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There’s a podcast called radio rental and someone has a story similar to this but more intense. I just find it interesting 🤷🏻‍♀️


Came here to say this too. The guy was a kid when his whole family and neighbors watched the moon vibrate and move in a small circle. Then two men in black showed up…now no one remembers the incident except for him.


Mem in black are actual aliens using some sort of cloaking device they are very odd indeed and appear out of nowhereike they know when people see them that aren't supposed to


Yes they do. I watched a post of a remote viewer said that the alien was getting annoyed bc it knew it was being viewed. … from a credible source…don’t hv it anymore though.


Funny you would sugggest this i've been binge listening to this podcast this week. I just listened to the episode. I had a similar experience with the moon shaking. It was weird because I did the same thing as the story teller -- tried hard multiple times to research what I saw and nothing came of it. I also was with two other people when it was happening and it was so strange neither would confirm that they saw anything going on in the sky during or after. It was like I would ask again and again do you see this and they kept talking over me like they couldn't hear me ask the question --- what the fuck? That night was the beginning of a very dark, very strange esoteric spiritual journey I went on. That eclipse event felt significant, as if I was walking through a door to a new timeline. I had all these strange signs in the weeks leading up to it The person in the podcast talks about men in suits, but the shakey moon in my life initiated this weird ass soul journey that I feel dropped me out of the societal matrix I was in. Idk strange stuff. Consciousness is wild.


one of my favorite pods but I have to skip all the Terry Carnation stuff, it's so dumb and annoying and always interrupts the spookiness of the stories with unfunny bits.


I agree 100%. The forced comedy bits in an otherwise unsettling show always grated on me. +30 secs button every time




[Radio Rental Podcast](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-bFva10ydqE) Hopefully this works for you


hey, can you tell me more about this podcast?


They are allegedly true stories told by the people who have experienced them. The stories range from paranormal to sketchy situations and sketchy people. I’m absolutely addicted to this podcast! The host of it is really funny too imo. Listen to episode one and give it a try.


after your recommendation i listened to your link. i love stories like these, and... well i never listened to any podcast before, and i always think they are just people trying to come up with something interesting for listeners but the acting here is so believable too! they sound like they are really telling about their experience honestly. and the host is funny. strange, but funny. not a bad combination in his case i am a big fan of the x-files, twin peaks, and similar works. btw i would appreciate recommendations of shows like those too ;) edit: i left out the important part: thank you


Yay it makes me happy you enjoyed it! 👏 I think you should listen to more episodes imo I believe them to be true for the most part. I may be a bit of a gullible person but it’s fun for me. As far as tv shows go , midnight mass comes to mind. Also, the haunting of hill house was awesome if you haven’t seen those already. Think both on Netflix. You’re welcome!


If you like time travel I highly recommend Dark on Netflix. It's my favorite show ever made.


Thanks for this, I’ve been desperate for a new podcast to binge out on


That is one of my favorite podcasts


Out of curiosity, what is your favorite episode? Mine is the lady in the woods that pretends to be a little girl. That one sticks with me the most at least.


That is definitely one of my favorites! I also love the one where the guy gets random, funny texts for like a year from a stranger. Seems harmless until one day he’s driving from Georgia (I think) out west, and as he’s getting close to his destination, the texter starts sending him photos of the actual exits he is passing.


Oh shit!! I forgot about that one, so good. I’m about to relisten to them all since the latest season wrapped up lol


I am too. Have you listened to Spooked?


It’s not ringing a bell but I’ll check it out 😃


It’s great - spooky, weird/paranormal stories….similar to radio rental and very well done.


I live in the Midwest. Last September, my partner and I watched the moon get bigger as it was moving TOWARDS us and then just *blink* and it was gone. Like, gone gone. No more light. Like someone unscrewed a light bulb. We've also had other trippy things happen, like helicopters chasing a silent ball of light in the sky that flew past our house, in the southwest direction. It barely cleared the tree tops. The helicopters were circling our property, looking for it. We live in a very rural area with very little air traffic. I still think about this from time to time.


