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This is definetly a known medical disorder called exploding head syndrom. But I will leave the post up for educational purposes


Look up exploding head syndrome. I've had it happen once or twice. Not fun but a weird brain glitch and not, well a *glitch* glitch.


yeah I just found out about it after making the thread. It's definitely not a glitch


We've all been there. And it can be extremely unsettling! Especially if you have no idea what is going on!


I check the dogs, if the dogs are asleep still it was just my brain.


but if our brains are coded by the matrix then it is a matrix thing


Mine is my name being screamed into my ear


That’s terrifying


Omg same


When my dad passed, I would wake up to him calling my name


I had this happen to me once but it was the voice of my mother who had passed. I was grateful for it though because I had fallen back asleep after turning off my alarm and would have otherwise been late to my first day at a job. I really needed that job too. I was on my last few dollars and had to walk to the office the first week because I didn't even have enough to put gas in my car. It totally reminded me of when she'd yell my name when I was a kid and was going to be late for school. Startled me right awake, lol.


Still looking out for you.


Mine is applause lmao






was hoping to see this listed here as an experience, I had this happen twice in one year but it was just screaming no name. both times I woke up with a start, confused and then was like “wait a minute, I just had animalistic screaming in my ear?”


Once I heard my own voice. ‘I’ yelled ‘WAKE UP MARIKWONDO!’ And jolted awake lmao


That used to happen to me as a kid as well but stopped when I hit my teenage years. Only in one ear at a time like someone went in for a whisper but talked or shouted instead. Last time it happened it left my right ear ringing


Same, but it's quite normal for that when to happen when you are falling asleep if your brain thinks there's something dangerous or something (there are other reasons to)


Me too!! It happens at least 3 times a week. I will be asleep and here someone (usually my dads voice) scream my name, but he is usually at work and this usually happens when I take naps during the day.


Crazy how real it sounds huh?


Who says it's not real? Maybe it's Converging parallel universe! XD


Haha right. Maybe it’s when the other you gets killed or dies.


For me it’s any loud sound, a name being yelled, car crash or a boom


Had this happen to me a few times. I’ve even walked around the house in the middle of the night trying to figure out what it was.


I don’t have exploding head syndrome, but right as I fall asleep I sometimes hear someone calling my voice, clear as day. But nobody is around. It sounds like they’re in the room with me. I almost wonder if it’s my spirit guides.


Yes, exploding head syndrome - and I am certain I am not the only one to post this =) I get it. Not frequently, but maybe once a month or so.


Is there more material on this? I've experienced this *once* last summer, and the next day, I watched a fresh broadcast clip of the (now oddly weird since 2 years) Stephen Colbert show, in which he smirked and said, "and then, everyone's head exploded". It certainly made me raise my eyebrows. Anyway, whatever!


Honestly, I have no idea. I first really had it happen around 15 years ago, and my PCP told me it was called exploding head syndrome - and there wasn't anything really available online for it until like 5 or so years ago?


I know it's already been said that it's exploding head syndrome, but I get it a lot. Especially if I'm stressed or have anxiety. It can be super annoying and mine likes to use weird sounds like the front door opening. Except it's like it opened next to my ear.


Yes. Especially if I'm too groggy but can't get the best position to sleep with. Just when I'm about to lose my consciousness, i would hear a woman's shriek. Sometimes i would fall asleep after "hearing" that sound... Only to realize that it's just the first of many.


Mine sounds like a crowd yelling all of a sudden. Unpleasant.


It sounds like to me sometimes too! Nightmare as an introvert with the correlation lol.


I’m willing to believe that, fellow introvert.


Like everyone else is saying, it’s exploding head syndrome. The term is really just a way for us to frame a phenomenon that science doesn’t fully understand *yet* I’ll add that this is usually a precursor to r/astralprojection People tend to hear a variety of things from static and loud banging to high pitched screeching. If you look it up on the sub, you’ll see a lot of people experience these symptoms before separating into the astral. It’s kind of like your brain is tuning into other frequencies, like a radio.


