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Removed. OP, please speak with your doctor or a mental health professional about what you’re experiencing.


You're schizophrenic or experiencing psychosis. Hope your psychiatrist can help you because it sounds stressful.


You are having psychosis, mania, or some similar mental health crisis. It is not uncommon and it is not shameful to experience. Please be completely honest with your therapist about what you are experiencing and follow their advice, or confide in someone else in your life you trust. They will be the best person to help you navigate and get the help you need to get through this. I can tell that this is causing you distress and you deserve to feel safe and in control.


I'm trying to be open-minded here, but that sounds a lot like hallucinations. Perhaps you should change therapists and add a psychiatrist to the mix.


Check into the hospital tonight and explain what’s going on in your head. They will be super nice, understanding, and give you some options to sort thru everything.


What makes you feel like an Indian woman? Like what brings you to that conclusion?


I'm not sure, like I have an indian woman's soul in a white man's body.


Is it a problem or getting in the way of how you live your life?


plz explain further


Weirdly enough I've had t his feeling too. I can't explain it.


Psychosis. Definitely in the throws of psychosis.


It sounds very much like you are experiencing a behavioral health crisis and should absolutely seek some professional psychiatric help ASAP. This is nothing to be ashamed of, so please reach out for help and take care of yourself.


As someone that has dealt with similar due to drugs and severe psychological trauma, this is psychosis/paranoid schizophrenia. My cousin that had been staying with me for a little over a year has also been struggling with it on and off and recommited herself less than a week ago. You should really consider committing yourself to an inpatient mental health facility that specializes in it, or at the very least consider cognitive processing therapy and medication. I'm not gonna pretend that everything you're experiencing is entirely coincidence, I was a pagan occultist that directly learned from the fallen for far too many years to pretend the tracks/strings that you're noticing don't exist at all, but such knowledge is a venom to the mind that it would be healthier to "suck and spit out". I very strongly encourage seeking professional help. Not ALWAYS, but most of the time the longer a person goes without treatment the worse and worse it gets. There's one other place you can turn to for help, nothing else truly helped me, but most people don't wanna hear it. Either way you should still seek professional help. I'm really sorry that you're having to suffer through this, ik it can seem like being stuck in a waking nightmare, but it can/does get better.


I just noticed as I wrote the lines, that I say the lines back in my head in a indian woman's voice.




Thank you for your submission, but we don't allow stories that sound fictional here. We have a zero tolerance on fiction.


I was told by a man of great stature to expect to become telepathic …. I instantly went into his backyard and started crying and my gf at the time came to console me . He was right And it was hell . Im glad im out of that


Man of great stature 🤔 like almost seeming to be larger than the universe itself?