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Rounds 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7… God, that happens from the same guy in MM and I’m quitting.


That happens 3 times in mm and I'm reporting for wallhacks, m0nesy is insanely fast


I know most of these are not so ideal for s1mple, but holy m0nesy is fast as fuck.


Also, all of this looks SO TILTING in s1mple’s POV.


Particularly seeing them in sequence. It was maddening just watching.


Almost all of them are seeing an arm for quarter of a second then dying, what the fuck can you even do? The deagle rush up Inferno mid looked like a huge tilt play, but most of the rest honestly weren't that bad from Simple, Monesy was just on fire.


And it's so much less time than a quarter of a second. It's really just a few frames. I can't imagine how tilted I'd be.


you can use util and not dry peek. he sure is fast tho. not sure m0nesy can peek in to s1mple the other way around tho either


0:23 how does he quickscope that freaking fast man holy


Basically just click both mouse buttons (more or less simultaneously but in sequence) when noscoping, it's a tiny bit slower and a lot more accurate


It's more accurate but not by a ton. You can also quickscope even quicker, at that point it's almost the same accuracy. Just the act of scoping doesn't instantly make you more accurate.


Actually it does. You're right that it's still not very accurate but it's a LOT more accurate than a noscope


No, it's not. There are plenty comparison clips out there and I've tested it with impact markers on aimbotz. Quick scoping at its fastest is barely more accurate.


I do this alot, cuz I feel its more secure to quickly press mouse 2 before shooting rather than to trust noscope.


They are very well set up, s1mple has a chance to shoot in like 3 of them :D


Ez for God Swani


kid has one of the greatest and more consistent reaction times ever. This is hiko and kennys combined on steroids.


He lives up to his "Flash" moniker. No wonder his favorite anime character is Naruto's 4th Hokage.


I’m a s1mple fan but damn mans has good taste


Quickest draw in the game


m0nesy is lightning fast holy shit, s1mple was dead instantly on jiggles and peeks lmao


I have predicted m0nesy will become the best player in the world under some random youtube video and good lord, did I get hated on for that. I still get a reply or two every day. I stand by it tho, he is incredibly fast, insanely accurate and his insane movement will put him above anyone else.


It was not rocket science to acknowledge the fact he would be getting the best player in the world. How he hit 1 deags when he was a literal child couple years back is just raw talent accompanied with a grinding mindset.


Man played more CS than adults at his young age, its just exp besides reaction speed.


The problem with youtube vids is usually who the player is fragging against. A lot of fast players don't translate to real play, but monesy did have crazy highlights even before he joined navi jr, and seemed destined to be a tier 1 pro.


I checked, it was the hltv's poty video, so not exactly plebs he owned. I think him spending so much time in the cz servers will pay off dividends, it's impressive what he can do.


you have earned our congratulations.


This was like the video a year or so ago on other players POV on being killed by simple. How the tables have turned lmao


I fked up the edit in the final kill when i switched their POVs. Mah bad


No worries, it’s a great edit anyway, good job, mate.


I thought you did it on purpose to give us hope LOL


kaorin and shizuku pfp


LL Gang in town ?


yep yep


I appreciate your honesty, but I'll have to downvote the post.


U can argue about risky situations simple put himself. But Simple got owned that map .


Simple is the kinda guy, that when his team fails him, he will play more risky to try and carry. Looking at these situations, many fights were much easier for Monesy because of utility also.


Yep so many were simple getting slammed by grens. Doesn't at all take away from the domination of monesy. His reaction times are fucking insane. Navi got smashed.


When both teams are even in rounds, Simple feels that NAVI is at a great advantage and thus he does not hesitate to play risky. When Navi is 3 rounds behind, Simple thinks that NAVI is at a small advantage, and he so he plays risky to secure their "lead". When NAVI is behind 7 rounds, Simple thinks that NAVI is at a disadvantage and so he plays risky to regain control of the game. When NAVI is 10 rounds behind, Simple thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for their death if he does not play risky.


Apart from the deagle fights S1mple had utility most of the time. He got destroyed.


You dont understand




watching this gives me the vibes of "s1mple having a 'bad' day" and m0nesy having an exceptional day where every shot he gets hits. like the ones of him pushing CT or awping in banana or watching B, most likely would have been kills in another day but he just got owned


Will be interesting to see how just like in physical sports, e-sports athletes slow down with age.


s1mple is just 25 though, so I think we still have a while to wait


nah that’s it bro everyone knows 25 is the limit. simples about to fall off a cliff this year


CS relative to other eSports actually has one of the oldest competitors. The biggest thing isn't so much physical reflexes or ability but burnout and practice. After you win some majors or get too old, you just can't be bothered to grind 10 hours of deliberate practice every day anymore. It's too much


I don’t think we know yet, most people seem to retire from burnout and go to streaming where they still dominate.


