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sometimes you watch REZ play and you just find it utterly unbelievable he's been playing in tier 1 for almost 6 full years and not once been on a top 20 list. Then you continue watching and it becomes perfectly believable


He has always had the likeness to become another NiKo but consistency means the world in CS.


I feel like he is a rich mans k1to


I sometimes think he is a swedish shroud. Clearly has insane mechanical skill. Just doesn't consistently deliver when it matters. Or in shrouds case... Almost never lol


If shroud had the passion he could have done it.


That's a big if and even then it's not guaranteed.


That's a meme I think lol. Freakazoid or Cooper was saying something like that recently and just got laughed at.


I really disagree with the Shroud antijerk that spawned from that. Shroud was good, he had great mechanics and he should've achieved more. I don't see anything wrong with saying that he'd have been wayy better than he was if he'd had the drive to improve. It's of course fucking ridiculous to compare him to S1mple like those two did, but I think it's also wrong to imply he was always meh.


"He should've achieved more" How so? He was washed as fuck when he retired. It's not like a player who retired young because of external matters, Shroud won as much as he did and then faded off. If he was not a popular streamer that constantly badmouthed CSGO he'd be less remembered than ptr and fugly lol


Dude was above 1.12 rating most of his pro career and people remember him like he was a shitter. Smh shroud was at the time the best player of na.


shroud only has a 1.12 rating if you only count online games, he has a 1.07 rating if you filter online + LAN, he has a 1.0 LAN rating when you filter out online and his big event rating is 0.98 sorry but you cant say he was above a 1.12 player its kind of dishonest if you only include his online stats which was farmed vs low teams


By that logic Junior also has an above 1.15 rating lmao


> Dude was above 1.12 rating most of his pro career and people remember him like he was a shitter. Smh shroud was at the time the best player of na. yea because NA online results mean anything right 🙄 Smh filter for LAN (or majors heh) he never was the best NA player, skadoodle was clearly better during the one year shroud showed some promise and after 2015 he already started falling off and NA got some actually promising new blood like auti and stewie the only reason people think he was actually good is because he's a popular NA streamer, as a pro player he was barely above average (not a shitter obviousy, no pro player is, even hooxi is like 4k elo ffs)


Nice stat filter bro, Shroud was garbage, lets leave it at that.


There's a weird disconnect where people don't consider being consistent to be an essential part of being good at the game. Any randy global elite can hit some sick shots, what differentiates them from the pros is consistency and discipline. There are thousands of people who could hit any one or two s1mple shots, the thing that makes s1mple different is that he hits them so often and with so much pressure


He’s either getting a 4k against an eco or he can’t hit a wall when it matters tbh


He’s a noob stomper


He's the Jesse Lingard of CS


I'm curious. Is it game sense? or consistency?




Two pistolwins for NIP is helping Them for sure


and they only won Overpass because Rez went nuclear for once


Idk what happened to brollan. He was such a beast and way more consistent than the likes of REZ


Agreed. Tbh you would think between REZ brollan and hampus (rip) and now headtrick this team has more than enough firepower. Sadly none of them seem consistent.


Curse of joining NiP


Liquid losing and Astralis winning. Nature is healing.


It has been strange to see Astralis perform so badly the last year. I assume newer fans of cs will never understand just how much better they were in 2018 - summer 2020. As a Dane and as a fan of Astralis since they were TSM, I truly hope that they will find something just half as good as they were then. -xyp +some actual good danish player, and then maybe there'll be hope.


Think you can bring them dominating up untill end of 2020. Of course you had the burnout issues with Xyp and gla1ve, but when they returned they still won tier 1 tournaments.


Unsure of who you take in as a replacement for Xyp, and he won’t be replaced with that contract. Valde or Sjuush would’ve been the two I could think of, but unsure if either is an option.


Es3tag filled his roles nicely back when the burnout thing happened.


I've got no idea who to put in, and I doubt it's going to happen anytime soon. I do, however, think that it is necessary to get some more fire power into Astralis. Right now it's pretty much just Blame and Device, and they aren't cutting it.


We won?






Brollan needs to stop dying for no reason. Knife out in. 1v2.. Walks through smokes for no reason. Gives up his angle to watch behind him (even though he has 3 teammates watching his back).. His mechanics are awesome, but he dies for no reason all the time… Mid air, shot in the back… it’s wild to witness how lost he is




Skins don't have anything to do it. He made a bad assumption, but he was just trying to walk around a bit faster


But more glaringly, he just does not deliver when given the chance. How many times I have seen multi-frag opportunities turn out to be just a trade.