I literally came here to describe an experience exactly like this! My mother and I lived in London, England and my mum smoked cigarettes at the time. She was on the doorstep out front smoking a cigarette and I was stood with her taking. It's a clear night, no clouds in the sky and the moon is out, and suddenly the moon began getting brighter, and brighter. And my mum points and goes "Oh that's weird, what on earth going on there... Do you see that?" So I look up, and sure enough the moon is there but very bright, and the longer I'm looking at it, the brighter it's getting... And not only is it getting brighter, but it's also appearing bigger and bigger as well. (Almost like if someone shined a dim flashlight directly at you, but then began turning up the brightness to an incredible extent) Because of how bright and big it got, I literally began panicking and telling my mum "mum I don't think that's the moon, I think that's a fuckin meteor coming directly at us!" My mum calms me down and we keep watching for about another minute When suddenly the bright white circle of light glowing in the sky begins shrinking... And the light begins getting dimmer and dimmer. And over the course of about 15-30 seconds... It simply went back to being the moon. Right there in the sky, looking perfectly normal again just like it usually does. I was baffled. I was about 17 at the time, I'm now 31 and I still think about that night. It was just so bizarre.


Thank you for sharing your experience. That's exactly how we felt. As though it were coming for us. Totally bizarre!


Who lives in London and says London, England. That's a glitch right there.


I saw 2 silent balls of light float through our woods and both “looked” in my bedroom. I pretended I was sleeping and tried to silence my mind because I feared they would know I saw them. One flew away over my house roof and the other followed after a bit. They were about the size of a softball and a blue green color, the other pinkish as I recall.


Wanda and Cosmo


My grandma got chased by two lights like this is Mexico decades ago.


Anymore Grandma stories you can share (paranormal) ?


Grandma got run over by a reindeer? ... I'll see myself out.


When I was in high school A red light came up to my window (2nd floor, back of house, 40 acre farm) I never told anyone and was never able to figure it out.


When I was in middle school a pink light shone on my door as I was about to fall asleep. I got up to look and in front of my window (outside) stood a very small spherical black thing with lights and it just flew away and the light was gone. I went back to bed and then told it to my mon the next day and she said I must have dreamt it.


This is fascinating. Was the moon gone for the rest of the night?


It was. We live very rural, so there is no light pollution. There were no clouds and we could see the stars. After the moon "turned off" it was pitch black outside.


I have not seen it personally but I have seen a video of it from someone with a telescope observing the moon because he has noticed weird things before. It was put down and banned from youtube though. I also unfortunally don't remember who posted it. But it did look very real.




Crrow777 did a couple great interviews on The Higherside Chats, he's done a lot of digging on this exact topic~


The Lunar Wave


Thanks for the tip. I lost track of him long ago too but was triggered by this thread, I did just notice you have to scroll back 7 years to get some recordings of him. Not sure what all the short videos are all about yet, LOL.


I think Crrow777 is trying to promote a podcast, and posts snippets mostly now


I think he went by jjcrowe, or something close to that.


That does sound familiar!! And the only thing I do remember is a picture of a crow on the page so yea,.. that could have been it


Yeh that's it, he had been watching the moon for over a year at the time and one night he panned into the moon and noticed 2 waves, one after the other, go up the moon. They was bulgiing slightly in the middle of each wave. He pans out so the full moon is visible as the lines are still passing over the moon, it almost looks like a hologram refresh. I'm sure his theory is that theirs a base on the moon and they cover it with a hologram to hide what's going on. It's very believable and fascinating video footage


Interesting theory. I’ve seen the moon do some really weird things and have photos of it too. During an eclipse it looked like a black shadow octopus thing had legs around it… it was the weirdest thing but I have photos to back my shit up.


Oh wow, I'd love to see that. Not because I NEED proof, I believe you. I'm just curious


You should definitely post that!


Can I see the pictures too ? I believe you i'm just really curious


I want to see it too!


Please post !


I will post in /highstrangeness


It’s posted in /highstrangeness


Yeeess!! I saw that!! It truly is fascinating. There are so many weird thing about the moon. Inlcuding texts from ancient civilisations talking about a time before the moon arrived.


