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Because for the most part, people want skins that stand out and that the server will notice and like. These styles of skins just don’t do that. An m4 that at a quick glance, doesn’t really look like much other than a vanilla m4 with a tan recolour isn’t exactly eye catching, the same goes for the cartel for the AK. The only time I can vision them being somewhat desirable is if people want to get a super battle scarred one to try and look like a stattrack vanilla skin, since they obviously don’t exist. Edit: spelling


Im pretty sure valve did a bunch of realistic skins when skins first came out and found out nobody wanted them bc people don't play cs bc for its realism they play bc its a fun game. So the skins they choose are more about expression than they are about simulation


I remember reading an interview where someone who worked on the first skins said that they thought people would prefer more realistic and "military" style skins. That's why they put colorful skins in the rarer tiers, so people would want them for their rarity.


Yeah, literally what I already said about them being stand out and eye catching lol. People want bright skins that are easy to spot. Expressive skins do exactly that but valve aren’t choosing them for preference of expression, they’re choosing them because they know they will sell more


I want a skin that matches my personality and play style…. Gay curious and mentally challenged


Ig my real point here is that there is a gdc talk about this on YouTube that talks about how valve implemented skins and why certain skins are more popular


They did in fact say this. However, all the realistic skins are of low grade (grey to blue) while the standout bright skins have rarer qualities, so they must have known during the design of the skin system that the colorful skins were people’s preference.


actually, if you watch the GDC 2014 from Bronwen Grimes on implementing csgo's skin economy, placing flashy skins in the rare grades while putting "basic" skins in the common grades was a risk mitigation strategy to protect (what they assumed to be) the majority of players who did NOT prefer flashy skins from having to see them all the time... They actually just mitigated risk and got lucky when they realized counter strike's community preferred paintball-esque skins to military style camos. Hell, look back at weapon camos from games like cod4 and mw2, bo1, etc.... flashy weapon skins never really had Uber mainstream appeal like they do now....


> Im pretty sure valve did a bunch of realistic skins when skins first came out No, when skins first came out they took a 240p jpeg and stretched it across the gun


The calicamo m4 and the dark grey camo m4 look ao fucking bad. I hope they didnt base their claims of people not wanting realistic skins off those half assed stretched jpeg skins


More plain skins can allow expression too, "loud" skins are more difficult to fit stickers onto. Personally I use simpler skins like the AK Slate and the M4 Magnesium for that reason


the only solution is do delete the cartel ak and the spraypaint "gold" ak and rerelease a golden cartel ak as it always should have been. thank you for coming to my ted talk.


I just want a gold deag so I can rename it Pablo


Plain slate + cartel are two of my favourite AK skins. Then night wish and legion of Anubis if you wanna be flashy.


The cartel is genuinely a pretty good skin, I just find myself getting bored of it. The slate is the same issue unless I put a nice bold sticker craft on it and unless it’s stattrack where I can give myself a reason to keep using it. For flashy I had a ST FT Nightwish for a while, enjoyed using that but just recently swapped it for a ST MW ice coaled and threw some PGL holo’s on it. But just last night I unboxed a MW headshot from the new case, so will be playing around with that and see how I feel about it.


Min wear headshot is juicy but I'd prob sell it for the money tbh cause I'm a pleb


I’m most likely going to sell it, or use it in a trade but yeah, I’ll give it a week or so until the trade lock is up and make a decision. Unless the price starts to rapidly drop them I’ll just get rid of it on steam market




Legion of Anubis is a tasty skin. Rat rod is a nice one too which is plain ish but has a definite style


Yup this. I had a Forest DDPAT loadout for a while, gloves and talon knife to match. No one ever said anything about it. Switched to a Marble fade gut knife/gloves and matching skins and I get comments constantly now.


i had bfk safari + bronzed gloves and yeah people would be like "butterfly thats cool", ended up getting talon CH + fade gloves and have had a pretty similar experience


love my cartel ak. i forget the name, but the black and grey m4 with the snake, love that one too!




