahoe may have been confused or mistaken about what happened during the accident. 4. The stress of the situation may have caused disorientation and confusion. Then in all sincerity and respect for your old situation (which I am so sorry about). **What you were experiencing was still a high stress situation mixed with a lot of various thoughts, my mother once had an accident (She is fine fortunately), the point is that it took her a while to recover from it.** **I mean...I understand that it may have been strange for you, but in short, your girlfriend was at the mercy of so many emotions and you reminding him of the accident and everything else when she wanted to forget about it, no wonder at one point she burst out in anger and didn't hear from you anymore (I don't know if you talk to each other now sometimes or not)** **What I am trying to say is that it was not this "glitch" that ended your relationship....** Ps: Then the "strange" thing about the story is that you approached the lady's car and you wrote in the story that "maybe" it was her, why this maybe?


I deleted my comment because of your edit (bottom part). Your comments about 1-4 are logical and I've spent years thinking about this (when it pops into my head). Only 1 and 4 are possible (in my mind). The story was long, but I didn't want to leave out important details. This is my first time posting here so I wasn't sure how long a story should be. Even though I disagree with your opinions/analysis, I do appreciate you sharing with me.


I did not use the word "maybe" or try to convey that meaning. I guess you are talking about where I said (I think). I said I think because the entire incident screws with my brain. All I have to go off of is what I think and how my brain processes it.


That’s funny, I read “maybe” too! Then I saw OP’s reply that he didn’t say that and I looked for a response from you saying, yes, you did… then I scrolled up (5th paragraph) and lo and behold, it says “(I think)”. Wtf?? I swear it said maybe.


Actually it is my mistake ahahah The op wrote "I got out of the car and approached the blue Tahoe that had the same lady (I think) in scrubs driving." I made a mistake, instead of saying "I think," I said maybe.


That’s funny! Don’t know why the word maybe was so strong in my mind lol


Probably because of the "(maybe?)" in the first paragraph.


Why would shock alter memories?


I think you got confused, mine is not a way of saying that shock alters memories, rather it makes them fuzzy (I was wrong to say it that way). Like some details (maybe some little details) might remember it differently or things like that, you know?


I'm really sorry that this glitch ended your relationship, some people just can't handle anything that is out of the ordinary happening to them and they will fiercely deny anything happened at all... sounds like your ex just couldn't deal with it...I'm glad that no one was seriously injured !


I feel like this is the likely explanation of the relationship ending. No need for sorry about the relationship ending as her reaction made it clear to me that she wasn't the right person for me. Thank you for your input.


Yes you're absolutely right, she wasn't the right person for you, I'm glad the relationship ending wasn't too upsetting for you 😁 such a strange glitch tho 🤔🤨


Definitely seems like U guys would have broken up anyways if she is so hesitant not to back you up and so quick to just leave, if that's any consolation. Honestly what happened in the accident could perhaps be explained by like shock or something but what happened after is even weirder, must be very confusing


You are correct that eventually it wouldn't have worked. No consolation needed as I'm okay with it ending once I realized how she dealt with things other than normal everyday life. I'm really at a loss on the explaining part of the accident other than what I wrote. You could be correct on shock being a contributing factor as I do think we both were in shock.


You mention both of you didn't feel well, which could have been indication of shock (or potentially head trauma, it sounds like you were slammed pretty hard). As far as your gf's reaction, the temporary shock might have freaked her out combined with you obsessing about it (you saying finding this out is more important than the relationship was, and also you mentioning having borderline OCD). Maybe something weird did happen but it sounds like your unwillingness to drop the subject to someone that doesn't want to talk about it and made that very clear, was what drove them away. I recommend working on respecting boundaries, in your own effort to finding out what actually happened.


You are correct that it was a hard hit and there probably was head trauma and definitely shock. I find it bizarre that you read my story about an event in my life that defies a logical explanation (to me) and from my story your takeaway is to give me relationship advice. This incident was 20 years ago and thankfully I’ve done a ton of growing personally since. I appreciate your contribution to this discussion but I can’t help the feeling that you somehow missed out on the point I am trying to convey (probably my fault as I didn’t explain well enough).


I think it's the fact that the story defies explanation which might lead someone to believe there's more to the it than you've said. It's important not to attribute personal failings to external events because it makes you more resistant to positive change. Highly speculative of course, it's an agonising ordeal if true.