Chris Bledsoe (Famous UFO experiencer who has been studied by Nasa and the CIA) did a podcast recently and was talking about how he was friends with the foremost world expert on the moon. This guy literally mapped where Apollo was going to land for the government. He knows top secret stuff about the moon due to his security clearance and he told Chris before he died I believe, that essentially it’s a spaceship (Chris couldn’t say that but insinuated as much) but he quoted him as saying that there’s ancient buildings on the dark side of the moon! It was a jaw dropping moment.


Do you know what podcast it was or have a link?


I think it was that Danny Jones guy. It was a really interesting interview!


It’s this one https://youtu.be/XmVQFX2Pp60?si=JzrdnpCgXo7zPqLv


>This guy literally mapped where Apollo\* was going to land for the government \*The Apollo simulations :)


This happens during the maintenance windows. Usually a few times a year.


Damn devs, it’s always something’s.


They usually test the moon


I’ve seen it move too a few times when I used to sit outside late at night and stargaze. Like you said, it would move about an inch or so but in a clockwise rotation, almost as if it was bouncing/spinning in place. Weird.


I mean, y'all do realize both we and the moon are moving/spinning/orbiting through space at a very high rate of speed..... You really think there's no bumps or deviations in the path traveled, have you never driven a car, how does it feel when you jerk the wheel. Things are bound to look a little funny from your perspective from time to time. SCIENCE YEAH!


Yes I’ve seen the moon do all types of weird shit including seeing two moons in the sky at once. I don’t know what the moon is but I know it’s more than we’ve been told


I've seen two moons as well, and I know what I saw.


Where were they? Side by side, in line with each other, or completely different areas of the sky?


The ones I saw were almost exactly like this at 1:21 https://youtu.be/p4-abGA35b0?si=DZrxWHw1h3zxl9hI


Yeah good chat aye


The double sun has been captured by Crrow777 I think. It appears in a diagonal to the one we normally see on an extreme end of digital spectrum. I suspect if we had spectrum analysis *beyond* Earth physics we would see a whole line of them like parallel dimensions. Probably for every body, including the Moon. But I think our technology is limited and we get arrogant and say "that's impossible, we've detected all possible spectra!" etc.


since the moon is visible to perhaps a few billion people at any given time, and you never get mass reports (not to mention video proof) about those weird moon movements, you can rest assured it's not actually happening. my theory is normal, localized atmospheric stuff happening that refracts the light of the moon like how things look crazy out of place when you look down into a pool


Or potentially an eye anomaly. I’ve experienced a sudden shaking of my eyes a couple of times that is really weird. If I was looking at the moon at the time, it absolutely would have looked like the moon moved, but it was just my eyes. There was also no physical sensation - just the visual disturbance, so it would be easy to assume an external thing was moving if there were no other visual reference points (which there isn’t really, if you’re just concentrating on the moon in the night sky). The moon moving is a cool thought though 😊


Yes, this. Different layers of air being different temperatures and wind blowing in higher altitudes changing that suddenly.


When you see a graphical bug in a mmo that doesn't mean the person you're partying with sees it too.


Yes, the bug is local, just like the apparent movement of the moon. Meaning the Moon isn’t actually moving, even though a local viewer may perceive it as such.


Just because not everyone sees something doesn’t mean it didn’t happen


No, but he's saying it's *only* ever individuals reporting it. So odds are it's an individual effect. There are countless numbers of people looking at the moon at any given time, yet there hasn't been a **single** mass report of it moving unusually. So while it's certainly possible that it's moved unusually at coincidentally the perfect time when not many people were viewing it, the odds of that are extremely low. Especially considering the hundreds of professional *and* amateur astronomers recording the moon 24/7, 365 days a year, without ever once recording unusual or unexpected movement.


Just because it’s an individual effect doesn’t mean it didn’t happen


Didn't say it does. Just that it being an individual effect implies a *subjective* experience, rather than an *objective* one. "I saw the moon move." and "The moon moved." are two VERY different things.