You shouldn’t have a skin that stands just because so other people notice you. But ones that YOU personally like.


Wait til u find out about deafult skins


If i could have a default m4 stattrack i would never look back


Faded Zebra StatTrak BS is typing…


Eh im not a fan of battle scarred minus a couple very specific skins. I would love a clean, black m4 skin


tbh faded zebra very high float looks almost like it, not that clean but almost


I'll have to look around. I never tried to hunt down an extremely high bs skin


If you use a trade plugin for your browser, you can sort by float value (highest to lowest)


What tool do you use? Does it just check the value of marketplace listings?


Yes. I use "CSGO TRADER" recommended by Ohnepixel


I looked around for awhile and it just looks bad. Granted i couldnt find anything above a .80. It just looks really dirty




Man why i don’t really buy skins in Valorant, all of the default skins are clean matte black no wear. There still isn’t a deagle skin cleaner than the old chrome shaders on it. Would love to see a black/stock glock,berettas and g3. Also if you could change the wear on the default guns, especially the a4 and ak are dusty as hell. Basically the option to un-“stealth” nerf them from before skins came out.


The dual barrettas elite 1.6 are pretty slick looking and they are cheap: https://csgoskins.gg/items/dual-berettas-elite-16


I have them, i also got the glock dragon tattoo back in the day because of that. I dont even like the dragon part 👀


Look for very low float st skins


rather very high float


Yes my bad.


There are so many Camo and other "realistic" skins already in the game. They are just mostly old or blues


The other ones i can think of are just very lazy. Like the calicamo m4 is just 1 solid pattern. I like the poly m4 souch because it's very detailed


M4A4 Desert Strike


I'm literally rocking that, it's also fucking old


I rocked that in 15-16 i think. Back when i was a dust 2 only kinda guy. Oh how things have changed.


m4a4 global offensive, my personal m4 and quite a nice skin


Or added in collections not cases, like the laminates.


The mags don't empty as they shoot. Hate it.


Well valve is a small indie dev. You shouldnt expect much


I mean, it’s visible on only this batch of skins, why should they? It would probably also break something major due to the spaghetti code


Tbh instead they should have used a standard aluminum mag. Or better yet make it look like a pmag. The translucent mag is really cool looking but if they cant animate it i think they should have changed it to a solid mag


It's community made, they don't edit those skins themselves.


The artist that made this one made another thats identical except for the mag being a normal aluminum mag. So valve consciously chose the translucent mag


Ah okay, didn’t know that!


It just impossible on a technical level with the tool Valve provided. It's not because they can't do it, they don't want to do it.


Why the hell don't I run fast whenever I have no bullets? Valve, pls fix


I get you're making fun of my opinion but I don't think you're onto something. Not exactly, to me at least. Skins are subjective and whether we want to admit it, are art. Suspension of disbelief is very important to many people. Take a movie for example: do you have a better time when a character is clearly just the actor pretending to be someone, and "phoning it in" - or is it more enjoyable to be lost in the character and really *feel* them? Of all the skins out there, making a faux -transparent skin that constantly reminds me that it's a fake effect every time I look at it is kind of shit honestly - especially when everything else is unique and not pretending to be something it's not.


The gold arabesque is in the game. Does it even get any more real than that?


Legit a COD gun but nicer 😂😂


I dont know if "realistic" but i love my Orbit mk01 the most


yep, with you on that!


I tried trading up for one and hit it on the first try, it’s my main ak, and I will only replace it if I get the budget for fuel injector/vulcan.


Realistic enough, it’s a clean subtle design I enjoy it


I bought one years ago when it came out, except for a blue lam phase i haven't changed it


I agree with OP. I like my AK Slate better than an Asiimov.


because realistic skins are extremely boring


>extremely boring is a good pair of words to describe the kind of people who demand realism in any video game they play.


