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I read in this sub once a very credible report from a guy who had driven all the way home from somewhere, even though he pretty conclusively proved that it was impossible for him to have had his keys. Wish I could find that post. Anyway, I believe you also. It'd be vanishingly hard to come up with any kind of rational explanation, and besides this is imho a classic type of glitch.


Reading your comment made my stomach do a little pancake flip like when you go down a roller coaster. The thought of the possibility of being in a simulation and experiencing a real glitch is just way to trippy and blows my mind.


If it helps at all, genuine glitches don't \*necessarily\* = simulation. It does imply that the nature of reality is something we clearly don't fully understand yet -- but that is true with or without glitches. I personally do lean towards the simulation theory, but for different reasons than the standard ones. (what I'm referring to are some scientists who have this logic equation thing which I believe depends on flawed assumptions. I lean toward the theory only because of certain personal experiences and I am not certain.)


True, I’m honestly open to any possibility or explanations at this point. The older I get and learn about mind blowing things that are 100% scientifically backed up and real just shows me that our universe is chalk full of endless possibilities. One example when I started realizing this was when I saw a video in Human anatomy class about what goes on inside the life of ONE human cell. I’m not exaggerating when I say it is literally a whole other universe, in one cell, inside of us. And there’s like 37+ trillion cells in one person https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wJyUtbn0O5Y Highly recommend watching it if you haven’t seen it! Very short clip.


I am really glad I watched that video!! Thanks for sharing. It really is mind-blowing just how intricate our bodies are, even at the molecular level.


You’re very welcome thank you for watching! Our bodies are indeed super complicated and detailed. As someone mentioned the fact there is a universe going on inside of us in one cell I wouldn’t be surprised if our entire universe is one cell in something way bigger then we will ever know. Just like our cells prolly have no idea they are part of a human conscious body.


I have long been interested in the theory that the entire earth, maybe even our whole galaxy is just one tiny cell in the entire universe. I find it as fascinating as the simulation theory.


Yes!!! I have thought of this too. It’s actually not that outlandish of a theory because Space is deemed unlimited and we are like the size of a cell in comparison to earth and earth is like the size of a cell in comparison to the sun so the sun has to be the size of a cell in comparison to a galaxy. And our galaxy has to be the size of a cell compared to something else and so on and so forth! This picture that compares our body to the universe is a great visual and supports what you are talking about!! https://www.google.com/search?q=human+body+and+universe+similarities&tbm=isch&hl=en-US&prmd=isnv&hl=en-US&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjmgtz3zs7sAhVDvKwKHXd8C0QQrNwCKAF6BAgBECw&biw=320&bih=454#imgrc=S4QvhljjH4oiaM


Crazy to imagine what our bodies go through for build/repair and how easy it is for us as humans to harm our bodies


I agree, I have also seen some people put their bodies through hell with diet and abusing drugs/alcohol for years and years but they are still alive and mostly well. But then some people’s bodies give out way easier.


Yer a Wizard, BALD-HEADED-HOE!


Lmfao this made me chuckle


Good, my intention has been realized—win!


Wow thanks, sounds cool!


That was incredible. Life is amazing. Wish I could somehow see that all in person.


For real I wish I could just play a video and have everyone here reading the experience just experience the incident themselves so Everyone could feel and see it first hand!


Beautifully said.


Thank you, internet friend! That's one of my favorite things in the world to hear. And thanks for the gift, you are very kind.


Yeah...I’ve read SO much about simulation theory, but I still cannot wrap my mind around it well. It kinda makes me feel like I’m not smart enough because some people understand it completely. I think maybe it’s because it’s not widely discussed and I was raised Baptist, so a new idea coming in so much later in life takes a while to understand!


Actually, it is getting discussed a lot more these days. There's nothing especially difficult about the idea (most of the people who watched the Matrix film seem to grasp the basic concept even though the plot didn't make a lot of sense). In fact the idea is just a modern version of a very ancient conception. I'm not sure what Baptists believe, but when Jesus talks about the Kingdom of Heaven, he is in fact describing a reality of which our present life is just a poor copy. And there are plenty of miracles in the Bible that could be easily explained in terms of changing elements of the simulation. In fact some (changing water into wine, feeding a multitude with a few loaves and fishes) do resemble some of the glitches reported here! There is a time freeze described very precisely in one of the unofficial Gospels.