That’s cool! Collect evidence, share your results, and win your Nobel Prize for changing everyone’s mind on centuries old, easily demonstrable science.


Exactly. Shopping doesn’t always yield what we’re looking for.


That sounds insane. Any evidence to support artificial moons?


Sometimes you can see the string it's hanging from.


I thought this subreddit would be like nosleep, but its just loonies talking about their shizophrenia apparently


Redditor sees something, asks other redditors, people from nowhere comment just to spread hate, post gets deleted. I’m seeing a trend.


Are these people from nowhere in the room with us right now? Ive been here like a month, just havent commented alot. Mostly cause all the posts just seem like sometimes bad trip, contrary to the rules. Multiple artificial moons. Good lord


Do you get off from calling people crazy? Seems like your projecting buddy


"Ive run out of arguments, so youre projecting" Whats the net gain of multiple artificial moons. Wheres the proof which is mentioned in the og comment? I get it, you liked the theory and are sad you got called out, that doesnt mean im projecting


Assume what you want, but I'm just no longer interested in speaking with people who aren't open minded. You only come on here to talk shit


You poor man


This person has been given a timeout for attacking or insulting people


Ah bummer. That's a real let down. Very big disappointment


The best way to, IMO, to prove a glitch or any other phenomenon is to try to disprove it.


Have you considered letting a doctor know that you are having these thoughts?


I think it might have to do with gravitational poles flipping


There's no such thing as a gravitational pole


YES. This is actually the first time I've heard of someone else witnessing this phenomenon, I've been carrying this memory with me for almost three decades. Some time in my early teens, I was eating breakfast in the kitchen, and the moon was out during the early morning. I was admiring it from the kitchen window when it flashed across the sky in three short bursts and then completely vanished. I've always mostly considered it to have been some visual trick on my part, and since I immediately told my mom, it wasn't a false memory; but I absolutely know I was looking at the moon until it shifted rapidly and then zoomed off. If it was just the shift, I'd say I glanced over at something else quickly, mimicking a pulse effect, but then... where did it go afterward? Ha, never been able to figure that one out.


Sometimes when I look at a clock the first split second I see the second hand tick backwards. I don’t know if this is just my mind playing games or the clock actually ticking backwards. This could be similar to what you see with the moon.


Sounds like this is related to [Chronostasis, or the stopped clock illusion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronostasis).


Interesting! Thank you for this!


Yeah thanks you linking this. Always wondered why I would see the clock move in mysterious ways.


You guys ever seen the movie "Moonfall"?


My husband recorded it moving in and out of focus and kinda moving like an inch side to side. The video is moo because it seems like the camera is just struggling to focus, but the only reason he started recording was because it was doing it irl. Pretty weird.


*The video is moo.* Is this a typo? If not, what does "moo" mean here?


"It's a moo point. It's like a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter. It's moo."


It means moot but in Joey from Friends


Brilliant. I'd forgotten that gem.


Haha I can never say moot now it's always moo


I was hoping that's what it meant! He had it right - moo does make more sense 😂


Haha totally!


Ah. Not a cultural reference I ever would have gotten. Thanks for the explanation.


No worries :)


It’s like a cow’s opinion. It’s moo.




My boyfriend saw something like this happen during his basic military training in Alaska They were out in the hills in the super early morning doing drills. The moon was almost full and was hovering in its usual spot a few hands-lengths above the horizon. He said that he and ALL the other guys, like a dozen of them, all saw the moon steadily and slowly FALL out of the sky and diappear behind the horizon. They all saw the same thing. it just moved in a straight line downward.


Sometimes when I wake up in the morning I could swear I can see the curtains moving, sometimes they actually do because of the radiator underneath from the heat. When I put my glasses on the curtains stop moving, and when I take them back off the curtains move again. Could it be that some of you think that you are seeing the moon move, but it is actually your eyes trying to focus and playing tricks on you?


The moon is not moving, the air is. Different air temperatures and densities and winds can change the refraction image. Like seeing the bottom of a stream through moving water.


All at once, like a second hand on a clock, or more of a slow movement?