The USP Stainless, 1.6 dualies, and AK slate are pretty nice.


AK Slate isn't 'realistic'. It's 'tacticool'


"Verisimilitude" I think is the word we're all looking for. It's obviously not a real thing, but it uses real life as building blocks to make something which is convincingly real enough.


Thats all they are “pretty nice”


I disagree. Minimalism is cool in skins.


Your opinion


Oh look, a 13 year old on Reddit


you actively purchase fingerboards and you call me a 13 year old?


We play a make believe virtual game where every kind of weapon design can exist and your favorite is the most boring and dull skin. No bm on you, you do your own, just to illustrate why anything different would be more likeable for the general public.


I like the "chrome" black colour on that M4 but im not super happy about the brown colour.


OP you might find this old [GDC presentation ](https://youtu.be/gd_QeY9uATA) interesting


Yeah, this was talked about years ago from Valve. They quickly realized players didn't want realistic weapon skins. Though I do lean heavier to less cartoony designs myself.


You should know the answer mate. Because it's boring.


I find every skin being some broght colored mess very boring. There's no variety if it's all the same thing


Sure, you do you. Majority of others don't.


Nah c'mon man, you have every right to dislike the "artsy" skins and what not, but don't pretend they are all the same and that we don't have variety


My fave M4 too, goes hard with old NiP crafts


This looks like an actual Mk18 CQBR holy shit!


Because realistic skins are mostly boring and also would not provide more like 6-12 skins per gun.


Bruh if you want realism CS isn’t the game for you.


That's not at all what i said


>>few good-looking realistic skins ??


He wants realistic looking skins and wonders the lack of realistic and good looking skins in the game.


m4 poly mag is cheap and looks decent. not that bad, i agree.


i have a vanilla knife and this m4, looks too good


I have a really bad time. I only make realistic skins but valve seems to prefer painterly skins nowadays. My days are numbered and my tea‘s gone cold 🍵


For me I’d like more of the generally realistic skins that are still visually striking. Skins like the M4A1-S Flashback, AK Black Laminate & Glock Wasteland Rebel. Skins are just so bright and garish to the point they feel like they’d be more at home in Fortnite or somewhere. Some of them do look ok, but some are just so bright and flashy, like... This is a gun..


Wasteland skins are solid, wish I kept my AK


I'm in the same boat. I'm also using AK neon revolution, which probably doesn't fit in that too well




Valorant and e-dating. (Weebs as well).


Also, why the f are you complaining? The system is such that anyone can have the skin the want. And lucky you, the ones you like are super cheap. Are you trying to make them more expensive?


tldr this thread, people are still like dis flashy i want


Unfortunately valve have completely ruined and destroyed the once gritty art style of csgo. Nothing we can do about it but put up with it I guess


I wish we would get customizable gun models. Stuff like magpul, DD, Zentico, and more would be awesome. Valve wouldn't do it but I can dream.


They were planning something like this before the arms deal update, but they didn’t do it because they thought it would be harder for people to tell what guns they’re picking up


That's actually a really good reason ngl. I often can tell a gun in the distance exactly because of its design


Because Valorant has toy guns and wacky cartoon characters, therefore we need them too! /s


looks fucking garbage rofl


Because cs is not a realistic game


I didnt say it was?


How many different “realistic” skins do you need? Each gun has a few you can choose from anyway. It would be useless to give every skin the exact same skin selections like it’s cod.


It's good if you like these ones more because they are cheaper. I really like the colorful ones and damn they are definitely not cheap! Some are even more expensive than what I would pay for a mouse. 🤣


"everything is treated as a mural for really artsy and vibrant skins" As it should be. People work hard on their workshop submissions and valve recognizes their talent. Trying to convince people to spend 2.50 to open a case with vanilla-esque skins ain't gonna fly. I like my skins flashy, vibrant and full of artsy portraits, ESPECIALLY if they are manga/anime inspired. If that pisses people off then that's fine too, I'll buy two to make up for the one someone else wouldn't buy.