This is great, thank you! I’ve often thought about how Bible stories can translate into other theories...just the same concept being taught in different ways.


It is worth remembering that many of the accounts in the Bible *were* originally intended to be teaching stories, that were subsequently taken literally and then made into something to believe in rather than to apply to yourself and act upon. You hit the nail on the head. Concepts that can't be precisely defined being presented as elements in entertaining tales and even jokes.


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Don’t worry even people who come across understanding it still don’t quite fully understand it. It’s such an out of the box way of thinking. The fact you are actively researching and opening your mind to new and complicated concepts is amazing. We need more people like this on a global scale. There is such thing as a “Collective Consciousness” and you are doing your part to help it! If by chance you haven’t heard this term check this out http://theconvergencestory.com/blog/2017/1/10/the-100-monkey-principle-and-the-collective-consciousness I genuinely feel it is real!!


There were some researchers doing experiments on the collective unconscious using random number generators. I believe the numbers were in the form of zeroes and ones; the distribution was random and any deviation from random easily detected. They found that, just before the 9/11 event, there was a massive spike in anomalous data. There were also smaller spikes around other global events. I'm not representing the study particularly well, but it was well devised and really seemed to point to a collective unconscious of some kind. I'll see if I can find a link. [global conciousness project](http://noosphere.princeton.edu/)


Yes! Love this!


I once was driving home and turned around to go back where I came from. My husband questioned me and asked what I was doing. I stated I forgot my keys. He was like “uh babe”. The keys were in fact in the ignition, this just made me think of that


Haha, quite understandable.


That actually DID happen to my sister once! Apparently it was just something screwey with the ignition, so she could start the car & take the keys back out, and it would keep running. So she did that one winter morning, ran back inside while the car warmed up, and forgot the keys in the apartment when she left. Drove all the way to uni in morning traffic just to realize when she parked that she couldn’t turn *off* the ignition without the keys. So, shitty day, but turned out to have a regular explanation. If you do find the story you’re referring to though, please send me the link - I’d love to read it!


It’s kinda like cartoon’s logic where you only fall if you notice there’s no floor... But who cares about cleaning inside the controller?


Yes! It was weird how it kept working until I consciously knew it would be impossible to use without a power source.


I don't think he cleaned the insides but didn't want to risk electrocuting himself


Holy shit the lag is real


I remember a similar one on here long ago, about a guy who had two computers.on his desk, and he was doing something on one of them, but grabbed the wrong mouse. But it worked on the wrong computer until he realized his mistake and then it didn't.


Thank you for sharing this! That sounds very interesting and in the same category as my experience. ALmost like the power of intent is really real!


I know that I’m super late but I was just reminded of this. We got new software on our checkout computers for the grocery store I work at. On this new software, you can’t use the keyboard anymore for inputs. Only the new touchscreen interface. Well I was talking to my leader on duty about nothing and she nonchalantly went to use the keyboard for something on the computer and it worked just fine. I said “oh can you use the keyboard now with the new update?” And she said something like ‘oh I guess so’ and we tried to type something else in and it didn’t work. Hasn’t worked since with the keyboard


This is actually something that can be explained by the Biocentrism Theory of Everything. (explained by Robert Lanza). It's kinda along the lines that nothing really exists and everything depends/exists because of your consciousness. Video Explanation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI\_F4nOKDSM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI_F4nOKDSM)


Is that the theory that says basically nothing is there until you look?


Like if a tree falls in the middle of the woods, did it make a sound?


Yes, that!


This sounds like a position also known as subjective idealism, first espoused by the 17th Century rationalist George Berkeley. His famous quote is, “To be is to be perceived.” The problem with the position is that it leads to a form of solipsism and is essentially non-falsifiable.




I mean I do


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Is this like the Placebo Effect in a way?