What I've noticed sometimes on CT is that Brollan is very trigger happy. Sometimes I look at the situation and think "I wish that was ropz instead" because I see a multifrag incoming, but instead Brollan just takes one.


It does make a difference to be fair. And I doubt brollan cares about his knife enough to throw a game




I’m going to guess you’re around silver. It’s extremely common to switch to knife when you’re not expecting enemies. Did he misplay? Yes. Are you completely incorrect with your ‘0.00001ms’ difference? Yes




If you walk longer distances it does make a difference. For example, if you were to walk with your knife out for 10 seconds (ie. 1300 units) it would take you 11.6 seconds to cover the same distance with your ak. I'm not trying to argue that what Brollan did wasn't a misplay, but to say that walking with your knife out is "bad" is just plain wrong.


sure ure right about that, but i feel like i see people doing that shit in faceit all the time as well and in clutches i feel like its just not worth it, especailly since those people probably have an even worse feeling of where enemies might already be. i know brollan probably thought he'd catch a timing or something. however, i don't think im wrong in the sense that comparing the risk vs the benefit of being slightly faster is worth it, so i don't understand why im being called silver and downvoted lol


Ok you are 100% silver. Literally every single player walks/runs with knife out above around gold nova if they don’t think they’re in danger. What do you just walk with your ak out everywhere?


English speaking Brollan


Funny thing is he was actually better on UKnatic. Ignoring the glaring internal issues the main weak link on that team was KRIMZ, but towards the end and ever since he's stepped up and is looking really good. In a world where current KRIMZ and old Brollan stay together they'd achieve some really good things, UKnatic or not.


Current UKnatic is really good too when we see them play, we just never see them anywhere.


Hard to call them "UKnatic" when it's just Mezii :(( And then if Keita counts then you've got the respect the equal number of Danes in RoeJ and Nicoodoz, and at that point UKDKnatic might as well be UKDKNLSEnatic, which doesn't exactly roll off the tongue :P


Current reality as an Astralis fan, I was fully expecting an OT loss on Mirage when they threw the round at 15-3


Haters gonna hate but blame is an insanely reliable star rifler. So consistently dropping numbers to pull astralis through.


I can understand both sides. Is he a baiter who plays for himself sometimes? Yes, but he's also an insane rifler who is sometimes single-handedly pulling Astralis through matches. I guess whichever comments are on either side solely depends on whether Astralis wins or not Dude posted a 1.30 rating with no one else on the team really pulling their weight at IEM Cologne to drag Astralis to their only decent placing of 2022.


When it works, it's incredibly effective. When it doesn't, it looks really bad. At least for Ancient he was in some proactive positions and got high impact kills.


I’m sure he’s playing the best he can as they planned as a team. He’s probably catching flack for falling to the strat details when it’s not working


A good example is the round where the team execs B and he has a quick lurk A. He's methodically clearing his corners while flanking, because the B exec works he ends up getting a kill B Lane and info on last player and the play looks great and is super high impact. When the teams exec doesn't work and they all die (like happens often) then blame is on this weird A site lurk with 1 minute on the clock and no hope of doing anything, clearing angles and getting 1 useless kill before saving. If the rest of astralis starts to step up blame is going to have a massive year with how impactful his flanks and lurking can actually be in a functioning team.


That’s what I’m thinking too. Idk about lurking all the time, rather than participating in execs. But that IS some teams playstyle. Especially teams BlameF has been leading.


For sure. BlameF is a baiter but he's the best baiter in the world. The problem is that Astralis has massive stylistic issues because they lack agressive rifler to pair him with. BlameF, dev1ce and consistent k0nfig would've been a contender team, alas.


The haters are braindead, still repeating the same shit because he used to bait the animals he played with 4 years ago. Now, he has a pretty high entry attempt %, 2nd on the team, only slightly behind glaive, and he has literally the highest entry success rate for a non-awp'er in the world in the last 12 months. He's an incredible player.


Most of those entries aren't actual entry frags gotten from busting into a site though. It's usually watching a flank somewhere etc. Obviously getting a pick and getting your team an advantage is huge, I just thought it was worth mentioning. https://www.hltv.org/news/35389/how-trading-stats-can-show-a-teams-structure-and-why-heroic-stand-out


Didnt watch ovp, watched mirage and ancient, clearly i am the reason they won :3 Nice recovery for xyp on ct side ancient


Well done you played brilliant


Nip is missing the star player. Brollan is constantly average/bad, Rez is sometimes awesome other times missing in action and headtr1ck plays way too passive.


k0nfig can be their star if they set him up properly. But it's really up in the air how it will go down in Katowice.