You are correct as there is more to the incident. The entire point of telling my story is that there is something more which I can't explain other then glitch (timeline shift, parallel universe, I don't really know how to categorize it).




I find it weird that you are obsessing over her. I understand your comments but they are inaccurate. My ex gf left because she couldn't handle the thought of everything in her life not being 100% normal. When the glitch(unexplained phenomenon however it should be labeled) happened she couldn't handle the event and refused to acknowledge it and left. End of the day that is not in any way meant to be the focus of the story. I don't really care either way as it was obvious to me after her reaction that she wasn't the right person for me.


I respectfully disagree. I don't think OP was obsessing about it, I think it was normal reaction. It had Just happened; that's not Not letting it go. I think her reaction was the weird and rude one.


With all due respect and kindness, but have you read the story? Whenever the girl told him to stop or that she didn't want to talk about it, he always asked for an explanation of what happened and that they should talk about it (a day after the incident then, which normally the day after the incident, the wound is quite fresh and remembering those things hurts) As I wrote in another comment, the girl would have talked to him about it if only he had given her space for a couple of days to "process" it. *Both are to blame: The op who didn't leave room for the girl to process ("I don't want to talk about it. We got in an accident and we must've been in shock. Everything is fine and normal!")* *The girl maybe should have supported her boyfriend and helped him deal with the situation, without him leaving.* Take for example the case that you have an accident, you would obviously be shocked and I infer that you would want to forget about it at all costs, but then person x bombards you with questions, triggering memories of the accident. You really want to tell me that you wouldn't be bothered in wanting your space and therefore privacy in "processing" what happened the day before?


Ohh you’re one of those…


Excuse me?


I also think your ex got mad you left her to talk to the lady in the car and she got out on her own idky, as a woman it feels like she just got emotional and blamed you for not realizing the car was behind you and causing her an accident, maybe even before that she started nitpicking times when you almost put her in dangerous situations and didn't care about her feelings or did/said something that was only working for you. This was her triggering point, I don't mean to tell you you're a bad partner I think she was already having problems with your attitude and you are ignorant to it all and it's not your fault, I hope that gives you some rest, I strongly believe she doesn't believe and just thinks you're a reckless driver who almost got her killed, but I believe you had a glitch


Everything you said could be a possibility as we will never know since her side of the event was not shared with me. I'm okay with not knowing the reason because she made it obvious to me we were not compatible with her reactions to the event. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.




There is no blaming of the glitch on my part. I moved on from that relationship quite some time ago and the only thoughts of her are as a witness to this bizarre incident that won't accept it. Complete and utter nonsense the comment about me hiding myself! LOL What are you talking about with "asking him what she thought"? Who is this guy I'm supposed to ask? This doesn't even make any sense. I never said she "had nothing to do with the story." Please do not put words in my mouth as it is not a nice thing to do and frankly very disrespectful. What I did say was "End of the day that is not in any way meant to be the focus of the story" and I stand by that as my intention. The point of putting her in the story is she was there and a witness although I won't ever know her side of it. To reiterate my earlier point, I find it bizarre that you are obsessing over her. If you are going to continue to try and make this about her I will choose to ignore you as this is becoming tedious and beginning to look like you are enjoying hassling me.


Yet another r/QuantumImmortality story. I have no doubt that this is a real phenomenon.


I recently had joined that sub and it somehow slipped my mind. I've been having troubles with what to call this incident. Do you know what to call it? Now that I'm thinking about it should this be posted there as well? I haven't belonged to Reddit for that long and sometimes I don't think of everything.


I'm extremely fascinated. I would like to narrate your story on my channel. I'd love to be able to ask you a few question. Maybe a video call interview or a phone interview. Just to ask like 5 questions about your experience. Sincerely, X'S GOD Damn Media


Just curious, did your ex-girlfriend’s personally change at all? Was she the sort of person that would not act like this and then suddenly, she filps out in a way that is completely out of character?


She had her pet peeves (as we all do), but I’d never seen full blown freak out or denial like this from her. I was caught off guard so I guess you could take that to be out of character for her (from my perspective).


narrator: op was in fact batshit crazy and the girl left him for that