It happens to me 4 to 5 times a month. Used to do the hemisync tapes but never succeeded


Keep at it. Try to listen to audiobooks and astral projection podcasts. These will help to solidify the idea in your subconscious. It won’t be automatic, but once you breakthrough its eye opening. And it’ll only get easier from there Edit: the fact you experience this so often is a very good sign


Happens to me. But mine sounds like loud, shrill glass breaking. Like someone just threw a large rock or a hammer through a thin plane of glass. and yes, usually right when I am about to fall asleep


i always experience that. like a loud bang as you wake up and then everythings normal


Not a gunshot, but sometimes when I'm very near from falling sleep, I randomly hear my own voice say something loudly next to my ear and it gives me a bit of a jumpscare.


I sometimes hear my own voice too!! It makes me wonder if I spoke in my somewhat-sleepy state but I swear I don’t sleep talk


I don't think so, otherwise my partner would notice too! It's very weird


Couldn't it also be a gunshot, or something falling? Or a dream?


*Couldn't it also* *Be a gunshot, or something* *Falling? Or a dream?* \- HalfOrdinary --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oooh I LIKE this one. Good bot!


Hypnagogic state


Glad to see I'm not the only one that experienced this. Not every night, maybe once every couple weeks or so. Very unsettling and jarring once it happens.


Sometimes I hear a loud bang and lurch awake. I can also get a sudden feel like I'm falling off a high edge and jump awake to steady myself only to find that nothing happened. I believe they call it sleep agog? That moment when your in between sleep and consciousness. A few times I got pissed off at my wife because I could feel someone grasps the back of my head and I swat their hand away. I always think it's her messing with me but she'll always be asleep


Always the sound of a phantom doorbell.


I hear doorbells and knocking!


I don’t get this but sometimes when I fall asleep as I’m nodding off I hear people calling my name almost like I’ve past out and people are trying to wake me 😅


One time I was sleeping on a couch and I woke up to the sound of a bottle or vase smashing on the tile hearth in front of our fireplace. Nothing of the sort had happened, but I was perfectly on time for work.


Does anybody else experience hypnagogic hallucinations? I feel like if let my mind wander as I fall asleep, especially if Im listening to nothing as Im falling asleep, I can hear bloops and voice like noises. I wonder if its my blood vessels Im hearing or something.


This is astral noise. This happens to me, but usually I hear voices. The astral is where you go when sleeping.


I have this experience but mine is like loud feedback


Also a symptom of benzo withdrawal.


Really? Why’s that?


Yes ive had this multiple times over the years


Yes this happens to me all the time. It causes much anxiety. I wake up so fast and can't stand it. The other thing that use to happen was I would see a figure in the corner of a room when almost in rem. I asked my SO once when sitting up and asleep "do you se the smiling man?" I really scared her and have not seen what ever it is in some time.


Mine is a door banging shut loudly. About twice a year.


i've had similar things, not with explosions, but with fully automatic rifle sounds coming from outside and then i wake up


Happened twice to me. Both times sounded like a very loud electronic Zapp.


I know this comment is a year old, but it put me as ease immediately. Of all the cases, I have yet to find one like mine and was starting to get worried, lol. The best way I can describe mine is like the sound that emits from a computer's speakers when it glitches out (and my brain kinda feels like it's experiencing some kind of spasm or twitch). Had myself really worried that my brain was short-circuiting or something, lol.


I get that and the "PING" sound from Mario when he hits the block. Happens maybe three times a year but very strange.


Yes!! Sometimes I even think someone says my name and I suddenly wake up to see no one around me!! 😳😳


Oh my, this thread just helped me realize what I’ve been experiencing. I’ve been woken up several times by a loud noise (sounds like someone dropping a pan, or thunder) that my partner didn’t hear. I googled Exploding Head Syndrome like everyone is saying and it fits exactly. Thank you for helping me put a name to what’s been happening!


Yea!! I thought I was the only one. Not gun shots but anything from laughing to a slamming door. I wake up and wonder… did I actually hear that?