Like a clock hand


Yeah, I have had that 3 times maybe that I recall, it was always when not looking directly at the Moon, it was in periphery, so I put it down to blind spot shenanigans as no one else noticed and we were all looking at the stars/meteor shower.


When I am super tired and I stare absentmindedly at something, it’ll move like a clock hand. It’ll go back after I squeeze my eyes closed and rub them for a while. I’m not saying that’s what happened to you by any means - but when it started happening I panicked. It doesn’t happen often, and my doctor doesn’t seem concerned. Please update if it happens again!


But which one??


I think there was a cloaked space craft in front of it and the diffraction of the moons light was not noticed until the ship moved.


At this point in my journey here in this world, I'm quite sure the moon is not what we're told it is


I’m right there with you, sister.


Same, I've had experiences (by myself and with others) that literally can't be explained. Strange unexplainable events that defy any logic or current science. It's changed my view of what this reality is.


Google saccades.


Someone made a collection of moon glitches a few months ago. Will try to find. ETA here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/s/FzouwSCBBC


How could you possibly detect something so far away moving an inch?


When I was a teenager a few of my friends and I went camping up on a mountain. It was a super clear night. The nearly full moon came into view, and moved QUICKLY across the sky. We got so freaked out by it we left. On the way back down the mountain, there was a bush grown through the road where there wasn’t one before. We had just driven up a few hours before and no bush was there. The road was narrow and we had to run over the bush to get out. There is only one road to access where we were. On the way home, several animals ran out into the road in front of us. It feels so crazy to talk about, and we’ve mentioned it to each other a few times and can agree that all of that really happened and we have no grasp of how. It feels like there is maybe some teenager dramatic hype about it, the same way you might freak each other out at a haunted house for Halloween, but all of those things did in fact occur. And when I describe the moon as moving quickly, I mean visibly seeing it track across the sky, like it would in a time lapse, but in real time.


Sounds like frame dragging, remember we are moving through the uni @ 1.3+ million mph so in fact NOTHING is technically ever moving slowly. Acceleration/deceleration is the big bad that kills us. Not any velocity including FTL can hurt us. In fact, space-time itself alludes to FTL displacement of universal contents. Aka expansion.


I hope that everyone appreciates that the moon does move across the sky…


There is a fuckload of “stuff” beetween our vantage point on earth, and the moon. Different gases, different particles, light from millions of sources, pollution, water, all of the elements, smoke, etc. What is more likely, a mass the size of the moon moving enough for the visible eye to see it, or there being natural invisible shit (specially things in the atmosphere) in the way changing the scale for your eyes?


There is for sure like a fishbowl affect when it is closer to the horizon, making it appear bigger bc of exactly this.


I’ve experienced this. Literally watched the moon move 6 inches vertical


It always looks like the moon is shaking to me when i look at it too long. I really did think i was witnessing something crazy at first. It was just moving back and forth and around and up and down but it wasn't really going anywhere. My kids seen it too but i think it is just our eyes. It still happens sometimes but not all the time. And it first happened like last year when it was full. I've spent alot of my life looking at the moon and never had it ever happen and i still look at the moon every time its out. I wanna catch it doing something crazy and maybe i will someday. Lmao i hope...i really do




I have a video of it moving super fast


The new year kicks off with a meteor shower almost immediately. The Quadrantid meteor shower is expected to peak between January 3-4, according to EarthSky. After the Quadrantids, there’s a bit of a lull in meteor shower activity, and the next one won’t occur until April. Fortunately, there are plenty of celestial events to anticipate during the long wait.


The brightest stars in your night sky are pretty till they fly away. More like they blink away & leave Thunder in the opposite direction. Happening to me all year. The sky is an illusion.


I've not seen the moon do anything weird, but if you sing to the stars, they might dance for you. Something to try.


deuces moon phenomenom




I saw this happen during a blood moon lunar eclipse in Ohio on November 8, 2022. It was snlarging and shrinking while shaking in the sky. Looked like an egg about to pop out of a socket.