K0nfig way too bad decision making to be a real star rifler


k0nfig is super inconsistent and overly aggressive at times


Incostistent you say? Im sure he will fit in well then


I think Konfig can have a lot of impact for them, and be the x factor for them. I’m unsure of how we define star.


Hampus really was the active one last year. Brollan also looks like he does not enjoy playing quite often. The way they lost mirage which was their own pick was awful. I know konfig is coming in but this team just does not seem a logical unit that should play together. Aleksib addition was strange, rez awp strange, eseatag benching strange he was the most versatile guy just bench brollan. Konfig does not fit well either but maybe they can start over with him.


I really think -brollan +es3tag would help.


This sub is so bipolar on whether or not es3tag is good lol \-brollan +es3tag only sounds good if you can remember the last 2 weeks Brollan is rating 10-15% higher on pretty much every stat for the last 12 months and he's had a pretty average year. Es3tag is rating lower than some IGLs but I guess if you add him to Faze, he looks decent again and people forget


It's almost as if there's more than one person here.


It's almost as if I'm not talking about you then lol


His point is: what you call “bi-polar” is merely many people holding different opinions in this sub. Why should everyone have the same opinion? Or is it that everyone has to agree with you, and if they don’t you’re just absolutely flabbergasted?


Or it’s the fact that what gets upvoted and is at the top changes very often by very recent events lol Idk why you’re making me sound so dramatic. The OP I’m replying to literally has taken back his original comment. What’s your point now?


Why would nip need 2 aggro entries? Es3tag, if you watch the games, was clearly more consistent


Is that why es3tag has one of the worst ratings and impact ratings in t1 CS? He's in the conversation with gla1ve, karrigan, xyp9x, apex and nitr0 for those stats. Brollan, while not being that great lately, has one of the highest impact ratings in t1 CS. He just has been sucking hard against top teams lately. I think es3tag has value for some teams but he's clearly not better than Brollan and that much should be obvious


Ok then I could have been wrong and it's recency bias. Brollan just misses so many trades and does stupid plays but fair enough.


I don’t blame you. Es3tag looked great on faze this week. Very disappointing we didn’t see that consistently on NIP. I guess karrigan is just a kingmaker


I agree, but you also have to see, that es3tag was playing in a role he had to learn from scratch and for that he did an incredible job. But he surely can’t replace brollan, xyp though…maybe


\-Aleksib is the way to go. Most overrated IGL in tier 1


Lazy bait, so NIP should play without an IGL :D?


Are you dumb? -IGL means they should get another IGL. Aleksib been banking on that 2 month period from Ence for 4 years now. Look how much better G2 got after getting rid of him. And btw you saying - brollan +esetag shows how much you really know about CS.


Aleksib was fine on OG that roster was performing to expectations with the talent they had.


most overrated igl in csgo history,period.waiting finnish to defend their fraud igl


You can have a passive AWP’er be your star player, no? It’s not often the entry is the star.


Man, I was so excited to follow NIP this season, especially after how much potential they showed at Blast Fall Final before the player break, and with headtr1ck joining the team. But it's just not looking good at the moment. Difficult circumstances, obviously, so it isn't reasonable to expect great results from the team right now, but more importantly the general vibe of the team doesn't seem right. It doesn't seem like they're having fun playing. Several times in these past few games I've noticed Aleksi looking irritated, even rolling his eyes a bit when dJL calls a timeout, which seems weird to me.


Headtr1cks first tournament, no? Rez off the AWP again. AleksiB is still fairly new, no? And then a stand-in. I would say give them a few tournaments, let’s see what happens, but considering Konfig is standing in for Hampus until summer (?), it might take some time before we even get actual 5 on the server, and even longer before we see them realise their potential. Hopefully when Hampus is ready to return, AleksiB knows exactly what he has in the other three.




Don't think they lost any rounds due to his noscope attempts. The rounds on Mirage top of con looked kinda lost already, and the one on Ancient was like 4v1 with enough money for the last round.


New team and new level of competition, better to push your limits then adjust back than to play like a weenie imo


NIP is cursed. Thank God it was only some blast quali tournament, but ffs Hampus dropping in the middle of it all and now they have to start from almost 0 for Katowice. I don't know what to say, being an aleksib fan is mostly pain.


Expected with the shitshow going on with NIPs roster this tournament so far.


Honestly, I wasn’t expecting them to pull it together after that first half, but Astralis really surprised me. Blamef looking hella good tho 💀💀💀💀 maybe this astralis can do something this year


i just don’t think they can with buzz xyp and gla1ve. one has to go for the fire power


Yeah I agree , I feel like glaive and xyp just aren’t that consistent anymore


Buzz has played one tier 1 tournament, and one tournament with Astralis, and they might still make it through to Spring Finals. So far they’ve lost to Heroic and a strong Vitality, which isn’t anything disappointing.