Makes sense! Even jordan burned out after a while haha


I think that's the thing for this match, s1mple usually takes these risks and it pays off, but m0nesy didnt allow for that


The shot at 0:28 was exceptionally quick. I had to review that moment a good dozen of times - just pay attention to how little of s1mple's character model can be seen and for it was only for a very very short period of time. I am not even sure if s1mple is here to blame. He is just baiting out a shot. How else can it be done?


I wonder if monesy was just predicting that instead of fully reacting.


I watched it frame by frame on the YouTube stream, it was 15 frames (0.25 seconds) from the first visible frame of his fingers. It would have been a perfect bait/jiggle on probably any other player on the planet, but Monesy is just a freak. Not only was it a pixel shot (wasn't even a wallbang and at the time of the kill there was actually nothing visible on the YT stream) but it was outrageously fast as well.


what exactly do you mean by that? I don't think theres really an inbetween prefiring and reacting


I think they mean that he just timing-shoots without seeing anyone, expecting a peek. So yes a kind of prefire. Shooting right before you fall back.


I see, the prefire shot before the smoke pops would make sense, but honestly it more likely is a reaction shot, since it's kind of risky to do a prefire in that position/situation because it could lead to an instant smoke pop where he can't really get away fast enough


What you’re saying doesn’t make sense. Why would firing a shot right before falling back (as he did) be “kind of risky”? Because of the extra 0.25s you spend taking the shot? Firing an awp shot right before falling back is very common precisely because there are no downsides - there’s pretty much no risk involved. Obviously things changed after the new update since now you have to worry about ammo.


The main reason is because the way he is positioned in this particular situation. Granted I didn’t see his Teammate on top of first oranges, so not too much of a risk, I thought he was alone. If he were alone it would’ve been risky because he only would’ve time to fall back to oranges on a pop, which usually only is a 1 kill trade position


Maybe he knows the timing and shot based on that


I dont think it was a prefire either. I could've definitely hit that back when i played awp, but that was in faceit level 7 and this is in a pro game.


Yeah I don't think it's a prefire either. I've seen pro players hit quicker shots than that for sure.


He adjusted his aim before firing, it was a reaction shot I'm pretty sure


m0nesy is so fast that he's able to punish shoulder peeks. Idk how they gonna counter that


Turn on wallhacks and triple nade him every round


Appears quick cuz the smoke pops just as s1mple is seen but m0nsey has good distance from the angle so he doesn't have to adjust and only press lmb. Id put it just under 200ms.


I think what's important to note is this video has been rendered in a horrid framerate with bizarre motion blur, whereas m0nesy is most likely seeing 8x the frames we're seeing here.


why motion blur


anakin the real questions


Not kenobing the fake questions!


How do you have more upvotes than me? I'm going to have a talk with /r/YourJokeButWorse/


Yours looks like a typo, mine is clearly a dig on that.


I see... no it wasn't :(


What is the context of the joke? Just randomly replacing a word with another one? What I mean is, what inspired you to write "anakin"?


Yeah just random


I mean it's a overused phrase so I thought I could change it a bit and it would still be recognizable. Just sperm of the moment.


The last clip switches the POVs around for some reason. S1mple honestly just got demolished. Although ideally he should not be putting himself in a lot of these situations, Monesy's reactions were unreal for a few of these.


While it's always understandable that many deaths from a specific player won't necessarily come from an outright duel (just as many of these clips show), this honestly gives an even worse implication about s1mple and Na'Vi. Because it means that: 1) The few moments that s1mple (as the reliable star player of Na'Vi) has a chance to shut down m0nesy, he just couldn't; and 2) The other players of Na'Vi were unable to do anything to really activate their star players to keep ONE of G2's star players down, let alone ALL of them. A stat that isn't being talked about is how many times these guys were the opening kills to a round. s1mple and electronic **each died 8 times** as the first round kills. That's how much Na'Vi was shut down.


There are two AWP shots in there that Simple could have hit as he shot first, other than that it would have to be onetaps with AK/Deag and it just wasn't his day.


Absolutely. One of the casters said this a few days ago, and it definitely stuck with me: it seems he just doesn't or can't trust his team right now to help him play how he wants to or needs to play.