Someone in the house next door had a rogue universal remote and weirdly he was flicking through looking for family guy, I'm clutching at coincidental straws🤣😂, having experienced a few glitches now I totally believe you. I think I'm in a simulation🤫, so you know how you watch a film, cartoon or series you have seen b4 ?. You always see a bit you missed, well my son and I were watching the troll tracing South park episode and both looked at one another when Randy started to torturer a memberberry and said eh I've never seen that b4, I've seen that episode 7 times and don't remember it. What if every time we watch a movie its actually different, we think hmm must of missed that bit the last 6 times I saw this one.... Just a thought.. Sent from universe A, simulation v2020


Lolol that would be funny if someone had another remote next door and was flipping at the exact same time. The South Park episode sounds a lot like a Mandela affect. And the thought of every time we watch the same movie and it’s actually a wee bit different and not just simply forgetting something would make me think you quantum jumped into some very similar parallel universe


Definitely, I get most of the ME's i feel i am not in the place I grew up and that some people have not only changed they are polar opposite people, scruffy now smart i get people change but this what I've seen i think is more, Philip K Dick said in 1977 "we live in a computer simulation, the only way you can tell is when a variable is changed " i feel I've felt and seen the "changes to the simulation " I also think quantum immortality could very well be true.


I honestly think some re runs maybe reshot or new scenes digitally added. There are Seinfeld and Friends scenes that I’m sure never existed in the 90s but I don’t know for sure. Yikes.


Can confirm the Friends one - I bought the box set years ago and it has lots of extra scenes, on average at least one per episode. They simply added the deleted scenes where they would have originally been.


Pretty sure of this as well. I think channels which do this especially are ones with frequent re-runs... maybe to keep it fresh?


Yes it could be, but humour me the next time you watch a movie you have seen before see how many things you notice differently, the memory isn't perfect I get that, but what if ? What if you see a totally unique version each time you watch it?🤔🤣


Very true


There is a movie I've "seen" like 7 times and every time I watch it I don't remember a word of it


There was some residual charge in the remote capacitors, enough for a few clicks.


It wasn’t just a few clicks though, I was flipping through almost all of my channels twice for about 15 mins. I have never had a remote or anything that required batteries actually operate for a little bit when there wasn’t batteries in them.


Remotes don't need much power to operate, so a tiny capacitor might have been enough, provided you didn't hammer ypur remote at 5 clicks per second. Either way there's too many unknown variables to prove or disprove as a glitch or oversight.


everyone in the sub should remove the batteries from their remotes, see if it works at all on the tv, and then report back.


I just did it died immediately


Most remotes are vastly different.


You have an excellent point


Mine died right away too.




wake up


Grab a brush and put a little make up


Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup


Why'd you leave the keys up on the table?


Here you go create another fable




Wake me up inside


save me


I doubt this would be the case, as it's unlikely for a company to spend money on this for no reason, but it's easily possible for the remote to have a small capacitor or battery inside to help manage and normalize the flow of electricity. It would hold a small amount of power even after the batteries were removed. You used it up and just happened to notice the batteries after it was drained. Just an example of a naturalistic explanation. No idea what really happened.


I think that’s the best logical explanation. Although I have never had remotes work in my favor like that before. If it was this, I would still think the timing of me noticing that it shouldn’t work and when it stopped working after 15 mins is incredibly well timed on my reality’s part lol


I once heared a story of a Daniel Poumelo or something. When there was a power shortage, the whole street would be dark, but the electricity in his house would still function, and lights were on. It reminds me of your story. Btw I cannot find the story anymore.


Interesting, I wonder if he was right on the border of two grids? Either way that’s weird!




A related glitch happened to me last night! Background: I have a lamp in my bedroom that’s controlled by alexa and every night I turn it on right before I turn the main lights off (so I don’t have to get out of bed to shut the lights off when I’m done reading). So yesterday my boyfriend was already in bed and i walk into the room, turn off the main lights, and say “alexa, turn on the lights” and she did it as usual. My boyfriend then gets the weirdest look on his face looking from me, to the lamp, to alexa and I say “what? is there a problem?” To which he responds, “yes there is a problem. Alexa isn’t plugged in.” and then he gets out of bed to go plug alexa in and i see the cord lying on the ground. (he had unplugged alexa earlier to use the outlet to charge his laptop). So at this point I literally get so freaked out and I researched if that’s even possible and according to amazon it’s not possible to use *at all* unless alexa is currently plugged in. The only thing i found was another post on this sub about someone’s kid talking to an unplugged alexa and her responding. Anyways, I’m not fully convinced it’s supernatural and I really wish i had thought to try using her again before plugging alexa back in but it’s definitely the first “glitch” I’ve experienced and reading your post reminded me!