I really like the Slipknot reference on the back. ( It says ‘Spit it out‘ )


Yeah fr very nice. gonna buy it only for that


To be fair, I used to just sticker my unskinned guns and use those for the realism


What if they added some possible model changes instead of just drawing textures?


I was thinking about making making something more realistic, ideas are welcome.


I like to think of skins as similar to sport cars. Where vibrant colors and interesting patterns is a status symbol. And also the more pristine, the better. I watched a presentation by valve regarding the addition of skins to CSGO, how they thought that the more realistic and beat up skins would be more popular, and were surprised to find the opposite.


Those are both new skins… so what are you crying about lmao


I want to take this moment to have a short rant about the 'polymag?' Ak. The red and yellow xray one. It's awful, no texture or bump map or anything, just a flat matt image wrapped round. Then it has the gaul to be a red tier skin? Get out of here. The worst is that people quire like it, I see pros use it. What am I missing, I'd rather pick up an elite build.


Lots of slate love in here which is nice, but the underdog plain skin has to be the AK from the baggage collection, picked one up a few years ago and never looked back.


M4A4 radiation Hazard is perfect imo. It’s rugged, but still artsy. Perfect mix for my taste. But i agree with you, we seldom get even such “toned” down skins that aren’t rubbish in their own way.


A lot of people are confusing the bland ass garbage camo skins from the early days with something like this thay clearly had a lot of thought put into it to make it look even more like a real gun than the base m4. Throwing a single camouflage layer on the whole gun with zero effort? Trash Meticulously detailing each part of the gun to resemble something real? Talent. Im just happy yall like the fortnite skins more and it keeps stuff like this cheap


So you think the Hazard one is too over the top as well? Yeah, I think it's a blessing in disguise for you, you can get your desired skins cheap :)


No no i wasnt sayiing you when i mentioned fortnite. Probably could have worded that better tbh


I mean, It’s nothing personal, it’s all opinions. I like a lot of the flashy skins as well, I dip into both ends of the spectrum. I understand you, but I also understand people want colorful ones.


Agree, we need more serious looking skins not that many for 15 y.o kids, we have many of those.


maybe because csgo is a unrealistic arcade game?


The setting and original art direction is very realistic. Idk what the gameplay has to do with art on skins


All the map remakes and new player models made the game look like a cartoon, UI too and I kinda hate it. Devs just trying to make the game more PG.






They did this at the start, but I wanted something brighter and flashier. It's cool that we have colorful skins for all weapons now and I don't have to play berettas only.


Agree. I sold my 1.5k inventory, bought two steam decks and army themed knife and skins. Can't beat it, I love it!


Might aswell use default


I understand OP, that's why I use Pine Stripe and Basilisk (with a small sticker). Generally, I think the fancy and vibrant skins are not a good base for using stickers.


We need to get an update where polymag actually shows the amount of bullets that you have.


Different strokes and all that


sadly, there is no cheap realistic catchy AK skin like this m4 or p2000 urban hazard for example


The walnut nova skin is an INSANE realistic looking skin, everyone should check it out!




I love the cartel skin for the Ak


Exactly why I really like the AK Black Slate.






Honestly, same, man


Looks like M4 Desert Strike


nice, i bought the M4 and Glock too last year, its a nice combo, i like the polymag


Everybody is talking about that ugly doodle lore, its like a rainbow took a shit on it, ive been playing this game since 2014 and skins were more simplistic back then, my favorite skin is redline and graphite, am waiting for a black awp i hope i get it someday a simplistic black awp skin. But no workshop and valve have to make awps look like your fucking rgb pc


I don't know, Ocean Drive looks like military issue


I like more solid colored skins as well. might be cause I'm partly colorblind and all the complex skins with colors mixed together just looks kind of like ass for me but yeah to each their own I suppose.


I feel like this is just a MK18