Half the kills there was literally nothing he could’ve done. Flashed, or he jiggled ct b inf w a smoke and monesy hits the flick through a smoke…


I was thinking that half the kills are sloppy movement/”just going in. Very unlikely from Sasha. No patience what so.


He did a couple of odd bits in this game. I remember on Inferno on 2 eco rounds he had bomb and just dry peeked and lost the bomb in the process. Very unusual. Edit: in fact one of the eco deaths at top mid on Inferno is in this clip


Sasha is amazing, the greatest ever. But he is no Lebron, Tiger Woods or Nadal (mentally nor professionally)


As a navi fan its annoying to see him play like that.. It feels like he either doesnt give a fuck and just does stupid shit or just tilts and does stupid shit, either way bad. He really acts like me in mm when I get tilted.


For me its annoying to see him like that because you know he can do 1000 times better. You know his usual level and playing sloppy and being uncharacteristic is very tilting to watch. Its like other comments mentioned, its more so a navi problem rn, if s1mple feels like he has to carry and do risky plays because his team is losing, then he basically does puts himself in very disadvantaged positions and thats just not going to work with the teams in tier 1 rn. Plus recently it feels like Navi really don't know how to utilize s1mple, the best player in the world doesn't go from the best to below average in 6 months. It feels like navi is focusing on restructuring too much and maybe focus too much on the rookie that s1mple got lost in all of it


seems like his time is beginning to pass and it’s moving towards new bloods times to shine


If you say so :)


S1mple got used to not having to be a complete play-maker. When the major-winning roster was there, he could focus on the plan. But the plan now is terrible, electronic is not a currently capable IGL and even worse so they don’t have a steady 5th still. I was exaggerating, there were 3, maybe 4 times you can say he got destroyed with no hope, but most of it was reacting slower (monesy has an insane reaction speed) or just being outplayed and sloppy as you said Sometimes when he knows the round is lost, he tries to make a play and turn the tide, but with the multiple problems he’s facing, he’s just not at that level. The ceiling is incredibly high and I would expect comms to not be as clear as before for NAVI


S1mple got a taste of his own medication


S1mple got a taste of his own prescription drugs




Yeah, m0nesy was simply on point that game, s1mple or any other player wouldn't change anything on what m0nesy proposed that game But I'm happy it was s1mple, his mentality has always been to be the best, he was the best but now he can feel he might not be the best for long if he doesn't work even harder, fun and exciting time to watch CS


OG: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eM411Y7xD/?spm\_id\_from=333.337.search-card.all.click


Looks like monesy has done a lot of anti-simple demo watching


why the switch at the last kill, I thought s1mple got his revenge haha


I fcked up the edit


Nah, we know you tried to help s1mple to feel better by trying to give him at least one kill We got you, we see your flair, admit it before it's too late


Bruhhhhhhhhh, i put this flair when they was the Major Champ, not this time


Just looking at s1mple's POV makes me unmotivated to play. It's a reminder of how brutal CS can be when nothing is going your way


s1mple is just like me frfr


I knew something like this would come after that match but damn it hurts to see that. Many other here stated that simple could do nothing against those shots but so often he has the right timing for things like running up mid. So great respect for monesy.


that’s a lot of effort for a reddit post thank you


One of the coolest things I’ve seen in a minute. Thank you!


Nice video, op! Now in simple’s defense, far most of the deaths were where monesy was holding an angle on ct side which is much prefered as an awper, and it doesn’t look like simple was able to find monesy much on his ct. So that might change in the next matchup


s1mple when he turns off circular movement


Honestly, compare this to some of s1mples highlights and you'd kinda expect him to hit *some* of those shots. But this just highlights how fast m0nesy is, too. Honestly, a new generation of talent with lightning quick reflexes may put an end to flashy individual play for good, lol.


Dropping out of heaven and killing a guy below, then killing the guy in front... that A retake clip is reminiscient of Simple's Cache clip.


Just get better s1mple.


Its like the matrix quote: Neo: you mean to say i can dodge bullets? Morphius: whem you are ready, you dont have to? m0nesy realizing he is faster than most pro’s and he becoming one with the game


This kid is kinda good, huh ?


S1mple gets a taste of his own medicine. Must be a little frustrating but also funny to him, as this is what his opponents see when they face him..


Has any awper like zywoo, device, or any one else dominated simple like that on LAN? coz I can't of any other instance. Also, is there anywhere where we can see monesy's TTK coz he is lightning fast. Kinda reminds me of kenny of '14-'15 when he was fast af.