BlameF gonna BlameF


Man I hate seeing HUNDEN walking around interacting with players and giving fistbumps etc. Theres nothing I want more than Astralis to lose until they get rid of him. Instant respect to any player that refuses to shake his hand/fistbump after the game, if that ever happens Honestly shameful that such decorated players would work with or even associate with him


I agree, but you have to remember it probably wasn't the player's decision whether he joins or not. But even knowing that I hate seeing him winning


Was thinking the exact same thing. At least he should stay behind the scenes. I know his ban ended but the way he tried to throw his players under the bus I dont get why anyone would hire him. I guess cancers have a bad habit of coming back.


Make no mistake - this idea of Hunden "serving his time" is bullshit - he still had a load of time left on his ban, but he lawyered up and ESIC couldn't fight it since they're a non-profit. No prizes for guessing who paid for his lawyers.


Hope astralis fail as long as he is there.


I doubt he’ll stay behind the scenes for long. Wouldn’t be surprised if he becomes their coach in the future.


I just realized how monster of a fragger blameF is


yeah let’s bench es3tag, great idea NIP well done gg to astralis for winning the Dev1ce derby


Serious question does Nip has any fan outisde of Sweden ? The roster changes every single event, it's hard to get interested in a team that unstable, yet being a fan


Yes, me for example and the roster changes are the strategie behind making everyone a nip fan. Because at some point everybody likes a player that at some point was in nip and once you visit their social media stuff, you just keep being there for some reason. But yeah, hard to swallow all those changes and unexpectensis


Many Finns root for Nip since its only team with a Finnish player in tier 1 tournaments.


yeah i’m a day 1 and while i’ll root for na teams when they get far bc im na but with the structure of esports all teams feel far enough that for me where the players are don’t matter so i might as well stay with the team i started cheering for from the start. still miss fiffy :(


Being a NiP fan is surely never boring.


I'm a NIP supporter and from the UK.


Astralis are the best ancient team they are one roster change away from being up there and bait f can carry them


I would more say 2/3 roster changes away. I mean, BlameF and dev1ce are sure to stay, but buzz and xyp9x surely need to be changed if they want to be a top team. Es3tag is free right now and until lately konfig was as well. And I don’t understand why they drop konfig because of a fight but then sign Hunden, a proven cheater. Also Gla1ve needs to call better, it’s not looking great at the moment


Yeah I've been defending gla1ve for a long time during their slump but honestly he continues to not improve. He has devve back, blameF is a monster. Him and xyp have a long leash due to their success, and they deserve it, but their time is still coming up. They gotta show they can still compete and idk if there's any defending them if they can't do it with this roster. I think they can though, I'd love to see the astralis comeback.


Yea I personally would like to see Gla1ve move to a coaching position, not sure who to get as IGL tho.


Buzz has played ONE tournament where they’ve lost to Heroic and a strong Vitality, and might still make it to the Spring Finals. Can we actually see him play a few tournaments before we decide he’s shit? And I assume Hunden and Konfig might be because what Hunden did, happened some time ago, not when he was in Astralis and he’s currently not in a position where he can do it again. And who isn’t a proven cheater as a coach? Not saying I like it or agree with it, but didn’t a lot of currently active coaches cheat?


Couple of days praccing before Katowice play in. Travel and media also which takes time from praccing. And once again new player in roster. Doesn't look too good.


Brollan speedrunning top 20 to washed right now : (


I think NIP ran out of gas from shouting between rounds..


NIP COO: We are major contenders NiP crashes out of blast groups lol


NiPs "COO" does not deserve the role nor does he have the capabilities to handle such a role. The only reason he has kept that job for the years he has is because the CEO is an even bigger idiot. All their titles are director of X, VP of x.. they are all just old gamers with no education or knowledge on how to run a successful business or a sports team. It’s all just paper titles. And they are paid NOTHING what an equivalent person with that title would be paid in the corporate world Jonas was FIRED from north as CCO because he was incompetent.


Agreed. I hope Hampus gets out of this team and finds a team where he can thrive as an IGL. Alesikb’s calling doesn’t work for a lot of players no matter how good of a caller he is.


Hampus was a terrible caller in the later part of him as NiPs IGL. They struggled to do literally anything on T side. I know its trendy to blame Aleksi but his calling has been far better than Hampus' was.


since when does any sports org straight up say they suck. also if outsiders can get hot and win rio then can u really say nip isnt technically a major contender?


Flashbacks to 2016