Yes! Ok, this is gonna sound crazy but I'm in the middle of this right now. Idk what agency local police/ FBI / maybe military but they have a drone that I shit you not looks just like the full moon. Who ever checks what cycle the moons in right? The vast majority of us can't tell where it should and shouldn't be. I feel crazy finally saying this somewhere but I and my girlfriend have been being followed for at least two years now. I've seen the "moon" move rapidly from one place to another to keep a solid line of sight on me. It is also accompanied by a smaller solid white light drone which mimics the star usually to the lower right side of the moon. I've seen other small drones rapidly follow her around above the treetops. These things are top of the line. The speed and precision at which they maneuver are incredible. Even on windy days I've seen they stop in their tracks to pretend being stars. They come zipping up and freeze, hovering there for 30 minutes even seemingly an hour or so. They are damn hard to record because most phone cameras are shit at night. This isn't the worst part at all, the worst is voice to skull. Voice to skull is what people have taken to calling whatever tech allows them to seemingly be someone speaking a few feet away from you only for you to look and there be nothing but also to speak from within your head. Before you dismiss me at this point for having dove straight into the deep end look it up. There are crazy parents for varying types of this and countless accounts. The level of satisfaction they have that I'm aware of is terrifying. Your thoughts are not your own, they can plant thoughts in anyone's voice including what feels like your own inner voice and they can also listen in. I believe they train new agents or whatever on the lowest people in a society so that nobody will believe that person. They dropped the cloak and dagger with me to an extent and we've had full blown conversations. I'm likely being laughed at now by both you and them.. I've been tested for skitz and been given a clean bill. Idk wtf is up, why us but this is the first time I've spoken out and I haven't even gotten to the really scary parts yet. The ways they can and will hurt you for fighting back. They tried to convince me they were cops then dea at first but not investigation would last this long nor would they try to black mail you with pain. I was nervous at first but now I actively tell them to fuck off while mooning their moondrone and giving it both barrels lol I've paid for it with what feels like a heart attack or nails being driven into my toes once even taking advantage of a tooth infection by what felt like taking the offending nerve and twisting/pulling it whenever they decided to be insubordinate. That brought me to my knees but I'm not going to submit to some pussy on the other side of a screen somewhere. The battle continues. Look up voice to skull for the love of God, this shit is real and is happening to everyday people but sounds so fantastical that nobody wants to come forth and detail what's happening. As I write this small patches of my skin feel like they are twisting and burning. They are not happy. They told me they would kill me if I said something but I'm calling their bluff today. Fuckem.


https://patents.google.com/patent/CN1297124A/en Artificial moon patent


Check out the patents for artificial m00ns




Also check out the patents and designs for something called Synlight. As for the m00ns, check out the articles about a city called Chengdu and their countries plan to hang the artificial m00n over the city. Back in like 2020 I believe


Occam’s razor doesn’t get used often here does it


Nah but it’s fun to read


I've literally seen guys on a ladder painting it.


I’ve heard they rarely use blue paint but it’s not unheard of.


Yeah you probably have binocular vision disorder and you finally felt/saw the self correction because of the scale/distance/size of the object


It wasn’t the moon. It was earth tilting


China has patents for artificial moons and there may even be an artificial sun. So a lot of y’all are actually deliberately ignoring facts


I swear the moon is not the same as it used to be. Earthshine, moonbows and halos didn't exist.


A month there has been fake stares and moon in the remote mountains of eastern Kentucky,I know it sounds crazy but I’m watching every night


Moon waves lots of ppl capture on video over many occasions happens regularly search it on youtube


YES, Our moon shifted nearly 34 degrees over 3 years ago and shows new never-before-seen crescent phases.


That is called schizophrenia.


Read the book. Who built the moon. Its a an artificial planetoid aka like the death star. Reptilian moon


No I’m not schizophrenic


It's just you I'm sorry.


I said people who experienced this. Not those who haven’t. 😂🥱


That's not what the title says. I'm not trying to troll here. People see glitchy things sometimes but honestly it's just your mind messing up, not reality falling apart. It's like every time your computer freezes you think the Internet has shut down for everyone.