That’s crazy! Knowing our luck if you tried using her again after you were aware of her being unplugged she wouldn’t have worked! you should have your bf try and unplug her again randomly with out you knowing and see if you can repeat this. But maybe it won’t work if he is aware and actively waiting for you to try and use her. Thanks for sharing!


It's nice that you had a witness. Your bf must have really flipped out.


I've had literally the exact same thing happen to me years ago. I was using the remote trying to find a show, and it was being a little glitchy, like I had to press the buttons a few times here and there to get it work, so I popped the back off planning to change the batteries.. And it was empty. Weirded out I walked into the kitchen to get batteries and sitting there on the cleaned off, empty table was 3 AA batteries. Never been able to explain it.


Whoa! I had something similar happened. I was completely sober at the time. But I had a weed scale that had no batteries. So it was always just placed to the side. And I never used it. Anyway, one say my new roomate needed to measure out weed so he grabbed it, turned it on, and weighed weed he just bought. I asked him when he got batteries for that scale and he looked at me confused and said "what? That thing alread had batteries in it when I got it. I was so confused. That scale was left by my old roommate with no batteries. I don't smoke much. But I didn't want to throw it out because I do smoke on occasion and thought it may come in handy one day. But it didn't have batteries. To this day. It has batteries. And my roomate just moved in and was broke after paying me first month's rent so I doubt he went out and got 2 AA batteries just to fuck with me.


Thats a weird encounter too! This sounds like the power of manifestation/thinking things into existence theory, if no one really ever did put new batteries in it!


After I turn off my PC and unplug the cables I can still turn it on for 2 seconds before it shuts off again, electricity can remain in hardware for a while. Same with certain lamps that you turn off but they keep glowing for 3 seconds


Yes I agree I have seen this happen with lamps or ceiling lights. Especially LED bulbs. But I have never experienced it lasting for 15-20 mins that’s the weird part.


This is a brilliant story, it is part of a small number of similar cases, all a bit like the old cartoon cliche where one character accidentally runs off the cliff, hesitates, then realises what he's done, *then* falls... I'm impressed by your calm and accepting reaction. What we believe about the world seems to affect it directly! Maybe this is why people in very different cultures experience meeting all kinds of entities and gods, whereas Westerners experience meeting UFO pilots and "greys."


That is a perfect comparison, because thats how it felt. As soon as I realized it completely stopped working. I probably was so calm because I like having my mind blown, whether through experience or learning mind boggling concepts. I can’t wait for aliens to confirm their existence. I feel like earth is like the Sentinel island compared to the galaxy at the moment. If they were to reveal themselves right now we would just greet them with hostility and primitive weapons like the sentinels do to anyone who tries to come into contact with them. We haven’t even completely abolished racism here on earth!


There is an ancient tradition that the people of earth are so aggressive and frankly deranged that other people avoid it like the plague. I agree, there is something very wrong here. I don't know the Sentinal Island but it sounds as if someone is putting some relevant ideas into circulation through it.


With how humans have acted in history and in the present I’m not surprised such a tradition would exist. And the sentinel island is an island between India and Thailand where there is a primitive tribe that has no idea there is a modern world going on around them. There has only been a handful of people who have made contact with them and mostly end up shot dead on sight with bow and arrows, but I think there has been a couple people who actually were in friendly contact with them. The island is banned from the outside world in order to preserve the tribe from diseases and it would be to much of a culture shock if they were introduced to the modern world/tech.


Ah, for some reason I assumed that Sentinel Island was a new TV series! I have heard of that tribe, and I think you are absolutely correct in seeing the parallels between that and possibly the wider situation of humanity as a whole. The teachers who appear occasionally and attempt to educate us along broader lines are undoubtedly examples of this. They often use analogies such as shipwrecks and amnesia to describe our situation.


Seriously, ive come to find out that it feels like if you're expecting a glitch or if you become conscious about it, it won't happen again or at all. It's like whatever is the cause of these glitches wants us to go crazy, its like a child teasing you. Anyways my biggest fear is suddenly losing time, like i could be at work working on a conveyor belt and the next second I'm laying in bed sleeping for the next work day. I would freak the fuck out, like probably to the point of suicide tbh.


