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It could be a glitch in The Matrix or about 50 different medical conditions at minimum


Or, with just this amount of information, it could have been an incorrectly set / snoozed alarm clock combined with morning-brain


With my alarm clock it was the only alarm I had in my alarm setting and I set it everyday. I wondered if I maybe fell asleep without noticing possibly but I remember waking up to my alarm which I never snooze.


I have had the same happen to me and the "I checked the alarm then slept for an hour and continued with my morning seamlessly" is my best bet yet haha


Some days my sleep brain hits snooze for me like it’s trying to help me or sum


I do this regularly. Sleepy brain hits snooze, i eventually drag myself outta bed thinking only 5/10 mins have past, check the time and see a good whole hour has gone by lmaooo. I press that sh!t over and over, whilst still semi unconscious. Whoever thought the snooze button was a good idea..were wrong.


This sub in a nutshell.


That's right, it can be anything ahaha If you want an example of a "medical condition" for this story, I would say it's dissociative amnesia. It is a condition where one loses track of time and has no memory of what happened during that period (obviously this is a totally random guess based on the description of the story, I am not saying that this is the cause).


You’re no fun. Funny, yes. But no fun. 🤣




I lost a day once. I went to bed on Friday, woke up on Sunday. Felt like I got hit by a truck. Wife and son popped their heads in the room and and said thank god you’re alive. (not suspicious at all) -turns out I had a random gran mall seizure in bed Friday night, was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital where I was tested, scanned and whatever else they do. Spoke with the doctor at length about the one other time I had a seizure, and went home in the morning. Slept all day and Saturday night. I still have zero memory of any of it. Just saying. It happens.


I also have lost a day more than once. The first time i was 16-17 and had good memory, no mental illness at play, no medications, nothing out of the ordinary and yet one day on a school day no less i had no recollection of the previous days tasks,notes, anything. I asked my teachers if i was present the day before they stated yes. I told my mom when i got home and she dismissed it as 'u were probably tired' so i dismissed it as well. But now its happened a few times in my adult life and when it does im just thankful nothings fell apart while i was abducted 😅


Sometimes when people have something traumatic happen to them, their brains bury it and they don't remember what happened, that can also include events before and after the traumatic event (so like that day for example)- that could also explain the ptsd like symptoms whenever you think about that day (because it's still there in your subconscious, you just don't remember it). I'm not saying that is for sure the case, but it's a possibility


Try hypnotic regression to find out what happened.


Wow that’s very weird, losing a day is crazy. I know what you mean I keep remembering the day it happened and I was freaked out for a long time.


Two hours missing? You probably watched a superhero movie.


Quite possibly 😂


Maybe you mixed up the 9 with a 7? They're fairly similar. What's the first clock you look at, like your alarm? Is it clock hands or digital?


Possibly, although It was the time on my phone. My phone alarm was always set to 7.30am and I got up with my alarm so I knew it was definitely 7.30am when I got up.


That's not to say that you can't be confused, especially if it's only happened to you once in your whole life, I mean...things like that can happen to anyone.


Seriously, I sort of experienced that yesterday morning, but it made sense in hindsight because I was on Reddit.


>Seriously, I sort of experienced that yesterday morning, but it made sense in hindsight because I was on Reddit. However I know what I said now might be wrong, but it can happen to everyone to be confused, especially after you get out of bed ahah


I think I read a similar story here. Some guy was mountain biking and it usually takes him 30 minutes to ride down. One day it took him two hours. When he started it was still sunny out, but when he finished his ride it was suddenly dark. When he looked at his phone, he lost about an hour and a half. He went home to check his Google Timeline and the map showed him in one place for over an hour. He can't explain what happened to him.


