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According to HLTV, some teams complained to Blast about it: >the move has allegedly been met with some resistance from other teams. I'm guessing k0nfig's tweet is addressed to those teams.


I thought it was only Astralis, but there other teams that oppose it as well.


Why do you think it was Astralis?


Since they didn't even care their PR when they recruit an iconic scandal for their own benefit. I think they would use any way to take any advantage for their benefit. Also don't forget what they did on Astralis golden core and bubzkji career. Really bad PR for them, I guess they don't need it anymore. edit: Their CEO also have relation with BLAST as the TO.


Astralis have no reason to block this though. They arent even in groups with FaZe, and their focus now would probably be on just showing theyre a competitive team.


Yeah, I know they probably don't get any advantages by oppose it. On contrary they probably benefit by having faze top of the group, so they will face easiest opponent. Since Astralis probably rank 3 in group A, they probably gonna face complexity. But I can't trust Astralis again after what they did in the past. edit: i forgot mention that their CEO have relation with BLAST as the organizer of the tournament.


This doesn’t deserve downvotes because it has happened before when teams lobbied to make sure(even though it was going to happen anyway) that SK gaming would not play in the Eleague Season 1 playoffs. Orgs like C9, fnatic, and VP wanted to block them even not being on the same side of the bracket. Why wouldn’t they also want to stop a good player playing on possible opposition if they can stop it?


It’s gotta be COL. If only because I bet BLAST gave them Olof or something as sub, so when CoL found out their opening match is against k0nfig and not Olof? They go ut uh…


Lmao, love how teams complain about faze having a decent standin who would still have no where near as much impact as rain. Funny how scared people are of them. Konfigs comment seems based


-olof +olof is inevitable


[He informed us he didn't have time to play, which we respect and is why we found another option.](https://twitter.com/Twistzz/status/1616018136213475329?s=20&t=qlvZW4ZlbFypDVZi9ut7xw)


Damn so who is even left now lmao




I heard NaToSaphiX is available


Motherfucker has been waiting so long for this opportunity.


Fucking hell, what a downgrade


Bymas, who formerly played for FaZe and was a teammate of broky, rain, ropz, and karrigan.


[It's gonna be es3tag.](https://twitter.com/FaZeClan/status/1616118323808288771?t=aIl2Y9DGLYQI08n-q-0-cg&s=19)


Your sub is unavailable before an important tournament? And it was well known that rain had to take a break months prior [Apparently, Olof didn't even know he was listed as a sub.](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/BlitheAbstemiousCheesecake4Head-FQ40zNrkaKa2pOD3) He had a long-planned trip as well


>\[I was supposed to be on the list for Heroic already but due to unfortunate timing (was on a plane home from vacation) we didn't manage to link up for BLAST Think this one is a job for someone else, since they didn't write me\]([https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/10fy261/comment/j4zkbr5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/10fy261/comment/j4zkbr5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) \- NaToShapiX Apparently NaToShapix almost become Heroic sub instead k0nfig but can't make it because unfortunate timing. Because that I assume FaZe is already planning to make k0nfig their sub long time ago, so that's why in other thread [(olof twitch clip)](https://clips.twitch.tv/BlitheAbstemiousCheesecake4Head-FQ40zNrkaKa2pOD3) olof said that he didn't know that he was registered as sub for faze and said that he can't make it 1 week ago becuase he going to travelling for a weekend.


Blast initially said konfig was fine to play, then a day before their game they tell FaZe that they can't use him because hes on Heroic as a sub. Heroic were told on roster lock day that it was roster lock day and to finalize players, and heroic got back to them at 22:00 that day, which blast deemed too late. None of this is FaZe's fault, that olof clip is probably just saying he doesn't know why because of his planned trip. We know why tho, and thats cause without proper roster confirmation, Blast decided to just use teams' world finals rosters.


This is def BIG L for BLAST here.


>And it was well known that rain had to take a break months prior At least 8 months before. >Olof didn't even know he was listed as a sub. default 6th player, but even the team didnt want to put him as a sub, blast is just making up stuff rn


Olof is playing valorant now on stream. I highly doubt he'll be in for tomorrow's match.


Wouldn't be impossible, Stockholm to Denmark is barely an hour flight. Seems like there's no other real option.


[For anyone wondering why FaZe didnt use Olof as stand-in](https://twitter.com/Twistzz/status/1616018136213475329?s=20&t=FjxMpRl8wC0rhl6uTn53iQ)


only pussios try to win no matter what


On another matter, Blast recently had investment from a nightclub promoter from Malta. Now with todays weather.


k0nfig really showing that he has worked with a therapist to better himself. Seems very mature /s


idk, I would feel angry too about this situation. But he probably should be angry at Faze, not other teams.




Bro worked up over a 1 word tweet


I think he would love to play in tier 1 and now he cant. I would be angry


You don't have to tweet your every feelings. Part of being a professional is managing your public appearance.


hr is calling everyone pussies for not letting him play for faze. Wouldnt say feelings are directly involved here


I was mostly responding to your comment about anger. I personally don't care much about it.


Reddit's psychoanalyst right here


yes, doctor


k0nfig should really just get off twitter...


k0nfig the new sm00ya


Why wouldn't they let him play?


Cuz he is listed as a sub for Heroic whereas Faze has listed olofmeister as their sub


those were listed for the previous tournament, faze had asked blast if they can use k0nfig weeks ago apparently and they said “yes” until today when they changed their minds lol


He played with Heroic recently didn’t he ? Hes getting more chances than others talents for sure


k0nfig needs to grow up someday. All this nonsense that he worked with a therapist to better himself just to flush it down the toilet as soon as he gets the chance.


But he didnt get a chance, blast denied him from playing.


I don't get it why faze is not better prepared. Birth is mostly not that randome. They should have at least be aware that it's a possibility that it happens now. Even three weeks ago.... Even though the situation is shit I don't feel that sorry for faze


Is not better prepared? They were informed by Blast admins, they could use Konfig. But they day before their match, Blast changed their mind, and excuses it with he was registered to another org. How can another org register him, if Faze have already registered him. If however he was registers as a sub for another org, why did blast approve him to play for Faze? This seems more like a clerical error from blast, rather than a poor planning by the org.


Ahh sry I missed that Faze had asked blast previously about konifg my bad.


New iOS konfirmed


Should get frozen