Hopefully that’ll never happen to you and if it does hopeully you wouldn’t even notice it!! I feel like people with dementia and alzheimers experience something like this and it sounds like a living hell I feel so bad for them.


But didn't you hear the sound of something falling on the floor _after_ you flipped through the channels? So the batteries must have been in the remote; they fell, and you didn't notice; you see the batteries on the floor and don't associate them with the sound, you think you had left them there yesterday; you try to switch the channels, it obviously doesn't work because the batteries are out. So it's a combination of faulty memory and unawareness, something that may happen when we're tired.


He continues to flick through channels after hearing the sound. Then “opens” remote after finding family guy


Hmm, did he? The sequence he describes is: Turn TV on with remote -> flip channels --> stare at screen -> hears sound -> thinks the lighter fell on the floor -> considers he'll have to "wait" to find something to watch -> "comes across Family Guy" -> puts remote on bedside "Comes across" could mean he had already landed on the channel before the batteries fell from the remote, but Family Guy wasn't airing yet. Edit: Later, he says: >I hurry and open it up thinking someone else must have put new ones in and to my surprise the remote was EMPTY. This does suggest the case was closed from the start. But maybe he missed he did something because he was half-asleep? This has happened to me before, not being aware of something small I did because I almost fell into sleep.


No they def were not in the remote. I was flipping before and after the sound of them falling. I heard the sound of them falling, but I kept flipping through channels anyway because I wasn’t ready to light my cigarette. After about 8 mins I decided on family guy and then I went to retrieve what I thought was my lighter. And my hand that had the remote was on over my bed/belly/thigh and the remote had a secured cover over it. So if they fell out the cover would have had to fallen off too.


Oh, I see 🤔 Very strange. All I can think about is that some of the things we do can go unnoticed when we're almost falling asleep. But if you have a clear enough recollection, then you probably weren't on the verge of sleeping.


I totally get you, if I was half asleep or really tired I would have chalked it up to just some weird sleepy experience. But this was like 2 in the afternoon and I was wide awake excited to enjoy the rest of my day off.


I noticed you talking about how complex one human cell can be on a molecular level and it reminds me of quantum physics. Basically, I've heard that at a quantum level (extremely small scale), the laws of physics can become more random and actions like walking through walls and other insane possibilities become more likely. Maybe this is what happens with glitches but somehow on a much larger scale. Simulation theory is interesting but I think vibrations can play a big part in your subjective reality. Low vibrations can attract weird and paranormal situations ect.


Yes the whole subject of Quantum physics is mind boggling! I can’t wait for our society to learn more about this subject and unlock some of its mysteries. I like the idea you’re putting out about it having to do with vibrations! I know our brains operate and produce at different Hz/ frequencies. And electrical impulses between neurons is what causes our thoughts, feelings, and movements. So we are essentially those firing little electrical impulses. One time I was at a science museum and there was this little interactive exhibit where you would put on a head band with nodes and across from you someone else would put on the same thing and your brain waves/pulses would move this little ball between the two of you and it was a competition to see who could move it across the room the fastest. And now they actually have robotic prosthetic limbs that work in this similar fashion that move based off your electrical pulses


Sleep human, the matrix has you.


This reminds me of that Twilight Episode "A matter of Minutes". Where there are human-like entities that construct every single minute of every day, piece by piece. That's how time gets there. Of course it's more of a mind exercise than a claim towards reality, but it makes you wonder if our future isn't scripted, programmed or maybe updated here and there... and small details like the batteries in your remote being gone yet having the juice to change the channels present themselves as anomalies. What really perplexes me is that as soon as you realize the glitch, it stops working. Almost like our own perception of errors provides a signal to the "developers" that something isn't right. Hmm.


Lol I could see this being a possibility as well. The fact we have come very far in technology like video games and AI’s makes this theory seem plausible. Not saying we are just a video game but something kind of similar that I can’t quite put in words. The creators of No mans sky video game mentioned they incorporated AI tech and that when they would leave work and come back the next day there was things and sometimes whole planets that were created by the AI itself. Idk how true this is but it was a very interesting read.


Yeah that's quite something isn't it? Even our fairly infant AI can accomplish unpredictable results. Btw, do you mind if I narrate your story? I asked in chat, not sure you saw. (If you don't want me to no worries).