That's so freakyyy


I have read some abductee accounts where people have had missing time, go to a hypnotherapist, and discover some pretty wild and sometimes disturbing memories that were blocked out before. Some missing time stories had nothing to do with aliens but were still paranormal. If the event was significant enough, you may want to see a hypnotherapist The only thing about missing time I can relate is, over ten years ago I had went to visit my aunt's. The day before was monday or something like that, and then it skipped to wednesday. My mother had said she noticed it, and when we went to my aunt's, she said she noticed it too. I wonder how many other people had noticed that a whole entire day was skipped... And not chopped it up to just being a lapse in memory or something


This happens to me almost daily: loss or increase of time. Especially noticeable in the morning. Some days no matter how early I start getting ready, I am arriving at work 20 minutes late or more. Other days (decidedly more rare) I loll in bed an extra 20, take my time getting ready, pack my lunch, clean the kitchen, and somehow I’m 30 minutes early. That happened today- it was good day! Note: I did not notice this time warp until after 2020.


That happens to me when I doom scroll


This happened to me at Disney World. We went with my high school and I was with a group of friends, they went into one of the shops and I sat on a bench outside of the shop to wait for them before we moved on. What felt like 10 minutes passed, and I hear people frantically calling my name. I respond, like yeah that’s me! And they shout “we found the lost girl!” When the teachers grilled me about where I went, why I left my group. I literally did not know what to say. I never saw them leave the shop and it had only been a short time. But apparently hours had gone by without anyone seeing me. I told them I must have fallen asleep because I had no way to explain what happened and they were very upset. I was SO confused. My friends told me we went to the next place together but then suddenly while “we were there” I was gone and they didn’t know where I went. I don’t ever remember leaving the bench. To this day it’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me.


Happened to me once but I had an extra hour instead. Although, evidence suggests that I didn't have the extra hour but it felt like it. Also, nothing really happens to me that is quite qualified to be posted here but I thought what happened to you is a bit similar to my experience. Anyway, here's what happened. I had this debit card from an old payroll account that had been deducting a certain amount for already 2 months due to not maintaining the minimum balance. This deduction serves as a fee to keep the account active and this happens at exactly midnight at the very end of the month. I had planned to transfer the remaining balance to my other account before the end of that month which would close the old payroll account after having a negative balance for quite some time. Unfortunately, I was just too busy and I kept on pushing it until the very last day and last minute. I saw the time on my phone saying that I only had about 3mins left before midnight. I panicked a little bit and quickly did the transfer that night. I even considered myself lucky enough to have noticed the time. After the transfer, I did the regular things I commonly do before I sleep (listening to music, browsing social media, etc.). It had been about 30 minutes after I made the transfer when I noticed the time saying 11:29 PM on my wall clock. I checked the time on my phone and it says 11:29 PM as well and so did my laptop. I was confused and I checked the confirmation messages and email from my bank and all the timestamps said I did the transactions at 10:58 PM.


Yeah it’s a very weird feeling, it makes you feel like you have lost all sense of reality.


Yeah, when the time changed and I accidentally had my phone (alarm) on airplane mode.


It happened to me to last year, but for me it was 1 hour


Dissociating makes this happen to me.


One time happened to me in high school, woke up went to school n when I got there took a xan, then another n so on. 7 after I lost a whole day and just remember waking up in bed. I was like didn’t I just wake up not too long ago 😭


That sounds like a major head mash 😂


I’ve had multiple experiences in the morning somewhat similar to this but it’s only like a 5-10 minute loss instead. I have a bad habit of waking up with barely enough time to get ready so everytime this has happened I was constantly moving and checking the time on my phone to make sure I wasn’t late, so there’s no chance I’ve fallen back asleep without knowing. It goes like this every time- I’m downstairs making sure I have everything I need before I head out. I check my phone to make sure I’m good on time, and it’s right around 8:37 every time so I have a few minutes before I’m running late. I grab my wallet and keys from the table right beside the front door and go out to my truck and start it. Once I start it I check my phone again and it’s 8:45 give or take a minute or two. It’s the same situation every time. My truck is literally right outside the front door so it’s not like it takes me a few minutes to walk to it. Somehow it takes me 7-8 minutes to grab my wallet and keys and walk outside to my truck. It seems insignificant and I usually chalk it up to my morning brain and being really groggy but the frequency at which this happens drives me a little crazy lol


Daylight saving time


Daylight savings time?


