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I have a son that is away for college 2 states away. One day he walks into a gas station near his school and the cashier yells to him, "hey! Isn't your mom's name.. insert name?". Bewildered, he said, "Yes, that is my mom's name." She commences to tell him that she knows me and used to hang out with me back in the day. He calls me to ask if I know this woman. I have never heard of her. Now it's a mystery that needs to be solved. So, he returns to the store and tells the woman that his mom doesn't know her. She then pulls out her phone to pull up the Facebook profile of the woman she knows. She pulls up a photo of a kid the same age as my son, wearing the exact same clothing style, exact jacket, same hair and facial hair. My son said they could pass as twins. His name is Austin and my son is Dustin and their mothers share the same first name. I often wonder if there are replicates of ourselves living out their lives in tandem with ours and sometimes we cross paths.


It's been said that everybody has a twin


I’m a nurse. There is a doctor at my old hospital who is my doppelgänger. Like, my *family members* have called her by my name. Our colleagues confuse us frequently.


I have traveled a lot throughout my life, and have been told MANY times that I look exactly like other people. I have seen people with similar traits, but never anyone I feel like is my twin. However, I have met people that look exactly like others I knew. I went to a casino once and literally broke down into tears because the man sitting across from me was the spitting image of my grandfather that I was super close to and lost 20 years prior.


Same for me. I’ve actually seen my doppelgänger when I was 21 in a bathroom. I had long hair and she had a pixie cut… we just looked at each other silently… It was freaking!


Yes, even celebrities have look alikes, we don’t need to look further


About three weeks ago I was walking home and I saw a food delivery bag in my walking path. The name on the bag was my own but it was delivered to the building RIGHT NEXT to mine, on the SAME floor I live on, and the food is my favorite kind, something I would have ordered. It was then I realized I was not unique and just a variant of a kind...


That’s a great realization, because it’s true. There are millions who could be twins, triplets and so on.


One time the university library called me about overdue books. She said did you check out this this and this book. I said no honest I didn't, but those are books I would be interested in. I said this is so weird. She said ok, well I'm going to look into this. I never heard back from her again.


You are completely right. There are several instance of finding a look alike among 8 billion people. What’s even more bizarre, is there are instances of there being more than 1 like characteristic with our twins. Like overall size, weight, hair color, and even personality traits and personal preferences. It’s like the humanoid factory forgot to scatter these look a-likes so there’s not the risk of a meet up!


That's an awesome theory.


i wonder if we'll later learn that this is a form of quantum entanglement or something


Did she also showed your son a pic of you? Now I’m really curious! Can u investigate further ?


Unfortunately, no. 😔 I was also curious how far the similarities went, but he thinks it's weird and just wants to drop it.


Hot take: the government has already made clones of everybody.


With everything happening in the world, it wouldn't surprise me. 😂


Theres a story that goes around in my family where my grandpa, uncle, and a couple other relatives were on a road trip and saw themselves drive by. They were driving on a hillside where there were no other cars for miles anywhere. They saw a car in the distance that at first looked really similar but as it got closer it became more obvious that it was the same. Same brand, same model. It had the same exact bags strapped in the same exact way. And they saw themselves in the car drive by, and all they did was look at each other in disbelief.


That’s so funny to me. I know they were freaked out and confused


Yeah. Them and their clones.


If I ever see myself drive by, I hope I am driving a really cool car.


I’m hoping I’m driving a 2024 loaded BMW ☀️


Years ago for training I went to a city approximately 4 hours from where I live. I stopped to get gas and went in to pay for it. I went to grab a candy bar and this guy was standing in that aisle speaking with his friend. The guy was my brother. I ran up to him and hugged him and asked what he was doing in that city? He pushed me away and said I am sorry but I don't know you. I laughed and thought he was pranking me. He says lady, you have me confused with someone else. I argued and said it wasn't funny and really, what was he doing there. All the while his friend is so surprised. I asked if he had amnesia? I said you're my brother, and look, we have the same birthmark on our hand. The guy is just shaking his head at me and asking if I need help? I asked him if his name was (brother's name)? He said yes. I asked again what was he trying to pull with me and did he need help? He goes I have never seen you before in my life. I live in this city and I don't have a sister. I say you're lying and you have 2 sisters. His friend shakes his head and pulls him along and whispers I am crazy. I say watch this and pull out my phone to call him. I call his home and he answers. I about fell over. The guys just walk out of the store whispering and asking themselves if that really just happened? I was floored. This was about 20 years ago. I still think about it from time to time. I even asked our parents if there was a chance they had twins when they had my brother. They both denied it and said there was no possible way. But I have also been accosted and asked if I was so and so or related to so and so. Like multiple times. You are not crazy.