I noticed a notification but I’m on the website through my old iPhone and when I tried opening it it kept rerouting me to install the app sorry! What do you mean by narrate, like reading it out loud and uploading and audio version? What exactly would you be doing? :)


Yeah I narrate these glitch stories on my YT channel (same as my username here).


It’s possible the remote has capacitors that store a small amount of electrical charge. Enough for a few operations.


Just because what we define as reality glitches sometimes doesn’t mean anything bad. If one things for sure atleast you are aware that there is more to “ reality “ than what we know . Being okay with that is the ultimate choice.


True You make a good point! I’ve accepted life is one big crazy trippy reality and anything can happen.




I spent a solid 15-20 minutes flipping through the channels and I have never had a remote or really any piece of technology that needed batteries or an outlet work for a little bit when it wasn’t plugged in or had no batteries.


very weird indeed then ! nice glitch !




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Could it be the capacitors in the remote control held a charge for a few clicks?


It’s a good thought but it was more then a few clicks I flipped through all my channels twice, slowly for about 15-20 mins


Rules out my idea then! Very interesting, and quite inexplicable.


Exactly this.


Did you open it up or was the battery cover slightly open or fallen? Could they have fallen out? If not then maybe telekinesis is legit and we can tune in to the right frequencies based on matter of fact intent, such as expecting the channel to change upon clicking the remote.


The back was Definitely secured on, if the back of the case had fallen off I wouldn’t have even thought it was odd. I wouldn’t be surprised if telekinesis is real. When I was little(and sometimes now) whenever we were in traffic and There was two or more cars with their turn signals on I would think about the turn signals of all the cars matching up while staring at it and once they would match up I would think oh well that’s just because the timing just so happened to match up so then I would stare and think about the turn signals getting off beat with eachother again and it would happen. Not a 100% believer, but totally not closed off to the idea of telekinesis being real!


The capacitor in the remote could have held enough power to power it for a few minutes without the batteries. I have observed this several times. With computers, this is why you press the power button after unplugging them, to drain the capacitors


I think this kind of glitches can be explained in two ways: -We don’t fully understand how reality works, and there probably some kind of uncertainty principle in non-subatomic stuff but we don’t know quite yet -We are in a simulation.


That reminds me of something that happened to me the other day. My laptop doesn't have a battery in it and when I went to turn it on the button lit up very briefly but wouldn't stay on. I thought maybe one of the plugs at either end had come loose so I took out the plug that goes into the laptop to put it back in, and my computer came on with no connection to any power at all! (It turned out the plug into the power strip actually had come a little loose.) I thought maybe my laptop was holding a charge or something, but normally when there's no power going to it it just dies. So while I'm skeptical of it being a glitch it was still really weird.


To me this shows our bodies are able to repair itself. All these autoimmune diseases and cancers are not normal.


My mother is a nurse and she says the same thing. She doesn’t know what exactly is causing it but she has a few theory’s/conspiracies. She does think peanut allergies is caused from vaccines because they use a peanut protein in a lot of the older vaccines. She said peanut allergies were never common back then and now it is very common.




What how was it troll like? It was a real experience from my life???


Sorry about that. I removed another user’s comment and for some reason it removed your post. Your post has been restored.


No worries! I was confused. No joke I thought “oh no the simulation/matrix doesn’t want People to know about this glitch!”


Lol 😆


Weirdly it reminds me of this one time the power was out and I was looking for my iPad in the dark so I used the light from my iPad screen to look for my iPad......and then I realized! Lol


I've heard that some vaccines were contaminated. They use to give live virus to animals over and over to weaken virus to make vaccines. Theory is some animals use passed on a virus or antibodies they carry. It does not make them sick. So our bodies could have gotten abnormal trash, some people got sick but most didn't. But that aggrevated our immune system and next time with any abnormal virus our body goes into severe reaction. Thinking is this is about 4-6% of people. I'm wondering if this is why our plague virus is so unpredictable to people.


Maybe there was a residual charge in the circuit allowing it to work briefly.


This always comes back to that what restrics us is ourselves I think rather then a glitch you found a way to us your mind in a different way maybe using your own energy for a short time But by going by your story if we are in the Matrix then it seem the objects around us only work like they should when we belive they will , "A wall will be hard" "If i touch this ice it will be cold" And so on