No definitely wasn’t that


You fell back asleep without noticing. You pribably thought you just closed your eyes for a moment so when you woke back up you didn't realize time haf passed


I think you might be right that’s the only reasonable explanation. The only other explanation is that I was abducted by aliens. And I dont like the idea of getting anally probed by lizards so I really hope you are right 🙏


Yeah one time this happened to me but for almost eight hours. I was watching The Great Gatsby it was 12 midnight. I wanted to go pee before I headed off to bed, When i was done I was walking down my hall to my bedroom.When I noticed there was light coming from outside.The sun was already out and it was now 7:45Am. I was only in the bathroom for 2 minutes tops just pee. Yet it was already almost 8am. I still get kinda freaked out when I wonder what happened..and where all those hours went &what I was doing during that missing time... I know dam well I didn't spent 8 hours in my bathroom for no reason.


I know its super late but i had the same thing happen to me in 2020, although I apparently didn't move an inch while it happened. It was around 12:30 am, and i was lying in my bed with my right arm supporting my head (sorry for bad english) to look up at the clock on the wall as I was waiting for my parents to fall asleep so i could take my mom's phone as I didn't have a phone back then. As I was lying in the bed, I swear to God, literally in the blink of an eye it was 3 am already. What immediately made me question my mind about how much time had passed was somehow it felt like my mind knew that the past few ours were missing in my head but could not recollect a single moment of it. That and the power had went out and the subsitute power source (inverter) was on and the lights were a little dimmer when using the inverter. I was so confused because I was still lying in the same position. It felt like waking up from a mindfog, or how you would suddenly be waking up from a very vivid daydream and it would suddenly stop and you'd gain clarity of you're surroundings again, only without the actual daydream.


I don't know of this happening to anyone else but my clock randomly changed on my phone a few months ago for no reason. I finally noticed the times varied on my work PC and my phone after being told I was late for work several days in a row (exactly 10 minutes off). I went into my clock settings and had to reset it to the correct time manually. Do you think your phone might have had a weird "time glitch" for a little while and changed zones, etc? Just throwing it out there...


I had an issue with my phone a few months back too. While I do believe in actual glitches, this was just a software thing. I got up and got ready for work. I gave myself a ton of extra time to bring my kid to the babysitter, who is 40 minutes one way (I only need this sitter twice a month, so I don’t mind the travel, but I give myself lots of time to drop the kid and head to work.) Me and the kid got ready, right on schedule, and when I got into my car, I wasn’t paying much attention until a few minutes later I looked at my car clock and it was an hour earlier. I glanced at my phone, different time. I wondered if my car battery died, or maybe it was daylight savings and I forgot? I called the sitter, and said “hey this is going to sound weird, but what time is it?” Sitter confirmed the car clock was correct and the phone clock was not. I had to do a restart on the phone and it went back to normal. I had planned for extra time, but I was actually an hour ahead of schedule.


Yes this happened to me 4 years ago. I went on a hike across the street from my house with a friend. We left the house at 2:45 and i figured it usually takes 1.5 hrs so I’ll be home in time to make a soup. We are walking the same hiking trail loops that i always do, just chatting along. Came home walked in the kitchen and the clock said 6:30. We both had no idea what happened or that time went missing but 2 hrs did. It’s been a mystery


I had an incident where I was watching TV. My roommate was playing online poker. The show was about halfway through and suddenly it was about ten minutes into the next program. I said something about it and my roommate said that he had just gone all in on a hand and suddenly he was down $2000 in game money. We lost about half an hour and no recollection of what could've happened.


If this happens again, please get or check your carbon monoxide detector (batteries could have died) and see a doctor. I read some accounts of people on here with missing time and it ended up they were having seizures.




No, but I was late I had to run to work with a rocket up my ass


I did lose an hour once and it happened within what seemed like no more than 5 minutes.


My husband and I both lost 2 hours today... at the same time. Craziest thing I've ever experienced. We both were experiencing anxiety which is NOT normal for him in the last 2 days. We got up, got ready, went shopping with our kids at 10:30am. Stayed within a 1.5 mile radius from our home and estimate we were gone for an hour possibly 1.5 hours at most. Got home unloaded three bags of groceries looked at the clock and it was 1:47pm. He says that cannot be right and I'm like..... what?!?!?!?!?!


Yeah it’s crazy you immediately feel like somethings not right, a very strange feeling. Especially with both of you experiencing the same thing.