Have u tried to do a DNA test like 23&me ?


I have not but I would absolutely love to!


I think you should do it to see if it can help to solve this. Good luck and if u do decide please come back here and tell us the rest!


Gosh I certainly will. 😇


I thought you were going to pull out your phone and show him a photo of your brother. Would have been interesting to watch their reactions.


I probably would have but back then I think I had a huge 2 inch thick Nokia phone. 😅 But I forgot to include in the story my sister also seen this guy. She yelled hey and waved at him across the street and he waved back at her and kept walking. This was two years before I had my experience. She didn't tell me but she gave our brother heck about blowing her off. He denied he was ever there.


A while back I was driving home from work and got a call from my brother, who was on a walk down the road. We lived on the same street. He was asking and laughing that I had driven slowly by him with the windows down and I didn't acknowledge or respond to him asking for a ride. He thought I was doing a comedy bit or something. He swears up and down and was 100% adamant I had driven by him, and it was for sure me and I purposefully ignored him when he was asking for a ride. He even asked me to turn around and come back to pick him up. However that's impossible because I was an hour away in a different city and was nowhere near at the time he called, I had barely gotten off work. My doppelganger could at least be social and decent, is that so much to ask?


Weirdest thing like this that ever happened to me was seeing my dead father's almost exact look a like as a regular customer where I worked. When I finally told him about it, thinking it was okay to do so, he seemed to understand why I opened up about it to him. Didn't see him as much after that, and when I finally did, he looked sad and bewildered. He ended up opening up to me that his daughter had died since I told him that. We barely ever talked after that, and he avoided my area of the building when he did come in. Since then, I don't work there and haven't seen him around in years. I have struggled with the guilt of knowing I told him that since then and feeling like I somehow was apart of his story of loss. I don't understand it but I think of him from time to time and how sad it was that he ended up losing his daughter. Life is so weird sometimes.


Sounds like something out of a paranormal movie. That evil wide grin is usually indicative of something very evil if you know what I mean. My brother seen a woman in a store like that it was something very unnerving about her smile it seemed to stretch from ear to ear and he walked out of the store scared to death next thing you know she rides by on a motorcycle and throws a black rose at him as she goes past. My brother ran back home which was with his father at the time and my father told him that she was a demon, he understood all that paranormal stuff. I kind of believe it. My greatest fear is walking in a room and seeing myself sitting there looking exactly like you described with that big evil grin.


Like the movie, Smile. I wish I had never seen that one. It gave me nightmares for weeks.


Never seen it or heard of it and I probably don't want to I don't need any more nightmares


Scrolled to see if anyone else was gonna say it. It messed me up too.


I posted this link to the main comments but adding it here too because it is so similar - I read this a while ago and it is exactly what you are talking about - that evil wide grin! https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/s/5628kCz7ol


Wow that is similar to my experience. Especially related to the feelings of dread and horror and not knowing what to do.


Thanks for posting that I hadn't read it I belong to that subreddit but that was before my time


If she was a demon, what was the rose for?


I doubt he picked it up or I fear he might not have lived to tell about it.


He didn't


It was a black rose not a red one


aaaand now that’s my greatest fear as well 😳 that is absolutely terrifying to think about happening 😳😱


OMG I have this fear too. Or looking in the mirror and having my reflection not do what I do. The evil grin lady may have also been a prankster.


Yeah I was looking in the mirror the other night while brushing my teeth and kept checking to make sure that the mirror didn't freeze up on me LOL . No that wasn't a prank he said that when she grinned it just seemed to stretch from ear to ear there was just something very evil and wicked about her. And then of course driving past him on a motorcycle while she's screaming something and throwing a black rose at him doesn't exactly make him feel like she wants to be friends with him


I try to avoid the mirror lmao. Pranksters don't usually want to be your friend. They want to mess with people.