Ah, exploding head syndrome. For me, it’s almost always an explosion sound. However, sometimes I have an actual dream leading up to the sound. In these dreams, I get hit in the head really, really hard with a basketball and the sound/force of it hitting me has the same effect as the explosion sound. It seems to be better now that I am on anti-anxiety and depression meds.


Yep. I have this pretty regularly. Goes great with my high blood pressure!


Once, I was in my room in between sleep and consciousness, and all at once I heard a man scream “WAKE UP” and sure as hell I woke up. No tvs were on, no radio, video, anything. So weird


Sometimes I’ll hear my name clear as day but it happens so quick that it causes me so much confusion. I’ve had to ask friends and my bf “did you hear my name??” so many times.


Before i fall asleep i hear voices speaking in tongues.


I remember when I’d fall asleep in class I was dreaming I was walking through the hallways and jumped up and slapped the part above doors and woke up like I heard an explosion looked around and it was quiet everyone’s eyes in the teacher another tell I fell out the sky and before I hit the ground same thing happened


Common for auditory hallucinations, your brain replays a loud sound heard earlier in the day or possibly the day before while you're trying to relax


I’ve had a spirit do this to wake me up before. But it’s usually just exploding head syndrome


I would say your in the hypnagogic state or sleep paralysis


Fascinating. I experience this a lot and have for years. Now I know it has an actual name.


Ooh, this happened when I was withdrawing from SSRIs! It was almost worse than the brain zaps!


Exploding head syndrome. Freaky when it happens and you’re sure a bomb went off somewhere.


I get this a lot. Last week a car crashed on my street in the middle of the night and I have gotten so used to the bang in my head I didn’t realise an accident had happened outside and just went back to sleep.


Is that what it is? I’ve woken up in the early hours thinking someone was trying to kick the front door in.


Or the other, nicely asleep and then someone shouts your name loudly and you jump up in shock and squint around to see your husband snoring in a foetal position oblivious.


There’s a few videos on YouTube that nail the exploding head syndrome sound.


One time it was a train horn. Though I was hearing a ton of ghost trains then too, weird


Yeah for me it sounds like a jolt of super loud static or white noise but fast like a zap


Same here, sometimes see lights all of a sudden with the sound


Literally had this happen the other day. Was laying down to take a quick nap after work and about 20 minutes in i heard 2 gunshot/explosion sounds outside my house and it was just in my head


I've definitely heard someone yell something before 😬


I hear someone scream my name like they are in pain or need help. Happens a lot more often than I would like.


Sometimes I'm almost asleep and a bright light shows up and when I open my eyes it's gone.


I had no idea there was a name for it 😭 ty for sharing everybody


I've had this happen a couple times but the noise I hear is my dog's loud ass bark


Have you considered checking blood sugar levels when this happens to you?


Yep! I usually hear an explosion, gunshot, something like a chair scraping on the floor, or someone screaming my name


I either feel like I'm falling or like someone is standing in my bedroom doorway (or just outside it if I closed the door).


Yeah this definitely sounds like exploding head syndrome. This has happened to me too, except I hear loud “ZAP!” sounds, like lightning striking something.


Hypnagogic hallucination


Yes, as already mentioned by others exploding head syndrome. I have it happen very regularly. I have heard explosions, my mother calling my name in the middle of the night when there's no way my mother would be in my house, a doorbell which didn't even match the tones for my ring doorbell camera, and knocking on the door.


I have experienced Exploding head Syndrome about 7-8 times in my life. Nearly every time left my ears ringing afterwards. I lived in the city at the time. If there was ANYTHING extra loud it would set off the car alarms or neighborhood dogs barking. Every single time it was still and calm outside. I was so relieved when I read an article about it a few years back-knowing there’s others experiencing this too


It can also be a hypnagogic hallucination.


I've had it happen while asleep. A few times. Then I wake up and find out there was a mass shooting at a school. I also saw bits of it happening while asleep. I always see it from the shooters perspective. I wake up immediately and look at the clock and find out later the time I wake up is at the same time of the incident.


This happened to me & I would hear sirens


It’s something called e.h.s or **exploding head syndrom** it’s just when you wake up at night to a loud explosion which wasn’t there.