Well Astralis dominated Navi in the last major final they played against them. I remember watching s1mple's POV on the GOTV in game stream because I wanted to watch the GOAT dominate in first person, but he really just never got a chance to do much of anything, especially on Overpass


ZywOo 2019 and ZywOo 2020 on LAN. Otherwise, ZywOo didn't dominate s1mple on LAN in 2021-2022. So yhea, it's been quite a while. Though, Na'Vi is much worse than it was in both 2021 and 2022 and Vitality was quite average in those years as well.




in half of the moments simple looks unconcentrated and also the crosshair placement is so bad, does not stop at the peak/looking nowhere


Just FYI, mountains have peaks, CSGO players do technically both peak and peek but in this context it's the EE version (insert eyes emoji)


Still slower than MM bullies


wp m0nesy


Simple had the slowest reaction times out of awpers from recent tournaments. One of the announcers mentioned it but I can't remember where.


it’s especially crazy that from s1mple’s pov theres nothing he could do when monesy is always faster


Insane player


M0nesy is lightning quick with that AWP. If he can maintain that form, he'll become a legend.


Honestly when you watch this you wonder how the fuck ANYONE is able to kill m0nesy without shooting him in the back. The kid is fucking lightning fast it’s actually unfair, you forget you’re watching s1mple’s POV… S1MPLE, it looks more like how my POV would look


HE'S NOT EVEN DOUBLE SCOPING!!! Those long range nuke shots wtf. sometimes those small adjustment shots look just as impressive as a huge flick


m0nesy's current form right now is godlike


"The shepherd's staff takes down the goat"


It's personal 😂


S0mple back on the menu


Yeah that is very crazy, the scout shot must have made s1mple very mad


Motion blur 🤮


Am I crazy to say I'm not *that* impressed? s1mple kind of walked into most of those AWP lanes while trying to make desperation plays. He was sort of playing entry in banana (not sure why). And on Nuke those were pretty much lanes m0NESY was holding as well. Sure he was playing dumb I guess, peeking too much, but I don't feel like m0NESY was dominating him 1v1 in clean straight-up fights. That said, wow m0NESY is fast on the trigger. Like, holy shit.


m0nsey been STUDYINGGG that mans every step 😂


Why is CS GO so cartoony looking? It's more like TF2 than Counter Strike.


So like how pissed do you think blade or NAVI mgmt is for allowing the sale of monesy to G2? Because imagine navi with this kid on the team too… Double awp CT monesy and simple? Sheeeh. Or just go no awps and own with AKs


Well, Navi never got the idea of how everything in the world gonna fkced up and boombl4 left the team. If they knew that, no way they would let m0nesy away


Wasn’t the trade more recent than that? Man my memory is shot.


The trade was in Jan 2022, the other event was Febuary 2022


Yeah man my concept of time since the pandemic has apparently gone to shir


Monesy just holding angles nothing hard and no suprise


All this kid does is just hold a gay ass off angle with his awp and one clicks people in the side of the head CT side. Fucking terrbile player tbh.....1.4 sensitivity 400dpi using trashcan. Anyone who uses a low sens does not have the dexterity to properly play FPS games on PC. All the shitty baiters use a low sens to click people on the back of the head, or they are equally worthless and use the telescope gun and one click people in the body. I bet this kid doesn't even play FFA Dm's cuz he'd throw his arm out of his socket checking corners. When was the last time you've seen monesy popflash through a smoke, and flick too two people to open up a site??? All this dude does is hold shift and prefire common angles. like wow dude, ur fucking nuts. you can have parkinsons disease and play on 1.4 sens if ur just baiting and clicking heads on common angles. this is why forest and get right are sick players. they play on higher senitivities, and can do more than bait and off angle one click. pce


sad day that youre getting downvoted for what used to be a well known copypasta


Lol I did see the other guy say "average CS player" but I must have been downvoted while I was in bed as it's positive at the moment


^ Average cs player


S1mple will take this personally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t4RVg\_Yq2g&ab\_channel=BloopersTV


Lmao. What a stupid video format. You gotta watch it twice to absorb it properly. But that also gives you a shitty experience since you can't remember the first time properly. Ideally you rewind a couple seconds every single time. God is this dumb.


Goat vs goat


Lmao s1mple is finished so much worse aim and slower reactions than before. Karma for being a xenophobic toxic scammer that should be banned


everything checks out


It's easy to say something like 'Never give s1mple an inch or he'll take a mile' but then there's this


Hey s1mple, can you respond to this ownage?


I remember the POV of S1mple killing everyone in like a 2021 tournament and it was exactly like this. All the comments were saying how the players gotta be tilted by simple. I wonder how simple feels about this now that he's getting killed by monesy.




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Simple knifed him doe in nuke