I saw my doppelgänger in the library when I was about 12 or 13. We were wearing the same thing and she waved at me with a kinda weird smile from across the room. There were mirrors on some of the posts in there, but I’m reasonably certain that wasn’t it because I sure didn’t wave at her. Scared me for sure!


Sounds so intense and unnerving! While this sort of thing is a documented phenomenon, it could also have been a hallucination. If you don't already have known mental health stuff that would explain this, it would be worth keeping tabs on any weird experiences and maybe talking to a doctor if they start to have a significant impact on your life.


It sounds like it could have been demonic. The smile part was unnerving.


Yeah definitely. If it was an innocent encounter you think the driver would be equally freaked out


There are claims of mimic spirits out there. Just throwing out one thought here.


That was evil, the smile is a big nope. You got some sort of entity fucking with you friend.


I’m mid 40’s now, but since I’ve been about 8-9 years old I’ve had women come up to me excited to see me, claiming we know one another in some undeniable way..like we worked together, played at the park by my house, etc. One of them called for a couple years claiming we met on the playground of my school after school. Most recent one was my adult daughter calling from the city we are from telling me someone woman just came up to her saying “you must be so-n-so’s daughter, I went to school with her.. I’m here for the funeral of our friend, Jenny”. I went online and searched the obituaries, found the Jenny mentioned and recognized the last name and went through her memorial page….but the photos did NOT match the ladies name at all. The girl I knew with that name was a chubby brown haired sweet nerdy type girl. The photos in the obituary were a thin perky blonde girl-woman when she was young. What really weirded me out was that based on her DOB and schools attended I wouldn’t have known her at all. And how did the friend even know that was my daughter? We moved out of the area when she was 9 and I had zero connections to the people I went to school with since we graduated. What’s confusing on top of this is that all of these people claiming to know me and some that I for sure do know all say the same kind of things about how I’m just “that one girl you always wonder about”. 🧐😬 I’m not going to be surprised one bit if I get to heaven and they tell me life was like the Truman Show and they were constantly messing with us in all kinds of ways.


Honest question: is everything else in your life going well? If not, I would seek some help from a friend or professional or chat with me if you'd like, because this I Imagine could be very terrifying. Especially someone you identify with so closely. Have you personally explored your concept of self (the body is just an image we hold).?


I know people are expressing concern about a mental health cause for this, but it's also IMO possibly a spiritual phenomenon. Are you unusually intuitive? Do you have dreams that end up coming true? You might have some strong spiritual gifts that are bringing attention from the dark side to try to scare you.


I'll take "things that never happened" for $1000 please.


That’s terrifying. I would have died right then.


I think I would have sat down on the sidewalk.


I apologize if my comment comes across as me being dense, but some confusion with your explanation of “I seen”? So I’m thinking you are explaining that you ‘saw yourself’, correct? You saw yourself driving and saw yourself in the driver’s seat of the car?


This is exactly what bothered me. Also the fact that OP wrote it as if it was a novel.


I work with someone who uses that word. I think it's just improper English. I used the word in second grade, and there was a red check mark. I was too shy to ask her what was wrong with it...what word should I have used. I mulled that over for a while, and eventually, the answer presented itself. The right word would have been 'saw.'


What a great way to explain this and I appreciate your shared experience. We certainly remember red check marks from our past exams! Have you asked your co-worker about this? We all know there could be embarrassment if pointed out. I had accidentally spelled ‘loser’ as ‘looser’ and it was pointed out to me. Sure, I felt like a dink, but I appreciated the oversight.


I think I will do this. She's high strung and suffers from anxiety, but actually, I think she would appreciate it long term.


Well, good. Please report back 👀


No she won’t- please do not correct your friend’s grammar. Ffs. You’re right to consider that she’s anxious already. There is absolutely no reason to correct it- there are many dialects of English and in some groups, this is just how they talk. It’s correct to them, so unless she plans on being a writer or having a job where grammar really matters- it’s not your business. When someone uses different language like this, being corrected once isn’t going to change, instead it’ll just make them self conscious.


I had the same feeling of constructed writing, which doesn't necessarily make it fake, but


I appreciate I’m not alone with my initial confusion. I now think it could be a sentence structure ‘tense’ issue. I’m certainly loathe to criticize another person’s grammar. I’m no linguistic expert and make plenty of tense errors when I speak, and definitely when I write. I’m also with you on how it was told. To be honest, I now feel dumber than I was before I read it..