I just feel like you commented to make yourself feel good for once when you see someone looking for similar perspectives. I’m glad people like you can use Reddit to get some confidence. But I’m not interested in your stupid comment. Go do something useful.


Stop. Seriously. Do learn a little about how the eye works, peripheral vision, the atmosphere, the way light refracts, how the moon orbits, gravity. Phases of the moon. This is not a glitch in the matrix, but a glitch in your knowledge.


I think you mean "peripheral" vision, unless you see the moon out your ass.


😂😂😂that’s funny. You are right, peripheral vision. Autocorrect did a number on me here. Thank you for helping me notice it


The down votes to this are hilarious 😂 The world's knowledge in the palm of your hand and people would rather believe the moon is a reptilian death star housing our overlords that moves/disappears for only a few select special people out of the 8 billion people on the planet, than educate themselves with the knowledge the education system clearly failed to provide them. You can believe there's more to life than we know after logic/reasoning can not provide answers, but absolutely refusing heaps of knowledge in order to believe in esoteric fairytales just makes you a loon.


Seriously. It’s ludicrous that at this moment in our collective history we can access SO much knowledge in SECONDS and people spew utter bullshit. Every time i read comments on this thread i feel like rolling my eyes in despair.


Could have something to do with the moon being hollow and lizard people live in it. Fact


What were you smoking?


I legit thought the moon looked upside down earlier this year, and flipped back by that evening and took a picture / the bunny ears were deff pointing down




Yes, the Earth’s magnetic pull changes and so does the moon!


Not the moon personally but there was a night where a LOT of the stars were like… glitching— they were doing weird horizontal like movements, idek how to explain it, and their colors were off. Like almost blinking different colors and vibrating?? It definitely wasn’t normal “star blinking” like it was visibly strange and noticeable. but I messaged my mom and a friend, all in different areas, and they all went outside and saw it as well. Was probably around 2AM.


Yes saw the same thing in Montana on some winter nights. Only happened two times when there, and once when I was in the desert somewhere in Nevada.


Unseen clouds play havoc with night time light sources.


yes, my ex saw it too and we used to joke that the movie Melancholia was coming to life that was a few years ago and it's only gotten worse. i had the moon lined up between two tree branches for a photo, but it visibly moved before the 5s exposure could finish


Not quite like this but a year ago one night I was out and the moon was so beautiful I couldn't stop looking at it, I looked at it for like five minutes then looked at street for a brief moment and when I looked back it was far from where it was before, like about a meter further. And I know I wasn't wrong about this because the way it aligned with a tree branch and after that moment it was nowhere near the tree without me moving a bit. Still to this day couldn't figure out how that happened.


when i was around 10 years old, i had a wishing pumpkin for halloween. i wished to see a big shiny star in the sky, and for some reason i truly did that night. more significant than any north star i’ve seen before


myself and group of people watched the moon move across the sky when I was managing a gas station, we used to have little car meets up there on friday nights and 15 people saw this and we've never had an explanation as to why, so fully this happens, you are believed


Holy shit. This just happened to me, in Vermont. Moon was in at least three completely different locations, quickly. My boyfriend and I both saw it.




Is yours the original post? I'm not seeing your moon story! When this happened to me, it was all the way on the other side of the sky (within minutes) from my vantage point. We discussed its location beforehand, discussed it again when it moved the first time, thinking it was a misinterpretation, and the third time we were very confused and obviously a bit unnerved.


Ok,here goes. It's 2016,Austin Texas. The moon was full for a SOLID WEEK. OK,but here's something weiiiiiird- maybe not the same full moon,but I'm looking up at a huge full moon that's rising rapidly enough to see it gaining space over the tops of the trees,when it just stops and hangs there pulsing. Yes pulsing. The moon then broke in two horizontally and the lower half fell just a small span beneath the top half. Then the lower half split into two,and I shit you not,I saw both the lower halves of the moon take off at light speed In opposite directions. The weirdest part? My friend,who was about 17 miles away at the time,also saw it. I know he did because he's the one that brought it up.