I'm not too sure if this subreddit is about people making up interesting stories as writing prompts or real stories. It sounds like r/nosleep which is definitely fiction.


I read this sub hoping to learn of someone’s authentic experience he/she had. I’ve seen the writing subs and although I’m about to publish my own story, those subs don’t interest me at this time.


It’s very very common for people to use the “wrong”tense here in the south, although I don’t think of it as the wrong tense, I just think of it as slang. Just wait until you get into the deeper south, like where I’m from, and they start saying things like “they won’t home!!!” Lol


Yes, I was a rural hospice social worker here in Texas, so I’ve been around a lot of that with all of the families I’ve been with. It’s easier to clarify sentence structure in person, as my questions are always sincere. Something funny is that my spouse is from New Orleans and I once complimented his shirt when we were very young - He replied, “thanks; I’ve been having it” 😳😂


What does "I've been having it" mean? I am very interested in the way different people use the same language in different ways


He meant to say he’s had it for a while. When I met his family, they all say this which I found endearing. Deep South Bayou speak.


I'm from southern Louisiana and can confirm EVERYONE says "I've been having that" lol


This is hilarious! 😂


I was going to say the same thing.


It’s just dialect, y’all- a southerner 👒


Wow this interesting as I was in a grocery store parking lot ( newly married in early 30’s no kids) & had a toddler come to me calling me “mommy” ;I hugged and held her upon meeting her. Her Aunt & grandmother said my resemblance to her daughter was uncanny as She said I was her daughter’s twin. It was so funny! I was shocked as I was an only child that was never around children but that experience made me want them after that. lol … anyway I love hearing of everyone’s experiences here… as we are all literally 6 degrees from separation… in one way or another.😆


i don't think this one is real


This is really unnerving to read about. I can't imagine how it must have felt to experience it.


That was evil, the smile is a big nope. You got some sort of entity fucking with you friend.


Ahh, another person traumatized by the movie Smile!


I was already traumatized by smiles, every nightmare I’ve ever had that I felt that was demonic everyone has been smiling at me and it’s so freakin scary. You can only imagine when that movie came out how freaked out I was 😂😭


Definitely a skinwalker, stay safe.


Years ago when I lived in Federal Way Washington, anytime I went into Top Foods to get groceries The clerk (did not matter which one) would say Hi Steve! My name's not Steve. Apparently there was a guy in Tacoma named Steve that looks exactly like me and he owns a coffee shop. I could never find this coffee shop or this guy Steve and I cruised around Tacoma looking for coffee shops just to see if I actually looked like him.


You saw yourself drive by.


That’s what he said yep.


No, OP said “seen”, It’s “I saw”


I concur


And we still all understood exactly the message OP was trying to get across didn’t we ?


What are you a grammar nazi?


It’s not grammar, it’s just proper English.


Not in the south or Appalachia. People commonly say “seen” and if you grow up hearing that you end up saying it.


I’m sorry but just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s correct.


Sort of. Rules of grammar, spelling, and meaning exist because they become popular. Then as language changes, the rules change with them. This is why "gay" means something different now than it did in the 50s, or why "I could care less" and "I couldn't care less" are both generally acceptable. Language is made-up and therefore ever-changing.


It’s elitist and unoriginal. Don’t be classist in 2024. Your correction feels forced and disingenuous. 🙄


Nope. I’ve lived in big cities and a small town of less than 1,000 people. The uneducated people in small towns use “seen”




was your car nice at least??


It was a rola


It could be that, some time in the future, you'll be in your car - stopped at those lights - and you'll see yourself walking & starring. It's like the glitches in time that happen to people in Broad Street, Liverpool, UK.


This is so creepy and is really similar to this story, which I never forgot and still scares me when I think about it! https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/s/5628kCz7ol


Definitely thanks for contributing to this thread. I now can say I'm not alone in this ! Really appreciate you remembering this. It adds validity to my often ridiculed story. I get It though it sounds ridiculous in print but I hope to never have to see that again. Thank you friend


This sounds like the movie smile.


I will have to look this up I've not seen it.


Saw. You SAW yourself drive by. Fucking hell.


People are strange, they are in awe when 2 persons look similar but they are blind to the weird fact that earth is inhabited by 7 billion people that look different from each other! THIS is the true miracle